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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm EET

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i am anna javamelnyk and two, who are assigned to evacuate the wounded, informed the state enterprise of medical procurement of ukraine. these are the last of the 13 armored ambulances that were ordered with funds raised through the united 24 platform. these tactical vehicles are manufactured under ukrainian orders in canada. the total cost. of all machines
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is uah 124 million. they have high cross-country ability and can overcome war-torn field roads. anti-mine protection ensures minimization of the consequences of a mine explosion under lower the government allocated additional aid to regions affected by the war. the received funds will be spent by the local self-government bodies on the salaries of state employees and on the payment of communal services, said prime minister denys. shmegal as of mid-december, the state provided more than uah 178 billion to local budgets. in general, for this year, expenditures amounted to more than 2.5 hryvnias, half of which was directed to defense. the government also promises to fulfill all social obligations by the end of the year. the second priority is social security, more than uah 473 billion, or 18% from all expenses, on pensions and to help
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our people who need it most, fund these items in full. russia cannot be encouraged by denying ukraine the continuation of military aid, - said the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, david cameron, speaking after talks with his french colleague catherine colona. he added that the economies of ukraine's western partners outnumber the russian economy by 25 to one or more, and therefore should make sure that this economic strength and commitment paid off, ministers did not announce new aid to ukraine, but cameron said that support for ukraine would last as long as needed, comparing the war to a play. the first act was russia's stunning failure to achieve its goals. the second act was ukraine's counter-offensive in the summer of 2022, a brilliant success that... the ukrainians showed by pushing back the russians,
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returning half of the lost territories. the third act was more difficult on land, but the fourth act isn't written yet and we have to make sure we write it right, along with our friends and partners from the western world. insulting the graves of defenders in vinnytsia region, a man at the cemetery took photos of fallen soldiers. it happened in the village of novozhivotiv. the police searched for witnesses for several hours, and... soon they located the man himself, who turned out to be a 35-year-old resident of a nearby village, previously convicted of theft. according to the husband, he committed such a crime because he was intoxicated. currently, he is detained in procedural order, the issue is being resolved about notifying him of suspicion and choosing a preventive measure. the sanction of the article provides up to five years of imprisonment. analyzes and monitors the lives of ukrainian citizens on the peninsula. the representation of the president of ukraine
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in the autonomous republic of crimea reflected the results of work for 2023. as was mentioned during the briefing, every year the situation of people in the annexed crimea only worsens, especially after the full-scale invasion of russia. illegal conscription into the ranks of the russian army is taking place on the territory of the peninsula. political persecution and illegal detention of ukrainian citizens continue. however, ukrainians demonstrate their resistance to the occupiers for... 2023 saw an increase in the number of pro-ukrainian protests on the peninsula, we did not see such pro-ukrainian, tangible pro-ukrainian resistance on the territory of the peninsula until 2022, this can be explained by various reasons, but the key one is probably that , that people feel on the territory of the peninsula, that ukraine is really fighting for crimea, fighting not only on a political and diplomatic level. level, in
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including in the military. a woman warrior, a woman volunteer, a woman forced to relocate. topics discussed at the conference at the ivan franko university of lviv. particular attention was paid to the problem of employment and opening one's own business during the war. specialists conducted a practical course for women, told where to start and who to contact. the participants, who have already been able to realize themselves, shared their own experience and successes. in this case, we want to apply the theoretical and practical aspect of formation of a modern woman, how a woman is perceived in the world, that it is not only forced. who is waiting for social benefits or social parasitism, help, a woman who knows how to realize herself. a new year's holiday for children was organized in the ivano-frankivsk shelter. about fifty immigrant children received interesting contests and gifts from st. nicholas. our
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carpathian colleagues will tell you in more detail. new year's costumes, contests, games and gifts. holiday for children again. what positive emotions, to distract the little one from the local shelter, all to give away came to ivano-frankivsk , organized in the war, because of which they were forced to leave their homes, so that they could help each other together, celebrate the holiday together and, in principle, educate everyone around with this holiday, made a little holiday for the soul for the children, prepared for the holiday and the children themselves, some of them are dressed in... an image, and some of them just need to wear a bright streamer. kirill came to frankivsk from bakhmut to participate everywhere. and how i had fun. activities for small and large immigrants already
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have been organized for more than a year in various cities within the framework of the ukrainian-german project shelter ukraine. it is implemented with the support of the non-governmental organization development alliance. german partners schuler helfen liban. i see the difference when people first came to us, how tight they were, scared, how they are now when they come. the most important thing for people is psychological and physical health. so we work on that, on the positive side, so that people are satisfied, so we find our own corner here in the shelter. i liked. we all kinds of relay races were held here. nicholas brought gifts, wow, what is this with you? and we also made a christmas tree, this is the first holiday we visited this year, because we were on sick leave for a long time, and we are visiting this shelter, we are very grateful to everyone who put effort into this, made such a holiday for our children,
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who are very we are glad, cheerful and happy. in the ivano-frankivsk shelter, migrants are offered to study english, psychosomatics, attend dances and other activities. a separate team of the black forest intelligence team needs to repair special vehicles, a faulty car at the front can cost health or even life. when performing combat tasks, transport has an important function, but it quickly breaks down and requires timely repair. people hold on, but technology cannot. please join the collection of uah 100,000 in order to return the special vehicles to working condition and continue the work on adjusting the artillery fire. together with you, we have already collected more than uah 38,000. you can pay using the details you see on the screen. here are the things for the
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moment, i tell you, see you at 6:00 p.m.: the news team is working on the final release. read more about current events on our website, subscribe to our channels. in social networks and further chronicles of the information war with olga len. attention, an incredible new product from the unzipped tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit, waterproofing. material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once. to myself and my husband. side zippers will ensure
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to ukraine, glory to the heroes, see this week in the collaborators program. propaganda dealers in the occupied territories. we are removing the shackles of nazi ukraine. but how the former ukrainian photo artist became a fan. on tuesday, december 19, watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and
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turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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if i had plans before, now i don't even know, because i can't even build some of my dreams, help me again to see maybe'. do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. call 0800 210 106.
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congratulations, nothing inspires russian propaganda like the idea that ukraine
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can be left alone with russia, and of course, any delays or. obvious delays in the financing of weapons, and something else, cause a kind of euphoria among russian propagandists, and just in time to talk about exactly how and where are the successes of russian propaganda, where are the influences of some other factors for the supply of weapons, for the financing of ukraine, let's talk with yehor chernev, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, head of... the permanent delegation of ukraine in the nato parliamentary assembly. congratulations, mr. yehor. good evening, good evening. ah, yegor, somewhere, if i'm not mistaken, in november, you said quite optimistically that next year , american aid will definitely be there. tell me whether you still maintain
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such optimism, and to what extent , that these delays in voting. were due to russian influence or is it something else? well, i am confident that the vote will be taken, and i am based on the fact that the question of aid to ukraine for the next year is not in the congress or the united states senate or the white house, that is, the absolute majority agrees on the therefore, about what needs to be helped, and even... the numbers that were proposed by the white house were not revised in principle when they came to the senate, and we became, unfortunately, hostages of domestic political issues, quite sensitive, internal political issues, because ukraine is voted together in a package together with the border and also israel and taiwan, and the border is, well, conditionally, conditionally you can call it
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a border, yes strengthening the border, but in reality it is about a change in approaches to migration. politics, with what trump went to the presidential term , what policies he promoted, and in principle, what the democrats are against, and even now on the eve of the presidential election of the united states, this is a sensitive issue for both parties, and that is why they are so difficult to agree on it question, and we are actually hostages of this issue and this package, which includes ukraine, so my optimism is that it will still be... voted, there is no question whether we need to help or not , but unfortunately , we are losing time and really we are living for the time being on the budget of 2023, well, on those appropriations that were in the budget of the united states for ukraine in 2023, and they are ending, unfortunately, they are ending, as far as i know, somewhere like ,
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at the end of november, the parliamentary delegation of the servant of the people rode. to the united states on districts, as far as i understand , also republicans, in order to communicate there not only with the american politicians themselves, but also with the voters, so what are your impressions of these trips, what have you heard new about them, well, maybe the motivations, why there was a need to go at all precisely to the districts, to communicate in this format, well , first of all, it was not only. the delegation of the servant of the people, there were representatives of the voice, if i am not mistaken, some non-factional representatives , deputies, well, that is, it is such a parliamentary one , after all, there was a delegation, and it was for different states, and it was caused primarily by the request of the congressmen themselves, with whom we spoke several times and heard several times from them that boys and girls,
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you do not need to convince us, you need to go to the states and talk to our voters , because... voters, unfortunately, very quickly switch their attention, yes, a year ago, when ukraine was in focus, there were no questions about whether we need to help, now there is not the question of whether we need to help, but more is needed arguments, as it happens, that there is control over what we we provide you that this is not cosmic money, which is, i don't know, 2-3-4% of the federal budget, which is simply not... compared to the fact that we are helped, yes, it is less than a percentage, what we are doing , and about the fact that this is non-charitable , after all, including an investment in the security and... of american citizens, because in the event of ukraine's loss, it will be a signal , including to china in taiwan, in the pacific
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region, and this maybe this war will continue, or putin or the kremlin may go to the baltic countries or poland, which means that money will no longer be sent, but yours will be sent soldiers and the military, and these are the messages we actually traveled and talked with, and indeed we... faced, when we talked to ordinary americans, this was their rhetoric, like, why should we continue to help you? because they have such a feeling that this is a good country or a good country , the united states is helping another good country, ukraine , simply because they are so, so , so cool there, that they have the opportunity to help. when you explain that it's not just about charity, it's about investing in yours, including security, then everything becomes clear, and they agree in principle
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, but again, this is more like the level of ordinary americans, and not everywhere, in the majority we saw that there is support, and support for sure is at the level of local, local government, and... state government, that is, here they are open and ready to cooperate, well , you know, you say that this is the rhetoric of ordinary americans, but i just looked, you know, something has changed, well, no what has changed is that there are such strange arguments that some senators also make, i don't i will talk about those senators, yes, who are candidates there and sometimes wear such a thing that it does not get on their heads at all and go on their ot... election trips together with russian propagandists from the channel russia 1, that is one story, but here, for example, senator ron johnson, d-wisconsin, decided
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to say that they still can't figure out what they're paying for or how, well, let's listen, uh, protecting the american border is an imperative national security priority for america, in terms of events in ukraine, we are on the 22nd months of war. it seems to me that this is already a dead end. this is an unfair game. ukraine really cannot do what would be necessary to defeat russia. so the only way to end this war is through a negotiated settlement. again, it is very difficult to say exactly what they need. we have heard different things. we heard how zelenskyi's advisor who was present said that they are stealing unheard of. we heard about pretty good funding for ukraine over the winter, and suddenly it came into play. this administration, i 'd like to get the truth out of them, but i don't know if that's even possible, and you know, it's
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in fact, well, we can say as much as we want what ron johnson imagines himself to be, yes, but unfortunately, this is a set of literally such theses, which, including russian propagandists , actively promoted that this is all literally all. everyone is holding their ground and nothing is producing any results, but i am even more worried about what you and i talked about at the beginning of this year, a year ago, and then there were no doubts at all, moreover, the issue of control over what goes where in in ukraine, it was absent at all, because everyone had everything transparently, clearly, no one asked any questions, why all of a sudden there was such a drastic change... all these ideas once again brought out the topic of corruption , stories about some terrible corruption in ukraine and from the connection to weapons and the supply of weapons and
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aid to the united states, i say there was no such topic , and the second, actually, how did it happen that we are again at the same stage, as if we are dealing with what has already passed, what happened, well, let 's start with what really is... a part of the trumpists, and not only trumpists, there is a part of the extreme left who have been speaking from the very beginning against aid to ukraine, somewhere it is a bit quieter, somewhere louder, with the passage of time it is getting louder and louder, there is the same marjorie green or vance from ohio, and we must understand that these people will not listen to arguments, no arguments, but. .. of facts, figures, arguments, because they are just bent on pushing their, their agenda, and that agenda is about what america is for
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americans, we have to... focus on our own needs, our own problems, we we should not help other countries decide there, let them are figuring things out for themselves, and this is actually politics , including trump, and now they are using arguments that we actually heard already there and a year ago, but remember that the first time we heard such an objection, it was if i i'm not mistaken, one of the plots or. or nbc of america that there are allegedly some sources that say that weapons are appearing on the black market that are being transferred to ukraine, and it was from that time, it was may of last year, it was from that time that i personally got involved including this question, i began to track where this information came from, spread, it is very interesting, by the way, there can be a separate
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investigation with... beaten and including the well-known youtuber shvets dispersed it, which i believe that the russian canned food is absolutely clear without any evidence , and then a temporary special commission on arms control was created, and within the framework of this commission , we developed online mechanisms for this control, and now, as of today , any country that transfers any weapons to us can online to track because the weapons have barcodes that are scanned, that are moved, and they can track exactly where it is, how it is used, well, of course, with security measures and and and and secrecy, but the white house administration has no pretensions about how ukraine's aid is used, both militarily and financially,
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because in terms of financial aid, let me remind... a whole special representative, pritzker, who was here and who also has access to all the information, how financial aid is used in the budget of ukraine. in addition, in we have a tripartite agreement with the auditing company deloitte, our ministry of finance, treasury of the us, this finance is the ministry of finance, actually american and also the imf, which also controls, i.e. then , if you want, you can see all these tools and see that we are absolutely accountable and absolutely transparent, but , unfortunately, these congressmen or these senators do not want to see it, because it is not in their interests, their rhetoric, we now i was in ohio, i was talking to the congressman from ohio, when i gave him, i gave him this report of ours, how
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it's called a report... by our interim investigative committee, he 's a republican, he was surprised that we had tools and we didn't know about it, and that's why some don't know, some ignore specifically to just to maintain one's agenda and one's own rhetoric, well, it's quite interesting, that is, it turns out that at the official level these objections do not exist in relation to one, because you see this senator referred to the fact that there is some assistant... zelenskyi said something like that, where do they get all this from? on the other hand, maybe it’s just you know, some malfunction of our, well, i don’t know, well , embassy, ​​our ambassador, that she doesn’t communicate with all these senators, well, how to understand that, again, here’s the question, are they ready to communicate, here i was again and we were there when we were in ohio, this same vance, who is also opposed, he is one
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of the... congressmen from ohio, and we asked through the embassy and through other channels to meet with him, for to give him arguments, he refused, because he understands that he does not need information, no arguments are needed, they are ready to take some information from unverified sources, again about some citation of some assistant of zelenskyi, it was without surnames, actually anonymous, although in a rather... authoritative publication, and it is also quite quite a strange story, so here everyone , you know, proceeds from the fact that what is his agenda and what should he promote, unfortunately, there are such congressmen, such senators, but they are in the minority, although they are quite a...


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