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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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by the age of 20, such training will necessarily be introduced, well, what kind, if earlier, if anyone remembers my age there, it was such pre-conscription training, that is, you have to take certain shooting courses there , certain physical training courses, certain courses there there are theories and so on and so on, i.e. exclusively on well look, i don't want to divulge now where it will be, how it will be, it will be completely there, let's say. the area of ​​responsibility of the ministry of defense and it is not a fact that it will be at educational institutions, maybe it will be at military units, but i i don't want to talk about it now, i want to say that the children will undergo training, it will just be necessary to undergo training so that we clearly understand that we are preparing a person there, if when he is 25 or 27 years old there, we are preparing a person that he he will already have knowledge , with theories, he will know not only how to dig acopo with shovels, he will know all types of weapons there, a kalashnikov there, scams there, hair dryers there, weapons there
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and so on and so on, so it is important that theory and practice also shoot skillful, but we are also planning such innovations. another an important point that i would like to dwell on: your colleague on the committee, maryana bezugla, who also covers this topic very actively on facebook, wrote a post in which she says that there will probably be a mobilization of prisoners and convicts, this is also the , in fact, what the ukrainian lawmakers are allegedly working on, we can now see this publication all over facebook, please tell me what is your vision on this matter, are they really talking about it and what should it look like, if there is at least some preliminary information? by the way, this is not her initiative, i know who it is members of the committee proposed it, and i actually supported this initiative as well, either by the decision of the commander or by the decision of the leading body or company there, i do not know how, how it will be further developed by the internal documents of the ministry of defense, he can...
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view , for example, a biography that a person has made, he can review , talk to him personally, see the person's psychological state, and if he sees that he can really defend, he is a patriot and can defend the borders, he can invite him to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, what are the next technicalities, that is, if he has to serve another eight years, that is , i think it could be eight years. in the contract with the armed forces, and i cannot comment on the by-laws, but it will be at the discretion of the relevant commander, who will be determined by the ministry of defense , whether it is a brigade or a commander, let's say, well , there is land or territorial defense and so on, it will be determined by internal documents, such insiders, i don't want you, i don't want to interrupt you, but there are literally seconds 40 remains, there is still an important point in that bill that is being developed, clarify
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now, please, who will have the right according to that bill, when it becomes law, to serve summonses to ukrainians, because there are a lot of discussions, in particular in telegram channels, whether it will do, for example, the head of the osb , who will have such powers, in addition to those that are already in place, look, and summons will be issued by the tsk by surnames, they can be delivered, they can be done by different methods, well, for example, through the same village head. but by last name ivanov, who lives in the relevant otg, will be issued by the tcc, but then various bodies may be involved as couriers, including electronic means of delivering the corresponding summons. thank you, thank you for tuning in. vadym ivchenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the motherland, member of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence. we talked about the bill on mobilization, which is being developed by ukrainian parliamentarians. this is
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svoboda ranok, we have a lot of relevant and important information, so don't miss it. hungarian prime minister viktor orban is ready to meet with zelenskyi. at a press conference in budapest, he said that he apparently accepted the invitation of the president of ukraine to hold a bilateral meeting. what could be the further development of events and what personal communication between the two politicians will give. only legal entities that receive the appropriate license and certificate will be able to grow, and this will happen under 24-hour video surveillance. with access for the national police. this is only one of the fragments of the ukrainian bill on the legalization of medical cannabis parliament adopted in the second reading. when patients will have access to drugs based on cannabis grown in ukraine and whether the process will really be as transparent as possible. support quality ukrainian-language content by liking and sharing, and subscribe to our youtube channel if you haven't done so yet. as a result of the shooting in the center of prague in the building of the faculty of philosophy of charles university
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, 14 people were killed and another 25 were injured, the head of the prague police reported. this is the last officially announced data, as of yesterday the evening, the day before, i will remind you, a shooter opened fire on... people from the roof of the university building, his identity was established, he is david kozak, the czech police first reported that the shooter had been eliminated, later the mayor of prague specified that the shooter had committed suicide hands our correspondent serhii stetsenko will tell about the new details of the shooting in the center of prague, he is already joining our broadcast. sergey, my congratulations, what is known as of this moment? yes, congratulations, colleague, well , the figures for the dead and wounded that you announced have not changed, they are 14 dead and... there are no wounded ukrainians among the dead and wounded yet, radio liberty was informed about this yesterday evening by the spokesman of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine oleg nikolenko, and as you already mentioned, the shooter has been identified, he is a 24-year-old citizen of the czech republic, david kozak, and according to
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information, again the head of the czech ministry of internal affairs, martin vondrazyk, yesterday morning davyd kozak was wanted for murder in a village near klabno, that is... the north-west of the czech republic, and i ask you to listen to the comments of the head of the czech police. police of ceskaia. the czech police received information at 12:20 that a 24-year-old man from the village of gostoun was supposed to leave for the capital city of prague, admitting that he wanted to end her life. at 12:45, we received information that a dead man was found in the same village and soon we found out that he is the father of the suspect who committed this crime today. we found out relatively quickly that he is a student of the faculty of philosophy and that he has a lecture at 2:00 pm in the building of the faculty of philosophy on tseletnaya street, so we immediately arrived on tseletna street to the building of the faculty of philosophy, where we evacuated this building. so and so object however, the shooter did not go to
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the object that the head of the pechez ministry of internal affairs just spoke about, but to this building, which is now behind me, and eyewitnesses who were in... the university building at the time say that the shooting started on the fourth floor, as soon as it started, students and teachers barricaded themselves in the premises, in the classrooms, some people, according to eyewitnesses who saw it all from the street, from here, they filmed and said that some people, students had to climb out of the windows and literally hide from the shooter, that's it slovenly, then the special forces broke in, then broke in. special forces quickly examined the room, from which we understood that everything was serious, barricaded ourselves from the inside and waited for further instructions. we didn't know if it was a shooter or some other attack, or maybe a mass fight, and already after 40 minutes , special forces broke into the barricaded auditorium, put
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everyone on the floor, then they took us out into the street with raised hands, we saw a lot of blood, a lot a knife regarding the motivation, the cheyska police have not yet given any official versions, but the head of the cheyska of the police stated that this case does not concern and is not related to any international terrorism, however, screenshots are circulating on the network, allegedly probably from the telegram channel that the 24-year-old shooter could have, it was in russian, but it has not been verified yet us, nor clean police or. indeed, this telegram channel belonged to the shooter, it was not possible, and now this telegram channel has been deleted. also, according to the prime minister of the czech republic petr fiala, this is one of the biggest tragedies of the czech republic, and tomorrow, december 23, in the country announced, may. thank you very much, serhiy, for
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the information, serhii stetsenko, a correspondent of radio liberty, has given details about the shooting in prague as of now. it must also be said that there are no ukrainians for the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs among the injured and dead. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán accepted the invitation of ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi to hold a bilateral meeting, sky news reports. he announced his readiness the day before during the final press conference in budapest. from the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine orban and zelensky did not hold official meetings. the ukrainian president announced the proposal for negotiations to viktor orban on the sidelines during the swearing-in ceremony of the new president of argentina, two weeks ago. zelensky himself said this. said at his final press conference. he said that he would initiate the meeting to explain the reasons for hungary's opposition to ukraine's accession to the european union. also, according to orban, ukraine will not be able to defeat russia on the battlefield, and a full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, the hungarian
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the prime minister refuses to call it a war, using the concept of a military operation. yes, orban answered journalists' questions about whether he called russia's war against ukraine a military operation and not... a war at a meeting with putin in beijing, that's what orban answered. when russia declares war on ukraine, then it will be a real war. the terms war and military operation have a political connotation. so we use them interchangeably, but if we use the term clearly, we can rest assured that there is no war yet, because war means general mobilization, and i wouldn't wish that on anyone. i will add that last week at the eu summit, orbán prevented the adoption of the european union aid package for kyiv worth 50 billion euros. he was the only leader who denied the plan to provide funding to ukraine. on december 14, the european council decided to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. orban, who also opposed the start. there were no negotiations during the voting on this issue, he later called this decision of other eu members irrational, senseless and
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wrong tibor tompa, head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region , joins our broadcast at this moment. my greetings to you. good day, mr. olezh, glory to ukraine. kudos to the heroes, thank you for joining. as you think, orban can really meet with zelensky. should this be considered a warming of the relationship, or is it just political games? it’s not warming at all, it ’s just his political game, you can’t trust orbán at all, not a single word he says, if you look at the media today, the hungarian media, and there 99% is under orbán, the orbán media, there continues massive, anti-ukrainian, i would even call it ukrainophobic propaganda, moreover... on almost every page where it is mentioned, even yesterday, orban spoke
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about the fact that he has only one wish, that there would be no common border in ukraine and in hungary with russia, he repeated again that it was necessary for us, the scoundrel, to negotiate and agree to the minsk conditions and so on. that's why it's just such a curtsy, orban says one thing today, another tomorrow, and then generally does a third. what do you think if this the meeting will take place, it is purely hypothetical, with what theses orban can go to it, will it not be an example of defending putin's interests, because even now during this press conference he is speaking in the words of the russian leader, calling the war an operation. i do not rule out that it will really be simple. and makes fun of such anti-ukrainian racist narratives, because
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forgive me, he talks about it every day, constantly talks about it, he will bravado there again, use the hungarian national minority in ukraine, although i personally have already i sent a letter several times. live to him that he does not understand at all about the national minority in ukraine, the hungarian national minority, because there has never been any oppression of the hungarian national minority and others in ukraine, and what he is doing is simply that he interferes in our internal affairs, i never asked him to protect my nationals. feelings, my, my hungarian native language, i wish he would better
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deal with what rights ukrainians have in hungary, who have absolutely no single school, in ukraine there are more than 100 hungarian schools, and the only right of ukrainians in hungary is to sometimes dance hopka and cook borscht, these are all their rights, please tell me more, what do you think, can orban s... if this meeting does take place, somehow it is possible to sway zelenskyi to the negotiations or to some other development of events precisely on putin's terms, he always talks about it, even yesterday there was such an international press conference, and he repeated there again on purpose for the thousandth time that it is necessary to carry out an armistice without any conditions negotiations about her peace, therefore... again, i do not rule it out such a possibility, although, forgive me, orban
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has absolutely no power in the world, let alone in europe, and he can only be like putin's puppet. and how, what must happen , or what events must take place, for orban to change his attitude towards ukraine? it should be gone, it should be changed. by the way, thanks be to god, it goes to that, why else did he become so active and start launching his populist messages again, because... there will be local elections in hungary, and in these local elections, he is unanimously budapest loses, he always loses in budapest and he does not have a single district where he would win. and there is another trend today, that big hungarian cities, there are pecs, sumbat hei and others, they are also
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opposed to orbán, and the opposition can come to power there too in big cities. this will happen. a signal, a huge signal for orban, he is very afraid of this, well, i really hope that the sooner, the better it will be for us, it will not be orban, it will not be fidesz, but a young, powerful, eurocentric, which is determined to be positive with ukraine, a young opposition, that's what is needed, because there is absolutely nothing to agree on with orban. well, in conclusion, if you can briefly, what do you think, this is the european path of ukraine, which ukraine is going through today, to what extent can the government in budapest led by orbán harm this european path of ukraine? forgive me, he said about this that we will block ukraine's path to the european union 75 times, so the only way
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to fight this scoundrel is what we did in brussels. cooperate with germany, and surely we need to send more coffee to budapest for orbán to open a coffee shop there, so that he sits in this cafe all the time and does not go out, but it must be said that this is your own, your own vision of how everything is happening and yours assessment of this situation is important, tibor tompa, head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about a possible meeting that may take place between the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the hungarian prime minister. viktor orban, as announced in the media the day before. verkhovna rada legalized medical cannabis in ukraine. deputies adopted the draft law in the second reading. the law will enter into force six months after its publication. these are preliminary data. this document allows the use of medical cannabis in medicine, science and industry - yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy from the voice faction, said. however, for
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recreational consumption, i.e. for the restoration of physical, spiritual and neuropsychological forces. will continue to be considered a crime, he noted. the deputy explained that drugs based on medical cannabis are possible will be obtained only by electronic prescription. this prescription will be prescribed by the doctor to the patient according to his condition, as is currently the case with morphine, for example. 248 people's deputies voted for this draft law, the european solidarity and fatherland faction did not support it. on the official website, the position of the political force regarding the legalization of medical cannabis was published last. the leader of the party and... yulia tymoshenko believes, i quote, that this is an absolutely corrupt law that will entrench drug cartels in the state for hundreds of years. that was the end. quotes i will also remind you that the verkhovna rada in the first reading supported the legalization of medical cannabis back in the summer, but then the deputies submitted 882 amendments to the bill, 226 of which were made by the batkivshchyna faction.
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for three months, comments were considered in committees, consultations were held. deputy from the voice olga stefanishyna stated that such a number. her colleagues wanted to slow down the consideration of the bill and deprive it of votes in the session hall. dozens of people previously appealed to the parliament with the demand to casually adopt this bill patient, veteran and human rights organizations, as well as public figures. they argued that cannabis would help patients and people with ptsd, scientists to research cannabis and licensed businesses to produce such drugs. according to the ministry of health , more than 2 million ukrainians now need such drugs, and it will lead to an increase in the number of people with mental problems. maryna slobodichenko, deputy minister of health of ukraine for european integration, is currently a guest of our broadcast. congratulations. good day. thank you for finding the opportunity to join. please tell me, according to the estimates of the ministry of health, when
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this law will start to work in ukraine in full, and an important question, at what stage of development of medical protocols now, for which... diseases, actually, in what doses should medicinal cannabis-based medicines be used? well, let's see when it starts working. first of all, it must be said that the law must still be signed by the president of ukraine, and the cabinet of ministers is given three months to to make by-laws, such by-laws include, in particular , licensing conditions for the cultivation of cannabis, cannabis plants, and there will definitely be corresponding changes. regarding licensing of production and licensing of sales in pharmacies and production in pharmacy conditions of such cannabis, therefore , of course, it will take some time, then it will be necessary to grow a plant in... the country, from seeds that must be certified and according to quotas that must be established on importation of such plants, that is, when we talk about cultivation
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the seeds and plants in ukraine, and not the import of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, i.e. medicine can enter ukraine in several ways, it can be either produced in ukraine or imported from raw materials that will be imported into ukraine. therefore, it will certainly take a little longer, not for cultivation, because it will definitely include the sector that will carry out the agricultural cultivation of hemp, and when we talk about the import of raw materials for the further production of such drugs based on medical cannabis, it will be a little faster, well, some deputies refer to the second half of 2024 as such, when in... the law can already start working in full there, you agree with them, that 's absolutely true, the law can, the law can start working in six months, as
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only it will be signed and published to the public regarding medical protocols, how exactly this cannabis can be used in medicine, at what stage is their development now , and maybe there are some difficulties that we have to deal with, well, i wouldn't say that there are difficulties, just are... these protocols are in development, indeed, and they will be developed at the moment when there should already be supply, production of drugs in pharmacies and availability of drugs to the patient. in addition to the protocols, it should be said that the ministry of health has yet to determine the list of medical conditions for which such medical cannabis-based medicines should be used. and this is exactly what the ministry of health will be doing now and is already doing in order to bring it closer. to the patient, and what conditions are there in priority, let's call it that, or exactly will be included in this list, which will be provided by the ministry of health, i would not
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talk about a specific list of medical conditions now, but i can say the only thing is that there are many such drugs, such drugs can be used by patients with oncological diseases, with multiple sclerosis, those patients who are receiving palliative care, because actually medical cannabis and drugs based on... medical cannabis, it's for the relief of the patient's condition, and so based on the protocols that will be developed, the relevant medical conditions will be approved, and already after that we will be able to publish them and bring them to the attention of all patients, i would not like our people to have such an illusion that everyone with any disease can go to a pharmacy and buy medicine based on medical cannabis, certainly not, only electronically recipe exclusively to the list of those medical conditions that will be approved by the ministry of health. well, i appeal to the viewers who watch us on radio liberty youtube, in particular in the chat under the broadcast, write your opinion about
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the legalization itself and the fact that this law was adopted by the verkhovna rada in the second reading, you support, you do not support, it is interesting for understanding the picture, in general. ms. maryna, according to the preliminary calculations of the ministry of health, for what number of people in ukraine these medicines may be needed, i do not know there in the perspective of the next six months, in the perspective of the nearest. because it is clear that the large-scale invasion of russia into ukraine can change this figure constantly. yes, you are absolutely right, hundreds of thousands of patients. today, these are hundreds of thousands of patients, and unfortunately, the number of such patients is increasing, and i am sorry to say this, but ukraine is one of those, maybe even among the top five countries of the european union, with the highest number. the number of cancer patients , and these are the patients who need relief from their pain, and it is medical cannabis-based medicine that is the panacea for this, so
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now it's people who will receive palliative care, their number is also increasing, and it's for other conditions that can facilitate even in some cases sleep. human, it can also but exclusively by doctor's prescription, it can also be a lifesaver for such patients of ours, and unfortunately, with the war, we do not see a decrease in such a number, we have already mentioned the doctors today, and those prescriptions that they will have to write, just so, this the system in ukraine will work, but the ukrainian doctors who will also be prescribing these drugs there will undergo some additional training, perhaps familiarization, whether a medical protocol will be developed until... enough for this system to be implemented as they see it legislators, of course, a medical protocol is the main thing for a medical worker, for
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a doctor, for... so that he can correctly prescribe medicines, if it is necessary to improve the qualifications of the doctor and give explanations on the application, the ministry of health will ensure this and we will conduct trainings to improve the qualifications of our doctors on the prescription of medicinal products, on the specifics of the use of the protocols that will be developed. and regarding obtaining a license, a certificate is specifically for legal entities that want to do business growing cannabis in ukraine, how complicated is this procedure... what conditions will be created for them, in particular, what you know, and what criteria these legal entities must meet, well, it is clear that not everyone will have the opportunity and not everyone will be allowed by the state to actually deal with such an important topic and with such, well, let's say so, dangerous plants of a kind, well, look, here, looking at what licenses we are talking about, there are actually several licenses along the entire route from the seed to the patient, it can be a license for
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plant cultivation. such a license will be issued by the ministry of health, and accordingly, such a business entity must clearly understand that he can grow plants, hemp, only in closed conditions . secondly, there will be a special requirement for constant video surveillance, and there must be proper cultivation practices observed by such a business entity. the next stage is a license for production. substances of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, such a license is given to manufacturers, directly, and they in principle have such licenses today, so we do not see a problem here, and the third step is directly pharmacies, they must have two licenses, a license for the production of drugs in the conditions of a pharmacy and a license for the sale of narcotics drugs, and therefore such requirements are definitely, i thank you, thank you very much for
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explaining at least the basic ones. points from this law, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada in the second reading. maryna slobodnichenko, deputy minister of health of ukraine on issues of european integration, guest of our broadcast. the film 20 days in mariupol entered the short lists of contenders for the oscar in two nominations at once, this is the best documentary feature film and the best international feature film. the film 20 days in mariupol is the directorial debut of war correspondent, photographer, videographer and writer mstislav chernov. photos also contributed to the creation of the picture. evgeny maloletka and producer and journalist vasylisa stepanenko, they became the last journalists who stayed in mariupol during the blockade and filmed the beginning of the occupation of the city, for which all three received the politer award. the world premiere of the tape took place at the festival of independent cinema in the usa, where the film received the prize of audience sympathy. the film shot in ukrainian co-production by polish director macyk hamela also claims to participate. from where, where
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to shoot this full-length documentary. in ukrainian co-production, and the film tells about ukrainian immigrants who were forced to leave after the invasion of russia their homes and go to an unknown future. the final nominees for the academy award will be announced next year in january, and the ceremony itself will take place on march 11. the fourth award will be hosted by american comedian jimmy kimmel. i thank you for your activity in the chat. thank you for watching us, both on espresso and on... if you haven't subscribed yet, do it, it will allow you to popularize quality ukrainian-language content on the network, and spread it to as many people as possible. we will see you from monday, and every morning inform about the most important. subscribe to our platforms in order not to miss important news. my name is oleg galiv. keep yourselves.
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it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna parobiy is working in the studio. 28 shaheds were released by the russians at night in ukraine, the air defense forces failed to shoot them down. four. the drones were destroyed in kyiv, odesa, mykolaiv, kherson, zhytomyr, rivne and khmelnytskyi regions, the air force reported. they were involved in repelling the attack aviation, anti-aircraft missile units and mobile fire groups. the enemy launched shaheds from russian kursk and primorsky-akhtarsk and temporarily occupied crimea. two people were injured due to a night drone attack on...


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