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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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information day on espresso tv channel continues on the air of the news. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. 16 injured in a day due to russian shelling of the kherson region. in particular, 11 people were injured during the evening attacks on the regional center. among them are four children. the youngest is only two years old - the regional military administration informed. in total, the enemy fired more than 350 shells in the region during the day. the russian military settled in the residential quarters of the population centers of the region, a critical infrastructure facility and an educational institution in the kherson district, as well as a medical facility institution, post office and boat station in kherson. half a dozen cars were on fire at one of the city's enterprises. there was a bang, the glass all fell down, i heard it, it was a nightmare, i ran into the corridor, my husband too, i said, i had a leak, everything opened, everything. and at
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the neighbors, the windows were open on the fourth, that is , the windows on the fourth were not opened, but everything was broken on the third. two people were injured as a result of enemy attacks in sumy oblast, they came under mortar fire in the city of seredyna buda. after mortar attacks , two apartment buildings were damaged, two administrative buildings, a warehouse of an agricultural company and power lines, reports the regional state emergency service. as a result of the shelling, residential buildings burned down, in general, during the day of aggression. carried out 125 shellings on populated areas of sumy oblast. one person was injured in kharkiv oblast. as a result of enemy shelling in the village of kupyansk-vuzlovi , a 55-year-old woman was injured, a private house was damaged, and another russian rocket fell in the village of odradne. there are no victims, oleg synegubov, the head of the region, said. and at night , the occupiers attacked with two s-300 missiles.
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kharkiv hit the transport depot and residential building in saltivsky district. according to the mayor of the city igor terekhov , the company is completely destroyed. he did not report the condition of the house. the enemy is persistently trying to reach the borders of the luhansk region. the intensity of fighting there is increasing, the regional military administration said. the russians throw a huge number of personnel along the entire front line from kupyansk. to bilogorivka, the region is being brought in waves of military personnel, very dense shelling is taking place, in addition, the occupiers are using a lot of various military equipment, however, our defenders repel all enemy attacks and inflict significant losses on muscovites. they send fuel and mobilized. the russians are probably preparing for large-scale military operations in ukraine. partisans of the atesh movement noticed dozens of te in the occupied crimea. with
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fuel for equipment, also at the stations of the city of jankoi, the russian guard takes the mobilized to the front. the whole process is monitored by the police, while the partisans did not notice the accumulation of military equipment on the railway tracks. the armed forces of ukraine are expanding the bridgehead to left bank of kherson region. during the day, the occupiers made eight attempts to knock our units out of their positions, but without success. reported the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in total, 87 combat clashes took place at the front. the enemy launched one missile and 26 air strikes, shelled our military positions and populated areas up to a hundred times. the situation near avdiivka remains the hottest. ukrainian defenders repelled 26 enemy attacks. the enemy tried to storm the positions of zes, as well as in the mariinsky direction and near robotyny. on zaporozhye but was rebuffed. also, our
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aviation and missile forces struck six areas of concentration of enemy personnel, hit the enemy control post and four russian ammunition depots. another 890 occupiers were eliminated in a day by our defenders, so in total, almost 349 thousand russian soldiers ended their lives ingloriously on ukrainian lands, also the zsu turned into scrap metal 16 tanks, the same number of artists, more than 20 armored vehicles and two rocket systems of enemy salvo fire, eliminated 17 enemy drones and one missile. destroyed about 30 russian tankers, the general staff reminds, the data are approximate. the spresso tv channel, together with the public organization baza ua, are collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate
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mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine kholodny yar. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military fights for victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded bigger our goal is uah 800. with your help, we have already collected more than uah 570,000, that is, more than half, we have already collected a little more and will close this collection. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens, so support, do not remain indifferent. and the purchase service has started working in the diya application. car sales, as the authors of the service note, it will be possible to complete the transaction in just 15 minutes, after some time the new technical passport and license plates will arrive by mail, visit the service center of the ministry of internal affairs and pay for his service will no longer be needed, all that is required is to follow the prompts in the application
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and certify the contract with a signature, however, only those who sell the car for the first time in a year will be able to use the re-registration service. volodymyr zelenskyy appointed a new representative of the president in the verkhovna rada, this is 36-year-old halyna mykhailiuk, a people's deputy from the servant of the people and deputy head of the committee on law enforcement. the head of state signed the relevant decree today. previously, this position was held by fedir venislavskyi, but on december 7, zelenskyi took over released veyslavskyi himself said that he had previously discussed the decision to resign with the president, saying that he had a lot to do. works with military projects and is often at the front. one and a half billion dollars in losses from the blockade of the western borders. the national bank estimated ukraine's probable losses from strikes by polish and slovak carriers.
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in particular, in november this amount amounted to 860 million dollars, and in december, as of now, 620 million. at the same time, the national bank noted that it was possible to partially... compensate for the import losses thanks to the increase in supplies in another way, in particular by rail, loss of exports due to increased supplies via the new sea corridor. a certain relaxation, which the strikers went to, periodically unblocking checkpoints, also had a positive effect. let me remind you that the strike of polish carriers at the border began on november 6. situationally , they are joined by carriers from slovakia. the main demand is the abolition of visa-free transportation between ukraine and the european union. the european union has started preparations to stop the transit of russian gas through ukraine. the contract will end in a year. and management the eu called on countries that are still dependent on the terrorist country's blue fuel to be
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ready to give it up. as stated by the european commissioner for energy kadri simson , brussels expects that the volume of russian gas imports at the end of this year will be... less than last year, about 40 billion cubic meters. she noted that the european community is making progress in diversifying supplies and renouncing russian imports. they won't have time for the new year. the us congress will be able to approve aid to ukraine no earlier than in january. this is stated in the joint statement of the leader senate democrats chuck schumer and republican leader mitch mcconnell. in particular, i quote. senators made encouraging progress during negotiations on the issue of immigration control at the us border with mexico, with which the package includes approval of additional aid to ukraine and israel. in
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the meantime, the united states turned to japan for help so that ukraine could receive patriot missiles, the washington post writes. this requires changes to japanese legislation. which will allow the export of several dozen petrio missiles to the united states of the states the americans, in turn, will be able to send them to strengthen the air defense of our country. i will mention japan. produces missiles for patriot air defense systems under the license of the american company reid. dissatisfaction with the policy of pro-russian prime minister robert fico is growing in slovakia. thousands of people came out for new protests against the government's initiatives. according to the associated press, fitso wants to dissolve the special prosecutor's office, which oversees high-profile corruption cases, and also to reduce punishments. for corruption and to weaken the protection of whistleblowers, the opposition believes that such legislative changes
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will lead to an amnesty for corrupt people, so the protesters are determined to continue the rallies until the government withdraws the mafia package. this is the end of the issue, read more on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your favorites, take care, let's meet the victory. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. volodymyr's two-hour press conference has just ended. on to which he summarized the results of the year. in the next two hours, we will talk about
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what zelensky said, what putin said today, what the world is saying about ukraine, today in the program. results of the second year of the great war. press conference of president volodymyr zelenskyi, about what the head of state talked about. listening without listening. what does bug mean. zaluzhnyi's office. a threat to the security of the event? putin has said that he does not want to go to war with nato countries, but is this really true? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with ours as guests, today they are volodymyr tsybulko, general viktor yagun and oleksandr musienko. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour. people's deputies of ukraine, yaroslav yurchyshyn, victoria syumar and elizaveta. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how
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the fighters of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of delweis on the eastern front destroyed three russian tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles and hit one bmp. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please put like this video, and also vote in our poll, today we ask you about this, do you trust president zelensky? yes, no, please vote. on youtube, as well as by phone lines, on the screen you see phone numbers, if you watch us on tv, pick up the phone and vote, if you trust president zelensky 0800-211381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free. so, today volodymyr zelenskyi gave a big two-hour press conference. there were many questions, there were much said, much. we got answers, we didn't get many answers, in my opinion, these answers, which
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society and journalists were waiting for, could be much more than what we heard and saw. president zelenskyy spoke about mobilization, as journalists asked the head of the ukrainian state what will happen to mobilization as a result of the adoption of new laws in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. we can get what volodymyr zelensky said about the mobilization of about 500,000 people. question. very sensitive, i believe they appealed, about the defense of our country and potential counteroffensive actions, about the deficit, and their view was on the stake that they proposed to mobilize an additional 450-500 thousand people,
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this is a very serious number, i said that i need more arguments in order to support this direction , because this is first of all a question of people, and the second is a question of justice, it is a question of defense capability and a question of finances. i will remind you that president zelenskyi spoke about the appeal of the military to the ranks of the supreme commander-in-chief, regarding strengthening of mobilization, regarding mobilization. literally a day ago... the head of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, said that he did not quite understand and did not quite like the recruiting system, which is currently being discussed in the higher offices of the ukrainian government. he said that the system, its involvement in the army and the system of mobilization was effective and was effective
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until the moment when it was managed by experienced managers of the territorial centers of acquisition and ... that this system was destroyed as a result of the dismissal of the heads of e-e territorial assembly centers, you remember all these stories with the odesa military committee, which found real estate and money in western europe, all these issues, according to zaluzhnyi, need to be returned to the same course as before , that is, the military commissars should still do more than for... for those who replaced the dismissed heads of the territorial assembly centers, and besides, we remember what fyodor vinislavskyi, now the former permanent representative of the president, actually said of ukraine in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, he spoke about this whole system of mobilization, which will be
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detailed and deployed in a separate draft law, which should pass to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, except. there will be another draft law related to demobilization , and also this whole system must be prescribed and shown to society, in which way people will mobilize to the armed forces of ukraine and demobilize accordingly, of course, zelenskyi said about his relations with the head valery zaluzhny, because we we have been watching for the past two months about how members of zelenskyi's team, in particular... davyd rahamia and mariana bezugla , tried to attack the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. zelenskyi said that he does not have any misunderstandings with valery zaluzhny, that he is waiting for his proposals regarding the battlefield, and that valery zaluzhny is responsible for everything that happens on the battlefield, and
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he called his relationship with zaluzhny working. let's listen. what president zelensky said about zaluzhny, i have a working relationship with zaluzhny, he should be responsible for the result the result on the battlefield as a commander, together with the general staff, there are many questions there, there is also the commander of tavria, who, well , was engaged in operational command, look, this is a difficult issue, the offensive, something happened, something did not happen, something happened. something is missing, or maybe it won’t be there, well, that is, it is a complicated, very complicated story, i believe that we can afford to live in ukraine with a daily result, that’s what i think, if we are ready to bring this result, each of us , and it's,
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you know, it's not a sacrifice, that's what i'd like to say. i think that being a boss is honor, by the way, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, was asked how he feels about what marian bezugla writes on social networks about valery zaluzhny, to which he said that there are some relations of his own, to which he does not at all does not touch and does not interfere at all, because he does not read. what mariana writes, he doesn't have time for it, and in general, that they will somehow understand each other, well , at least this was one of the last questions before going on the air of our program, he said the following: i don’t deal with this, i don’t have time for these fruitless dialogues, zelenskyi to the question about the actions of bezuzla,
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well, of course, if president zelenskyi publicly says that he has exclusively a working relationship with valery zaluzhny, then there are no questions to president zelenskyi, well , at least he made it clear that he only had questions for the commander-in-chief of the by the forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, and not to a person who has one of the highest ratings of trust in ukrainian society, because literally in a few days before the holding of this big press conference , the numbers appeared and where, accordingly, citizens equally trust both zuluzhny and zelensky, this is a figure of 59%, and this is also probably a question for... the commander-in-chief, how, how does he feel, well , maybe this question could arise, unfortunately, no one asked this question, and whether he perceives zaluzhny as his
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potential competitor in the presidential ratings, since the high rating of trust in the armed forces of ukraine, respectively, in valery zaluzhny, causes a lot of questions, what is actually with all this. to do , but at least zelensky made it clear that there are no problems with zaluzhny, although there are no answers as to who, after all, put the eavesdropping devices under the desk of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and so far no one can give an answer to this simple question, but i think that the investigation conducted by the security service of ukraine will still provide a complete breakdown of who had access to... the office where the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine was supposed to work, why not in this situation, why
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they admitted that some eavesdropping devices were there, and very, very many other questions, of course, they usually asked zelensky about how the european union and the united states would help and whether they would help finland. in ukraine, because this is probably the number one issue at the moment, we know that $61 billion is a large financial aid package from the united states of america, not voted in the congress of the united states of america, there are no answers as to when this will happen yet , the senate of the united states of america should consider it question this week, they didn't specifically go on christmas vacation, obviously congress will vote already. after the new year, well , the question remains open about 50 billion dollars or euros of aid from the european
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union, which in this situation, as in this situation, it will all happen already in february of the 24th year. in short, let's listen to what zelenskyi said about the planned packages of financial aid from the european union and the united states of america to ukraine. as far as financial aid is concerned, we are working very hard on that, i am sure that the united states of america is not us will be betrayed, and that what we have agreed upon the united states will be carried out, in full. as for the european union, well, there were big stakes, everyone played on big stakes, we achieved... one victory in relation to the european union, in relation to 50 billion, i am sure, we have already achieved all this, the question is now of some suitable
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time. so, this was zelensky's answer regarding financial assistance to the european union and the united states of america. in addition, zelenskyi said that, in his opinion, russia has no results for 2023. did not achieve, and besides, zelenskyi says that he worked and will work with the team that he has, because if that team does not exist, then there will be nothing in ukraine that ukraine will receive now, including air defense, this b, of course, what was said about air defense and about the team would require additional expansion, because it looks like, if there is no andriy yarmak and oleg tatarov, then in ukraine... there will be no air defense, why, why it was said that way, i do not know for sure, and i cannot decipher these words of zelensky, because it can't be that during
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the war... all aid or everything depends on the six or seven people that zelenskyi spoke about, because then this management system, which is in operation, needs some kind of reformation or expansion, they asked zelenskyi about a government of unity or national trust, and he asked journalists who they would like to see as the new prime minister of ukraine, and if... journalists have any suggestions, he is ready to listen, although in this situation, of course, zelensky should gather the leaders parliamentary factions of the groups , and to talk with them about what the new government can be, and whether it is a government of national trust or a government of unity, exactly as it was in israel on the first day of the war, when hamas attacked israel, it was 7 october 2023, when despite everything, despite all differences. political
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politicians said that for us the most important thing is what is in the country, and the most important thing for us is the country, and we work for this country, so let's unite and work together against the enemy, without dividing the team, this is mine team, this not my team, without my team you may not get this, that, that, because what is at stake now is the victory of ukraine over russia, and for this victory, i think that any... political forces, any politicians are ready to unification, it is simply necessary to integrate all political efforts for this victory. friends, i remind you that on youtube we conduct a survey and ask you about whether you trust president zelensky, why are we asking this, because a few days ago we asked whether you trust the head of the armed forces, zaluzhny, and there more than 90% said yes, we're just wondering
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what level of trust zelenskyi has among viewers of the espresso tv channel, if you 're sitting in front of the tv, you can pick up the phone and vote if you trust president zelenskyi 0800 2011 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, everything is quite simple on youtube, you choose one option or the other and write comments under this video. next, we will be in touch with victor. yagun, deputy head of the security service of ukraine in 2014-15, major general of the reserve of the security service of ukraine, mr. general, i salute you, thank you for being with us today. good health. in the first part of our program, i tried to retell, tell about how zelensky characterizes the current situation in ukraine and what he was talking about. i want to ask you about security issues and about what... actually
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, what is happening in our country in the field of national security and defense, and well, first of all , i will start with the meritorious service, the security service of ukraine is investigating this case regarding the eavesdropping device that was installed in one of the premises where he had to work as the head of the armed forces. i ask you as a professional, that is, in this situation should be considered. all versions, i.e. internal , internal forces that could have eavesdropped , or tried to eavesdrop on the person involved, and external ones, i.e. which version do you favor, why did this happen and does it often happen that the supreme commander or the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, the maid turns out to be under the table. well, let
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's be honest, it's not in the headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief, it's in a completely different room, in which he hasn't been for a long time was, and it belongs to his assistants, because what actually happened there, it is difficult to say and orientate now, the investigation is ongoing, it is necessary to clearly understand that this is indeed an extraordinary situation, starting from the fact that it became the property of the public and, first of all, the media. that 's what surprised me the most, and ending with the fact that they even , well, that she ended up there at all , nothing extraordinary, i won't say what happened there, that is, thank god that she was discovered before anyone did anything there or tried to to conduct, that is, we did not have any information leaks, secret, non-secret, none at all, this is once, secondly,


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