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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] they run on and on, the investigator shrugs his shoulders and says: well, oops, the deadlines have coincided , we have to close this case, and this is what actually happened with one of the people from the president's team, mr. tatarov, as i understand it, against whom a criminal case was initiated and it was was closed precisely due to the coincidence of these terms, so when the journalist dzekala of the week asked the question, what are we going to do with these norms, and our european partners are urging us: appropriate changes, because we do not want corruption cases to be investigated manually , to whom seemed like a proper green light for the investigation, one by one was blocked, but i would recommend everyone to watch the president's reaction, not very, let's put it this way , to put it mildly, it was a restrained reaction, i didn't like it very much, i didn't
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like the question very much to mr. zelensky, but... well , i think it's very revealing, actually, because it shows that criminal cases are very much wanted to be managed manually, despite the public's request to fight corruption, despite the fact that it one of the key requirements of our european membership, thank you, thank you, ms. victoria, mr. vitaly, what conclusions did you draw from yesterday's press conference and from how i understand the situation in general and in the state, including. volodymyr zelenskyi, because it is clear that such a large state cannot be managed by a small team, and what dangers does this bring to society and the country during the war? well, let me guess from a feeling, yes a feeling of anxiety, a feeling of anxiety, it guided the president in almost all his behaviors, this anxiety and the absence of any clear
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the idea that... strategic confusion, i would say so, and this is probably the president not only expressing the position of the government, the position of the entire society, this is this anxiety , confusion, on the one hand, regarding now directly those statements of the president, first of all, about the team , yes, well, we understand very well, the command was meant, it was meant about the bank first of all, the bank warehouse. two such groups of friends of the president and the conditionally systemic one, which includes shurma and the same tatarov, here, there is a contradiction between these two groups, sometimes a black cat is running, but as a rule, this system that has now been formed, for banking, it is the support of the president in making certain
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decisions, he believes... that he will refuse the services of this or that deputy, for example, shurba, or from tatarov god forbid yermak, it will glorify him personally, even if there are specific questions against these figures in society, and there are suspicions about what they are doing to the banks, what decisions they will push to the president, even pressure, external pressure on the president in terms of staying there yermak as the head of the administration. the president or some deputies, the direct, direct speech of the deputies is not an argument for the president to do this, as long as he thus believes that external factors influence him, push him to some decisions, weaken him, so he will not surrender at the moment , and it is already obvious that in the short term he will not surrender any of the deputies and there will be no rotation on banks
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in relation. er coalition or technocratic government, i think the president is familiar with the idea of ​​technocratic government, vidernikova's article was read by almost everyone, it was carried by the entire office with markers in the bank, that is, the essence of the idea is known, and this idea was also discussed on the sidelines of kamin, its spectacle of servants of the people, and there were even some healthy proposals, something... with this position and the alleged signing of the memorandum on the non-holding of elections in transcarpathia, she gave some kind of such an impression of a possible coalition government and gave, gave a reason to say that the people who signed, the political forces who signed this memorandum, he can indicate what exactly
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these political parties... those in the verkhovna rada can enter the technocratic or delegate one or other candidates there, but this was also not accepted by the president at the bank. believe that at the moment it is possible to talk about the rotation of the active cabinet, the replacement of the prime minister and the block related to economic policy, a certain rotation of the change of surnames, but a significant restart of the cabinet of ministers as a technocratic government, not a monomajority, not a governmental one, not about directly related to loyalty and... and with the political support of the servants of the people and the voting majority, namely technocratically, who would actually be empowered. at the moment, at least the next quarter is also out of the question. i do not rule out the fact that
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including our western partners, and the situation in the country, this strategic disunity, which i mentioned earlier, they will influence the president, push him to form. such a government of national unity or a technocratic government that would be more autonomous in its decisions from the centers making decisions on banking, so that the decision is still formed in the cabinet of ministers, as a collective body, and the policy is formed by the ministries and the heads of these ministries and does not come down from the pechersk hills. therefore, yes, i think that the president can mature to this, and her indirect mediated messages, there are signals that indicate that this idea welcomes both the banking and the cabinet of ministers in goods, and from time to time
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there are even certain designs of a possible government, those technocratic of the government and they call one or other surnames at the head of it cabinet, that is, the situation is changing, maybe the president will come to this. regarding the elections, well, it is obvious that there is a memorandum, there is a consolidated position of political forces regarding the impossibility of holding elections in the 24th year, at the moment this is the dominant position, there is a position of society expressed, in many sociological studies, results, we see it, and not because of this, you can't hold elections, because it's a war, but i still trust more, for example, such figures as ... the rumkov center said that 56% of the surveyed citizens of ukraine do not support holding elections, because, attention, during the war, in conditions of concentration of resources in the hands of the ruling power, it is impossible to ensure
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pluralism, effectively competitive positions of different political forces. well, in fact, this competitiveness has already disappeared, because we see, we see, as a single telethon. just forms a unified policy, we see how different political forces are trying to find access to the mass media, but despite this, well , we see that the trust rating of the hard-working, for example, is increasing, and here the trust rating zaluzhnyi, apparently, it is the rating of trust in the armed forces, no, not just because of that, that is why zaluzhnyi's rating is actually increasing, it also raises certain questions. the leader of the president's team , but mr. vitaly, what do you think, the president, he wants to be, well, the only president who will win, and actually this behavior of his is dictated by this, or why is he afraid of some
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political co-responsibility of other forces, here it is not co-responsibility, more about whether he can provide effective governance as he envisions it. because technocratic government is to delegate government to the adoption of certain decisions, a certain autonomy of this government, this is an opportunity to communicate with western partners directly, without expecting any clear directives from the bank, this is interaction with the verkhovna rada, respectively, for the adoption of certain decisions, the formation of a coalition based on specific voting results, this is ... greater independence of the cabinet of ministers is also normal in a parliamentary-presidential republic, even during martial law, martial law, but the bank believes that they cannot let go of this river management
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economic and socio-economic political processes, that the executive power must be concentrated, and at the moment they have all the... political weights to ensure that concentration, to delegate to partners, if it is a coalition government, that is one story, it is to enter into some agreement, but then... there is a danger that the coalition government will lead to a new round of electoral logic, that is, that is, those political forces that will enter the coalition government will consider their participation in it as a platform, as tribunes for promotion of one's own political programs and one's own pr, because this is the only objection against the coalition government, and it is valid, to be honest, but in relation to the technocratic government, well, it is about a program, there is a program that should be blamed. fulfilled, that is the kpi
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, the implementation of this program, that is the obligation to our western partners, that is the obligation to integrate into the european union, that the government must take such and such steps, there is a plan independent of the president that must be implemented government, technocratic government, and he is engaged in ensuring the transition of the economy, or the functioning of the economy in a military regime, that's normal, thank you. mr. vitaly, mr. andrii, when we talk about the fact that war and martial law require the maximum concentration of all political forces and maximum unity, we are already talking about israel, about this government of national unity, which was created on october 7, 2023 after the attack by hamas on israel has already said and done it as an example of how everything should act. our entire system, it seems to me that in ukrainian politics, with the exception, perhaps,
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there are several groups there, there are no people who were against or did not see the victory of ukraine over russia there, and this is the goal, it is not the most important thing, because without this victory there will be no politics , if there is no victory, there will be no ukrainian politics, there will be no what is to be divided, there will be no cabinet of ministers, no verkhovna rada , there will be some vindictive councils there if ... the russians win, why are we not making quick decisions about how i, how this big state machine should be managed, or whether it is expedient during martial law, that is the concentration of power exclusively in one hand, although this concentration began in the 19th year, actually after the parliamentary and presidential elections. well, if we compare ukraine and israel, then... well, unfortunately, we have to
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understand that the democratization of our elites is not at the same level, or the democratization of our elites, it is not at the same level as, for example, in israel we are still balancing somewhere there, although ukrainian society, in principle, is much more mature than most of our elites, most of our politicians, and this demonstrated the war, a full-scale invasion, but the elites, the rulers. so-called, so-called politicians, in power, especially politicians, pro-power, they demonstrate that , unfortunately, they are very often unable to change and are unable to respond with the necessary actions to the challenges of the present time, when we talk about a government of national unity or well, they don’t like the name technocratic government or a government of specialists there who will not have
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a direct relationship with certain political forces, it can be viewed in different ways, but even such, actually , the authorities, unfortunately, for some reason do not consider, why , because the colleague already said absolutely rightly, they, they are afraid, they do not, they do not understand how to manage all of them in this way, relatively speaking processes, how to influence these processes, and most importantly, which of those people can participate. in the actual formation of this government , new, new politicians or politicians of a new quality may then appear, arise, grow, who will know how and will know when and how to react, in fact, to what is happening in our country, and the main thing that, unfortunately, we are still observing, is that even during the war, most of our pro-government figures, they are thinking about what, and what they will be like... the elections, so ask there, conditionally speaking, every
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people's deputy, or even there , well, representatives of the authorities, any, they think about the elections, and it doesn't matter, these elections will be there today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, conditionally there , even in a year, in two, in three, but they are already trying to lay this foundation, how to extend their stay in power further, in the same. time, if we compare with you with the same israel, they do not set themselves such a goal, they do not know when the elections will be, and they absolutely do not set themselves a goal, you. election process and victory in this election process, because if we assume that the same netanyahu would like to get all the laurels exclusively for himself, of course, he would not agree to the formation of a government of national unity there, but the society will not understand this. here in ukraine, this is
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the complete opposite, or the opposite side precisely because it is in israel. in israel, by the way, the same, let's be. speaking, in principle, there is pluralism in the media, in israel there is no linguistic single marathon, yes in israel, in israel there are pro-government opposition media, so they do not cross certain red lines, so they understand that now victory is above all else, but these frameworks are anti-democratic, well, you can call them differently, they do not exist, because both society and the ruling elites, they understand and... and have their own vision of victory and a vision of what a democratic society should look like society, even in wartime, and likewise we have to go through all these things, what should a democratic society be like in wartime, because if we have an authoritarian
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society, then what will we lead to, what will we achieve, anyway one way or another we have to build even now in the backend, at least in the demo backend. democratic society, and this is a democratic society, where does it begin, it begins with politics, with society, with these socio-political processes, media processes, processes of power formation, that is, it lays further, including the development of the state, we have to meet these challenges, otherwise, well, otherwise we will have what we very often have, thank you, i will say, here are the ratings, here are the sociological polls that we saw , the loss of trust in many bodies authorities, including to the government, to the parliament, they are a consequence of the fact that, unfortunately, we do not have this government, technocrats or the authority
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of national unity, otherwise we would have seen different results. thank you, mr. andriy, after a short break we will return to studio, let's continue our conversation don't... switch, the usual things become unreal, heavy bags are not for my aching back, for back pain, try dolgit cream, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream, what do you want i will raise it, dolgit is the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, ask at pharmacies, we wish health and the pharmacy of your... family dolgit cream 150 g with a 20% discount. damn, stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'll tell you, there's no health, and what kind of health is there on the sixth ten, and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital plus is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. herovital+ - good health,
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russia, if not 0800 211 382, ​​at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of this vote, all calls to these numbers are free. vitaliy kulyk, andriy smoliy and viktoriya ptashnyk are on the air today, we talk about what we heard and saw yesterday, and today, and today the ratings have already appeared. since we started talking about ratings, ratings regarding trust in the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny have appeared, 92% of ukrainians trust him, 72% of those polled had a negative attitude if he were to be removed, and these are the survey data of the kyiv international institute of sociology. mrs. victoria, i don't really like that she is trying hard. to put ratings of trust or lack of trust in some of them, or to open some political perspective for
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the meritorious, some consciously, some unconsciously, how do you feel about what is meritorious, well, during the last two months, quite actively they are trying to get involved in ukrainian politics, well , i do, it seems that way to me, at least what i am watching what zelenskyi's team is doing. and the fact that yesterday zelensky talked about valera and mariana, well, it also somehow looked like that, not not not quite correct, regarding the head of the armed forces of ukraine, how do you feel about the fact that now we have moved into the category of ratings, sociology, closed sociology, open sociology, well, first of all, i believe that there are indeed those who consciously absolutely put all surveys in favor of... alkaline, and there are those who unconsciously, and they actually play along with
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this military-political conflict, i would say so, at the level of the military-political leadership. it seems to me, you know, that the president should have put an end to this story a long time ago, as soon as his interview in the time and the interview in zaekonist came out, and when, well, this interview you... remember you see, it was actually a reaction to the fact that the society and citizens of ukraine needed an honest dialogue with them, and we needed honest forecasts about what's next, where we're going, what is developing, how we will achieve victory and what is happening in our counteroffensive, and the representative very honestly conducted such a dialogue with society, and here i think there are no questions, but what happened next , you and i... we all watched, and in fact, it seems to me that the fact that the war is not only
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shaked and missiles, but it is also a hybrid, well, it is obvious, and the russian federation will use, including this conflict , and try to convince our international partners that we have a military leadership, the political leadership doesn't like it, we don't need to provide help , support and so on, and we... don't have everything else, but even if it didn't happen, it seems to me that it wasn't enough either in the international arena, or actually for ukrainians, such a joint briefing by zelensky and zaluzhny, and the results of which would make it clear that everything is in order, we have unity, and everyone knows where they are going, what the plan of action is and so on and so forth, even if there is no such plan of action on paper, but it seems to me that in the heads of well i don't have any. no reservations, i absolutely trust the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and understand that
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this plan is obviously in his head, and thank god, and i don’t need someone to voice it, but if it didn’t happen earlier, i think yesterday it was also a wonderful moment, the final conference of the president, and there were the last questions, actually, where could you put this point, but this familiarity... and the fact that zelensky for some reason equated a hard-working man with some kind of deputy, excuse me, please even one who holds a position deputy chairman of the committee on national security and defense, with all due respect, it seems to me that these are completely unequal characters, and it is absolutely impossible to equate them, but for me, you know, this is such a message that simply showed that in fact mar'ana ... she wrote these posts and asked these questions and , including, initiated, tried to throw this idea of ​​zaluzhnyi's resignation out there not
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on her own, it was not her own idea, because... if she had acted on her own, the president would have yesterday, i think it would be very harsh would distance himself from such actions and explain who is who, well, especially since this is a person who represents his team, elected from the servant of the people and has a position in the committee on national security and defense, but such a reaction, she once again convinced me as another proof that , unfortunately, maryana bezuvloi's hands are controlled by someone who is on bankova street, and i am extremely sorry. that zelensky does not react to this and does not intervene, because, well, it can simply lead to very catastrophic consequences , including in terms of support for international paritali andrii, we have literally one and a half minutes each, vitaliy, what do you think about this, well, this whole sociological drama of rating, we also recently
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presented a study of active groups and in particular saw. the position of the citizens in evaluating the performance of the hard-working president, and in particular, we also have a high assessment of zaluzhny himself, not support for his possible resignation, so it is obvious that the president will not risk taking such an unpopular step as the resignation of the commander-in-chief, so i support the idea of ​​a joint speech by the president there and diligent to show them as a society that this unity between the military and the political leadership exists. and she manifests herself, this would be an adult behavior, regarding the questions asked by the cornerless, well, as for me, i am a consistent critic, and apparently, what we publish in our telegram channel, when she scolds her enough, we will not select
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and censor, we will not censor what, but, in my opinion, some questions are valid. to the military leadership, and i do not agree that mr. zaluzhnyi communicates effectively with society, for some reason he chooses an economist, not a ukrainian publication for communicating with ukrainian society, because i have problems with communication, what with the military-political leadership, what with the military leadership, what with the political, thank you, vitaliy, andrii, and at the expense of sociology, here is all that i spoke in... not in his previous conversation, that in fact, more and more sociology appears recently, moreover, this sociology is politicized, that is, it already looks from the point of view of what someone there plans or sees elections in some in the future, this is wrong, because we see how much the situation is now in the country and at the front and on the international arena, it
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is getting complicated, and the actual task of... giving commissioned sociology there, both hidden and public, is now nothing good for the country , as they say, no, no, no, no, no, it doesn't smell, because people, people on this actually, we see, quarrels, society is disunited, we see how much sociology some, some individuals there are starting to manipulate, therefore there is certainly nothing good in this, there it is possible to demonstrate sociology. but really , it is not entirely logical to bring it to such an absurdity as we have now. regarding bezugla, i will say the last thing, i really agree with the fact that if bezugla had really done this exclusively on her own, i think she would not have been the deputy chairman of the committee on security and defense, this is the first thing, i do not understand why her they are kept there, and secondly, i think that she would no longer be a member of the servant
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of the people party, she is a member, unfortunately, of the mono majority. and for some reason there are still no questions for her, she is essentially now relaying her own thoughts status, in fact from one's party and from one's committee, how can this be, and here we have to ask because time is running out, sorry, i have a schedule, andriy smoliy, viktoriya ptashnyk and vitaliy kulyk were guests of our program today, andriy, once again i congratulate you on your birthday, and i would like to remind you that during our broadcast we conducted a survey. we asked you, friends, about whether peace with russia is possible. so, the results of the survey: 10% yes, 90% - no, on youtube, 14% yes, 86% - no. these are the results of today's survey, this is the program the verdict was today, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you a peaceful night and good experiences, take care of yourself and your relatives.


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