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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 5:00am-5:30am EET

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aged between 25 and 60 years old, who are currently abroad, must appear at the recruitment points of the armed forces of ukraine. defense minister rustem umyerov stated this in an interview with several foreign media, including the german bild and welt. according to journalists, the head of the defense department also emphasized that invitations will be sent to the men. and those who ignore the demand are threatened with sanctions, although some... the minister did not specify, saying that this issue is still being discussed. at the same time, the head of the press and information department of the ministry of defense lerion pavlyuk explained that german journalists did not interpret umerov's words accurately. we call on all citizens of ukraine to remember that it is their constitutional duty to defend their state, and this duty exists, including all citizens who are currently abroad, and the minister of defense.
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to serve them, everything that concerns any mechanisms of pressure and coercion, it is not on the agenda that we should right now develop, work on some mechanisms of coercion of citizens staying abroad, there is no such thing, but that is not important, it is important that despite the absence or presence of these mechanisms, citizens abroad should understand that they also have this duty. mobilization, counteroffensive, help from allies, production of own weapons. the press conference of the president of ukraine is still in the spotlight. the main messages of volodymyr zelenskyi in our next article. the results of the year on the screen are the flag of the european union. volodymyr zelenskyi's press conference began with these words. up to two hundred representatives of ukrainian and international zmi and only questions, we
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will analyze the hottest ones. women, no, i will not sign. the new bill on mobilization made a lot of noise in ukrainian society. and although its final version is not yet available, the rumors are fueling the people's deputies. the president also expressed his position: if women are not mobilized, men over the age of 25 can be mobilized. the reduction of the minimum age is due to the high need to replenish the ukrainian army. at the rate of the supreme commander-in-chief of the military. this is a very serious number, i said to me more arguments are needed to support this direction, what will happen to those guys who are there every day, at least what will happen to those who are there for two years protecting our state, if we have issues of rotation, we have issues of vacations, then it should be a comprehensive plan, mobilization in this format. will cost ukraine an additional
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uah 500 billion. i would like an understanding from the prime minister from the minister of finance. and where does the money come from? as for the own production of drones, the issue has been resolved. they plan to produce a million ukrainians next year iron birds volodymyr zelenskyi said about such an ambitious goal. true, there are problems with supply, since the bureaucratic soviet process remains in ukraine. when. 26,000 drones were lying in one warehouse and did not reach the front, i am simply shocked, how could something produced by us not reach the front. as for artillery, ukraine will increase the production of 155 mm projectiles, but we expect aviation from partner countries. its absence negatively affected the counteroffensive of ukrainian troops in 2023. we do not control the sky, y there are not enough of us. appropriate
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ammunition, but this does not mean that we will not find a way out, or have not already found it, but for this we really need support, and the issue of the main support from the united states of america has reached a critical point: on december 30, the pentagon will run out of money for ukraine, the house of representatives has yet to pass additional requests for aid funding. i'm wondering how long we have to wait critical is a quick decision on state aid? thank you. help is needed now. it certainly has a signal to the european union regarding the opening of their assistance. as for the us aid, well, i think it will be very soon. zelensky is convinced that his partners will not let him down. and if the decision is delayed in the future, ukraine has prepared a plan b. what
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is certain today: belgium - 1.7 billion, denmark - 4.2 billion, korea - 2.3 billion, latvia, lithuania, the netherlands, that's hundreds. norway - 7.5 billion. france - 2 billion. germany - 8 billion. sweden, a little more than half a billion and there will be multi-billion aid from japan the day after the final press conference of the ukrainian president, the white house announced that they had made progress during negotiations with republicans in the us senate regarding the strengthening of measures against migration to... liliya nalyagaka, oleksiy shmatov, details, tv channel inter, marathon, united news. and then, actually about the usa. the trump factor, the democrats in the united states senate have now officially stated that they fear that the agreements regarding aid to kyiv will be hindered by donald trump.
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they say that the ex-president can at the last minute influence republicans. to what extent is this true, at what stage are the packages themselves, as judicial ones. what lawsuits against trump himself could remove him from the presidential race? we will ask about it from our special correspondent in the united states, dmytro anchenko, he is in washington. so, dimo, congratulations, how much can trump influence the ukrainian issue? losch, i am ready to talk about it, and the main thing is that they began to talk about it publicly, because there was really a lot of talk on the sidelines of the congress about such a possibility, however now. the leader of the democrats in the senate , chuck schumer, chuck schumer said this for the first time, he said that he really has serious concerns that trump, well, not that he can derail the agreements on the borders and, by extension, on the money for ukraine, but he can very significantly interfere this process. shomer gave an interview to the politika
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newspaper, in which he just said that he explained what, you know, the current political arithmetic is and explained that the democrats, by and large, in order to approve a package of aid to partners there, need ukrainian... money just nine republican votes in total, and explained that five votes are already guaranteed, that is, five republican senators said they were ready to vote, 15 already said a categorical no, and the rest, the rest, as it turned out, just is afraid of trump, is afraid that he will start criticizing them, well, as the americans would say, shaming in social networks, that is, this trump factor has appeared, and the legal process itself adds to the intrigue. the process that is currently happening around trump. the fact is that trump is positioned as presidential candidate. in fact, if you look at it from a legal point of view, he is not yet a candidate, because for this, according to the rules , according to the norms, firstly, the primaries are required, and secondly, the decision of the party conference, when all
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the republicans, representatives of all the states will gather in the summer of next year , and will approve the only candidate from the party. well, now legal attempts are being made to prevent trump from becoming that single candidate. there were several lawsuits in different states, and now a lawsuit has appeared in the state of colorado, and the supreme court of this state for the first time made a decision by which he decided that in this state trump should be removed from the list of candidates from republicans for the primaries. the logic here is simple, that if this happens, then in several states, or one state, or several, trump could, would not be eligible to be the presidential candidate, and so... so the party would probably choose another candidate, here is an incredibly complex legal issue, it is clear that trump will sue, it is clear that the decision is not yet final, that he will go to the supreme court of the united states in january, from the legal point of view from the point of view there, it is interesting that this is the third part of the 14th amendment to the american constitution,
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which was adopted a century and a half ago, was adopted after the civil war in the united states in order to conduct such, you know, a kind of lustration, to prevent representatives from .. fishing states, and then more than 150 years ago it was precisely prescribed that no person who took part in, let me quote, insurrection or insurrection against the united states, or who provided support and aid to enemies usa, and now trump's appeals, when you remember, after he lost the election for a few more days, there was a process where those results had to be voted on by congress, trump's appeal to his supporters. who came to the congress , i was also a witness to these events, when the congress was stormed, when this building and this building, when protesters stormed the capitol in the neighboring building, when there were riots, all this was called by the colorado supreme court an attempt at sedition or incitement to sedition
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and all this is thrown at trump, that is, on a large scale, well, very serious legal ones the battles are going to be now, and the question is whether or not trump will even be able to remain with this legal battle... the candidate for the president of the united states, what his team is doing now, they are trying to dig up what is called the soil in the united states supreme court , before how to appeal, regarding this decision that was made. council, they want to deal with the criminal charges against trump, now they are trying to intensify the process for him to have legal immunity like the former president, which is a big story, and unfortunately, it can affect the consideration of the ukrainian issue. from the very morning today, i specifically consulted with journalists from the capital floor, who work every day with the first persons here in the congress and with several staffers of the congress, well, i was just told about internal conversations. it is not yet a fact, but it is an expectation that trump may go on the offensive. he always does, when he sees danger
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to himself, he hits where he can hit, and there is an expectation, at least an expectation here in congress, that trump might actually try, using his influence on congressmen, using his popularity with a large part of the american electorate, to either slow down or influence the processes for the approval of the aid package for partners. in any case, all this will only be in january, well... the main questions that are now being revealed, and why have they been blocked so far, why have they not gathered the votes to at least vote in the senate before christmas, before the end of this week, and what will happen next, what are the deep reasons, all the answers are just now, further on to my story, now it is official, the congress does not have time, despite all attempts to come to an agreement, despite the fact that the democrats went to work in the senate on their weekend, the ukrainian issue is still postponed for two... and the legislators start a vacation to return only on january 9
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, and this is the schedule of the upper chamber, and there is also the lower one, where there are even more problems, and secretary of state blinken, who last appeared in the press this year, did not hide how disappointed he was that the deadlines were missed, he says that he perfectly understands where exactly this fact is rejoiced . these people are in moscow, beijing and tehran. he says the congressmen are boycotting the package for nothing. the funds included in the request for additional funding will help strengthen our defense and industrial base, so in many ways we ourselves will benefit from it. and what to do next, there is nowhere, neither time nor budget. we are almost out of money to support kyiv, and we are almost out of time. at the same time, the state department does not undertake to predict when exactly the funds that are still available will run out. and i do not officially confirm the date i named. the press, and zmiya said about december 30. they informally explain that there cannot be
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any clear deadlines here, because it is not excluded that the money will have to be partially redirected between various budget articles and something else must be found in a fire-fighting order, therefore it is considered unproductive to name exact numbers. the white house only explains that time is not on our side, and john kirby said that they would like to receive funding as soon as possible, because when the ground freezes, it will be easier for russian troops to advance in january. in february and deterrents are needed, and later it sounded more concrete: with the greatest probability, the issue will be resolved in january. we only have one security assistance package left until the end of this year, before the pentagon runs out of stockpiles, so it's critical that congress act to provide additional funding. what is behind these processes, i ask nadia and robert mcconnell, heads of the american ukrainian foundation and founders of the friends of ukraine group, an informal association of
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retired diplomats, military and exhibitors who support kyiv. it is difficult for me to understand all this, because i worked both in the congress and in the american administration, this is not the same congress, i do not recognize it. reasons that are called ridiculous, they say we will give help to a corrupt country. kamon, there was corruption in ukraine, but the current situation is simple. compare with what happened 5-6 years ago, regarding weapons, this issue was investigated, it is all where it should be, and therefore the indecision and procrastination of the issue, and opposition, the legislators mostly explain not by this, and the need to solve the border problems, which have really escalated. negotiations on migration changes are still ongoing. the white house is cautious about some progress, but nothing concrete yet. but my interlocutors are generally surprised, and... that's why the ukrainian issue has artificially become a hostage of migration disputes. yes, this is in the headlines, but there is no
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connection with the fact that the states are a superpower that must act. there is also a ukrainian border, and what will we do in the future, if ukraine does not win, we will be directly involved when putin attacks countries for nato alliance. and when they say, oh, it 's a lot of money, it's so much money, it 's the most empty argument of... not to concentrate on the delay in the congress, because sooner or later the issue will be resolved, already determined and agreed with the white house. where exactly this money will go, after it does appear. it is important to understand here. look at the poll. the americans support both the increase in aid to ukraine and the continuation of this support. they just need to better understand the situation and what us policy is. that's why we keep calling for the white house to do the same and congress decided on this. we have decided,
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that is to say, from the beautiful but vague as long as it takes, we will be with ukraine as long as necessary, we have moved on. to a clear vision of ukrainian victory, it will immediately determine the list of weapons that are needed for this, and the conditions and events, this is what speaker johnson is now demanding, in exchange for emphasis, what the republicans need situationally, but in fact all of us, and primarily to ukraine, and this is a task for 2024, a year which, according to all the forecasts on the sidelines of congress and in the corridors of power, yes, it can be difficult, but can become decisive, from washington. great britain may become the first country to provide security guarantees to ukraine. according to the telegraf publication, the relevant agreement may be adopted in the coming weeks. the ten-year security pact is likely to include naval, financial and
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intelligence-sharing assistance. post-war security guarantees may also be included in the document. they must deter the aggressor country if it decides to attack again in the future. in this in this case, london undertakes to increase the supply of weapons and restore sanctions against moscow. india criticizes the restrictions on russian diamonds and calls on the g7 countries to postpone the ban. there they believe that there is no clarity in the rules, they say, how to track the entire difficult path of precious stones from the mine to... the workshop, this argument is also raised by other skeptics regarding the effectiveness of the eu sanctions introduced this week. so, how the restrictions should work and what effect is expected from them, olga zhydetska understood. no, bloody russian diamonds. this week, the eu finally adopted the 12th package of sanctions against the kremlin.
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precious stones were banned in it. the russian federation owns almost a third of the diamonds in the world, and before the war it earned 4.5 billion dollars from them every year, until now it was the most profitable export item that did not fall under european sanctions. previously , restrictions on trade in russian diamonds were introduced by the usa, and now by the eu, synchronously with the g7 countries. the g7 countries account for 70% of the world's diamond consumption. this means that the market for russia will shrink significantly. and alrosa, the largest russian producer, will not find enough buyers. so the idea is that if alrosa gets into trouble, and actually if russia spends money to keep alrosa afloat, it won't use it to fund a war. therefore, according to the plan of the european union, as of january 1, the direct import of rough
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diamonds from russia will be stopped. then, from march to september 2024 , the system from ste. already processed stones, which will make it impossible for jewelry to come through third countries, and this should be the beginning of the real effect of restrictions, because a simple ban, as the experience with american sanctions has shown, allows you to bypass it by selling through countries such as india or the arab emirates. when in matters of trade in mineral resources, raw materials, the question is raised, how to prevent trade there with aggressor countries or with dictators, the question is raised. transparency, transparency, monitoring of operations. here it is worth noting that it was the diamond industry that became, well, the pioneer of leading procedures origin of diamonds. but the main question is how exactly to trace the paths of precious stones from the quarry to the jeweler, because in different countries, after the initial cutting, it is easy
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to lose information about the origin of the diamond. ye claim that they have found a way out. this is a technology from ste. compared to other sectors, this market is actually very regulated and very transparent. the fact is that every diamond is unique. it is not a commodity like, say, crude oil or gold, where everything can be melted together. so it can be tracked and maintained this individual traceability however, not everyone likes the new rules of the game. india, which cuts 90% of the world's diamonds, called on the big seven to delay the introduction of sanctions. because the mechanism of tracing the origin of diamonds there is considered unclear. some major market players have their doubts, but experts say that such a civilized arrangement has a lot of future. world brands are already using it. this is something completely new to the industry, which means there will be winners and losers, as it will bring transparency to trading.
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of course, many participants felt enough comfortable without that transparency, so it's no wonder they resist. at the same time, there are players who support the innovation, because they understand that it is important to preserve the image of this sensitive industry and to provide customers with clear and transparent information about where the diamonds come from. this wind of change has been very clearly felt in antwerp, belgium, historically a hub through which 85% of all rough diamonds in the world pass, with a turnover of 50 billion euros per year. before the war , about a third of the goods were from russia. however, in particular due to the financial sanctions of the united states and the kremlin's toxicity, direct supplies of diamonds from the russian federation to belgium have already dropped to a minimum. the latest figures available are for august. then we saw russian diamonds on... arriving in antwerp, whereas before, a year before, it was about 150 million euros on
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average every month. in the future , the introduction of a tracking system will allow belgium to maintain premium sales markets without diamonds cut elsewhere from the russian federation. however, this process will be gradual, because experts believe that it is necessary to immediately close all eyeballs for the infiltration of bloody russian kamenets is not easy. simply trading diamonds without a certificate of origin will be impossible in the european union, but possible in the united arab emirates, and thanks to there companies with gradual re-registration, for example, diamonds are sold in the united arab emirates, sold to turkey or end up in another european country union, and in this way they get to the open european market, it is worked out. schemes, however, after the implementation of the tracking system, will remain open for diamonds from russia the markets of asia and latin america, they are less solvent, and this will reduce the price of stones, and
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therefore the profits of the aggressor state. olga zhydetska, iryna ivanova, details tv channel inter, marathon, united news. the hunt for information, the news that a listening device was found in the office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, is the latest. are being widely discussed in the media these days. there were two bugs, but none of them were turned on. this was announced by the security service of ukraine, which immediately opened a criminal case based on this fact case the investigation is currently ongoing, so who benefited from listening to valery zaluzhny, and who was able to infiltrate the regime facility, which specialized specialists must check every day. mykhailo maneliuk understood the topic. in valery zaluzhny's office, they found devices for... eavesdropping, the ukrainian and world press are full of such headlines in recent days, but how did this happen, could there have been a leak of information? the commander-in-chief of the armed forces himself
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noted that the service station was installed in the premises where he was only supposed to move on december 18, and therefore no one has yet been able to hear some state secrets. i had a place to go at 7 o'clock in the morning, and this room had been used before, but such an interruption is quite significant. in fact discovered. technical device in valeriy zaluzhny's office, the security service of ukraine opened criminal proceedings. the investigators have already found out: the find was self-made, there were no audio recordings on it, moreover, it was not even connected to any network, that is , it was impossible to get information from it, but there are still many questions, in particular, who wanted to know secrets of the general staff, the main version - russian special'. the war is going on and the enemy is trying a variety of ways to get information, to study our plans, because
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similar, similar tools are always cheaper and often save a huge amount of resources, the timing of this find and the fact that it was found in a cabinet that was going to be used in the future makes it possible to assume that the plan was to obtain key intelligence about what might happen. british national security expert alan mendoza emphasizes that if the information from zaluzhny's cabinet fell to the enemy, it would have dire consequences for ukraine. and we know that several other devices were discovered, it is not known where and in what form, but this indicates that a major operation is underway to obtain data from ukraine. another version is that the listening device was planted simply for the sake of provocation and loud scandal. that he was inactive and that this event became the top news of the last few days, the version has a right to life. it's very simple, somewhere after some time
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they will try to throw it away. some audio recordings, made with the help of artificial intelligence with a voice similar to a tinker, which will once again raise the same topic, stir up this same topic regarding the confrontation between the military and civilian authorities in ukraine. no matter which of the versions is true, it is not clear who exactly could enter the premises where the most important state secrets were to be discussed. i do not exclude experts. the presence of a mole in the circles close to the zaluzhnogo, it is a mole, or even a pack of moles, that is, we cannot know whether it is one person, or there is a team working there, of course, it is impossible to establish any devices, there is no admission to this room, well, it should be as a military serviceman, even
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a high-ranking official. and also it can be some technical staff. if you investigate the case in hot pursuit, you can quickly determine who could have planted the bug. the special services even have a special protocol for such cases, which can be used to determine when the device entered the premises and to whom it belongs. the experts already have, well, usually with such things, they have an understanding of who could have done it, because the market is quite limited in these means, and in principle it is possible. to find out from fingerprints yes or from the signature of such a conditional yes there is the handwriting of the master, who did it, people who were previously prosecuted under these articles are checked, another way is to identify a mole, check all employees who have access to the premises on polygraphs, be it a colonel general, be it a lieutenant, be it a technician, everyone on the polygraph, if it is done
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by a specialist, then... there will be no opportunity to bypass the mole or somehow screw up this testing, that is, the mole will be found , but this everyone is to blame. bugs in high offices are an integral element of spy games, and not only those in a state of war - experts emphasize. devices for eavesdropping were installed by special agents as early as the last century. intelligence of any kind is always needed by countries, it is secret information, of course it gives an advantage on the battlefield, on the diplomatic field, it is standard practice. this is not the first scandal in ukraine when listening devices were installed in the offices of high-ranking officials. thanks to the bugs for example, melnichenko's films appeared. avoiding the leakage of secrets in the conditions of war is a task of strategic importance, because
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information is now no less abundant. weapons than guns and drones. mykhailo maneliuk, svitlana chernetska, volodymyr samchenko, details, intermarathon tv channel. the only news. and another step towards the legalization of medical cannabis. in the second reading, the verkhovna rada of ukraine supported the bill, which allows the use of this substance in medicine, science and industry. the ministry of health still needs to approve the list of diseases and conditions when it can be prescribed to the patient. cannabis-based medicine, however, in a comment on the internet within the one news marathon, relevant minister viktor lyashko emphasized that these will be medicines that will help millions of people, and doctors will prescribe them only by prescription. first of all, we are talking about the fact that these drugs will help people with oncological diseases who are undergoing chemotherapy and in whom after chemotherapy they may
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appear. side effects such as nausea and headache, as well as other chronic pain. today, there is a clear evidence base that medicines made from medical cannabis can reduce these symptoms and restore quality of life to people who have this disease. i would like to emphasize that these drugs will be dispensed exclusively by electronic prescription, and like other narcotic drugs, we will clearly track which ones. the doctor prescribes which dosage for which patient in order to immediately remove any myths that there may be some illegal circulation of cannabis on the territory of ukraine. ukrainian and polish ministers infrastructure met for the first time in warsaw. the topic of discussion became issues of the transport sphere, and in particular the main one.


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