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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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border, we presented key figures and analytical data of cargo transportation by ukrainian and polish carriers, which indicate that the problems that the protesters are talking about do not actually exist, well, let's hope that the ice will break. well, here mykola knyazhytskyi, the people's deputy, wrote about the fact that this draft law on cannabis, that because of the unsuccessful wording, criminal cases can be opened against doctors or patients, since the amendments requested by the people's deputies were not actually adopted, that's why mykola knyazhytskyi says that together with public activists, who have been involved for a long time... the issue of medical cannabis , amendments were prepared and, unfortunately, none of them were adopted. that's the case. we will continue to keep you updated. our iryna koval, who is ready to share with you a selection of current news, will talk about this too, in particular. iro, we pass the floor and please tell us and our viewers what happened, and antin and i will talk to you today. goodbye, see you tomorrow.
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news time on the tv channel in iryna's studio koval, i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. ignatov denied the information that he has russian citizenship. back in june 2023, the security service of ukraine informed about the presence of a russian passport of the head of the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine. ignatov said that he really studied and worked in russia, but he only had a passport of a citizen of the ussr, which he received at the age of 16. instead, he emphasized that since that time he had passed many checks before the appointment. to
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work in the prosecutor's office and the courts, if i had to citizenship of the russian federation , please show me at least a passport, a photocopy of the passport, a photocopy of form one, at least show something, but there is nothing at all, legalized, the verkhovna rada passed the law on medical cannabis, 248 deputies voted for the relevant decision , this draft law regulates the circulation of cannabis only in medical, industrial and scientific activities. let me remind you that after the first reading , almost 900 amendments were submitted to the law, but only 100 were taken into account. in particular, the draft law did not regulate the permission to use special premises, as well as control over the circulation of narcotics. according to the co-chair of the european solidarity faction iryna gerashchenko, mutually exclusive norms of the law create new grounds. for corruption,
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at the same time we insist, and this is fundamental for our faction, that it be a law on medical cannabis with strict state regulation of its production and use, and unfortunately, these very amendments of ours were not adopted by the specialized committee. journalists will have access to the sidelines of the verkhovna rada. to directly communicate with legislators , the new head of the committee for the protection of freedom of speech, yaroslav yurchyshyn, promised, as well as a clear accreditation for trips to the demarcation line and, among other things, promises to work to draw the world's attention and find legal mechanisms for the release of ukrainian imprisoned journalists, currently more than 25 of them, until yurchyshyn , nestor shufrych was in charge of the freedom of speech committee in the council, now he is under he is suspected of cooperation with
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russia. now we are forming a separate track for the international tribunal, as well as the international one of the criminal court regarding obstruction of journalists' activities by the country, the aggressor, the country of the terrorist. the law enforcement officers exposed another scheme of illegal importation of tobacco worth uah 4 million during the searches . 35,000 e-liquids , as well as vaporizers and self-mixing kits. all products were sold in ukraine without excise stamps. currently, employees of the bureau of economic security have searched 20 warehouses and are looking for intruders. ukraine received 1.5 billion euros of macro-financial assistance from of the european union. these funds will be used for support. economy and social
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obligations at the beginning of 2024, prime minister denys shmehal announced this. in general, the financial support of the european union reached 18 million this year. germany provided ukraine with a winter aid package worth more than 88 million euros. the funds will be used to finance energy sources, spare parts and equipment that help support the ukrainian energy system. also, part of the amount will be used for projects of transition to green energy. a blood transfusion helps save. millions of lives, but donor blood is often in short supply, especially during holiday periods. a full-scale war critically exacerbated the need. by donating blood, donors give other people a chance at life. when processing one blood sample, retrocytes, platelets and plasma can be made. these three components
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can potentially save three patients at once. how we can help with our blood, see further in our story. juliana internka, and she donates blood regularly. for the first time , the girl sat in the donor chair at the beginning full-scale invasion, when she realized that this could save someone's life. then, while in uzhhorod, yuliana waited three days to replenish the blood bank. today, she came for a planned donation in kyiv. i donated blood when i was a student and now during my internship. i... an intern doctor, i understand the need to donate blood in general, both for the recipient and, in principle, for the donor, and if so, then ukrainians are a nation of strong people, so why not share your strength with those in need. the blood donated by juliana was processed and
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platelets were separated. this package will be immediately transferred to the needs of the hospital. there are currently about 200 patients waiting at the amosov institute. or have already undergone heart surgery, an average of four bags of blood or blood components can be transfused to the recipient during one surgical intervention. in the case of platelets, they are only stored for 5 days, so it is important to donate blood regularly to provide the hospital with the material it needs. the need is always more common in those groups that are most common among populations, this is the first and second blood group. we usually try to keep donors of rare blood groups. in reserve and call it for the patient, if necessary, because the blood is stored for a short or long time, and it is desirable to always collect fresh blood and give it out on the day when we collected it for the patient. military personnel, including children, and other displaced persons, people who need emergency
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care, i.e. various categories of patients who we have to operate even today, or now, or in a few days. and all the blood that our donors, donors, volunteers give us, this, this blood goes to such operations. in ukraine, blood is always needed for transfusion , even if the hospital has all the groups, and even their surplus, an unplanned operation may happen, and the blood bank will already have insufficient resources, especially the need for donors increases during holidays and vacations, when volunteers. .. go on vacation, even though we are living in a war, there is still even, well, such and such a traditional seasonality in blood donation, that is, people for some reason donate blood less and less willingly and
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join the donor movement less often it is during this period, someone is on a business trip, someone is resting, someone can go to other regions to visit relatives, even on vacation. you can become a donor without being in your hometown, for this you need to go to the donor platform on the internet and see the need for blood right where you are. on the website, you can find a drop-off point convenient for you and sign up for a donation. before donating blood, you will be tested to check the group and rh factor, after which you will definitely be treated to tea and cookies. so, if you don't have state restrictions health, allocate a convenient day. and sign up for a donation, your blood can save someone's life. a separate brigade of artillery reconnaissance black forest needs repair of special vehicles. a faulty car at the front can cost health or even life. when performing combat tasks, the transport
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has an important function, but it quickly breaks down and requires timely repair. people hold on, but technology cannot. please do. join the collection of uah 100,000 in order to return the special vehicles to working condition and continue the work on adjusting the fire artillery together with you, we have already collected more than six. you can donate using the details you see on the screen now. thank you everyone for your donations, together we are a force and we are moving towards victory. well, wait for the next news release at 5 p.m., and literally in a few minutes watch the program about health.
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on the espresso tv channel. and my grandfather is still there, i am with them, i want to go there. will help i want to keep in touch with some. do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. call 0800 210 106. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. for the approaching victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes.
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we meet the first star together. christmas eve. on espresso. traditional and not so traditional carols. christmas trips cities of our country. very special guests and extremely warm conversations. december 24. let's celebrate christmas together with espresso. two months ago, the epidemic season began in ukraine,
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this is a period of increased incidence of respiratory viral diseases in the population, such as, for example, acute respiratory viral infection, influenza and covid-19. and according to statistics, up to 14 million people are registered in ukraine every year who are sick with acute respiratory viral infections, because it is... so, the cold season promotes the spread of viruses, and today we we will find out with you which viral infections threaten ukrainians this year. what should we prepare for and how to warn them? i congratulate all viewers of the tv channel, with you in the studio iryna koval, and i want to introduce you to the guests who came to the studio, this is volodymyr horak, an otolaryngologist, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, and natalya pekh, a therapist, a doctor of functional diagnostics, ms. natalya, i congratulate you, good day, and i want
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to congratulate one more of our guests, who is in direct contact with us today. this is oksana vygovska, an infectious disease doctor. mrs oksana, i congratulate you too. congratulations, mrs. iryna. so, let's start our conversation. it is from you, ms. oksano, that we want to hear from you and understand what the current situation is in ukraine, what viruses are already circulating, and what ukrainians are most often sick with now. well, now they meet typically. this season, acute respiratory diseases, this includes viral etiology of diseases, traditional, including coronavirus and influenza, adenovirus infection, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus and other viruses, but since it is still more correct to say acute respiratory diseases, it is necessary remember that this group of infections
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also includes bacterial pathogens, first of all. we are talking about streptococci. we know that in the world, in europe, great britain, uh, there is an outbreak of streptococcal infection, its various manifestations, and including here in ukraine, we also have an increase in streptococcal infection, which is very often masked by respiratory syndromes and in the first place is first manifested by acute tonsillitis, it is... among other bacterial pathogens that can cause manifestations, catarrhal manifestations, i.e. cough, we are talking about mycoplasma, and just in europe, an outbreak of mycoplasma pneumonia has started in europe, in china, and another disease that
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can also be accompanied by a respiratory syndrome, tonsillitis, nasal congestion, we are talking about... infectious mononucleosis, but there are completely different causes of it cause, these are various herpesviruses, first of all we are talking about epsteinbarus and cytomegalus, this is if we are talking about respiratory infections. ms. oksano, can we say that they are still circulating in different regions of our country respectively, and different viruses? well, not completely, i agree with this statement, because... in principle, viruses, they do not depend on the region, they depend on the season, and after all, our regions do not differ sharply in climate, so viruses and bacteria that we have them circulating, currently they are in more, well, they are practically identical throughout ukraine. it is clear, and it seems to me that before covid, people were not so interested in how exactly the infection occurs,
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people were not interested in how any viral infection manifests itself, what is the difference? there, for example, the flu from an acute respiratory viral infection, yes, namely during the pandemic, people already began to be interested in how viruses are transmitted, how they manifest themselves, what are the routes of infection and what are the distributions, and despite the fact that earlier there, let's say, two years ago, we they wore masks, tried to use disinfectants, and washed their hands almost every 30 minutes, so now at least people don't forget that they should wash... and don't forget that they do it not only, for example, during autumn in winter, yes, but it is also necessary in summer do constantly, because viruses can circulate not only in the autumn and winter period. i want to ask you, ms. natalya, why people often get sick with acute respiratory viral infections and why exactly
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during the war such complaints increased. thanks for your question, it's actually quite relevant. now, especially now , as you said, during the war, the topic, because most of us humans are generally in a state of anxiety, in a state of stress, and accordingly, against that background, our immune system, whether we like it or not, it still decreases, accordingly , resistance to any pathogens, be it viruses or bacteria, it drops sharply, unfortunately, this is true, but as we can see, our people already have some experience with the two-year... a long time ago with the outbreak of covid, that is , we somehow now still know how to protect ourselves at the expense of, as you rightly said, this is hand washing, this is various means of disinfection, this is wearing masks. strangely enough, now we can also see, i personally see at the reception that patients are coming, they are already wearing masks, they are already trying to protect somewhere and to see a doctor and protect yourself, this is wearing masks in
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public transport, strangely enough, we also see this, and unfortunately, it contributes to this, of course, it is seasonality, because seasonality plays a huge role in pathogens and outbreaks, viral infections and bacterial, that is, this transition, let's say, from autumn to... winter, and also winter to spring, it's always a huge huge flare-up, because our immunity has such an ability to adapt to certain factors, it's a change in temperature, a change in climate, and unfortunately, the immune system, accordingly, we also decrease, and we become more prone to various viral infections. mr. volodymyr, can you tell us what are the most common complications after an acute respiratory viral infection? of course, there is no such question of time, a person can get sick, pass 3-4 days, and already presents with serious
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complications, the most frequent complication is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sinuses, it is frontitis, maxillary sinusitis, ethmoiditis, what are the manifestations of such problems , a person comes, says, we have a bad headache, v we have difficulty breathing. the thick ones are removed from the nose, and since a person starts drinking pills, unfortunately, in our country, they start using any pills immediately, they mask some symptoms, so when coming to a specialist, to our otolaryngologist, we definitely do all the examinations, this is primarily a computer tomography of the sinuses of the nose, this is a general blood test, this is a video endoscopy of the nose. in the same way, it should be assumed that there is a complication of the mucous membrane of the throat, as well as complications of the vocal cords themselves,
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that is, a person comes with a runny nose, a sore throat, hoarseness of the throat. these problems should be very differentiated, because a person sometimes cannot know that he may have chronic problems, this is especially so when there are problems related to nasal polyposis, allergies. and in total this gives a complication, which in the best case can be treated conservatively, in the worst case it has to be treated surgically, uh, i especially wanted to note for children, children who are sick with a runny nose and the runny nose is not treated for 3-4 days, they are very susceptible at the risk of inflammation of the ears, that is, otitis, otitis , otitis media, after all, from moment to moment pain perforation of the tympanic membrane, when pus may flow from the ear, is very short, two or three
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hours, and precisely at such a moment it is advisable to immediately contact specialists, specialists, ents in order to prevent these problems. now, at the moment, there is a whole range of diagnostics for any problems that are related to the ear, nose, throat, nose, so... we work very closely with our respected doctors, family doctors, pediatricians, therapists, and we ask them if we see at least some point that they don't understand, more specialized help, refer specialists to us, eh, what as for the patients, it was rightly noted by the infectious disease doctor and the internist, who are under stress and... perhaps those who are now in the east of ukraine, where, let's say , there is no heating, perhaps some good living conditions, it is clear that the most aggravated
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and chronic problems, that is, this does not exclude chronic sinusitis, especially in older people, where, for example, upper cheilic sinusitis can be caused by disease problems, and these points must also be taken into account, points must also be taken into account. allergy sufferers, this is also the case a situation where people suffering from allergies get a viral infection and it worsens their general condition, the most important thing in this situation is to try not to engage in self-medication, after all, if possible , turn to specialists who will provide qualified assistance, and this is about upper respiratory complications ways, and i understand that... there may be complications of the lower respiratory tract, yes ms. natalia, it is inflammation of the lungs, and most often these problems are addressed to doctors, therapists, yes, quite often accompanied.
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this is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract , unfortunately, inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, we refer to them, these are very frequent acute bronchitis and acute pneumonia, unfortunately, patients do not always turn to narrow specialists, or to general practitioners or therapists, already engage in self-medication and come with complications, i really want to reach out to patients precisely because the complications are already acute bronchitis or pneumonia. they can develop into much more serious complications, so as soon as patients see that on the third or fourth day some respiratory manifestations, i.e. a common runny nose, a common pain in the throat, develop either into a dry cough, or into a cough with sputum, if they see that they are worsening or with shortness of breath appears, if they see that the body temperature rises sharply or remains at quite high levels, do not neglect this, it is necessary
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to go to narrow specialists, at least to family or therapists, since acute bronchitis and pneumonia at the beginning are quite possible it is quite good to cure in an outpatient setting and not to lead to such, let's say , already difficult consequences, such as an abscess, such as empyema and other lesions that can lead to pathology of the respiratory system, that is , respiratory failure, can lead to such concomitant pathology as heart failure, there may be an increase in pulmonary function. claims, that is, you need to have a good mind for everything and consult doctors in time. currently , our medical system is very well developed, there are many institutions, both private and public ones, which can be freely entered at the beginning of the disease, and everything can be diagnosed and treated in time. and for people who, unfortunately, do not have the opportunity to contact, who are in the de-occupied territories, for example, there is no opportunity to
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directly contact a doctor. can they see doctors online? yes, a very good question, very relevant, unfortunately, now, in the present time, in fact, all medical facilities absolutely provide such services as online counseling, there are online 24 services, there are all available channels, especially in any clinics that are in the west central regions, every doctor who has enrolled in a certain system, has registered, he is ready 24x7 to provide assistance. as through teleconsultations, in the same way through various social networks, through various vibers, messengers and the rest, so it is worth conveying this information to patients, to people who have somewhat limited opportunities to contact the institution in person, so that they never were afraid to turn to doctors online for the necessary information and help. i have a question for oksana vegolska, ms. oksana, i
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understand that you are in touch with us and have listened: about everything we said, i want to ask you, we know that viruses mutate and new strains of coronavirus infection appear, or can you tell me whether , for example, the situation with the coronavirus infection has changed at the moment, specifically with the symptoms, and maybe new and some other complications have appeared, thank you, ms. iryna, who... now the situation with the coronavirus disease, first of all, there is a decrease morbidity, both among adults and among children the strain that is circulating is the omicron strain that we know, which we have already encountered, which most of us have already contracted, and therefore, accordingly, the clinical symptoms, it is much milder than...


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