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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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donors and lawmakers, the new head of the committee for the protection of freedom of speech yaroslav yurchyshyn promised, as well as clear accreditation for trips to the demarcation line. among other things, he promises to work to attract the attention of the world and to find legal mechanisms for the release of ukrainian imprisoned journalists, currently there are more than 25 of them. before yurchyshyn, the committee on freedom of speech in the council was headed by the odious nestor shufrych. now he is under arrest, he is suspected of collaborating with russia. now we are forming a separate track for international tribunal and the international criminal court regarding the obstruction of the activities of journalists by the aggressor country of the terrorist country. i just want to add that i would very much like the newly appointed head of the committee to contribute to equal access of mass media, in particular tv channels, to the viewer. we are talking, of course, about espresso the fifth and direct tv channels. for some inexplicable reasons
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, there is no t2 network since the spring of 22, we will not tire of reminding you about it. the operation failed, the border guards detained four evaders. men tried to get to rubber boat to hungary across the river. each participant of the scheme had to pay the organizers 2,000 euros for shipping. this was reported to the state border service of ukraine. later, law enforcement officers detained seven more so-called tourists who were making their way to hungary and romania. well, despite the difficult situation in ukraine and not such a positive mood, let's have a little christmas. deer have flown without santa claus in the us state of utah, and local deer are being transported by helicopter, all so that state wildlife biologists checked their state of health. the air transportation program moves almost 1,200 airplanes on rotorcraft every year. volyns are checked for such indicators as the level of protective fat in the body accumulated during the summer months.
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gps monitoring sensors are also attached to them, and then they are released back into the wild, so to speak, so that in the wild they have already waited for nasant and set off on their christmas journey. espresso presenter lesya vakulyuk handed out more than fifty books for military personnel undergoing rehabilitation in the center of halychyn. who inspired her for such a charitable initiative and how reading helps to recover in our next story. experienced native village in kyiv region and went to the front. valentyn shumak came to the defense of ukraine in april 2022. served as a gunner in the 14th separate mechanized brigade. he fought in spring and summer there, then he received his first wound. two shrapnel in my hands, a month of rehabilitation there, or a little less, and i returned back, again voluntarily, i returned back to fight in the kupinsky direction, and there i was already wounded by a landmine. in a rehabilitation center
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halychyna and trains at the superhumans clinic, and in between reads a lot. the soldier swallowed about 40 books. i love barbells, i swing all the time, i train in the gym, every day, in fact, i read like that, and i read fiction, mostly like that, i like something like that. valentine, viewer and supporter of espresso presenter, lesya vakulyuk. he inspired her to collect books for defenders of the halychyna rehabilitation center. wrote valentine's story on facebook. made such a cry, and people who know me decided to respond first was my colleague, the presenter of espresso, kateryna shirkopoyas, i think that these books will arouse the same interest as they aroused in me and in our defenders who lost limbs, colleagues from television, publishers and writers there were about six dozen books in total, plus... there are also
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board games, puzzles, and books of various genres on historical topics, something from classical ukrainian literature, there is also something fantastic, there is nonfiction, that is , there is fiction, there is psychological literature . military officer ruslan marushchak became interested in the literature on the shelves, he is recovering in a medical facility after being wounded near krymina, he read about bandera, well, a lot about... most often, military personnel choose historical literature and fiction to read, says psychologist serhii titarenko. this is both a calming process, and a process that allows you to concentrate and switch, and also...
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a process of cognition, and when we switch to something else, we are to a certain extent, as it were, in our thoughts, in our imagination, when we build the image of a book. we move away from those images that can be traumatic according to the psychologist, regular reading helps to develop discipline, as well as adapt to life after trauma. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. it is wonderful that book therapy, in any case, everything that can help our soldiers to rehabilitate, recover, should be done for them, a very wonderful initiative implemented by my colleague lesya vakulyuk, so you can also help. before that, well, now i will add to the conversation yuriy fizer, the world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, good evening and to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, there is a lot of information, i will try to make it in the time allotted for me, in between i will tell you that the congress of the united states of america is afraid of
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donald trump, macron promised that he will not allow russia to win , over the same trump, black preblacks are beginning to thicken. clouds, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine section, well, i'll start with this, we have repeatedly proved it in the past and will continue to prove it in the future. yes, during at the christmas final press conference at the state department of the united states of america, the head of the american foreign policy department said. about the support of ukraine's allies. according to antony blinken, putin thought that the unity of the west should have given a crack a long time ago, but he was wrong, says mr. blinken. and the united states, together with its allies, continues and will continue to help ukraine
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stand firm both militarily and financially . next, let anthony blinken speak for himself . we look and listen. the last ones for weeks president putin has been boasting that, i quote: ukraine has no future. he thinks that his wait-and-see strategy, when he sends many waves of young russians into the meat grinder he himself has already created, will pay off. on one point i agree with putin, and that is that continued support from america is critical to the brave soldiers and citizens of ukraine continuing their fight and to russia's war being a strategic defeat. it's a pity that mr. blinkin agrees with putin, but well, which agrees precisely that the aid of the united states of america is extremely important for us, and i really hope that after the new year, the democrats and republicans in the congress will reach a common language and
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unblock the provision of this aid. donald trump can prevent the achievement of agreements on the allocation of support to ukraine and strengthening. control on the southern border of the united states, the leader of the democratic majority in the us senate, chuck schumer, said this in an interview with politico. according to him, it is now in the upper house of the american there are several republicans in the congress who definitely support the allocation of aid to ukraine, others definitely do not, but those who hesitate can be strongly influenced by the 45th president of the united states, donald trump. and then the direct speech of chuck schumer. he, that is, trump, is huge. a political force in the republican party, and the question is whether they will do the right thing even if donald trump makes vile, vicious attacks on them. well, you see how he muddies the water, even though the election is still, ah, a year away, even
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a little less than a year, because the elections will be held in november next year, he, and he has already repeatedly said that he knows how to end this war, and he is already starting to muddy the waters, well, i will remind you that the senators in order to achieve common some kind of agreement on unblocking support for ukraine, didn't even go on christmas break on monday of this week, but they couldn't reach this agreement with the republicans, the democrats with the republicans, and so we have what we have, and the house of representatives didn't even go on christmas , yes well, let's move on to the most important news on the prevel. the regret of the most important today: 11 dead, including the attacker, at least 30 wounded, today in the very center of prague there was a bloody shooting: an armed man entered the building of the faculty of arts, others write that it is the faculty of philosophy of charles university
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and began to kill randomly shooting from a gun weapons the police arrived at the scene in a matter of minutes, and later it became known about the death of the crime itself. his motives are currently unknown. today's shooting happened the most tragic in the history of the czech republic. before that, in 2015, eight people died in ugersk brod, and in 2019, six people died during shootings at the ostrava hospital. and it's just horrible. currently, it is known that at 22:00 kyiv time, a government meeting will be convened in prague, the capital of the czech republic, and there should be a press conference at which all the details will be announced. there should be a lot of details, because at the moment neither the motives with which this shooter did this nor who he is is known. it is only known that a few hours before this shooting in prague, in another district
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city, molodyk killed his father, and the police connect that it could be somehow, maybe it was this very young man who, after killing his father, fled from the scene of the shooting, so we have this. doubts began to appear in some countries about the expediency of continuing aid and support to ukraine. there are these doubts in spol as well. the united states of america, but this is a mistake: ukraine must be supported until its victory, the country's president, emmanuel macron, said in an interview with the france 5 channel. he added that western partners helped ukrainians achieve many important strategic victories. the french president urged not to weaken support and said that important decisions will have to be made in the coming months, although he did not specify which decisions they were talking about, but added: we will hear. emmanuel macron in direct speech. we need a peaceful europe, and we
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know very well how to achieve this on our own soil. but as long as there is a country on our continent whose government wants to assert itself by taking pieces of their territory from its neighbors, we will not have such a peaceful europe. exactly therefore, we have no right to allow russia to win in ukraine. another interesting point from this interview, the journalists who were present at it started talking about... what will happen next year, mentioned that it will be the 80th anniversary of the allied landings in normandy, and asked emmanuel macron about whether putin will be invited to this celebration, what emmanuel macron answered. quote: unless he holds peace talks and changes the situation in ukraine, and he won't will invite that's it, leave it. this is on the sidelines, but he himself, and i remember how putin came to france, when there was also
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an anniversary, trump was still standing there, in my opinion, that means everyone, and they are all still waiting, and putin came as always the last one, they looked at him like a sophomore came to class. ukraine has been separated from the european union for many years, and its joining the european community does not look realistic now, hungarian prime minister viktor orbán said today. during the press conference on the results of the year, according to him, now it would be more correct to simply establish a strategic partnership between ukraine and the eu, and start talking about accession only after kyiv is ready for it, and most importantly - when the war ends, - says orban. at the same time, the prime minister of hungary emphasized that brussels should stop giving money to ukraine at this time. and then we will hear. in direct speech. now there is none. the european commission
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says that we should get this money by borrowing and then allocate it through the budget. hungary's position is not to give them to ukraine within 5 years. it is an interesting moment when journalists at this press conference asked mr. orban about the borders in which you see ukraine in the near future. he said that... no, no, no, it is not the business of hungary and its prime minister to talk about the borders of ukraine before the war, during the war, in any case, because hungary, the prime minister hungarians should care about hungarians, think about hungary and only about that. but, he said one very interesting thing, he really does not want russia to have a border with hungary, so after all, he russia, oh, how he is afraid, he knows, i would like orbán to tell who brussels should give money to, as if you give there, i want. miss it, maybe the viewers are not following this story, hungary is not that it is not a donor of the european union, it is in the second place at the end after the recipient,
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as a recipient, it takes the most money, it takes more, i will not say whether it is bulgaria or who , well, in a word, hungary is second to last, it takes the most, or the most, money in the eu, and it tells where brussels, which will give it, relatively speaking, should give its money, it’s like that, and no, well, you can understand him, he needs this money, vasyl, he was promised, once there were 30 billion, but because of what... some stupid actions of his froze these 30 billion, they give 10 billion, and now he is bargaining for these 20 , it is a great pity that the object of this blackmail is ukraine and it is ours. freedom is our peace , unfortunately. china plans to increase the level of strategic cooperation with the russian army. the ministry of defense of the celestial empire said this today after the completion of the next round of consultations between representatives of the armed forces of both countries. exactly how such strategic cooperation will manifest itself and its strengthening was not specified in
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beijing, but at the same time it was emphasized that the armies of both countries will strengthen the regional ones. and global peace and stability, the most interesting thing here is that the russians will strengthen global peace, that is, they invaded a foreign country, they kill, they destroy, and now they and china will strengthen global stability, because it is behind the eagle, it had three slogans , one thing - it's war there, it's peace, well, that's all for them, they will strengthen war, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength, and one last thing about china. during a meeting on the sidelines of the atec summit held in san francisco a little over a month ago, i met, i spoke about this in the world about ukraine column, with the president of the united states of america, joe biden, they had a good conversation, as they said, and joe biden and xi jinping said, and nbc reporters , citing several influential people in
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the administration of the united states of america , said that... qi jing pin in conversation with joe biden said frankly that beijing will reunite taiwan with mainland china, no matter what anyone says, while he added that he would like to do it peacefully, but if necessary, then unfortunately we will have to use weapons, so we see that, after all, not everything is as calm there as it might seem. okay, i won’t, i just wanted to say that even when i read russian experts who should praise china, they say that it is very risky to invest there, they advise those people who have money not to invest, because the economic situation in china is also very ambiguous, and china, too, cannot be perceived as such an invincible power, which has no weak points at all, there are weak points, well , obviously, for that they need this expansion to a certain extent and they need the same taiwan, yes
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, north korea is ready to launch a nuclear attack without hesitation if its enemies are... provocation with the use of nuclear weapons, the leader of the most closed country in the world, kimchanin, said this during a meeting with the second red flag company, which took participation in the recent launch of the intercontinental ballistic missile hwasong 18. according to marshal kim, north korea's nuclear doctrine and strategy have evolved in recent years, and therefore official pyongyang will not delay even nuclear if necessary. attack that is why donald trump may have trouble. lawsuits with the demand to prevent the ex-host of the white house from participating in the prairies were filed in 16 other states to the supreme judges of 16 states. this is in particular in the states of michigan, oregon, new jersey, wisconsin,
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alaska, arizona, nevada, new york and others. in arizona and michigan, the trial courts rejected. lawsuits, but the decision was appealed, the plaintiffs demand that trump be barred from the primaries on the basis of the 14th amendment to the constitution, adopted after the civil war. it prohibits officials from holding public office if they have participated in rebellions. well, if yesterday i talked about the fact that a similar decision had already been made in the state of colorado, if in colorado, even if trump did not participate in the prairies, he would still have no light there. because this state usually runs a democrat, win, then this is a very interesting moment with the state of wisconsin, it is one of those states in which it is not known who will be nominated, and if trump is banned there, then i do not know if another republican candidate will be able to compete with, if it is joe biden, then with joe biden. and finally, this is a lesson in resilience and
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perseverance, don't let anyone tell you that something is impossible and it can't... happen, because in the end anything is possible. these were the first words of 70-year-old american glyn simons, who was released from prison in oklahoma state after serving more than 48 years behind bars for a murder he did not commit. he was acquitted by a court order, acquitted of all charges during the jury trial and prison sentence simmons claimed at the time of the crime. was in another state altogether, he and the other defendant were initially even sentenced to death, but later the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment, so... never give up, this is an example for you. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next
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broadcast. i'll say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. thanks to yuriy fisero, well, let's go yuriy will be on the lookout and tomorrow he will tell more about what happened in prague, who was this shooter, why did this happen. tragedies and not only about that, but now i have a story for you: blood transfusions help save millions of lives, but donor blood is often in short supply, especially during the holidays. the full-scale war has escalated critically need, by donating blood, donors give other people a chance at life. when processing one of the blood samples, erythrocytes, platelets and plasma can be made. these three components can potentially save three patients at once. how we can help with our blood, see further in our story. yuliana interenko, and she regularly donates blood. for the first time , the girl sat down in the donor chair at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, when she realized that
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she could save someone's life with this. then, being in uzhhorod, yuliana was waiting for three days to replenish the blood bank. today, she came for a planned donation in kyiv. i donated blood when i was a student and now during my internship. i, a doctor... understand the necessity of donating blood in general, both for the recipient and, in principle, for the donor, and if so, well , ukrainians are a nation of strong people, so why not share your strength for those in need. the blood donated by juliana was processed and platelets were separated. this package will be immediately transferred to the needs of the hospital. there are currently about 200 patients who are in the amosov institute are they waiting or already underwent heart surgery, an average of four bags of blood or its components can be transfused to the recipient during one surgical intervention. in the case of
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platelets, they are only stored for 5 days, so it is important to donate blood regularly to provide the hospital with this necessary material. the need is always more common in those groups that are most common in the population, these are the first and second blood groups. usually , we try to keep donors of rare blood groups in reserve. and call, if necessary, under patient, since blood is stored for a short or long time and it is desirable to always collect fresh blood and give it out on the day when we collected it specifically for the patient. military personnel, including children and other displaced persons, people who need emergency care, that is, various categories of patients who we have to operate even today, or now, or in a few days, and all... the blood that our donors, volunteer donors, it is this blood that goes to such operations. in ukraine, blood is always needed for
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transfusion, even if the hospital has all groups and even their excess, an unscheduled operation may occur, and the blood bank will no longer have enough resources. the need for donors especially increases during holidays and vacations, when volunteers are away. for rest, even though we are living in a war, there is still even, well, such and such, if there is a traditional seasonality in blood donation, that is, people for some reason donate blood less and less willingly and join the donor movement less often in this period, someone in business trip, someone is resting, someone can go to other regions to visit relatives, even on vacation, without being in... you can become a donor in any city, for this you need to go to the donor platform on the internet and see the need for blood right where you are. on the website, you can find
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a drop-off point convenient for you and sign up for a donation. before donating blood, you will be tested to check your group and rh factor, after which you will definitely be treated to tea and cookies. so, if you don't have health restrictions, choose a convenient day and write. carols known from childhood and completely new author's carols performed by sofia fedyna, a more stories of people who devoted themselves to the defense of the country. as a volunteer, at first, that's how i traveled, helped the guys, got to know the guys, and somehow everything turned like this, feel the christmas miracle, feel the power of the unity of caring people, christmas. december 24 at 18:15 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached
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the serpent himself. the following frames can you. shocking news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and unbiased, you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. money, now the topic is very important, what will be possessed, what will not be possessed, and what will happen to our money in our pockets about the situation today, oleksandr morchabka will tell in money during the war. alexander, please. good evening to the audience, thank you vasyl for his words. so, whether there are any risks in financing the budget at the beginning of next year, the ministry of finance knows plan b, more about that in just a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i traditionally start with news about ukraine received international aid and 1.5 billion euros of macro-financial support from the european union. these funds will be used to support the economy and social obligations at the beginning of 2024. this was announced by prime minister denys shmyhal. in general, the financial assistance
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of the european union this year reached badges of €18 billion. well, this is the last amount from macrofin this year, but here in the ministry of finance of ukraine, in particular, the head of the department, serhiy marchenko, said that in january and february there are possible risks of financing the state budget, so that to cover budget expenses, well, the government usually has a plan b, they say we will hold out for two months, in particular there are gold and currency reserves, they are at a record level. despite the war, and there is also hope that they will take dividends from state-owned companies in advance, increase certain borrowings on the domestic market, in particular, such a mechanism as bonds, domestic loans, military bonds, will try to somehow survive, but it must be understood that this is two months away ukraine cannot survive without international financial support. well, let's move on, again about support from switzerland, now
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in... has allocated an additional 12 for this country.


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