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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EET

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the kyivstar company explained the reasons for massive network failures, residents of the western and southern regions have had difficulties with communication and mobile internet since the morning, the company informed and promised to eliminate them as soon as possible, however, it warned that failures may occur in the future as long as the mobile the operator will not fully recover after the russian cyberattack that occurred on december 12. dollars of losses from the blockade of the western borders. the national bank estimated ukraine's probable losses from strikes polish and slovak carriers. in particular , in november, this amount amounted to 860 million dollars, and in december, as of now, 620 million. at the same time, the national bank noted that the import losses were partially compensated thanks to the increase in supplies by other means, in particular by rail. and export losses due to increased supplies through the new sea border.
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therefore, a certain relaxation, which the strikers went to, periodically unblocking checkpoints, also had a positive effect. let me remind you that the strike of polish carriers at the border began on november 6. situationally, slovakian carriers join them. the main demand is the abolition of visa-free transportation between ukraine and the european union. 16 victims per day due to russian shelling of the kherson region. in particular, 11 people got it. wounded during the evening attacks on the regional center, among them four children, the youngest only two years old, informed the regional military administration. in general, the enemy fired more than 350 shells in the region during the day. the russian military aimed at the residential quarters of the populated areas of the region, the object of critical infrastructure and a pre- school education institution in the kherson district, as well as a kindergarten, a medical institution, a post office and a boat station in kherson.
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more than half a dozen cars were on fire at one of the city's enterprises. two people were injured as a result of enemy attacks in sumy oblast. they came under mortar fire in the city of seredynabuda. after the mortar attacks , two apartment buildings, two administrative buildings, a warehouse of an agricultural company and power lines were damaged, reports the regional emergency department. due to shelling, residential buildings burned. in general, an aggressor per day. carried out 125 shellings on populated areas of sumy oblast. one person was injured in kharkiv oblast. as a result of enemy shelling of the village of kupyansk-vuzlovy. a 55-year-old woman was injured, a private house was damaged, another russian rocket fell in the village of odradne. fortunately, there were no casualties, oleg synogubov, the head of the region, said. and at night, the occupiers attacked in two'. kharkiv,
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hit a transport depot and a residential building in the salttiv district, according to the mayor of the city igor terekhov. enterprise completely broken, he did not report on the condition of the house. the united states has appealed to japan for help in order for ukraine to receive patriot missiles, the washington post writes. for this, it is necessary to make changes to the japanese legislation, which will allow the export of several dozen missiles. to the united states, the americans, in turn, will be able to send them to strengthen the air defense of our country. i should note that japan produces missiles for patriot air defense systems under the license of the american company reid. due to the lack of ammunition, the russians use low-quality shells supplied to them by north korea. they often explode right in the barrels of guns. and mortars of the occupiers and
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destroy everything around - reported the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in particular, it is known about such cases in the russian dnipro grouping of troops, where the commander is general teplinsk. the armed forces of ukraine are expanding the bridgehead on the left bank of the kharson oblast, and the occupiers made eight attempts to repel our units from their occupied positions during the day, but without success, reported the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in total, 87 took place at the front combat clashes, the enemy launched one missile and 26 air strikes, shelled the positions of our troops up to a hundred times. and settlements. the situation near avdiivka remains the hottest. ukrainian defenders repelled 26 enemy attacks. the enemy tried to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the mariinsky direction and near the zaporizhzhia area, but was repulsed. also, our
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aviation and missile forces struck six areas where enemy personnel were concentrated. the enemy control post was hit and four ammunition warehouses of the russians. another 890 occupiers were eliminated in a day by our defenders, so in total almost 349 thousand russian soldiers ended their lives ingloriously on ukrainian lands. also, the armed forces of ukraine turned into scrap metal, 16 tanks, the same number of art systems, more than 20 armored vehicles and two rocket systems of the enemy's volley fire. 17 enemy drones and one missile were eliminated. destroyed about 30 russian tankers. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and i never get tired of reminding you about our meetings. espresso, together with the public organization baza ua, collects funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd
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separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military fights for victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured will be greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we have already collected uah 570,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield, so support, don't stay indifferent you can now see all the details on your screens. a former military man who fought in ukraine on the side of pro-russian militants was arrested in the czech republic. he will spend 21 years behind bars. the supreme court of appeal upheld the verdict passed by the lower court , radio prague reports. the investigation established that the mercenary had been fighting against ukraine since 2014. the court found him guilty of
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committing a terrorist attack and participating in a terrorist group, although the perpetrator is being prosecuted in absentia. because he is hiding from justice. and the service of buying and selling cars has been activated in the application, as the authors of the service note, it will be possible to complete the transaction in just 15 minutes, and after some time the new technical passport and license plates will arrive by mail, it will no longer be necessary to visit the service center of the ministry of internal affairs and pay for its services. all that is required is to follow the prompts in the relationship and test the contract with a valid signature, of course, use the re-registration service. only those who sell a car for the first time in a year will be able to do so. out of the game, supreme a colorado court banned donald trump from running for president in his state. the decision was made citing the 14th amendment
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to the us constitution. it forbids the participants of the rebellions to hold the highest government positions. in trump's case, it's about calls to storm the capitol. the state supreme court's ruling applies only to colorado. but it could significantly affect the overall 2024 presidential campaign. instead , donald trump's lawyers said the court's decision was wrong and undemocratic. they also promise appeal to the supreme court of the country. dissatisfaction with the policy of pro-russian prime minister robert fico is growing in slovakia. thousands of people came out for new protests against the government's initiatives, as reported. wants to dissolve the special prosecutor's office, which oversees high-profile corruption cases, as well as reduce penalties for corruption and weaken whistleblower protections. the opposition believes that such changes in the law will lead to an amnesty for corrupt people, so the protesters
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are determined to continue the rallies until the government will not withdraw the pro-mafia package. this is me for... the first issue, read more on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. then my colleagues oksana vysochenska and roman chaika are waiting for you on the air. see you later. cosmolod airlines has strengthened the units of the armed forces of ukraine with 50 of the latest panicher drones, the quietest, fastest and lowest mission cost in the world. all these are pro-ukrainian uavs that strengthen our front, they are modernized drones of the new punisher
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generation with innovative technology that is resistant to bullets and allows you to destroy the enemy in the deep rear. it can carry a combat unit, these are high-explosive shells, anti- tank shells, a good flight range, it is up to 45 km, the flight time is one and a half hours, well, it is still like a bird. it is good for intelligence purposes. kosmolot's focus on supporting domestic weapons inventors is an investment in ukraine's victory and future technological power. punishers are able to hit targets far behind the front lines, because they are silent, stealthy and effective. the main ones punisher's goals are to disrupt logistical chains in the enemy's deep body. that is, these are motor vehicles, communication lines, communication machines, cars. rap, headquarters, qualified personnel, where they eat, where they smoke, where
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they live, fuel and lubricants, bull in open storage areas. the crews have already repeatedly shown the effectiveness of their work, in particular , the special purpose aviation unit of the 58th brigade in joint work with the aerial reconnaissance group of the strike drone company of the 129th brigade of the tro luftwaffe reported the destruction enemy complex to the council. of electronic warfare barsaglebsk-2. according to experts, the cost of such a station is almost 200 million dollars. this mission was accomplished with the help of the new upgraded panicher, resistant to enemy rebs. these were very successful operations, we destroyed armored vehicles, military equipment together with very, let's say, more effective ones. installations that did not hit, but after that we took off and hit these targets the first time. this is the latest
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delivery of drones under the cosmolod airlines project. now the front is reinforced with 50 shock troops resistant to anti-aircraft fire. the total amount of aid from the company since the beginning of the full-scale invasion has already reached uah 130 million, because the more such birds our defenders have, the faster we approach victory. gentlemen, we are with you again , and we are glad to welcome those who have joined us, but join the cause, for it is a very good thing for our defenders. yes, we remind you about our collection, we collect at battery stations so that there is light, there is heat, so that all the equipment that is needed can be recharged. to our defenders at the front. the dnipropetrovsk teroo brigade of the armed forces of ukraine will thank you if you
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scan this qr code, or copy, rewrite, photograph, in any arbitrary way, transfer this card number to your gadgets and transfer the amount you can afford. for their benefit, that is, so that we can buy battery stations for them, these are the ones you see on the screen 1.220 00 need to be collected, a little more than 300. left to complete this collection, let's by christmas, or at least by the end of this year, we will close until the new year, we will buy it, we will pass it on so that the 24th is warmer and brighter. well, in the meantime , people's deputy of ukraine yevgenia kravchuk is in touch with us. ms. yevgenia was our colleague, a journalist in her past life, she is an expert in communication, and is a member of the profile committee on information issues. mrs. yevgenia , congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, good morning, heroes, glory, thank you for such a presentation,
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well, because, because we will immediately, everyone will discuss this now, we were just talking, and oleg sahakyan said that in he has two impressions of the communication in the form of a summary press conference, from the point of view of the questions and from the point of view of the answers heard, respectively , i wanted to ask you precisely, well, this is the moment when the president was asked about your fellow party members, and in this case the president communicated this question, it is quite resonant , but he said, well, he is ashamed. for certain politicians, he even named one, that's maryana, by name, yes, by name, he simply called all the others, but he said that you will not have others, because there will be no war, because there will be no elections, and in fact, well, in fact he said, bear with them as they are, or is it good for them
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your opinion, just like now not as a politician, not as a person who is about his party, but as a communication expert. was it a good answer to such a difficult question? well , first of all, the president, he talks about different parties, and he should not communicate only about one, because he is still the president, especially the president in a country that is at war, and it is still like an institution, we considering this position. regarding whether i am ashamed or not ashamed of certain colleagues, well, i am also ashamed of certain actions. colleagues who are not quite there understand that they, well, what are the tasks for people's deputies, or have they not changed their lifestyle in some way, or does this mean that absolutely all people's deputies, as it can be deduced from the question, which of our colleagues, for me a former colleague, yes, journalist
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, for you, the current colleague asked that all the deputies there or all the officials, they are... so sloppy, no, well, this is also wrong, because a lot of people's deputies work at the same time on draft laws, on law-making activities, and well believe me, without the verkhovna rada there is no opening there would be no negotiations, because the lion's share of decisions, sometimes debatable, difficult, but they were just taken by the parliament, is the work of... inter-parliamentary diplomacy important there, of course, it is important, and by the way, yesterday we had a meeting within of the european integration committee, i am not a member of this committee, but i am the head of the european integration subcommittee in the humanitarian department, and we talked with olga stefanishina , the deputy prime minister, and one of the questions was how the elections in europe will be affected, because in may, or rather at the beginning of june there will be elections to
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of the european parliament, there will be a change in the european commission, and there will be a parallel hungary. to preside over the european union, and she said an important thing, that we should immediately organize meetings and contacts with the new composition of the european parliament through the people's deputies, because this is, after all, a control function for the european commission, and certain messages through resolutions are very important there convey, just as this message was on the eve of the opening of negotiations, when the european parliament... addressed and noted the importance of this step and the adoption of this step right now, look, you mentioned this communication , i just wanted it to be very important that ukraine , in the form of this parliamentary diplomat , should speak with one voice, all politicians speak about this, we don’t ask anyone with one voice, one fist, and then they come back,
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someone from europe, someone from abroad, and this discussion begins with the chairman of the verkhovna rada. "you don't let us in, you limit us, you violate the law on the status of a people's deputy, somehow they are not speaking with one voice, but with a continuous cacophony, that is, as of now, this practice will be stopped, that is, and the opposition and its government will speak with one voice, because we don't have elections, and we have a war, and in general there is no need to use such concepts as the ruling faction or the opposition, at least the name will be given to the outside e. will this informational noise and scandals continue ? well, information noise and scandals usually happen within ukraine, but in all delegations, at least in those in which i participate, because i am in paris, and in the osce parliamentary assembly, and well, some other such delegations that are being formed - hock, then well i really see that we speak with one voice,
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because our only task is the victory of ukraine, help. ukraine, financial , military, any, humanitarian, eh, will it be obvious that there will be even more strict conditions for going abroad, so that it does not happen as with some people's deputies, who go there for three days somewhere, hold one meeting, and then they spend three weeks somewhere in some completely different country, it is obvious that this should not be the case, if there is this decree and there are restrictions, then , indeed, the stay of people's deputies, it should be within the limits of, well, official business trips, and all my business trips can be verified there by stamps. since it was written in the order , i leave in the same way and i return in the same way, it is clear that it will annoy people who read the news that there is some former deputy from the opzzh, went to
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hungary, and then was somewhere i don't know where, and this for a long time, much longer than what was written in him during the business trip, mrs. yevgenia, in fact, what was related to such internal-ukrainian issues, it sounded to us in such a minor key, when there were for... the questions, respectively, the answers that related to international support for the world, then it was already more major, because there is something to brag about, after all, there is, was, is, and we hope that this help will be from and from the united states, and from the european union , from some other countries, from now on, we see that for next year, unfortunately, already to january, or even february, they have postponed their meetings both in the states and in the eu, regarding financial support for ukraine. of ukraine, well, but none the less, from the latest news on the next package of sanctions against the russian federation have already started working, and compared to the previous one
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, the work lasted for almost six months, what do we expect in the future, and will there be any tougher measures, some really more serious ones, not just promises, but actions? well, note that even in this package there is more than just language. i was talking about diamonds, because by the way, this is a significant step, because this is the first time that this sphere is brought under sanctions, and there is a difference between these unprocessed ones, that is , those that are directly exported from russia, which are under sanctions indefinitely, and there are also third countries , and who can process diamonds there and then sell it there as their own products, these sanctions also apply to them... they will enter a little later from march 1 and for the time being for 6 months to see how to properly avoid these loopholes, i.e. holes in the sanctions policy, just avoiding these
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gaps are one of the biggest challenges not only for the european union and the sanctions of the european union, but also for the sanctions from great britain, from the sanctions from the united states, especially, because very precisely all the campaigns around, well, in different countries of the world they are afraid of the sanctions of the ministry of finance of the united states, because it is such a black mark forever, no counterparty, no company will ever want to do business with you, after these sanctions. of course, a very big challenge to the european union will be the complete rejection of energy carriers from russia, we will again see news from orban here, for whom cheap gas is one of the parts of his policy that is so populist inside the country, it is clear that orban will also ... i'm thinking of voting for sanctions on rosatom and pay attention to what it's all about rosatum talked a lot, but until the specifics of the decision were not reached, precisely because orbán
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wants to continue his joint project with rosatum, and this is also part of his cheap electricity there, that is, he at the same time wants to receive this unfrozen money from brussels, but have a cheap gas and cheap electricity through joint projects with russia, it is natural that you... and this, by the way, is a challenge for the general reform of the european union, because in parallel with the summit, these good news of the summit were, well, signals from many countries that are tired of constantly going to the meeting with the demands of the prime minister of hungary, and it is obvious that this reform is overdue . to the agreement of the european union were introduced, if i am not mistaken, 20 years ago, the world is changing, it is obvious that the rules must be modernized. i wanted
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to ask you about our biggest friends, neighbors, and partners, but the government has changed there, but the blockade and the measure have not changed. for warring ukraine, and the new ... government emphasized as much as possible that it is pro-european, that it is allied to ukraine, i mean donald tusk, this is a coalition government, we understand that it is also very difficult to have a single voice in a coalition government , they now have very different statements there, but the blockade is still there, and this raises the question, is it our government that does not know how to communicate, because it seems that there was already an attempt to unblock one of the three customs offices on the western border, or is it other... some problems , which we cannot influence, so analyze it, because everything around is standing at three customs crossings, you know, when domestic politics strongly... affects decisions
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that concern foreign policy, it often happens, and well, pay attention, we have not yet received funds from the united states, not because there is some, well, support has fallen significantly, of course, it is increasingly difficult to keep this support at the level of, well , two years ago, almost two years ago, but nevertheless, there are votes for this package, but there are certain questions that are internal, in the question united states policies that do not allow further. in the same way, these carriers, farmers, these same farmers can start blocking. all this greatly affects the position of one or another prime minister there. i still think that in the end a solution will be found, but we also have to be absolutely realistic, and well, we are adults and we have to evaluate it correctly.
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we have the so-called zero-tolls and all the special conditions until june 2024. the european commission has to either continue them or not to continue them, but to continue them in which version, and that’s right here countries, various countries of the european union , including those that are seen in blocking the border. will obviously influence this decision and it is very likely that it will not be the one we are used to, so obviously the government should also communicate this with ukrainian business, regarding the negotiation process itself, because we also need to understand , that during this process of these years of negotiations, and so we will also take some
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temporarily not a... popular steps for ukraine, because i am sure that the task of many neighboring countries will make this transition period for agricultural products, export there, for example, agricultural products, as long as possible. our position will be to make this transition period as fast as possible and, well, to merge into this free market, the movement of goods, the movement of capital , and so on, as soon as possible. mrs. yevheniya, thank you for the conversation, yevheniya kravchuk, narodna. further, and i will run ahead a little, because experts reassure that despite the fact that they did not vote, did not support, did not finally allocate this package of 50 billion euros for the next 4 years for ukraine, they believe. in
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brussels, that the case is actually almost decided and that january, yes january, february 1 at the latest , all this is being agreed upon, and it is assumed that even orbán will confirm his agreement and how, how to multiply orbán by zero, three ways from the experts you already heard, but how they will do it, you will find out in a few minutes, be with espresso, habits. things become unreal, heavy bags are not for my aching back, for back pain, try legit cream, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream, what do you want to lift, dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back. the story of the rise of the legendary nba team. in the hbo series, it's time to win to establish the lakers' dynasty. watch all seasons
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