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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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it was with him, and he did not know about it, as a leader, and reznikov did not , he showed the whole country, then the jackets, told that everything was there, and then he received, everyone suspected one in 1 billion that he had stolen, and i well , the documents that i showed at our joint meeting were also evident there, and the commotion with his brother in the occupied territories of the solar station, he is still holding them, and no one has returned the 300 million money, which ... received for electricity in the occupied territory of the occupier. our program has come to an end, we will definitely continue this topic in to one of our next studios. thank you , ladies and gentlemen, for participating in the program, maria ionova, fedir vienislavsky and yaroslav zheliznyak were guests of our studio today. during our broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked whether you support the idea of ​​mobilizing women in ukraine, so 18% yes, 82%. against this are the results of a telephone
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survey, it was the verdict program, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, goodbye, tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you, the doolgit antineuralgia complex helps in the normalization of functioning. nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. dolgit capsules antineuralgia. helping your nervous system. damn, stepladders, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'll do it. what, there is no health. but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovitalal+ - good health, active life. the novelty of herovital energy. even more iron for the good
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we are talking about the possibility of large-scale mobilization, including abroad, about the situation at the front and announced special operations by the sbu. my name is vlasta lazur, let's get started. robotyne, a village in zaporizhzhia, which was liberated by the ukrainian armed forces as part of a summer counteroffensive operation, now the infantrymen have entrenched themselves outside the village and are holding the defense. every day , the russian occupying forces try to return the de-occupied positions, radio liberty correspondent maryan kushnir reports. he spent a day on the front lines with the 118th separate mechanized brigade, and we will show his exclusive report below.
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was left without cover, and when were these positions taken? wow, they were taken not so long ago, we literally, well, a week ago, we were hitting directly at these dugouts, the guys were standing a little further there in the direction of the robots along these trenches, if we stormed, we entered from the west from there , the landing was completely taken and from the west they began to displace the east here, i have nothing to compare this damn thing with. so that i was only in this direction, if it was, well, everyone says that it's hot, hot, well, at first it was damn scary, then when the bar in you rises, there is one artillery shelling, then an even worse artillery shelling, then now i understand that the silence is perfect here in general, damn here, the fact that a few rockets are flying over
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there or there are shells, well, you can even grill barbecues if the situation allows, you can work, damn it, you don't have to, i've been at war not so long ago. i've been there for 5 months , but i'd like to go back if i 'm able to do so, so that i don't lose anything here , my first injury was that i'm already a little i thought about myself, this one behaves more carefully here, that's all, if these kamikaze drones are changing the entire course of the war , that's who has more of these drones, well , you can't influence this in any way, you seem to be walking normally, equipped in armor. be careful, it falls on you from above, well , you can’t do anything, during the transition, all the boys are three-shots, mainly they suffer from these drones, there was nothing there, they throw the same rapnel, it fell near us just
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now in... right now another one is flying somewhere above us, we are now walking through the liberated village of robotyne in zaporizhzhia, and to be honest, not a single surviving house, moreover, not a single... dead tree in the yard and the surrounding area, it looks like a completely destroyed settlement, of course no one lives here, and only the military on the outskirts carry defense, about the situation at
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the front, announced operations by the sbu and the possibility of large-scale mobilization, including abroad. we will continue to talk, oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military legal studies, joins the broadcast, good evening, good evening, i i will start with the interview that the head of the security service , vasyl malyuk, gave to politico, where he stated that the security service is intensifying, will intensify its work in the rear of russia in order to move the war as close as possible to the kremlin, and that among the priority targets are warships, military bases, logistics corridors, actually many reacted today. that ukraine will, so to speak, do everything so that the kremlin feels the war. tell me, and this is such a figure of speech, does the security service really have enough and ukraine in general, enough forces and means, so that opportunities to cause various
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troubles in the russian rear. there are opportunities, and there are means, it’s just that it’s important to scale and build everything here, you see , recently i... talked with my colleague, a representative from our command there, let’s say this, and we talked about the fact that in any -what kind of war, and we are now entering such a war, to exhaustion, scaling is important, that is, it is necessary to analyze not only the phenomenon that is on the battlefield, for example, the use of this or that weapon, the production of this or that weapon, carrying out certain operations with the help of... forces, resources and means, but also giving answers as much as you can carry them out, as much as opportunities allow you, how far you can go, how much time is needed for planning, organization, and then performance is what we see. and this is a very important point, from the point of view of phenomena, if
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we look at whether the security service of ukraine or our intelligence has achieved powerful effects, yes, that is, we see that, well, listen, it is impossible to get to the ba. to baikar baikal-amur highway, well, it's powerful achievements, no matter what, whether to get to certain facilities on the territory of the russian military, and spend those or measures , detailing, how they are carried out, these are just details, but we see the result, when something is ignited, something burns, when something detonates, and as a consequence of this, of course, the reduction of some opportunities and capacities of the occupiers, be it in the logistics network, be it in weapons and so on, and here is the second moment, that is, everything is fine with the apparitions and the work is going on, now, of course, i understand that... it is about the fact that the sbu wants to scale, that is, to increase, but when we
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talk about an increase, this is exactly the second point, scaling and increasing, both in the territory of the enemy and in the occupied, well, in most cases, as far as i have read, we are talking about the occupied territories, crimea, of course , other occupied territories , and the black sea as well, and this, by the way, is very good, you know why, because there is no announcement that something will happen. on the territory of russia, it is possible and there is no need to announce it, something will happen there, let it happen to itself there are some external influences, so i think it's absolutely right, it should be, because you see, we are now in a different moment of the war of attrition, when we talk about the fact that the enemy, the enemy is also not doing so well from the point of view of in view of the fact that they can advance along the entire front line in the same way and achieve large-scale successes and breakthroughs , unfortunately, they have certain successes, but these... let's say, successes of a tactical nature, they are not so operational, but somewhere they
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they are advancing there, really increasing the number of attacks, but you had it in the plot, in particular and works on iverbove, there the enemy has spared his attacks, and our forces are now repelling them where they previously attacked, but at the same price, it also takes time to resupply, regroup, bring something up, because manpower is brought in, but they it is necessary to import some kind of weapon after all. and in order for them, our enemies, not to have this opportunity, it is critically important to destroy objects in the occupied territories. i will tell you how it worked, when we are already opening certain pages, already writing, let's say, an analysis of this war, with at the moment of a full-scale invasion, for example, when the haimars systems appeared in june 2022, it went unnoticed, but you remember how russian artillery simply destroyed en masse. everything that she could destroy in the battles for severodonetsk, for lysychansk, then in the battles in general in the east, and
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then they began to gradually deprive their artillery of this barrage, this barrage of fire, it did not happen because they ran out of shells, they just happened , that the kymers have begun to actively practice their skills were placed, and these projectiles began to explode actively, and this gave a certain, let's say , effect, now it will not succeed, because... the enemy understands approximately what types of weapons we have and places it, as the ukrainian military builds fortifications on on the border with belarus, in particular, the commander of the united forces of the ukrainian armed forces serhiy naev showed these footage, and judging even from some of the pictures, miners are involved in the creation of these structures, and please tell me if this is not too late the first question, why suddenly and why , does this mean that there are any risks of recurrence crossing the border by the russian army or some separate ones? groups of soldiers or subversive groups?
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the fact is that, in general, speaking in general , the challenges remain as long as this war continues, well , that is, in any case, russia can take certain steps to, for example, implement some plan and transfer its troops there and try again after all , there are no direct threats to us from the territory of belarus, as for the period as of now. because there is no significant number of russian troops on the territory of belarus, even in some parts of belarus from time to time, despite the fact that the belarusian army is in constant training there, and they are constantly maneuvering and doing something there, and, by the way, they are strengthening their section of the border, but they do not have such a contingent, there are close to 2,000 people are constantly there, plus reinforcements, which they have there in reserve, that is, there are no visible signs today to talk about... a renegade group or russian or belarusian troops from belarus, but you understand, experience
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showed the deployment of russian troops that three weeks or a month might be enough for them, if there is a desire to try to transfer the troops and threaten from there, so such actions, they are correct, as far as chernihiv oblast is concerned in general, i would say that from the point of view fortifications, chernihiv oblast, kyiv oblast even more. the small area that we have there is also a border, chernihiv region, sumy region and kharkiv region - these are areas in which you need to build strong defense lines, because it is... the border with russia, and it will always be for the enemy, it is the shortest way to the ukrainian capital, and in the event of the renewal of any offensive actions, they can once again repeat the route through these regions to kyiv, plus this is an opportunity to conduct flanking operations, because if, let's say, we close and build a powerful fortification there in
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donetsk oblast , dnipropetrovsk oblast, zaporozhye oblast, partly in kharkiv oblast, but if we do not cover this section of the border with russia, then russia... will always be able to bypass our lines of fortification, which are there, so this is the right step, but with regard to subversive groups, unfortunately , there are cases when the enemy is operating there in chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast, from time to time they either approach there directly 2 km to a kilometer across the border and can launch shelling from here to the border with ukraine. unfortunately, there are cases when they enter in small groups directly on the territory of ukraine and hostilities take place there. with our border guards or military personnel, well , the purpose is clear, why now all this , let’s say, has become somewhat more frequent, it is a diversion of attention from other directions, there, in particular, from kupinsky and others, it is clear why they they are doing it, it is not of such a threatening, significant nature from the point of view of the invasion, but there are such unpleasant moments, they are before the mobilization, let me move on,
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first to the mobilization in russia, well, today the russian media wrote that the next autumn... the draft of russia should be carried out using electronic electronic registers, electronic summonses, at least this is what putin instructed, please tell me, does this mean that russia will now mobilize people more quickly and more actively? perhaps it should be said here that well, the point is what is wrong with them, first of all, if we look at the mobilization, then look, and according to the statistics, the messages that it gives even. ukrainian intelligence publicly or the general staff, we see and trace that the enemy has somewhat increased its contingent, if before it was 350, 360 thousand, then it became 420, now there are more than 450, that is if we talk about regular soldiers and still around 40 thousand national guardsmen, fsb officers
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operating there in the occupied territories and so on, due to which this happened, first of all, it happened obviously... due to the fact that on their in their opinion, they lacked the strength of means, and they are constantly replenished, and this happened due to the mobilization that is ongoing in russia, it is simply presented as contract workers, but with them it actually looks like this, the military commander came and with a summons, they gave you the contract, you signed the contract and you are no longer mobilized, you are a volunteer who, as it were, volunteered to go to the front on your own, and therefore here i trace... what contradictions, because it seems to me that russia can continue to act, that is they don't need to announce anything, on the other hand, obviously, this may indicate that they have problems with the fact that there may not be enough people willing to follow subpoenas, this is an indicator of why, because these are, let's say,
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the search for solutions, well, look, putin says why, about which contradictions, i say, putin says, there will be no mobilization, everything will be fine, and so on. information about electronic summonses, about registers, etc. appears here , so what, where did this suddenly come from? well, that is, it seems to me that this indicates that, despite the fact that, of course, they have a larger number there population, they have a lot of people there who can be driven out of the village and the like, the like, but obviously this is evidence that all is not well from the point of view of the implementation of the measures they are planning, plus vochevy. they need more forces, and look, now russia is creating there, in some military districts, they have additional assault companies, numbering 150 people, well, on the one hand, these are threats and challenges, because they can intensify assault actions, on the other hand, it shows if you have an advantage in means of fire impression, as the enemy says,
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in artillery, in tanks, in aviation, then why are you increasing the number of people and why are such people critically important to you? and necessary, and obviously due to the fact that manpower for 2024 and possibly the 25th year, it is still difficult to say here, but it will remain one of the important ways of waging war by russia against ukraine, against the background of a decrease in other weapons capabilities, they will be more and more use manpower, well, plus there is aviation support and other things, and here we are smoothly moving to mobilization in ukraine, today there was a statement... defense minister rustem omeerov was quoted as saying that ukraine wants to call on its citizens living abroad to join the army, it's true, at first it was about sanctions, then the ministry of defense tried to to be afraid of umirov's statement regarding sanctions, regarding those people who will not come to the military points abroad, in general, and what do you think of this idea, do you think it is possible to implement it and really attract
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ukrainians abroad to the army, because it seems that all who wanted to leave while staying abroad, i have already arrived, now i don't know how easy it will be, you know, i think, especially in the state administration system. and any processes , it is important to make efforts and put pressure on those points that can bring results, especially in war conditions, that is, well, in general, take those measures that can be effective, effective, and if these measures do not fully work somewhere , to think why they do not work, what is wrong, what is happening and in what way and manner to improve them, look, the minister of defense in same interview, i read his build page and i... well, let's say to see, there are, for example, the right things about what the ministry of defense thinks about the recruiting system, how to improve conditions, how to encourage and so on,
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ok, there are no questions here, but then it goes on to say that there are people abroad who crossed the link, because the publication is german for germany, there are about 2,000 people, if i am not mistaken, men who now live directly, and so on what to do with them, they need to be notified, well, let's do this: well, first of all it seems to me that if formally there , i don't know, formally legally, it is clean to go like this, there is something to send a document to them, a summons, well, from the point of view of notification of information, everyone has known for a long time that russian aggression against ukraine is ongoing, there is a war, and ukraine is mobilization, the second point, how to do it, i don't see, you see, i don't see, you can discuss ideas, but i don't see practical ways to implement it, and because well... imagine how to return these of all citizens to ukraine, they are, yes, citizens of ukraine, but they live in the territory of the countries of the european union, where
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the norms and requirements of this legislation apply to them, in order to bring any of the citizens of ukraine who are legally in one or another territory to ukraine, we need a court decision that will be substantiated from our side, the documents are provided, the court will decide there. and then this citizen will be brought here to ukraine, imagine the possibilities, well, it is there, there are different precedents, now britain was sending illegal migrants, but these are illegal, i emphasize to rwanda on the basis of an international agreement there and so on, and that caused , look, the press has been discussing for months how clean and correct this decision is and so on, so i, well, let's say, from a practical point of view, i have little idea, how can it be done and most importantly the time frame, it can be extremely long. thank you very much for your comment. oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military legal research, we talked about the situation at
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the front, and also discussed the idea of ​​mobilizing men who are abroad. thank you very. thank you. well, we continue the topic of mobilization. male citizens of ukraine aged 20 to 60 living in germany and other countries must. will appear at the conscription points of the armed forces. this was stated by the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem omiru, in an interview with welt bilt and politico. these are western editions. however, the ministry of defense later said that the western press had changed its emphasis and that, to a degree, that was not exactly what it meant. so, as vel tumyerov writes, he said that ukrainians abroad, so to speak, will be invited to the conscription points, however, he made it clear that sanctions would be applied to those who evaded such... an invitation. later, in a comment to the babel publication, the head of the press and information department of the ministry of defense, hilarion pavlyuk, explained that the minister generally spoke about recruiting and the need
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to convey information to ukrainians abroad about how important it is for them to join the army. "there are no discussions or mechanisms for conscription from abroad on the agenda," he said later. ukrainian command, let me remind you, he is asking to mobilize from 450 to 500 thousand soldas. volodymyr zelenskyy confirmed this in particular during the final press conference, but it is still unclear how such a large-scale mobilization can take place in ukraine, and the president himself stated that he hesitates on this issue, and in favor of such a decision, more arguments and details are needed from the military leadership. when we talk about that other mobilization, we must know with you, one soldier is six people, that's six people. in civilian life who pay taxes and so just take 500 thousand people, multiply by six and understand how i can... all of us find plus 3 million to
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the number we have, plus 3 million taxpayers since january, well, the same rostem died in an interview with western stated to the publication that justice is important in the issue of mobilization , according to him, it should be clear to the mobilized in advance how they will be trained, how they will be equipped, where and when they will serve and when they will be demobilized, despite... the departure of men abroad, tens of thousands men of conscription age left ukraine already after a full-scale invasion. at the end of november, eurostat, the official statistical body of the european union, reported that there are 650,000 male ukrainian refugees who are eligible for conscription in 27 eu member states, as well as in switzerland, liechtenstein, and norway. however , these statistics do not specify exactly how many men left legally, for example, as parents of three
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children, how many crossed over. border illegally, well, or with forged documents. we asked residents of lviv and kyiv how they are do you feel about the idea of ​​attracting men from abroad to the armed forces? listen to their answers. i think that our guys on the front line should be replaced by someone, and if we don't have a resource in our country, we should involve those ukrainians who are currently abroad. well, they had the right to leave at a time when it was still possible, and therefore it somehow violates their rights to return them to ukraine. if the verkhovna rada accepts something like that, then it will be possible to talk about it, but this is just post-empty talk, and it is necessary to create conditions for people to return here, i i think it's logical, to be honest, because the question immediately arises as to how they left there, and if they left illegally, then all the more let them appear, but in general, well , i think so, it's time for it time has come, but where is
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justice? why are the same people fighting? the law should be, work for everyone, and for officials, of any rank, level for their children, sons. as long as we see abuse, corruption at all levels, numerous scandals, as long as this situation exists, and we do not see any active steps from the authorities to fight with internal detractors, such criticisms and such statements are perceived rather as populism. i believe that those who left illegally after the 24th should still be returned in some way. of course, it is necessary to protect the homeland, the resource is running out. it's understandable, but talking about what to return abroad is, well, it's probably just ridiculous, if not, well , let's put it mildly, outspoken, because there is no mechanism, after all, those who wanted to protect
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the homeland arrived a long time ago. abroad, and among my friends too, and unfortunately, some already heaven helps us, and therefore, this is probably not the right way, the laws of other countries have a different approach to such and such a return, and in order to return our men, from abroad, it is necessary to make a request to international organizations, including to other countries that are not ready to release men at the moment, and they are not ready to provide this information, so i think it is unrealistic. the only thing i think is worth motivating these men to come back. these people have citizenship, these people have real estate, these people have accounts, and that's it can be influenced well, there is one more piece of information related to this topic, the number of men aged 18-60 returning to ukraine is increasing, at least that is what the spokesman for the state border service of ukraine andriy demchenko claims in a comment to ukrainian pravda, he said that
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the analysis of the first weeks of december testifies that men 18-60 years old...


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