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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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an intimate president somewhere in the reserve , who sits and waits, this is not football, that some president did not manage, here the senior coach from overseas looks at it and says yes, come on, take off your clothes, take off your training suit, put on a uniform that says president and leave, no, it's not like that, we have to realize a simple thing, until the end of the presidential elections , there will be no... until the end of the war, neither presidential, nor parliamentary, nor local, there will be no elections, for the simple reason that elections during war - this is a russian topic, because it is actually a russian language tearing society apart, how can you compete for the right to become supreme commander in a war? in what way? well, that is, you have to criticize the military. operations
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, it is necessary to criticize social assistance, well , it is necessary to simply destroy the foundations of everything, we are such a stable state, we withstood, it is true, withstood at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, and we really removed the question of the fact that we exist as a state, and now we have a joint effort to do this, and since we cannot change the government in a legal way, then she must change itself. there is nothing wrong with the fact that, let's say, okay, the government does not want the economy, make a humanitarian bloc that will be modern, that will work actively, but in our country the appointment of the minister of education and science was like a special operation, in our country the minister of culture and of information policy, former mr. tkachenko, oleksandr, distributed.
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well, i will check now, but in any case , there are no questions about how it happened, who these grants went to, so yes, here it is necessary, well, here at all, you know, i even remember, i don’t want to give it as an ideal example, what happened in the soviet times in the second world war, but we lived in this country, well, my grandfathers, all of you there, took part in this great one. joint war, how it happened later, it happened, but let's remember, films about the war were made during the war, and i'm not talking about all the warring parties, it was also in the united states, it was when the nazis were engaged in propaganda, because you have to mobilize, and it was in the soviet union, you have to mobilize, you have to activate, you have people, you know now such a story is coming out, that here i am reading announcements on such and such tv channels, such entertaining films, such entertaining tv series have appeared, people have come back to watch tv series and go away from the news, well, listen? yes, but how are you
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going to tell these people later that you understand, we have a 2 km advance there, there, and there, if the front line is built, they can very quickly be in khmelnytskyi, for example, and people do not understand this, like here to establish proper communication, because people need to be given signals, they are exhausted also, well, the third year of the war will soon begin, well, it must be an obvious systematic information campaign, you can choose which video about mobilization is better today, i haven't seen one, well, me. also does, let's say, the assault brigade, for example, i know there were motivational videos, there were, there were, but there should be many of them, they should be for different target audiences, they should be for different people , for different age groups, well how anything, that is, it should be combined with changes in the legislation regarding mobilization, president said: i will not sign the law on the mobilization of women, but that we actually discussed such a law. this is russia's topic of russian
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propaganda today stated that as many people as possible should be mobilized in ukraine, women and those who are abroad, wait, ben hodges is a retired general, he can say whatever he wants on his pension, which is paid to him by the american government, as you like and as much as you like, you just need to correlate the statements of active generals and retired ones, and for some reason, when generals retire. they immediately have a breadth of thinking and everything else, that's why that when they are in active service, they understand that every extra word, it can turn into the fact that a person can retire without the help of the state, financial assistance, so let us decide this with our own minds, because simply, well, mobilization, well, then let's... let's
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call out that we're mobilizing everyone, what then? from 18 plus, well, how was it, how did the grandfathers fight, well, in principle, the same story, and even 16, but what about weapons? and that, well, that is, our economy will not exist, i have a doubt about it the president's words regarding 5% gdp growth, i don't see them, before the war we had 4.8 full-scale, before full-scale, that is , it must be understood that from where, well, that is , we, we continue to lose at the same time, as maybe so much, i can, unfortunately, understand the rise of russians. economy, because the loss of seconds is not commensurate with mine, that is, we have to change all together, we simply have no other way out. well, someone has to be in this story, of course a moderator, they thought that the president should speak yesterday, well he did what he did, in any case we must continue to work, we are in our place, each in our place, thank you very much, evgeny magda,
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the executive director of the institute of world politics visited us personally, he was with us in the studio, we talked and reflected first of all on the press conference of the president, and then serhii. we will talk about the situation in certain areas of the front in a conversation with our military and about the production of attack drones in ukraine, the president's statement about a million drones for the defense forces next year more on that in a moment. yesterday, at a press conference , president volodymyr zelensky promised that ukraine will produce 1 million drones next year. today , new details were added, as the minister of strategic industries oleksandr kamyshyn detailed that it is only about fpv. drone and
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that more than 50 thousand such drones will be produced in december. as i understand, we are talking about all our state and private facilities that manufacture. shock disposable drones, and the share of private companies and teams here is, by the way, greater than the participation of state ones enterprises represented by oleksandr kamyshyn. and ukraine has set a goal to produce medium and long -range strike drones, according to the same minister, next year it is planned to produce more than 10,000 medium-range strike drones with a range of up to 100 km and more than 1,000 long-range drones. within 1000 km. komyshyn says that all production capacities are ready, and contracting for next year has already begun. well, the statements here are actually quite optimistic, but when it comes to the production of fpv drones, then in fact it is worth focusing not on 1 million, on
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more than 2 million such drones to minimize the gap with the rate of russian production. and when we talk about long-range drones, there are up to 1000 km... then our industry needs rates no less than the supply and use of shaheeds of the russian army, here we are talking about indicators from 200 to 400 per month, so such goals are necessary put in front of our industry, especially since there are certain opportunities for the implementation of such tasks, and we also have to understand that our drones, fpv, and others still do not compensate for the lack. projectiles and artillery to mortars, which critically determine the nature of combat operations on the front line, and we will talk about the specifics of drone production in the second part of our program with specialists, and now then in more detail about individual areas on the front line,
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first of all, we are talking about the area from kupinsk to bakhmut, the commander of the ground forces , oleksandr syrskyi, just the other day said that on... the entire length of the front, the defense forces have to fight in conditions of enemy superiority, both in terms of weapons and in numbers personnel, while against the background of these statements, according to british intelligence data, which were announced today, it is claimed that, despite the fact that russia continues local offensive actions in several sectors, a major russian breakthrough is unlikely, the front is static, and ukraine is moving to a more defensive position along. most of the contact line, and now, when we are talking about the area precisely bakhmut, kupyansk and beyond, we must state that the russian troops are now trying to advance precisely along in all these areas in order to reach the borders
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of donetsk and luhansk regions, which our military leadership admits, however, the advances are actually minimal, but when we talk, in particular, about the same bakhmut map that we see now, here in... the enemy is trying just advance in the direction of yar times, and exerting pressure on our defensive lines there in just the direction of bohdanivka, khromovoy and ivanovsky. and by the way, the situation there is quite, shall we say, difficult, now we are holding back the enemy primarily at the expense of artillery, although there are situations when combat we use the parts due to the fact that we transfer them from other areas of the front to this direction, and now we will return to the direction of kupien-sphatovi kremin to where one of our mechanized brigades is holding the defense. and now we are joined by the head of the public relations service of the 21st separate
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mechanized brigade, which has been holding the defense in the kupinsko-lymansk direction for a long time, and senior sergeant serhii dibrov joins us. mr. sergey, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. thank you for finding the opportunity to join the broadcast, and i would like you to talk more about the situation in the zone responsibly. of your brigade, which is now the usual offensive tactics of the enemy, because i understand that you have sinikivka on the left french flank, and ivanovka a little further on the right flank, where the enemy is trying to push through, what is happening in this sector now from the point of view of capabilities of your team? i must note right away, we are standing somewhere several tens of kilometers from these places, we are standing on the lymansky on... direction, it is many kilometers from us to senkivka, so i can tell you
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what is happening in the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, here we continue to repel the attack of the enemy quite intensively, quite actively, quite stubbornly, he is climbing forward, trying to squeeze, squeeze ukrainian land further and further and more. and when we talk about the fact that now our military leadership spoke about the fact that in view of ... certain limitations in the supply of ammunition, it is necessary to reformat the situation in one or another direction, as with ammunition on your area, does it affect the specifics of your brigade's defensive actions? well, i can say that i quite regularly read the reports of our commanders, battalion commanders, unit commanders, and i constantly read there in the report a line about the lack of ammunition of such, such, such, such, that, well, i think that... it's not normal, but it 's a normal normal situation in war, there's never a lot of rounds, there's never
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a lot of shells, there's never a lot of ammunition, so there can be more than than, well, let's put it this way, this measure is no longer absolutely so relative, we always want to have a lot of them, and what we have is what we use, of course it affects what kind of ammunition are these? quietly used, but our artillery is working , our drones are working, our infantry is working, at the moment there is something to fight and we are fighting, now some brigades have started reformatting their companies of strike drones, creating battalions instead of companies, is this process happening in your brigade, if not, then what is the situation with the use of fp drones, because now you often hear about the need to increase the number of fpv drones and... for this , you need some detailed efforts with the training of operators who can
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effectively take care of this, what is in your brigade? our brigade has a company of strike unmanned aerial systems, the boys and girls work very efficiently every day, they delight us with their results every day, i can say that the most effective use of these weapons is now possible, because the front edge is filled with enemy weapons. not enough to resist, and therefore their effectiveness is now very, very high, if the same as with other ammunition, if we had more of them, then the effectiveness would be even greater, that is, it is now very effective, very high quality , there is a great need for weapons, which in the first place you want us to have more of, mr. sergey, in one of your comments you said that the enemy in your direction is starting to use some other drones in addition to ... lancets, which previously used, about which unusual drones it is said, what is the peculiarity of their
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use, how do they differ from lancets? well, it's hard to say what the exact design is, because we usually get them after the explosion and it's quite difficult to analyze the debris at the front edge, but it seems that they are either home-made or some kind of household rework into a shock version. and we feel it. ah, lately the number of drones working against our soldiers seems to be increasing. and it is quite possible that in addition to lancets they... some other or the factory or the artisans learned to do something in an artisanal way, and when we talk about the fight against the enemy ’s lancets, fpv drones, is there a popular trench reb in the units of your brigade, which allows you to somehow minimize the risks from enemy drones , well
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, again, this is a very effective and very necessary thing and an antidote. vyrushnytsya, kopny rep. and again, they are, but as always , you want every fighter, or at least every department, every position to be equipped with such a system, and here again, we hope for volunteers, we hope for people who know how to do it with their own hands, we hope that there will be some kind of centralized procurement and production, because the next stage of the struggle in the air will be a struggle rap, as always, in history there is a struggle, a sword and a shield, a struggle ... breakfast and armor will be the same and here now, against the background of the increase in the efficiency of drones , it will be quite expected and an increase in the power of electronic warfare will be required in order to compensate for this, and here it is very important for us not to miss, not to lose the initiative precisely for these at this moment, at this direction. mr. serhiy, i would like to ask about the
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conditions in which the fighters are currently performing combat missions, because the weather will worsen. how often are fighters usually on the front lines, how are replacements done, how is this scheme built, so that the fighters can ensure the fulfillment of their mission and rest, how is it built, each fighter spends several days on the front line, after this rotation, he spends several days in the rear, where, let's say, he puts himself in order, rests, teaches something. passes some training and then rotation again, this is the rule, it should be so and so, so it is , that is, there is no such thing as people sitting there for months, primarily because the effectiveness of such combat work will not be high, of course rotation is not a dangerous, quite dangerous, quite
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dangerous operation, let's say so, so of course we do not share how many days they are on the order, when exactly the rotation will be, this is... closed information, primarily from the point of view of the security of the fighters, but i will repeat once again, rotation is mandatory, a few days at a time okay, a few days of ttu, this is a must for every fighter, but how to ensure such psychological stability of fighters in such conditions, given a certain combat fatigue, because it accumulates, are there any recipes, recommendations, solutions in the format of your brigade, which effectively show themselves in order to maintain a stable state. of our soldiers capable of performing combat tasks, well, in our brigade there is a service of moral and psychological support, there is a service of psychologists who deal with combat stress, and finally a chaplain who meets the spiritual needs of people, they all work very intensively , and now we have quite fierce battles in our area, and therefore need, need
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help, need support, people who, who are on the front lines, who are returning to the rotation, and ... to say that all the work is going on , our specialists are working, our moral and psychological support specialists are working, and they will cope, that is, the fighters are standing, and there is no reason to believe that there are any catastrophic problems, or any big problems, i do not have, that is yes, there is combat work, there is stresses, there is a difficult situation for any person, there are people who help fighters to cope with this problem, and also us ... i would like to ask about your fighting technique, because somehow it is unique from the point of view there are foreign products and their combat capabilities, you also have leopards and bmp cv90, about which you are asked every time, have there been recent combat examples of the use of these models against enemy armored vehicles? it can be said
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that meeting an enemy tank on the battlefield is the dream of our tankers, because the leopard was created in its time. precisely in order to stop, to contain, the soviet shenanigans that europe expected during the decades of the cold war. it will be sharpened for the fight against soviet tanks, but its saturation of armored vehicles with tanks and the effectiveness of reconnaissance and other anti-tank means are currently quite high, so tankers complain that there is no way to shoot down an enemy tank. tanks work against against positions, against infantry, against dugouts, yes, but tank duels or duels there were no infantry fighting vehicles in our area, as far as i know, and the use of infantry fighting vehicles, they are now used to fight the enemy's manpower, so the infantry fighting vehicle. it is used for its intended purpose, that is , it is a means of transporting infantrymen and it is powerful, really powerful in the 90s,
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quite a powerful combat vehicle with a high-quality gun, which is loved by our infantrymen for its power and accuracy. mr. serhiy, thank you very much for the time you found for our viewers for the work that you are doing for our country, i will remind our viewers that in eterispresso there was... serhiy dibrov, head of the public relations service of the 21st separate mechanized brigade, which is currently working against the enemy in the lyman area. and then we will talk about the topic of drones, because we still want to know what are the real volumes of production of these fpv drones that the president talked about, what problems exist for our manufacturers, because ensuring scaling is quite a difficult thing, because with on the one hand we are talking about what... we need more drones on the front line, on the other hand we understand that for now we are assembling these fpv drones by hand, although in fact, given the scaling needs,
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the question is whether it is somehow possible to provide conveyors, conveyor, conveyor way assembling these fpv drones, that is, what technical, technological problems are currently being solved by our manufacturers in order to ensure the maximum number of these products. which are needed on the battlefield, especially since we understand that indeed in certain directions drones can perform such surgical work, when it comes to the destruction of the enemy's manpower there, and now in more detail about all the issues related to drones, we will talk with our next guest, we are joined by vadym yunyk, this is the president of the association of drone manufacturers, the technological forces of ukraine, as well as chairman of the supervisory board... of the defense-technical company by fred. mr. vadim, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on the espresso channel. good evening. well, i'm sure
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you heard the president's statement about the number of drones that need to be produced for the next one year, heard the statements of other officials, you know the real possibilities, and this figure that appeared in 5,000, it appeared first of all from the manufacturers, and even this figure was read with... by the way, according to your messages, it seems in the magazine , so i would like to hear these indicators of one million fpv drones, is it enough, is it possible for our enterprises, is the bar of needs actually much higher, well, the first question is enough or not, it is honestly very difficult for me to answer, because i think it is more an examination of the military to say, relative to those plans they have. is it enough, because you know, we have a lot of experts now who say different numbers, and everyone understands that this is more of a guess on the coffee table, that's
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why, let's put it this way, i would say more about whether there is such a possibility we have to make that many drones, and let's say no at the moment, but i think that these are absolutely real numbers where companies will be able to accelerate to that number, and more about... the problem is that manufacturers, especially private manufacturers, they are not always clear to the end have a clear understanding from the general staff and from other bodies that order from us, and what exactly is needed right now, that is, the fact that the president says such a figure, it is very good, it says that he simply hears a call from the military, that's all the rest... the general staff must clearly give manufacturers an understanding of what they need to do. but what are the technical difficulties with the production of fpv
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drones, and what can the state do for this? on the one hand, i understand that the general staff must define quantitative indicators and requirements for these drones, and the state should help its private and possibly state companies to make them faster. what now, are there any? well , the narrowest element in the production of drones? yes, i understood the question, well, again , i will say that the first thing is the most important thing - it is a correctly formed order to the manufacturers, but when there should be a clear understanding of what they want and what quantity, this is first of all, secondly, i i think that the majority of private manufacturers, they know how to quickly reconfigure their enterprises to... specific needs, that's where i think the state can help, first of all, it's booking people, because if you plan
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some of your opportunities, some numbers. then you should accordingly hope that you have a sufficient resource for this, and people now, you understand, during the war, this is probably one of the most important resources, and the state should give guarantees that people who work at such strategic enterprises, that they will continue to work and we can book them here, but about logistics and all the other things i think most manufacturers have learned to do now. such logistics in order not to depend on one supplier, but rather to spread all their risks in several directions, so i think that they are no longer as acute as they were, for example, last year, here, but yes, they there are, but these are already problems that we can solve, plus now several companies have already started to produce components, for example, there are web controllers, motors for our drones are already produced at ukrainian enterprises, and this is also very good...
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the right direction of development, mr. vadim , you basically, well, do you know how many enterprises are part of your association of drone manufacturers, how many such enterprises in ukraine, teams can manufacture fpv drones in general, is this figure of 200 companies correct, is it somewhat exaggerated, well, 200 companies are drones in general, not only fpv, because not all companies produce fpv drones, there are companies. who produce drones there are like airplane-type large ones, there are those who produce drones that are more like those that bomb drones, yes like rv17, there is like fpv, that is, companies that make fpv drones, i think this number is less than 100 such companies, that is , i think that there are really somewhere maybe 60 companies that make fpv drones , and they are different, there are those who make several thousand a month there,
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here. companies that can produce tens of thousands of drones there per month, maybe even more. and those companies that manufacture tens of thousands of drones per month or more, they use, relatively speaking, manual assembly of drones, or is some kind of automation possible of these processes there according to the conveyor version or there are robotic lines, or is this actually still a process that needs to be mastered? well, in fact , we have several companies, here i am, who say that there are a large number and there are already lines. automated, the presence of a person is there in any way, because a person simply checks the input control, output control, but we have very powerful companies that know how to do exactly this with lines, that is, these companies are already in ukraine on robotic lines and collect in containers, yes well, it's very cool, isn't it? by the way, the unification of these structures is needed to ensure the simplification of production, because each of our companies makes
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a certain such unique product, which in some ways is not... for another, and then the military has to decide this direction every time, how exactly to use this drone, or is unification required? actually, you know, it's a very difficult question, because sometimes it happens that, for example, a company says that they have a very good drone design, but when you talk to some of the military, they say that there are a lot of flaws, and therefore, for example, if we take such a construction as a basic one. to say, let's do it, that is, we can immediately take into account any shortcomings in the database, i think, you know, as always in the market, it's simple that competition is healthy, good competition, it leads to the fact that what works, it will be to remain , and what does not work, it will go down somewhere in history, so i think that at the moment you can just look at those drones that are in demand, and as it were, well, maybe on the basis
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of them already... make some kind of unification and them replicate, but first of all, they need to go through the front and get some very high-quality feedback from the front , does it just work or not? mr. vadim, thank you very much for your professional explanations, for the time you found for our broadcast, i would like to remind our viewers that it was vadim yunyk, president of the association of drone manufacturers, technological forces of ukraine. these were the main results of the day, and more international and economic news will be broadcast later. vasyl zema, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you very much, sergey zggorets, thank his guests. these were the military results of the day. the second hour of the great thero is ahead, a lot of interesting and important things await you. the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka.


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