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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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in our support for ukraine, so that poles constantly see what is happening in your country, because we are aware that this war is also our business, that we cannot leave ukrainian men and women. the journalist of the electoral newspaper and high heels, high heels or high heels, as it is translated in ukrainian, with whom we talked mainly about polish women and about the problems...
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they face about those women who rushed to help at the beginning of the full-scale invasion ukrainian women. thank you natalya and thank you, our dear viewers, very much thank you. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and just now about the most important events. legalized. verkhovna rada passed the law on medical cannabis. 248 deputies voted for the relevant decision. let me remind you that this draft law regulates the circulation of cannabis only in medical, industrial and activity the production
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of medicines will be controlled at all stages. only legal entities with an appropriate license will be able to grow cannabis, and drugs will be available only by prescription. law will take effect six months after publication. not true. the ministry of defense denied information about the american citizenship of rustem umerov's children. the department noted that the son and two daughters of the minister of defense are exclusively citizens of ukraine. they received the relevant documents at the united states embassy. the family members do not have any other passports. the ministry of defense stated that they did not discuss plans to mobilize male citizens of ukraine abroad. previously, the minister of defense of ukraine rustem omirov in an interview welt emphasized to the german publication that men of draft age. will be invited to
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the conscription points of the armed forces of ukraine, but, as the german publication notes, the official made it clear that there may be sanctions if the men ignore the invitation. oleksandr kubrakov met for the first time with the new minister of infrastructure of poland, dariusz klimczak. the parties discussed the unblocking of the border, in particular data on cargo transportation by ukrainian and polish drivers. also, the minister... raised the issue of creating a separate electronic queue for empty vans at the yagodin-dorogusk checkpoint. ukraine received 1.5 billion euros of macro-financial assistance from the european union. these funds will be used to support the economy and social obligations in early 2024. this was announced by prime minister denys shmyhal. in general, the financial support of the european union this year reached germany provided ukraine
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with a winter aid package worth more than 88 million euros. the funds will be used to finance energy sources , spare parts and equipment that help support ukrainian power system also, part of the amount will be used for projects of transition to green energy. shot and left to die. the national police announced suspicion of the russian military. during the occupation of kyiv region, a militant shot a civilian resident of the village of kozarovyche for fun. the victim received a through wound, but survived. one of the russian prisoners of war helped law enforcement officers identify the occupier who committed the crime. kalinovych was with me on patrol.
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dmitri, this is kalina's call sign, kalina is mine he also clicked on the product, took the machine gun , it turns out, at that moment i... well, i saw where he was pointing the barrel, immediately he fired a shot, well, when he fired, there was a silhouette of a man, it turns out, well, there was a man, dark clothes , there were no weapons, a ukrainian minibus got into an accident in poland, a 30-year-old man died, eight more people were injured, the accident happened at 3 in the morning. kyiv time near the settlement of belzhets-ljubljana voivodeship, approximately 30 km from the border with ukraine. as reported local police, a bus with nine passengers rammed into the back of a truck that was queuing at the grebenne rava ruska checkpoint. the route is currently
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completely closed. blood transfusion helps save millions of lives, but the donor's. often lacking, especially during holiday periods. a full-scale war critically exacerbated the need. by donating blood, donors give other people a chance to live. when processing one blood sample , erythrocytes, platelets and plasma can be made. these three components can potentially save you three patients at once. how can we help with our blood? see further in our material. yuliana interenko and she. donates blood regularly. for the first time, the girl sat down in the donor chair at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, when she realized that she could save someone's life with this. then, while in uzhhorod, yuliana waited three days to replenish the blood bank. today, she came for a planned donation in kyiv. i donated blood
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when i was a student and now during my internship. i am an intern doctor, i understand. ness of donating blood in general, both for the recipient and in principle for the donor, and if so, then, well, ukrainians are a nation of strong people, so why not share your strength for those in need. the blood donated by juliana was processed and platelets were separated. this package will be immediately transferred to the needs of the hospital. at the amosov institute, there are currently about 200 patients who are waiting for or have already undergone heart surgery. by. in one surgical intervention, the recipient can be transfused with an average of four bags of blood or its components. in the case of platelets, they only last 5 days, so that's important to donate blood regularly to provide the hospital with such necessary material. the need
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is always more common in those groups that are most common in the population, these are the first and second blood groups. usually , we try to keep donors of rare blood groups in reserve and call them when necessary. of the patient, since the blood is stored for a short time, and it is desirable to always collect fresh blood and give it out on the day when we collected it specifically for the patient. military personnel, including children, and other displaced persons, people in need of emergency assistance, i.e. different categories of patients that we have to operate even today, or now, or in a few days, and all the blood that... our donors, volunteer donors give us, this blood goes to such operations. in ukraine , blood is always needed for transfusion, even if the hospital has all the groups and even their surplus, an unplanned operation may happen, and the
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blood bank will no longer have enough resources. the need for donors especially increases during holidays and vacations, when volunteers go on vacation. although we... live in a war, that's all there is one thing, even , well, there is a traditional seasonality in blood donation, that is, for some reason, people donate blood less and less willingly and join the donor movement less during this period, some are on a business trip, some are resting, some can go to other region, to relatives. even on vacation, without being in your hometown, you can become a donor. to do this, you need to go to the donor platform on the internet and see the need for blood right where you are. on the website , you can find a drop-off point convenient for you and sign up for a donation. before donating blood you will be tested to check the group and rh factor.
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tea and cookies will be served afterwards. so, if you do not have health restrictions, set aside a convenient day and sign up for a donation. your blood can... save someone's life. the servicemen thank the viewers and readers of the espresso tv channel for donating the saber. with the help of this platform you can. wounded fighters from the battlefield and bring in the necessary ammunition. you and i collected the amount for which we were also able to purchase a special saber turret. now the platform turned into a robot machine gunner, which is remotely controlled by a soldier. this is the newest weapon of victory, capable of saving the most precious human life. i wish you good health, thank you and thank you to the iryna koval charitable foundation. for this wonderful saber, the saber is already 12.7 caliber, and
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after the trials, the saber will go to the wovka davinci battalion, the honor group. i sincerely thank everyone for their help, glory to ukraine. to our heroes, glory, you will see the next news release at 3 p.m., and read more news on our website espresso tv, subscribe to us in... antin borkovskyi and marta oliyarnyk. thank you, mirina koval, the news editors, well, let's catch up. information and analytical relay , in the next couple of hours we will analyze the most important things that
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happened in our country and beyond, espresso studios, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii. we start our first hour of antin and marta today, with a gathering at the wellstrum station with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. our goal with you is to collect uah 1,220,000. so far, you and i have already managed to collect 937 thousand. with a surplus, there is not much left , most of the funds have already been collected, so we very much ask you, our viewers, to join this collection, you see the opportunity to join using the qr code in monobank, or using the bank card, the number of which you can see on on their screens, each listed hryvnia will allow the soldiers to quickly transfer the devices they need, let's do it together. yes, well, but in any case, despite the fact that there is a lot of news inside our country, well, there is a little bit... and later we will voice it, yes, the verkhovna rada, for example, voted such a law on medical
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cannabis, but the key story on the front of the russian-ukrainian war, dmytro snegerov, a military expert, will talk with us about this and other things. co-chairman of the public initiative, legal affairs. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, congratulations, the activation of the enemy in the bakhmut direction, in particular, the enemy has put forward additional units, well, from what i understand. that they are additional, perhaps it is redeployment in the area, that is and is trying to develop his offensive north of bakhmut, what is there according to your information? the situation is difficult, let 's talk about the fact that the enemy is trying to break through to the watchman, and fully understanding that it is practically impossible for him to storm head-on in time, here is the geographical position of the city and the fact that the city is prepared for active defense by efforts. of the armed forces of ukraine, by the way, the occupiers note the fact that during this period
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the armed forces of ukraine managed to build a second and third line of defense. breakthrough to the times yaru gives the opportunity to go directly to the kostiantynka line and further to slavyansk- kramatorsk, key points of the ukrainian defense. currently, the situation is difficult in the bohdanivka region, and accordingly khromovo. the occupiers have certain tactical successes. at that time, the units of the 78th airborne division, the city of permanent deployment, the city of ivanova, the most combat-capable units of the russian occupation army, were redeployed to this direction, and it is worth mentioning that they were redeployed from the lyman direction, which was considered a priority for the russian occupiers, that is, the occupiers do not stop trying to break through the ukrainian defense and reach the key points of the ukrainian armed forces, once again. emphasizes, the key goal is to establish control over the cities of slavyansk
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and kramatorsk, therefore it is no coincidence that the intensification of hostilities not only on the bakhmud front, but also, accordingly, on the kupyansk-limansk front, where the occupiers are trying to break through in the kupyansk direction, once again i repeat, not so much in the direction of kupyansk-vuzlovoy and kupyansk, as the main task of the occupiers is exit to the city of izyum, and accordingly from there to... try to break through to the flanks of the ukrainian defense in the donetsk region, namely the cities of slavyansk and kramatorsk. mr. dmitry, look, but we understand that strategic plans. the enemy may rest either on the lack of their resources, equipment and manpower, and at the same time we understand that this will mean a certain stretching of their offensive positions, and here they may be surprised, how much resources they are ready to throw in the direction of both izyum and and kramatorsk? well, in the direction of izyum
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, the most combat-capable group has been created, it has up to 12,000 personnel, 1,300 units of armored vehicles. plus, accordingly, a short cry of logistics, the supply of ammunition and personnel, both from the territory of the russian federation, these are the physical accumulation bases of the city of valuts, and the occupied territories of the luhansk region, which allows the occupiers to intensify their efforts in this direction. it is worth mentioning that currently the main focus of their efforts are attacks in the sinkivka area, the lyman area the first and, accordingly, petropavlivka ivanivka, in the district. the situation is difficult, there were certain advances of the occupiers, but at the moment we are keeping the dominant heights under control and are again using the successful nature of the counterbattery fight, this is quite indicative of the activity of the armed forces of ukraine on all areas of the front without exception, that is, we take into account the capabilities of the armed forces and, accordingly, the capabilities
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of blows precisely using them as means. mr. dmitry, there is information that the russians will still try to cross the administrative border of luhansk or donetsk or both regions, there is not so much and not much left until the new year, a week and a half, do you now see the prerequisites that they can succeed, or do they still have no chance, well , not until the new year, but... let's talk that the entry into the administrative regions of both luhansk and donetsk, and not luhansk and donetsk separately, is the first stage of the so-called special military operation. let me remind you that on september 30, 2022 , the russian dictator signed a decree on the inclusion of the lpr and the dpr quasi-formation of the russian federation, respectively within the framework administrative boundaries of both regions. none of the regions is 100% controlled.
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donetsk region 55% for the armed forces. currently, what is happening in lymansk. the direction is precisely the attempt to establish complete control over the territories of the luhansk region. the occupiers are simultaneously attacking the districts of bilogorivka and spirnyi of the donetsk region. belogorivka-luhansk region. this is an attempt to create an operational encirclement of the ukrainian group in the siversk region. moreover, there have been certain tactical advances of the occupiers in the area of ​​spirny in the last day. that is, that one the scenario that my colleagues and i have been talking about on your airwaves since may, talking about what happened in the kupinsko-limansk direction. on the strike group of the russian occupiers with the aim of creating those local boilers, including in the siversk region and, as i have already said, in the region in the kupyansk direction. mr. dmytro, look, an extremely alarming signal, especially taking into account the information you have provided, the signal came from the commander of the operational and strategic grouping of
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tavriy troops, general tarnavskyi. he said that our military will have to make some cuts. offensive actions due to the lack of ammunition, artillery, 122nd, 152nd caliber, this is an extremely serious signal, as far as i understand, it is directed to our overseas and european partners. how can the current situation, taking into account the attempts of the borog to deploy a full-scale, planned, gradual, well, offensive advance, affect the lack of combat ammunition and artillery ammunition? negatively, all optimistic statements that we compensate for the lack of ammunition with a lack of shock, i apologize for the lack of attack drones, well, this is either incompetence, or , accordingly, an attempt to make a good mine with a bad game. finally, i thank the personal
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qualities of the ukrainian general, who called a spade a spade, that we in... accordingly have certain problems with providing artillery, and we are talking about artillery shells of the soviet model of 152 and 122 mm, which are in short supply not only in ukraine, but also, accordingly, in the warehouses of the countries of the former soviet space, and here, accordingly , the question of ukroboronprom, two years of war factories for the production of these projectiles remained in the post-soviet space in europe, why is not established... a sufficient number of production of these projectiles, taking into account the fact that 70% of the weapons in service with the armed forces of ukraine are still soviet-style, that is, the question is not rhetorical, absolutely. and accordingly, at the moment, let's talk about the plans for the 24th year and the fact that okuroboronprom has increased the production of projectiles, so let's call things by their names, the increase in
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the number of projectiles, according to specialists, is for 7 dashes of 10 days of the active phase of hostilities. the question arises, a year of time, why in this year, excuse me, we have an increase in shells, which makes it possible ... offensive actions for a maximum of 10 days, well, here, for example, i see information from the general director of tokrainska bronetechnika company vladyslav belvas, who gave an interview in terms of economic truth, he says that we do not have professional personnel, and in order to, relatively speaking, manufacture ammunition, we need to expand the production of gunpowder and build such a factory, which is impractical during a war, right? you could say exactly about him words? about the fact that this is not professionalism, i repeat once again, the production of artillery
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shells, factories for the production of 152-millimeter shells remained in the countries of the former post-soviet space, the countries of the warsaw pact, there is no need to build a powder charge on the territory of ukraine and... but cry about the lack of specialists , to establish relations with the countries of the former warsaw pact regarding the production of artillery shells. you should not invent a rover in the third year of the war, i emphasize. i emphasize once again, it is not professionalism and incompetence, the issue of transferring production outside ukraine to... or the fact that the territory of ukraine is under total missile fire from the occupiers should have appeared as early as march 22, but unfortunately, we are talking about it in december 23 year, and we
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are being thrown such stupid theses, which frankly, i emphasize once again, speak either of unprofessionalism or of frank sabotage at the moment of supplying weapons for the needs of... the armed forces of ukraine. mr. dmytro, avdiyivka and dynamics in avdiivsk direction? it's a difficult situation, but let's talk about the fact that zoyka's rumor that the audio girl will fall a day after, well, literally before the new year, is not true. the occupiers did not take the locations of the armed forces of ukraine under their direct control. there is talk of the possibility of redeployment of personnel, the removal of wounded ukrainian soldiers, the width of the corridor according to various estimates. from 6.5 to 7 km, what is happening in the area, respectively, on the flanks of the odiv group, is an attempt
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to break through directly to berdychi and the subsequent exit to the area of ​​the settlement lastochkin, which will give the occupiers the opportunity to establish direct control over the locations, but even establishing control over the locations does not indicate that the defense of the armed forces of ukraine will end there. let's remember bahmud, the nine-month defense of this city is another question, by what means, but currently the occupiers are trying to repeat what is happening, according to the events of the bahmud period, taking control of the location, then creating the prerequisites for pushing out the units of the armed forces of ukraine by actions of individual mobiles groups, from five to eight to 15 people, tactics of the pmc. which is currently being demonstrated by the occupiers, currently a complex attack in the northern area, the occupiers are attacking in fact from four sides, the fighting continues both on the outskirts,
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and there is a certain tactical advance along the railway, and accordingly, the may day of nevelskyi, there, in the nevelskyi area , there are also certain tactical the successes of the occupiers, on the other hand, the attempts of the occupiers to break through directly on the territory of the avdiiv koksokhim have no real results for the occupiers, except for the loss of lives strength and technique. it is worth mentioning that , according to the estimates of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, during the entire period of fighting, from october 10 to december 20, the losses of the occupiers are approximately 400 units of armored vehicles, and accordingly, the number of losses is from 12 thousand or more personnel. sir very briefly we still want to talk with you about the attack, they say that it was apparently a shadow storm, our armed forces were able to target the center of the remote
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space communication of the air alone. space forces of the russian federation in crimea, what you can you tell me what it means? well, it means that it was hit. we are currently waiting for confirmation information. local sources report explosions on the territory of occupied crimea, accordingly, we are currently expecting both aerial photographs and reports directly from the scene of the events, which indicates a change in the tactics and strategy of actions of the armed forces of ukraine regarding de-occupation. crimea, testifies to the mundane nature of strikes on military infrastructure on the territory of the occupied peninsula. first of all, the infrastructure that is responsible for anti-aircraft, anti-missile defense of the russian contingent concentrated on the territory of the ukrainian peninsula. ugh, thanks. dmytro snigiryu, a military expert, co-leader of the public initiative right , was in touch with us, they talked about the situation at the front and also about the successful work of the armed forces on the territory of the occupied crimea. now
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we are going to... a small break and after that we will return to the discussion with maxim morozov, an officer of the legion of freedom, we will talk about the situation at the front, what is happening there, we will continue the same topic, so no switch, be with us. and you have already purchased a thermal blanket, tender hugs from rozpak tv, then hurry up, because we are announcing a sale, a light, warm and incredibly pleasant to the touch thermal blanket for only uah 299. yes yes. a set of thermal underwear gentle hugs can now be purchased at such a favorable price. thermal underwear with gentle hugs guarantees a perfect fit on any figure. special cargo pants will visually tighten the line of the leg, not the buttocks, and the dense weaving on the t-shirt will emphasize the waist line and make the neckline seductive, the size is universal. the set is made of a special three-layer fabric for maximum comfort, it perfectly wicks away moisture and at the same time perfectly retains heat. the seamless design makes the thermal underwear completely
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we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. in monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. the war created a lot. for us ukrainians and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information about disability.


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