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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EET

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mr. serhiy, you are welcome, let's explain these things, although you heard the end of our conversation, of course we want to talk about the resource for the production of rockets and rockets, which was discussed with mr. kryvolap, but if there is enough time now directly about this integration of energy with europe, please explain please consumers, what this gives us, it has been talked about more than once, but given the oversaturation of people with information, it is worth reminding of simple, important things, and this gives us the most important thing, in a situation where our power system is very damaged. and, unfortunately, it cannot be restored succeeded in the period between two heating seasons, but we are now going through another heating season without planned or emergency power outages, it is not a question of if there was a natural disaster somewhere , it was cut off somewhere, this is the situation that was there before, but due to the fact that we we have the opportunity, we are connected to the european power system and now the capacities at which we can get electricity from there are... such a very tangible 1700 mw, this
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allows us to cover the costs of importing electricity from the european union deficit periods during the day and accordingly we balance the power system due to this and every day we have light and everything related to electricity so far this is the maximum we can take from the united power grid and that is export. we have imports and exports now from ours, that is, we do not sell electricity at the moment during december, it was earlier, in the beginning of autumn, it really was, that is , there was a certain balance, then it shifted, shifted towards imports, now we import, the maximum power, as i already said said, 1700 mw, we will not get such a power, as far as i looked at the statistics , i don't remember, somewhere around half of this power is actually used, but in any case... the power reserve is very
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important, it is important to have it just in case , if they suddenly arise, well, there really are some emergency situations or related to energy damage due to new missile strikes. you say it is important to have a power reserve, in what form do we have it, well in this case we have it in the form that we have several countries, let's say romania there, slovakia, moldova , there are power lines going there, if we have a shortage of electricity, we can buy this electricity, moreover, if there is an... emergency situation, that is, there is a so-called emergency assistance, when, well, we need this electricity to balance, to not to turn off consumers, and it is expensive, it is the most technologically complex, but it can also be obtained, if you tell sergey, we did not manage to restore the state of the energy system, compared to last year and after the shelling, we can assume now, so which is not as active as last year, there are rumors that you are saving electricity, completely inactive, meanwhile, periodically someone stops. or ukrenergo
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, or other energy companies, or the ministry of reconstruction, for example, even the same oleksandr kubrakov talks about these things, this is a desire not to sow panic, but still to remind people of such fundamental things that, in principle, electricity should be saved, or after all we understand that it can be very difficult, there is such a proverb, until the thunder thunders, people do not get baptized, in fact , they remind us constantly, every day, ukrenergo every day, every day, every day, every day save electricity from nine o'clock to... 7 p.m., or, in the most problematic times, it's 5 p.m., 7 p.m., 2 p.m., that is, the evening hours when the sun sets and there is still this evening consumption peak, traditional, when everyone comes home, yes, yes, when everyone comes home, they talk about it, but, well, how to say, someone saves, someone does not save, tangible, let's say, those who were told to save, everyone after that , consumption was also turned off. something
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has really fallen, well, there are no such signs, unfortunately some of the transformers that we may need are now stored abroad, that is, they are purchased as spares, what do you know about it, even if i knew something about it, it is probably not worth talking about, the only thing that could be said, that there is a reserve, it is located somewhere, it was a very difficult problem, because the transformer equipment is usually designed for tens of years of operation. accordingly, if a transformer unexpectedly fails because a missile or an attack drone flies into it, there is no ready-made transformer that can be take somewhere there go somewhere there somewhere and take it and bring it quickly, accordingly it takes time what we see now, that is, we see the stable operation of the power system, despite the fact that we have problems related to the season, to the cold, to the weather , with all these circumstances , so far we have had no cases.
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emergency or planned shutdowns related to the fact that we have some problem with networks, well , with transformer substations, with electricity transmission, if there are problems, as a rule, they are connected, well, for example, somewhere the protection worked there. we looked, they restored it quickly, or somewhere there two harvesters were driving, and they knocked down about this support, in the odesa region, it seems, until it was repaired, it also took a few days, well , again, decentralization helps us in many ways of the power system itself , now energy market participants point out that emergency import is expensive, the most expensive, probably at the moment of all that can be and the issue of the mechanism of electricity import at the expense of imported pesos is being discussed, this is exactly how this formula sounds, maybe you can you help me understand if we really have no other options at this point other than these
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emergency, emergency imports, and what is meant when market participants talk about these imported pesos, what is the point? it is simply possible to reduce it to some simpler definitions, what is an emergency import, it is when a dispatcher at ukrenergo is sitting in our office and he sees that consumption in the country is increasing sharply, there is nothing to stop it, that is, we cannot, for example , turn off some consumers or ask someone there, for example, some companies, enterprises, factories there to reduce consumption, and at the same time we cannot run power units, we cannot... one of the most common ways to increase the rapid increase in generation, or to connect a heat unit of some heat generation somewhere, there is no possible, accordingly, in this situation, in order not to turn off consumers, a request for emergency assistance is sent to countries that can provide it,
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that is, it really is an emergency, it is an extreme situation, it is clear that we can count on this kind of thing is not possible, the problem with imports is what for... in order for commercial, what is the point here, what is the situation here, it is one thing when imports are carried out by ukraine, ukraine energy, another matter when imports can to carry out, say, commercial consumers, but in order for them to be able to do this, there must be a price limit that allows buying electricity abroad, i.e. it must not be more expensive than the price that is allowed to be purchased in ukraine, i.e. it the so-called price caps, again. we resort to terminology that is possible because it is too complicated and unclear, that is, there is room for development, but we are now really connected to the european association, a european
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structure that is connected, that performs the european structure of energy system operators, so according to january 1, it will start working, on december 14, we were taken there. this also opens up additional opportunities to optimize these things, but still , representatives of ukrenergo, who are often on our air, they say that it is impossible to constantly fix the generation, we we must strive for it to be modernized , and we are looking for investors, of course it is very important that there is an end to the war, but we need to modernize the generation in any case, and you talked about it in previous broadcasts, maybe next time we will talk about it in more detail , serhii lukyanchuk was an analyst in our company. how the loss of the military pdf by local budgets will affect the economy of the regions and at the expense of which they will have to supplement their estimates, as well as about the priorities of the economy for 2024, we will hear from the people's deputy,
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mykola skoryk, a member of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on finance, tax and customs policy, his briefing follows. good day, dear citizens of ukraine. today, speaking from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada on behalf of of our group for life and peace spoke about the following things: the first thing that really ends in 2023, we should sum up, start summing up certain results of the year, make some plans for the next year, and on behalf of the group i emphasized the following, that during the year we supported all proposals and... dent and the government, regarding the support of our defense capabilities, regarding the social protection of our citizens, regarding the support of our economy, and i emphasized that we will definitely do this in the next
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year as well, because these are the only priorities that are possible for any political force, deputies of various levels, for today, because we all have to work for one thing, for the victory of our country and for the protection of our citizens, ee did this... so the emphasis is on the following: voting for the 2024 budget, we talked about the risks of taking away from communities personal income tax, so it was necessary, and for it was voted by the majority of the deputies from the point of view of filling the state budget, but for many communities it is not just a risk, but a colossal problem, because... when this volume of income is taken away from large communities, such as, well, let's say mine
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native odesa, or kyiv, or dnipropetrovsk, or kharkiv, or lviv, the big cities are able to replace these revenues with others, and, well, let's say , so that, and these are the revenues of the first basket of revenues, budget, local, in order to to finance, protection expenditure. budgets, these, let's say, they will find funds, and they do communities for which this decrease is somewhere from 30 to 40% of the total volume of their incomes, i will give a small example of a peculiar odesa region, the loss of the local budgets of the odesa region in 2024 from such an innovation will make up. uah 4.8 billion, of which only the regional budget will lose uah 1 billion
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, and the last will be directly lost by the budgets of communities, many communities are unable to replace these revenues, and there is a risk that they will not be able to finance protected expenses, protected expenses for local budgets - this is in first of all health care and education, and i believe that my own. cannot allow that during the war we do not finance such social spheres, as i emphasize once again, health care and education, i am not talking about others, this is an indicator of the fact that we are an independent state, this is an indicator of the fact that we really do our best during the war. for our citizens, the resonance from this and the harm from this directly to the citizens
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of ukraine will be very, very great, therefore the content of what, well, a very short regulation, when you speak on behalf of faction three minutes, and here it is a little more convenient, it is a little longer, that in order for our... communities to really exist, for us to really understand that there really is feedback, it seems to me that the cabinet of ministers is obliged pay serious attention to this, and i really hope that if we do not change, there are no plans to change this rule of the law that we take away from all communities the military personal income tax. then the issue of whether these losses will be compensated between budget transfers
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should be closed, i.e. we should not wait at the end of the next first quarter of next year, this issue should be monitored every week, every month, i am sure that we have a very professional finance minister, a very professional finance ministry, they will do everything in their power to really... well, it was so, i am sure of it, and from the side of the deputy corps, there will be all kinds of support for such actions of the cabinet of ministers. that's pretty much all i wanted to say today. thank you. contact andriy kozenchuk, military psychologist. andrii, we traditionally congratulate you, we are waiting for yours a smile congratulations, congratulations. good evening, studio. today, maxim and i raised the topic of inflation on the air for several hours. and three prices for a new year's basket, and you know what i thought about, what will be my first question to you, that i don't want
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to hear from andriy kozinchuk, tatyana and other civilians, be happy that you can celebrate the new year, worry about your problems, filling the new year's basket, i want you to say, you should be ashamed to think about the holidays, and you won't say so, in any, you in any there should be no shame in the holidays, you can be shamed in the holidays if you er you... have fun, have fun to escape from your problems, what's the shame if you don't celebrate the new year, if you don't you will celebrate christmas, you will not gather with your family, we... lost the war, that's all, nothing. you can give up some, i don't know, caviar, pike there, or some super mega-disco there, and you'll definitely have to give up fireworks, but if you don't have ritualistic, ritualistic meetings with your families, it's already not ukraine, that's all, that's why celebrating doesn't
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mean having fun until you drop, it just means being. with the family, and i also came up with a very cool thing, original, get together with the family, think about who can allocate how much money to donate to the armed forces, and then you will not be just a gathering, but just a peaceful event in order for you to celebrate bought a set of winter wheels for some jeep, this is my headache right now, and it will be very cool, so you must shine, how many winter wheels for a jeep do you need, andrew, have you already shared your headache ? it's terrible, i need 24 my dear, well , here too, i think you will say that you should not go to extremes and not give everything, so much so that your conscience is, so to speak, clean, on holidays, in which you will be at an empty table, we stole the idea from
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the churches, we allocated a golden formula, 10% from your profit, not from you specifically, but from human. income and then you have 90% left for your loved one, a little for social networks, and a little for retirement, but 10% your heart will be free and beautiful. now andriyu, i wanted to mention the incident in transcarpathia, now our tonality will be somewhat different, but i don’t know, i’m not even asking you whether you understood the details, that will be decided by the court, but in general you hear this information that a grenade was thrown into silrady in transcarpathia, what was the first thing you thought of as a psychologist? the war has reached transcarpathia , these are the consequences of the war, the most terrible thing for me to read and see is the reaction of some ukrainians, this is how they should be, i do not agree with this, we will not achieve this by force, by the fact that the village councils will be better work, we don't we will achieve that there will be some sympathy, we
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will achieve the fact that violence begets violence, the incident that happened is very... logical, i do not want to justify this deputy in any way, i do not know him history really, but the fact that we live in aggression, we don't talk, we don't share our troubles, we don't talk, we talk a lot but hear very little, and that's why it happened, i don't want to be the judge, i don't know, i see psychological logical consequences that the war reaches a peaceful part of the country, where... there are no hostilities, but it is in head is sitting and we need to communicate a little more for it to be, and it's a very unworthy act, it's an act that doesn't, well , doesn't show anything, i have no empathy, no compassion, i just know that if you have some kind of protest, there are 18 00 ways to lead it to this, did you do everything
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in order to say something, here, but there a person died and there... everyone is contused and, but andrii, it does not lead to anything, but andrii , you said, the first thought, the war reached transcarpathia, what do you mean, but i still want you to explain, and this absence, this is the absence of air-raid warning signals, well, no, there are air-raid warning signals there, they work, it’s the absence of a curfew, it’s queues in bukovel, it’s purely about what the situation is like there, although transcarpathia is also in a state of war , and martial law is also in effect there, well, i have several guys in the battalion from transcarpathia, so the whole country is fighting, i will remind them of glory and honor, and i also mean that the problems we are experiencing in donbas, the same thing is experienced in zakarpattia as well, and i
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mean that the solution, problems, very much often, sometimes it happens that a person with a weapon... behind a weapon in resolving a conflict, and now we do everything to prevent this from happening, and this person who respects his weapon will never come to this, because you respect your weapon and you can use it only against the enemy, and if you make a ukrainian an enemy, well, roughly speaking, your neighbor, because his apple tree grows brighter, this is not exactly what it should be, this is what he will now show off ministry of internal affairs by twisting the grove, and we want to legalize, that too, that too, i don't i can completely agree with you here that a military person will treat weapons with respect, because i remember in the summer. the incident with a mob demobilized military man who, in a slightly inadequate condition, threatened to detonate, to detonate a grenade like that on the street,
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he had a conversation with law enforcement officers, and somehow in this negotiation process he managed to stop, and i remember such cases, you see, we have one. one civilian here, but this is what we know, what entered the media zone, but it is important for us to just speak about these things, it can't be like that, we, when our boys and girls go on vacation, we don't, our task is not so much to check their bags as to convey that they should carry a grenade, a gun and so on, it's not quite ok, and for now, ugh, that's fine, i'd really like each one. boys, girls, who fight and serve , realize that weapons, they are intended for the destruction of rosna, so, even if you do not like your neighbor, he is ukrainian
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, put up with it, go make up, take a kilogram of apples, plant and eat. andriy kozinchuk, a military psychologist was in touch with us, we are moving on. in mykolaiv , container sprinklers of water powered by solar batteries were installed, the city remains without drinking water for the second year, it is extracted from wells and purified, but powerfully. there are not enough underground sources, in some districts of mykolaiv it is impossible to drill wells at all, so water is delivered there by tankers. the new plant is powerful enough to desalinate water from two local rivers and bring it to people. what is the quality of this water, and how soon will the city solve the problem with centralized water water supply, our colleague natalia yakobson belibova learned. until april 2022 , mykolaiv was supplied with drinking water thanks to the water pipe from kherson in the taps . dnieper water escaped from the taps. however, after the enemy bombed the water pipe last april, and then began relentlessly hitting the pumping station, the city began to think about
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alternative sources of water for townspeople in taps, and both rivers in mykolaiv due to the proximity of leman and the black sea to solonia, then in mykolaiv they thought about installing desalination plants, and now this the idea was finally realized, and thanks to the solar batteries, the desalination plant... also turned out to be energy-saving. the most important thing is that the electricity comes from solar power plants and we don't waste our electricity to clean this water. i want to say that it is approximately more than 1000 cubic m2 per day, we can create, clean these with these installations, and they are also self-contained, this is the latest development in the field of water purification, specifically reverse osmosis. 1,000 cubic meters per day is not enough for the whole... half a million people of mykolaiv to provide fresh water in the taps of this installation, but this is enough to transport it daily free of charge to various points in the city. currently, this installation
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is being tested, its cost is uah 190 million, and the installation and purchase were paid for by mykolaiv's partners from germany, and now they are teaching the employees of the water supply company how to properly use and maintain it. they deliver to different parts of the city, where necessary, to actual distribution points. water, and it is possible to draw it from various sources, well, it is, as it were, an alternative source and a reserve for the city in drinking water, filling the tank , that is, the stable operation of the structure, the stable life of the garage, also the desalinated water from these tanks is delivered to different parts of the city, where there are frequent surges and people are left without water, these are all the consequences that the salt water left behind in the cranes of mykolaivtsi, which local government. was forced to run in may last year to the water supply, problems with the use of sweet water are catching up with us and will continue to catch up with us. today, we
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count more than six dozen in the city emergency places, which are either localized, water is supplied and then it is necessary to return, or improvements have not yet been completed, or even in general some areas are blocked, today there is no water supply to the homes of our citizens. all the company's teams work in an intensified mode and even have to involve subcontractors, because they simply cannot cope with the number of rushes that are occurring now, there are not enough specialists, their number at one time was not calculated for such a number of rushes, besides, the people of mykolaiv already owe the company more than uah 240 million, which also affects its work. ukraine needs a strategy for the development of nursing, because this profession has become strategic under the conditions of the invasion. it is important for nurses to help all patients, the state must help them, said olena zelenska, first lady of ukraine, during a trip to lviv region, she visited the lviv medical
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college of postgraduate education. the only one in ukraine that deals with postgraduate education of nurses and pharmacists, every year 500 nurses improve their professional level here. in the simulation training center , students practice lifesaving skills on modern medical equipment. olena zelenska expressed hope that the state will soon be able to help the college with expansion, dormitories and decent salaries for teachers. now we are saying goodbye to you, but again for a short time, in 10-15 minutes about... we will continue our communication. chevrons approaching victory. but we arrived normally. nothing was broken. that's all,
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mom, come on, i'll call later, sir, what are you doing? you do it, be careful, i ’m a picky eater, it’s canned food, and to be honest, i’m not very good at it, my mother cooked for you, i’ll come if you don’t eat, i understand, plus, come on, 10 minutes, and that’s it we reworked it a bit, it's really powerful stuff. mattress, petrovich, what pizza did you order? no, it's really powerful stuff.
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russia continues to commit the most brutal crime against ukraine. the war continues on the sports front. at every competition, ukrainian athletes express their position. do not shake hands with a russian athlete. raise a poster? no, the war in ukraine is ours shout, appeal to the sports community. yes, we risk disqualification and our careers, but this is nothing compared to the pain and the price that ukrainians pay every day. for us, the most important thing is the victory of ukraine and the preservation of lives. while russian and belarusian athletes intensify the propaganda of a bloody war with their participation in competitions, ukrainian athletes die on
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the battlefield, or, returning home with victories, see destroyed houses and destinies, i call on the sports community to act and prevent terrorist athletes from international sports, it's been a long time, it's time to act, silence kills, kitty, how are you? i think you get anxious, we are not close at school yet, you know what i do at times like this. an exercise that always helps me, it's easy to remember, i run the finger of one hand around the palm of the other hand, as if circling it with a pencil, i lead the finger up and slowly inhale, i lead it down and slowly exhale, do like dad and calmness will return. on the website , the wonderful people from the tiyak mental health program and their friends from unicef have collected tips, how to help yourself and your child cope with...
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stress. fortify the borders of ukraine with drones. join the border guard gathering. congratulations, ukrainians. with you marathon, only news. the rada tv channel team is working for you. we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize the main points for you. together, we are a force. the only news. in the center of events. in ukraine , the tv channel rada continues at 5 am. his work on the air of the all-national marathon only news. i am svitlana usenko, i congratulate everyone who has already woken up and joined our broadcast at this time. the sbu opened a criminal case proceedings based on the discovery of a technical device in one of the possible locations of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, namely in one of the premises that could be used by him for work in the future. this was reported by the press service of the agency.


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