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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. which exactly. the news will analyze the guests of the project this week, and we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. the information day of the espresso tv channel continues. well, serhiy bratchuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army, south, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. glory to the heroes, congratulations to colleagues, glory to the armed forces. what, i
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would immediately like to ask about the situation on the left bank of the dnieper, kherson region, yes, the fighters are fighting extremely difficult battles, we understand how powerfully the enemy is working against them with aviation, yes, explosives air bombs, guided air bombs, well, in general , everything that is called a difficult situation on a single direction of the front, share some details, maybe, but this is despite the fact that the enemy can not do anything ... already two months after it was announced , that our guys are on the left bank, receive bridgeheads, respectively , and all the maximum efforts of the russian occupiers, which they are making today to at least increase the gray zone, respectively, or give on our flanks there to reduce the bridgeheads to nothing did not lead, the only thing, to what does it all lead to and thanks to the efforts of our marines first of all, as well as representatives and... units
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of the defense forces, we are talking about special operations forces, of course about the gur, we are talking about the appropriate ground defense fighters, we are talking about the security service, yes it is possible to do what is both possible and impossible, i apologize for the tautology, today the maximum damage to enemy equipment is on the left bank, the maximum damage to personnel, and in terms of equipment in general the situation is such that it is flat, or rather what... is around those bridgeheads, this is such a graveyard of russian equipment, the maximum, and our air reconnaissance operates, accordingly, very efficiently and artillery is connected, so that , despite the fact that, of course, we pay a high price for these bridgeheads, it is the life and health of our brothers, but they are performing and have already performed the maximum task, which i am sure no army in the world could strengthen, they chained a group of several thousand near them. troops,
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the dnipro troop group, commanded by general teplinsky, and we see that no use of the division, which was created precisely under the so-called the svo, the 104th russian airborne assault division, nor the 810th brigade of the separate marines of the city of sevastopol, and of course the so-called territorial defense brigades, the motorized rifle divisions of the enemy cannot do anything, the defeat by ours with this technique is maximum. even now it is difficult to calculate the ratio, but believe me, it is simply several times before our equipment, well, because, first of all, and our equipment, to be honest, i do not think that this is a military secret, there is actually not a lot of it, because you have to cross under fire, the fire is very serious from the side of the enemy, you have already mentioned, the use of these weapons, first of all aviation, artillery, and to cross, is already a feat, even more so to get these there.
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about crossings, mr. serhiy, in general , what is the situation with the coastal line, and not only with it, we understand that the bridgeheads must be maintained, and sometimes there are such rather disturbing articles in some foreign media, i will not to quote them now, but we understand that the development of certain offensive actions also involves ensuring absolutely true, well, if we, in turn , cut the logistical routes for the enemy, we are talking about what is located... in particular , on the poleshka-nova kakhovka road section, the enemy tried to use this route as much as possible to ensure their logistics, to ensure their combat operations, but it was possible to cut in several places and inflict fire damage. of course, the crossings, i have already said that the reinforcement of our group is taking place under very heavy fire, under the fire damage of the enemy, but first of all thinking about... evacuating people, that's absolutely
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true, it's too difficult to do, i'm talking about, unfortunately, the dead of our defenders and the wounded, as well as the provision of adequate ammunition. er, with weapons and so on and so on, the situation is very difficult, i will not go into details now, because i have absolutely no right to this, neither moral, by the way, nor informational, but the situation is really difficult, it is possible to ship accordingly not everything that was wanted, that is also clear, but the fact that the plasterboards hold, shows that there is a certain logistics, of course it exists, the enemy is really trying and... to throw in a lot of informational, let's say, messages, well, look, it even got to the point that the bunker child declares it, that is, it hurts the enemy, it annoys, and they say that even there crossings are being prepared, that the enemy will go on the offensive on the right bank, this information was accordingly from the so-called
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warlords, they do not have such a capability today, they do not have the capability to knock our guys out of this bridgehead today, i hope she and... will appear, moreover, the losses that are there, the enemy, they are the maximum today, moreover, the morale, well, let's talk about the morale of the enemy, it is difficult for us, of course, all they understand that it is difficult, but the enemy has even reached the point where they shoot their wounded, there are such video materials, i think that it is possible that they will appear, and it will be possible to cross, so these video materials, when the enemy shoots their wounded, they they are not saved, it's hell for them, it's hell for us, it's a double hell for them, that's why the situation is very difficult, as far as western publications are concerned, i will not do advertising either, ah, if these journalists, or those who write these materials, were located on the left bank and conducted
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their reports from there, well then we can say respect and we believe you , everything else is the use of certain information manipulations, including, perhaps, i emphasize... perhaps during communication with those of our brothers who today, due to various reasons, primarily injuries, returned from the left bank to the right, is in treatment, maybe even someone of them talked to these journalists, so it is clear how people after hell and what they can and how to say, but it takes two months to present on the left bank it is incredible. mr. serhiy, actually about the fact that the people who are currently at war are exhausting... and today valery zaluzhnyi told us something about the general situation surrounding the mobilization, and actually he also commented on the fact that the regional heads of the tsk were replaced, and in odesa, this was the first, probably such a scandalous case, when the head of the tsk borysov was replaced, who
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became rich in his position, but valery zaluzhnyi does not agree with the fact that it was necessary to replace all regional tsc officers, so to speak, and accordingly. because they did their job well, which i'm leading to, to the fact that he thinks we need to go back to the kind of stable mobilization that was under them, and actually what do you think about it, what do you think , was it right to take away all the regional heads of the tsc, because there were such unpleasant incidents, and actually, how do you feel about what valery zaluzhnyi says about this? well, first of all, i'm not i heard him say exactly what was taken away. all the regional military , well, to put it in the old fashioned way, the chiefs of the tsk, and what happened, what happened, that the matter of mobilization should be dealt with, accordingly, those people who understand this, it is clear, there are not even any questions about it, and there is no doubt about it.
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it seems to me that the head was talking about exactly this, about the fact that professionals should be engaged in their work in various areas of the front, well , actually, i should definitely be engaged in mobilization... that, that i can't, but i'm not experienced in these matters, and it would be, well, bad, if they appointed me to such a position, i have to pass everything through myself, so he knows what he's talking about, he says that mobilization should be accordingly to the law , the mobilization must be actively carried out, because here we will ask questions and we will also ask the society, including that, excuse the word relaxation, such that, well, you just wonder how it can... happen where it has not been refined, there, of course, it is necessary, as they say, tighten the nuts , including where there is a great experience, let's go to apply this excellent experience to other regions, or in other regions, other regions of ukraine, so i hope that the question
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of mobilization will still improve in us, because there really must be a replacement, in russia we understand that people are not spared there, in there is a lot of this shit, we have people, they need to be changed in positions, they need to go to the army, such and such an attitude, look, mr. serhiy, the zaporizhia region is being recruited robotically in the direction that is currently taking place in... the situation too not difficult, you know, and without me, they are trying to attack in order to split this ridge, they are trying to eliminate it, this is true, they are also attacking this bridgehead with recruits and robots, there are certain advances, by the way, they also use the airborne forces, russian, there are certain advances of a tactical nature, but the situation is changing dynamically, it is not so critical today that you can shout there
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that everything is hiding, but the enemy has certain successes. on the other hand, again, we have defensive positions there, which are very well supported by troops, and actually the enemy is given a very a powerful answer, i hope that the plans that the enemy has today, he will not be able to implement, in general, there is a certain trend, in my opinion, in many directions, it can be seen that the enemy is trying to act the way he acted at the time works under bakhmut, maryinka, or under avdiivka, i.e. flank strikes. well, actually, the rabotinsky bridgehead, we have already said with you that the efforts to destroy this salient, move it aside and level it in general this line of battle along the entire length of the front. thank you serhiy brachuk, ukrainian spokesman of the volunteer army south was in touch with us. we thank him for the inclusion, and now we will take a short break, a few minutes and return to the discussion, the informational
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marathon on ether espresso continues, so stay with us. turn on well, it's when everything is as you want. click, and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the world of cinema is around, then: switch on the good, oh, what is needed! megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. balance on valerian bulogarska 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. there has been an accident, nina galamask, your mother. are there other relatives? but looks like you have a grandfather. welcome to the carpathians. wash off there is a vat behind the house, and the toilet is downstairs, where is it,
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and if there are no cigarettes, what will you smoke? he says: well, if there are no cigarettes, then the rural council will smoke, how much time do you need, you need 10 days, where. that's what you have to do, i didn't come here to look at old farts gathering pine cones in the forest, what will be your vacation romance, vacation, vacation, romances, please pray to god, please have a drink. and fly to your sunny italy tomorrow, mykola,
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don't spill blood on the wedding night, no need, run there, here you will come, let's go, where, there, come on, chris. see this week in the collaborators program.
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propaganda dealers in the occupied territories. of ukraine. but how did the former ukrainian photo artist become a fan of wagner? on tuesday, december 19, watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. when we come to go to bed, i'm scared, and i'm not sleeping, i need your attention, do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. get in touch by phone 0800 210 106. information day of the tv channel. the current situation on the polish-ukrainian border remains difficult, but we have certain hopes for
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the new polish government and the new prime minister of poland, donald tusk. about this and other things. lukash adamskyi , doctor of history and political analyst , deputy director of the juliusz miroshevsky dialogue center, poland, glory to ukraine, mr. editor, congratulations, forever glory, mr. editor, well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the prospects of unblocking the border, yes, that's why that voices from the new government are beginning to join the old problems, saying that it would be nice to somehow block the supply of ukrainian agricultural products. and so on, do you feel the atmosphere in the current new political structure of warsaw, what will happen now? well, i would like to be an optimist, but i would like to note that the holiday in poland is approaching, and i am afraid that not only in poland, but also not only in poland, in ukraine for the first time,
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indeed the whole country will start celebrating on december 24, but this means that the government...
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bear the biggest losses from that, and uh, a other farmers or other sugar producers there, from other other countries will sleep peacefully. mr. lukasz, what is the position of the new head of the polish government, donald tusk, on all this, because we know that he has already made statements before and seems to have figured out how to solve this problem, do
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you know how exactly the new head of the polish government plans to develop have a problem with blocking the border?
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in addition to the government, there is also the issue of counterintelligence, so to speak, approach, there are certain suspicions that the part of people
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behind the blocking is not about ordinary people protest participants, yes, well, but maybe some of the organizers, that they have ties to various representations of the russian federation, yes, well, and accordingly, do you think, will they find the strength to use what are called counterintelligence bodies, well, i can ... ukraine market, in the eu i do not find compensations that suffer the most from this, but in
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poland they usually believe that additional ones are not needed.
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are trying to fight the russian federation, and we are currently living in very difficult conditions, in fact, this is how we understand that our carriers create competition to some extent, quite high competition for polish carriers, but if we speak, well , let's say in general, we are now in a very difficult situation, and the fact that europe has allowed us this transport obscurity is for us, like a riting circle, just a matter of banality survival, and if we are talking about the actual fact that the poles will... continue this protest action, and the farmers will join the polish transporters, and already today they renewed the blockade of one of the main crossing points, doesn't that mean,
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that maybe the poles are slightly underestimating the threat that is now on the part of the russian federation, because we understand that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the poles supported us very much and understood that poland could be next, which is now generally a trend among the poles, regarding are they evaluated? not really adequately and seriously the threat that may be waiting for them later after ukraine, for example, will not be able to oppose the russian federation? ugh, you are right, i agree with you that this life is an important matter for ukraine, and the poles are not overestimate the threat coming from the russian federation, after all, not only the poles, but this is the problem that ukrainian society has been living on for two years now...
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but you understand the point, they may not be preparing for war if they help us now to defeat this enemy, they will not think about digging trenches in a few years on their territory, if now they perceive a very serious threat , yes, but you know, i agree with you, as a citizen, as an expert, as a friend of ukraine, but i understand that it is, you know, in
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democratic country... and then such, i would say, normal political processes arise that someone says that poland supports ukraine without demanding anything in return, someone says that ukraine is definitely not in such a terrible situation, because corruption has returned to borders and so on and so on, and the whole problem is faced not only by poland, but the whole, i would say, the western world, which helps ukraine to
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convince society that the threat is real. but he cannot promise any miracles either, if i understand that they will begin in a few days holidays dear sir, editor , we literally have a minute left, will the european union be able to put pressure on viktor orban at the appropriate level now, so that he stops spoiling everything he can spoil, in particular, it is about money, about the macro-finance for ukraine , here i am more optimistic, i believe that, yes, that this money
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will be. was discussed, and i think that if it is not possible to convince orbán by january, then that option will be applied. thank you, lukash adamskyi, doctor of history and political sciences, political analyst, vice -director of the juliusz mieroshevsky dialogue center from poland was in touch with us, and now it's time to release the news, the news editorial team has prepared relevant information for you, we're giving the floor to anya eva melnyk, who is about to
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ready to share with you. the most important thing, so anna, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is still working, stay with us, we will tell you about the most important things. a historic moment, so commented the minister of defense of germany. boris pistorius signing plan for the permanent placement of the bundesfer brigade in lithuania. the deployment schedule of the brigade to the eastern flank of nato directly on the border with russia was signed jointly with the lithuanian minister of defense arvidos anushavskis. according to the plan, german troops will arrive in lithuania permanently starting from 2024. the core of the german brigade will consist of five battalions,
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including a tank battalion. and artillery.


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