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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EET

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are saved, we have the only way out - to fight, defend ourselves, build our defense capabilities, create our military industry, strengthen diplomacy, in short, become strong and strong from the inside. natalya kolyk, about the challenges facing ukraine next year. russia is exerting pressure not only on the front, in recent months it has strengthened its influence in europe, wants to divert the attention of our partners, and reduce financial and military aid from the war in ukraine. since the last negotiation blockade. the process of ukraine's accession to the eu and a package of 50 bln euro, which was arranged by the president of hungary, viktor orbán, a loyal friend of putin, at the summit in brussels that week, and even though hungary is in both the eu and nato, which supports ukraine in every possible way, orbán does not care, he even harms the interests of his country, just to please the russian the dictator he understands where the lines are, so he walks near them and the little boy plays this primitive politics, well, semi-fascist. barel said, get out the door,
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get out, get out, you don't like it, if you think that it was better in the soviet union, europe, which gives you 20 billion subsidies each, and russia, which gives orban a bribe of 2 billion in his pocket, but where 20 is for everyone, and where 2 is for one, there is a big difference, and even though the european council has now cunningly voted for the historic decision to start the negotiation process for ukraine, orban can and will continue to block it. according to my calculations, orbán has more than 80 minimum. only in the eu official cases will continue to put sticks in our wheels, he will 100% do it, he is being blackmailed by the kremlin, blackmailed with preferential prices for both gas and oil. orbán's statements and actions not only shake up the situation in the eu, but also his associates are also conducting an anti-ukrainian campaign in the usa, they convinced the republicans not to vote for aid to ukraine. in addition to hungary, the russians firmly established. in slovakia, where
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the pro-russian robert fitso took the prime minister's chair in october of this year. they work in the most primitive, aladian way, they just come in, buy off the local corrupt elites and that's all, well, they just don't need to do anything else, and those elites then work for them. many countries are really afraid of ukraine joining the european union, because it is competition, in trade, in logistics, with funding from the european commission, every country went through this before joining. the trouble is that now pro-russian parties, or just populist politicians, have begun to speculate on this topic, a new surge in the popularity of right-wing populists, let's take the netherlands, for example, where just such a populist eurosceptic party won, they left on such elementary things, that's a crisis there with housing, for example, in the netherlands, and they say, let us first provide housing for every young family. we will provide there and then
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already ukraine, or the story of the blockade of the ukrainian-polish border, from where the hands of the kremlin are sticking out, the organizer of the blockade , the pro-russian party confederation , under the guise of competition in the transport market, actually blocked all our export routes to the eu for a month, and still continues to block checkpoints, this is a knife behind the back of a strategic partner, because ukraine loses hundreds of millions due to the blockade. now transport. will have to be decided by the new prime minister, a friend of ukraine, donald tusk, who has already confirmed: poland remains our reliable partner. the task of poland, the new government and all of us is to loudly and firmly demand from the western community the determination to help ukraine. i will do this from day one. but kyiv and warsaw need to solve a number of problems, in addition to transportation, to resolve the grain dispute and the ban on the import of our wheat, which took place this summer. and here it is important to clean up. emotions,
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because they prevent finding mutually beneficial solutions, tusk has excellent relations with brussels, after all, he emphasized it even in his own exposé that poland is coming back home, poland will return its influence to the capital of the united europe. on the one hand, it will benefit ukraine, because the european commission is interested in the integration of ukraine much more than individual member states. and on the other hand, both tusk and his team are very skillful european politicians. therefore , it is difficult for ukrainians to expect not only a firmer line, but actually a more reasoned one. we should not look for treason in our relations with the united states, they are currently obsessed with domestic politics, but they will definitely vote for aid to ukraine, pavlo is sure klimkin, even if they do it in january, it's not a disaster. it doesn't mean that they forget about us, it's just that it's difficult to understand around this, and what is urgent and non-urgent, important, unimportant, i have no doubt that help will be announced. there
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are again ongoing discussions about the volumes, but in any case there will be no critical reduction. the diplomat is certain that ukraine needs to understand the interests of the eu and the usa, to get rid of them. illusions that they will sacrifice them for us. instead, learn to build pro-ukrainian coalitions, talk even with skeptics. without the financial and military support of our partners, we will not win this war. unfortunately, the enemy has a lot of weapons and money, so looking for support in the world, our main task is to become strong from the inside, economically and militarily. the only powerful policy is a strong ukraine, it is our state, it is our logistics, it is our production, it is our weapon, it is ours. finances and the rest, so we should be part of the eu, nato and everything, but think first of all about ourselves, the states are strong from the middle, and france strong in the middle, and britain is strong in the middle, this is how a strong ukraine should be. israel followed this path, realizing that around the enemy, the country
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used both internal resources and external aid, especially from the united states, as efficiently as possible. on its own, this country would obviously not have pulled out the entire line of weapons that it currently has, and this is also a clear signpost for us, precisely together with the americans, with the american military-industrial complex, and borrowing american technologies and jointly by working on the development of new technologies, we can provide ourselves with sufficient defense capabilities, obviously the 24th year will be difficult, elections in the united states, work on joining the eu and ... blocking. international politics is pragmatic and sometimes cynical. diplomats say that ukraine must endure it, not be disappointed, but prove to friends and enemies that we are really capable of becoming a part of the european union. natalya kulyk, ictv facts. the only news. the council of the european union adopted the 12th
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package of sanctions against russia. these restrictions also apply to the economy of the aggressor country and individuals. as noted in the official statement in brussels, the package is targeted. on important sectors of the russian economy, makes it difficult to circumvent eu sanctions and deals a further blow to putin's ability to wage war. more than 140 new individuals and legal entities are subject to asset freezing. in particular, this applies to the defense sector, including military-industrial companies and subjects of the it industry. the sanctions also apply to oil prices and the ban on the import of diamonds. at the same time, the eu council added 29 new organizations to the sanctions list directly support the military. word complex of russia. in this 12th pack, we offer a powerful set of new lists and economic measures that will further weaken the russian military machine. our message is clear, as i already stated when i headed the informal foreign affairs council in
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kyiv. we remain steadfast in our commitment to ukraine. the reluctance of brussels does not stop russia from investing in the discord of kyiv and. pest orban is stubbornly hostile towards us and constantly reproaches kyiv for non-compliance rights of the hungarian minority in transcarpathia. fakty decided to go to the border towns and inquire whether their rights are oppressed, how ukrainians and hungarians live, how they experience the war, whether they support orbán and whether they are waiting for victory. hungarians are the largest ethnic community in transcarpathia. before the full-scale war, there were almost 150,000 of them. now, according to some estimates, there are only 60. others, having hungarian citizenship, left ukraine. transcarpathian hungarians choose neutrality in political matters. talks about orbán's politics are coming. they assure, they are citizens of ukraine and together with everyone are suffering from the war and waiting for victory. transcarpathia does not feel any oppression. by the way, i remember
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our report from uzhgorod, long before the war, in which the rector of the university complained about a female applicant who came to enter the university with a translator, because she did not know a single word of ukraine. these are the oppressions in transcarpathia. watch the report from there. velika dobron is the largest hungarian-speaking village in transcarpathia. before the great war, almost 6,000 ethnic hungarians lived here. now there are only 20 percent left pensioners the rest went abroad. first the men, then their families. giselle geetta has 11 grandchildren in hungary. adults are working, children are studying, they are unlikely to return to ukraine. the neighborhood with hungary is immediately felt, the names of villages, streets, organizations are in ukrainian and hungarian, two flags, in
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the hungarian language school and village council they do not want to communicate with journalists, in the village they speak hungarian, they do not know ukrainian, this is the language oppression in the small village of astei only hungarian is spoken on the border with hungary. and from the beginning during the great war, more than 600 displaced people took shelter here, adversity united them, at first ukrainians fleeing the war lived in a small house, then a village club was rebuilt for them, villagers and various hungarian benefactors still help displaced people in whatever way they can, here is a hungarian neighbor of ours, i talk to her, but sometimes she speaks hungarian words, sometimes she speaks russian words, well, we understand, well, who... hungarians are the largest
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ethnic community in transcarpathia. until february 24 , there were almost 150 thousand of them here, now there are about 60 thousand. hungarians live in compact villages more than half of the houses are empty. in the conditions of the war , transcarpathian hungarians live like ukrainians, they consider themselves to be thunder. of ukraine and are waiting for victory. we feel the same way, we feel the same way, we feel the same responsibility and we do everything in order to help our fellow citizens. yosyp rezsh, one of the leaders of the hungarian community of transcarpathia, draws attention to how everyone, regardless of ethnicity , came to the defense of ukraine. almost 500 transcarpathian hungarians are at the front, his the community helps military and civilian residents of the frontline. zone, despite this, the hungarian community is often at the epicenter of diplomatic scandals between kyiv and
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budapest, it is profitable for someone to use it to shake up the situation. i would not separate the hungarian community of transcarpathia from the ukrainian community of transcarpathia, because just like a dear ukrainian, another ethnic hungarian will feel all the troubles that are now coming together with the consequences that the terrible war is giving us. until february 24. moreover, the influence of the regime viktor orbán's influence on the hungarian community of the region was significant, he is still supported by those who watch hungarian channels and listen to their radio, they are pensioners, they perceive the war in ukraine through the lens of hungarian news, young people analyze, get information from various sources, conversations about the pro-russian orbán, their moods, whom kyiv supports or budapest avoids, we don't really want to know better about it, we are here in a small way. let's get along, in a small way, as needed, as normal, with each other, you see, i'm better, i'm like that
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better neutral, if possible, i didn’t really want to say anything at the time, okay, thank you, older transcarpathian hungarians don’t openly talk about their preferences either, i can’t say anything against ukraine and i don’t want to , i don’t chop firewood under me, a tree or whatever they say, no, you have to live among your own people, i don't know those ukrainians. transcarpathian hungarians live peacefully with everyone, they do not feel any oppression. our state takes care of them, out of more than 570 transcarpathian schools, hungarian is the language of instruction in 96. absolutely no, absolutely, there can't even be such a thing, absolutely no. all they live peacefully, amicably, there have never been any problems. families, a hungarian man marries a ukrainian woman, a ukrainian woman marries a hungarian man. i have many hungarian friends. i never oppressed them, i never said that you are hungarian, i am ukrainian, you have to
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look at people, at people's actions, not what politicians say. official budapest is openly on the side of moscow, long before the war , hungary quarreled with ukraine over the language rights of its minority and continues to do so. the confrontation is intensifying and it is clear who is fueling it. the hungarian community of transcarpathia, it is divided. and more and more hungarians, they won't tell you this in public. they say, because they are, well, scared, they are frustrated, that's because they increasingly began to realize that they are just hostages and a tool of the political game. the crisis between ukraine and hungary is deepening, moscow is throwing fuel on the fire, and ukrainian hungarians are suffering, but there is a way out, there is a conviction in transcarpathia, we need to start talking with orban, involve our allies and remove the russians from the dialogue. svitlana kov. 83
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ukrainian rescuers have already died under during a full-scale war, more than 300 wounded, even though they have their own front line, they work under shelling, under the threat of rubble, they are the first to go to the places, they become the last hope of the people under the rubble, and they are the first eyewitnesses of the tragedy. the heroes of our next story, a rescuer from the dnipro, ihor getalo, is on one of his most difficult. he was convinced that ukraine is like russia, because only inhumans could decide on such inhumane attacks on residential buildings and sleeping areas. the second president, leonid kuch, met with the hero. to be in person rescuer to thank all the dsnesniks, power engineers, signalmen, who perform their heroic work in the rear. report by oksana mykhaylova. do not burn the memory. the memorial to those who died in the dnipro, which burned down a week ago, has been restored. and the city and the whole
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country remembered the tragedy again these days, when on the 14th. a russian rocket hit a residential building on new year's day off, when entire families were at home. rescuers then worked around the clock for four days, there was frost, snow, and tons of concrete under which people were. in my life, that is, let's say yes, was one of the most difficult challenges. ihor getalo arrived at the scene already 15 minutes after the attack, rescuers gathered. from all over the dnipro and the region, the task was too difficult to dismantle nine floors. we did not understand how many people were under the rubble, because it was a festive day, when people gathered with families, with friends, at festive tables. then, sorting through the rubble, igor found a book and took a picture that went viral all over the internet. such was the burnt cover, but the key
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words ukraine, not russia, were preserved. and for some reason, just you... came up with the idea to photograph this book against the background of a destroyed building, he really understood that if the russians are doing this, ukraine is really not russia, because ukraine would not do such atrocities, my god, this photo ended up on the cover of the updated edition of the book leonid kuchma, and the second president decided to meet with igor in person to thank the daily work of the rescuers, who, although unarmed, are also for us... igor tells the president that all 13 years in rescue work without cabinet positions, that the dnipro stands especially that together with other ukrainian rescuers , he went to teach american rescuers, because there they do not know how to save people during hostilities . these are people on whom much depends on what
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happens after these inhumans. attacks of russia, they are also risking their lives, and if you listen, all the more so that we ourselves sometimes see on television what is happening, in what conditions they work. during the full-scale invasion , 83 rescuers died from russian shelling and fires, and another 309 were injured. igor himself received a concussion during work, then he miraculously survived, unfortunately, his wife was seriously injured and eventually died, but on... after that, he says, saving people is the most important thing. these are the first units that arrive to help the civilian population during these attacks. if there is information that there are injured people, people under rubble, or people who need any help, we will leave, we will rescue. and this is what we are grateful for
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, what adds faith in victory, says leonid kuchma. it is through igor that he expresses his deepest gratitude. to everyone who eliminates the consequences inhuman shelling, energy workers, utility workers, transporters and, of course, rescue workers. my mood is confidence in victory, this impresses me. let's look not only at dnp, polovograd, where businesses are being destroyed, and nikopol, marganiv, where every day they leave the nuclear power plant, shoot at it and run away. under the roof of this station, so it is too difficult for them to do in these conditions, but after talking with such a person, i am sure that we will definitely win, everyone says on television that the victory will be ours, if such a person, as he says such words, i am additionally convinced that it will really be so. igor modestly adds that he is just
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doing his job and will continue to do it, together with other services that are returning the city. and villages after being shelled for life. not only the military, rescuers, yes, but also medics, utility workers, electricians, and signalmen are working for our victory now, because on the example of nikopol region, yes, when the enemy attacks critical objects, utility services, electricians immediately leave , next to us, are adjusting water supply, energy supply, are being adjusted. only joint work will bring us closer to victory. oksana mykhaylova, khrystyna vengeuskaite, volodymyr kovalenko, fakty ictv, edina news. real heroes, the heroes of our latest report. more than 200 petitions have been registered on the website of the president of ukraine with a request to award the honorary title of hero of ukraine to servicemen who, in
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the opinion of relatives or brothers, are worthy of a gold star. and this number grows every day, as well as the number of desperate acts and feats of our defenders. heroes of ukraine the highest state award, awarded by the president. however , such a mass of requests to give the highest state award. can devalue it, devalue it. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, volodymyr zelenskyi marked 360 military personnel: 210 posthumously, and this is unprecedented. khrystyna velichanska will tell how it is determined among thousands of stories worthy of an award and whether it is possible to receive the title of hero thanks to petitions. here is a photo of dmitry. it seems that he was then 19 or 20 years old, he voluntarily went to serve. tells about his friend dmytro yevdokymov. they studied together at the historical school. dmitry went to the front in the first days of the great war. i just couldn't do it any other way. and he said, if this happens, i already have a backpack ready. i
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called the guys and i'm ready to go fight. these were the words of a friend. and on february 24, he confirmed his words. in the summer of the 22nd, the boy was supposed to receive a bachelor's degree, but he died in march in the kharkiv region. his family was then in trostyanka in the occupation, where their dmytro was fighting, relatives did not know. he called. to us on march 18, it was the last corridor from the city, and shouted at us a lot: leave, it will be hot, then the city was already liberated, and we arrived in trostyanets, then we came to the military commander and were told that dmytryk had died. relatives tried to find out the circumstances of the death, however , there is very little information, but for the fact that the young man sacrificed his life, dmytro's relatives initiated a petition regarding... the hero of ukraine. the required 25,000 votes were collected. i didn’t know this mechanism, i also want to know all this so that they don’t attach documents,
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and really, to consider and analyze all the contribution that dima made. hero of ukraine is the highest state award. during independence, more than 800 ukrainians received it. oleksandr sopov participated in the development of the perfect. until recently, this was the only award of ukraine that was made of gold, and gold of the highest quality, 950 proof. and this is not the only feature of this distinction. one award has two incarnations. the status of hero of ukraine can be obtained by both military and civilians. for their outstanding achievements, the latter are awarded the state order in the form of a golden trident. the gold star is awarded exclusively for heroic deeds. defenders all over the world, the five-pointed star is a symbol of kindness, revolution, without heroes, there is no rise, no patriotism, there should
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be few of them. however , more than 200 petitions from the families or relatives of the fallen defenders have already been registered on the website of the president of ukraine. more than nine hundred collected the necessary 25,000 votes for consideration, but then the path to the award through the petition is just beginning. the title of hero of ukraine, it really implies some. well , you can say, unique achievements, unique merits to one's state, a specific person, and in fact, if there is a massive awarding of this title to people, then this very meaning of this high state award will be lost. the feat of the military is evaluated by a special expert group at the president's office, which includes representatives of all law enforcement agencies. the key goal of this expert commission, expert group is to make a preliminary study of everything that is known. about a specific defender and defender, and get the most verified information about the actions of this person and only then according to the established procedure, to initiate before
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the state awards commission the question of awarding the title of hero of ukraine or other state awards. it is important for the process to be as objective as possible, for example, out of 119 petitions to which volodymyr zelenskyi has already responded, most were rejected, only 15 military personnel were honored with ranks. this is my husband's award, he died on november 24, 2022 near bakhmut. among them is vadim lysenkov, whose wife recalls the beginning of a full-scale invasion. he had a broken leg for about a month, he developed at home, developed his leg, and after leaving the crutches, if he went to fight. vadim, although he was a civilian, had experience of service in azov. because there is a liberation of kherson in kyiv oblast. in november of last year, he was included in the third assault team. in bakhmut was the commander of the assault division, they were supposed to collect materials from intelligence, from enemy equipment, the location and so on. together with his group in bakhmut, they did not
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go to enemy positions, thanks to successful planning, vadim skillfully identified and neutralized dozens of invaders, in his managed to evacuate 12 wounded fighters from the battlefield on the last day, but never left the combat position. he had a tattoo on his chest, alive without fear, and it completely characterized him as a person. the family started collecting signatures for the petition at the beginning of the year, the review began in the spring, and a letter arrived on july 8. adopted by the decision of the president of ukraine. anna is certain that what feats bridney did not describe when forming the petition, a lot depends on the command of the military unit and the testimony of her brothers. they have it confirm the specific merits of the fighter. if there is no such approval, the commission may make a decision not in favor of the family. it is even more effective if, instead of a petition, the military themselves will initiate the decision to award the award. it would be more important and more pleasant to receive it, if during life, and not posthumously. it would also be better for us. was
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alive, but was without an award, but this is also pride, we are proud, because it is the highest award of ukraine. khrystyna velichanska, olga chitaylo, fakty sctv marathon single news. well well, let every reward find its hero, but let that hero live. glory to ukraine, all is well. chevrons approaching victory. this year , more than ever, we felt the great power of help. we have proven that by supporting our military, we are bringing victory closer.
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there are no large or small donations, any of our help is important and necessary, that by uniting together, ukrainians become a force that can overcome anything, glory to ukraine, but we must not stop, we must do even more for our soldiers, let's stand up the future year for them as angels, guardians, and let's make it our duty to protect... their lives as they fight for ours. each of us must have someone at the front, whom we need to support and whom we need to take care of. and even if there are no military personnel among your loved ones, find a brigade or soldier that you will help. be a support for everyone who is in hot spots, for the protection of the city, villages and for recovery in the body. let's give them love, faith and daily support. a word or
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a deed, a donation or a treat, to one fighter or unit is a gift to yourself, because it is a step towards victory, the main thing is to do it, help the military, the best new year's gift, thanks to them... minefields become offensive routes, bridges and crossings appear on rivers, reliable barricades grow on combat positions . thanks to them, we can attack and defend effectively. they destroy enemy equipment and save infantry lives. they go ahead of the first, to break the way to our victory. glory to the engineering
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troops of the armed forces of ukraine. i am a russian military ship, i propose to lay down weapons and give up king, we still have to steal, yes, young people, fate will smile, our witches will ring, the whole cross country is in the sun.


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