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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 4:00am-4:30am EET

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as they fight for ours. each of us must have someone at the front, whom we need to support and whom we need to take care of. and even if there are no military personnel among your loved ones, find a brigade or soldier that you will help. be a support to everyone who is in hot spots, to protect the city of villages and to restore the body. we will give them love, faith and daily support. good word or deed. a donut or a treat to one fighter or unit is a gift to yourself, because it is a step towards victory, the main thing is to do it. help military personnel, the best new year's gift. fortify the borders of ukraine with drones, join. to the collection of border guards. congratulations, this is
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the only news marathon. the tv channel team is happy to work for you. we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize the main points for you. together we are a force. the only news. in the center of events. thursday, december 21, is the 666th day of russia's full-scale war against ukraine. we sincerely thank our defenders for every new day under the ukrainian flag. ukrainian marathon. for now, rada speaks for you, i am olena morozova, further to the news. last night, russia attacked ukraine, debris from drones fell on a residential building in poltava oblast. this was reported by the head of poltava ova philip pronin. according to him , there is destruction, but no one was injured. a specialized commission will come to assess the damage in the morning. russian drones were shot down this night in nadsum and dnipropetrovsk regions. the local authorities reported on four destroyed shaheds with...
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information of the air force attacked in several waves, drones came from the south. the activity of rosvodokanal is blocked. this is a consequence of work ukrainian hackers who may belong to the sbu. this is reported by our sources. we are talking about the black jack group, which probably, with the support of sbu cyber specialists, carried out a powerful cyber operation as revenge for kyivstar. hackers destroyed the it infrastructure of rosvodokan. managed to encrypt more than 6 thousand computers and delete more than 50 tebytes of data. they related to internal document management, corporate mail, cyber protection services and backup copies. according to our sources, the sbu is already studying and analyzing one and a half terabytes of data downloaded from distribution channels let me remind you that this is the largest russian private company that provided water supply to 7 million consumers.
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preparation of important operations and the situation at the front. the president of ukraine held a conference call. volodymyr zelenskyi announced this in his evening address. a separate conversation was devoted to drones, namely, how to make the logistics of their delivery faster. a separate conversation on drones, what is in warehouses and what is needed on the front line of logistics will be faster. we are also working on efficiency the use of drones, in particular. fpv has become higher in all directions, it is an obvious priority of the state and a very specific way to protect the lives of our soldiers. 11 drones, chemikazes and five artillery shells, the enemy attacked the nikopol district during the day. this was announced by the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhii lysak. in nikopol itself , 11 private houses, farm buildings and power lines were damaged. marganetska and mirivska communities were also affected.
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representatives of the tsc may serve summonses to in any public places, this is in accordance with the law, volodymyr fityo, the river command of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces, explained. in this way, citizens are notified to update their credentials. why is this done? this is done in order for people who have not yet updated their data to appear in tck. updated their data, passed a medical examination, so that we understand what the resource is and whether those citizens who received summonses can be mobilized. in zaporizhzhia, another scheme to evade mobilization was exposed, i reorganized the head of one from regional territorial centers of recruitment and social support of zaporizhzhia. according to the press service of the state bureau of investigation, the head of the tsc and three of his subordinates provided the petitioners with a full package of services. for exemption from military
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service. the petitioners were registered in the same district of the city where the army is, put on the register and provided with falsified medical documents to pass the vlk, with subsequent release. in this way , more than 300 people avoided mobilization for the period of 2022-2023. the approximate cost of the service was 2-3 thousands of us dollars per person. the dbr employees conducted searches at the places of residence and work of officials of the district taka and sp. at present, investigative actions are continuing. the full circle of involved persons is established. how to behave in crisis situations, in particular during a fire, law enforcement officers together with the rescue service conducted training in one of the educational institutions. the event took place within the framework of the protection yes project, it is planned to be held in all schools of the kyiv region as well. artem derkachev will tell you more. the bell, which
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usually notifies the students about the break, rings five times this is an emergency signal when you hear it. teachers immediately begin to evacuate students. according to legend, intruders started a fire in one of the classrooms of the educational institution. police officers are the first to arrive on call. the outfit assembles within one minute and leaves immediately. the response time depends on the distance to the object, let's say response. during the alarm button, the outfit arrives in any case, even when there is a cancellation. must make sure that the cancellation is from the person who needed it help law enforcement officers immediately block all possible paths from the criminals and help evacuate schoolchildren. when the children are no longer in danger, the perpetrators are arrested. at this moment, the employees of the state emergency service
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have already prepared their equipment and are going to extinguish the fire . at least two or three units go out, they definitely go to the place of such and such calls, we work on automation so that each educational institution has such actions, we we are conducting, the state emergency service says, the calls received from educational institutions this year are mostly false. during this year, there were such challenges, for example, there was mining, our military units were leaving. to these calls together with the police officers, but it is very good that everything happened, if it was a false such report, false such calls, that is, someone is trying
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to misinform us, or they are simply checking our actions. such trainings are regularly held in all schools of the kyiv region, in which the face-to-face form of education operates. in the children of this gymnasium returned to their native desks a month ago. gymnasium number one was damaged as a result of russian aggression and did not work for almost two academic years, that is, they worked in remote mode. and only not recently, about two weeks ago , it was possible to resume training, because shelters were built. the kyiv regional state administration says that similar training will be held in every school. at the same time , the rescuers will conduct an examination. protective structures, and police officers will check the operation of the alarm system and the panic button. artem derkachev, nikita vorobyov, tv channel rada, national marathon, edinny news. in november of this year, the ukrainian economy grew by 4% compared to
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last year. this was reported by the press service of the ministry of economy. and this, despite the month-long blockade of polish carriers at the border. partially compensate for losses in the economy, as a result of the blockade allowed work. and the ukrainian maritime corridor, which was primarily used by producers of agricultural and metallurgical products, metal ore mining enterprises and railway carriers. also , the growth of consumer prices slowed down in november, the ministry of economy notes that the annual rate of inflation is also slowing down. the european investment bank has allocated almost 100 million euros to ukraine for reconstruction projects, the representative informed. the funds will be used to repair and modernize critical infrastructure, including hospitals, social housing and government institutions destroyed by russian shelling. they plan to reconstruct about 200 objects in 18 regions of ukraine in accordance with
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constitution, but trump is expected to appeal. engaged in energy certification. objects, and now prints on a 3d printer, power banks for the armed forces and charging stations for ukrainians in case of blackouts, the former state audit sorted out like-minded people, received a grant under the program is work. purchased the appropriate equipment and started production, in winter the work of the team is increased, it is necessary to work without days off in order to provide ukrainian soldiers at the front with stable work. from the first days of the invasion, when mykolaiv began to be subjected to enemy attacks, daniel budo was left without a job. in the front-line place , energy-efficient technologies have become obsolete. in the first months of the war, there was no work, the guys there started to assemble these charging stations, so... they called me to join and help there too. soon , a request came from the military for power banks and
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charging stations. it is necessary to make a living in the field somehow. do you have something like that? we assumed that it was possible to assemble a charging station with such a plan. now, in principle , they mainly use starlinks, laptops, and some printers of this type. like how office equipment, but they can, for example, sit there. and that year in november, the demand for such equipment in ukraine increased due to constant blackouts. then daniel decided to compete for a grant and expand the business. unexpectedly, he won even for himself, for a quarter of a million, which he received under the program, there is a job, he bought additional equipment. i also bought these machines with a grant, this machine is for laser cutting, and this machine is for laser marking. here we use these to cut these boxes that we showed there, on this we engrave metals
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and there are also different materials there, in principle, anything can be engraved on it, daniel’s entire team is students who are studying technical specialties at the mykolaiv university of applied sciences, but work in their free time, everyone has their own direction, partly as i do wall maintenance, in our there is a marking machine... and engraving machines, one for metals and plastics, but the other is more for wood products. the needs of the military are different, and craftsmen adapt to them, assemble charging stations from scratch. we have separate components, that is, for example, the one the battery itself, it comes from different blocks, we collect it all, test it, check it, and only then send it to customers. sometimes you have to look for details abroad, through. rare components, there are non-standard orders, because different people
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need different solutions, because someone comes and says that i need this, this, and this is, as you said, a challenge, because it is necessary to come up with some solution, to implement it, from time to time the team has to resuscitate equipment that has failed or suffered damage due to shelling, just such a charging station was handed over to the masters for repair by the military, now it came from... for maintenance, because there were problems with charging, it was completely buried there, the inverter was cleaned there, the case itself was cleaned from the ground in general, and now we are proving it is in working order, we are checking the condition of the components, despite all the complexity of the process of manufacturing charging stations, says daniel, the scheme is quite simple and almost all of them can be quickly restored, and considering last year's experience, the team prepared for case of blackouts and made a stock of power banks. natali yakobson bilibova, yevhen
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serzhuk, tv channel rada, nationwide marathon only news. the next issue at 5 o'clock will be waiting for you in this studio, our broadcast continues. chevrons approaching victory. although we are not always close to our relatives, what we do gives our children the opportunity to be safe and immerse themselves in the fairy tale of the winter holidays. we protect our country and restore its transport infrastructure, so that we can all give the greatest gift to our to children our victory, merry christmas and happy
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new year 2024. strength, will and endurance. they were passed down from father to son for centuries, and i am the one who carries cossack strength and cossack glory engraved on my heart. i am the one who carries within me the glory of the freedom-loving ancestors, whose steadfast will lives on to this day, i... the one who throughout the centuries carries within me the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never bow down to the enemy. i am a warrior of ukraine, indomitable and unconquered. i will defend the land given to me by god and always believe in my invincibility.
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rules of a warm country. kitchen. thank you for boiling only the necessary amount of water. your care warms better than a cup of the strongest tea. let's beat the winter together. broadcasting of rada tv channel continues as part of the single news marathon. together with you tonight, olga nemtseva, vadym kolodiychuk and more on this topic. internally displaced persons, pensioners should receive additional time to prove their right. for payments the government is considering this possibility. oschadbank wants to extend the deadlines for identifying pension recipients until april 1 next year. this applies to idps who were registered before russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, the ministry of reintegration reported. physical identification is necessary in order to check whether the person receiving funds from the state is really alive and whether the payment is received by the person to whom it was
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intended. velyka applies to the hotline of the ministry of reintegration. the number of idp pensioners with questions regarding the terms of identification at the savings bank. it is very important that people have time to pass it and continue to receive pensions. project resolutions of the cabinet of ministers have already been considered by the government committee. i ask the ministry of social policy to put it on the agenda of the government meeting as soon as possible. daria marchak, first deputy minister of social policy of ukraine , joins us. congratulations good day. and in order not to... lose payments, you must now confirm your identity. the cabinet of ministers approved the procedure for identifying ukrainian pensioners, who will have to go through it and in what terms? you rightly pointed out at the beginning, your colleague, that we are talking about only a very small category of individuals, and these are people who
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acquired idp status before the full-scale invasion, i.e. until 24 february 22. year, and who were already receiving a pension in this status, and this is the category of pensioners of the number of pensioners, as it sounds legally, and the reason why we are now talking about the need to identify such persons is that the norm has been in force throughout the country since 2004 about the need for identification to continue receiving pensions or social benefits. this is a general norm, and it is actually used by all our pensioners on a permanent basis, when, but they simply do not notice this, because when they come to the branch of the pension fund, it is identification, when they come to the bank, for example, to withdraw money or reissue a card, it is also identification, but here is a small cohort of settlers, pensioners from the number of idps registered up to 2402 22nd year, such
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a norm does not apply to them, such a norm does not apply to them. since the beginning of the covid quarantine, since march 20th, and accordingly, when the quarantine ended, for them this norm resumed its actions, and in order for you to give these people the opportunity not there within a month to run to the bank or to the branch of the pension fund to undergo identification, we first extended the period for them to undergo identification first until december 31 , 2023, and now... we are extending it until march 31, 24 year, secondly, we have significantly expanded the possibilities of how this identification can be done, if previously it was necessary to go physically, for example, to a bank branch, now it can be done online, including through zoma or skype tools, well
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that is, video identification, it can be done if a person, for example, from this cohort of persons is already... abroad, then it can be done at the consulate branch, that is , there is a very wide set of tools through which the person who falls under this requirement is a pensioner from the number of idps who were registered as vpus before february 24, can undergo this identification. ms. darius, you have already started talking about certain methods of identification, and how to prepare for them, what needs to be done, perhaps where... is there a specific resource where you can find out how best to based on the circumstances of a particular pensioner, should it be done? of course, first of all, information about methods. passing identification for these pensioners is available both on the website of the ministry of social policy and on our social networks, we regularly duplicate it, also on
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the website of the pension fund, but the easiest way to pass it is simply, for example, to go to the electronic office of the pension fund. i would like to remind you that every insured person, not only pensioners, every person who works today and pays a single social contribution, which is formalized in labor relations, has its own... office on the pension fund website, where it can interact with the pension fund in electronic format, digitally, respectively, for example, if a pensioner a-a can go there himself, or perhaps children chinooks will help you simply go to the office of the pension fund, register, this is also a physical identification, if a pensioner , for example, currently lives in the controlled territory of ukraine, then he can simply visit the new pension fund or oschatbank, or most likely he already has have been doing there for the past six months, and then no additional actions at all
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need to be taken, and if, for example, there is no opportunity and such persons have not visited either the oschatbank branch or the pension fund, they cannot access their electronic account on the website of the pension fund, then then it is possible to call the branch. seed fund and appoint, agree on a time when you are in a convenient situation and they will simply conduct a video interview with you, the only thing you need for this is any application, which allows video communication. and will payments to pensioners who do not pass identification be stopped? their payment will not stop, that is, more precisely, the accrual. pensions, i.e. the pension will continue to be accrued by the pension fund, but what is the caveat that we have a significant number of pensioners, er, well, we, we do not know, er,
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er, what part of pensioners are temporarily occupied territory, unfortunately, we do not know what is happening to our citizens in the temporarily occupied territory, and if we see that a person is not did not contact the pensioner. fund or with oschatbank, did not withdraw money for their cards, did not pass video identification, then the pension will be accrued, but the money will not be credited to the bank card of such a person, until such a pensioner actually contacts her so that we can identify, that a person is really alive and money can be transferred to him, he will not receive this money, well, no one there with evil intentions in that. the risks include people who can use this money to finance operations against the ukrainian state. mrs daria, how will the procedure
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for renewal of pension payments be carried out, because once again i think, it is worth emphasizing, the pension will be calculated, so simply it will not go to the account of a particular pensioner. how long does it take to renew this payment and perhaps what actions should be taken? well, if a person, for example, lives temporarily in the controlled territory, then he simply visits the pension fund office, if, for example, a person cannot come physically, then he can send a letter to the pension fund, say, or to call again and apply for the restoration of the pension through the video identification tool that i just explained, in short, what is the essence of the pension reform? well, it is very difficult to speak briefly about the essence of the pension reform, but i would say that there are several important tasks. the first is to make the pension system more understandable for
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the citizens themselves, working with the pension system, today we see dozens of requests every day, people do not understand how pensions are calculated, because often the pension formula gives only a very small amount of the pension, and then the government, through various... programs , brings the pension payment up to a certain level with allowances, in addition, we have the problem that a person from two people with the same pension rights, that is, they worked for the same period of time, paid the same amount of contributions to the pension system, but at the same time they retired in different years, such people can have a significant difference in pensions, and the difference can reach up to uah 300 under all other conditions, and it is very important for us to equalize the rights of such citizens, and hence these two tasks - to make the system more understandable.
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and to make the system fairer so that people have the opportunity under the same conditions to receive the same amount of pension, regardless of the year in which a person retired. today, we have a situation where people who retired a long time ago, their pensions have depreciated much more than the pensions of people who retired, for example, in the 23rd, 20th, and 20th years , and this is also a problem that we want to... fix ms. dari, and so the prime minister announced in the fall that from march 1 next year, for the second time during the full-scale war between russia and ukraine , pensions will be indexed, and it was about the point system, can you also, well, as far as possible, briefly explain the essence of the innovation? today, the pension formula, which calculates the amount of the pension, it
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does not... provide what i just said, it does not provide a clear and fair, the same amount of pension calculation for everyone. the point system introduces, well, actually, i would said such a synthetic unit, and this system is used in many developed countries, including eu countries such as germany, austria, lithuania, and these, this system provides. that every month, when you pay a single social contribution from your salary, and this contribution is converted into points, the contribution that a person pays from the average salary, we propose to take for 10 points, respectively, if you paid there from the minimum wage are the salaries there higher, twice higher than the average, you will have either less than 10 or the amount of points is significantly more than 10 there
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, and the value of the points... for all citizens is absolutely the same, that is, you simply accumulate the amount of points during your working life, and when you go, for example, to the electronic office of the pension fund, you see the number of points and knowing the value of the points in each particular year, you know, you can calculate for yourself what the amount of pension you 're going to have, that will ensure just that fairness, that there will be no difference between the fact that you... retired in 14 year and in the 20th year, and only on the basis of this , the amount of your pension will differ significantly, that is, this will ensure the fairness and uniformity of the conditions for pension provision, and secondly, it will allow every citizen to understand very simply, what kind of pension he will be entitled to receive? today, in addition to the pension payment, we have 39 different types of allowances, additional payments, allowances, which
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are established by various laws, the state cabinet of ministers and which very honestly make it impossible to predict what your pension will be, so the ball system is a mechanism that is widely used in other countries, for example, in germany it has been in use since 1957, and since then it has shown itself to be a very effective system of fair and understandable calculation of pensions, and we believe that under... such a mechanism to determine the size of the pension and its recalculation, will simplify the approaches to calculating pensions, make them understandable for citizens and ensure the correlation between how much you paid the amount of contributions to the pension system and what amount of pension you will receive in the future. of course, thank you for the clarification, daria marchak, first deputy minister of social
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policy of ukraine. to our broadcast. the government approved.


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