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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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wrecked cars for military personnel from canada are flying again at boryspil airport and how much money our state has lost due to the blockade of the border by polish carriers. good evening to all viewers of espresso, i am anyava melnyk and for your attention. final news release.
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russian terrorists shelled antonivka in the kherson region. as a result of a direct hit to the house, the spouses were injured. the husband and wife have blast injuries, as well as multiple injuries to their arms and legs. their condition is assessed by doctors as moderate - reported in regional military administration. russia has intensified the actions of its subversive groups in three areas. andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service, said. most. attempts to break through the border are recorded in chernihiv, sumy, and more recently in kharkiv regions. according to him , with the onset of winter, attempts to enter our territory will only increase. in this way , the enemy is trying to restrain our troops in this direction and not allow them to be transferred to the front line. they are also looking for the location of our firing positions so that strike there. and... then we watch
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the final press conference of president volodymyr zelenskyi live, we are ready for this, we are ready to talk, mr. president, i have the floor, thank you very much, good afternoon, can you hear me, i don’t know, can you hear me, great, thank you very much, first for everything, i want to thank you for this opportunity, this conversation, this meeting, for your... support, after all , independent ukraine is going a long way, a historic way, two years, without two months, almost two years, of such a full-scale invasion of ukraine of the russian federation, their influx has been stopped ukrainian people, ukrainian soldiers, i would like to thank them, i think it is very important now for people who are watching us, very important now for people who are watching us, and even if someone... is not watching, it is very
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important to always be grateful to the people of ukraine, our soldiers and our partners, all those who support ukraine on this path, i am sure, the path to our ukrainian victory, if possible, let us applaud and support them. what you said, sergey, was unexpected. and the main achievement, i saw our flag there, it's true, maybe there there was something else, but i think there were the stars of the european union, so far 27, well, we hope that soon there will be a little more, yes, but i still think that the yellow-blue flag is also in ukraine, it the main thing is our victory, and this is the main thing that we will save, and not only in our hearts, but we will actually save all of it. and for our future
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generations, regarding the historic victory, the europeanness of our state, the approach, the approach to, i would call justice, i want to congratulate our state, our team, this a long way, someone passes it for decades, we pass, time, nothing, we pass. by sacrifice, struggle for independence, people, we are fighting for an independent ukraine and for our future, which we choose for ourselves, and not the russian federation chooses for us, and that is why today really says that this is a historic victory for ukraine, it is the opening of a dialogue about the future of our entry, this is very serious, two such... waves,
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the first is a candidate and the second is a year of full-scale war, and here is the opening of the dialogue. well, if you want, let's talk about it in detail. ah, in any case. this is a historical experience for our country, here is about the team, about how it was, what everyone did, i am also ready to speak in detail, i would also like to thank our employees of the security service of ukraine, our gurm, our naval forces this year , primarily for our great victory, a very important victory on the black sea, this is... part of our southern operation, and really few people sometimes see and appreciate it, but everywhere, in ukraine, who knows, abroad, everyone highly appreciates the deprivation of the russian fleet almost their total, total dominance in
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the ukrainian black sea and the imposition of constant what to us, what to do, what to export, what, at least this is blocking the economy. of ukraine, which then adds and enables our soldiers to stand powerfully on their land, and this deprivation, destruction of their fleet, forcing them to be in their waters, to leave our territorial waters, to leave the territory of the ukrainian temporarily occupied peninsula, is a big job, it is very high, serious. achievements, i would also like to highlight, for sure, our partners and partners of its air defense force of ukraine and my team, what is happening with the strengthening of ukrainian air defense is
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important, very important, this winter is different, it is also with challenges, unfortunately, with losses, but still small, we are becoming. .. more powerful than a month, i had such a serious business trip with my team, and several, i won’t say the number, several new patriot systems will be in ukraine to protect our country in the winter, this is a very important result, i promised not to say the number until they are protected , but i want to thank you partners and patriota and nasamsa, a powerful new package, and... this is important, in general , we are going through a difficult, difficult year, it is coming to an end, we are ready to talk about the economy, probably our people in the leadership of our state in the cabinet of ministers know more about the details, but
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that all partners really note that the growth of ukrainian gdp by 5% in the 23rd year, the drop in inflation to the level of 5.5%. 6%, this is a colossal result, and it is also a powerful victory for us, well, it seems to me that i still do not look in the format, i did not have a monologue today, you have many questions, i i will be happy to answer almost everything that i cannot say, sorry, dear colleagues, i see ukrinform, during our last business trip we spoke with your colleague in washington, so let's go... and now. good day. angelina strashkola chukerinform. mr. president, at the end, can you hear me well? at the end of november. i can't hear you very well. at the end of november, you said that you had instructed the military and government officials
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to prepare a comprehensive plan for mobilization in ukraine. have you already been introduced? this plan, if so, outline its key details. thank you. well, first of all, this is still a question, and it is fair that this is a question of our military, the central committee, the general staff, they addressed at the level of our rate, regarding the issue of mobilization, the issue is very sensitive, i believe, they addressed, regarding protection of our state and potential counteroffensive actions , regarding the deficit, and their view was on the bet that... they proposed uh to mobilize an additional 450-500 thousand people, that's a very serious number, uh, i said i need more arguments for that to support this direction, because this
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is primarily a question of people, the second is a question of justice, this is a question of defense capability and a question of finances, which concerns... and i need people here, i need specifics, because what will happen to the million-strong army of ukraine , very powerful, i believe that what will happen with those guys who are there every day, at least what... with those who have been there for two years protecting our state, if we have issues of rotation, we have issues of vacations, then it should to be a comprehensive plan, and in this mobilization plan law, you have to give me answers, society is society first, and that's why they started working on this plan, i haven't seen there yet... demobilization, although i think that's the number one question, and the question
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is not, what's the name of the process, yes , according to the law, it may be wrong to call it demobilization, but the main thing is that this process should be fair to our powerful soldiers, it is very difficult for them there, i have been there many times, i would really like our military leadership to understand all these challenges, we we cannot lose the bravest people powerful people, their morale , and i thank them for this stability, but nevertheless, if we are talking about additional mobilization forces, we must find demobilization processes, and this will have to be carried out objectively, with specifics and with great respect for the soldiers , that's why i asked for a lot of answers regarding and... there should also be business trips, there should be questions about vacations, there should be questions about moving
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from one place to another, there are different possibilities, all the requests that our army has today should meet modern challenges and should to find an answer from the military leadership, it is very important, well, they connected, they asked to connect regarding the ministry of defense. there are specialists, as well as mykhailo fedorov regarding the digitization of some processes, this is also important, because there are people both in ukraine and abroad, and this is such a complex process, that is, it is very important for me, if 440 thousand plus, then who deserves the right to rest. and this is a very important point, and without it it does not work, in my personal opinion,
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but nevertheless, it is put on the table, they should prepare a comprehensive plan, and then they will communicate in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the verkhovna rada of ukraine, if these are changes to the relevant legislation, we need to find an understanding on this issue, the issue is very sensitive, we cannot lose stability. potential, but we need justice, and this is very important , as far as finances are concerned, between us, mobilization in this format will cost ukraine an additional 500 billion hryvnias, so i, as the president of ukraine, as a person who gives a lot of his time to find that or other financial support for ukraine, i would like... understanding from the prime minister, from the minister of finance, and where does the money come from? thank you,
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thank you, next question kyivindependent, stand up, please, so that people with microphones can see you, good afternoon, can you hear me? francisfer, kyiv independent publication, you recently made a decision about construction. fortifications along the front line, please tell me whether the scale of this work will be similar to what the russians built on the occupied side of the front line, and why is ukraine starting this work only now? thank you. first of all, the decision made is not about the beginning, but about continuation and strengthening. and this is very important. there are, for example, our regional state administrations, i really want them, i want them. thank you very much, mostly in ukraine, they did this work at the beginning of the war, here without any objections, to whom and who
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should do it, i just accept what they did, if i see in the kharkiv region and thank both the region and the city , and how they united there with military specialists, and with construction campaigns, and with our state the budget was drawn up once together with business, and what they did... and i think it's powerful, and if i see it there and i don't see it in another area, and i ask a specific question on... the military, which in one direction or another, is this enough, yes, and why is it weaker here than in the kharkiv region, for example, i just don’t want to say, if possible, where we are, what is the condition, then they say, yes, it would be much better, we would be much more confident if there was such a level, that's all, my task is simple,
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please standardize this kind of strong protection, thank you please kyodo kyodo right center. stand up thank you very much. my next question is about the battlefield. ukrainian armed forces. they are experiencing a shortage of artillery ammunition, and some are saying that the ukrainians are now being forced to change their tactics because of the lack of ammunition, what do you think about that, and the second question is that western military aid seems
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to be decreasing now, and if as a result of this... western support, because this change, ukraine is losing ground, and won't this lead to some defeats, what do you think of this? thank you for the question, about the defeats , what should i think, i know everything about the battlefield, and russia... has not achieved any results this year, i am not characterizing the last year, the 22nd, i am talking about the 23rd year, none of these goals, by the way, this proves the fact that the messages of the kremlin have not changed, that they have unchanged goals of the svo, and the goals were clear, the occupation of our state, and the main goal,
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which they themselves changed in rhetoric , this is the exit to the administrative borders of ukrainian. donbass, they did not achieve this goal, so pro there is nothing to say about the defeat , not a single, not a single victory has been achieved by russia, what a three days, two years, our fighters are well done, people are well done, and i thank them once again for that, as for the financial assistance, we are working very hard on this, i am sure that the united states of america will not betray us and that. what we have agreed to the united states will be fully implemented. as for the european union, well, there were big bets, everyone played on big bets, we achieved one victory in relation to the european union, in relation to 50 billion, i am sure, we have already have reached, the question now is of some appropriate
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time, the first half - half... i think they will be this week, something like that, and 50 billion, i am sure a decision will be accepted will be made, well, in the near future, when they will meet, there are organizational question and no one will interfere, it is done in such a way that today we have mechanisms so that even if there is no, let's say so, even if there is support for the package of 50 billion. minus one, there will be other tools for ukraine to receive these 50 billion, these are the main numbers: the united states of america, very powerful the number we are working on is very serious, and our american partners must know that we expect this help, they know the details, what is needed, how it will affect, they know how the postponement
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of certain dates affects, they know about our perseverance. that it is not artificial, that it is necessary for the stability of our defense, the stability of our economy, and the stability of the people of ukraine. i think i've found an understanding with president biden and the senators, and we 've been meeting with both parties, yes, we'll see, we'll see, the question, again, in dates concerning the reduction of aid. if we're talking to you about the shells, what you're saying, and whether they had an impact, the uncontrolled sky from ukraine, it had an impact on... the southern operation of the 23rd, we don't control the sky, we don't have enough appropriate ammunition, but this does not
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mean that we will not find a way out, or have not already found it, but for this we really need support, because we simply do not have some things, some things for ammunition, we are working on it. rbc ukraine, please. thank you, milan lelich rbak ukraine. sir president, the first question is related to several, yes? rbc ukraine, only one? no, questions. yes, there are one questions, and one is a little bit in development of your previous answer, regarding help. so, western leaders. in particular , german chancellor ulav scholz and nato secretary general jen stoltenberg say that, according to their estimates, the war can continue for quite a long time. and our commanders, for example, like the commander of azov,
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redis, also say that it can last for years, so you, as the supreme commander, can you confirm that the war will not end in at least 2024, and briefly in the development of your previous answer, if the assistance from za... financial, military, its level will decrease significantly next year, is there any plan b, that is, at the expense of what ukraine will fight and live in 2024 and beyond, thank you, i grateful for the new relations with the european union, i really wanted to prepare, but i don't remember the details about not only the european union, the countries of europe, which... really respect us very, very much, are proud of our people, we have built special, special ,
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personal relationships, and long-term care, i think, anyway, it will be the shoulder that you asked about if there are any risks, although i think again that our partners will not ... let us down, at least i think that was the result of our visit, so , what is certain today: belgium - 1.7 billion, denmark - 4.2 billion, korea - 2.3 billion, ah, latvia - lithuania, the netherlands - hundreds of millions, norway - 7.5 billion , france - 2 billion, and germany - 8 billion. sweden - a little more than half a billion and there will be multibillion-dollar aid from japan, this says that this is a powerful basis, if we have risks, we will
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count on them in the appropriate amounts, this is multi-year aid, it is for various purposes, some for humanitarian things, some for economic support, social payments, but also a very large amount from these of states this is military aid to ukraine, so i am confident in our partners, i believe that we have done everything, maybe not everything, almost everything, the year is not over yet, and this, as far as money is concerned, will the war end in the 24th year, i think , that no one knows the answer, even the respectable ones people, commanders, our or western partners, when they say that this is a war for many years, they do not know. it's a dialogue, it's thoughts, thoughts very often differ from reality, i
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'm sorry that i'm going back to the example of a three-day triumph, a sick person, but nevertheless, we have a fact with you, there were also thoughts. in no way do i compare the opinions of that person and respectable people, understand me very correctly, but i want to be correct: war, victory, defeat, stagnation depends on many, many decisions, many risks, many. directions, but mostly from you and me, if we don't lose our resilience, we 'll end the war sooner if we don't lose ours.
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spirit, you can be and live with skepticism, but you can also live with the country, sorry for the skepticism, but i am not ready for this, and i know that there are many millions of people like me, we are not ready to give up our country, we are not ready from the first day , and it will be until the end, and if we keep all these goals, all that... we have all that we can, and will do much more than each, each of us, can, i'm sure, we can bring this victory closer, please bbc, world, please stand up to be seen.
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thank you very much, president zelenskyi, you faced problems in connection with the decrease in support for the event, with the addition of people to the army and with russian attacks. please tell me if you don't think that this is the beginning of a loss in the war, that you can gradually come to a loss. no, i don't think so, we were in the most difficult situation, and we were almost completely occupied, at least, at least the central regions of our state, and the objects infrastructures, logistics of our state, and...
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roads, railways, food delivery , economy, completely killed by cyber-attacks, financing opportunities , temporarily occupied cities, we were in a complete blockade, we got out, people, god, partners. i don't know who else, it all helped , after that it was winter, it's different, we don't take this winter as a victory now, sorry, it's very expensive, and i know every system, and every defense of ours, every minute, how that arrives in ukraine, how we fight for these missiles, how we fight for each, for each, for each this protection system. and
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we had a different winter, now we have a different situation, and i agree that there are challenges with the amount of assistance with artillery shells, atgms, with artillery systems, especially the 155 caliber, with repairs of these systems, shipping, etc., but they are opening a little hubby, there are complications even with our neighbors when we couldn't get to... to repair our weapons, because politics always intervene politics, so everyone understands that it's not easy, the risk is what you say, well he always is, we are all living people, and we live, but we have to live in ukraine and fight and believe, believe very strongly, believe not with words, but with getting closer, getting closer to
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the result, which means with your steps, that... every day, here's what you need to do, so that later, at least there was no shame, please , the ukrainian truth is here ahead, good evening, mr. president, good, may i hold the microphone, please, no, no, please, this is not a matter of principle, next year, there are many factors to believe that the next year may become decisive. for of our country, external support can logically decrease due to electoral cycles in different countries, and therefore we will need to rely on our own forces, accordingly, become stronger as a state. at the same time, we see that we, as a state, do not seem to be able to defeat some call centers that are robbing millions of our citizens every day and right now. we see that a responsible business, including...


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