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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 4:00am-4:29am EET

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children despite the hard times that their family is going through, so that they can choose a cool profession, that they can study, that they can get a good quality education, because you know, i am 43 now, in 10 years i will be 53, in 10 years those who now went to elementary school, they will become students, and... in 15 years, these people, these children, who now need our attention, our care, our support, they will determine our future with you, in fact, mine too would like to invest in this future, it sounds a little like that selfish, but at the same time it will be true, i want these children to grow up to be those who understand state processes, ugh. who
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is aware of his personal importance in state processes, who is aware of himself as a citizen , who understands how his work contribution affects what the state is like, what it will be like in the future, this is important to me, i understand that in order for all this to happen , there are many other facts, including how our war will end. what a victory, because now all politicians, non-politicians, are public activists, bloggers discuss different options for ending the war, different options for victory, and here it depends on what the victory will be, how ukraine will perceive this victory, how we will overcome the crises and difficulties that we will have, and they will definitely be after victory, and of course, i would like... that these children
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, whom we take care of now, that they would be good citizens, first of all, good specialists in their profession, that they would be motivated to work for themselves for their well-being and for the well-being of the country , that's it it's worth putting in, it's worth investing in, your strength, your funds, your ideas, it's worth doing, the investments are going. all over the country, it's me to the fact that you have several regional branches, that's right, you cover, your charity fund works all over ukraine, yes, our charitable fund works all over ukraine, from the beginning, you know, we kind of thought so lightly, what can we do with a small office in kyiv, in which no more than 10 people work there, but now you will understand, when the number reaches almost 10 thousand, then to...
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organize some effective work when you you can communicate with the family and find out the needs that the family does not talk about, which is very often the case, and look at the conditions in which this family lives and come up with some projects that will support the family as a complex, it is impossible, simply impossible, and it became clear to us when the number exceeded the number of miles. wards, that is, applicants, we will say so, because there are applicants and they also have children in the family, children, parents, etc., but when the number of applicants exceeded a thousand, we realized that we are this small office in kyiv we won't be able to do it, and then it was decided to open regional offices where people are on the ground, so look, for example, this is our very first office. tvo
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that we opened in kropyvnytskyi, we opened it in may, and this representative office covered kropyvnytskyi and kirovohrad districts, the district and the region, actually, i was mistaken, what do they do, they take all our wards who work in their region, study their needs, with our help, the forces of local responsible... businesses, they cover these needs of people in this region, but there is another important point, that there is a certain regional specificity, the needs of families in kropyvnytskyi and kirovohrad regions, they are somewhat different from the needs and requests of families in zakarpattia, you understand, and therefore only a person, which works locally, can catch in this... and these needs are different, that is why we
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began to open regional offices in other cities, in other regions, and now we are reaching the point that, for example, we have one working in the dnipropetrovsk region representative office, but the situation has matured to such an extent that even in district centers, in large cities, we need to attract volunteers, activists and open representative offices there, because why, only in the dnipropetrovsk region we have more than 1,000 wards, because this is that region. to which a lot of internally displaced persons have moved, from the occupied territories, from the frontline territories, this is the region that is currently suffering the most, in particular from shelling, because there is the nikopol district, when i read,
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i look at the requests of families from nikopol, nikopol district, you know, it is frankly painful, and now we are trying somehow to find funds, to solve the issue to help... even with the evacuation of these families from these regions, because there are families there and there are still families with children with small children, everyone my circumstances, and i am not a judge to judge them for the fact that they left or not, i have such a story, you know, and a sad one, of course, in the 14th year, when i was just starting to help the first families, who moved from donbas and luhansk. i always wondered why they didn't think they traveled with one small suitcase, what is it, why did they not foresee that they would need autumn things, winter things, but
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life taught me, because in february i had to leave kyiv with my children, i thought until the last that no, i'll leave it. but then my friend, he is a military man, a military man with military experience, since the 14th year, he called and said: collect your children and leave kyiv, the russians will not come here, but there will be a serious problem with food, and you have to go, and your children should not listen to this all the explosions and everything go, and we left for lviv, i came to lviv. i realized that i didn't put on a single t-shirt, i didn't put on a spare pair of pants, it so happened that i didn't even put on a spare pantyhose for my daughter,
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that is, you see, i just then realized what was happening, because i was preparing under stress, and for some reason, i had the feeling that no , it won't be for long, we'll be back in a few days, and we even moved into an apartment there, in which we, in which we are allowed to live, and i thought for the first time that no , we will not rent apartment, because well, one day at a time we will return, one day at a time we will return, only after two weeks it finally dawned on me that no, we will not return overnight, that we will still have to... stay, and we we stayed in lviv until may, and then we have such a family joke, when i said, listen, there are already more frequent flights to lviv than to kyiv, let's go back, and we returned to kyiv, immediately there was rocket
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fire and they fired at our the district, directly where i live, it was in may, yes, that's how it is, that's how i remember, then they flew there, yes. and then the children were very scared, and i was scared, we went to my mother in poltava oblast for a while, at that time my husband could work remotely, and i could work remotely, and just as the children were on vacation, we went home, we arrived there for a while and here we have to go to kyiv, because everyone has their own business , so they came to kyiv again, that's why... they already joked that, you know, somehow you have to be more careful when you return to kyiv, because there were such coincidences. when you decided at what point to work, become a volunteer, make a charity fund, help others, what time is it
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moment, was it somehow very planned, or was it just so sudden? see, become a volunteer. if i look back very far, i became a volunteer when after december 1, 2013, uh, when in... i was so worried, i was so worried, i was so nervous because of the events that took place on the maidan, because there were actually all my friends, that i stood all day and night, sculpting dumplings, baking pies, cooking broths, teas, inventing something to support people, because at that time nadiyka was little, and i could not personally join people who... went to the maidan and defended the actual idea of ​​ukraine's independence, and
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now you have a second child , bohdan is four years young, but already an experienced mother, one might say, then already when the war was going on, which for some reason is called ato , later oos, i had my first ward, a friend turned to me. you know, at the beginning, the soldiers , the military, had very poor financial support, they received very few pennies, and those pennies were used to somehow support themselves, and we came up with an idea to top up mobile phones, boys' numbers, and i took one number, i didn't know who was there, what was there, i topped it up. i was probably comfortable there at that time, after some time this number called back, and
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a stern male voice asked who you are , why you added my number, i explained for a long time who i am, why i did it, that's all, and this is how we got to know my first ward, he is from the town of oleksandria in the kirovohrad region, and then in... when we started to communicate more actively, he first asked what he needed gloves, good, warm gloves , gloves were found, purchased, sent, then there were berets, we found him the best we could, warm berets, and so on, later other volunteers appeared, with whom i cooperated, i helped someone collect the necessary funds, someone... i helped with what i set up, introduced me to someone else who was needed,
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other wards appeared, who needed some kind of shoes, some clothes, something else, that 's why this is another story from, i would say, 2013 year, i was already a member of the dream fund at the time of the full-scale invasion political parties... the democratic ax party, and even before the start of the full scale, we agreed that in the event of the outbreak of the great war, all people who can bear arms go to the army, all those who cannot bear arms stand up, start volunteering , to help the army. at that time, bohdan was two years old, my youngest son, and of course not about... getting a weapon, well, there was no question, and on february 24,
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actually political, any political activity of the democratic ax party stopped, and i would say, even, we have ceased to exist as a party at all, after all most of the politrada went to fight immediately on the same day, the rest... tina joined the volunteer squad and started raking everything we have that we can immediately buy, that we can immediately transfer, and now i am recruiting friends in order to collect money, buy and transfer, and in march, after the start of the full scale, we already worked as a volunteer hub in lviv, in the lviv region, and covered a lot of both the military... and civilian needs, precisely from there, because that is where we first received all the
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humanitarian cargo that entered to ukraine, received, sorted, passed on, sent out, sent, and in march, at the beginning of march, my friend tera, she was captured, it became known, and it had to be included. this is because i really wanted her to come back, she is the kind of person who should have come back, definitely had to come back, and then... i learned from my mistakes to write letters to different authorities, you know, this is when you are so worried that you need to do something to keep from going crazy, but it helped anyway, i'm not sure if it was my letters helped, tyra and i have a joke that when she met prince harry, harry
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dorita there, he told her that he already knew her. and here, i say, listen, i wrote them letters , four of them, you will be surprised, but i am not sure what, by the way, in the photo, so here is tyra, this is us, this is the middle photo, this fund has just started working, and we went to the children, the captive defenders of the chornobyl nuclear power plant, took away their dreams, and this is the boy who ordered for himself. dream, and he ordered a model of the plane "dream". yes, he is dreamed very, very wildly about this model, and tyra personally brought it to him, and you saw the joy of the children. so much happiness, so many tears of happiness. well, we also had such a super difficult task at that time, because we took it upon ourselves, i think
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we had more than 130 children there, and we had to divorce them all before the new year holidays. to distribute these gifts , to distribute dreams, i personally remember one boy who asked for a real soccer ball, ugh, we found a cool, high-quality soccer ball, brought it to him, it was packed in a box, we give it to him, he gets, well a box like a box says you got it there, here he starts to turn and he sees this ball and he starts to cry boy... eight years old at the time and he's so, so sincere crying, what, i, i didn't immediately understand, i thought, god, maybe we brought the wrong ball, maybe he dreamed of another one, i ask him, i say, why are you crying, he says, my dream came true, and now
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all that's left is for dad to come back, i 'll show him how cool i can score goals, and... these defenders, and like many of our prisoners, they already remain in captivity, it's been almost two years already, because those people who stood on the defense, defended the chernobyl nuclear power plant, they were among the first to be captured, and almost all of them were captured, because it was impossible to hold the defense there for a long time, and you know that already until the end... on february 24, they already entered the chernobyl nuclear power plant, and now it is important that they, that exchanges resume again, that the russians return to negotiations, that people begin to be exchanged again, you know, when you talk to these people, to families ,
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those who are waiting, they already have such despair, such... disbelief, they no longer believe that their relatives will ever return, because many do not even know if they are alive? yes , yes, my nephew was captured in may 22nd, he went out together with other defenders of mariupol for a long time, you know what the problem is, that... after being captured, he was only able to call my mother once when they were at, so to speak, sorting in olenivka, he was allowed about a minute and a half to call and say: mom, i'm alive, and then no news at all, nothing, not a word, until he was exchanged,
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he was exchanged about a year ago, and... you know, at this time, when my relatives are trying to get at least a grain, even a gram, some information about my dear person, about my relative to get, here in this field, like mushrooms, various swindlers are sprouting, and various russian agents who start calling these relatives, telling them that they are a hereditary fortuneteller in the 88th, that 's enough, i start calling russian agents in order to find out more information. some people start calling the russians, demanding $10,000, i will release your relative for $10,000, he is here,
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they are in a worse situation, except for the relatives of the missing, because here it is not known at all whether the person is in captivity or died and they simply cannot find the remains and install, you know, this game too. a group of people, this group of our wards, it is the most vulnerable, and of course it would be worthwhile for the state authorities to communicate with them in more detail and more accurately, so that the military organizations in particular, which are engaged in searching and exchange, that is, to communicate with them more, to clarify more, but on the other hand, i understand that in order to establish high-quality communication with otaku, we will have to at least triple the staff of these organizations, uh, and
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now the state - they communicate, they communicate on request, on appeals, of course, the gur coordination headquarters works, which deals specifically with issues of prisoners of war and issues. even missing persons, even when they are addressed with requests, appeals, come to meetings, they communicate, but this communication, it is very typical, and people are not satisfied with it, on the one hand, i understand that the coordination headquarters, too, it cannot accommodate such a number of people, which will be very qualitative with individual approaches. with each family, because they also work with a very limited staff, which works practically 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, and
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there is already a personal office on the website of the coordination headquarters, where the closest relative who has the right to plead for the prisoner can come in at any time, to enter any additional data that he learned there from from any sources, having indicated this data and then... the workers will check, clarify this data and work with it, but still people want personal communication, people need support, and therefore when we come to families, i put myself first the task, to listen , to listen, to hear their story, because you know, when you talk to the family of a fallen defender , missing or captured, to listen to these families, to hear their story, to hear the life story of their dearest person, this is the least we can do now, the least , of course, but
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it seems to me that there is a difference in the psychological state, when the family of the fallen soldier, our hero, and the family of the prisoner, some understand that he has already died, unfortunately. others live in the hope that maybe he is alive , he will come back, and because of that, children perceive it differently in different families, so it is called an uncertain loss, and if a person died at the front in our country, it is a definite loss, here the family has the opportunity to with great pain and great regret to put an end to it, and where the family disappeared into oblivion. prisoner, they cannot put this point in any way, until now a loved one will be returned, or will be found
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, unfortunately, and i will not say that it is more difficult for some, that it is better for some, that it is easier for some, that it is difficult for everyone, it is very difficult for everyone, and psychologically, in... but now, since there have been no exchanges for a long time and there is no news from them about the condition of their captive relative, where he is, what is happening to him, when he is not there , any hope that he is about to exchange, because earlier, when exchanges took place more or less regularly, then there was hope, okay, this exchange is not mine, but the next one might be mine, because people... knew that the next exchange would be here, in two weeks, in a month, but it would be, and it somehow, you know, gave me strength to wait to live, and...
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when we talk about the situation that there have been no exchanges for four months, then people have already lost hope that there will be exchanges at all, and of course i would really like the coordination headquarters of gur to find the necessary words of support, and necessary internal. she has a moral resource in order to to communicate with the families on this issue in order to support them, to pull them out of this despair, because we are trying to support them by talking to them, but we understand that the russians are specifically detaining and do not agree to exchanges in order to incite, to destabilize the absolutely moral state, they ensure that the families of the missing prisoners are missing,
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they will pressurize. to the authorities, so that the authorities would make some concessions for the sake of exchanges, but you know, i talk to many families of prisoners, and they are quite conscious people, and they, they work for victory, they want ukraine to win, that is why they are waiting, they are waiting very hard, they are waiting very terribly, but they are waiting, the main thing is that they understand what is happening and who is to blame for it, but... at the same time, we must understand that they psychological help is very necessary, but sometimes people cannot turn to psychologists, some are afraid of it, some simply do not have money, so you know, this is a general ukrainian problem, because after the beginning of the full-scale invasion, people with the trauma of loss, with the trauma of an unspecified loss, came to work absolutely everyone, no
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having even the proper ... qualifications of a psychologist, people who had once completed some psychological courses applied for work, numerical growth, as we joke, so people who had only a pedagogical university education, the faculty of psychology, this is not enough, this definitely not enough to work with a family that is going through a severe trauma or loss or...unspecified loss, and that, it does more harm than good, and so, you know, in ukraine, even a year ago, it was very difficult to find the necessary amount specialists who know how can work with these people, and those specialists who could work on a volunteer basis are very few, because there are many people who
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needed and need... logical help, who need the help of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and the necessary specialists, there are not many of them, and imagine that the specialist already has such a crazy workload, and from this he still has to extract a few volunteer hours in order to work as a volunteer, so yes, finding a specialist is, first of all, a big problem, the specialist who will not harm , but it will help. and we at first, when we founded fund, when tyra, i, dana, yarova, yura godymenko finally met and agreed that let's make a fund, it was approximately a year ago, when we met and already agreed, we will start everything together, already as a fund, and not as individuals separation volunteers.


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