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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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and we stood for you, for your independence , and we stand as best we can, and i had strong, had relations with your cabinet of ministers, and absolutely, of course, i came with my wife, we were also grateful, we supported as soon as we could, then there was a blockade of our borders, you understand, this is not business during the war, a blockade of our borders, it was a matter of survival, we did not have... there was then a corridor, a free, independent, black sea corridor, through which you could export grain, which we had, we had problems in slovakia, we had problems, there could be problems with romania, we had problems with hungary and we have problems with our closest friends poland, so what do we have left if we don't have the sea, which, well, we just can't... and then the question,
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when they said a compromise, i said, yes, what is the compromise, we are ready, tell me what, the compromise, not all of us can survive, not to export this grain, what, we said, okay, we will not sell grain to poland, or also, okay, let me bring it out, yes, i know, even you know how ukrainians treat poles, with great sympathy, love, even i, when in ukraine , everyone saw that we had a conflict. at the level of leaders, that ukrainians began to protect you, not me, although i protected their interests, no, this is life, listen, this, this is the life of neighbors, close people, but april, listen, from april to september, well, well, this it was very difficult, we lost...hundreds of millions
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of dollars, we lost part of the crop, we lost it every day, and every day our farmers inside the state asked me, so and so, how come we have mined fields, and i at least remove at least something, and this is what happened, and we began to lose political relations, i emphasize once again, i am grateful to your people, but please understand me, well, i am not some rag. "i protect the interests of my country during the war, i said, just let us withdraw, we were not allowed to withdraw, and it was wrong, well, just wrong, one, well, sir, and the other, you know, works on the ground, it can't be like that to be, yes, but, and i was sure that this was a political signal, and you know it, and that in polish society in..." everyone knows that it was
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politics, political elections of government officials who lost, and i was sure, and then i said, to the leadership of your state, i said, you will lose this policy, you will lose yourself, our people cannot suffer in any way, this is just suffering, it 's not about money, we've lost how to live, what a compromise, the law, there's always a law, the eu was all there. against this blockade, thank god, intelligent romania appeared, and just to me, president johannes, he helped me, he helped me, he helped our farmers to survive, and he had such difficulties, he had strikes, i think he showed the manifestation of a strong man who said the values, first, and then the prices. and this is important, further
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, you have a new government, i, and i, i am grateful, i had vkontakte with president duda, and he congratulated us on our important holidays, and vice versa, i appealed to him, we leveled this situation, the new government, i will believe that the new government will unblock this whole blockade, it is artificial, we are ready for you... that in poland people have not lost anything, but the issue of grain cannot be politicized when we have everything blocked, and what it turned out, you know that financial poland lost, well, count, lost, why, we built this corridor through moldova-romania, we along the railway, we built a corridor through the black sea and less exports through poland, we wanted it. no, we didn't want to, i
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had a conversation with donald tusk, i am grateful to him for his strong position at the meeting of the european union, we spoke with him at night on the eve of this... meeting, he has a powerful situation, and we, i believe that we everything is evened out, i really believe and want to believe in it. we are ukraine, please. mr. president, greetings, olena chernyakova, tv channel we are ukraine, i want to talk about our tomorrow, it will definitely be, but what is the question: with security guarantees or in nato? and here i want to explain two points: with regard to security guarantees, since july there has been a declaration, more than three dozen countries have joined with... negotiations have begun with a dozen countries, but are there any results of these negotiations, perhaps the first with whom we sign an agreement declaration of security guarantees or political commitments, it will be britain and it will be soon, and with regard to nato, are you considering for me, an acceptable option is that ukraine
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joins nato in stages, as they say, according to the german model, by the same, this is a debatable issue, but by this we will destroy russia's veto, which it is constantly trying to do, they will seize... we cannot leave them , so the question for you, thank you, thank you very much, regarding the security guarantees, the process is going a little slower than i expected, i'll tell you frankly, we had a meeting today with our security guarantee team, how to approach this decision, a lot depends on us. we very often blame our partners for certain issues, but we must be fair, a lot depends on us on the platform of the ministry of defense, the general staff, the military component, i will tell you this, without details, we must
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convey our vision to our partners, and this is very a serious, serious core for security assurances, because it's all going to be around that. security element, and we still haven't passed it, i'm here without objection and i'm going to, i know, a lot of challenges, a lot of work, but nevertheless the ball is in our court on this issue now, it's in terms of security guarantees, in terms of nato, we know that this is the most powerful option for us, we are not invited to nato, and... signals about partial participation of some kind, frankly, delusional, why, because no offense to those who says so that they understand, for me it is just now, something, somewhere, some such
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messages are heard, we have never received such an offer, never once, from any of the partners, i honestly find it very difficult to imagine... for myself , how, how, how can it be, and, you know, if a person says, if he is a man, he says from moscow, the goals of the svo have not changed, this is a signal that a person does not want peace, well, the truth is, he says, there are goals, we continue to go towards them, he does not want peace, let's imagine. and what will happen if part of ukraine is in nato? i think that these are high risks for us, because i am sure that if a part of ukraine will be in nato, then you have also heard signals about finland, well, it means that it
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will enter and war with nato will begin. and here there will be a question: will nato countries join to fight for a part of ukrainian territory that belongs to one or the other. status in nato, not completely, but some kind of status, because we do not recognize with you the territories that are occupied by the russians, that is, it will say that we are not completely in nato, that is, part of us is somehow in some kind of status in the security union, and part of we don't admit that she's russian, we never admit that, and that 's understandable, that's why i told you so, it seems to me that it's a fantasy, with britain , the same security guarantee, of which the naval component is a part, is being discussed, but again i'm still going back to our unfulfilled yet homework, thank you, please afp,
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left, close to center, thank you. mr. president, my question is this: given the lack of breakthroughs on the front, are you thinking of changing your strategy? including the goal of returning to the borders of 91, and perhaps to the question of whether you are going to change the military leadership in this sense, thank you, thank you very much, the strategy cannot be changed, according to our constitution, these are all our territories that regarding tactics, tactics may be changed after it is incl. the results of our actions in the south of ukraine in the 23rd year, by the end of the year we will get
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an understanding, and our next plans, next steps, sorry, will remain only with us for now, please, new york times, at the very end, i think there will be more such questions. this is the only platform that works. the last meeting in malta was very good, almost
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80k countries. after that, the meeting will be in switzerland, within the framework of the forum or on the site of the economic forum, there will be such a security segment, the segment is very important. we will work to ensure that this meeting also includes representatives from all continents. including global house and even if there were eight dozen countries, maybe there will be more, let's see, the question is, no one is chasing the number, but nevertheless, the number has an impact. all the same, this is a political or geopolitical isolation of the policy of the russian federation. after this meeting, we will work on organizing a summit at the level of leaders, because at this meeting. the last five points will be worked out, the first five points were worked out formulas
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were worked out between the advisers at the meeting in malta, the next five will be worked out, god willing they will be finalized at the meeting in switzerland, after that we will organize the leaders' summit, when the leaders' summit will take place, i am sure, we have to do everything, despite that defocus and those challenges in the world. new tragedies, conflicts and warriors, nevertheless, we must focus on a story from ukraine, a story with a peace formula, and i believe that our last visit to the united states of america, latin america, europe turned the world's attention to ukraine, but nevertheless, we see, in any case, there is such a direction, that is, it has begun to change, it is very important for us. attention began to return to ukraine, switzerland
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, we will put a full stop on it, i think, well full stop, for sure, this will be such a transitional moment, and it is on this platform that there will be an agreement between the countries, fundamental things with which we will then start working and preparing the appropriate document, when the appropriate document is ready, then... we can have it in one format or another transfer to the representatives of the russian federation, when all the states of the world unite around our understandable document, then this document can be transferred, as it was, for example, with grain, through the united nations organization, or through other respected leaders, we will talk about it later let's think about it, it will be transferred to that party , so if it is ready to accept that document... this will indicate that your question regarding the negotiations is relevant,
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it is not relevant today, i do not see a request from russia, in their actions this i don't see, in rhetoric i see only looting and murders, that's where it is, please interfax ukraine, thank you very much. a few words have already been said today about the construction of defense fortifications, so a number of experts have commented on this as ukraine's transition to strategic defense, do you think? the same? no, no, i don't think so, well, i already answered what i meant. yes, let's social. greetings, mr. president, more public news. this year, for one or another, probably objective reasons, ukraine failed
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to achieve the set goals goals on the battlefield, and those goals which, which... partners in this context, how do you assess the work of commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny, are you going to fire him, and why did you personally not react in any way to information about a possible conflict between you. thank you. why should someone help and develop this topic? i have a good working relationship. he must be responsible for the result of... on the battlefield as a commander together with the general staff, there are many issues there, there is also the commander of tavria, who was engaged in operational command, see, this is a difficult question, an attack, something happened , something didn't happen, something happened, something is missing, or maybe it won't be there, well, that is, it's a complicated,
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very complicated story, i think we can afford to... live in ukraine with the daily result, that's what i think if we're ready to bring that result, each of us, and it's , you know how, it's not a joke, what i'd like to say, i think it's an honor to be the head, i think to be the president of ukraine is an honor, a great honor, i will not... get tired, i will not give up and i will not give it to anyone, and it is not only it's a question, it's a question in our words , a question in rhetoric, a question in our actions, you know, the word goes, then the corresponding step comes, we need strong steps and results, that's all, and that's how i feel , i do not develop any personalities or complexities in personalities,
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the state of ukraine. it's not about the personal, it 's just for a second, it's the owners of more than 40 million people, and even more, because there is still a future generation, a result, every day, in every position, and responsibility for every result every day. so you don't plan to change? i plan to work, i am waiting for a decision from them regarding mobilization, i am waiting for a decision from them so that we help people at the front, i am waiting for very specific things on the battlefield. the strategy is clear, we have an understanding of our actions, i want
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to see the details, i think it is fair, because when there are details, then there are. 440,000 , 340,000, 240,000, 100,000, well, that's fine , we have to survive with you, you understand , all this costs money, by the way, i'd just like to say for a second, to protect civilians a little, you know, when you understand what fin'. contribution is required for support of our soldiers, we must understand with you, i have spoken about this many times, their wages are paid by our population, our people, all of you, the people who pay taxes, when we talk about that other mobilization, we must understand with you, one
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warrior - six people, that's six people. in civilian life that pay taxes, and so just take 500,000 people multiply by six and figure out how to me, the government, all of us, find plus 3 million, to the number that we have, plus 3 million taxpayers in the month of january , such and such a task, and therefore i you very... please, i have no questions with any of them about my personal everything, personally with my wife. channel 24 please. please, mr. president, congratulations, anastasia narisana dekhtyarenko, channel 24. we are all already talking
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about the fact that the full-scale war in ukraine has been going on for two years, the way that russia has started the war for 10 years, but i hope that everyone believes and works for the victory of ukraine, but no matter who i talk to, everyone is investing the concept of victory is different. someone. someone says that this is the exit to the 91st, to the borders of the 91st year says that there will be no victory, no victory on this, because russia remains, and accordingly the threat remains and missiles can fly, so mr. president, please explain what is a victory for you personally, what is a victory for me personally, i am just talking about this finished , i have... nothing personal, in this position i have to defend our state, according to our constitution, its entire territory, our entire
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territory with the occupied donbass and crimea, so i can only perceive it that way, but i would say yes, people shared, and so it is there is a difficult stage of the war, someone started saying, come on, where we are, it is already a victory, we were not... bought, when you come to the united states, or to the european union, what russia could not do to you to destroy, this is already a victory , you have a state, an identity left, you will return everything later, with history, i am skeptical about this, i believe that we must fight, because no one guarantees that even tomorrow we will reach that line... where this rush started, judging by this year, you understand that it is naight efforts, and even if it succeeds, what will happen next,
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what will happen next, what security guarantees will we receive, who will guarantee that there will be security with russia? it is clear that the more russia retreats, the weaker it will be, starting with their leader inside the state, this is a manifestation of weakness, ending with their presence on the international field, on international platforms, and this is very important, we must use this time, and god forbid, in we will have such an opportunity. we are all fighting, praying that we can make it, it will be very difficult, please spiegel, left on
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center, please stand up to be seen, good afternoon, feder petrov, spiegel, germany, a question from germany, when it comes to statements such as, from mr. from mr. scholz, just such that we are ready to support to the end . do you believe in it completely and how much do you believe in it? germany is led by chancellor scholz and has the second largest support in the world. the second is to support financial ukraine. financial military, all together. i want to thank you. only to the society and to him for the fact that you did it, what is it to the end, simple. let's see, we will judge everything
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after all, by the steps of people, and not only by words. he is seriously helping today, no seriously, we expect, ah, another patriot system, personally, from him, and this is a very important decision for us, us. we understand how it will help, we understand where it will be, how it will help this region that is fighting for its life every day. next, please, forbes ukraine, on the left near the wall. greetings, serhiy shevchuk, forms ukrain. thank you for the opportunity to ask a question. mr. president, i would like to return to more internal affairs, and for i would like to turn to the words of serhiy pozniak, this is... an entrepreneur, a veteran who heads the manifesto 42 business association, they recently said that after your meetings with businesses in the summer, the problem of pressure
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on business, which they complain about... businessmen did not resolve, it even escalated, and i quote, there sounded such words as rear security forces continue to illegally seize assets, seize accounts, come from maskishow with automatic machines to business offices and so on, according to the question, how aware are you of this business, how much do you keep a pulse on this story, and if so, what do you see as a way out of this situation? thank you. and this person, dear entrepreneur, he was at our meetings, right? and i understand, yes , yes, well, maybe, i will not argue, in any case, i built this platform in the office in order to help the business, so that there were not simply, but, you know, unresolved issues , to be the contact between their problems
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and... there tax officials or or government officials or law enforcement, and that's why i did that, i know that many times they were grateful that they just called, they told us, there is a challenge and we responded very quickly, so please pass it on to this person, we are ready to help, this issue will be resolved when the relevant law is adopted, i really asked. parliamentarians to vote this law on business no one can walk around etc. you know there were no checks but you know this is a requirement of the international monetary fund and all the checks were returned we couldn't do anything about it so i suggested alternative, let's go let's make one body for today, fiscal, law enforcement, which you want, which business wants, which is related to the economy, and
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only this body... or representatives of this body will be able to communicate with business, i know that the relevant law should have been registered in the verkhovna rada, in any case, thank you for the question, i will check why it has not been voted on yet, and then it will be clear that the question is not for everyone, if there are any, the question is only for one relevant body, well, you will also understand me, i... i know the pressure from the tax office and so on, and there are probably some wrong steps, but i don't have the authority to just ban the tax office from doing business, well, i'm just, well, you understand me too, we have to live by the law , so what i told you now, i can do, no more for now, if there is an offer from the business, some other offers, i am ready, i am open, put
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your shoulder, please, next please, well , let's radio freedom, here near the stage, yes mr. president, good evening, ruxlana look, radio liberty, i want to ask you about prisoners of war, and in general about ukrainian prisoners who are still in russia, for example, thousands of our servicemen, they are still there. and now their relatives are going to actions in different cities of ukraine in order to draw attention to this. it probably seems to them that ukrainians forget about it, or maybe there is not enough communication from the authorities regarding this problem, and 25, more than 25 thousand civilian prisoners who are currently in russia, these are the data of dmytro lubinets, for example, our colleague, vladyslav.
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journalist of crimea realia, who was detained in crimea more than two years ago. also, our colleague dmytro khilyuk, who is also in russian captivity further on. please tell us what mechanisms the authorities are currently implementing for the release of ukrainian prisoners of war and civilians, how do you see for yourself what you are working on, and can you say that this process has become more complicated since last year, for example, because the last exchange . as i recall was in june and what made the process difficult thank you thank you i can't tell you what made the process difficult but will not very ethical, if possible, you are right, the process is complicated, or maybe the authorities really do not communicate well, i will pass this information on to lubinets,
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