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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm EET

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evening, we are from ukraine. let's go back and the great ater continues, join oleksandr morchevko in the conversation, today's economic results of the week. alexander, congratulations. congratulations to the audience, thank you vasyl. so, the next few minutes about international aid to ukraine and sanctions against russia, i will tell you everything in detail in a moment, wait a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, greetings, this is a column about money during the war with the economic results of the week and important news: the european union this week approved the 12th package of sanctions against russia, it includes, in particular, a ban on the import of russian diamonds, and also prohibits the sale to the aggressor of secret goods and technologies through third countries the list is also for...
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trade embargo, ban on trade in chemicals, lithium batteries, thermostats, engines for drones, machine tools, the eu at the same time limited the import of pig iron from russia and approved gradual reduction of liquefied gas purchases. the european community has also strengthened the requirements for compliance with the oil price ceiling. well , regarding the price ceiling, vasyl, we know that it works, although it limits certain incomes of the kremlin, but even now, in particular, greek shipowners continue to transport bloody barrels to customers with their tankers, even the story was that the united states received certain tankers with russian barrels, unfortunately, it was really necessary to strengthen the requirements in the 12th package and it is necessary to monitor compliance with sanctions, well, these are series, who managed to make money before there were some strict restrictions on cheap oil, cheap? like turkey, by the way, for example
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, it’s the same, well, it’s like those guys, and now there will be some, well, we’ll see, but in any case, well, along with economic restrictions and sanctions, international monetary aid continues, 1.5 billion this week, ukraine received one euro of macro-financial support from the european union. these funds will be used to support the economy and social obligations at the beginning of next year 2024, prime minister denys said shmygal in general, the financial support of the european union this year. reached the mark of €18 billion. and the government of switzerland allocated an additional 12 million swiss francs to help ukrainians in the winter. the money will be directed to non-governmental organizations. these funds have already made it possible to repair a thousand apartments and houses, restore heating in almost 15 thousand houses in the front-line areas. in general, the total volume of investments directed
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switzerland to ukraine by winter reached the mark of 26 million swiss francs, which is approximately 30 million dollars. well, germany this week provided ukraine with a winter aid package worth 8 million euros. the funds will be used to finance energy sources for parts of energy equipment. also, part of the amount will be used to support transition projects. of ukraine on green ecological energy. the government this week allocated additional aid to war-torn regions. the local self-government bodies will spend the received funds on the salaries of state employees and the payment of communal services. as of mid-december, the state provided more than uah 178 billion to local budgets. the government promises to fulfill all social obligations by the end of the year. let's listen to the direct
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speech. the second priority is social security over 473 billion hryvnias or 18%. from all expenses were directed to pensions and assistance to our people who need it most. we finance these articles in full . and the united states of america will cut off banks around the world from its financial system for violating anti-russian sanctions. the relevant decree was signed by president joe biden. so the banks of turkey, armenia, georgia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, china, the united arab emirates, through which payments for... gray supplies, which then go to russia, will not be able to work with the dollar. in china, because of this situation, the mass refusal of local financial institutions to make payments in dubious transactions has already begun. chinese economists believe that such operations can become a basis for american restrictions and do not
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want to give an excuse and quarrel with the states. well, an effective mechanism, in my opinion, valutno, on the pocket - this is the most painful blow, well, speaking there. about what can affect the activities of these or other countries, because money , well, it is always tangible, if only those who return the frozen russian assets to ukraine for the reconstruction of our state were still in their pockets, so that russia would already pay for it with a wallet, well, today we heard , how the russians scream about this, they are very no-no-no, you can't even think, think about such a thing, today yuri and i were talking about what they are, but this only shows that they are really afraid, well, when a person knows that he can somehow influence on... about the fact that this money is not allocated , she does not decide, she just influences, yes , but when she can't, well, the only thing left is to scare, and if you give it away, then we, well, what about us, yes, nothing, we worked for a long time on a legal mechanism to really legally transfer these frozen assets for the reconstruction of ukraine, but something
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recently, lately, it seems to me, the world community is simply waiting to see where the war will turn, and it expects, in fact, to apply these . deeds, and it seems to me that after the new year, perhaps we will have the first stories that certain estates, certain yachts, or certain funds, for example, of the russian central bank, which are now frozen, will go to ukraine, i want to believe, i only hope here, it is like the last training in sports in the pre-match match, the teams are held in closed mode , well, so that the opponent does not see what they are doing, as well, i think, perhaps, we have just reached such a stage where it is necessary to do certain invisible things that will already be fatal for the russians and. .. well, maybe, maybe yes, but in any case, i think that the work continues, well, we are essentially summing up the results of the months of the last year, and from august to today, more than 302 bulk carriers left the sea corridor, they exported the products
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of ukrainian farmers and a number of other cargoes, these cargoes were sent to 24 countries of the world, according to the ministry of reconstruction, we are talking about a total load of 10. tons of work is currently underway despite the systematic shelling of the infrastructure by the enemy. at the same time , insurance issues for shipowners remain unresolved, and rates are still high levels so far, negotiations are underway on their reduction with the support of international business, the ministry of reconstruction says. there is hope that the export by sea will grow next year. well, the important news this week in the diya application has started working. the service of buying and selling a car, as the authors of the service note, you can complete the transaction in just 15 minutes, and after a certain time the new technical passport and license plates will arrive to the customer by mail , you will no longer need to visit the mia service center and pay for services,
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all that must be observed tips in application and certify the validity of the contract with a signature. the winning news appeared today. week from international analysts, ukrainian farmers did the impossible, in just one year they restored the cultivation of vegetables destroyed by the occupiers, these are the conclusions from analysts of the eastfruit project. we are talking about covering the losses of agricultural production in the southern regions of the kherson region, which are currently occupied by russia. also , the sector recovered, despite the fact that the enemy almost completely destroyed decades of traditional vegetable cultivation in the south, blew up the dams of bukakhovska hes. destroyed the irrigation system, mined the fields. for comparison, experts add that in more than 30 years since the collapse of the ussr, russia, having unlimited land resources, has simply not been able to grow vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities to simply cover domestic
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consumption, to simply saturate the market with its vegetables and consumers. the muscovites did not have a problem, well, they are not capable of doing this, predicting you in the kremlin, firstly, their soil is such that it does not always bear fruit, and secondly, there are also such people working on that land, and in some places they don’t even want to work there, they often had problems with these matters, but... remember, especially the 90s, when it was ukrainians who took vegetables to russia to sell, this and tomatoes, cucumbers, because there, well, they don’t really want to work there, well, there are cherries, cherries, apricots, and that was our story, but despite everything, revenue is falling, since the beginning of the year, ukraine has sold agricultural products for a little more than 19.5 billion dollars, which is 7% less than last year, the deputy director of the agrarian institute reported economy he analyzed the customs data , however, despite this, agriculture maintains such a dominant
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position in the overall export of our country, unfortunately, challenges for business are increasing now, in addition to the war, bans and restrictions on the import of certain types of our products from poland, hungary and slovakia have been added. well, unfortunately, the issue of blocking the border has not yet been resolved, but there are already certain... meetings of ministers, in particular , between the vice prime minister oleksandr kubrakov, the minister of agricultural policy, with representatives of the european union countries, and vasyl is conducting a dialogue with poland, with slovakia, with hungary, regarding the fact that our products, well, may have already gone to their customers, and that's how this blockade was, it went down in history. and today i listened to what these protestors who are blocking the road say, when the head of the initiative group is from the side of ukrainian drivers. came up and they say, let’s maybe let more vans pass in an hour, not one there,
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three or something else, they say, and we don’t want to let you pass at all, just don’t go to us, but again, why the will of one company or one group of people should decide the fate of both ukraine and poland, and well, in general, well, the answer is just don’t go, this is for vasyl in the 21st century in the european, civilized world, this is not an answer, this is simply the answer of some mercenaries who carry out someone’s political will, vasyl , all there are 26. well, then the agricultural sector of poland will simply, well, remain inside the country , nobody needs vasyl, absolutely , well, nobody needs the companies in muscovy either, well, it seems to me that in general, muscovy in quotation marks is going to survive with its own technologies and build your cars, build your mcdonalds, build yours. er, medicine , well, i don’t know what they will do, but many international brands, albeit slowly
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, are leaving the aggressor country, and this week hyundai announced that it plans to sell its plant in russia, well, for only symbolic 78 dollars, this company is ready to lose 200 million us dollars, in which the value of the production facilities in the aggressor country is estimated, this is the step taken by the south korean company in order to leave... you russia altogether. in this way, hyundai will be the last a global automaker that sold its assets at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of muscovy into our country. the company's top managers said that they stopped the plant's operations in march of that year, but will continue to provide after-sales service to customers who bought cars in russia. well, i think this is also such a transitional step, soon, and service. these cars, for example, will stop. well, this week the japanese manufacturer shin bridgestone
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agreed that it will also sell its factory in the russian city of ulyanovsk. the company was has been present on the market of the aggressor country since 1998, but last year it stopped production, froze investments, it is clear that it does not support the russian invasion of our country. here i will also add some statistics for calculations. of the kyiv school of economics, this institution monitors this topic. so, out of over 1,500 foreign companies that own or have owned assets in russia, 304 have finally completed their exit from russia, completed all their affairs, well i think that number will grow. this was the last information, such there were economic results of the week, i will say goodbye, but the big broadcast continues. vasyl zima will tell a lot more. interesting, watch us, so oleksandr morchivka summed up
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the economic results of the week, well, the results of the week and the day, but the verdict of the day will be summed up in the program serhiy rudenko, whom he will invite to the conversation today. sergey, please tell me, good evening. good evening, vasyl, today we will be visiting political scientists, diplomats, and officers from the forces of ukraine and, most importantly, the journalist club, which will start at 21:15, well, first of all, the journalism club, we will have three journalists, the best journalists of ukraine, this... we will talk about the results of the 23rd year and about the forecasts for the 24th year, we will remember the annual press conference of zelensky, about what was said, what was not said and what was not said by zelensky, all this will be at 21:15 at 20:00 we will have three
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guests: political scientist volodymyr tsibulko, diplomat oleksandr... and an officer of the armed forces of ukraine major ihor lapin. let's talk about the first 18 f-16s for ukraine, which the netherlands provides to the armed forces of ukraine. and about opinion poll regarding the formation of the government of national unity, because after zelensky's press conference, where he said that five or six people are the people who... currently run the country, help him run the country, the question arose as to whether shouldn't we form a government of national unity, which the representatives of the opposition have been talking about for a long time, and here is a fresh sociology from the commission, where among those whom ukrainians would like to see at the head of the ukrainian
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government, the government of national unity, they name petro poroshenko, to what extent.. .is it possible or it is possible, and in what way , we will talk about all this with our guests, we will also mention foreign policy issues, in particular, regarding trump and his path to the future election, because in the united states of america , courts have begun to prohibit him from running for office in certain states, what it means, what consequences it will have in the presidential campaign. donald trump, we talk about it all in literally 12 minutes. wait for our broadcast, friends, the big broadcast of winter, the big evening of winter continues, vasyl, you have a word. thank you sergey, we are waiting for you 20-0, meet serhii rudenko, but for now i have a plot for your attention, a decorated house, delicious meals and the whole family at the table. this is one
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of the best christmas traditions that can cost a holiday this year. my colleagues from the white church counted the table. christmas is one of the most important holidays for ukrainians. believers traditionally go to church, the whole family gathers at the table on the eve of christmas eve. housewives usually prepare 12 fasting dishes, and you can enjoy a piece of meat already in the morning. this year, many compatriots plan to celebrate christmas on the 25th december according to the new julian calendar. so little by little. they buy products, but those who are used to january 7 also remain, it ’s for christmas, i’m for christmas, and you buy prunes for bigus, yes, yeah, and for kuti, and raisins are bought for kuti, i’ll add more for you, and you will celebrate the 25th or the seventh, the 25th, you will celebrate the 25th of what, the seventh, i
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will be the seventh, at the head of the table, of course kutya, if her. made of wheat, with nuts, poppy seeds and honey, it will cost almost uah 160 for a large plate for the whole family, according to the sellers, prices have risen this year except for raisins, there are very few of them in ukraine now, i called the company yesterday, they don’t let trucks through, and they bring in little, the price has increased, well, i’m trading at the old price, because i still have old goods, i can still sell like this, we’ll see later , there will be a new factory, there will be a second price, there is a demand for dried fruits. unlike foreigners in the corner - emphasizes serhiy, but assumes that the main flow of people will be the day before the holiday. in general, zero, even none, girls, it happens that he will pay for the rent, such is the work now that it is better not to stand at all. and is it a holiday at all, here is mak, do they buy cereals to make? i used to sell mac in bags, now
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it's a bag, i don't know if i'll sell it or not , and the pricing policy hasn't changed there. traditionally, pickles and sauerkraut should be on the table, barrel cucumbers now cost uah 60, grandmother's delicious cabbage is mostly sold for uah 30 per half-liter jar. among the mandatory dishes are lean borscht with beans, cabbage rolls and vinaigrette. prices for products have changed slightly: a kilogram of beets costs uah 9. a head of white cabbage from uah 20, potatoes from 27 hryvnias per kilogram, price tags for carrots and onions are from 10 to 15 hryvnias, greens, parsley or chives - 20 hryvnias per bunch, but meat for the christmas and new year holidays is not cheap, if you had the money , then they took everything, but there is no such thing as how much it costs, for example lard, 140, 180, 120, 80 hryvnias,
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170 ribs, 160 shoulder blades, stubble, drumsticks 200 hryvnias, housewives prepare dumplings with various fillings, flour will be needed for the dough, a kilogram of which on average... costs uah 20, eggs - uah 60 per dozen. among the drinks the main thing is uzvar. there should also be fish dishes in the festive style. there is a lot of scaly fish on the market, there are flounder for uah 50, and carp for uah 100, and for carp they ask for uah 130 per kilogram. in addition, for dinner, you can bake apples, donuts, make pancakes, potatoes or buckwheat or pea porridge. according to the economist lidia. koroshkova in ukraine will indeed see a slight increase in the price of products by 8-12%, but such a trend is followed every year before the holidays. we should, with you,
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think that it is a balanced approach to 8-12%, with on the one hand, it is unpleasant, on the other hand, it shows that we are preparing for the holidays, so this is a normal process, and the war does not prevent us from preparing for the holidays, and the increase in prices is, unfortunately, a trend that... is observed, but it fits into those inflationary expectations that were formed at the beginning of the movement. in general, the christmas table in 2023 will cost ukrainians uah 970, the institute of agrarian economics calculated. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. when gathering for the christmas table, do not forget that not all tables will have... all family members, some are no longer there, some died at the front, some are now at the front, some were killed by the invaders, some left, fleeing from the war, so find out at the armed forces, and always help those people if you can , who will not have the whole
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family at the table in this second war year, well, what will the weather be like in ukraine tomorrow, christmas eve, and for christmas, today is friday, and for christmas, natalka dyadenko will tell us, let's listen and watch. synoptical hello to all, dear ones ukrainians, we waited for december 22 , the sun will gradually return to spring, to summer , in fact to winter weather, which , to be honest, is not very visible, well, we will talk about this later, what the weather will be like, and now, of course, the day before holiday evening, christmas, i want to talk with you about kotya, about its features, well, i... for example, i cook traditionally the way my grandmother, mother used to cook, in the evening i always just pour wheat with water, and it is actually ready in the morning,
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only i cook a little of it there, and then everything follows our classic, ancient scheme, poppy seeds, and so on of course, nuts, raisins, and i don't use any modern additives, but it already has a certain taste, so i took a look, i wonder how they cook it, for example, in other regions of ukraine. and found that, for example, in the luhansk region, koty is made with rice, well, also, of course, that there is honey, raisins, nuts, but with rice, i remember very well, they used to make it from pearl barley, you can see, when there was wheat it's hard to find, in odesa they add halva to make it sweeter, and i also found such an interesting recipe, it's kutya, which is made in lemkivshchyna, and it, well, they prepare it as usual, but they add such bobalki, they are baked the day before... two are kneaded with yeast and sugar and they make bobalki like this, well, this is such a different, very kutya, the main thing is that it is tasty, the main thing
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is that we have always had the opportunity, many of us, unfortunately, do not have such an opportunity, to have dinner on christmas eve with our family, with those closest to us and always with a friend, eh, let's go further and talk about our traditional column, about magnetic storms, magnetic storms, strong , which are not expected to be serious, will of course be small fluctuations, but everything is more or less calm here , so we move on to the weather for the next day, and we start it traditionally from the western regions, i want to say that now in ukraine a slight, but still a little cooling is expected, for example, in the west tomorrow from two frosts to warm, it will be during the day, and wet snow in places, in the north of ukraine it will also be cold. minus -1 +2°, cloudy, humid weather. rain will prevail in the east, because it will be warmer there, +2 +7° during the day, so the precipitation is mainly in the form of rain.
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this is also the case in the central part of ukraine a slight cooling will affect the regions from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region from one frost to 3° heat. in the southern part of ukraine, it will traditionally be warmer +2-+7° with rain in places. well, in kyiv , the weather is expected to be cloudy, humid, the air temperature is not high, +1 -3° and i want to say, since we are meeting today, i will certainly tell you about the weather on christmas eve and christmas. and it will still be cold at night on the 24th and 25th, but on the afternoon of december 25, for christmas , such a noticeable warming is expected in most regions of ukraine, of course i want such a small surprise to make and congratulate everyone on the coming holidays, and tatyanka and tarasyk, so they congratulate you all with delicious kuti, all kindness, warmth, and
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most importantly, of course, peace. and victories, it is difficult to keep them, again and again everyone with the upcoming holidays. tatyanka and tarasyk are, of course, beauties, as is mrs. natalka didenko. thanks to her, and thanks for the congratulations, of course, for you, first of all. well, the information is again disappointing from dnipropetrovsk region in nikopol, due to enemy strikes, destruction in the city again. survived the heavy artillery and sent a kamikaze drone there, damaged the health facility and a food stall, seven houses and five farm buildings were destroyed , a power line, a gas line, a minibus was involved, rescuers extinguished the fire, the chervonogrigorivska community was also under artillery fire, the same as marganetska, and in addition to this, the aggressor also attacked the uav. fortunately, there were no deaths or injuries everywhere. i just want to add, take care on these holidays, the enemy will definitely attack.
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and it is not known where he will attack, but it is a holy evening, christmas for a child, so it is always a reason to attack the souls of christians, christians, ukrainian souls. i am the end, you know, today maryana bezugla, well, in a more adequate manner, but she made public a possible version of the draft law on mobilization, which is being prepared in the verkhovna rada of ukraine now, there are many points, i will not, well, regarding the reduction age of mobilization up to 25, for women it is not clear yet, there are certain removals... from the lines of restrictions on disability, there is the police, the state tax service, well, there it is all justified now, but here is this idea that has now caused a whole wave of discussions about the return of ukrainian men from abroad who are fit for service, conscripts, who left somewhere by breaking the law or running away, and yes, there are countries that do not want to return ukrainian men, let's say the baltic countries, to
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germany. first , there was a statement from the minister of justice, who said, no, in our constitution it is written that a person cannot be forced to serve in the army, so we will not force ukrainians to do so, but the representative of the opposition of the christian democratic party , bundestag deputy horodarriter, says this cool idea, especially since many people in germany are already saying, why are soldiers dying there, why are people there bearing the burdens of war, and they are sitting here, and he thinks that it would be good to deprive them of support, help , shelter, and we need to think about it, so no... everything is so clear, this situation is justified by the ukrainian government, in any case , we cannot put an end to it yet, we will monitor the situation. i thank you for being with us, i wish you, i congratulate you on the holidays in the evening, although i will meet you tomorrow here in this studio i will be with my a colleague, so we will talk later, but have a good evening, take care and continue serhiy rudenko, the verdict program, let's watch together.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. all the power ended up in the same hands, why not. can ukraine be ruled by a few people and is our state threatened by authoritarianism? mobilization in a new way which of the men can to be returned to the military register and drafted in ukraine. reassignment of putin. how russia is preparing for...


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