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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EET

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our defenders and another 60 armored vehicles were destroyed during the day, in fact, a huge amount, more, fresh information will be told by khrystyna parubiy in a moment. greetings, colleagues, thank you, in the issue i will talk about the work of our air defense this night, as well as the situation in ukrainian cities and at the front, don't miss it in a moment. news on espresso. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. at night, muscovites launched five shaheds at ukrainian cities. all drones were shot down by our defenders within mykolaiv, dnipropetrovsk, and vinnytsia and khmelnytskyi regions. - said the air force of ukraine. the shaheds flew from the primorsko-akhtarsk region in russia. during the day
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, russian terrorists shelled the kherson region 80 times. one person died - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the enemy targeted residential quarters in several settlements. and a resident of sumy oblast died due to russian shelling. the enemy hit krasnopil with a rocket salvo system. it was reported in the regional military administration. three houses and two cars were damaged. and to operational information from general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 64 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. defense forces repelled nine enemy attacks in the kupyansk direction and eight in the lymansk direction. the hottest so far near avdiyivka. the russians attacked there 27 times. however, our soldiers steadfastly hold the defense. another five attacks were repelled by ukrainian defenders near bohdanivka, klishchiivka and andriivka. at zaporizhia'. in the direction of the defense forces repelled
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four russian attacks near verbovoy and robotyny. the armed forces continue their offensive on the left bank of the dnieper and inflict damage on behind the russians. during the day, ukrainian aviation struck the area where the occupiers were concentrated and destroyed two enemy air defense systems. rockets and gunners hit four areas of concentration of personnel and a warehouse with ammunition of the muscovites. valery zaluzhnyi could be traced. a listening device was found in one of the offices used by the commander-in-chief for work. the security service of ukraine has opened criminal proceedings, previously the law enforcement officers did not discover any means of accumulating information or means of remote transmission of audio recordings. self-destructed. russian anti-aircraft fighters shot down a fresh su-25 attack aircraft. this was announced by the commander of the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, mykola oleschuk.
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according to him, this time the ukrainian air defense was not involved in the destruction of the plane. these are clear and coordinated actions of russian soldiers. the us congress has made progress on allocating aid to ukraine, the hill reports. republicans and democrats reported positive developments in negotiations on border security of the united states of america, which is a prerequisite for deciding on new support. ukraine, israel and taiwan. the issue of the border can be resolved already this week - said senator from the democrats john manchen. but when they will vote for new aid to the armed forces, it is currently unknown. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in the hood. conditions
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, the ukrainian military is winning every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. there will be evacuation with atvs faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we collected almost uah 220,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. so support, do not remain indifferent. you don't see all the details. will resume protests, polish carriers will again block the jagodin dorogusk checkpoint from 2 p.m. today. this is reported by the polish media. according to the leader of the protesters, the protests may last until march 8. but there are no exact dates yet. currently, 200 trucks are waiting in line at the border. after the blockade is restored, this figure may double . in three schools of the poltava region
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, polish is studied as a second foreign language. our correspondent anna morozova visited one of the educational institutions and saw. how is the lesson going, good day and our guests, good day, good day, students of the sixth grade in the class take their seats and tetyana mykhailovna begins the polish language lesson, today they are learning the names of professions, work clothes and tools. but there are still mothers of the press. children they actively stretch their hands and answer questions, i learn it easily enough, i have not been studying it for so long, i came here to this school since march, i like polish better,
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it is somewhat easier. ilya and his classmates have been studying polish as a second foreign language for two years. he teaches lessons on his own, because his parents themselves are not familiar with it. i can't write, i can speak and read. tetyana mykhailivna conducts lessons twice a week, almost all classes are held in a foreign language. electronic textbooks for fifth-grade students, and for the sixth is already paper. who are you, little pole, what is your sign, where do you live? yehor passed the last test by 12 points, he says. i like this language, because it is similar to ukrainian, sometimes it is difficult, there are easy topics, huh, and what topics did you like, for example, that you remembered well, well , i remembered vegetables, good, well, it is from the fifth class, i still remember, and bohdan already
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has a goal to go to poland, i want to go to my friend in poland to talk to her in non-polish, is she helping? well no, well, he can correct me when i'm wrong, tetyana mykhailovna has been teaching polish at this school for two years, she believes that the children are doing well, any foreign language is very relevant, and the polish language is considered more understandable, and therefore on it is responded to more, as if by people, and the students perceive it with great interest, but the language of vima... has knowledge of grammar, and therefore, when we get closer to grammar, certain difficulties arise, and it is difficult to find a teacher of an atypical foreign language now, many with specialists went abroad at the beginning of a full-scale war, and the parents have a request, says the deputy director.
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a survey of parents was conducted among students of the fourth grades, er, they were given the right to choose, and the parents themselves suggested studying in... in addition to the lessons for the fifth and sixth grades , the school introduces polish courses for parents, teachers and graduates who will enter to foreign universities. in general, the polish language is studied in three schools in poltava. anna morozova, bohdan proskorov from poltava for espresso tv channel. drove into biden's motorcade. a car collided with a car of the american president's security service near the campaign headquarters in the city of wilmington. roits news agency. at that moment , joe biden was just walking towards the armored suv. he was not hurt. after the confrontation, the violator tried to leave the closed area, but security officers surrounded him and detained him. ukrainian
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polar explorers showed photos of the first penguin chicks that were born near the akademik vernadsky station. so far , the world has emerged from the laid eggs. eight babies, but this year a record number of subarctic penguins, more than 500 birds, are nesting near the station. so soon our scientists expect a real baby boom in the arctic. we will meet with you already at 10 o'clock. read more on our website, also on our social networks. join, put your preferences. my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue. don't switch, stay. by the espresso team. good morning to those who are joining us at this moment. we remind you once again for everyone, and who
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was, and who is involved in the fact that we are collecting for battery stations with solar panels for our defenders, 1.2200 hryvnias need to be collected, so roman and i are asking you. and actively, actively join our gathering, it's important, in fact, it's cold, dark, the darkest days of this year are still ahead, so a little light and... warmth definitely won't hurt our defenders. you can see the qr code and card number on the screen. well, now we are getting a little bit of fresh information from the borders of our state. the spokesperson of the state border guard is in touch with us andriy demchenko of the service of ukraine. glory to ukraine, good morning. glory to heroes. good morning studio. let's start with the most alarming thing, because it was confirmed yesterday by colleagues, journalists from poland, that the associations of carriers on... those, which were still oriented towards the pro-putin marginal party confederation,
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will resume today at 3 p.m. the blockade of the only unblocked crossing of yagodin between poland and ukraine. mr. andriy, maybe you know something more, is this a threat, will we really get a new blockade? well, yes, from open sources, in most cases open. from those sources, we have information that today the blocking of the direction of the y1 dorohusk checkpoint may resume, and this may happen around 3 p.m., we have not received an official, official confirmation from the representative apparatus from the polish side, but we well understand that the actions blocking is currently taking place in three directions. i will remind you of the checkpoints of ravaruska, krakowiec, and szegyny, and actually the fact that
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the blocking in the direction of the yagody checkpoint was prohibited, or stopped, was to be expected, of course, such actions can be repeated, and we see what the organizers and participants of this action did. this is possible so that they can continue to carry out such actions. mr. andriy, about 2,200 trucks, it seems, are standing at the checkpoints, if not, please correct us, clarify whether the transportation of trucks by rail also continues, and according to some such, perhaps preliminary forecasts, how long it will take for all this traffic got to where it is. yes, well, as i said, three directions are blocked at the moment, and on
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of all these, at all these three checkpoints, in queues, in the direction of ukraine on the territory of poland, there are about 2,000 in cargo, 2,100 cargo vehicles waiting for the opportunity to cross the border towards ukraine, the largest is opposite the checkpoint, sheginia , a thousand freight vehicles, of course, there is some traffic, both entering ukraine and leaving ukraine, but it is much lower than it was before the beginning of the blockade, if you go back to the yagodyn checkpoint, the intensity of traffic here after since this direction was unblocked, it has been gradually increasing and for the last three days it is quite so... high, in the previous day 1,100 freight
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vehicles crossed this direction in both directions, the day before it was about 1,500 freight vehicles, before that 1,200 , that is , this direction, it currently allows a large number of vehicles to cross the border, of course , it will be a shame if the blocking actions resume in... and now we also see that both drivers and carriers choose this direction for themselves more actively for crossing the border, because as of this morning , there are about 2,300 loaded vehicles queuing in the direction of ukraine on the territory of poland in the direction of the yagodin dorohusk registration point. ugh. but you didn't say anything about the trains, the ones that were shown in the news, that were loaded. on the platforms and will transport the tires
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on the railway track, managed to cross in this way, how many such trains manage to cross the border in a day, in a day? these arrangements and such a possibility can of course be reported more objectively ukrzaliznytsia, but i can point out that the movement of trucks on railway platforms by... railway transport, it is not you, will not solve the problem, the number of freight vehicles for crossing the border and transporting them by railway, which is at the moment. in queues towards ukraine, of course, there is also a queue for departure from ukraine, but it is also regulated by an electronic queue, when operators, administrators inform drivers and carriers of the date and time when they
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can cross the border, and of course even if we talk more objectively about... the movement of trucks by railway, it is not just the desire of ukraine to start such trains, to load cargo vehicles onto the platforms, this and agreements must be made with the polish side, because crossing the border is not only a formality from the ukrainian on the one hand, this is the crossing of the border on both sides of the border and the actual registration, and even if we roughly count, there are 2,100 trucks and barely. 30-40 can be loaded once on a train and if even from the side of the polish border guard there will be a normal speed registration, then it is still at least 60 days, that is, two months are needed to spread out only what is available, the cost of transportation in this case increases, the cost of the goods also increases accordingly, but there is another border, about which we have just read fresh news, here's
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oksana, before we started talking about what's in belarusian. on the other hand , the activity of the moscow occupier has increased, as if the russians have started entering the territory of belarus again, they are not just entering there themselves, they are also pushing the belarusians there in every way, and in fact, the belarusians are deploying their groups, in fact there in the border regions, russianizing them, so far there is no information that russia is again transferring some units to the territory of belarus. let me remind you that earlier , of course, russia actively kept its units on the territory of this country, especially on training grounds, where they underwent training, there was some coordination with the units of the army of belarus, but at a certain time back, russia withdrew these units and as part of the rotation of new started if we talk directly about
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the line of the state border, then we do not fix it near our border on the other side. moved neither military equipment nor personnel from various units, whether it is the army of russia or the army of belarus, ah, and russia itself does not have such a necessary grouping, neither in terms of personnel nor in terms of equipment, which could now create a threat of repeated invasion, but of course the situation happening in belarus... is monitored by intelligence units in order to understand how much the situation can change, how much it can be threatening to actually act on prejudice, again, unfortunately, belarus continues to support russia in the war that a terrorist country has waged against our country, and this direction remains
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threatening, but nevertheless we must be prepared to... the development of any situations, that is why the border line is directly strengthened in terms of engineering, the most threatening directions are exchanged by units of the armed forces of ukraine, and border fortifications are also strengthened in terms of fortification, for that all our defenders, primarily units of the state border guard service and other components of the defense forces that strengthen this direction, also have all the opportunities to repel any... attack, if such an attack occurs, this concerns only chernihiv oblast, because according to the latest information, it is about the strengthening of the state border, actually about two lines of defense, specifically in chernihiv oblast, or do the neighboring regions also have similar defense systems? strengthening the border, if we talk directly about the border with
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an aggressor country, it happens in the border region, after all. in terms of engineering , it is quite difficult to strengthen the direct border line due to the actions that russia takes on a daily basis, i mean shelling, because russia is shelling the territory of chernihiv, sumy, and kharkiv regions every day, using a variety of weapons, including mortars and artillery, tanks, aviation, it can also be small arms, so in order not to expose our people to danger. of course, it is again difficult to strengthen the border line openly, but in the maximum proximity to the border, it can be 500 m, it can be 100 m. fortifications are being built so that our soldiers can defend themselves against any threat on the border with
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a terrorist country. i wanted to ask you about what the governor of the so-called belgorod region, gladkov, writes about the village of terebryano in the krasnoyaruzh district and says that it is under fire from the armed forces of ukraine. was not yesterday, then information appeared that the freedom of russia unit simply looked into let's go home for a minute, having destroyed some stronghold at the same time, what more can we tell our viewers how it happens, then we have an asymmetric answer, how deep such special forces can go , well, the intelligence units of ukraine also reported that... ah, these actions are committed by those citizens of the russian federation who do not want to put up with the kremlin's policy, and
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to show that it is necessary to liberate russia as well , so that it becomes, after all , a more adequate country than it is now. mr. andriy, and from their side, and how often, since on do these kinds of... penetrations of the drg from russia into the kharkiv, sumy, and chernihiv regions happen every day, every week? unfortunately, in addition to the shelling , which i said, which russia is carrying out on the territory of ukraine, regarding the shelling, i can add that most of them recently have been in the kharkiv region, russia is also trying to use subversive and reconnaissance groups, most likely without having the necessary, necessary forces for... such a larger-scale invasion, russia also carries out shelling and uses subversive and reconnaissance groups, so that ukraine would keep enough forces in this
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direction and not be able to divert them to more, let's say, important ones, where full-scale combat operations are being conducted with the enemy. the activity of enemy drgs has been the most recorded lately. in the direction of sumy, and recently they have become more active in kharkiv oblast as well, but apart from these two regions, the threat does not disappear anywhere for chernihiv oblast, and actually these hostile drgs, well , of course, the persons who make up such groups, they are trained to conduct their subversive actions, and first of all they are aimed at expose the places where the defense forces of ukraine are located, where our firing positions are, in order to strike there with other weapons in the future, and if there is an opportunity,
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then actually strike with the composition of such sabotage and intelligence groups, but ukraine and the defense forces , generally understand this threat well, all servicemen are warned about activity. enemy drgs, therefore there are also anti-sabotage reserves, technical means, observation and unmanned aerial vehicles are used in defense service in order to monitor both the border line and border areas, to expose such groups in advance and apply them, we have the last minute, tell it in a simpler way so that our citizens understand, the rules have changed. in the border regime has changed for ordinary citizens, what should people do and what should be changed? as soon as these regulations
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are fully operational in the border strip, which is a strip of land along the border of 5 km, free movement, stay, and work are prohibited, and now it will be necessary to issue a permit from the security authority. of states in the state security body border, i.e. it is easier at the border detachment, in the area of ​​which people plan to stay, it will be possible to issue it in accordance with the appeal of citizens, or provide the necessary information either by mail, or in person or by electronic communication, and within 10 days our border detachments will to issue such permits, or to refuse them. people, if they fall under the conditions prescribed by law, when a person can be denied such permission. thank you,
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mr. andrii. andriy demchenko, spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, in particular, about the changes that will occur for staying in the border zone, it is 5 km to the state border of ukraine, a short pause, after which we will return and talk directly about the situation in the eastern part of the russian-ukrainian front about avdiivka, we will talk about avdiivka first of all, because there again they are preparing another wave of attack. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the universe of cinema is around, then, oh, what is needed, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports it is a good tradition, during the christmas holidays, to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website.
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we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00. big vasyl winter's broadcast, two hours of air time , two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many they became like-minded, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, a big broadcast. according to the results of november, the espresso tv channel ranks first among information broadcasting channels. for the eighth month in a row, we are the first. i congratulate chas news on the air of the tv channel. this november to us turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our
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values ​​and the ukrainian point of view. stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust. kanal espresso and ukrainian pn present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, topics will be relevant, guests. special, own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. grandma is now in veshchansk, and my grandfather is still there. i miss them, i want to come there. it will help me keep in touch with my relatives. do you hear what this is about? free psychological
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help for children during the war. in the children's voices charitable foundation. call 0800-210-106. at 8:30 we return and immediately join the conversation with maksym morozov, officer of the legion of freedom, major of the ministry of internal affairs. glory to ukraine, mr. maksym. glory. we want about ask avdiivka, the institute for the study of war submitted a fresh report this very morning and they write that the contra. our armed forces attacked near avdiyivka, we ask you to tell us how it looks in practice, what is the situation at the moment, well , a little now, again, the weather conditions are very influential, we had such icing for several days, a solid summer, so that during the day it was like this, let's say the precipitation was very wet and the temperature was plus, at night it all changed.


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