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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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as the head of a committee of the verkhovna rada, and the committee does not have such powers to form a list of invitees, this is entirely the responsibility of the communication team of the president's office, but the issue of anonymous telegram channels and even more correctly, the anonymization of sources through social networks, this will be one of the topics with whom we will work in the long term, i am counting on my own position of experience here. colleagues from the parliament, in particular ms. victoria, as the former head of the same specialized committee, but i will not say that here there are simple things, the only thing is that you don't need to make it easier, you don't need to replace it, the media, not the media, the media is the fourth power, it's what we understand, it's what we understand how to work with, social networks are a little another thing, by the way, excuse me for asking now out of the context of what zelensky said, but the question... the return to t2 and from the press and
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the fifth channel and the direct channel remains open, no one gives an answer to why are we not there, which is not answered, how long will the only telethon that is fat just a huge amount of money, such that it would be enough for any regional center to maintain the entire social infrastructure for a year , including hospitals and kindergartens, with schools, you as the head of the parliamentary committee will ... , no one gives answers to these questions, and, unfortunately, today my colleague did not ask zelensky at the press conference, i would have asked him why espresso itself is outside t2 and why we were kicked out, no one is responsible for this, as far as i know, i am in contact with the management of your channel with the editors of your channel have a legal process and we will accompany this legal process with...
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there is a separation of the judicial and legislative branches of government, but there are also functions of parliamentary control, and therefore here, apart from the legal, proper way, i do not see any other ways for now , except that, of course, this is not inclusion in the eaten marathon, but exclusion from the network is very very, let's say, debatable from the point of view of legality, that's it. and another question about the actual ratio of the price of information security and the city budget, because if, at the beginning of the full -scale invasion, we had on separate tv channels , which are now working in a single marathon, the same discussion as we had on these channels in the 14th year, namely, was crimea ukrainian, yes and no. .. the fact that we would now have
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such a consolidated ukrainian nation, and because information flows are very important, and in this case, yes, did a single marathon at the beginning of a full-scale invasion perform a certain positive function, yes, by providing a single verified source information, 24x7, while in principle none of even the large channels of this format provide information... support in the event of the loss of part of the capacity due to the occupation or loss of connections with a part of even journalists due to the actual occupation actions of the aggressor country, well, that's a question, but that's being wise yesterday , or to be wise after yesterday, there are aspects that we definitely need to figure out, so i do not consider it legal to turn off the air of channels, without a specific argumentation, why it was done. at the
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moment, i am in communication with the channels, i understand that such a proper explanation was not made, so here we have to achieve actual justice, whatever it will be, i am not a court, i can only help you and i achieve the truth, and we will achieve it, thank you, today in parallel with zelensky, putin and shaigu talked about continuing the war with ukraine, putin agreed that... russia is the only guarantor of the sovereignty and integrity of ukraine. let's listen to what putin said. the only guarantor of sovereignty and territorial the integrity of ukraine was russia. russia, when it created the soviet union, simply handed over, together with the population, huge historical russian territories. huge potential invested. resources in all of this
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territory, and the western lands of ukraine, well, we know everything, how ukraine got it, stalin. given after the second world war, given the honor of the polish lands, mrs. elizaveta, you communicate quite actively with the international community now, how do they perceive putin in private conversations, that is, not at conferences, that is, they talk about the fact that he is crazy, he is a maniac, he is a person who is addicted. kill him too, he wants to kill all ukrainians in order to prove that the land on which we live is russian land, or is he simply a pseudo-historian, simply subverting history to his actions, what they say, that is, what they see in him
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, as a person with whom they could, in principle , talk about something else, i will start by saying that due to the fact that we have now watched these frames and these words... well, of course , it is all so terrible that soon it will be two years of full-scale war, and putin continues speaking that rhetoric, and as far as we have just seen from the footage, he is alive, saying all this, and it is all scary, terrible, and we also know that russia is increasing the production of weapons. i returned a few days ago from the political committee of paria, which was held in paris, where we had a hearing on the topic of the effectiveness of sanctions, we are working on a resolution , and what is important is that we must now
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tell our viewers that, in fact, the sanctions were effective in the first time before that moment, until russia learned to bypass them, which means that... then russia continues to do everything to conduct aggression, volodymyr zelenskyy said about this today that there are no signals that russia is ready to go to any negotiations there, that this is all a matter of course. now, before all this is perceived abroad, it is all perceived in such a way that there are no longer any illusions about putin, there is only a certain fear and ignorance of what will happen in the future in general, as well as... as regards the war, as well as the future of russia in general , and unfortunately, there are no answers to the question of what will happen to russia if russia either falls apart or there are some processes inside russia happen, and there is a certain fear, indeed, both in open discussions and in closed ones,
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very often, when a person not from the politics of another country does not have a very... complete understanding of what russia thinks, how russia thinks, sometimes there are sometimes naive phrases that maybe russia will one day stop, but in general, in the last two years, these illusions have already passed, it was two years ago, when it was always quite open from the side of different countries, different politicians, where we ukrainians were always told that we should have some dialogue with russia, that's it now no, but... unfortunately, there is also no understanding of the future of russia, and that is why they are now trying quite hard to invite the russian pseudo-opposition, that is, it is either some representatives who have been living abroad from
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russia for a very long time, or on the contrary, they have a rather sad and questionable opposition position , and as we know that any russian... oppositionist ceases to be an oppositionist when the ukrainian issue begins, that's why there is work to be done, unfortunately, we also know that when russia continues, for example, to conduct nuclear terror and talk about nuclear weapons, that it actually scares europeans, different countries, and they... well, they start talking a little differently , but there are no illusions yet, but there is also no plan for the great future of russia, when things will be different there . thank you for your response, after
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movement for joint and muscle pain: natural comfrey mats by dr. tice. also try dr. tice's comfrey warming cream. proven tool. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and also distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, the project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics,
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even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. friends, this is the verdict program, we work live on the air and on tv channel, on espresso tv and on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you about this, do you trust president zelensky? yes, no, quite a simple question, there are two possible answers, you can leave yours. comments under the video on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up the phone and
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vote, if you trust the voting phone 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today, during the final press conference, volodymyr zelenskyi also spoke about the topic of mobilization that... before this, according to him, the military approached him at the level of the supreme commander, and they offered to mobilize about 500 thousand people. let's listen to what zelensky said. the issue is very sensitive, i believe, they addressed, regarding the protection of our state and potential counteroffensive actions, regarding the deficit, and their view. was betting that they proposed
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to mobilize an additional 450-500 thousand people, this is a very serious figure, i said that i need more arguments in order to support this direction, because this is a question first of all of people, and the second is a question justice, this is a question of... defense capability and a question of finances. mrs. victoria, i am addressing victoria syumar, here zelenskyi is now speaking, referring to the military, although zelenskyi... is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, and in principle, he should have a political position on mobilization, if he spoke there today, he refuted these fakes that there will be no mobilization of women, because in fact there is no such bill, and no one was going to mobilize women, someone just threw it into the information space, as i understand this topic, then regarding mobilization, here
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the commander-in-chief must have a clear position, he must not refer there to... the general staff or the head of the armed forces, because this question is generally a political one, i.e. whether to open this large mobilization or not, and the answer on whether to open or not to open, this is a question, will there be ukraine or will there not be ukraine? why do you think zelensky avoids this, well, direct, direct answer to this question? i think i will not surprise anyone when i say that... well, this is an electorally unpopular issue, of course, because if there are 1 million in the armed forces, then there are much more voters in the non-armed forces, but let's talk about the problem itself and about the political responsibility in fact, since after all the political leadership defines the task for the military, and if this task sounds like
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the liberation of ukrainian territory completely up to the borders, and obviously in 1991, but... it is clear that to oppose a more numerous russian army, well, we need people, these are supposedly logical things, so it seems to me that the military makes these calculations in view of the tasks, which are clearly set forth by the higher political leadership, and certainly for these tasks and for the resources necessary for this, well, one should not be afraid to take responsibility, as well as certainly for other decisions, which... perhaps also will not be particularly widely used there popularity, you know, we are now in that period of time, sergey, when, here, either about politics or about the state, it will not work out here, you know, for populism to be combined with such crazy challenges, you are right that we need to speak honestly with
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people, in fact, and it is necessary to learn this, and this is clearly not helped by the only marathon, which... a year and a half ago told that russia is a bunch of idiots over there, and the russian army, and they don’t know how to fight, and things like that, and we are over there in two or three weeks, and then to the crimea until, i don't know, until the end of the year we will drink coffee, everyone booked tickets, but i understand everything, i understand the importance of not losing such an important and patriotic emotion there, it is important not to really lose the spirit , not... we bear them, and of course many losses are wounded, who simply cannot be active soldiers anymore, and it was probably necessary to communicate with people about this, in order to now explain to them why it is necessary to replace people in the army and why not
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everyone there can be at the forefront , therefore problems difficult, and that's why i started talking about the government. and about the search for other possible solutions, now it is only about the search, and in order to still think more about the preservation of statehood, you are absolutely right, this is what is at stake, and unfortunately, it seems to me that we cannot clearly say that we have already solved this problem once and for all, the threats are extremely serious, you have heard putin, his statements, you understand that the elections in russia will take place against the background of the military ... aggravation in ukraine, we understand that russia has human resources is, well, much larger than in ukraine, and that russia has established the production of the necessary military elements, yes there are rebivpivrons, they have always had the production of missiles, why we do not have ballistic missiles, armored vehicles,
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here we can talk about it for a very long time, in comparison our capabilities and russian capabilities, but again... for us it means making unpopular decisions and taking political responsibility for them. well, by the way, you mentioned russia, today the minister of defense, or rather, the minister of attack of the russian federation, serhiy shoigu, said on increasing the number of the armed forces of the russian federation to 1.5 million servicemen. let's hear what shaygu said. the force will be increased to one and a half million servicemen in the future. in 2023, all planned measures of operational combat training were completed, including 17 international exercises of various levels. mr. yaroslav. victoria says that it is necessary to communicate with society and convey the truth, or speak to society in an adult way, you cannot constantly
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tell society what society only wants to hear, that the war will end there in two or three months, that the war will end in crimea in august of the 23rd or there in the fall of the 23rd, we will enter the crimean peninsula, how do you assess the work in this situation... the media, which in principle are anyway, between the government and society, and the media, the main media in the state, we have already mentioned the single telethon, and it obviously fulfilled some of its mission, is there now this honest dialogue that victoria syumar is talking about, and do you have any comments on the single telethon and in general before how this single big one works information machine in ukraine? of course there are , i have already emphasized them several times, i believe that if our viewers from a single marathon flee to anonymous telegram channels, then there must
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be a reason for this, i.e. there is a lack of efficiency, efficiency, quality, that is, balance, there are different slots of a single marathon, if we talk, for example, about the public slot, then independent monitoring... not in cable broadcasting, yes, but not in public access, so there are definitely issues that need to be taken into account, there are issues of the efficiency of using resources for this marathon, and there are the question, for example, that due to the regulation of access to information about... war, and this is not the responsibility of the commander-in-chief, but very often the military itself, the presence of our international partners is reduced, and it also becomes
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a matter of national security, because they are starting to talk less about us, we, if we weren't there, if it didn't sound cynical, but the war in ukraine competes with hamas's attack on israel, with the situation earlier in nagorno-karabakh and the like, that is, it must be very similar here... a strategic approach to ensure that we understand who is communicating, what is communicating, how they are communicating, and so that the communication itself is as effective as possible, and i think that actually, i would just like to respond to the issue of mobilization, hardly anyone has more expertise in terms of mobilization needs than the military, and now there are several factors that we don't talk about very often, we'll never get over. in terms of the number of mobilized, it is physically impossible in our country, and the only option to even out the situation is either better quality weapons, and this is effective work by the west, and here
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it is very important to note that a lot of work is being done, but here too it can be better, or else everyone will really fight, and all the representatives of the government should honestly say this, but not hiding their eyes, not opening any underwater holes there. stones and the like, therefore , if we do not have other parities, there is a clear formula worked out by nato, the more technological weapons, the less manpower you need to deter a larger opponent, but technological weapons, unfortunately, at the moment, we have the only its source is our west partners, that is why we critically need the consolidation of power, both military and civilian, in communications, supporting each other, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how they sneak in throwing in the ratings that are measured there, very often not even the format
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of the rating, as a rating , and trust there is perception, that's all noise, which in fact , as the president said today, he should not have time for, and that's why in this case it is very important that we approach this process constructively, and i, as a citizen, eh... i have a lot of questions about communication authorities with society, as the head of the specialized committee, i will contribute as much as possible to resolve these issues within our capabilities. thank you, we have to put an end to our conversation, yaroslav yurchyshyn, viktoriya syumari, elizaveta yasko were guests of our program today, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, during our program we conducted a survey, we asked you about trust, do you trust volodymyr zelensky? so, let's see the tv results. background survey, we conducted this survey on tv, those who watched our program on tv, so 31% yes and 69% no. on the youtube channel, i watch
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the current broadcast, yes, 19%, 71%, no, these are the results of the votes of our tv viewers and viewers on the youtube channel. that's it, friends, i'm putting an end to it, it was the program verdict preview serhii rudenko, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine has an urgent need for a crow to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier for the approaching victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. my
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name is andriy, i am 33 years old, i come from kherson, i went to the army in september of this year, and i immediately said that if there is an opportunity, if there is a posting somewhere, then i am ready to go, immediately before the mobilization i was a doctor of regenology in a computer lab tomography, even before that, an infectious disease doctor, and even earlier, an ambulance paramedic. when filing documents here at the kmb, i was asked what i wanted to be, and a list of military specialties, and in addition to everything else, the specialty was a combat medic, well, of course, i chose it for the specialty , like many people also have a personal life, there are also some fears, there is a war there, you can die here, it happens, and you can be captured, but it’s
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your own business ... i decided, and at some point i just think that i need to prepare, for three or four months, i adjusted myself to physical training a little and read, watched special videos, and then i decided, as i decided in september, so i came in september, everyone is afraid, because everyone understands that this is a war, at war die, but this is the situation, this is what happened. and the war will continue until this fear is overcome, well, not that it is overcome, but until each person learns to fight this fear, because it remains, it is always here, even in training, and there is special appropriate training exercises in order to get used to and learn to fight their fear, and when...
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the desire to end the war is fair for us, for ukraine, with our victory and the de-occupation of our entire territory, then this is surely the only goal and the only way to end it this is fair the war, we talked when we first arrived, several people, in fact, just as there are, came by themselves, many of them on a summons, and there were a lot of conversations about the fact that ... i was taken away, i have a family there, i have family, why do i need it, i can't, i don't know , i'm disabled, there's something else, but for sure, communication with sergeants, communication with each other, and learning and understanding that this can be learned, even i've never held a machine gun before, it's possible, you can learn it, and you understand how it's done, and now we were talking to each other.
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and i remember people who were with the boys, who were saying, why am i here, i don't want to be here , uh, now they themselves start talking about what we, we will soon win, we will do everything to win it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the rf troops increased the number of artillery fire in the tavry direction. oleksandr ternavskyi, the commander of the operational-strategic grouping of tavria troops, announced this. the enemy attacked yesterday five.


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