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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 7:00am-7:30am EET

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to report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. we are starting an information day on the espresso tv channel. news is on the air. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. defenders of the sky shot down 34 out of 35 shaheds launched by russia at night,
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the enemy attacked ukraine in waves from three directions, launched drones from the temporarily occupied crimea, primorsko-akhtarsk and kursk. ukrainian military until repulse the attack involved tactical aircraft, anti- aircraft missile units and mobile fire teams, the air force said. ppo worked in 12 regions, in particular in kyiv, dnipropetrovsk, vinnytsia, cherkasy and kirovohrad regions. at night, the russians also attacked poltava oblast. the wreckage of the drone fell on a residential building in the myrhorod district. according to preliminary information, residents were not injured. as the head of the region philip pronin promised, they will receive financial assistance. two people were injured as a result of russian shelling of nikopol on dnipropetrovsk region. the men received minor injuries. 11 private houses were damaged in the city, from agricultural buildings, cars and
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a traffic stop, the power line was also damaged, the head of the region , serhii lysak, said, there is also destruction in myrivska hromada, an agricultural building and two cars were damaged. during the day, russian terrorists struck the region five times with artillery and launched 11 kamikaze drones, they also attacked with two drones at night, they were shot down by our air defense forces. occupiers fired artillery for the second day in a row they are shelling krasnohorivka in donetsk region. an elderly woman was injured, the spokeswoman of the regional prosecutor's office, anastasia medvedeva, said. the occupiers also hit turetsk, windows were damaged by the blast wave, and the construction of the fire and rescue department was damaged. fortunately, there are no injured among the rescuers , the state emergency service noted. life near the front, almost 10,000 people have not left the kupyan
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district of kharkiv oblast, which is under daily shelling by the russian invaders. the local authorities are primarily calling for evacuation from those settlements where, due to constant hostilities shelling, no electricity, there are 20 of them . directly near the front line, and about 240 people live there. at the same time, approximately 15 people leave the kupinsky district every day, oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. the court of the european union canceled the sanctions against ex-president viktor yanukovych and his son oleksandr, introduced two years ago by the eu council. the resolution says that the restrictions were introduced without checking the grounds and that certain corruption suspicions were not proven. the judge noted that the council of the eu should have found out from the ukrainian side, whether she violated the rights of the yanukovych to effective judicial protection. i would like to point out that
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the yanukovychs were already excluded from one of the sanctions lists by the decision of the eu court last year, but the yanukovych are still prohibited from owning assets and traveling to the territory of the eu due to sanctions from august 2022. the president of ukraine discussed the delivery of drones to the front with the military command. provision of our military with drones will be provided. attention, the head of state told about this in his video message. a separate conversation on drones: what is in stock and what needed on the front line, logistics will be faster. we are also working on making the use of drones, in particular fpv, more efficient in all directions. this is an obvious priority of the state and a very concrete way to protect the lives of our soldiers. the espressu tv channel together
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with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine kholodny. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military strives for victory every day, leaving no stone unturned on the battlefield wounded comrades, with atvs evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded will be greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we collected about uah 600,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens, so pull out your phones, scan and donate. welcome to ireland, that 's the name of the film presented in lviv about the life of ukrainian refugees on this island, where 5 million people live, in particular 100,000 ukrainians, most of our compatriots in the capital of ireland and in
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kerry, where the journalists of radio liberty's tiyak project shot the film, ukrainians talk about their lives, employment and integration in the country. and the irish remember the similar history of both peoples: colonization, destruction of language and starvation of millions. it is shared experiences that will allow people who speak different languages ​​to understand each other so easily, the author of the film is convinced. and at the same time, the people of rland themselves warmly welcome ukrainians, one of the reasons why, because it is something that ireland and ukraine have quite similar pasts, they were there too. colonized, they also had hunger, they also fought for their independence, and their own understanding of what ukraine is going through is one of the reasons for their great empathy for the ukrainian people. a puppet show and gifts for the christmas and new year holidays for the children of military personnel were organized
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by representatives of foreign consulates who are members of the diplomatic club of lviv . of states 130 children and their parents took part in the celebration. this year, we decided to restore this good holiday for children. we organized this event for children, which is now available, there are 130 children with mothers, grandmothers, and grandfathers who came here, there will be a festive performance for them, we have organized gifts for them, there will be a table with sweets, coffee, tea with cakes. lesya vakolyuk, the presenter of espresso, handed over more than fifty books to military personnel undergoing rehabilitation in the center of halychyn, who inspired her to such a charitable initiative and how reading helps
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recover in our next story. he survived the occupation of his native village in the kyiv region and went to the front. valentyn shumak stood up for ukraine. in april 2022, he served as a machine gunner in the 14th separate mechanized brigade, he fought in the spring and summer there, then he received his first wound in the shoulder, a bullet and two shrapnel in his hands, he spent a month of rehabilitation there or a little less and returned back, again he voluntarily returned back to fight in the kupinsky direction, and there i was wounded by an explosive mine. valentin is currently recovering in a rehabilitation center halychyna trains at the superhumans clinic, and in between... he reads a lot, a military man has swallowed about 40 books, i love barbells, i swing constantly, i train in the gym, every day basically, i read like that, and i read fiction, mostly like this, something i love all kinds of things. valentin, a viewer and supporter of espresso host vasya vakulyuk, he inspired her
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to collect books for defenders of the halychyna rehabilitation center. i wrote valentine's story on facebook, called out such a cry, and people who know me. they decided to respond first was my colleague, also the presenter of espresso, kateryna sharkopoyas, i think that these books will arouse the same interest as they aroused in me and in our defenders who lost limbs, colleagues from television, publishers and writers there were about six dozen books in total, plus a board game, puzzles, and books of various genres on historical topics, something from classical ukrainian literature, there is also something fantastic, there is non-fiction, that is , there is fiction, there is psychological literature. ruslan marushchak, a military man, was interested in the literature on the shelves, he is recuperating in
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a medical facility after being wounded near kryminnaya. i read about bandera, well, many of our pro-dissidents who were arrested there and exiled . not taras, but vyacheslav chornovil was also quite such an interesting person during his lifetime, most often military personnel choose historical literature for reading. and fiction - says psychologist serhii titarenko. it is both a calming process, er, and a process that allows you to concentrate and switch. oh, and the process of learning. yes, when we switch to something else, we to a certain extent, ah, as if, in thoughts, in imagination. when we build the image of the book, we move away from those images that can be traumatic. according to the words. psychologist, regular reading helps to develop discipline, as well as adapt to
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life after trauma. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, like. next, my colleagues roman chaika and oksana vysochenska are waiting for you on the air. not switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning, roman chaika, oksana vysochanska, we are working for you today and, as always, we encourage you to support our gatherings . we are now collecting at battery stations with solar panels for the dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the tro of the armed forces. 1,220 uah of ukraine need to be collected, there is already 931,235
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uah in the account, please join, now you will see the qr code, the card number will appear in a moment, save this information and transfer there the amount you can, the amount that e- eh, how can you thank for ours safe and calm mornings, evenings, days, for the fact that we can... work calmly and continue our more or less normal life, ugh, in the meantime, we start what we always do with joy for our viewers, collect about objective information from different parts of ukraine from the front line, and we will start today from the south, it was from the south at night that there was a massive attack, our monsters, 35 flew, 34 were shot down, well done, air defense - just her heroes, but now we will learn more details, how it appears from the spokesperson
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of the ukrainian volunteer army south, with we are in touch with serhiy bratchuk, mr. serhiy , good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes , glory to the armed forces, i congratulate my colleagues, good morning, good morning, that what suddenly became active in the south, flew a lot, ships from calibers floated into the sea , that they are not doing well, well... there is nothing new, the intensity of shelling, or rather enemy attacks, has increased over the past few weeks, of course i would like to say that these are all really recent attacks, we understand that this extremes, will continue, this night, for example, odesa , well, let's say this, contemplated only how the first after god work, i am of course talking about the air defense units, of course, about the mobile fire groups of the defense forces of our state, which worked in the neighboring region on... there 13 fraudsters were destroyed , three in kherson oblast, vinnytsia beat one near here
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, dnipropetrovsk oblast, i.e. they worked really well, as usual, a little short of a hundred percent result, as it was in the previous days and nights, but also not bad 34 out of 35, i think it is high efficiency and a good indicator of this work, we have a small, let's say , operational pause, indeed, but a nuance appeared that in three weeks a missile carrier appeared in the black sea, well, actually, as it appeared, i would also be calm about this news, so that the threat of missile strikes, well, let's say a priori, it remains very high , not only, let's say, the ships of the black sea fleet of the russian federation are related to this , even more so, today they are less related to precisely such threats, to such strikes, but a submarine a boat of the varshavyanka type, it has been in service for a long time and is in black. naval fleet, went on duty, they walked for a short time, let's say, in
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the now limited water area of ​​the black sea , the novorossians drove it again , a submarine, four calibers on board equipped, exactly like the nine that are in the novoross and one unit of missile carriers is located in sevastopol, and here again about the nuances, as they say, the same is hidden in the details, it is three six today, as the great invasion has begun, then there will be no hostata once more. name, nevertheless, equipment in sevastopol, to sevastopol in what should be done, it is already very dangerous here, because who knows where those ukrainian sea children are, now they are still... and they are, a submarine, once again from novorossiysk he can shoot, he can shoot without going on combat duty , that is, i say once again, the news was received calmly, well, they went on duty like that, well, it happens, so today, in any case , the black sea fleet of the russian federation is limited in terms of its functionality and thanks to
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the defense forces of our state, first of all, the military naval forces, defense forces the south mr. sergey, what are you up to? you indicate, and perhaps there are already some data or intelligence or from other sources about this withdrawal of a missile carrier into the black sea after a long pause of several weeks, and on the other hand, to what extent has the behavior and actions changed, perhaps the occupiers on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula have become more cautious, precisely in view of the fact that our babies and, in general , these sea drones are becoming more and more... and the other day, the new york times again published fresh photos of ukrainian sea drones, how do they react to it? well, they react accordingly, for example, the geulaiter, while seroz aksenov, the geulaiter of the temporarily occupied crimea, is still alive, yesterday he congratulated the chekists on their next holiday, i think it’s the day of russia’s security, something like that, or the security agencies, they have
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all the organs, yes , so he declared that crimea is so reliably protected that everything is fine. nothing will happen, well, as a matter of fact, as it won’t happen, we saw it literally the day before this chikista day, when something so amazing flew to the station of such a high space, as i call it, we know whether there are relevant military facilities on the territory of crimea or during the times of the soviet union . that these are observation centers, these are... centers that can really protect the temporarily occupied crimea not only thanks to the air defense system, and the main thing is to monitor, accordingly, our actions, but about something else, again about a nuance: the russians there calculated which most of them are cities worried during this time, for example, sevastopol was already in the top three, they say that
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some drones led them to victory in this nomination, at least bronze is definitely there. for drones, we understand very well, and this is only sevastopol, as for other cities of the temporarily occupied crimea, we see that today there is no point where we ukrainians could not reach, it simply does not exist, well, there was a kerch at one time, we hoped, it is quiet there , it is far away, it will not reach there, it will reach, i think that there are appropriate means of defeat, about they are not said, this is just my personal point of view, it will reach, if necessary, to the new russian language, this... without pathos, it is a statement of the fact that today is actually, therefore, the day of the chekist, it is good, but we see that it is disturbing, i i don't even know, maybe these measures were not held in the bunker, because there is really something to worry about, in crimea today there is not a single, i emphasize, i take responsibility, not a single military object of the russian federation, no matter where it was flown from
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the ukrainian side, well, it's good, and it should be, not everything happens at once, but... however, no less, we still need to work a lot, to prepare, so that every strike is such as, for example, on this space communication center or on the headquarters of the command of the black sea fleet of the russian federation. mr. serhiy, you know, even those so-called good russians in quotation marks, there are no such ones here, well, there are none, that’s why i put them in quotation marks, but they argue that putin’s plan to block the sea of ​​ukraine failed, exports along the new route exceeded supply along the grain corridor. they write, like good russian, how it looks on the sea, they really walk ships, is it just because of the winter weather , it’s less, of course, the weather conditions affect it, it’s clear, right now is the season on the black sea, when the black sea from a hospitable sea, as we know the ancient greeks called it, becomes a not very friendly sea, well, it
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affects in a certain way, but it does not affect radically, because... the theme of, as they say, the navigation route works, this is how this name officially sounds, we call it, well, grain, it is already limited, so let's say the export corridor, moreover, it is known that there are imports, imported goods that are already coming to odessa, to black sea, to the south, in fact, we really have ships, ships, civilians go , as for the black sea fleet, it is sailing, well, it should be, that... it is, so to say that everything is generally safe, now i would was wrong, and it would be bravado, we are talking about the facts, there are threats, of course, from the russian aviation, it did not go anywhere. there are calibers, if aviation, then these are missiles of the x31p type there, for example, it may be that, actually, you remember this story with a hit, when our ukrainian
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losman died during the approach of a ship to one sports of greater odessa, that's why this threat exists , but today this route really works, you know, it's a bit strange, i was even a little surprised at first, it's unpleasant, although why be surprised, because it's erdogan. the day before, he seemed to have turned to russia, again proposing that let’s join the sea corridor, to this new, i don’t know, mythical yet grain agreement, and only one question: why do we, the ukrainians, need it and the whole world needs it, but with on the other hand thought that it was possible erdogan, he decided in this way, to congratulate russia on our ukrainian christmas, which we will officially celebrate with glory. to god and the orthodox church of ukraine on december 25, well, this is, you know , an eastern moment, you see, that’s why the proposals really look strange, the corridor is working, i
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hope it will work, a year ago we talked about changing the nomenclature, that not only ukrainian grain, today we we are already talking about the need to restore imports, god forbid, of course, do not screw it up, the war continues, all this is fine, everyone understands, but on the other hand, i will mention it again turkish and romania on january 11 plan to sign an anti-mine agreement , let's say, that is, we are talking about demining the waters of the black sea, for me personally this is an indicator, let's say, an increase in the level of certain, i emphasize, certain security in the black sea. thank you, mr. serhiy, well, not only lilacs should bloom in yalta, cotton should also bloom all over the crimea and not only everywhere. he definitely is, thank you for the conversation, serhiy brachuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south was with us, then we will go for a short break, and then we will return, and so on to the south,
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we will talk about kherson oblast, by the way, the occupiers there are already very happy because they allegedly completed the repair of the road through the mainland to crimea. a special performance of the legendary dead rooster band with an orchestra at the lviv opera with the christmas and selected program. early lyrical songs, new christmas compositions and favorite super hits. on january 8, the stage of the lviv opera. tickets on the website of the organizer big information partners, espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. there is a discount.
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this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of the radio freedom. top guests every day. this is the koravelny district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade cold. has an urgent need for fivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the loss of living and non-living forces by the occupier to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. if i had plans before, now i don't even know, because i can't even build some of my dreams. help me see the future again. do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the charitable fund
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wails children, please call 0800 210 106.
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good morning to those who have just woken up and joined us, thank you for being with us, do not forget to report, and in the meantime we are collecting information for you, we looked at the events through the eyes of serhii bratchuk around great odesa, now let's see what is happening in the kherson region. because serhii khlan, deputy of the kherson regional council, is in touch with us. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes of kherson region. of course, we don't even doubt it. moreover, in the kherson region, as in the mykolayiv region, i had to seriously shoot at those shahedas today, good results. where were they aiming, what was flying, and was this the only thing that disturbed this night, kherson. well, you know, for the second night in a row, kherson
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is crowded. villages of the occupiers, as well as shaheds, in recent days the occupiers began to use shaheds en masse, and shaheds are already of a new type, already black shaheds, black in color, which are moving from the occupied left-bank part of the kherson region, and this is happening for the second night in a row over the regional center, our air defense, air defense works effective, but shahedi. add to the massive shelling that goes on almost every day, and for the second day in a row, the second night, just terrible explosions in the city, and the occupiers are targeting educational institutions and high-rise buildings, residential areas, industrial bases, so yesterday a completely humanitarian the headquarters of the red cross of ukraine in
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the city of kherson next to promyslo. base, again a logistical one, and the occupiers are targeting, as we can see, absolutely all such infrastructural objects, critical infrastructure objects, because yesterday it disappeared light in the city of kherson, and today is again a terrible night, a terrible night for the people of kherson and for the right-bank part of the kherson region, because not only kherson suffers from shelling, but also from shelling the settlements located along the coast of the dnieper, so in a day the occupiers began to increase use, including drones that drop explosives, and these explosions, and such cases are recorded every day, and they only increase day by day. ugh, mr. serhiy, and as you think, perhaps you already have more accurate information, those shellings,
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when they hit...organizations in warehouses and destroy, accordingly, what is intended for the civilian population, what people may not even survive without, is this purposeful, or does it just happen that these objects are somewhere near others, or just shelling, if only to shell and not even aim, there is something else interesting here, oksana, three different humanitarian centers, it feels like someone is directing them, something someone places where there are coordinates. this thought arose, so we ask you, mr. serhiy, what do you say? yes, yesterday there were three humanitarian headquarters in one day across ukraine was destroyed by the occupiers, they survived them in kherson, on the mykolaiv highway, the highway was one of the powerful humanitarian headquarters, but it burned down.


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