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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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over russia, don't switch, stay with us. congratulations, dzaferov works on bbc news ukraine, in the studio in london, and is in the program today. in the second reading, the verkhovna rada voted for the law legalizing medical cannabis. who will be able to get this medicine and when, and how will it generally work. so, the verkhovna rada legalized medical cannabis. the draft law passed in the second reading, to be signed by the president, talks about the legalization of medical marijuana in ukraine began back in 2016. however, as experts say, the approval of the law was affected a full-scale russian invasion and pressure from the military and society. according to approximate
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estimates, even before the full-scale war , 2 million ukrainians needed marijuana-based drugs, but now the number could increase to more than 6 million. but how and who can medical marijuana help? in fact, the range of diseases in the treatment of which medical cannabis is used in the world is wide. it's cancer. for cancer patients , cannabis helps relieve pain and helps them sleep better. in addition to cancer, it is also a disease. glaucoma, epilepsy, chronic pain, post-traumatic syndrome and depression. and that's it precisely because of ptsd, post-traumatic stress disorder. currently, the issue of medical cannabis in ukraine has reached a new level. war veterans, civilians who were or are still in the war zone suffer from stress disorder. that is, these are thousands of ukrainians. according to the ministry of health of ukraine, approximately 8'.
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men and 20% of women who have survived traumatic events have ptsd, and according to doctors, medical cannabis helps in normalizing the mental state of patients. ukraine is not the first country that legalized medical marijuana, for example, poland legalized the use of medical cannabis for patients with serious diseases back in 2018. among other countries where cannabis can be obtained as medicine. except for certain states - these are eu countries, canada, australia and certain states in the usa. in total, cannabis-based medicines are authorized in 56 countries. however, what does the medical cannabis law passed by parliament allow, when it comes into effect, what other changes need to be made to the legislation to make the law work. this is what the head of the specialized committee said mykhailo radutskyi of the verkhovna rada. this law allows. at least 2 million, this is according to official
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data, and according to public organizations, patient data, this is approximately 6 million people get access to modern, safe and very inexpensive treatment, and i believe that this law is very progressive, ukraine has joined the family of european countries, modern, america, canada, where is it, where people can already use, and ukraine, well, unfortunately... did not give our citizens the opportunity to use medical cannabis for treatment purposes, today this law gave, this law will work according to the legislation specified in this law in 6 months, the government must develop by-laws, and no further amendments to other laws need to be made, this is only at the government level, and 90% at the level of the ministry of health must be adopted internal orders to... however, as there are pros, there are also
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cons. the faction of the motherland was against the law on the legalization of medical cannabis. members of the european solidarity faction did not vote. they demanded to finalize the law. according to the deputies, this version of the law is unlikely to change anything for patients who need medication. the law will not work and will not help patients. this law was written so that western companies could not always grow crops here. control of products for export - said mykola knyazhytskyi after the vote. one of the authors of the law, mp olha stefanyshina , called such comments political manipulation. it is interesting that president zelensky's rhetoric on this issue has changed over the years. during the election campaign in the 19th year, he spoke in favor of legalization, after the election he began to say that it's not on time. however, in the summer of this year he called. council to adopt this law. so that
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citizens do not have to endure the pain, stress, and trauma of war, we must finally honestly legalize kana-based medicine for all who need it. zelenskyy said then in the council. so, the verkhovna rada legalized medical cannabis. the adopted law allows the importation of medicines based on medical cannabis, cannabis and the importation of raw materials, as well as the cultivation of plants in ukraine for the manufacture of drugs. but how will the cultivation of medical cannabis be controlled? here's the thing about it said the head of the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada mykhailo radutskyi. it is very tough again so. even our colleagues from european countries where it is legalized said to us, well, look, even we do not have such strict control as you prescribed in the law, but we understood what manipulations there would be in the parliament, that is why we took such a step, for today day, the seeds that will
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be used specifically to grow medical cannabis, yes, and this is the cannabis that has a tg content of more than 0.3%, should be about... and every bush, and then the inflorescence from that the bush from which medical cannabis is produced will have a gps tracker, it is grown only on closed ground, that is, it can be grown only indoors, it cannot be done in open fields, it is not possible, it’s the same, well, another dispelling of manipulation , which were heard today, there will necessarily be video surveillance in the cars that transport... the moat of video surveillance and gps tracker and the security of such premises and transportation can be involved only the national police and the mentioned thk is the main psychoactive substance of these plants.
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deputies promise that control over the cultivation and production of medical cannabis will be strengthened, but moss has yet to approve treatment protocols using such. drugs, it will be possible to get medicine only by electronic prescription, paper ones will not be accepted, but how will the issuing of prescriptions be controlled, will there be no abuse, while the distribution of marijuana for recreational consumption remains prohibited. a doctor cannot prescribe any treatment to a person if this medical cannabis does not exist, it is not included in treatment protocols, then the doctor has no right, it will be illegal if he prescribes... a prescription for medical cannabis, but does not have a protocol approved by the doctor, everything must be entered into the e-system health, this is very fundamental, why, because through the aealth system we will be able to track whether medical cannabis is prescribed according to the rules and whether there is no
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abuse, dear family doctor, dear doctor, who has the right to write an electronic prescription, he writes it through the electronic health system i, it can't... the recipe it is impossible to prescribe outside the system, the electronic system alth, it has verification with various registers, which allows you to identify the person who was prescribed this, well, you know, bilateral control, the doctor is also controlled, even trilateral , the doctor is controlled, the patient is controlled, and the pharmacy is controlled, which released these medications. among those who supported the bill were public activists, politicians, bloggers, journalist yanina sokolova in a post on her facebook page mentioned her experience and wrote that cannabis also helped during chemotherapy, when she was in unbearable pain, and painkillers, she said, had side effects.
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viktoria romaniuk, co-founder of the public organization athena, women against cancer, is in direct contact with us. congratulations, victoria, we just mentioned yanina. who wrote about her experience, can you please explain to what extent this issue of the legalization of medical cannabis is important for people with oncology? and good evening, it is very important for us that what happened today and that ukraine joined the civilized countries of the world, because now patients have access to medical, will have yet... don't have, but we hope to have access to medical cannabis by the end of the year. our community is very large and unites oncology patients from all corners of ukraine, and you know, there are a lot of such symptoms that sometimes cannot be eliminated
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with the help of the available drugs, and, unfortunately, sometimes patients managed to... had to resort to such methods which are illegal and they were felons for in our state when using cannabis, well, i don't hide it. everything was, because when a person is in pain, or when a person can't sleep for several days, then he will try anything to get rid of this condition and get to a normal state and improve the quality of his life, and medical cannabis helps with nausea, with and for sleep, even when other drugs do not help, and relieves some types of pain, but... or helps in combination with other opiate analgesics
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to eliminate pain. you said that by the end of the year patients will be able to get the drugs, however there were forecasts that the law could come into effect in six months, because it is still needed, that zelensky still has to sign it, but in your opinion, what are the actual dates? yes, we are waiting for the president to sign the law, then. the government should develop certain regulatory documents and the ministry of health should create protocols. i think that these will be translations of those protocols that exist in european countries or in america, and we are ready to join the work, representatives of our organization are also included in interdisciplinary working groups for the creation protocols for the treatment of cancer, we are ready to join the work... on these protocols, however, i know that it does not happen quickly, but we are ready to wait, because we have been waiting
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for a very long time, and in general, how many cancer patients are we talking about, because in fact there are very different numbers, so what do you know, in ukraine, according to the data of the registry office, there are more than a million cancer patients, and this is a million, well, about a million. 300 patients, now some patients have gone abroad, and they, we, we hear such thoughts that patients are afraid to return, because not all are available methods of both analgesia and treatment in ukraine, unfortunately, and therefore this will be such an incentive that patients will understand that they are protected and that they will have access to medical cannabis. but the fact that prescriptions will be available only electronically, not paper,
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will it make it more difficult to access medical cannabis, in your opinion? and i think not, because now morphine is prescribed in the program of available drugs by electronic prescription, and recently there was a problem when kyivstar did not work in ukraine and the national service responded quite quickly health, they also allowed... other methods of prescribing, and i think that it will be possible to regulate it already, if any problems arise, it will be much easier to regulate them if there is a law, and there are various such regulatory and various procedures that can be will do and prescribe normative documents already when any problems arise, and very briefly, i would like to raise one more thing. the question of the cost of such drugs, will they be affordable drugs, or will they still be expensive for people?
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and we very much hope that the expansion of access to medical cannabis will still allow to lower the price, because we understand that when there is competition, the price of drugs always falls, so we really hope that patients will still be able to use it, someday, maybe it will be provided by the state, currently morphine is obtained free of charge, thank you, victoria romaniuk, co-founder of the public organization athena, women against cancer. and that's all we have time to tell today, look for more stories on our website and on our pages in social networks, and we will be on the air again tomorrow at 21. take care!
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hello friends, espresso tv channel is live, the verdict program, we are working live, also on our youtube and facebook platforms, so please do not forget to like this video in order to... advance in youtube trends, today in our program. zelenskyi's victory strategy or the president clearly articulates the ways to return the territories. an empty budget, where will the ukrainian government get funds if the usa and the eu do not help in the end? mobilization in a new way, how the government wants to attract more people to the army and how to convince ukrainians should not be afraid of this. friends, during this broadcast we ask you about the following: do you support the idea of ​​mobilizing women in
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ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple in the youtube channel, you choose the function either yes or. or not, or write your comment under this video. if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up the phone and dial the number 0800 211 381, if you support this idea, no, 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. today , yaroslav zheliznyak, people's deputy of ukraine, voice faction, mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, is the guest of verdict. thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, thank you. invited feder vienislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, servant of the people faction. mr. fedor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. and maria, glory to the heroes, and maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity faction. mrs. maria, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. give glory to the heroes. ladies and
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gentlemen, let's talk today about ukraine's victory strategy. what is she, or the president. zelensky clearly articulates the ways and the means to achieve it, why, in fact, i had such a question, because volodymyr zelenskyi gave a big two-hour press conference this week, the final annual one, there was a lot of talk about the results of the 23rd year, according to plans for the 24th year, as far as i know understood, volodymyr zelenskyy is considering the issue of the mobilization of men. from 450 to 500,000 people, and in addition, as the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine said, he expects that the defense-industrial complex will begin to work more actively in the 24th year, and in particular during
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1 million drones will be produced by ukrainian enterprises this year, let's... let's start with what you think the strategy for our victory in ukraine should look like, because the next year will probably be decisive for the russian-ukrainian war, i would like to hope that this year will be the year victory, but that he will be a part of our great victory, it is absolutely obvious. mrs. maria, how about you, did you hear from the president the strategy of what, what will be ahead, is it a secret, the army... a secret and we can’t talk about it, does the verkhovna rada have any data on this strategy, or should this strategy be developed with the president, what do you say? well, mr. serhiy, victory for ukraine, in fact, we all see that this is the preservation of our statehood and the preservation of our independence, this is first and foremost. the second,
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indeed, is the restoration of our territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders, and about that too. the president says, but also victory is membership in the european union and nato, because it is a guarantee of security, and the european union is economic development and economic well-being for our society, but there must also be the defeat of the putin regime, the defeat of russia, and in fact the very long-term deprivation of russia, the ability to wage an aggressive war, so when you talk about a russian-ukrainian war, after all, it is... we see that this is russia against all democracy, against the civilized world, but we also have to realize and understand and remember that what putin is, he is at war with the entire democratic world and, in principle, with the existing post-war system of order which
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is based on the rules, so the victory of ukraine - it really should be. the victory not only of ukraine, of the entire democratic world, and the achievement of this victory is our, well , absolutely joint responsibility, it is not only ukraine, but we already hear from many leaders that, really , not as much as we can, but to victory of ukraine, and this formula for victory, we see that there is a consensus, both between ukraine and the west, regarding independence and territorial integrity, but it seems to me that... two elements are missing, these are the eu and nato, and therefore we must work together in this formula to achieve this strategic foresight. and also to assure our international partners that they , together with them, must demonstrate this determination and
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achieve the strategy, which is the victory of democracy. but in closing, i want to say that in fact all our victories in reality also depend on our unity, both internal and external. and when we talk about international solidarity and all-encompassing. political, economic, sanctions, military, humanitarian aid for the protection of our country, and for the defeat of russia to happen, we also have to say honestly that this is an acceleration of reforms within our country, and this is an acceleration of those reforms that should lead us to join the eu and nato. it seems to me that just this last year, that is, our path to victory, which you say in the next year, which... it looks more clearly like this, there will be a lot of tests for our inner unity, we can see it now, and from this so it also depends on the determination of our western
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partners to support ukraine, and that is why the philosophy that we hear from president biden, from the leaders of the european union, that is, this dilemma, how much is needed, it also depends on how much we can, but we have to show all our intentions to... we have to win together, together, and that's why we we work together in unity on weapons , sanctions , the financial legend, which concerns the president's press conference, we support all the words and statements, but we would like the actions to this unity within, well, they were more sincere and let's say so , more effective, not just words. thank you, ms. maria, sir. today i had on the air a military expert from great britain, retired colonel of the british army glen grant, and he said
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that what ukraine needs now is that the economy is on the war rails, that society needs to understand that war is is the most important task in ukraine. in your opinion, is it the 24th year. will be a year when all resources, the entire economy will start working for the war, and society will also readjust, because many western experts have talked about this, they say about the fact that ukrainians need to understand more, to participate more in the war against russia, well, including because of the future mobilization that the president has already announced, or about which he says that the supreme commander-in-chief is asking to start this mobilization, to be honest, i have never i heard
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about your mentioned guest from great britain as some kind of expert in economics, and i would be honest, i would probably doubt his expertise, that less knowledge of figures on the budget of ukraine and what the ukrainian economy looks like, it is from the outside. it is always easier to advise, but excuse me, it seems to me that the question of what the military economy is, well, it is quite speculative, to put it mildly, and now it is probably present, well, if only because we spend all our money now on the army, all of it, we cannot spend international money on the army, everything that we collect in ukraine, it goes to military needs anyway, even, unfortunately, a little bit on... is not enough, so we take internal funds, which we can also spend on the army, so i'm honest, i've been hearing about it all the time lately military economy, sorry, this is hype, the name
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and nothing more, well, we are now already in the 21st century , and therefore, even during the war, the economy of the country must definitely not work like in the second world war, this is the first, secondly, unfortunately, i would really like to... see a million new military factories, but you probably don't need to be a genius to understand that a russian missile will fly into them immediately, and therefore we will have to be a little more creative here , although domestic production, of course must be developed. point three, that concerns the mobilization of internal resources, there is definitely room for improvement, at least for some representatives of the authorities, such as rostislav shurma and others. with corrupt officials who sat in the president's office, we must stop stealing, look, a very simple example, we
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did not have it during the war, when the borders are closed now. borders now, i mean trade borders with belarus, with russia, for some reason we have a record number of illegal tobacco products, a record, never before in history , we lose 23.5 billion hryvnias, that’s okay, everyone they know where it is produced, who is responsible for these factories, who crushes it from the law enforcement agencies, it can be closed, it is 23 billion hryvnias, i am translating, which were stolen from the army, these are the same eggs. 17 each, just uh , well, the eggs probably understood the examples better, here they understood less, the same applies to the expenses, well, there everyone is clinging to the drums and eye cutters, which is also, well, to put it mildly, a very bad story, you take a look now the top tender, with whom it still goes on the road, every week we have about 10-15% of these budgets,
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well, state purchases, where are they... dear to us are there really so many roads that are necessary, or can we not endure another year without an interchange at zhuliany? the third is a story about the use of attracting, well, conditional investment, and so on. it is clear that during the war, to put it mildly, ukraine is not the most interesting country for investments. but on the other hand, we opened negotiations with the european union, and now every hryvnia or dollar is invested in ukraine, it will become. in just a few years it will already be $5, and therefore many foreign companies are looking at it and want to invest now, but here it is hindered by how always the rule of law, our completely unchained law enforcement officers, who are a nightmare not only for ukrainian business, but also for international ones, so when i come back, we are talking about the military economy, sorry, this is not the second world war and not
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great britain, when on... in they killed pets at the beginning of the war because they were saving money to spend on animal feed, no, thank god, we now have international partners, they help us, we will never cover the amount of 40 billion with our own income, at least the coming years, but thank god this is not necessary, but with internal resources without radically changing the economic structure of the state, but simply banal... but by closing several of its big holes, well, we can definitely mobilize well under 200 billion 300 100%, and i will remind you that now according to the budget adopted on the border, which we adopted for this year, we are already short of 300 billion, well, this year we will spend 1.9 trillion on the war, and we adopted a budget of 1.6 trillion, well, it's an obvious amount, but you don't need to be a great mathematician, that's it for me, this is called the military
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economy, when we... close everything where it is, we lose money, and this money, i say once again, is our internal money, only goes to war, everything external, unfortunately, we do not send to war we can, no matter how much we don't want it. thank you, mr. fedor, you are the author of bills that strengthen mobilization, or, let's say, propose a new system of mobilization of ukrainians in the state, many are now talking about. mobilization and zelensky says that i do not know how to carry out this mobilization, which requires 500 billion hryvnias, that is, to mobilize an additional 500,000 ukrainians, what about these draft laws, because , as far as i understand, the verkhovna rada has gone on a short vacation, and the work of the parliament will not be until january 15, probably until january 10.
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uh, why didn't the verkhovna rada want to consider this issue now, since, well, as far as i understand, this issue is quite important, precisely at this point in which we are now, there are not enough people at the front, those who managed the territorial assembly centers, there was a large rotation, because there was corruption on the part of these military leaders, why, why is the verkhovna rada moving so slowly in the direction. normalization of e-e positions regarding mob mobilization in ukraine? well, first of all, i would like to return to your first question about the image of our victory, i think that president zelensky during his press conference clearly said that the image of our future victory is clearly enshrined in the constitution of ukraine, that is the territorial integrity of ukraine in within the limits of generally recognized international borders, this is the preservation of our statehood, our...


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