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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm EET

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so i think that the conclusions should be drawn so that, in addition to the number of drones that are increasing, there is also a corresponding number of trained operators who can effectively use these drones in a combat against our enemy. these were the conclusions from this program, stay tuned to the espresso channel. greetings, dear viewers, it's time to learn about the most relevant events at the moment . valery zaluzhny confirmed that a listening device was found in his office.
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the equipment was discovered in several premises during a routine inspection. the general planned to work in one of the offices today. earlier , the sbu reported that they had already opened criminal proceedings and were investigating the case. at the same time , journalist yury butusov, citing his own sources, clarified that the devices were in the command post, as well as in the office of zaluzhny's personal assistant. these are home-made microphones for recording and saving information. now the entire staff of the general staff takes a polygraph, says the journalist. the general staff cannot comment on the plans of the armed forces of ukraine for the next year, otherwise, this issue will look like a show. this was noted by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi, commenting on the information of foreign media about the alleged preparation of a new counteroffensive for 2024. the general also added that the mobilization in ukraine should not
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be strengthened, but should be returned to the scheme that worked before. as for the issues of mobilization, well, it is not something that needs to be strengthened, but returned to those limits, those frameworks how they worked before, because now it is, let's say, the problem of those guys who are fighting on the front line, someone has to replace them, someone has to help them, and now, over time... they are left alone, which is completely wrong. volodymyr zelenskyy will give a big press conference, it is scheduled for december 19, i.e. tomorrow, tuesday. one journalist and photo correspondent from each publication will be invited. it will start at 4 p.m., although the venue is not disclosed for security reasons, it will be announced accredited media immediately before the start of the event. victory, cleansing of power,
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european integration and recovery, these are the plans of the servant of the people for the next year. as the head of the party olena shulyak noted, the russian full-scale war corrected the course of political power for the near future. today, among the main priorities are strengthening the defense sphere, overcoming corruption in power and defeating the enemy. according to her, it was with all these directions in mind that the budget was approved for 20. our president proposed a peace formula, which currently provides for the return of the borders of ukraine within the internationally recognized borders as of the 91st year, and reparations from the russian federation, the creation of a special tribunal, and the punishment of all war criminals, and ukraine must necessarily be independent, have reliable security guarantees , and there must be evil...
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danger in the black sea - the russians' new attack sea drone, which they recently presented under the name dandelion, can pose a threat to civilian ships. this was stated by the spokeswoman of the southern defense forces nataliya humenyuk. according to her, such a scenario is quite likely, because muscovites have repeatedly stated that if shipping with ukrainian ports continues, they will be perceived as legitimate military targets. latvia is expanding the training program of the ukrainian military, the ministry of defense of ukraine reported, after the meeting of the ministers of the two countries, rustem umyerov and andrias spruds. according to the data of the general staff from july last year, the latvians helped train about 350 of our defenders in several directions. this year, the volume of training increased more than at four and by the end of the year, latvia will teach even more. military forces of the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time, next
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year, the ukrainian side is counting on the training of almost hundreds of department commanders and 360 combat medics by latvian instructors. restored after the russian attacks. energy workers completed the overhaul of a unit at one of the thermal power plants. this was reported to dtek. the power plant was damaged by shelling last year. this added power to ukrainian energy. protests will resume and demands will be expanded. polish carriers today from 3 p.m block again. checkpoint yagodin dorogusk. local farmers also intend to join them. this is reported by the polish media. the strikers also put forward new demands, in particular, the cessation of sugar imports from ukraine. according to the leader of the protesters, the protests can last until march 8. currently
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, 2,000 trucks are standing in line at the border. after the restoration of the blockade, this figure may double. a furniture factory that manufactures cigarettes in vynohradov , transcarpathia, law enforcement officers discovered a workshop for the production of counterfeit goods, this is reported state border service. the counterfeit product was produced in a premises that was registered as a furniture workshop. during the search, machines for processing defective cigarettes and 3.5 tons of tobacco were found there. the illegal enterprise was closed, the investigation is ongoing. the 8th all-ukrainian wrestling tournament was held in ivano-frankivsk in memory of the commander of the ukrainian volunteer corps right sector hryhoriy semanyshyn. about 200 children from different
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cities of ukraine gathered for the competition. more in the material of my colleagues. the purpose of such sports tournaments is to honor the memory of soldiers who at various times defended the borders of the country and continue to do so until now, as well as to support the families of fallen heroes and popularize sports among young people. these competitions are organized every year for children who live this sport, like the deceased hryhoriy semenyshyn from frankivets, a wrestling master. the tournament is held in order for the children of the village to compete, gain experience, plus a patriotic exit. the younger generation. real sports battles are held in the hall for two days. boys in different clothes in age and weight categories, the first place is chosen. the geography of the participants is wide, say the organizers. these are chernivtsi, lviv, ternopil, khmelnytskyi and
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ivano-frankivsk regions. in 2014-15, when we had our first victims, the boys who fought in this hall were 14-15 years old. today, many of them are already at... the front , and i hope that among them, as an example of their heroic struggle, which is taking place now, there are also those heroes for whom they fought here when they were still children or teenagers. the tournament is dedicated to the defender grigory semenshino. on january 18, 2016, a 42-year-old man blew himself up on a stretcher in the donetsk region. he was a soldier of the volunteer ukrainian corps, fought as part of the right sector, passed through ilovaisk. donetsk airport, debaltseve, opitene and pisky. from prykarpattia for espresso tv channel. a separate intelligence brigade of the black forest needs repair of special vehicles. a faulty car at the front can cost health, or even life. when performing combat tasks, the transport
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has an important function, but it quickly breaks down and needs timely repair. people they hold, but the technique does not withstand. we ask you to join the collection of 100 thousand hryvnias. in order to return the special vehicles to working condition and continue the work of adjusting the artillery fire. together with you, we have already collected over uah 2,000. you can pay using the details you see on the screen. that's it, i'll see you at 3:00 p.m. you can read more about important things on our website esreso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks. my colleagues work for you around the clock. see you later on the air marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi.
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unbreakable and steel. they managed to master their own fear, rally and decide. the right decisions not only for your family, but also for the country as a whole. the stalevi forum was held in kyiv, during which leading ukrainian women shared their own knowledge of leadership skills. also within the framework. at the event, the organizers presented a book to staleva about the strength and courage of ukrainian women, it became a kind of continuation of the first printed edition of unbreakable, the war can last for more than one year, and this is already the passion that was on he no longer has a beginning, we need a different, different emotions, a different energy, and that is why the name steel arose, it is about constancy and stability, that despite what is happening in ukraine, i do not care... how much will be as the war continues, for the challenges that lie ahead, we
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must be stable and develop our charities with a strategy. among the participants of the women's leadership forum were representatives of the public sector of ukrainian and international businesses. in particular, the experience of implementing approaches to female leadership was shared by the director of personnel management of ferexpo mining and metallurgical company in ukraine. financial indicators also grow by 10%. if we are diverse, then we manage
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risks better, our talents and potential are revealed more, and business grows more. in 2022, the ferrekpo company launched the all-ukrainian, thanks to which 50 women from various sectors of the economy and civil service had the opportunity to gain knowledge. we interviewed about 400 women, what kind of support, support they currently need, and that's when we created a project that will help these women, women changemakers, women who want to improve life in their communities and play a more... significant role in lawmaking, in social projects, that's how we started the progress project. the participants
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of the leadership forum came to the conclusion that for gender equality in the field of business, it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach, namely to conduct training for managers, strengthen an inclusive culture and support the initiatives of women with leadership qualities. information day of the tv channel in rozpala 14:13 a minute, well, the key story unfolds on the big front of the russian-ukrainian war, although the news comes from different offices, in particular, in the office of the head of the commissar zaluzhnyi , a servant was found, so the news is quite disturbing, about this and about other things oleksiy. military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy. glory to the heroes,
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good day. well, the powerful activation of the enemy, bakhmut, avdiivka is not only there. we understand that we will talk a little later, maybe about intra-ukrainian schedules, your vision of what is happening, but the situation at the front intensified , taking into account the fact that it was already hellish in some areas. you have a word. well, of course, we are for... we see an offensive along the entire front line from kupinsk to ugledar, that is, we call it the eastern front, so what can we comment here, if we obviously see offensive actions along the entire front line, how russian is it it will be enough to attack along such a wide line, well, i want to believe for a little while longer, there are no such forces and means, but the main directions are of course kupyansk, this is an attempt to reach kupyansk is a nodal one, it is... well, they are attacking bakhmut near klychiivka, they are attacking further
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south, avdiyivka, marinka, well, powerful offensive actions, the situation here is not very good, we are still holding the defense , no significant advance is observed anywhere, well, whether or not we managed to build a fortification along this line... of the rocks that our political leadership spoke about is still unknown, we hope that at least somewhere or other we did it, but why in such a way wide line, well, most likely, the enemy is trying to stretch our... troops so that, well, they are not so dense in the entire area, and to find a weak point where they could direct their main, well, not the main, but additional forces, so far something else, except for avdiivka, maryanka and klishchiivka, neukupinska, of course, is difficult to invent, so we have to wait, see what, what will happen
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next, because such a powerful attack. they must be supported by significant artillery fire, a significantly large number of infantry, heavy equipment, in such weather, heavy equipment cannot move especially, so it is mostly still air strikes and infantry strikes of the russians, but the situation is tense and alarming, and in fact an alarming situation, by the way, about what you actually said, the institute the study of the war at the weekend said that the occupiers have minor... advancements in three directions of the front, we actually talked about this avdiivskyi near bakhmut and in the zaporizhia direction near verbovoi, and in which of the directions do you think they have the strongest potential , where they have accumulated more forces and means, and where they can progress quite quickly. well, there are about 40,000 russian servicemen in avdiivka, crowded together, this is
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a large number, but there is already the fourth wave of offensive actions there, and especially there is no advance there... it is not observed, there are heavy battles, a large grouping in the kupinsky direction, after all, there 130,000 russian soldiers, 200 units of heavy equipment, of which there are a thousand tanks, well, in general , they have about 3,000 tanks on the entire front line, but a third of them are located precisely on kupinsky direction, and there are more than 800 artillery barrels, about 300-350, that is, a powerful group there. and they will move, try to get to the oskil river, as the first, first stage, and then they will try to force it, whether they succeed or not, well, if they even manage to get to the river, then it will be extremely difficult for them to force it, because from the right the bank of the oskil river, the west bank, if you look at the map, there is a mountain range and there are powerful, there are already powerful fortifications on our side, so
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advancing further than the oskil river will be almost impossible, but with... well, let's see, yes, near klishchiivka to the north, between klishchiivka and bakhmut, of course, they wedged in a little there, they want to see us klishchiivka and andriivka out, because they really didn't like the places we occupied there the prevailing heights, well, maybe in order to move towards khromovoy, there is information there, well, they did not capture khromovo, it is a gray area, there is a small distance there, hundreds of meters, but it can be assumed that they want to go to chasivyar, they want to move there. well, to advance the front line further. mr. oleksiy, may i have a question about avdiiv coke chemical plant, here is information from the general director of meinvest, yuriy ryzhankov, he says that due to the destruction caused by the russian occupiers to the avdiiv coke chemical plant, it will be impossible to restore it after the end of the war, and i have
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a question for you here, this is for him understandable from the economic point of view, and to you from the military point of view. to what extent this plant is such a, let's say, fortress, how difficult it will be for the russians to capture this object after all, because we know that our armed forces are trying in every way to keep this object under under his control, but again, as far as this plant is suitable, let's say so, in order to keep the defense there until the last, well , you have to understand that this plant was built back there during the cold war, and they are very powerful there. besides, we know it very well, we know all communications, including underground communications, that is, we can move and appear in places unexpected by the enemy, well, it is being destroyed, but for now it is a powerful fortress in itself, so leave
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it makes no sense to leave it, it is convenient there to keep the defense, it is more difficult for the crows to advance there. but the forces that they use there, this is kokssokhim - it is from the north of avdeivka to the northeast a little, well, it is possible to restore it after such shelling, well, sometimes it happens that it is cheaper and faster to build something new, when significantly destroyed, well, the building there is destroyed, communication is destroyed, well, economically , yes, when we free ours... of course, we will restore it, but i think that it will be a new factory, we hope for our partners, our investors, because this is a product, which sold all over the world, but from the point of view. military , well, while we can be there, as long as we destroy a large number of the enemy, well, now the average daily enemy losses were, well, it has been more than two,
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about two weeks of information, they were 931 people, it is not only near avdiivka, it is all over front line, but just this number increased after the offensive on avdiivka began on october 10, and now average daily losses exceed. average static daily losses, more than 1000 1200 there 1300, consumes enemies, large the number is neutralized precisely in the vdiivsk direction, there, according to modest estimates, somewhere around 13 thousand were destroyed, and according to such more er, well , not so modest, somewhere around 20-25 00, and we understand that it is only killed and wounded, there are still more a large number, so the task of any army, we know that, is to destroy the enemy’s army there... we can do it with small losses, there are about 40 thousand russian troops concentrated there, against several thousand of our troops, that is, the whole army is fighting against several brigades, and leave this city, and
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well, it makes no sense, because the loss of the enemy is much higher than ours, not to mention the large amount of destroyed equipment, therefore avdiivka has already made its military value, worked out, let's say, its military value from the point of view of destruction. so we understand that the enemy has become more active in the zaporizhzhia region, that is the appearance, robotic, yes, they are conducting active offensive actions there, avdiyivka, bakhmuty, not only there, the key story, as you, for example, and your acquaintances, military experts, assess offensive potenci the enemy grouping yes, because they write one thing on paper, the second is in reality, well, they, they try to push us away from the cities, well, they
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are very important for them that we do not go directly to the city of takmak, because the only railway from the russian federation to the crimea, well, through volnovakha, through takmak or to dzhankoy, there is no other railway there, they plan to build along the coast of the sea of ​​azov, well, not yet... it is known that they have built there, maybe they are only planning, so they will push back, as you can continue to try to move our troops away from this city, from this railway, if you look at the map, their fortifications are precisely built, built along, by and large, along this railway, which is one of the two important logistical arteries for crimea and for this group the dnieper, as they called it, that is, on the left bank near, on the left bank of the dnieper near... near kherson, so there, there, there will be serious hostilities, and serious forces will be used to push us away from this city, which
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the people who are there tell us, well, they started using drones there very actively, they put these drones, lancets, it's a short range, but there are already three night vision devices, thermal devices that see, well, react to heat, and this complicates things a little combat operations in that place, because they began to see at night as well, and as people tell me, guys, that the girls are still there, that it is even difficult to light a small gas bottle of vodka, because it can fly right away, they see them, that is, it is all warm , even to make coffee, simply speaking , to heat tea there or to heat some food, even on an ordinary small gas burner of a dugout not on the street, the heat is enough for the russian bepila to see it, not to mention other means of obigers, so there in.. . there are heavy battles, but there is no significant enemy advance, most likely he will not be able to advance, because we are also entrenched there, but
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you know, along the entire front line there are also very heavy battles, and you know this, there is very it is worrying if the russians are still there a certain time to attack like this, i don’t know, mr. oleksiy, we have literally one more minute with you, but i would like to hear your opinion, german... bilt wrote that russia wants to continue the war until the 26th year and seize kharkiv, dnipro and zaporizhzhia. briefly, do you think he has a chance for such a scenario? well, in theory, you can skip anything, but the pain is still a scoreboard, and this is such a yellow press, so trust the information they transmit, well, it’s not worth it, it’s not that they give false information, they, well, how any scoreboard, they present it in such a way that it is interesting to read, to attract. the attention of people who watch, listen to, and read this publication, is it possible for the russians, well, they didn't manage to do it on a full scale at the beginning, when our armed
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forces were worse. in the e plan there was not so much e artillery, shells, equipment that our partners sell to us, there were not so many means of air defense, and nevertheless we stopped the enemy, even forced him to retreat, i think, despite the fact that he, despite on what he added there to half a million people, we are better armed and we already have a lot of experience in combat operations, i think that he will not be able to make significant advances, although you can assume anything, and any publication has the right to say so, well, this is an assumption, they no... they miss it, let them miss it, thank you, oleksiy hetman, military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, was in touch with us, now we have a short break, wait a few minutes, we will contact serhiy bratchuk and we will discuss in detail talk about the situation in the south, so be with espresso. oh, i went for a walk, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo. i save reo. you
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the unpredictable spring. you will always have. warm, comfortable and dry, universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call can't find your hat style, or so you think. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we oppose. information attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga len. monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters. presenters, who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project. week and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, serhiy bratchuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army, south, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. glory to the heroes, congratulations, colleagues, glory to the armed forces.


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