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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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extend the joints, move freely. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we resist information attacks. russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your... opinion on the evil of the day with
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a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. propaganda dealers in the occupied territories. the shackles of nazi ukraine are being removed from us. but how did the former ukrainian photo artist become a fan of wagner? huge thanks to dude wagner, to the forces of the russian federation. see on tuesday, december 19, the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. at moscow airports, the carpet plan was introduced, they say the work of air defense there. and while they figure out what's going on in them, we'll figure out our internal affairs. andriy yusov, representative of gurme. of defense is already in contact with our
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studio, glory to ukraine, mr. andriy, to the heroes, glory, i congratulate you, that in the main intelligence office, as of today, they can say in a sufficiently resonant story with a service in the office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, because there has been so much white noise and comments that even serozha leshchenko himself has not understood. so can you sort out these informational piles a little more for us and explain what will come of all this? you know, here at the beginning you said about internal affairs, the main directorate of intelligence is not responsible for internal affairs, since the function of military counter-intelligence is assigned to another structure, the security service of ukraine actually conducts the proceedings, and we definitely count on the results. you reject
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version, russian spies put microphones? no, why? neither version can be rejected in any way, it is simply a question of countering enemy plans, a question of counter-intelligence activities, this very function involves the fight against spies, with enemy agent work, actually on counter-intelligence bodies, and first of all we are talking about the security service of ukraine, that is why. this body initiated the proceedings and of course it is impossible to reject any version in general here. mr. andrii, then to immediate matters, actually combat and important, questions for you from uncle tsarev, and that kyiv was lucky, and he is already listening to kopzon, but i was not lucky, and i left the hospital and i am worried. good, good question, you see. well, how did they quote the classics
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popular in zaporizhia in the queue , well, such and such children in the queue, and since the annexation, the attempts to annex crimea and the aggression in donbas, of course, the full-scale russian aggression against ukraine, if we look, the queue is moving, and it also concerns war criminals, and state traitors and collaborators, here we can only remind that justice will be served one way or another everyone, the best option for... for war criminals and state traitors is to surrender into the hands of ukrainian justice. ukraine is a democratic state, and our voting system meets international, democratic and european standards. this is a guarantee of safety, they are well fed and well looked after. in all other cases, there is no guarantee of security, especially in such an unstable territory as the so-called russian federation. mr. andriy, a few days ago, just a terrible uproar and excitement in the network caused a tailcoat. about what is in russia
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there are no plans to fight in 2025-26, and immediately yes, but immediately people made themselves. own version: yes, since such a phrase was uttered, it means that they want to end the war in the 24th year, and already later experts and analysts began to explain that, well, maybe these plans are not written down in them yet, maybe we are still talking about these plans we do not know, please put these dots on and about russia, their plans for this war for the 24th, 25th and subsequent years, what do we know about it? the full thesis of... sounded like, as of now, in the kremlin there are no plans to continue the war in the 25th year, and at the end of the 24th year, under certain circumstances , this situation can be corrected, because apart from bravado, apart from various such aggressive
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speeches of a drunk medvedev or a person similar to putin, well, there is objective reality, and reject problems, in particular in the economy. they can't, and the influence of the sanctions policy, the colossal costs of a full-scale war, of course, all this is given in the open, and actually this aggressive regime would like to finish this invasion even earlier, well, ideally in three days there to take kyiv, we remember, well, it didn't happen as expected, they wanted and want faster, and from time to time they are launched due to various canned goods, agents of influence in the world as well... including the fact that, well, we have to agree there on those territories that exist, to recognize some new geopolitical realities and so on, they want to finish the question on what terms, and ukraine of course wants to finish it as soon as possible, because it is the life of our defenders and civilians, it is also our economy, but it is a question of the survival
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of our state, our existence as a nation, here it must be finished, simply by restoring international law and the sovereignty of ukraine, and of course. putin would like to do it as soon as possible. mr. andriy, to one resonant story, this is a very important route along which the so-called russia imports all its necessary things, including for the war from china. the baikal-amur highway, which the komsomol members of ukraine also knew as bam. two blasts, one tunnel, after that their fsb tells what they caught. a belarusian who blew it all up because this belarusian was recruited by another by a belarusian in lithuania, who managed it and reported to the security service of ukraine, but this version was thrown out by the russian chekists. in fact , we understand that it was just a snack after
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bayarichnik to come up with such a stupid krinjatina, but in reality we can work, we can even just theoretically pretend now, we can work even on the bama, is it not ours? handiwork, but there was a boom, and now there is a boom, and of course, traditionally we can neither confirm nor deny, but we can state this fact that the ukrainian security and defense forces, ukrainian special services work, including behind enemy lines, this is normal, because this kind of work is the key to supporting our defense forces, preserving the lives and health of our defenders, disrupting the enemy's plans, and so on, but there is another truth that is very unpleasant for the russian aggressor, in fact, most of the incidents with smoking in unnecessary places and with things that the russian
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regime does not like are the work of the citizens of the russian federation and are internal russian processes, the motives of these people may be different, including ideological ones. opponents of putinsky bloody regime, who want to see a different future for themselves and their children. and again, what is the role of ukraine and our special services here, we will probably talk in more detail after the victory, but in most cases we are talking about the deliberate actions of the citizens of the russian federation. not so moscow-like in the eyes, as we remember the ukrainian petliura nits, and accordingly i want to return to this list of the day. passed on, re-listened to the correspondence between tabachnyk, fesshnyk saldo and balitskyi, and i just want to understand that we, as humanists, are not we want to stress the penitentiary system of ukraine, liquidation is better, as kyiv says, so
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in this case there is some kind of algorithm, and why is it so difficult to get to all kinds of prisons, to those in ibalitsa? traitors who are in the active process, actively, let's say. used by the aggressor and propaganda , are, in particular, under a better level of protection, besides, these are not just people who are engaged in propaganda, they are corrupt people with... large stolen fortunes, who independently also invest serious resources in their own security, and of course, valetsky - it is very an important character, but no one will excessively risk our, our manpower and specialists and specialists, in order to eliminate this pillow above all else, for the time being, well, let us once again remind you that ideally all these people should end up on the benches defendants led by putin. during the international tribunal, that is why each such work
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is done by a separate surname, it is always a difficult, long process, nevertheless, if you are patient, well, every strimausov also comes at his own time, i think that ballerinas and his ilk would be very upset , if learned that it is even a pity to waste resources and time on them, but less so, let them miss themselves. the cascade of various operations that were announced, which we talked about earlier, the operations in crimea, which were supported by the main intelligence department, how do you see it now, we understand that not everything that happened became known to the general public, how do you generally assess all that, what has already been done, yes, what was the result in the global context, in the context of the same liberation of crimea, from the point of view. situation on the black sea and in that including the situation in the temporarily
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occupied crimea, this year was unusually productive for the ukrainian security and defense forces, in the black sea we increased the area of ​​our control and the ability to defeat the enemy's forces, and in crimea today there are virtually no safe places for the occupiers , and there are direct consequences of this, the enemy started and continues several months before. of the black sea fleet, actually from the crimea to other bases, including novorossiysk, and literally we are talking about warships, and submarines, and headquarters infrastructure, well, actually, this is the most eloquent result of the complex actions of the ukrainian security and defense forces, in particular the gurmo special operations, and the return of control over the boyka towers and the successful use of naval drones and amphibious operations, this is all in a heap. gives its result together with fire damage to the objects of the occupiers on the ukrainian
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peninsula. thank you, mr. andrii. andrii yusov, representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. at the same time , we monitor how everything burns, burns and runs like they said, fun and crazy in three airports around moscow, but let them run, they have coffee, they say some uavs, they say that theirs are heroic. air defense is working, well, let them aim better, they shot down their own court on the 25th, let them shoot down even more, i can continue, let's add diplomat ruslan osypenko to the conversation, glory to ukraine, mr. ruslan, glory to the heroes, that for the second time the dprk is showing its power and the power is considerable, they tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, it flew 1002 km, right? and landed somewhere in the ocean, too
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hastily assembled the cockpits and, because it appears that it can reach any point in both japan and the united states of america within the continental united states of america, how serious is this threat now in the far east, or did it just click, we showed that we can, and that's it . could there be another north, south korean, or even war? more globally in this region, well, i would not rule out the possibility of such a confrontation, because we see that the camp of these personal regimes, their task now is to shake the alliance euro-atlantic, to stretch their resources, and we see, they set fire to the middle east, iran with moscow, they aimed at the western balkans and the korean peninsula, this is not an exception, in order to stretch the resources, the resources of the west, so the launch of this missile. in particular, this is a threat to american bases, well , to japan, first of all, to south korea, and
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to american bases that are in japan, that is, they say that if anything, we can reach out, and the united states will be forced, and japan and south korea will be forced will allocate some certain forces and means to resist it. ugh, and in general, in principle, a key player, including from the point of view of not gnawing, as they say, ballistic ... missiles and birch bark, you need to eat something, after all , they will not be brought from russia by rail, respectively for people are specially trained for this, they are called chinese, so we see what is going on with china... the game is very serious now and there is mishustin, well , he plays the role of the prime minister in the russian federation, well, on december 19-20, that is today or tomorrow there is something in china with my uncle uncle xi will discuss what will be discussed if they have been put in place for a long time, they said you want the power of siberia gas pipeline,
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build the chinese ones for your money, you won't get it, build it yourself, dump it for us yourself, pump it yourself, whatever. now you are trading there in north korea, although it is understandable shells, what is there? look, this communication with mishustin, it will only be formalized as aimed at the development of bilateral economic , trade and economic relations. in fact , china has been watching mishustyan since the visit sidzinpinya to moscow. they understand that according to the russian constitution, mishustin is the first person to replace putin if something happens to putin. and that's why the chinese treat him very much, you know, they basically evoke opinions in order to see how much he corresponds to, let's say, the chinese idea of ​​what a leader, the next leader in russia can be, and if we talk about economic cooperation, china already
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helps russia, but not in a direct way, you see, the development of trade goes with a minus for china, now bilateral. trade is a bilateral trade deficit of 30 billion approximately towards russia, that is, russia sells more to china than china to russia, and it is almost the only state that works with china with a plus, china works with europe in a plus for itself, with the united states in a plus for itself works, but with russia in the red, thus they indirectly support 30 billion, in fact, russia, ugh, fine, and russia? well, he does not tremble, lets go, sends, they see what is happening, they understand what is happening, do they even have any assumptions that something like this can to be, and yet he has these thoughts of his own, that he is still great and powerful, they all understand, there are assumptions, and
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they are very dissatisfied with the fact that the emphasis is on mishustin, who never showed his political ambitions there and he did not say anything at all, because he is such a technical prime minister, as they say in russia, that is why he is suitable for china, that he is not tainted anywhere, as it were, and in principle, you can go with him to have a conversation, why, why can't they do anything against him in russia, because , first of all, in the personal vertical of power they don't change, they try not to change horses at the crossing, as they say, look at the shoigu, how many failures have already happened and they don't remove it. in order not to demonstrate his weakness, the same with mishustin, there we see that the economy, with the economy of russia , everything is not in order, but putin makes such bravura statements that everything is fine, everything is developing, so the cabinet of ministers copes, everything, everything is fine, and against this background, he cannot change mishustin, that is, he is a hostage of the fact that russia has become completely dependent on china, first of all, is a hostage of its own system
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that it created inside russia, so they can’t do anything now with mishusyan at this stage, uh, let’s go maybe a little bit more for a moment and to the globally blocked transatlantic aid, what is your opinion, because yesterday they split the opinions of experts, there are extended vacations, we understand that something will have time to vote, the senate, the congress, probably should have until after the holidays, as they say, as people joke, and on the other hand, hard information from the pentagon, confirmed from white to... what there will be enough money until december 30, they will find it an ad-hoc way out for ukraine, in particular, or will they even try? i think they will still try, especially after the decision of the european union, when the europeans demonstrated that they are ready to take radical, radical steps and change the status quo to eurasian in the eurasian
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security system, taking away or offering ukraine the opportunity to join the european . this decision is extremely important from the point of view of changing the security system on the eurasian continent, and if the made by the europeans, who have the image of being less radical than the united states in their decisions, yes, less quick, not so quick there, but if the europeans decided on this, then i think the maneuver for the americans is narrowed, if, if the americans do not will vote for help, well, then they... lose their leadership positions in the states, lose their leadership positions in the world, the subjectivity of the european union is strengthened, that is , the driving force in this alliance will be the euro-atlantic now there is... we see that there are a lot of different options appears there are already discussions about what will happen in the united states of america if, for example
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, trump wins the next election, about the fact that he will maximally change his environment, the entire leadership of all those who have real power in order to move away from the nato, on the other hand, for the united states in general to be so... separated and at the same time powerful, are such discussions and forecasts actually a serious threat, or will the americans not allow it, because they watch, read, analyze something, the threat is serious in fact, because republicans can change foreign policy in general, after trump wins, foreign policy can change, and it can be ... these are separate statements that trump is making that he will withdraw troops from europe, that he will send support resources there abroad with its partners, alliances and allies to solve
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its internal tasks, in order to satisfy the electorate that will bring him to power, this can all happen, and we as ukrainians must be ready for such a scenario that trump can break this euro-atlantic unity, refuse aid to ukraine, there... or partly and that is why this is a favorable scenario, one of the favorable, let's say, uh, there is another important point, that is, the europeans have already announced the date when they will next try to overcome the blockade and , which budapest is doing with the hands of orban , yesterday from the ex-minister of foreign affairs volodymyr ogoryska heard the mechanism that he sees that brussels used, that is, they are for orban's hotels, and orban he is bought hourly, like in the red quarter
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lanterns, but they gave him 10 billion for his wishes, and he wants another 20, and the 10 billion is divided into tranches, the tranches will proceed according to a certain calendar plan, and if orban, who has threatened 75 times to try to block europe... the integration of ukraine, then after the first tranche they will turn off the faucet on this euro-frozen for not quite democratic budapest now, will it work, or does it mean that the european union does not use its options, such as, well , excluding the right of veto for one country, they have this is the seventh item since 2007, and here it is i found the key to overcoming all that ... putin's friend orban is beating us on our way to europe with money, is it effective? we have one minute, mr. ruslan, and yes, yes, it is effective, this is one of the options, i see two more options, how to bypass
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the blocking of orban, the second option, which was already announced by some european experts, they said that not through european structures we will give money to ukraine, we will form some kind of private fund or, well, business fund, and on a bilateral basis the countries will simply throw money there, there is no need. no unanimous vote at the level of the states, and from this fund we will finance the same 50 billion will go to ukraine, and the third option, if this also fails, then aid will simply be provided bilaterally, on a bilateral level, from countries, so that in any help to ukraine will come, because ukraine is the shield of europe, which gives time to deploy the military industry, to rebuild europe from civilian rails to military rails, europe finally understood. that the war is already in her house, not on the doorstep, in the house, mr. ruslan, this fantastic, we ended on an optimistic note, three fingers, all three middles in the direction
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of orban, three scenarios and all three are effective, and it cannot but please, thank you for the analysis of the international situation ruslan osypenko, a diplomat who helped us understand the on such an optimistic note, for us and sad for orbán, we have to say goodbye, this is how we say goodbye, to a peaceful carefree day. take care, stay with the espresso tv channel, our colleagues have prepared a lot of important and interesting information. before meeting! attention, an incredible novelty from unpack tv, super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots, perfect fit, water repellent material. and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to
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