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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EET

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broken windows and jammed windows, that's why it usually affects the psychological state of people the most, and it usually affects people's health, because when people live in constant fear and in constant shelling of the territory, it affects, of course, their health and affects psychology, this is one of the biggest problems of our region, mr. dmytro, thank you, dmytro buchka, acting as the head of the nikopol district council, it's time for... good russians in the last day, and more news and our colleague will tell you more important information in a moment khrystyna parubiy. christina, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you, well, we will begin the issue with the details of the night attack of the shahedni on the capital. our correspondent is working at the site of the hit, and i will also tell you about the situation in the regions of ukraine, don't miss it in a moment.
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news on the air espresso. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. two people were injured as a result of shahed's night attack on kyiv. medics hospitalized one victim, another was treated on the spot. the wounded have soft tissue bruises and open wounds. there is a hit in'. houses in solomyansk and debris fell in the darnytskyi and holosiivskyi districts, but no destruction was caused, there were fires, this is the third drone strike on the capital in the last six days. our correspondent kateryna galko will tell us more about the consequences. congratulations katya, tell me more. greetings khrystyna, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel. we are in the solomyan district of the capital, close to here. at midnight, an explosion rang out,
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a rocket-type drone hit a multi-story residential building. as a result of this raid, the load-bearing walls between the 24th, on the 25th and 26th floors, you can see it on the screens right now, the fire actually started, it was extinguished during the night, and there was a fire. windows in neighboring apartments were partly broken by shrapnel, also damaged cars parked under the building, we know according to preliminary data from kmva that two people were injured, these are shrapnel injuries, as well as soft tissue injuries, one of them was hospitalized, and now let's hear what the residents of the nearby house heard. i was awake, i
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heard, not what i heard, but my house shook, it was around 11:30 in the evening, nothing was damaged in your place, nothing was damaged in ours, i looked out the window, saw smoke coming from the left side of our house, but i didn't see anything else, but the sound was very strong and. .. and vibration, so for now the place is calm , there are no special services working here anymore, there are no firefighters or medics, residents calmly go to work, in fact, this is all the information, as of now, khrystyna, you have my word, thank you katya, our correspondent kateryna halku spoke about the consequences of the russian night attack on kyiv. russians
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rockets hit zaporizhzhia, civil infrastructure was damaged, windows in an educational institution were broken by the blast wave, three garages were destroyed, and seven more were damaged, - reported anatoliy kurtiv, secretary of the city council. it's on the power line. there have been no casualties or injuries. two people were killed and another was injured due to russian shelling of nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region. in the city of ponivychchyna, an industrial enterprise and a church. a five-story building, seven private houses and power lines were damaged, two outbuildings were destroyed and six more gutted a parking lot and five cars were damaged, the head of the region, serhii lysak, said. the enemy also shelled marganetska and pokrovska rural communities. during the day, the russians attacked nikopol region one and a half dozen times. the enemy used nine kamikaze drones and also fired heavy artillery.
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the gunner of the russian attack on the pizzeria in kramatorsk will appear in court. the donetsk regional prosecutor's office completed the investigation. let me remind you that the attack took place on june 27. 13. people died, more than fifty were wounded, that the military had arrived at the facility, the russians were told by a local resident, he was recruited to monitor the movement of the armed forces. the collaborator filmed cars with military personnel and visitors to the facility, but civilians were also victims of the attack. then the ukrainian writer viktoriya amelina died. negotiations on the confiscation of the frozen 300 billion. dollars of the russian central bank, the united states of america and its allies began, writes the new york times. it is noted that in recent weeks the negotiations between finance ministers, heads of central banks and diplomats. politicians are debating whether to direct money to
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rebuild ukraine after the russian attacks and restore the economy, or to military needs. the biden administration will press j7 members to come up with a strategy on february 24. the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, urged european politicians not to manipulate inflation and rising prices, calling it the consequences of the war in ukraine. he warned that such rhetoric can lead to a decrease in support, and this is dangerous not only for ukraine, but also for europe itself. no one has the right to say that they are tired of the war, except for the parties participating in it, the czech president emphasized in an interview. in the french edition of lemont. according to him, europeans are used to war, but they are not tired. the only burden is the reception of refugees and a certain decrease in comfort. but europeans do not die and do not suffer from hostilities, - noted the president of the czech republic. and the czech media reported the name
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of the shooter who opened fire at the faculty of philosophy of charles university in prague. he is a 24-year-old student david kozak. according to... the press, he probably died by committing suicide. david kozak studied at the university, had a bachelor's degree in history, european studies and a master's degree in history. he specialized in the history of poland. according to the police, the attacker had no accomplices. the motives of his act are unknown. at the same time, law enforcement officers are checking his messages on social networks. as it is known, as a result of shooting in one of the buildings of the university, 15 people died, another 24 people were injured, the shooter's body was found near the educational institution. tv channel spresso, together with the public organization baza ua, is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny
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yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and... easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we collected more than uah 600,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. ago support, do not remain indifferent. you can see all the details on the screen. they, like no one else, expect a miracle and gifts. in kyiv , the zaga family was congratulated on the christmas and new year holidays. prisoners and missing soldiers. the non-governmental organization children's dream of ukraine, together with the kmda, organized a festive performance for the children of ukrainian defenders, and also handed them sweets. more than 400 children from the kyiv region took part in the celebration. today, as part of our cooperation,
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a memorandum with the kyiv city administration, we are holding an event, this... new year's is like, well, how to say, a little bit of joy in the war for children, so that they, at least a little, forget about the fact that the war is going on, receive gifts, enjoy the children's play, get a lot of positive emotions, for them it is extremely important, and it is extremely important for us to convey to society that we owe these families, we have, we owe these children. inspired by the nature of the carpathians and the diversity of ukrainian traditions. the pre-premiere screening of the film "my carpathian grandfather" took place in the capital. in the center of the plot is the confrontation between the ukrainian grandfather and his italian grandson. this is a film about the conflict of generations and family values. work on
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the project began back in 2015. filming took place in the verkhovyna district and in genoa, italy. the painting was created in international cooperation between italy, moldova, the czech republic and ukraine. with the support of the state agency for cinema and the ministry of culture. the tape will be released on december 28. this is life, this is all life. yes, these are stories that are around us, sometimes it happens that some story sticks so much, and this magic begins, when uh, you feel that something is born there, something in process, and and and then, then all this uh turns into a script, and then into a movie. all kinds of things that were tied up here on this film, they slowly
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revealed them each in their own way, but it turns out that your experience of the world, the second experience of the world, mine, it merged into one story. the next issue is already at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the show, don't switch, stay with the team. espresso. good morning to everyone who joined the espresso. you can still contribute a penny to a good cause. you yourself understand how it is now at the front, during an escalation, and even in the trenches, and even in such weather. yes, we collect together with the human and the right charitable foundation for battery stations. panels for our defenders, for the dnipropetrovsk separate tro brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. these are
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the battery stations we want to buy qr code and card number. please save it and support it at every opportunity. a collection of one million uah 220,000 must be collected. and already almost 950 00 there are hryvnias in the account, so we will collect a little more, we will be able to buy and transfer it to ours. defenders in this way, the new 24th year can be a little warmer and a little brighter for them, because they are for us, so they do a lot for us, and already the air force reported that they killed a lot of shaheds that night on the 24th 28, which flew to different cities of ukraine, we know that the explosions took place in the kyiv region, many were shot down, as well as in the odesa region. heard about the rivne region and, of course, the khmelnytskyi region. yes, well, we usually have more
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information reacts precisely to any shelling or night attacks in the deep rear, and it all happens much more harshly in the cities near the front line, especially in donetsk region, but now i wanted to start a conversation about this with our colleague sergey garmash, an analyst, he used to be , by the way, in three-way. to the minsk contact group from the donetsk region, mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, good morning, why did i mention the fact that there is less light, or at the front area, in contrast to the various raids of the shahed are under attack all the time, if not , if not artillery, then air bombs, well, yesterday two air bombs on turkey, in general, in all these near-front... cities that are native to you just as much, how catastrophic
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the consequences look a year and a half , well almost two years of war, but according to your estimates , well, in each place differently, of course, if the city is closer to the front line, then there is more, but psychologically , people perceive it easier there, because. .. well, i'll just remind you that donetsk is, so to speak, in a stage wars, wars since the 14th year, and shelling there has been happening periodically since the 14th year, that is , people are kind of used to it, and they perceive it more easily, of course, of course , war is commonplace there, yes, it is not perceived that way, as it has arrived in kyiv or lviv and it's already something, yes, everyone in the media writes about it, there , let's say, to it... people get used to it, unfortunately or fortunately, in this case, they get used to everything, well, that's why it's easier are perceived, but
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of course he flies there more often, and the living conditions there are worse, because it is destruction, it is destruction communications, not only housing, that is, if one house is destroyed, the houses nearby may be left without heat, without gas supply, and without water, well, once again, war is war, it's nothing. serhiy, but we actually very often pay attention to those people who are simply, well, forced to live in these conditions, sometimes it is surprising to see how they calmly pass during a breakup. projectiles of mines or shells, people continue to live, but these are very different situations, we, we understand that these are people who do not have enough funds or do not have opportunities to evacuate, they remain, it is not necessarily the zhduns who are waiting for russian peace or the army of the dnr, but in this case we saw
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two different moments, and you also told us a lot about this at the time, do you remember when in ... knowing where the death came from, they still stubbornly said, but it’s all dill, they’re beating themselves up, get out of here, we will have peace, this was before the full-scale invasion, there is already such an intensity of hostilities here, the shelling has been going on for so long, or there are only such kind of people left, is everything already clear to everyone, well, i tell you i will say that those who were in favor of russian peace, they remained so, and here the point in psychology is not in the facts, yes, where did it come from and why are they shooting at all, why until the 14th year no one shot anywhere, and then it started, and those who were, well, let's say, unconscious, yes, that is, they didn't analyze much at all, they didn't care about russia or ukraine, but people live for themselves,
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think about how to survive there tomorrow, go somewhere, earn something, those, well... a lot who has seen through, but such people are either fighting, or have really left, and are staying, well, i won’t say that directly everyone doesn't have the money to leave, and because , well, i'm saying, the same front-line cities, they basically live to the fullest, and we don't have the wrong idea about life there, because i go from time to time and in principle... well, more destruction, it sounds so loud, you can hear it there , how they shoot, but again, people get used to it, when you live there for two weeks, they also just get used to it, and that's why they remain different, but what can i say that everyone have seen through, become patriots, no, well, first of all,
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because the situation in ukraine is also changing, and when your compatriot calls people biomass. or as she called it there, it is of course russian propaganda that is brought there and it is felt there, and with russia it is just, well , they say that our military, i asked about it, by the way, and they simply say that if you were not here, then she wouldn't shoot at us, but the arguments here are different, and i think i've already come to the point that you don't need to pay attention to it, people are people, people are not always guilty, because they are stupid, well, they were born that way. people are not always guilty because they are processed by the state propaganda, both russian and, excuse me, ukrainian, yes, some stereotypes are being imposed , and you just have to do your job , you have to liberate our territory, you have to destroy our enemy, russia, i mean, as a state, the russian state, because it
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an existential threat to ukraine, it will always be a threat to us, and we must stop... fighting with our own population just because it somehow thinks the wrong way or speaks the wrong way, because a person thinks this way today, tomorrow he thinks differently, and it will depend on how we will be with her talk, how will we explain it to her, why she is right or wrong? ugh , mr. sergey, does this mean that people who are already, unfortunately, just getting used to all this, no longer believe that it can be somehow different, maybe they don't believe that... it used to be somehow different, better, calmer, that is, are people so immersed in life in the war that they do not imagine how it can change, that it can ever stop, do people there believe in victory, in the fact that all these territories will be deoccupied during their life, what they will be able to do somewhere, i don't know, it's normal
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work, travel , have a comfortable life, well, i... people are sure that there will be a normal life, everyone imagines it differently, maybe, but if there was no hope that tomorrow will be better, then people would have no incentive at all to live, and therefore everyone hopes that this will eventually end and normal life will begin, well , when we look at the situation in mariupol, by the way, the world will look at it there, i don't know from oscar's short letter, for many it is. .. cinema-netflix cinema is such a story, and for the people who live there, this the real war that took place, well , watching quite often in the video from mariuppol. occupied, you pay attention to the fact that this is actually a deep stockholm syndrome, because people thank you when something is given to them there, something is connected, some doors are screwed in, one window, as if they
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forgot how great mariupol was before the invasion, and they say to them, we liberated you, we built one house for you instead of a thousand destroyed ones, this stockholm syndrome, it’s in your opinion, it will remain forever with... people, or there will have to somehow therapeutically remove it, how, how to deal with it? well, you can, i ask, but where do you watch it? well, we watch this video when , for example, andryushchenko or others are teaching there, some video is broadcast from mariupol, there is an opportunity to watch this video on other telegram channels there, including from i will tell you so, and when... sees the camera, sees, they say that, bezpet, people are afraid to tell the truth, and
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often these shots, i don't know what andryushchenko is there, really, why he publishes them, if he publishes them, i haven't seen, to be honest, but often they are published precisely by the russian warlords , propagandists, that is, they show us what they want to... show us, in fact , the situation is different, the people are different, there are indeed pensioners who, well, who are comfortable living in the conditions in which they live, because they felt that the pension was really higher there, although this also turned out to be a myth for many , that the pension was recalculated there, it did not become much bigger, for some there it increased 10 times, for the majority, but by a couple of thousand rubles, that's all. well for for that region, it's nothing at all , it's such a period of disappointment for pensioners, but again, people understand where they live,
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they understand that it's dangerous for them to tell the truth, especially on camera, they 're already afraid to tell each other the truth honestly, huh , and they are afraid to tell their child that do not go there, do not communicate with the russian military, because at least it is dangerous, yes, they may not like a... the influence that these military have on this child, yes, that her they train there to use weapons, all that other stuff, but they do it to her they won't tell, because the child can tell that uncle with the machine gun that my parents tell me not to go to you because you are bad, and those uncles with the machine gun will leave and the child will become an orphan, so i would not pay attention to these videos it's just, i think we all understand that people are the same everywhere, and people are everywhere, mr. sergey, unfortunately, we are running out of time, but is there anything else that is important? the question, because it's actually about people, that 's how denys kulikovsky is, and i assume that in donetsk region this person is famous, and not for his good deeds, a known executioner, yes
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isolation, civilian population, simply used, used torture, electrocution, rape, breaking bones, simulated executions, buried dead bodies. with the actual nailing of the coffin , i describe it so that people understand how cruel this person is, now he is 15 years old, he was finally arrested in kyiv, how do they react to such things in donetsk region and do they think that 15 years is an adequate punishment, please be as concise as possible, because time is running out, to be honest, i don't see this in the information, i don't understand this. maybe is being discussed in the occupied territory, but also i can't say, in donetsk, it 's really in the occupied part, it's really a famous person, i think that if it's really,
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so to speak, this punishment will happen, because i know how hard, how difficult was the path to his detention in kyiv, i was just talking to osieyev, yes, i know how difficult the path to this trial was, and if everything goes well, he will be released. his punishment, then it will be a good example for those who remained there, although there are questions about why he ended up in kyiv, yes, such a person, and why he is here for a long time was he alive while he was detained and knocked down? and, dared to go, obviously, he could also have some connections, and according to these services, yes, for a snack, very briefly, mrs. children who were 6-7 years old, in the 14th year, they all this time. .. have now become adults, young people, processed by all urban, russian means of propaganda and so on, plus the factor of war and the factor of everything that comes
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from the front, as far as this is already a lost generation for ukraine, will it end in war and everything can be rolled back, well, in general it's impossible, yes, such is life, but i don't think that they are lost, because if they are 16 now , they were once four when it all started, well, i think that something remains, yes , some memories, and what's more, we with you... also children of soviet education, yes, and we were taught in a soviet school, but we saw, well, excuse the word, the madness of what was shown to us, yes, and this was perceived by a critically thinking person, and young people are always critically thinking, perceived accordingly , yes, and that's why i think that nothing is lost and everything will be fine, the main thing is for us to liberate this territory and to be able to talk to these people directly
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, to explain, so... everything is explained very simply, in principle, until the 14th year , nothing happened, and then, when russia came to liberate them, yes, for some reason, something happened , that is, i think that we will find arguments in the conversation with these people, thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy harmosh, an analyst and journalist from donetsk region, was with us, let's go now for a short break, then we will talk about the bakhmut direction about drones, wait . i flew, flew, the cough stopped me. cough - a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation. lord hyal is an inhalant for cough. lord gial is a direct way to expel phlegm. turn on well, that's when everything is as you want. click, and you are in the world of cartoons. click and around the universe of cinema. and then? oh, what is needed. migo turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports.
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there was an accident. mother, mother, are there other relatives? no, but it seems that you have a grandfather, congratulations from the utsyul carpathians, the wash basin is behind the house, and the toilet is downstairs? where is he and if there are no cigarettes, what will you smoke? he says, well, if there are no cigarettes , then he will smoke village council, how long do you need, here you need 10 days, 10 days, this is what you should do, i did not come here to look at old farts collecting cones in the forest, what? there will be your vacation novel,
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vacations, vacations, novels, please pray to god, please have a drink, and tomorrow fly to your sunny italy. mykola , don't spill blood on the wedding night, you don't need to, run there, he'll come here
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, let's go, where, there, come on, chair! hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl winter's big broadcast.


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