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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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from four hundred people's deputies in a telegram chat, it's just not serious, but if we still talk about the essence of this idea, then it is quite correct that it is not even formally discussed in the parliament, because there is nothing to discuss here, we do not have any military need in the mobilization of women, there are simply none, but i have never heard from a single person in uniform, let us mobilize women, instead, on the contrary, i am a miracle... i imagine how it will hit the morale of the fighters who are now fighting and are calm for their children , because these children are with their wives, and when yes, they can safely go abroad at any time and even stay there, but what if they tell them that now their wives will be forbidden to leave, that maybe they will be mobilized tomorrow, and with children there, well, who has grandparents there? , and if not, then the state will take care of it, well, you can imagine the moral condition of a man at the front, who would suddenly be... known, and even more so,
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let's go back to the need, there is no such need and never existed in our country who had already mobilized all able-bodied men, and them is not enough, and therefore there was a need to mobilize women, well, to put it mildly , the situation does not look like that, so why ms. maryana abandoned it at all, i do not know, but in fact it is damage, i do not know, it is deliberate damage , whether this is such a misunderstanding, i don't know, but the fact is the fact, as a result , it is damage. you understand, i would never have quoted her if she had not been the deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, and had not been a member of the presidential team, because she is a member of the presidential party, and sometimes articulates those thoughts, or let's say, such criticisms, which are then articulated by other members of the ruling team, so forgive me, that's why i quoted her, well, even she herself, once again she... herself even did not introduce it
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as a bill, although it has such a right, so for now we are just discussing statements in the telegram chat, mr. yevgeny, let's go back to one figure that came from the mouth of president zelensky at the annual press conference, he said about 1 million drones next year, which will be produced in to ukraine, let's listen, let's listen to what zelensky said. regarding the production of a million drones next year, we will produce a million, we will do, well, we will do everything to make it so, i know that it will be so, i had a bet now , and i wanted to understand, one of the key issues was the production of drones and supply, and i really don't like it when logistically we still have, let's say, such a bureaucratic soviet process, when 26... drones were lying in one warehouse and did not
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reach the front, yes, it was very loud on rates, yes, but there cannot be such pauses, there cannot be problems , volodymyr zelenskyy is right, but he is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, and what he says, well, he actually says it to himself, because if there are these, as he says, bureaucratic soviet processes, well... two years of the great war, 10 years of war with russia, and we have some procedures, as colonel roman kostenko of the sbu told me on the air yesterday, this bill on the write-off of equipment, equipment there in the armed forces of ukraine, a simplification that this law does not is not signed by the president of ukraine, that is, why are we changing for so long, well, you know , oh... to be honest, i did not expect
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such paternalistic questions from a wise person from you, oh, what, even in your imagination, all problems should be solved personally by the supreme commander-in-chief, well he should not ask himself the question, mr. yevgeny, if i am in charge of situations where a whole system is working, involving hundreds of people, generals, officials who have worked in a certain way for years, and the cancellation of some... one document rests on the , that, on him there is references are in 40 other documents , and they must be changed, if they are changed, then all at the same time, otherwise everything will fall apart in general, and unfortunately, yes, this is a huge problem that cannot be solved by one person, it is a problem that must be solved, at least the entire ministry of defense together with the general staff, and today this problem, well compared to what was before the 22nd year, is a huge advance. that is, compared to
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what was before the great war, but compared to what we would like to see, actually, taking into account the realities of this great war, well then passed somewhere else, well, i would say a third. on the way, by the way, it was under minister umerov that quite serious steps were taken, which actually had two stages: for the first time there was a simplification for receiving, for example, new weapons, there was the first simplification in the spring of the summer of the 22nd, and then how many years was this procedure reduced to three or four months, and finally now, according to these umerov reforms, the procedure for adopting a new sample can now be reduced to three or four weeks... that's it. well, to be honest, here it is quite clear to me what is happening and even it is clear why it is happening so slowly, because it is really a change of a system that has existed for decades, and the management personnel of the most different levels, starting from
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the generals, continuing with the directors, at least of the state defense plants and so on, they have all lived only this way for decades and have a bad idea, how do they, how do they work differently. to solve the task in a different way, but what i really do not understand in this situation, here i have a huge question for the government regarding this so -called volunteer resolution, this new the resolution, which not only did not simplify , but on the contrary made it very difficult to bring in any volunteer aid, just compared to what was before december 1 of this year, this is already a mystery to me, because why did not simplify what took decades? this can be understood, but why, on the contrary, now make a new complication and a very significant complication , this is a completely different question, this is a question for the cabinet of ministers regarding this resolution, and by the way, to put it mildly, i am not the only one asking these questions, but something for exactly three weeks,
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as the resolution is in force, importation has become extremely difficult and i do not see anything to cancel this resolution yet, by the way, by the way, andrii osachuk, a deputy of ukraine, just wrote on his facebook page that the council has completed its meeting this year, but the conversations in there was a lot of media, but no new draft laws on mobilization were submitted for the consideration of the hall, well, this is also a question in principle, probably because of the bid of the supreme commander, they have not come yet, this is the agreement of these figures, but let's return to what zelensky said about 1 million drones, in the scale of the war we are waging... from russia, is it a lot or a little, it is enough, it is a serious number, there are good calculations made by defense express experts, it turns out that the monthly need for one infantry brigade is about a thousand drones , that is, a million drones is
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for us, say, a thousand brigades of months, that is , roughly speaking, it is for 100 infantry brigades for 10 months, well, or there s... 90 brigades per year, it is normal, if this figure is really reached, then this is normal. and with regard to the general situation with military equipment, with weapons, because we know that the congress of the united states of america has not yet passed this big package, 61 billion dollars. the pentagon announced yesterday that the last tranche should go to ukraine or weapons in the form of a tranche. december 30, then, frankly speaking , it is not clear how this will affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war in your opinion, as well as the situation at the front, please, you, you, you, you did not hear me, yes, no, i you i can hear perfectly
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all this time, just in the background i can hear someone else, i heard you perfectly, yes, look, the situation is such that, after all, most likely ... in january the americans will come to an agreement among themselves , for now i remain moderately optimistic that, after all , this seesaw in the us congress will end in january and at least for the 24th year we will retain the level of support that was in the 23rd, approximately plus or minus, but this does not mean that it will be like this forever, as a whole, because in the same 24th they may well elect trump at the end of the year, and therefore, regardless of whether aid is stopped right now or for relatives. continue, in any case our business should become as self-sufficient as possible, we should invest in our own production weapons and ammunition, a lot is being done in that sense, and by the way, in no case can it be reduced exclusively to the history of drones, drones are, of course, an important weapon in this war,
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they significantly change its course, but they should not be considered as such a wonderwaffle , which alone solves all problems, like any weapon... drones have their own sphere of effective application and their limitations, but they occupy a certain, let's say, niche on the front, no more and no less, respectively , there is enough rapid progress in drones now, although again well, the russians are still faster, they currently produce about six times more fpv drones than we do, but fpv drones are still far from all that is needed for this war. at the moment, there is very good news from our gun manufacturers, here is the saw bohdana, which at the time of the beginning of this war , existed in one copy, but at the moment six per month, six per mi and ... an increase in production is planned, six per month is also possible, well, we need more, well, yes, but, for example, french
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the nexter company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of weapons, manufacturers of caesars, by the way, which have proven themselves excellently in our war, so they are now producing six caesars a month and are very proud of the fact that they were able to achieve such a pace, and our bohdana so only six per month, that is, well , the progress is very obvious, exactly, very big problems. with the production of projectiles, because there is a shortage of gunpowder all over the world, that is, there is actually a shortage of gunpowder all over the world, because everyone began to urgently produce projectiles that are not they had been producing for 30 years before that, and problems with certain critical components constantly arise, now they are, and so on , that is, a huge amount of work is going on, but it needs to be increased many times over, and in particular, still , here i have a question, a year ago it was announced... that we should create a defense fund, i still do not see this defense fund, still all the money for defense
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goes in different ways, something through the ministry of defense, something through the ministry of statistics, something in general there in some strange way through state intelligence and so on, instead had there would be one defense fund, into which it would be possible to take all the money that is currently used for various tiles, fountains, bridges, but... not abstractly into the state budget, because, you know, you can also sponsor serials from the state budget , it should be the defense fund, from which the funds are directed only to the production of weapons, and in this case we could not provide for everything in the 24th year, you will not achieve this in a year, but at least we will become much less dependent on whether trump will be elected there at the end of the year or not biden, well, by the way, defense minister rustem umyerov, he... told german journalists that what ukraine lacks now, what it needs. he says that
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means of radio-electronic warfare, drones, artillery and a sufficient amount of ammunition are needed, well, he asked, in short, everything, everything, everything, yes. on this, mr. evgeny, let's put an end to our conversation. thank you for participating in the program, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as. on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please like this video so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook, and take part in our vote, today we ask you about such, do you support the idea of ​​mobilizing women in ukraine, yes no, and if you are sitting in front of the tv, you can pick up the phone and vote, if you support the mobilization, the idea of ​​mobilizing women (0800-211) 381 no 0800 211 382 call,
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all calls for you to these numbers are available free of charge next up is glen grant, retired british army colonel, military expert. mr. colonel, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. colonel, we, for the past few weeks or even months. we watch how the heads of european defense departments and the heads of the north atlantic alliance talk about the danger of the russian federation for europe and for nato. vladimir putin has approved a record increase in spending on the army for the coming year since the time of the soviet union. according to the approved budget in the 24th year. should direct almost a third of its expenses for the maintenance of the army to
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the defense-industrial complex, that is, it is 70% more than in the 23rd year. what do you think such militarization means for the world , a new arms race and the specter of the third world war? and first of all, i want to say that there is nothing new in putin's actions, because he has been talking about it for a long time, and he is actually doing it now. what we expected from him, and yes, he has now involved himself in this game, in the game of a long protracted war, he wants to exhaust ukraine, to exhaust the west, and that is why, in fact, he has been talking about it for two years, so we should not be surprised about this. secondly, he will spend 70% of their
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budget, or a third. of their budget to improve their defense sector. of course, you can't spend so much and not improve, there will be an improvement, is he worried about the economy, will such an economy support such an increase in spending on the military complex, well, some may say , that's what they do in north korea, yes, and some, maybe the people will rise yes, because there will be a decline of the country. if they want... to have such an economy that will support the military complex, in particular with all those, what russia needs with such colossal sums of money, accordingly, it must be understood that yes, these are such expenses, such expenses were during the soviet era, he in fact , he is taking risks now, he is walking on the edge of a knife, if
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he spends so much on the defense sector, the minister of defense nime... does boris pistorius, mr. colonel, call on europe to prepare for war with russia, which, according to his prediction, can happen in about 5-8 years. during this time, it is necessary to make up for lost time in the armed forces, the military-industrial complex, and society. pistorius said this in an interview with welt amzontak. i will quote pistorius. currently, putin is significantly increasing the production of weapons in russia. according to the decision of the duma, the growth will be more than 10% now we have about 5-8 years, during which we must make up for lost time, both in the armed forces, and in industry, and in society. sometimes i get the impression that not everyone has yet realized that we need to do more for ensuring our safety. in the face of a severe crisis, we need armed forces that can defend this country in the event of war
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as well. well, what pistorius says about his country and nato. it is absolutely obvious, because a large brigade of german troops entered lithuania this week, and the germans are afraid that putin may start from lithuania. 500 soldiers entered lithuania for the first time in a long time, mr. colonel, what do you think about the 5-8 years that pistorius is giving to prepare for a possible war with the russian ... federation, this is a clear forecast, is it true that in 8 years or in five, putin will be ready for a war with nato, or will he never start a war with nato? you have such a complex question, but first of all i want to say, let's talk about
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5-8 years, and frankly, i think we need more time. to prepare, a lot of nato member countries are weak, and nato, as an alliance, an alliance that was actually aimed at deterrence, yes, they now understand that now they need to move to strength, to increasing their military competence, in particular, it is necessary to strengthen the baltic countries, bulgaria and the like, i think so, someone will need 5-8 years, and someone... it will be more, pistolus is in principle right when he talks about this period, yes, but i would approximated, for example, 12-15 years there , because yes, there are many gaps, there are many steps that need to be taken, in particular , retraining, increasing military production, other countries, yes, some have better things, some
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have worse things, i definitely think uk has better. system, unfortunately there are fewer military personnel than necessary, and that is why i think that, unfortunately, we will not be able to hold out even some area, some region of the battle for a long time, because we have few soldiers, and of course it is necessary to have better fighters, better air defense systems, anti-missile complexes and the like, so we need to improve, we need to modernize, and unfortunately, we may have to exhaust what we lack. secondly, is putin seriously targeting the danger from russia? i would rather believe that we... were preparing it is better for us to be, it is better for us to prepare , than to ignore it like this and in the end then be unprepared, we saw what happened with the way we
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acted when it came to georgia, ukraine, and now we turned out to be such fools, because we understand that it is necessary, it is necessary to prepare , mr. colonel, and why in the world, well, having in principle good analytical centers and good intelligence, why in the world for a very... long time did not notice this way putin's attempt to start a war not only in georgia, not only in ukraine, and to go further, why, why didn't they predict such consequences, because in two years, i understand that the european countries and the reserves of the european armies were not as complete as the russian army, that is, europe did not consider. russia as a country from which danger can come? there are a lot of reasons, first of all, you actually said about good
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think tanks, and i think that 's kind of nonsense, because think tanks, they're so shallow, actually, they quote defense departments, they don't really go into the depth of research , especially they did not properly study the issue of russia, the issue ambitions, putin's intentions, we forgot the need to send people, yes, you can't draw any true conclusions from the satellite images themselves, so you have to approach the tasks in a comprehensive way, because sometimes, if you look at a car or on some technique, you cannot tell how complex and complicated the system is. of course, there are good centers, in particular in estonia, yes, they conduct
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excellent analytics, they inform our allies about it, they clearly express themselves about what russia is doing and what russia is going to do, but again, we are so used to peace that we have forgotten what war is, what it takes to wage war, and what it takes to... win war, and to be honest, the politicians , they didn't really want to, you know, go beyond such established comfort and go beyond what they had planned for their vacations, and think in military terms, so yes, we have to to move into this dimension, so poland now already understands that if ukraine loses to russia, ukraine will be poland next, there is not even the slightest doubt here. we see how putin works, but unfortunately, we are moving so slowly, preparing, yes, so slowly that it is scary. mr. colonel, a week ago the new york times
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wrote that ukraine and the united states of america are developing a military strategy for 2024, and the publication writes that the americans are convincing the ukrainians that it should be a defensive strategy. strategy for 2024. two days ago, zelensky said that the mobilization of 500,000 people or up to 500,000 people is possible in ukraine. how do you rate? prospects of the russian-ukrainian front next year, and what do you think the ukrainian side and our partners should focus on in the 24th year? i want to say that we don't know what the americans
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, ukrainians are deciding there, and we don't have to, you know, invent, predict, make wise, it's a fact, yes, they can, what, they could already decide something and can eventually change it his decision, taking into account what will happen in the winter, because certain opportunities will appear for both ukraine and russia. which can become problems, so it is not necessary now somehow to make prejudgments, it is clear and it is clear that it is necessary to improve, refresh the situation on the front line, so there is no need to conduct rotations for soldiers, they are tired, yes, when we talk about mobilization, it is better to recruit new personnel, because it is necessary to refresh the personnel , they must be taught. it is necessary to do it constantly, you can't just bang your head against the wall and hope that something will happen, you need to act, you need to change your thinking, you need to...
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think a few steps ahead, understand, how to act tactically and strategically, that is , the question cannot even be asked here, what will happen when you have newly arrived soldiers? yes, of course, you can't immediately throw them into the crucible of war, but then again, you have to think, yes, the motivation will also be less than those who were in the front lines, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, but of course... it will, it must to make sure that there are those positively-minded soldiers who will be among the new arrivals and will strengthen their team spirit, because ukrainians, they believe that what they are doing is right, it's very important to keep motivated, because from motivation, because motivation is interchangeable with quality on the battlefield, of course, can we see any changes next summer, i
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hope and hope so. that there will be some changes, i hope it will be due to the fact that russia will not have enough human resources, they also have problems with morale, with the leadership of the military, and we hope that there will be concrete changes in the summer, of course, i cannot make predictions, even , well, others cannot make true predictions, but they must to carry out mobilization, it is necessary to carry out reinforcement. mr. colonel, french president emmanuel macron, he... in an interview with the france 5 tv channel, he said that in some countries doubts have begun to appear about the feasibility of further support for ukraine, they also exist in the united states of america - macron said, but this mistake, ukraine should be supported until victory. let's hear and see what macron said. we need a peaceful europe, and we know very well how to achieve this on our own soil, but for now on our
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continent. there is a country that the government wants to assert ourselves by taking pieces of their territory from our neighbors, then we will not have such a peaceful europe, that is why we have no right to allow russia to win in ukraine. mr. colonel, can there be a peaceful europe without the complete defeat of putin? i don't think so, no, there is no such agreement or domo. putin has expressed himself clearly, and if anyone thinks that it is possible for putin to come to an agreement, it will not work. putin must be defeated, because we understand that when the war started, and we know, if we talk about macron, for example, yes, then we know how much he was reluctant to help ukraine when everything was just starting, and he has
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two qualms. thinking yes, but now i am sure that ukraine has a chance to make, to conduct a successful counteroffensive, and after all, macron is now saying, it is great, these are words, but ukraine needs weapons, ukraine needs equipment, ukraine needs ammunition, it must again have it's a morale booster for the soldiers to feel, because now i'm hearing from the soldiers that they don't feel that support. secretary of state of the united states of america, mr. colonel, at the press conference which
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was dedicated. to the annual results, he said about the support of ukraine's allies. according to him , putin thought that the unity of the west should have cracked a long time ago, but he was wrong. let's hear what antony blinken had to say. in recent weeks, president putin has boasted that, and i quote: ukraine has no future. he thinks that his strategy of waiting, when he sends young russians to m' in numerous waves. the group, which he himself has already created, will pay off. i agree with one single point putin, namely continued support from america, is crucial for the brave soldiers and citizens of ukraine to continue their struggle and for russia's war to be a strategic defeat for putin. mr. colonel, is a strategic defeat of putin possible without the more active participation of western countries,
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well, it is possible. even military participation.


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