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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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the position will evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, the minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorovo announced this on his page in the social network. each of the cars can accommodate up to 13 people, the equipment was purchased with the funds of the united 24 global initiative. and the deputy secretary of state of the united states of america arrived in kyiv for a visit in the affairs of europe and eurasia, james o'brien, us ambassador to ukraine bridget brink announced on social media. she emphasized. that this visit once again confirms washington's unwavering support for ukraine. danger in the black sea - the new russian attack marine drone, which they recently presented under the name advanchik, can pose a threat to civilian vessels, said the spokeswoman for the southern defense forces nataliya khomenyuk. according to her, such a scenario is quite likely, because muscovites have repeatedly stated that if shipping with ukrainian ports continues, they will be perceived as legal. military purposes. the district court
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of helsinki decided to arrest neo-nazi jan petrovskyi on suspicion of a war crime. he writes about it someone's telegram channel. earlier it became known that finland will not extradite the head of the neo-nazi group rusych to ukraine, because the supreme court of the country believes that petrovska's rights may be violated in a ukrainian prison. let me remind you that vatashka of the russian neo-nazi group was detained around the middle of july this year. he planned to fly. to france, but he was stopped by border guards. well, it was this petrovsky who directly participated in the killing and torture of ukrainian soldiers during the anti-terrorist operation in 2014. the court transferred the property of the scandalous head of the assembly center of the rivne region to the ownership of the state. its value, that is, the property is estimated at uah 58 million, the state bureau of investigation said. we are talking about several plots of land. with estates in the ski
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resorts of prykarpattia, as well as seven houses with a total area of ​​almost 5 m2. in addition , two trucks were seized from the suspect . the sbi recalled that the investigation into the official began back in july due to the beating of a subordinate soldier who threatened expose his criminal activities. later, in october, another suspicion of illegal enrichment was reported to the manager. head of rivne. of the regional tcc and sp is in custody without the possibility of making bail. each time after the extension of the preventive measure. the suspect's lawyer is trying to appeal the court's decision. the military commissar may face up to 12 years in prison. in three schools of the poltava region , polish is studied as a second foreign language. our correspondent anna morozova visited one of these schools and saw what was going on lesson.
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bend their hands and answer questions. i learn it easily enough, i have not been studying it for a long time, i have been here in this school since march, i will like polish better, it is somewhat easier. ilya and his classmates have been studying polish as a second foreign language for two years. he teaches lessons on his own, because his parents themselves are not familiar with this language. i can't write, i can. tetyana
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mykhailivna conducts lessons twice a week, almost all classes are held in a foreign language. for fifth-grade students, textbooks are electronic, and for sixth-graders, they are paper ones. yehor completed the last test with 12 points, he says he likes this language because it is similar to ukrainian. sometimes it's difficult, sometimes there are easy topics, ugh, and which topics did you like, for example, what did you remember well, well , i remembered vegetables, good, well, it's from the fifth grade, i still remember , and bohdan already has a goal to go to poland, i want to go to my friend in poland to talk to her, she helps, well no, she can correct me when i'm wrong there. tatyana mykhailovna has been teaching
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polish at this school for two years, she believes that the children have good success, any foreign language, polish, is very relevant. the language is considered more understandable , and therefore more people respond to it, it seems, and the students perceive it with great interest, but the language requires knowledge of grammar, and therefore, when we get closer to grammar, well, there are certain difficulties, and to find a teacher of an atypical foreign language now it is difficult, many of the specialists went abroad at the beginning of a full-scale war, and the parents have a request, i say... the deputy director, a survey of parents among students was conducted fourth graders, they were given the right to choose, and their parents themselves offered to learn the polish language. in addition to lessons for the fifth and sixth grades , the school introduces polish courses for parents,
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teachers and graduates who will enter foreign universities. in general, the polish language is studied in three schools in poltava. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for the tv channel. thank you very much for this material, and i will announce the information, remember, it was said about the strike on the morozovsk airfield in russia, rashikanals write about what happened on the 17 drones, seven were shot down, 10 reached their goal, and two enemy su-34s are beyond repair, another 10 enemy aircraft were damaged to varying degrees, this is such positive information for us, well, now we will find out from yuri fizer whether it is positive or not negative information from abroad, yuriy, good evening, please have a good one. to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, in particular, today i will tell you about this, well, you will think positive or negative later, so in the german ministry of defense they say that europe should prepare for a confrontation with russia, china wants to cooperate more closely with
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russia, and a real cardinal was put behind bars in the vatican, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. well , let me start with this: hungary may be deprived of the right to vote during the adoption of important decisions at meetings of the european union. this was reported by financial times journalists with reference to their own sources. according to the published information, the leaders of the eu member states were angered by the position of the prime minister. viktor orban during adoption of important decisions for ukraine and the european union, in particular regarding the allocation of financial assistance. sources of the publication reported that in the case of further similar actions, the head of the hungarian government, the official brussels can resume the punishment of the so-called
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procedure, according to the seventh article for violation of the rule of law, and this, in turn, can automatically lead to the deprivation of hungary's vote. well, he has such an impression that he rushed his latest, and in the end not the last, but actions during at least the last year, actions that are very were often connected specifically with ukraine, i stumbled upon the fact that such a thing could be applied. last week, he was asked to leave when they voted for the decision regarding ukraine, regarding the opening of negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union, now here is such information, and if the financial time times writes with reference to the authorities. the sources, the sources, i suspect, are worth their credit, and it is also very interesting that in many governments of the countries of the european union, somehow, they are a little skeptical about the fact that deprive orbán, this is also what the financial times writes to deprive the orbáns of their right to vote,
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but apparently the last actions have already convinced them, and then a quote from one source of the publication, maybe hungary will create. bigger problems, maybe hungary will force us to use other means, but in the end hungary will not be able to prevent us from giving money to ukraine, and this is very important, and even from the last one before the broadcast, i read that the president of the european council, charles michel, announced that the next summit of the european union of heads of state of the members of the european union, which in particular will decide on the provision of macro-financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion dollars will take place on february 1, well, let's see how orban will behave and what they will say in brussels in response. let's go further. if we do not respond properly to the aggressive
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russian war in ukraine, which is going on near us, then it can lead to irreparable consequences. about this during a speech at the lithuanian-german conference. lithuania and germany europe 2023, the minister said today of foreign affairs of lithuania gabrielius lansbergis. according to him, now everyone has faced what he called it. quote: a new reality, namely war and unpredictability. and that's why, says the minister, no one can just sit and not react to what is happening now. according to him, you can't pretend that it's all happening on the other side of some virtual screen that can be turned off at any moment, and mr. lansbergis added, well, let's listen to him directly. if... it was not painful for our countries, but the times are returning when in borders are appearing again in europe. fortunately,
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it's not the berlin wall this time. however, what we are seeing now in ukraine may determine which city will have to give this wall a new name in the event of a disaster. well, to be honest with you, it seems to me that before the full-scale invasion began, and for several months after it, perhaps more people in europe were actually living on the other side of some virtual one. screen and what is happening in our country, they either did not pay much attention to it, or really, as mr. lansbergis, thought that this screen could be turned off at any moment, and not only ordinary europeans, but as we know, the leaders of many european countries, which have changed a lot now, but still, as the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania says, and still in to the great regret of europe, there are still those who live somewhere in this looking glass and think that russia can be stopped at the negotiating table or by some other means, and this is
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ultimately very alarming. but a new political wind is blowing in the netherlands - this was a quote, and it is not always, and it cannot but worry, especially if we are talking about continued support for ukraine. such a statement was made by the minister of defense of the netherlands, kaisa olongren. according to her, there has not been such danger and uncertainty in the world since the cold war, but russia has changed everything, and therefore, says the minister, in this situation , one cannot bury one's head in the sand, as geert wilders, the leader of the far-right freedom party in in the netherlands, who will eventually become the country's new prime minister, and has already said that he will stop providing aid to ukraine. on ms. olongren's opinion, followed by her quote: for the defense of ukraine, it is necessary to allocate money, and it will affect the security of the netherlands in the future. i like the kind of thoughts
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that come from the mouths of ministers, in particular the minister of defense, that is , she tells her citizens that geert wilders offers you a good, good life there, he says: let 's not send our taxes to ukraine, because ukraine is far from us, and she must deal with russia herself, come to an agreement or surrender. we will think better of ourselves, but mrs. olongren says that no, no, not like russia, it is impossible to come to an agreement with her, if we do not stop her now in ukraine and help the ukrainian armed forces to do it, then who knows whether the dutch will live well in the netherlands, so let them think. russia has greatly increased the production of weapons and ammunition to continue its aggressive war in ukraine, and not only that, and therefore the west had to... be ready for a confrontation with moscow at any
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moment and for various scenarios, said german defense minister boris pistorius said in an interview with welt amzontak. with the head of the german ministry of defense emphasized that europe will have five to eight years for support and preparation, because during this time, he says, russia can strengthen its military potential. and the united states... and the americans can switch more to the asia-pacific region during this time, however, why exactly he allocates 5-8 years for preparation, minister pistorius did not specify, but if he says so, then he has some data , information, maybe even intelligence information, and it's interesting that today borys pitstorius met with his colleague the minister of defense of lithuania in arvidasomushauskas. in lithuania, and there they talked about the deepening of military cooperation
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between the two countries, in particular about the deployment of the bundeswehr brigade, that is, the german army, in lithuania on a permanent basis, and in the second half of 2024 they plan to sign an additional intergovernmental agreement regarding this, the deployment and gradually of units of the german armed forces in... will begin at the beginning of next year, but the brigade will be fully deployed by 2027 year, and it is planned that... about 4,800 servicemen and about 200,200 people of service potential will serve in it. perhaps this is one of the elements of europe's preparation for the possible confrontation with russia that we are talking about. well, who knows him, but it is good that
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they are thinking, it is good that they are preparing, because you can hear the one who watched. or who has seen clippings from his speech during a direct line with the people, well, he understands that putin is most likely not going to, well, here the europeans finally remembered the famous catchphrase in of the times of the roman empire by sivi spats parabel , whoever wants peace, let him prepare for war, well , in fact, it should be done, and by the way, this idea about creating a possible united army of the european union in the future, it would be very cool, well... i i don't know, i'm with you here, vasyl , i don't agree, why create another structure if you have nato, well, nato in europe is the european troops, then why create something new, well, at least that's what you're talking about , say, said and continue to say repeatedly, but this the troops of individual countries, which are simply united by the nato agreement, but this is not a single army, here it is a correlation, all this is different, until they gather,
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until they gather, until they gather, who goes where, so let them do what they will the best option, which is why they are strengthening their national armies. for example, poland wants to strengthen, but it is strengthening its army, the baltic countries want to strengthen , they are strengthening, but at the same time nato allies also come to their aid, it seems to me, vasyl, that this is why it is wrong to think about some european army, precisely ago it is important to be a member of nato, this is my opinion. let's go further: china hopes to further strengthen its cooperation with russia, this was announced on the eve of the visit of the terrorist country's prime minister mishustin to china, said the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of china wang wenbing, according to him, beijing is primarily interested to deepen partnership and strategic interaction with moscow. this will be - said mr. rechnyk, and there will be a discussion of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. moreover, wang wenbin emphasized that during
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under the strategic leadership of xi jinping and putin. on sino-russian relations support healthy and stable development, well, what exactly he meant by strategic partnership was not specified, well, it is meant, what exactly will be discussed, was not specified. well, let's wait until mishustin is in the celestial empire, and then we will draw a conclusion on what they agreed to. let's go further: the war in ukraine and the middle east could not have happened if it were not for the actions of the current administration, the white house and the president of the united states personally states of america, joe biden. the 45th president of the united states, donald trump, wrote about this in his own social network trump social. what is happening in these regions, he called a horror that has gone out of control, and if it is not stopped, says the ex-owner of the white
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house, who wants to settle in it for another four years, then a disaster can happen. here is a short quote from donald trump: this could lead to disaster if not dealt with forcefully and precisely, the same with russia, ukraine, and maybe even more measure this word really caught my ears , this word with force and precision, what he meant by force and precision, this is a person who always said not to talk about force in order to resolve, for example, to stop the russian war of aggression in ukraine , on the contrary, he spoke about the fact that it is necessary to sit down, convince, sit down at the negotiating table so that putin and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky come to an agreement in a certain way, now he is going to do it with force and precision, well, he has long-range missiles for this, and strong and accurate, well, he never did not say that he would use these long-range missiles against russia, that's
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what the matter is, that's what the question is, maybe he himself will give an answer to this question one day. listen, we can expect everything from trump, but kemchanyn continues to warn the world. this is how you can comment on the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from one of the north korean test sites. it flew towards japan, flew about a thousand kilometers and fell into the sea. in the committee of chiefs of staff of the southern armed forces korea, suggest that it could be a solid-pavlon missile hwasong vi'. 17 and launched it as a protest against the plans of the united states and the republic of korea, that is south korea, to include practicing the operation with yarder weapons in their joint exercises, well... this is the fifth launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile by north korea since the beginning of the year. and god forbid
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that a real cardinal will sit in the vatican for 5.5 years for financial crimes. it will be angelo betcu. the corresponding decision was made by the court of the papal throne. except in addition, the high-ranking cleric will also have to pay a fine of €800. concerned the acquisition of a building in the center of london at a known inflated price. this purchase was arranged as an investment at the expense of donations. at the same time, the vatican got rid of 200 million dollars. in addition to the cardinal , nine other people, financiers, lawyers and former employees of the vatican, were involved in this case. angelo betchu himself called the charges brought against him completely unfounded and said that he never took a single cent. well then, maybe the court in the vatican is lying, well otherwise i am i don't know how to explain these words, and finally, news from the psychiatric hospital, that is, from
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zaporebrik. in russia, it is proposed to introduce a unified national standard in quotes for patriotic tourism. this proposal was developed by members of the russian state duma committee on tourism and development of tourist infrastructure. in particular, the ministry of education is invited to consider. the possibility of inclusion in educational programs on history, trips of schoolchildren and students, colleges and technical committees, further, quote: territories with the greatest potential in the field of patriotic tourism this idea can be implemented within the framework of the patriotic ring of russia project, and the route will include such cities as belgorod, kursk, aryol, voronezh, karanstat. they have a gold ring, now there will be a patriotic ring of russia. i don't understand russian. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, as my friend oleksandr morshchevka, as always,
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will tell you in detail everything from the world of money. i'll say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. thank you yuri fisero about information from outside ukraine, and now information. from the borders of our country. for independence of thought and elegance of style , a solemn awarding ceremony of the yuriy shevelev prize was held. who became the best ukrainian essayist this year and whose works received special awards? we will find out further in the plot. for 10 years in a row, on the birthday of the linguist, historian of ukrainian literature, essayist yury shevelyov , ukrainian essayists have been honored with a special award named after him. the best of the best is chosen by the chapter to which it belongs includes writers, critics and academics. this year they had a particularly difficult time, because they were chosen from among a record number
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of applicants, 14 authors. the chapter's decision also shows what books are needed today, what books are in demand in ukraine today, and if we are talking about a foreign audience that wants to know about ukraine, and the circumstances in which we live, in which we... fighting for our independence, also determine which books win ukrainian awards today. he received a bronze angel, a traditional statuette writer and culturologist oleksandr mykhed. his work callsign for job, chronicles of the invasion was recognized as the best ukrainian book of essays in 2023. these are beautiful and representative of modern ukrainian literature, those books that were on... the short list, i admire the work of my colleagues, and it is an extraordinary honor, because in previous years, in fact, the works i learned to write
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, they were laureates, similarly, the figure of yuriy shevelyov is extremely important for me, and in general for the history of ukrainian literature and cultures the author started working on the book on the first day of the full-scale invasion, the work lasted 13 months, in it he talked about what he had experienced, as well as about his parents, who... were forced to stay in bucha under occupation. a lot of people in this country recognize themselves in this book, and it was very important for us to choose a book not only for its aesthetic, aesthetic quality, i had many such books, but still a book that resonates with a lot of people . this year, several special awards were given: for a taste for life and speech, with deep gratitude to the hero of the initiative. andrii gudyma, who died on july 4 near bakhmut, and his work 69 spices for the heart were posthumously honored. for
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the virtuoso continuation of the tradition. for mastery and innovation in the essay genre , andriy gumenyuk received a special award from radioculture for the book africa. the purpose of each special award is to emphasize the importance of the essay genre, to emphasize the contribution that a certain person makes to the development and growth of this genre in ukraine. date of modern ukrainian essay writing, so the prize, named in his honor, celebrate the contribution of ukrainian authors to the values ​​inherent in the essay genre. ukrainian authors should be heard in the world, ukrainian authors and women authors, our culture is very strong, very interesting, no less interesting and strong, like all other cultures. shirelyov really cheered for this, and
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i think we are our own prize, it is a prize for essay writing, for such a very non-standard way of thinking, we also try to contribute to this. the yuriy shevelyov prize was founded by the ukrainian pen, kyiv-mohyla business school, spirit and letter publishing house, center judaics and the ukrainian scientific institute of harvard university. since 2013, it has been awarded to the best ukrainian essayists, artists whose words touch the soul. kateryna gal. oscar janson. espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on verdict with serhii rudenko.
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every weekday. from 20 to 22 for espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut.
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we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, and now it's time to talk about money. oleksandr morchyvka is nearby. alexander, i congratulate you on the word. i greet the audience. thank you vasyl. hot news for the next minute, the new package of sanctions, what it includes, as well as international aid to ukraine. money is given, but our state needs reforms, which will be discussed in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. so, the european union approved the 12th package of sanctions against of russia therefore, it provides, in particular, a ban on the import of russian diamonds, and it is forbidden to transfer secret goods and technologies to the aggressor through third countries. the list also includes chemicals, lithium batteries, thermostats, drone engines, machine tools and their parts, eu.
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at the same time, he limited the import of cast iron from russia and approved a gradual reduction in the purchase of liquefied gas. good news, only now it is necessary for these restrictions to be implemented and work. well, it is important that the ukrainian energy sector is being restored after the enemy attacks. detek energo reported that the unit at one of the thermal power plants was fundamentally repaired and overhauled. suffered as a result of shelling last year, this has now added power to the ukrainian energy system. but they renewed the protests and expanded the demands. polish carriers are again blocking the jagodyn dorogusk checkpoint today. local farmers intend to join them - polish mass media and strikers reported.


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