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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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the task is to find mechanisms for the creation of a special tribunal, tell us how you assess the movement in this direction of ukraine? of course, when we talk about the responsibility of the russian federation and its citizens for all the violations of international law that they commit on the territory of ukraine, we are talking about the fact that ukraine uses all available international mechanisms and tools to hold both russia and russians accountable . we are in every possible international court where we could file. claims against of the russian federation, but we are saying that there are two important gaps to fill that are a necessary task in order for us to be able to say that full, comprehensive, comprehensive responsibility has come, this is the issue of the compensation mechanism, which, as i will discuss today at the conference a little later, that is, the mechanism that will be responsible for compensation for reparations, damage caused by the russian federation during its aggression against ukraine, and of course the issue of a special tribunal, that is, the issue of creating a mechanism. judicial, which will be
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engage in prosecution for committing the crime of aggression against ukraine. this is an extremely important task, because it is the crime of aggression that is the root cause of the whole, the whole mass of war crimes, crimes against humanity , the crime of genocide committed by the russians on our land, and it is the crime of aggression, responsibility for the crime of aggression that is the mechanism of bringing responsibility for the aggressive russian war as such, because the crime of aggression is the beginning of war. and we are moving along this track. we work with our international partners, we have a coalition the working group of states, which consists of 40 states, representatives of some international organizations, where at this working group we discuss the issue of prosecution, the crime of aggression, the creation of a special tribunal, how to do it, we already have a work plan for the next year, that is, we are moving forward and we are convinced that we will find a solution, we will find the best, most effective model for creating a special tribunal, and also very important... that this year in
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july the international center with criminal prosecution for the crime of aggression against ukraine, this is essentially the first step, it is an initiative where evidence is collected, where the investigation of the crime of aggression is conducted, accordingly, we consider this the first element that should lead, among other things, to the creation of a special tribunal. you talked about a coalition of 40 states that now support and will help bring the russian federation to justice for all crimes, can we conditionally single out the leaders in this? i would not like to do this, but these are the states that support our aspirations, who may have different approaches on how to create a special tribunal, but who all support the idea, the value, that a special tribunal should be created, that the crime of aggression against ukraine cannot go unpunished, so i think that sharing this value, this principle , we will definitely find all the solutions. now, in particular, at this conference, there was a thesis that the next year will be a turning point in the issue of creating a special tribunal. do
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you agree with these terms? ukrainian legal team 25 daily is doing everything to make it all a reality, so we hope to move as quickly as possible. you have also already spoken in part about the problems and issues of creating compensation mechanisms, which are the main achievements here, perhaps for the past, again, my colleagues will talk about this today at the conference, a key achievement this year. in 2023 , an international register of damages for the armed aggression of the russian federation, for the damages caused by russia's war against ukraine, was created and launched, and this is the first element creation of a broad international compensation mechanism. so the first, first step is taken, the first element is laid. today, the question that international law is also at a turning point is also being discussed, to what extent ukraine manages to be a pioneer. as a pioneer, you know,
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in the matter of qualitative changes in international law, i would certainly not speak here about the first , about who passes first, as i spoke about the fact that ukraine raises the issue of the need to fill the gaps that exist in modern the architecture of international law, the modern architecture of international responsibility, that is, we say that what is there is not enough, and if at the beginning some of our international partners could tell us that we should use that. that we have and not to try to create something else, for many now the question is, you know, the question is not ef but how, yes, the question of the need to create mechanisms does not arise, the question arises of how to do it effectively, legitimately and optimally, therefore i think that ukraine is at the epicenter here filling those gaps, legal, gaps regarding responsibility that currently exist in international law, so definitely... and if we did not ask these questions,
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then these issues would not be discussed and would not be closed. what format of the special tribunal do you think would be the most effective, because we understand that it should be international, or... the immunity of the main criminals of this war, but the question of whether it should be a regional tribunal is also discussed in society, created in particular on the basis of bucha, you know how it was nuremberg, now they are talking about bucha , first of all, i am convinced that the tribunal should take place, it should be created, this is the main thing, and as for the format, of course, this tribunal should be the most international, and include as many international elements as possible, and... ... to be based on international law in order to be the response not only of ukraine, as a state victim of aggression to this war, but also to be an international effort and an international response to this aggression of the russian federation. thank you. thank you. thank you. during christmas and
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during the new year's holidays , there will most likely be no sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate in ukraine. but we should expect a continuation of the trend of a slight weakening of the hryvnia against the dollar and the euro, which is watching. since the beginning of december. the demand for currency in ukraine is growing and the national bank is increasing the volume of sales from reserves. this week , 720 million dollars were sold at interbank, one and a half times more than the week before. however , the situation with financial aid to ukraine from the usa and the european union remains uncertain. in the best case, the decision about it will be adopted in january of the 24th year. however , by that time, there will be enough currency in ukraine. reserves currently remain high at $39 billion. moreover, recently ukraine received 900 million dollars from the imf, another 1.5 billion euros are expected to arrive from the european union in a few days, and we will ask andriy dligach, professor, chairman of the board of the business community coalition, exactly the details of what i announced , i congratulate you, i congratulate
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you, please explain when we say that we have enough money in foreign exchange reserves, i.e. 39 billion is enough, but the figure would be too small from what mark? it is believed that sufficient reserves of the central bank, in our case the national bank, when it is possible to ensure three months of imports to ukraine at its expense, we have more than enough, this resource is enough to cover the shortfall in six months, and moreover, we we have clear guarantees from our international partners for further income, this is a continuation. program with the international monetary fund, which, by the way, is being strengthened, we are moving to the stage where structural reforms are already foreseen, as well as money from the big seven countries, from the european union, from the united states of america, we will definitely have enough of this money next year to finance the deficit, to
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finance the resources of the national bank's reserves, so the hryvnia will be stable, and the state will be able to fulfill its obligations. i wanted to talk to you about the figure that the national bank of ukraine used to announce, that is, it is constantly announced, but it fluctuates, that ukrainians keep 117 billion dollars in cash, and this figure, what does it affect, please tell me please, the number that is just lying like that, or the number, its size itself? er, it affects, first of all, the stability, stability of our families, you know, as they say, that at first it is bad, then completely. bad, and then , when they start selling dollars, then it’s the end, we haven’t reached that point yet, but in fact it’s not a very good signal from another point of view, this money is really lying around, it would be desirable that they worked so that they worked on bank deposits
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so that there was a stock market that would allow people to invest money in an operating business, in its shares, respectively, to have their own pension fund or insurance fund and... unfortunately, these instruments exist outside the borders of ukraine, that is why we have such a compartment of liquidity, currency with ukraine, that is why the national bank is not in a hurry to liberalize the foreign exchange market in ukraine. after all, we need to make such reforms in the country so that it is profitable for people not to save money, but to invest it. and i would like to remind the audience that there is also dollar inflation, it is quite high. and money really depreciates, better find out how to cooperate with someone, how to ensure the energy efficiency of oneself, one's own apartment, and even reserve money should work, so does this mean that it is not worth investing hryvnias in dollars now, what would you
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advise andriy? advice remains as it was, it is desirable to have a resource in that currency first of all. what are your own expenses, payments on loans or allowances or something else, or in cash, the currency in which you carry. liabilities, but reserves should be kept approximately in thirds, one third in hryvnias, one third in dollars, one third in the euro, that is, absolutely nothing changes , we still wanted, since we are already talking, mr. andriy, at the end of the year, we would still like to discuss with you the topic of recovery, it is constantly relevant for ukraine, but here the economists, they seem to disagree on the issue of recovery ukraine needs to be active now, or after all, when there will be a final victory and this factor of war danger will be eliminated, what does it depend on, we do not take for granted... our desire to simply live as we lived before, we do not take now our desire
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for businesses worked to the construction business worked, the people who are involved in it, we take general economic processes, it is necessary to restore them now, or if not, why? from the point of view of the economy, the answer is quite unambiguous, it is as follows: only a strong economy can resist the external challenge. a strong economy is an economy in which business operates, in which new factories are built, in which products are processed, that is, it is a so-called complex economy, when the economy is oriented not on the export of raw materials, but on the export of processed products. so, all the risks that implemented in recent years, showed us how fragile the ukrainian economy is, and to wait for the end of the war. to make it more stable, well, this is a huge mistake, that is why in our formula, the formula of ukrainian
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modernization, one of the key elements is called start now, that is why we are now actively working on attracting investors, on the construction of industrial parks, please attention, that the construction of industrial parks has thawed right now during the large-scale aggression, energy efficiency, modernization, yes yes the so-called smart grid, when the new production... complexes are fully self-sufficient in electricity and heat, etc., it is right now the time to rebuild the energy infrastructure, residential, communal, but it seems, mr. andriy, that the country had no other way out than to unfreeze construction of industrial parks, because these are the people who will develop something that will be useful for us to win, directly about various technologies, i say, and people will meet in these territories, so this is precisely the main thing. not the main core of what will happen the movement of business and economic processes,
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starting from industrial parks, we understand their purpose correctly, right? yes, yes, absolutely, moreover, a few months ago in vinnytsia, i proposed the idea to vinnytsia itself to become the industrial center of ukraine in vinnytsia, there are already four, almost five industrial parks, i proposed to develop the cluster economy more actively now not only in vinnytsia, in lviv, in ivano-frankivsk. and we are working now to ensure that there are more and more effective clusters, i.e. associations of various businesses, production, non-production throughout the country, and i must say that this is a question not only for the state, it is also a question for business itself, because we need to finally learn to unite effectively, we need to learn to work for western money, prepare projects accordingly , grant projects. including that we will need more than 10 thousand project managers who can and know how
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to work with foreign investments, and each region should determine for itself the areas in which it can be the best? well, in particular, i am interested in which ones which business will have prospects for the coming years, what should be emphasized, for the last. visited 16 cities, and everywhere the question was the same: who should decide, someone from above, or ourselves? of course, the key task of the government at the level of the national economic strategy is to specify the principles on which the economic policy of the state will be built, but each region will determine what to produce, or rather even the region will give opportunities to the relevant entrepreneurs, and... actually, what to produce is decided by the business itself , and what industries there will be
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have prospects? is it easier to say which industries will not have prospects in ukraine? and here the answer is very simple: all industries should have the same opportunities, a false theory, a false and outdated approach, that it is necessary to make so-called growth points, that is, to give preferences to certain industries, usually this leads to corruption, to disparity, in ukraine for sure... medical tourism, and renewable energy, and mechanical engineering, and even space technologies will develop, it sounds strange, but during a large-scale... under with daily shelling in kharkiv, the fed works on ion-plasma engines and attracts investments in this topic. we will definitely have a center for new agricultural products, but not in the format of what was grown, what was grown was sold. no, deep processing and the recently held new food summit showed that
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there are a lot of technologies in ukraine, specifically food technologies for processing agricultural products, and we need to build everything related to the final product. that is, in any field we can have added value, global competitiveness and accordingly prospects for ukraine. it is interesting. andrei, thank you for this conversation. andrii dligach, professor, chairman of the council of the coalition of business communities, was in touch with us. next , we will talk about demining. the remains of the ammunition of the military of the russian federation were turned into works of art. the charity exhibition free ukraine, ukrainian sappers, risk artists opened in kyiv. it contains... funds for equipment for pyrotechnicians. the exhibition presents works of art made on russian projectile casings or military elements equipment found during hostilities in the city of heroes irpin. our correspondent artem derkachev also had time to look at the works of art. enjoy art and speed up demining of kyiv region.
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an exhibition in support of ukrainian sappers was opened at the pavlo tychyna museum in kyiv. we have united in this exhibition, one might say two. exhibitions, two projects, these are the works of artists of the public organization free ukraine, which were painted in our plein air, we planned this project to attract the attention of society, which we create works of art on canvases of destruction so that society can see what kind of life we ​​have in ukraine, and also so that people can join in and help. a total of 46 works are presented , among them, in addition to paintings, there are also enemy munitions, which ukrainian artists ... turned into real works of art, they began to paint on our shells, on the remains, which are these, this scrap metal, each of them is special, it is key, we got some projectiles from the destroyed house of culture, some from civilian multi-storey buildings, on
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each projectile has a qr code, which we can see. in addition to the exhibition itself, viewers can join the collection for the support of explosives technicians, with the proceeds they plan to purchase protection for sappers. this particular suit is the second class of protection, during the ballistic examination an explosion or a shot with a speed of 600 m/s is simulated. and our products withstand these explosions. the essence of this event is to collect funds for the production and purchase of such costumes for the kyiv region for irpen, eight, yes, eight, we will collect more money, let's do more. entrance to the exhibition is free, it will last until december 29, the museum is open for visiting from 90 am to 60 pm, on weekdays and from 10 am to 70 pm on weekends
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. artem dorkachev, vadim verba, tv channel rada, national marathon, single. news: the remains of ammunition and destroyed ammunition are the result of the hard work of our sappers and the armed forces of ukraine as a whole, now we invite to the air pavle lekichuk, the head of security programs of the center for global studies strategy 21. pavle, congratulations you, good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i want to talk about demining on a wider scale, and it is in the black sea water area, turkey, bulgaria, romania are planning to conclude an agreement on... demining the black sea water area, the signing should take place on january 11 in istanbul, how important will this decision be from a security point of view? well, the situation in the black sea, as you know, is a very complex minefield, because the russians scattered a lot of mines, mainly in the area
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of ​​ukrainian ports in the northwestern part of the black sea, but mines are such business, sea mines. anchor mines, they are blown off by storms, they are scattered throughout the black sea, and now it is not only our threat, not only a threat to the transport corridor, but a threat to all states of the region. let me remind you that after the second world war, the main task of the soviet black sea fleet was demining the sea, it still took us 20 years, so now ukraine is also very interested. on demining in mine countermeasures operations and our partners and two more on october 12 outside outside ramstein was e. at which a decision was made to create a mine countermeasures coalition, and what is interesting is that just four days later , the romanian-bulgarian mine countermeasures group went
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to sea to conduct minesweeping operations. well, then, to be honest, there were certain misunderstandings, because they wanted to join them, the anti-mine group, the second anti-mine group of nato, which... is in the mediterranean sea, the turks refused it, they said what they said, it is not should be an operation, it should not be a nato operation, yes, yes, yes, the turks have said that it is may lead to an escalation in the black sea, we will take care of this matter ourselves, and it has been two months already, the turks have already held three consultations, and they promise to finally sign a memorandum on tripartite cooperation in january. well, to be honest, it reminds me more of sabotage on the part of our turkish partners, we understand that they are in
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economic relations with russia, so it is logical that they periodically play in favor of our enemy, and the question for you is how much today there are techniques, we will not list how many lands have been mined, no we will remind you that there is civilian demining, rural... economic demining, there is military demining, that people should return to the territory when these territories are demined, but here is what i will ask you about, south korea gave us 10 demining machines, with lithuania , we cooperate with other countries, train our people to demine territories, and in particular the ministry of defense formulated , formed, as far as i know, 10 battalions and three demining companies, and please explain , these people, there is even an announcement that it is possible to go... to sappers who demine the territories, a specific salary is assigned, that is, price battalions and companies, they are formed depending on the fact that people are trained and people are recruited, correctly, that is, there is no large bench
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of reserves, people appear, they are taught and accordingly they are formed in the battalion of the company, yes mr. lakichuk, everything is like that, but it is necessary to understand that humanitarian demining and military demining must be separated, of course, of course, humanitarian demining is carried out by the emergency service. situations, uh, companies the armed forces are involved in these and sometimes the armed forces are involved in this, this demining is aimed at providing us, ukrainians in the liberated territories, first of all, with safety and normal life, and there is military demining, this is a slightly different, much more terrible thing, it is to break through otti the changing fields of the enemy, which he constantly built up, well , not only in the south of ours, along the entire front line, starting from kupyansk and ending
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in the dnieper region, that's how it goes here, man, about what, about machines and about people, or in the first place queue all the same, there should be demining machines on which people will work, that's how in this field, the machines that are used for military demining. on the battlefield, they are seriously different from those machines that are used for humanitarian demining in the rear, because because on those machines that operate on the battlefield, it comes not only from the ground, but also from above the ground, and from the front and from the side, from all parties beat them, that's why slightly different means of exchange are used there. the next question is also related to denomination. actually, for now there are still territories in the world that have not been demined for decades, and according to the latest bloomberg research, the year 23 became
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the year of the largest conflicts in the world in the last 30 years, 180 conflicts around the world, that is, the year 23 became such a year of some incredible conflicts and skirmish , that is, it is not that russia... is now waging war against us, that is, the world is raging, how long does the world have enough for certain decades, 30 is the limit, let’s calm down, then we will fight again, and this term will always decrease, or how can you explain it? i don't know, maybe to increase, the fact is that, firstly , let's put it this way, for the largest number of conflicts and replacements and dangerous explosive objects during... the period of observation, but this all happens according to the principle of accumulation, two world wars passed through ukrainian lands wars: the first
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world... the war passed here and there over us, the second world passed here and there over us, and actually ukraine was never the safest country in the world, in terms of the explosion of dangerous objects, we were always there, somewhere, if not in in the first ten, then in the first fifty, and the war, which has now passed, has not passed, and is still raging, and who knows how much it will rage and who will be on which territories of ours. state, it will continue, it takes us out of this, in this area, unfortunately, to one of the leadership positions. ukraine is currently considered one of the most mined countries in the world with the largest number of explosive devices, and even when we are transported, this
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process will continue. obviously, it will require very serious resources for decades. one way or another, conflicts shape the world agenda, given the amount that tatiana said, but the saddest thing is that the international institute for strategic studies in london, he warns us in advance that we should not expect a decrease in armed conflicts during the festive season. and, in any case, we thank you for the conversation, mr. pavle, all the best. pavlo lakichuk, head of security programs at the strategy 21 center for global studies, was with us on the air. 90% of surveyed ukrainians have at least one of the symptoms of anxiety disorders, and more 50 are in the risk zone of developing difficulties related to mental health - experts from the team of the charitable project how are you brothers say. however, for free, you can now take care of your psychological health with the help of a new pocket guide that describes everything about traumatic experiences.
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and how to talk about him? artem derkachev will continue the topic. free psychological support just in your pocket. at the academy of the patrol police, a manual on psychological assistance of the support group was presented, created within the socially important project, yakty brate. even if you do not have any psychological education or psychological experience, but many, almost everyone, need psychological support. and only people who can provide it. in the volume that is needed, that's why we create such manuals, so that it is like the instructions of a stakmed, so that each person knows how to help those who are nearby. she worked on tips and algorithms of actions, what to do and what words to choose for a person who needs psychological help a team of professional psychologists and psychotherapists. we collect modern experiences of how people cope with psychological problems during war and share these
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experiences through the following. practical small pocket manuals so that every ukrainian knows how to do it, this is a working technique, when there is a book, you are not ashamed of it and you say something in the text to help other people and yourself. this is the norm, it works, it gives her a resource and an opportunity to notice that something is wrong, to recognize some of her limitations, the fact that a person is stressed, what is possible, anxiety the fact that she can't be... productive is off the charts, and with that you should contact a specialist. initially, the manual was created at the request of the military, however, according to philanthropists, it will be suitable for everyone. the first for whom and at the request of whom was pinked, it is at the request of the military, of course, already the employees of the yellow series, they are designed for anyone who is honestly ready to spend his time to help others, and the requester for group support himself, he also calculated
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that it will not be conducted by a psychologist. professional, not a psychiatrist, not a psychotherapist, not a social worker, but just a person who gathered around him other caring people who needed help. anyone can get such a manual for free. you can find the necessary information on the project website. the broadcast continues, tetyana goncharova and i are maksym sborovsky working for you. watch for air raid signals and our broadcast. fortify the borders of ukraine with drones, join the gathering of border guards. congratulations, ukrainians, the only news marathon is with you. the tv channel team is happy to work for you. we keep our finger on the pulse and we summarize the main points for you. together, we are a force. the only news, in the center of events. it's three nights in ukraine, tv channel.


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