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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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we are looking at the results of the survey: 10% yes, 90% no, in 15 minutes we will return to our studio, we will have political scientists andriy smoliy, vitaliy kulyk and kyiv city council member viktoriya ptashnyk. after the bbc news release, we 'll be back in the studio, don't switch, it's a ceasefire in the region. let's analyze together in today's edition of bbc ukraine. i am olga polomaryuk. israel is ready to make concessions to release hostages from hamas. they say they will not release anyone until the hostilities in the gas sector are completely stopped, or will they find a compromise? the israeli authorities, which are under increasing pressure, both from outside and inside the country, seem to allow the possibility of a suspension of hostilities in the gas sector. this would allow, on the one hand, to release a larger number of hostages currently being held by hamas militants, and on the other hand, to increase the supply of humanitarian aid. last
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month, let me remind you, the ceasefire was already implemented, then the pause lasted for a week, more than 100 israeli hostages were freed from polon. israel released 240 palestinian prisoners, however, after israeli leaders rejected any calls for a new ceasefire. well, almost a month has passed since then, and the israeli media have started talking about another, possible ceasefire. allegedly, the authorities are looking for ways to release. from the captivity of women and children and is even ready to make some concessions, but this is still a long way off and there has been no official statement yet, instead hamas is against any exchange negotiations until israel stops hostilities. and today the leader of hamas arrived in egypt, it is expected that he will discuss with the egyptian officials a possible pause in hostilities in the gas sector. well, here it is noteworthy that ismail.
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who lives in qatar, rarely takes part publicly in diplomatic processes, and today's trip seems to be a sign that progress in the ceasefire talks is possible. what is happening now in gaza: after a week-long ceasefire, the war has entered a more intense phase. according to the ministry of health, which is controlled by hamas, more than 2,000 people have already died as a result of the israeli bombings, including... children, as a result of the war the smallest, bbc correspondents collected stories of palestinian children, be warned, some footage may shock. what should it cost a mother to cradle her child when the reality is so terrible? three weeks ago, two-year-old fatima was pulled out from under the bombed-out wreckage. nehal
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and her husband had no children for 14 years until they had fatima. what is her fault that she did wrong? we are forced to constantly give her painkillers. as soon as one dose stops working, we give her the next one. her life now revolves around painkillers, and every other day we go to bandages dead ends in the gaza strip, under the constant threat of bombing, hospitals are filled with new wounded children every time, amiri albadawi is 13, her seven brothers died along with her mother, her father says the family fled to the south of the gaza strip to be... safe, here and were
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bombed, amira has a spinal injury , i want to live in peace and safety, i want to recover and return to a normal life, home - says the girl, i want to feel safe, at the moment it is not known whether amira will ever be able to again to go to hostilities on the territory. in the old school we studied and were active, in this school we sleep, wake up, play, study, do everything every day. this school is not very
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clean, it is different from the other, the war of israel and gas has drastically affected the education of children in the sector. but this palestinian teacher started teaching his own lessons in a refugee shelter in rafah. during my volunteer work, i got the idea to start an initiative to get students back into education. this makeshift classroom only has basic equipment, but... here they can take turns more than 30 children to study. while the status of jerusalem is still a contentious issue, tariq teaches his students that it is the capital of palestine. he used to teach at a school in zeytoun,
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a suburb of gaza city, but like most schools in the sector, it was damaged by shelling. i lost several of my former students in zeitoun, several of them were killed. the most difficult question that one of my students asked me is when the war will end so that you can go home. of course, i don't have an answer to that, and to how we will continue to live. will it be possible to achieve? agreements and cease fire, will there be a pause, or will the parties make concessions? so far, there are more questions than answers. i... better understand where it all started, how events can develop further, i suggest watching the video. it will help to understand why the conflict flares up again in the region. it is called an open-air prison, one
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of the most densely populated places on earth. however, what is gas really like for those who live there, and why is it such a tiny tooth. chila territory has once again become the center of global attention. gaza is a strip of land only 40 km long and 10 km wide. it can be walked from end to end in 8 hours, and it is located in the southwest of israel and has a border with egypt. it has one of the highest population densities in the world. more than 5,700 people per square km. gaza is home to approximately 2 million palestinians, almost half of whom are children. the history of gas goes back has its roots in ancient times, but now some of the darkest times have come for its population: there is no food, nowhere to live, everyone is attacking us, our homes are destroyed, it is so impossible to live, where should we go, israel and egypt has been blocking the gas sector for several years,
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israel has closed access to gas by air and sea, even fishing is restricted, fortified fences also separate gas from israel and egypt, these countries. patrolling the only two crossing points for humans - eres in the north and rafah in the south. goods are also transported through these checkpoints. many residents of gaza have lived here all their lives and never left. this means that very often people lack the most necessary things. and now the situation has worsened. water and energy supplies have been disrupted by israel's repulse of the attacks hamas. the rs checkpoint was closed, and rafah was shelled from the air. we don't have enough of everything, people in gas are not enough of food, medicines, humanitarian aid and supplies of everything they need. if the escalation of the conflict continues, it will lead to a full-scale humanitarian crisis.
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gas-lined tunnels under the egyptian border have been used for years to smuggle in everything from cigarettes to food. it is believed that after taking the gas under control. hamas has expanded its use of this vast network to hide fighters and supply weapons. with with such an isolated population, the economy of gaza was closed for a long time and was in a miserable state. those who can work in industries such as agriculture, fishing and construction. almost half of the population here is unemployed. the un says that even before the recent events, most people here depended on humanitarian aid. the gaza strip has been under blockade for the past 16 years, so the number of people dependent on the un refugee agency, the number of palestinians, has increased significantly over the past few years, for example, 1.2 million people rely on our food assistance, which we
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had to cut due to escalation. also , many people went to our schools, more than 300 thousand children attended our schools, the poverty level exceeded. that is, even before october 7 , the situation was so difficult. all this became the reason for un calls to lift the blockade of gas. so. why is this not happening? any hopes for a de-escalation of the conflict between the israeli government and the palestinians have been completely dashed in recent days. unprecedented the scale of the hamas attack and its brutality shook the entire region. israel, where one of the most right-wing radical coalitions in power has been in power for many years , opposes hamas in the gaza sector. this is a warrior. a regime that came to power in 2007 and has been regularly launching rockets at israel ever since.
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most western countries call it a terrorist organization. hamas has few allies. there have been no free and fair elections in gaza for the past 15 years. for criticizing the regime , activists are usually arrested or disappear without a trace. therefore, there is no hint in gazia no democracy. however , public opinion polls show that in times when anti-gaz and anti-ham. hostilities begin , support for hamas grows. so why now? terrible events at the beginning of october caught everyone off guard. israel supposedly has one of the best armed forces and intelligence in the world. residents of gaza often complain about the incessant whirring of drones above them. and when many thought that a new arab-israeli era of peace had arrived, many countries in the region had recently signed historic ones. peace treaties, no one predicted that this unprecedented violence is coming,
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although there have been many signs. even before these events , the impression was that 2023 would be the deadliest year for the palestinians in the past two decades, and attempts to create a palestinian state alongside israel had been futile. in the west bank, another palestinian enclave in... israel has encouraged the expansion of jewish settlements, leading to some clashes with the palestinians who lived there. international law prohibits the construction of such settlements and considers them illegal. in addition, in jerusalem - a place that is holy for the three largest world religions. the muslim community was increasingly outraged by the uncoordinated visit of machetsi alyaks. the holy place is also for the jews, which led to violent clashes between the palestinians and the israeli field. it was this sacred building that gave the name to the hamas operation -
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the flood of alyaks. and so the prime minister of israel , benjamin netanyahu, swore that the militants would be met with a powerful revenge. in the first three days after the brutal attack by hamas. israeli forces carried out almost 4,000 airstrikes on densely populated neighborhoods in gaza. the un called to open the dagazy humanitarian corridor and protect civilians. i am deeply saddened by the statement. that israel will begin a complete siege of the gas sector, no one is allowed in, there is no electricity, food or fuel. so what's next? prime minister netanyahu says this is just the beginning. the goal is a complete restructuring of the power structure in gas and that the upcoming operation will change the middle east. outraged by the massacre of its own citizens, only a few voices of the israeli elite called for restraint. we understand. that in order to make hamas pay we must it would take creating a huge
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economic and humanitarian crisis in gas where hundreds of thousands of people could starve to death, where they could not have not only electricity and gas but also water and food, and only such pressure could lead to something like this when israel could say : we have taken all measures, we have defeated this enemy, and anyone else who tries to attack us on... will face a very similar result. which leaves a tough question. if negotiations fail, a tough political course and terrible living conditions in the gas brought us to the present situation, can israel's fierce military operation inside gaza achieve anything better. subscribe to our social media pages. networks to stay up to date, we are on facebook, instagram, tiktok, youtube,
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you can watch our program if you missed it on the air. well, that's all for today, see you tomorrow, all the best. greetings, friends, the espresso tv channel is live, the verdict program continues, my name is serhii rudenko, we are talking about the most current things, about what... what worries you our dear friends, today in the program: unity of power or real usurpation, why can't president volodymyr zelenskyi disband his team? ukraine is on the eve of a major recruitment for the armed forces, what should it be like and what is the role of local self-government in it.
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the occupiers will fight to the end. putin's imperial ambitions, is russia ready to end the war in ukraine? friends, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether peace with russia is possible, yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, everything quite simple, vote yes or no , write your comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote, if you think peace with russia is possible, call 0800 211 381 no, 700 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. viktoriya ptashnyk, deputy of the kyiv city council from european solidarity, is visiting the verdict today. mrs. victoria, i congratulate you. good evening. vitaly kulyk, political scientist, director of the center for researching civil society problems. mr. vitaly,
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good evening. i congratulate you. andriy smoliy, lawyer, political expert, public activist. mr. andrew. thank you for joining our broadcast, good evening and happy birthday, today is your birthday, it is nice that you celebrate your birthday in such a company, it is an honor for us, thank you, thank you for the greetings, well, we have to work, we have to report to people information and our views, so at any time, even a birthday, always ready, thank you joined, so let's talk about what is now... volodymyr zelenskyi's team, because yesterday there was a big press conference of the president of ukraine, a lot of different things were said, but the most important thing that was said for me was that in he has a team, and if he gets rid of his team, then ukraine will get rid of everything, including air defense. let's listen to what zelensky said. if i
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get rid of my team, i don't have a small team. 5-6 manager. then we become weaker with you, there will be less air defense, there will be less aid, with all due respect to your rhetoric, i can't, they just can't afford it, as for the deputies, they are absolutely right, they should do their work exclusively, be moral authorities, unfortunately, this is not happening, what can i do as the president, i cannot dismiss them. because then there will be elections, elections cannot be held during wartime, well, ladies and gentlemen, it turns out that the ukrainians are hostages of these five or six managers, because the president cannot release them, despite everything, he cannot hold re-elections of the verkhovna rada , well, what does it mean, this means that this narrow bench, it is so
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narrow that we did not even imagine that it turns out to be all important. issues are solved only there by five or six people, as president zelensky said. mr. andriy , what do you think, in the conditions when zelensky is forced to work with these people, because he says that even the ppo may not exist, which means that if he fires andriy yermak, then andriy yermak will leave the president's office with systems air defense? well, i generally wonder why the president's team consists of five or six people. team. of the president, in fact, it is in essence, the entire office of the president, this is the government of ukraine, these are ministers, vice prime ministers, the prime minister, the president's team - these are essentially hundreds of people's deputies in the verkhovna rada, these are the people with whom the president went, who often appointed densely these people proposed
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by the president, so when we talk about five or six people there, is the president talking about them... that's why i don't quite understand why there are so few, because in fact, let's say, there are a lot of positions in the government , and many people are responsible, must be responsible and make decisions, the same the people's deputies themselves, who were also brought by the president of the country, in fact, they are also the president's team, they press the buttons, they register draft laws and , accordingly, they are also... the president's team, well, if again we are talking about the letter of the law, this is how it is written in the law that these people make decisions at the expense of five or six people, well, most likely... we were talking about such key, closest people who drive there to zelensky, who, conditionally speaking, make some certain, conditionally saying, decision, we know it well too, but also
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the question arises, well, if, for example, someone there got into trouble, or someone got into some kind of scandal, or if in the end someone is not happy with the president personally, should someone be strengthened, someone there, relatively speaking, be removed? some kind of authority or position , well, really, because of this, let 's say, the air defense systems that we already have and which our international partners help us to get will disappear, will this, let's say, reduce the support from the united states of america, there support, we see, depends not entirely on how, relatively speaking ukraine and the usa communicate there, it is also important, but now it is also dependent. from the internal political situation in the usa , as well as the european union, we see that indeed, in fact, it is unlikely that we will be deprived of funding there,
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we will be deprived of military support, we will be deprived of political support there and so on and so on, and in the end, i once again i say, in order for us to have this support, people's deputies of ukraine vote in the same way, if we need to do some technical things, then actually for that... there is the government of ukraine, so i emphasize once again, all these people is the president's team, and we see that in the end certain people are replaced from time to time, from time to time there are some changes, well, formal, maybe small ones, but i say again, if there is public distrust of certain people, if certain people have questions from journalists, if certain people are involved in certain investigations, then i think that... decisions need to be made here, and vice versa, if such people interfere, if such people are involved in certain cases, investigations, or have a negative trail , then
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it seems to me, on the contrary, replacing them, that will do, will lead to the fact that there will be greater trust among international partners, in other states that provide us with assistance, they will understand that the ukrainian state, the ukrainian president, and the ukrainian government. they actually go for it and even during the war they have the opportunity to change people and the bench, as you rightly said, is not small, but it is big, in principle, as it should be, because we are at war now, i think that in in general, it would be worth talking about the involvement of people, maybe from other political forces, maybe people in general, which are relatively speaking, technocratically. who are technocrats who, conditionally speaking, could help not from a political point of view, but from an economic point of view , thank you, thank you, mr. andriy, ms. victoria, you are
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a representative of the european solidarity party, and you represent the interests of the european solidarity party in to the kyiv city council , could your party, well, contribute its personnel potential and help zelenskyi, because... well, the whole nation cannot be held hostage by five or six people, in any case, no matter what party he is from, i i imagine that there in 2019 , petro oleksiyovych said that five or six people solve some issues there, all the others simply do not do it, because the situation then was completely different, even between the representatives of the coalition between the european bloc of petro poroshenko and the people's front , and here... there was some competitiveness, but now there is no competitiveness at all, i worked in the parliament of the eighth convocation and i remember completely different battles, discussions, beliefs, and well
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, i saw with my own eyes how the system of checks and balances worked, that should generally operate in any the rule of law, and unfortunately this does not exist today, yes, if we start with european solidarity, it seems to me that every... ukrainian knows and has seen the statements of representatives of european solidarity at the national level, when at the beginning of full-scale, and and not even at the beginning, but long before the full-scale invasion, actually the representatives of european solidarity proposed to first meet with the president of ukraine, even behind closed doors, to discuss and perhaps a possible a full-scale war, because you remember us, then our international partners warned: and in fact the position of european solidarity was such that we need to prepare for this full-scale invasion, and not go on a whim, but actually then
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and now . and people's deputies, and in general politicians from european solidarity, of course, are ready to join, and the only question is that on the diplomatic front, european solidarity, you see, does not join petro poroshenko, they may not be released abroad for meetings with senators, with congressmen , just recently, ivana klimposhtinsadze, the former vice-prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration, was also not released, but that's why here... you know, this is more of a rhetorical question, i think, at a press conference if you remember, the question about the possibility of creating a government of national unity was raised, it was based on a condition, the idea of ​​such a government that was created in israel was meant, and it seems to me, judging by the president's answers, that he did not even understand what he was talking about it was about, he was talking about some he started talking about rotations in the cabinet of ministers, but hey, it's not about rotations, not about
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replacing individual ministers. the idea is yes, but about uniting absolutely all pro-ukrainian politicians in order to win this war, and not think about elections. as for the excerpt from the press conference that you showed , so short, but very telling , i think it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in this passage it is about five or six people, and also about the impossibility of dissolving the parliament, because it is impossible hold elections there and so on, in fact the president, unfortunately,... i said , first of all, the neglect of the constitution of ukraine and the laws of ukraine, neglect of democratic values, public demand for changes, including the fight against corruption, the cleansing of various state bodies from collaborations in power, i want to explain why, well, if we start there from the parliament, yes, but i would like to remind the president that it is not his good will to dissolve the parliament at some
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point, when he wants it. the constitution provides for an exhaustive list of cases when the parliament can be dissolved, ah, and if the president once managed to do this with the parliament of the eighth convocation, in which i worked in an absolutely illegal way, so this does not mean that you can continue to ignore the constitution, disregard these norms, and then, what concerns five or six people in general, well , to be honest , i am very surprised, in general, how it can come to anyone's mind, even if it is so... well, actually it is, but still, i would like to remind you that we are a parliamentary-presidential state, and the parliament should be key in such a state, and the parliament has key functions to perform, and when there is a mono majority in the parliament, it is more than 226 deputies elected from the people’s servants, and not to include them in the president’s team under the parliamentary-presidential state, well , it simply means that these norms of the constitution
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are actually ... are not taken into account, but you know, there is such a feeling that someone thinks that he is a king, he has a mace, and he can absolutely do anything at any time , surrounded by these five - six people, and what concerns this request for the fight against corruption and so on, well, look, there were lively, specific questions at the press conference, including those that were discussed, for example, a journalist, you remember, this week she raised the issue of the so-called amendments to the , for the audience, i want to explain that it is absolutely possible manual mechanisms, how to close criminal cases against, including top, officials and including corruption cases, simply by not doing anything, there is a criminal case, it is initiated, the investigator may not investigate this case, no to collect the evidence base, then the terms stipulated by the law coincide with us and continue...
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he shrugs his shoulders and says: well, oops, the terms coincided, we have to close this case, and this is what actually happened to one, as i understand it, of the people from of the president's team by mr. tatarov , against whom a criminal case was initiated and it was closed precisely at the coincidence of these terms. so, when the journalist dzela tyzhnya asked the question: "and what are we going to do with these norms, and our european partners are urging us to make the appropriate changes, because not they want" that corruption cases should still be investigated in a manual mode, to some it seemed like a proper green light for the investigation, one block after another was blocked, but i would recommend everyone to watch the president's reaction, but not very, let's say, mildly speaking, it was a restrained reaction, i didn't like it very much, mr. zelensky didn't like the question very much, but...


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