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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso, news, in the studio. khrystyna parubiy works. the new minister of foreign affairs of poland arrived in ukraine. radoslav sikorsky posted a photo on his social network showing mykhailo square in the center of kyiv. this is his first visit abroad after being elected to the position. the details are being kept secret for security reasons, writes the polish press. it is known that sikorskyi will meet with his ukrainian colleague dmytro kuleba, and will also lay flowers at the wall of memory of those who died under time of war the russians killed three people in
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donetsk region, wounded nine more, the victims were residents of turetsk, on which the occupiers dropped four aerial bombs, six more townspeople were injured, two were also injured in avdiivka and one in shcherbakivka, - reported oleg myros, the head of the region. in donetsk region , over two dozen houses, industrial buildings, cars and garages were damaged in eight settlements. two people were injured because of the night. attack of drones on kyiv, one victim was hospitalized by medics, and another was treated at on the spot, bruises of soft tissues and cut wounds in the wounded. as a result of hitting a residential building in the solomyansk district, load-bearing walls on three floors were partially destroyed, a fire broke out in one of the apartments, it was extinguished, - informed the mayor vitaliy klychko. the windows were also broken, in the darnytskyi district, the wreckage of the drone fell in the private sector, and it caught fire in less than a day.' house, this is
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the third airstrike by drones on the capital in the last 6 days. seeing through my windows a huge drone flying right into our apartment, at first i took the children with me, then there was a big fire, there were fire extinguishers in our house, i started putting them out, we went out, as a result, we have no windows, no walls, no our terrace, no. christmas tree and no holiday, but we are all alive. at first, they heard a racket flying, so they went out into the corridor with dad, but it was very loud , the whole house was shaking, unfortunately, we had blown out the foam over the window, and now it is impossible to spend the night in my room, because it is very cold. i was looking at telegram, i saw that drones were flying in sokorky, in darnytskyi, i thought, they are far from us, and if i had controlled the situation, we wouldn't have gone into the storage room, and when i heard that the drone... was already at
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the window, i followed the child, and that's when the explosion happened. at night, the russians released 28 shaheds across ukraine. air defense forces failed to shoot down four. the drones were destroyed in kyiv, odesa, mykolaiv, kherson, zhytomyr, rivne and khmelnytskyi regions, the air force reported. terror in the occupation. the russian invaders shot the schoolboy in front of his parents for temporary capture. kherson region, - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. an eighth-grader, as if he was taking a picture of something. the russians didn't like it, they grabbed the boy, brought him home and shot him. the ukrainian authorities will contact the relevant authorities to record the crime. fallen trees and restrictions on the movement of trucks. heavy snowfalls in high mountain areas in the west of ukraine. fifty trees fell on the roads in transcarpathia, which also restricted the movement of trucks. routes
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kyiv, chop and lviv, sambir, uzhhorod. in the carpathian region, road workers cleared the roads all night, in particular in the carpathian highlands vyshkivsky pass. in the lviv region , 70 settlements were cut off due to snowfall in the morning. electricians eliminate the accident. by the end of the day, forecasters predict strong gusts of wind, wet snow in the western regions, and significant precipitation in the carpathians. germany will not deport ukrainian men. for service in the armed forces of ukraine, said the country's minister of justice marko bushman. he noted that if the ukrainian authorities want to mobilize refugees, it will not have any consequences for those living in germany, and explained that in accordance with the country's constitution. power cannot oblige the germans to serve with weapons in their hands against their will. therefore, foreigners will not be forced. after the full-scale invasion of russia, germany became one of the countries that... bushman's statement is obviously
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a reaction to the interview of the minister of defense of ukraine with two german publications. rustem omirov said that kyiv is already thinking about how to mobilize the man. sanctions against those who do not appear voluntarily. in the czech republic , mourning was announced due to the shooting at the university of prague. the local media have already reported the name of the shooter, who opened fire at the faculty of philosophy. this is david kozak, a 24-year-old student. according to the press, he probably died by suicide. the police said that the attacker had no accomplices, the motives of his act are unknown. let me remind you that 15 people were killed and another 24 wounded as a result of the shooting. the main network of hamas tunnels to the gaza strip was destroyed by the israeli military. this was announced in the tsahal press service.
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top hamas officials are said to have been hiding in this network of tunnels during the october 7 attack on israel. there was a tunnel associated with houses, offices and apartments. senior hamas officials. the israeli military has scanned the tunnels and obtained intelligence from them in recent days. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, leaving no wounded on the battlefield. brothers with atvs , the evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much higher. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we have collected over uah 600. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. so
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support, do not remain indifferent. you can see all the details on the screen. swing on a seven-meter swing, see how the christmas tree descends. star and get a prediction for the next year. in kyiv , an interactive christmas exhibition "rising star" was presented at the central railway station. the exhibition introduces visitors to the history of christmas. in the collection more than 100 exhibits, and thanks to special glasses you can virtually immerse yourself in traditional christmas fun and swing on the swings. 50% of ticket sales will be used to build shelters in schools in ukraine. we really want to give people here the opportunity to awaken their inner child, even if only for a very short time, but to sit on a swing, see how the snow falls, remember the melodies of your childhood, the books you read, what you ate when you went to grandma's house, scream frost
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frost in the window and see how it will freeze, go for a ride in viar glasses, try something it was so loud. it is very important that there are pleasant, beautiful attractions at the stations, this hall, it stood for... every one, it is just a shame that such beautiful places stand where there are many people, so we opened this location together with our powerful partners, and it is a symbol of the fact that , despite the war, beautiful ukrainian family traditions and christmas traditions are preserved in the country. world-class music, which almost no one knew about, was played in a ukrainian house by the composer, crimean ruler gaze ii herykhan, who lived 500 years ago. that, that his work has great cultural value, the works were not mentioned at all for several centuries. today, the musical material, which was in a private collection, was received by the musicians of the kyiv classic symphony orchestra and presented to the public after two years of preparation. orchestra leader herman makarenko noted that ancient crimean tatar music
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is very difficult to perform. i was lucky in life, and an incredible cultural treasure fell into my hands. artistic, musical, historical, and after that very active work began to return creativity, music, etc. herokhan, a representative of the 16th century, to the viewer of the 21st century, then in fact the russian empire began to introduce the narrative that crimea was barbaric, which personified the lack of worship. but when you listen to this music, you realize absolutely clearly that such an investment by the russian empire in crimea was not necessary, that crimea itself would have and could share beautiful works of art and music. that was the morning in
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ukraine, see you tomorrow. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rada. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two we talk for hours about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. today in the program. the ukrainian army needs half a million more people. can recruiting replace mobilization and what innovations should be expected in 2024. whether the lack of us funding is shaky, this is ukraine's combat capability at the front. catch. kremlin plan: russia is preparing for full-scale war with nato, what are the signs? over
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the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war and a colonel of the british army in glen grant's resignation, during the next hour, that is, in an hour, there will be three people's deputies in our studio, these are fedir venislavskyi, yaroslav zheleznyak and... maria ionova. however, before we start our big evening, let's watch a video of how ukrainian fighters pointed hymers at a russian hail and ammunition depot in the southern direction. this video was released by the special operations forces. the occupiers' equipment and ammunition were completely destroyed. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, please put like this video, subscribe to our page on this platform, and also take part in our vote, today we are asking... do you support the idea of ​​mobilizing women in ukraine? yes, no
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, please vote on youtube, yes, no, or write your comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your phone and vote if you support the idea of ​​mobilizing women in ukraine, 0800 211 381 , no, 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote on... at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. our first guest is a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former commander of the aidar battalion platoon , yevhen dykiy. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being on the air with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. yevhen, let's start our conversation with mobilization, because volodymyr zelenskyi said at the final annual press conference that the general. the headquarters and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces
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of ukraine ask that next year mobilized an additional 450,500,000 people. let's listen to what zelensky said and continue our conversation. the issue is very sensitive, i believe, they addressed, regarding the protection of our state and potentials. deficit countermeasures, and their view was on the line that they proposed to mobilize an additional 450,000 to 500,000 people, this is a very serious number, i said that i need more arguments to support this direction, because it is a matter first of all all people the second is a question of justice, it is a question of defense capability and
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finance issues. mr. yevgeny, what arguments can or do the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine have, if they submit a figure of 500,000 people, because zelenskyi says that i need more arguments, which are even more, yes, i was so little, let’s say , upset by this formula. because i don't understand what other arguments are missing here, there is actually one very simple argument and that alone is decisive, just let's look at how many of our... enemies, just let's look at how many the russians are mobilizing and they send here, and from here on, well, this , everything flows automatically from here on, okay, right away i want to clarify one point that happens to people who live on the planets of pink ponies, that really we can’t fight with fewer people , than the russians due to technical superiority, so no
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, we can’t, the fact is that in order to fight with a significantly smaller number than your enemy, for this there must be... the difference is actually technological, well, how between the american army and the taliban, for example, then yes, then you can use much less military personnel than your enemy, but i think it is no secret for anyone that we are on the same technological level with the russians, there is something a little better in us, something a little better in them, but it is not a difference in generations, it is the same technological level, the technique is mostly disco of the 80s, but with some elements of the 21st century... such as some types of rockets and drones, and it is all absolutely comparable, so, sorry, but the number of people can only be proportional, and if smaller, smaller force, rather than the enemy, you can somehow keep the defense, and that, by the way, not always, looking at how much less people you have, we are now losing avdiivka, and i don't want
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to upset anyone, but with a uh probability already more than 90%, by the new year we will... finally lose her, simply because she is not there who to protect, there is simply not enough people there, so in defense you can somehow hold on with a smaller number than your enemy, although also, i say, not absolutely, but eh, we still have the task of defeating the enemy and throwing him out from our territory, and for this we need, well, the least parity with the enemy , at least, in a good way, i'm sorry, but even though at some point we have to... create an advantage, we have never once in this war fought with superior forces, that's why when we just see how many enemies there are now on our territory , how much more they are mobilizing, the figure of 500,000 people, which may seem large, actually seems minimal, what was announced at the president's press conference is the minimum
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need for the armed forces of ukraine, and again, if we say about turning the tide the war is in our favor, then we need these 5,000 people not for the next year stretched out, that is, it turns out how many there are, roughly speaking , there are 50,000 or so people per month, yes, well, no, that does not save, it is possible, although except to hold the defense, and if we really want to turn the tide of the war, then we need these half a million people in three or four months, somewhere in the spring, then another 20 thousand every month to replenish losses, and from then on there is something to really talk about , i understand that these are very unpleasant numbers, i understand that you don't want to, but there is an alternative very simple: if we don't want mobilization, we will get an occupation, it is completely our choice, so what do we consider the lesser evil in this situation, a large mobilization or a large occupation? by the way, volodymyr
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zelenskyy himself says that this issue is very sensitive, well, probably from the point of view of... politics, it is sensitive, it is clear that announcing the mobilization of 500,000 people is an irritating issue for society, for a part of society, for people, who will join the armed forces of ukraine, but you are right, there is little choice here, either mobilization or occupation, and then already, and then, and then already mobilization to the russian army, if the yoke is removed, the example of crimea shows, well, not only that, what will happen on our territory in the event of... occupation, it will not be crimea, it will one big battle, after we had already resisted, but the example of crimea shows that those who did not begin to defend crimea, and did not begin to defend ukraine there, well, now they have all been raked into the russian army en masse, and they are now just die in the meat assaults of our ukrainian positions, that's why those who evade from the service of the ukrainian ukrainian army,
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they must be prepared that later they will still have to serve only in the russian army during their attacks on the following... countries and will have to die there absolutely stupidly, and by the way, precisely people from the occupied territories in the first place, they throw precisely at meat assaults, so that further behind their backs the russians themselves came. president zelenskyi estimates this mobilization campaign, which will take place in 2024, well, at least 500 thousand or 450 thousand mobilized 500 billion hryvnias. he talks about what is necessary to think about how to organize it financially, but there is no choice here either. we have, because on the one hand, if we don't find this money, 500 billion, for this mobilization, and it will go somewhere, well, to asphalting paths, to building bridges, or... i don't know, well, to whatever - what other expenses, then it will happen again, we will asphalt the roads that the occupiers will travel on, we will build bridges
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that the enemy columns will travel on, but when it comes to war and money, in your opinion, why all the expenses and the entire budget is in the state, he is not is not balanced from the point of view that we have a big war going on, which means that there are armed forces in...ukraine there, relatively speaking, 80% of all state budget expenditures, and 20%, so everyone lives on these 20%, because there is simply no other way out now, because in the future there will not be even those 500 billion. well , look, we made one fundamental mistake in the 23rd year, but after we all strained in the 22nd year, we really all lived through this war, not everyone picked up a weapon, but everyone did something. everyone lived through this war, everyone did something, threw all their resources into it who, what happened, and then we surprised the world, then we surprised both our enemies and ourselves , then we turned the tide of this war, not
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only did we not let the russians win then, but we also started to win in the second half of the year, and after kharkiv itself, after kherson, during our successful offensive operations, unfortunately, what happened to us was what comrade stalin once called dizziness from success in his program article, but in... we did get a little dizzy from success and we, in this case, are not the army, by the way, but the lovely ukrainian society, sincerely decided that, in principle, we have already turned the tide of the war, and from now on everything will simply roll to victory, that is, that the war will be fought, those people who have already been recruited, those who wore a pixel on the 22nd, will win on the 23rd and it will almost be a parade through moscow, well, at least through sevastopol, but only the western allies will add a little iron, but we will also have a few leopards and that's all, but nothing more is required of us, and when the army is all 23- and fought very hard for a year, and in fact
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gained a lot, although now for some reason it is a lot who doesn't want to see, because we don't drink coffee in a christmas tree, but with the resources we had, our army did the impossible, but our rear during this same time did nothing, and our rear actually used up this a false paradigm that i regularly hear... in my phone, when i call there, the caller is busy, and there is such a beautiful voice: your caller is talking, and while he is talking, victory is getting closer. we really decided that we can live, build bridges, flower beds, lay tiles, meanwhile victory is approaching, well, the end year, i hope, in this sense, it is not a time of depression for us, to be honest, we have no reason for depression. and if someone falls into it, it's because of a bad understanding of the situation, but it's time to sober up a little and understand that, in fact , nothing has been decided yet, and you
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just have to tense up the way we tensed up in the 22nd, and then everything will be fine ok, and of course that includes mobilizing at least half a million people, i'd say, and again that's a minimum, but it also includes mobilizing finances and investing them in the first turn to their own production of weapons. bc, mr. yevgeny, according to eurostat , 650,000 men left ukraine for europe at the beginning of the great war. today, a rather big misunderstanding happened between our colleagues from the german edition of bild and the minister of defense rustem umerov, because bild started to write about the fact that umerov is going to return men... who went abroad and men from 25 to 60 years old who live in germany and other countries, will have to appear at the call-up points of the armed forces
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of ukraine. bild literally quotes the following: we are still what we discuss should happen if they do not appear voluntarily. then the ministry of defense of ukraine said that the foreign forces did not submit an application to mereev, he told journalists about recruiting and the need to inform ukrainians. abroad, how important it is for them to join the army, there are no discussions , mechanisms for conscription into the ranks of the armed forces from abroad are not on the agenda, but here is a discussion about evaders, those who fled from the war, from ukraine, from fulfilling his constitutional duty and went abroad various truths and lies, but 650,000 men left, in your opinion, how should the state behave in this situation, i.e. in what way to blame them, no one will search for them, because europe will not do this, they
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did not commit a crime. alno, well, if they don’t put a card in interpol there, what, what , what to do with these men and why do we always call on them, no, well, look, the idea of ​​mobilizing those who are currently abroad is from roughly the same series , to fill our budget at the expense of hetman polubotko's sorrows, that is, a very cool idea, which has only one flaw, it has absolutely no chance of implementation, the attempt to return people from abroad, involuntarily, is absolutely doomed, as soon as we try to turn to our european partners with what you give us these people, they will simply all apply for the status of political refugees there, as pacifists, and all the european courts will grant them this status, that is, we will not see these people anyway, instead we will get a huge diplomatic scandal and we will get a very significant drop in support for us in european very liberal and
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very pacifist countries have problems with supporting our war, but for now they are fed up with what you see, they are tired, and it will continue to be like that, well, many people will simply say, oh my god, we the same totalitarian state as russia , we are no different, blah-blah-blah-blah, that is, in reality we will not have conscripts, but we will hit european aid very hard, an attempt to forcibly conscript ukrainians from abroad is a shot in the foot, voluntarily. well, who wanted to voluntarily arrived, i personally know a lot of such people, but one of my friends was actually caught by the war at the vernatskyi station in antarctica, then he got on the nearest tourist yacht and three weeks later was already in okop near mykolaiv, and here is another one of mine, my ex student, dropped out of doctoral studies at one of the best swedish universities, to which he attended for 10 years, is now fighting near slavyansk, well , someone made such a choice, those who made a different choice, we will not convince them to...
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turn to them voluntarily can, can in someone's conscience will wake up, but it should not be assumed that it will be massive, after all, our real resource for winning this war is those men who are currently in ukraine, and thank god, there are enough of them, and not only men , because they are already talking about women, people's deputy from servants of the people mariana bezugla said that in the verkhovna rada they want all women who... can serve in the army to be put on the military register, and at the same time, according to her, women can to mobilize for work at enterprises of the defense sector, well, i do i understand, mr. yevgeny, this is possible only under the conditions of the introduction of a military economy, and when all enterprises will be subordinated to one goal, our victory, that is, the transfer of the entire economy to military rails, and after that,
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maybe we ... women, or what bezugla says , does it not now have a foundation that can be talked about at all? let 's start with the fact that this wording is being discussed in the verkhovna rada, it is formally true, because ms. bezugla is in the verkhovna rada, but that is where the truth ends, there is no such bill, even ms. maryana bezugla did not introduce such a bill, she, i'm sorry, made a statement in chatika's telegram, further, this issue is not worked out in the committee, this issue is not worked out in the factions, that is, in reality in the verkhovna rada of ukraine no one is working on such an initiative, and you and i are completely serious, as if we are discussing an alleged legislative initiative , the statement of one of the four hundred people's deputies in the telegram chat, it is simply not serious, well, if we still speak
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essentially of this idea, it is quite right that it is not even formally discussed in the parliament, because there is nothing to discuss here, we do not have any military need for the mobilization of women, that is simply not the case, but i have never heard from a single person in uniform, let's mobilize our women, instead, on the contrary, i perfectly imagine how it will hit the morale of the fighters, who are now fighting and are calm for their children, because these children with their... wives, and when necessary, can calmly at any moment go abroad and even stay there, but what if they they will say that now their wives will be forbidden to leave, that maybe they will be mobilized tomorrow, and with the children there, well, who has grandparents there is fine, and if not, then the state will take care of it, well, you can imagine the moral state of a man at the front , who would suddenly be informed of this, and even more so , let's return to the need for such a need.


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