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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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in ukraine and in the information space, zelenskyi says, in his opinion, this is russia's political success. in the kremlin, i quote: they did not succeed on the battlefield in ukraine, but they succeeded through diplomacy in this track. as for poland, zelenskyi said that in addition to losing money, the two countries also lost in relations, and also called the blockade of ukrainian truckers at the border artificial and political. currently, zelensky hopes for the new government of donald tusk. i emphasize once again, i am grateful to your people. but you understand me, well, i'm not some rag, i am defend the interests of my country during the war, i said, just let us withdraw, we were not allowed to withdraw, and it was wrong, journalists also asked about orban, whether he is putting pressure on ukraine regarding negotiations with putin, but zelenskyi says that he did not talk about this, but during a short conversation with orbán in argentina, he told him directly that his policy is not very friendly towards ukraine, and also asked the prime minister
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of hungary why he does not support ukraine on its way to the eu and does not want to hold a bilateral meeting, but there are no answers to these questions got. at the end of the press conference , newvoice journalist natalya rop asked zelensky about the criticism of commander-in-chief zaluzhny by mp from the servant of the people maryana bezugloi, saying whether this position of a person from the presidential party reflects the position of the president himself and whether he is going to send zaluzhny out of office. zelenskyi said that he is not engaged in comments. he doesn't have time on facebook, and he needs a result first, and then a selfie. let's listen to this answer verbatim. and as for maryana, valera, they also have it there a few more people, it's very difficult, they all love to comment, like, and on facebook, they communicate there very often, they have dialogues, they have been from the first days, then they go to the front together, then they quarrel, it's difficult. question, to be honest with myself, that's why i
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told you, it seems to me that we all need to give results to the state, daily, and we'll have time for a selfie, thank you. evgeny magda, director of the institute of world politics, joined our broadcast to talk about the political aspect of this press conference. yevhen, welcome to our broadcast. congratulations, kateryna, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, well , we just heard such a synchronicity, such a fragment of zelenskyi about valera and maryana, this is a quote, yes, and that's it in general. to begin with, briefly, your impressions of this meeting of zelenskyi with journalists, in your opinion, were the answers to difficult, urgent, strategic questions voiced by the president? unfortunately, i don't have a clear answer at all, why this press conference was held. in the two hours of the president's communication with the media, i did not see any such, you know, shock message, which could be used.
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and demonstrate that everything is very good, everything is very strong, everything is very high quality, i didn't see it, maybe it's just me, but other people saw it, i don't have a clear answer to what this press conference was for, if we talk about more specific aspects, maybe there were more specific answers here, did you feel a possible mismatch between the political and military vision and the strategy of waging war in ukraine? you know, in order to compare it, you need to hear the words of valery zaluzhny, i think, i will just remind you that when the day after tomorrow, after, sorry, the day before yesterday, i spoke very briefly with the media, it seems to me that the intensity of interest in him was somewhat higher than in the speeches of volodymyr zelenskyi. i think in banking, it annoys a lot of people, but i think in the context of... when our main enemy is
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russia, these things shouldn't be some kind of trigger, they shouldn't be some kind of influence, well , we all have to be aware of one simple thing the fact is that sudden changes in the military or political leadership of ukraine will cause a very deep socio-political crisis, which is very it will be very difficult to avoid, which will have... very serious consequences, so why are we provoking this ourselves, you understand, i have been saying for more than a month that volodymyr zelenskyi and valery zaluzhnyi should issue a joint statement and say that we are fighting to victories, full stop, and i think this would be spread not only by the ukrainian, but by all the world media, because it would be the number one news, well, you see, we have not seen such a joint selfie or a joint video yet, it was for... a question, by the way, from
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cnn, it seems that zelensky is afraid that ukrainian society will be divided, and on against the background of these misunderstandings, possibly public ones, between zelensky and zaluzhny, i will also mention the sociology of kmist recently. that they presented, zaluzhnyi’s rating is higher than zelenskyi’s rating, but there is a unifying factor: 59% of ukrainians trust both, whether there are risks against the background of such public conflicts or talks about such conflicts, which may or may not exist, we we don't really have confirmation, but could there be a disunited ukrainian society here or on the background of some other issues? i think that during in such a difficult war that we are waging, everyone should... do what he knows how to do best, and i have no doubt that valery zaluzhnyi should command the armed forces, and volodymyr zelenskyi, as the person elected by the citizens of ukraine as president, should to serve as president, until the end of the war
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, they must remain in these guises, and this must be a simple axiom that is clear to everyone, because any discussion on this topic, they will weaken. the ukrainian position, you see, is being weakened, not strengthened, and this is a problem if we do not understand that there is a weakening, if we , we weaken our positions, we become further from victory, if we are further from victory, then our losses will be greater, then we will have more problems, we will have many problems anyway, you understand, for example, the presidential the explanation that the refugees will return when there is ... the air defense system is universal, well it is very simplified, i think you will not let me lie, as they say, there is no such sentiment, there is no program to return our refugees, and idea, we will open the boryspil airport, and which planes will fly there, who will insure
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the plane, which will fly into the combat zone, which icao will allow flying into the combat zone, for whom it is intended, well, we must say what about the planes. here, boryspil said about boryspil as about the black sea, that is, about such a special operation, which, if it is so much, if it is already summer, planes will fly to boryspil, then this means the super defense of the air defense forces of ukraine, that is, there have been no announcements of any kind in the near future, and speaking of about international politics, about foreign policy ukraine and the approaches of the president here, the president's team, what can you say here, well , there were questions about hungary, about poland, about germany, about the usa, the story is clear, here... for example, currently there is no ukrainian ambassador in the embassy of great britain, there is there are also a number of countries where there is no, well, in general , is this policy, the foreign policy of ukraine, in your opinion, strengthened now, are there any problems that are worth working with, in your opinion, well, in a few days we will celebrate the day
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of ukrainian diplomacy, maybe there will be some decrees, not only about awards, but also about the appointment of new ambassadors, because not having an ambassador in a country that is one of our ... their allies, i am talking about great britain, is, i think, a serious mistake, especially when we see what dangerous trends are happening in the united states , and we need to react to it somehow, this time, in relation to our neighbors, well, if even yesterday before the president's press conference there were some conversations about the possibility that donald tusk will come to kyiv in the near future , then i think that after such an emotional sleep volodymyr zelenskyi, we should not wait here for donald tusk. regarding viktor orbán, we also have problems with this, that is, our problem is that we have to say without tone that everyone is guilty and obliged to us, they are innocent and do not owe us, they are fighting for their interests,
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we we protect ourselves first of all, and we must tell the whole world about it that we protect ourselves and we are part of the civilized world, for example, for... the union, we are necessary, because ukraine is the largest country in europe, and without it, the european integration the project will be incomplete, and we can transfer our experience to nato in huge chunks, because even the 23rd year showed that the nato method, according to which our military was trained, may not be effective in these conditions, and ukraine received a lot of critical information, and she has to use it, that is, we have to talk about our... preferences, but not talk about how you guys owe us, come on, come on, come on, please, faster, it doesn't work like that, let alone scolding you mean, not to reproach, but to talk about the advantages and here count on interests of all countries. thank you, yevgeny, for participating. yevhen magda, director of the institute
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of world politics, political scientist, was a guest of svoboda ranok. i would like to remind you that during this broadcast we also ask you, our dear viewers, what is your situation with the kyivstar mobile operator and... in this broadcast , we will also contact the representative of this company in order to find out the details or for a long time these problems that appeared this morning among users of this mobile network operator. and then we will talk about the following topics. so, the information campaign against ukrainian ex-minister of defense oleksiy reznikov was a massive russian covert operation. these conclusions were reached in a joint investigation by the digital forensic research laboratory at the atlantic council think tank and bbc verifi. she allegedly planned to publish a video in at least seven languages ​​accusing reznikov of buying luxury mansions and cars, hinting that he would also get the ukrainian government. profit from the war, for the first time such publications have been noticed by analysts at the end of july of this year,
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the creation of thousands of new accounts that look fake and the publication of the same video on all of them testify to the information campaign itself. in a disinformation campaign about the ukrainian ex-minister of defense, the tiktok network deleted more than 12 thousand such pseudo-users. i will remind you that defense minister reznikov resigned in september amid several corruption scandals in the ministry of defense regarding the purchase of products. for the armed forces at inflated prices, but reznikov's involvement in this was not proven. resnie ukrainian tik-tok in recent weeks and fragments of the russian crime series "the word of the kid". film critics say this is subtle propaganda. on the other hand, the ukrainian audience, especially teenagers, do not stop admiring the scenes from this series, and what threats can watching this series have, and does it have any at all? let's look at the material of my colleague oleg hali. the end of the 1980s, russian kazan, do you
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personally know much about the events that took place then, how teenagers grew up, what they were interested in, if not, then the series about youth gangs of kazan, the word of the boy blood on the asphalt, will take you on a short tour of this period. after all, he already did it, gaining great popularity not only in russia, but also in ukraine. how many ukrainian citizens have seen this russian crime series. no one will say for sure. russian cinema, ukrainian viewers now usually watch mainly through pirated streaming platforms, or through tiktok. this social network just became a favorable ground for the popularization of the word boy. the series entered the ukrainian google trends, and the composition called piyala, by the russian band aigel is the soundtrack to the word "boy" and generally topped the top-100 rating in ukraine on the apple music platform. i just listened to him, to be honest, i'm through. for a minute i thought i was going to lose my mind because, you know, you listened, i
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don't know about you, it's a bit like metaphorical music, yes, it's like that - it's kind of plunging into the subconscious, and it's for a teenage brain, which is just forming, it, it has a very high influence. what is interesting after the beginning of the large-scale russian invasion of ukraine, the group made an anti-war statement and left russia, and in september the band announced that... he was included in the list of artists whose concerts are not recommended on the territory of the russian federation, and not by a single song , except for a successful musical composition - says the psychologist, russian filmmakers also guessed with the main characters and storylines, where not only the romanticization of banditry, but also love stories, and even phrases in the series, she notes, are aimed at teenagers. all this together causes the necessary emotionality and distracts teenagers, for example, from the events of the war, what is happening? around, i'm tired of being a jerk, i want to be with the boys, to influence a teenager,
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whose consciousness and identity are still being formed, the specialist explains easily: teenagers are always looking for authorities, heroes, they want cohesion, unfortunately, now we see a lot of horror, and we have visual content filled to the maximum, and it transforms very quickly and it is filled with negativity, well, agree, and there are ... beautiful faces, romance, emotions, and joining, this is inducing, uh, i join these heroes, and this is all that attracts my attention , for teenagers, that is why it really affects the psyche of our ukrainians, due to the great attachment to this series of ukrainian viewers, the ministry of culture and information policy published a statement: there they believe that the series directly spreads violence among teenagers and i quote: it contains hostile
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propaganda, which is unacceptable in ukraine during the war, and it is recommended not to watch it. we emphasize that russian content is not broadcast on official ukrainian platforms, therefore you can find it on pirate and russian resources, which are illegal actions. the national council for television and radio broadcasting has already added 22 russian media services to the list of audiovisual. on-demand services and services of audiovisual service providers of the aggressor state, such as those that cannot be broadcast in ukraine. movie viewer alena chechenina, who saw this series, calls it: subtle propaganda that very carefully promotes ideas of power. russian organization internet development institute, which is one of the sponsors of this film, according to an investigation by the russian opposition publications important history and medusa, is an institution that finances propaganda content for young people. without additional comments, i will name only two names of people who are part of the supervisory board of this organization: they are the editor-in-chief of
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the rasha today channel margarita simonyan and the deputy head of the administration of the president of russia serhii kiriv. the tv series itself does not simply romanticize violence, it is filled with theses that can be called russian-style, it promotes, conditionally speaking, the ideas of igor girkin , as it seemed to me, the idea that the state itself cannot be weak, there are enemies everywhere, enemies everywhere, especially america, and we need to be strong in order to resist these enemies and... and we cannot not show any weakness, that is, there, too , it is again shown how one of the heroes, he served in afghanistan, he came and constantly complains about the fact that we abandoned our people, we acted weakly, there, we should have acted tougher, america won and everything else. chechenina says that this series is really high-quality content with all the appropriate hooks to attract the attention of teenagers, first of all
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, it is about the russian audience, for which it was filmed, and precisely because it is... they want to film and watch it in ukraine as well, no matter how many times it is repeated, that this product is made in russia? and these are the ideas in this series, they should actually first of all influence russian teenagers, well, obviously, preparing them for their turn to be meat in this war, well, if we talk about our teenagers, then the danger in another immersion in the russian cultural content, it... it should be less, well actually, and the discussion that this series caused also plunges us further into the russian informational and cultural context in one way or another. director vladyslav troitsky hasn't watched the series slovo patsana, but he thinks that in ukraine no one from the audience wants to be in the place of the heroes of the film and will not romanticize the events from there. i think that it will be faster here, i
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think that it is faster that we have people in ukraine who look at it on an equal footing. if ukrainians complain that there is not enough content in ukraine, they better watch it american, the actress believes, and these are all positive emotional sympathies and ... which we study about let's go back to the ussr, so whoever does not follow this content, i will make an opening for you dear ukrainians, there are a lot of such comments, i i believe that it is as dangerous as war, something that gets into the heads of our teenagers. experts with whom i managed to communicate, as an alternative to the russian
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word patsana, cite oleg sentsov's film nosorig, which also tells about the turbulent history of 190. and the formation of gangs in ukraine, and this tape, which is important, gained popularity not only in ukraine, by the way, as meduza writes, and schoolchildren liked the word boy so much, for example, in russian tatarstan, that they divided the territory and arranged fights in the school yard, and this is not the only case. in the sarmaniv district of the same tatarstan, telegram channels were created with the names of former kazan groups. in chatak , schoolchildren tell how they divide the asphalt - this is a direct quote and draw maps. according to russian telegram channels in the city of irkutsk teenagers were also allegedly inspired by the popular crime series slovo patsana and killed a 15-year-old schoolboy. video beatings on telegram channels spread from makhachkala. so calls began to be heard in russia to ban the series. this was reported by the russian media. the head of the state duma committee on family, parenthood, motherhood and childhood protection, nina ostanina, demanded to check the draft, i quote, on
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the subject of propaganda and dissemination of prohibited information that can harm the younger generation. including harming the life and health of children, as well as everything russian society. however, according to zmi, roskomnadzor, which is a state service that essentially controls the internet in russia, did not find any violations in the series "solo patsana". mykyta poturaev, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on humanitarian information policy, joined our broadcast. welcome, thank you for joining. good morning. in your opinion, why did this series make so much noise, why did it become popular among ukrainian teenagers? well , because it's a job well done, and why him is gaining popularity, well, because teenagers, well, i'm not a psychologist, you've already had interviews with... psychologists on the program today, but , well, teenagers, well, it's, it's a game, when you 're a teenager, you play something, you know, when they were children, soviet teenagers played
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war, with the fascists, there with ours, and then they started playing war among themselves, well, i won’t say, there is such a direct correlation, but i will remind you that i from dnipropetrovsk, from soviet, we didn't have it like in kazan, but i remember it perfectly. what happened to us, we had very similar stories, how we went from school to school there, and well, we didn't have such expressions as in this series, but well, this is part of my life, i lived it, that's why i'm not at all delighted with this series and i don't want to watch it, because this is definitely not the part of my life in which i would like to return to this gray, completely unenlightened soviet everyday life, in which ... adolescence, there are certain
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peculiarities when the country lives in war, many different nuances, if there are, and it is already clear that such content is necessary, maybe similar content, should ukraine have some kind of policy here and offer something instead of russian production, but of its own production , for the same ukrainian teenagers, which could carry ... some kind of pro-ukrainian propaganda, maybe, well, it is clear that we should do it, and well, this is again what we are facing now, it is a consequence of what was, well, let's say a decision, conditionally speaking, yes , so from social networks, which came to we didn't shoot anything, well, we don't shoot anything today, but we have to shoot, because if you don't, don't see. if you don't remove your own, then your citizens will watch someone else's, well, it's exactly like the army, yes , if you feed your army, then you will feed someone else's army,
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that's what actually happens, it's clear that we have stories that can to tell our teenagers, ee we have stories that are not even fictional, tragic, but who said that our teenagers will not watch, well, let's say this... but at least based on real stories that took place and are taking place in the occupied territories or in or on the territories that have been liberated there, and we know more about these stories, we just have to shoot, that's all, and in general, well, the language of cinematography is a language understood all over the world, and i i will say that we would definitely have fewer problems with receiving. international aid, if , conditionally speaking, there were not there on netflix, well , how many are there, there are up to 10 of our products, yes, but if there were 15 of them, better 25, so that they would be watched
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in every country and understand what ukraine is, what are ukrainians, who are ukrainians, and what are we fighting for, but this is already a cool indicator that ukrainian films there and cinema there is a mess, so what are appearing, and here we can also mention oleg sentsov, he is mentioned here with his tape rhinoceros, and also there about the criminal 90s, taking into account ukrainian politics , that is global, we still do not have a minister of culture, for example, but the vision is, is it there, is there any implementation plan in order to make an argument, here we came up with something, let's we implement, it takes so much there money, taking into account the fact that there is demand, taking into account the fact that, well, relatively speaking, there are stories about which all this can be filmed, is there any such strategic vision, or does everything rest on the fact that... there is no such thing, or maybe it 's just expensive to implement in high quality, look, the vision of what needs to be filmed is a consequence of socialist realism, when the soviets
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ordered specific products there, paintings there or there feature films and so on, we have a state state cinema , an independent agency, we have great directors, we have great writers, at we have a selection system. well, that means we also have the capacity to shoot, so we pledged for next year approximately as much as we wanted to spend this year, there are 400 plus million hryvnias, it would be better to pledge more, we just don’t have any more, well, there is a plus also our production facilities, yes, we , we, well, no, not hollywood, we cannot shoot there more than a certain number of hours there, and, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's series or tapes, full. well, it is desirable, it is desirable that at least next year we reach 400 + 4 there are 30, i will not say the number for sure now,
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we would shoot, i am convinced that we... and i am convinced that among what we will shoot, there will be something that will not cause delight, but there will be something that will be watched and they will buy, in particular to the west, because the interest in ukraine is huge, in what is happening, in who we are, what our history is, and so on, and and and waste this cha, this unique chance to absolutely tell about the world itself, well, it's just a crime, an evil. before his own state. thank you for participating and expressing your opinion. nikita peturaev, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on humanitarian information policy, was a guest of our broadcast. as promised later, we will talk about the situation with kyivstar. today, from the very morning, users of the kyivstar mobile operator are once again complaining about the lack of communication and access to the mobile internet. the company itself confirmed the problems, on the official facebook page they said that
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there were difficulties with the voice. connection of the mobile application in a number of cities in the west and south of ukraine. to our broadcast today anna zakharash, director of corporate communications of kyivstar, joins. anna, i congratulate you. tell me, please, what is the current situation, is this a critical story, or does it only concern the south-western regions, or can there be a wider situation and when is this story planned to be resolved? good morning, thank you very much for the invitation to the broadcast and for the opportunity to talk with you today . dear audience, well, first of all, i would like to explain that currently, on january 12, kyivstar was the target of a powerful hacker attack from on the part of the residents, and actually our specialists worked powerfully enough and our partners, contractors in order to restore communication services. we have always said in our communications and asked our subscribers
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to treat this with understanding. situation, why, because after such a large-scale attack , we need time to restore services, so what is happening today is really a technical failure, we are restoring services in order to stabilize services throughout ukraine, as you correctly pointed out, there are difficulties at the moment in in several cities, and in the south and west of ukraine, the my kyivstar application is already working, we will try to restore it as soon as possible. communication services, but that is an important point, please emphasize whether this is not a new attack, it is still overcoming the consequences of an old attack, this overcoming, at the moment, what we know, it is overcoming the consequences of a previous attack, or for these for the past few days, kyivstar has strengthened security in connection with this attack, is there work in this direction now, of course, yes, of course, work is in this direction every day, i can say that we are cooperating very fruitfully with the security service of ukraine
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even now. everything about the reasons for this attack, we would really like the sbu to comment on whether they have any theories, or maybe the investigation will already be closed and the results will be made public. currently , kyivstar has no right to comment on this. anna, and finally, could there be similar failures in the near future in the work of kyivstar? unfortunately, there may be, there may be disruptions, for a while, i think they will have a short one. temporary nature, that's why i apologize once again to all our subscribers and thank them very much for their trust, support and understanding, i can say that all compensations will definitely be provided. i thank you for joining, promptly and informing our viewers, anna zakharash, director of communications of kyivstar corporate communications, was a guest of our broadcast. thank you to all our viewers, it was an intense, important broadcast with exclusive announcements, stay with
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radio svoboda and see you soon. tomorrow, the information day on the espresso tv channel continues, on the air. news. he works in the studio kateryna shiropoyas. 16 injured in a day due to russian shelling of the kherson region. in particular, nine people were injured during the evening attacks on the regional center, including four children. the youngest was only informed for two years in the regional military administration. in total, during the day, the enemy fired more than 350 shells in the region. the russian military took aim at the residential quarters of the population.


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