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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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related to military exploitation, i.e. damage or some other factors, so to say that the process of losses from the human factor, it is now a little, well, not a little, it is decreasing, it is possible, including thanks to the fact that we have expanded very your pass ability and we made strict conditions for the selection of external pilots-operators, if we see that a person does not know, it is impossible for him, for some special factors in relation to this person, then we deduct from the courses, so this allows us to reduce everything.
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complexes directly from the human factor, and then what is the ratio in terms of the number of percentages of operators that pass through your center of your company and through state centers 50 by 50 or is there another ratio? unfortunately, i cannot answer this question exactly now, i can only say that if we take the year 2023 and as of today, that is, on the 15th game. more than 900 external pilots-operators have passed through our training center, how many graduates were issued by state training centers during this time, it is probably necessary, we need to contact them, do you have any there such favorite calculations or brigades, which stand out among other divisions, in particular , there are better work results, greater efficiency. and then, if there are such brigades,
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then what is the basis of such, well, good indicators in comparison with other units of parts, of course, there are such favorite calculations of operators who even constantly use our somehow updated ones, and we try to involve them in such a constant process test operation, if we release any updates, then first we these updates we provide experienced crews who can give good feedback, and we, based on this information, make a decision, or it can be launched in a series, or something needs to be improved, improved or changed, what exactly is it?
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the reason for such success in certain crews is , first of all, motivation, when a person, as they say, is passionate about his work and has such a hunting excitement from his achievements, that is, when this crew succeeds, they simply motivate. their achievements, and this encourages them to further success. and how is it happening? taking into account the combat experience there or the tactics of the enemy in countering our unmanned systems, this is actually it, it probably affects the validation of the design of the aircraft, if this is necessary, and it certainly affects the tactics, how this process takes place in you in cooperation with operations and with training centers i 'm sorry, i didn't quite hear the first one. part
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of your question, how do you manage to react, in particular, to the enemy's countermeasures tactics, to form new tactical techniques there, which can then be promptly brought to the calculations that have already use your complexes, and gradually still inform the educational centers, so that they also take into account any changes in the battlefield, how is this happening? we have an organized 24/7 support service for our external pilot operators and... we have certain staff in our training center who monitor any trends, changes, and can tell if this was an isolated incident or what, if it occurs some system, then we immediately begin to react to it, that is, we isolate a certain problem and immediately we are working with it, connect it. to this work of our
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instructors in cooperation with our rndi department, and they find a solution, then this solution is immediately implemented in the form. software changes, or if something needs to be changed in the hardware, in the hardware component complex, that is, it is a constant work that continues, and it is probably such a very large share, a share of the company's time resource, and can you give some examples, if possible, you can immediately recall them, what exactly changed there? in the complex in view of some there, well, changes on the battlefield or the actions of the enemy there? the system of countermeasures against rep means is constantly changing, that is, algorithms are added or improved in the avionics of our complex, work is constantly being done
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on communication channels, we are constantly changing the complex's frequency reconstruction algorithms. changes are made to the operation of the inertial navigation system in those cases when the signaling from the satellite navigation system is completely suppressed, i.e. gps2nas, we implement measures to improve the stability of the navigation system, to reb means, we implement special devices that can filter. jamming signals, well, that is , this is a constant work in progress, and if you even take the software of the complex at the beginning of a large-scale war, and now it is completely different things, and finally, mr. denis, i would like to ask whether it
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is already clear to you the situation with orders for the company for next year, are there firm contracts, can you , conditionally speaking, already order components in order to... well, already make samples for new contracts, or is this process still ongoing in negotiations there defense there or not other customers? er, no, i can tell you here that the order process is already known, we are contracted for the next, more than a year, and we can make some kind of procurement plan, we even did it in advance... we did it even before that , as we had some agreements on future contracts, we made a decision at the board of founders of the company to direct most of our free financial resources
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in order to make warehouse stocks of spare parts, and therefore, when we signed the contract, we already had some of our... leftovers necessary components in the warehouse, not even in ukraine in order to ensure this , safety for these components, so we basically planned for the next two years of the company's work based on this, well, at the moment we have no problems, well then the most extreme question is whether we can talk about... that , conditionally speaking, next year the number of complexes that your company will supply to the security and defense forces there will increase, but conditionally speaking by 30%. it will grow more. thank you, mr. denis, for these professionals comments for your time, and let me remind you that it was
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denys cherrednychenko, co-owner of the deviro manufacturing and innovation company, which manufactures the leka complex in various modifications for the armed forces of ukraine. and further. we will talk about other aspects of the operator training component for our drones, but after the commercial break. damn it, come on, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i don't know what, there is no health? but what is the health like in the sixth decade? and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ - a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital +. good health, active life. the novelty of herovital energy. even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy - reception once a day. oh, there are no potatoes, will you bring them? and already, the back, something caught. i remind you, apply dr.
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and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, there will be topics. the following footage may shock you: news from the scene, live drone attacks, political analysis, objectively and meaningfully, no. of the political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front,
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a shot, svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions.
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the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information about. disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist,
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doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become a part. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. and then about the view on the training of drone operators from the position of instructors, or rather schools and centers, which were proactively created by our citizens, volunteers. and now we are joined by the founder and head of the center of pilots of quadcopters and uav blue sky andrii with the call sign. mr. andrii, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear, congratulations i'm glad to see you too, it's very nice
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to talk about this issue, i'd like to start, first of all, to tell you briefly about your center, how it was founded, how many operators it trained, that is, the general picture of your field of activity, well , in general, the school exists 6 years, it started a long time ago, it's in the united states, i'm a professional pilot, i have more than eight. hours of drone flights, and i have an american education, the school here in ukraine has been operating since june of last year. because i was demobilized to the reserve, on february 24 i left volunteers to fight, in june i already founded or continued this school here in ukraine, to date the school has trained more than 400 students, and almost all of them
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use their skills and knowledge somewhere on the front. mr. andriy, what kind of... is it copters, is it a wing or a half-wing, what areas does your school cover? direction one is multi-rotor systems - these are copters, because it is a classic technique, it is available to almost any person, it is available for purchase by volunteers or private individuals, and this whole course is built in such a way that it deals with knowing everything from scratch to... piloting the classic, piloting the extreme in an emergency situation and everything else, there are also several classes on the wing, other modifications of unmanned aerial vehicles, the wing or first person view models, these are fpv drones, so-called, and there is also training in the independent construction of drones,
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if there are those who wish, and necessarily... mandatory use in difficult radio-physical conditions, pilot behavior in combat conditions. andriy, you must have heard part of our conversation with the previous guest, it was denys chernichenko from the devira company, they have their own training center in the company itself, and they say that they have a certain certificate for their graduates, which allows them then, as i understood, to receive military - an accounting specialty, which makes it much easier for this person to find a place in... the fact is that the equipment that you produce and subsequently send to the armed forces of ukraine is military equipment, so they have the right and they provide a certificate for on the use and piloting of
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this particular equipment, the multirotors that i teach, this is a classic, this is a household thing, yes. about, so to speak, and certification or licensing in ukraine , to date, according to this equipment does not exist, therefore , but due to the majority of its characteristics, this equipment, these quadrocopters, they are very actively used precisely in aerial reconnaissance, which how is the teaching at your school structured, how much time does it usually take to... these skills to work on a copter and how this process is funded, because there was a history that for a certain time the ministry of digital transformation provided certain schools with funds to train operators, then this initiative was stopped, how have you built this temporal and financial basis for the activities of your school? in time it takes
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about 15 days, somewhere 4-5 days. i teach theory, and then, then practical classes, practical classes outside the city for about 10-12 days, four hours each day, from the financing plan and this is a private school, it is financed partly from those civilians who they come to study, it's not free, no one takes military money, if they wish. does anyone have the opportunity to buy one there for some battery or battery what recording parts are there propellers or something else this is me this is me this is me i accept funding from the state or from any other side no more some finance my school my friends my partners from the united states states, if i have
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such a need for funding at all, it is the side of private individuals who are private. go to study and then plan to use his knowledge and skills not only in the military case, but also in the civilian one. mr. andriy, what are the current dynamics with the recruitment of cadets compared there with last year and at the beginning of the work of your school and now the quantitative indicators are increasing, decreasing, what is happening, decreasing, much decreasing, to date. there is such a trend, there are many civilians, but they are from other cities, i cannot leave the city of kyiv, because i will not be able to organize training in other cities. yes, firstly, secondly, there are a lot of military personnel, if that year, the military had the opportunity to go and study on their own, now there are a lot of military personnel who are in their
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positions, or on vacation somewhere, or in a hospital somewhere and they do not have the physical opportunity to come to me, you mentioned, that is, the trend has shifted somewhere to other cities , and not people, unfortunately, do not have the opportunity to come and study in the city of kyiv. somehow so, and what does your experience say, now there are many of these copters that are created with their own hands to solve there tasks from the point of view of the fpv format of drones, and the question arises that there are many different types of constructions that, in my opinion, complicate the preparation, or am i wrong, or are there certain, let’s say, such universal directions, which in any case allow you to acquire basic skills, so as not to become an effective fp drone operator, er, i'll tell you that, er, controlling an fpv drone is extremely, extremely, extremely difficult, because this, this modification of the multi-rotor system, it was not prepared to be controlled at all
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, this is a racing drone, these are toys, high-speed, fast, that's why it was so high a technological toy, to prepare a fighter, a fighter, it takes, firstly, a lot of time, it's about 200 hours in the simulator, then, then to break it. about three or five drones for a person to be able to do something, this is firstly, secondly, regarding modification, in general, i see only one such trend, not very good, a lot of people try to assemble on their own, but they do not understand a little such engineering and electronic things as engine power, the size and characteristics of the same propellers, i had such a ... situation, when a friend called, he said: "oh, i bought a whole box, a whole box of motors there, come, look, please, i'm here,
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these motors, the motors are really cheap, but they don't fit anywhere at all, because they are 6 in instead of 22, and i get a lot of calls from zero, guys, complaining that these pividrons were sent to them, but they can't even stand themselves for three minutes, well, that's right. what is the trend according to the relative fpv. that is, we need to talk about a certain unification and about certainization , some basic configuration, basic standards. but when i talked to volunteers who intended to order from me there, because i can also collect them, was repulsed by the final price, very repulsive, even the difference of uah 2-300, but my efforts to explain that the video transmitter is 2.5%. will work better in the conditions of rep, they were somehow not convinced , they had, they intended to buy somewhere much better for the price, but not for the characteristics, this is another
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one, it indicates that there is a certain misunderstanding of the technical capabilities, of course, it makes no sense to install a half-watt video transmitter for uah 100, it is much better to add something 15-200 and install an already reliable video transmitter. for 2.5 watts, which will give the picture in the conditions of the user, well, that is, from the side, from the side of the ministry of defense, it is probably necessary that these minimum permissible requirements be put forward, of course, the ministry of defense or another structure must independently or by specialists draw up a certain configuration or technical conditions, the video transmitter is like this, the motors are like that, the load capacity there is at least 3 kg, for example, it was like that when you said that you need 200 hours. in order to train a fpv drone operator, 200 hours is how much at the time of the fry simulators, a person , i will tell you, in this case will not be able to stand
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more than an hour or two behind the monitor, it is very difficult, the brain will effectively perceive information or process it for the first half an hour, then it will be very bad, and then relatively speaking , this means that the operators of the semi-drone are actually on the battlefield over there, well, in particular, over there , for a certain amount of time, in a day, they can perform a maximum of 5-10 operations there, or it will be too difficult for that, and there will be more, here are the first three, i think so the first three, maybe five it depends on the person, on his vestibular apparatus, he will perform three to five, then there will be a very large number of her errors, not on him , but it depends somehow, yes, and when then? the question is raised about the need to increase the number of fpv drone operators, it means that this should be a nationwide task, because we see that it takes a long time to learn,
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the characteristics of a person are affected even then. if we have a lot of their semi-drones, we will still lag behind, as i see from the training of operators, eh, we are already behind, we will lag behind, i'll tell you this, i have this certain insider information, i won't pass it off as 100%, but what i know, what i hear from scratch, well, it's 10-15% maximum successful hits, right on , maybe 20 of this, of this volume, that is... training fpv pilots of this particular configuration must be done in advance and it will take about a month or two effectively, i don’t see any other way, well , if, on the example of your school , the task was set to expand the number of operators fpv drones with some support , no matter how much then what actions you take to ensure the training of operators in this area? well, first of all, you need at least 10 computers, right? of a certain configuration and
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power, these are 10 remotes that will be connected and funding for the purchase of components and self-assembly of fpv for further training, because they will break, and it’s just that this funding is constantly needed, and then, relatively speaking, what was the bandwidth the capacity of your school then, if there were these 10 computers, how many could there be, relatively speaking, operators of podrons for a certain time. let's say, in a month, maybe 25-30 operators, maybe 50, but it will be very difficult. and now , how many are you producing against the backdrop of the recession, and are you interested in coming to kyiv? 25-30, relatively 150 per month, relatively 1500-150 in that year, for example, well, somehow such a ratio. mr. andriy, well, thank you very much
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for the inclusion, for these explanations, because... we see that there are certain nuances and problems with the training of operators, we see that this is a process that needs serious attention from the state, well, a serious attitude, well, on the part of the organizers of this process, even more, i want to say very important things about fpvi operators, it is very unfortunate, but it is a fact, it is not impossible to somehow turn away or leave, out of 100 potential cadets on even. if they are studied , they will work effectively, they will be able to work 10, well, 20, well , a maximum of 30%, because it depends a lot on the vestibular apparatus of a person, these are the characteristics of each person, they are very personal and individual, that is, this is another nuance that is very it is important, it must be taken into account, if a person cannot, then he is not needed, he is not needed to do this, because the number of effective
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sorties and effective hits... will be very small and the loss of equipment is also money. mr. andriy, thank you very much for these explanations, for the inclusion, and i would like to remind our viewers that the founder and head of the blue sky uav quadcopter pilot center andriy with the call sign synoptyk was on the air of clanespresso. these are the realities associated with the training of operators for wing-type drones, for quadcopters, for fpv drones. we see that, in principle, there is the potential of the developers themselves, but... this increase in the number of operators requires a certain reformatting of training, because we see that the state centers cope with it, but with a smaller number than private companies do, and private companies, as we see, now there are certain financial limitations in order to raise this direction, so i think that conclusions should be made so that, in addition to the number of drones that are increasing, there is
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an appropriate number and... trained operators who can effectively use these drones in a battle against our enemy. these were the conclusions from this program, stay tuned to the espresso channel. greetings, dear viewers, it's time to learn about the most relevant events at the moment, i'm anaevamelnik and together with the team, we'll tell you everything, i'll start with the following: we were watching the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. valery zaluzhny confirmed that a listening device was found in his office. the equipment was found in several premises under scheduled inspection time.


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