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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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at night, because it is clear that hungary, despite what they say, well, what about ukraine, that it is going to the european union with its problems, but hungary poses more problems for the european union, because it is a small country, in it does not have developed agriculture, as in ukraine, and it is in principle, well, not even commensurate territories, disproportionate sizes and disproportionate economies, and... it is clear that without the money that the european union is currently promising and is going to provide to ukraine, hungary principles well, maybe she lived in a completely different way, and we are talking about the fact that hungary takes from the same basket from which they also give to ukraine, right, well, in principle, yes, of course, that he moved alone, and he can be cut into different pieces, and of course that in the future we will have certain frictions with poland and with other countries in which ... a large agricultural sector and
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it is clear to the mind that ukraine is a powerful competitor of such countries in this sense, but orban is primarily a problem for the european union from another point of view, with value, because he is trying to cover himself with some conservative ideas, he is actually destroying the consensus that ensured the creation of the european union and its existence, and he is... a star for certain authoritarian leaders in the european union as well, and he is also a great friend of the extreme right in the united states , and that's why, in the ideological plan , it causes much more damage than such small or large misdemeanors to ukraine. mr. alexander, let's return to the united states of america, because we can see how it is already unfolding there election campaign, it is clear that from whoever will win.
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a lot depends on the next election, including regarding aid to ukraine and the position of the united states of america regarding the russian-ukrainian war. the supreme court of the state of colorado disqualified donald trump as a candidate for the presidency of the united states of america and prohibited him from participating in the state primaries. well, the actual decision concerns the prairies, which will take place in colorado on march 5, but it may already affect trump's status. in the state in the general election on november 5, that's what it is means the court decision, how it can affect the overall result of the presidential election in the united states of america, or the fact that the state of colorado may ban trump and other states from running for office or participating in the primaries, what does this mean, that is, it means that if trump wins the elections, then... either he will not be allowed to participate in the elections, or
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if he wins, his victory will not be so convincing and will not be legitimate. well, first of all, it should be said that more than 90 charges have been brought against trump in several cases, and there are both criminal and, therefore, civil ones, including those related to his business, and in principle, we will still hear the decisions of the judges, who can do much more to him. prevent them from continuing this pre-election campaign and participating in these elections. if we are talking about the supreme court of colorado, then the nuance of this decision is that, first, it is not yet effective, because it actually provides that the supreme court of the united states can cancel this decision. the second, you rightly said, it touches exclusively primaries, that is, it is within the framework of the internal elections. of the republican party when
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they nominate someone from their party , but there is no such prohibition in the general election, that is, even if, for example, conventionally speaking, this decision is not protested, it means that trump will lose only 10 electors, in the united states, in they don't have a direct election system, citizens are registered there, they choose voters, who then vote for some candidate, so yes, of course now it's unpleasant, a little unpleasant for trump. also want to remind that about 20 similar cases are still in other states, that is, they can also make a similar decision, and let's say, the republicans of colorado, they say, we can change the form of decision-making from primaries to caucus, that is, when they gather, well, you can say yes, the party asset can nominate trump as a candidate, this is one of the options, the next option. this is
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a decision of the supreme court of the united states and they also have two options, actually. the first option, they can decide on another case, in fact special the prosecutor, who therefore went to the supreme court to clarify whether trump's activities were covered by this immunity when he was president, if the supreme court decides that yes, he had immunity, then all these cases in 20 states, they fall apart , that is, they are simply, well , they will be worthless if the court decides that the supreme court, colorado, has exceeded its authority, that's another story, but... so there are political ones, here i think the most important point is, these are not legal aspects, but political ones , first, four of the justices of the colorado supreme court voted, three were against, all of them appointed by various
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democratic governors, on the supreme court, there are nine justices, three democrats, six republicans, and three were appointed by trump himself, and they will now ... to make such a decision, which is not only important for trump in a specific case, but they will create that precedent, which will then affect the entire political system, in the united states, the judicial system, it has such, let's say, conditionally and legislative function, that is, what they adopt, it will then be part of the legislation, and therefore it will be very important for them to make a balanced decision, and how they will interpret this 14th amendment to the third article. or rather the section which says that those who have taken the oath, if they have been engaged in mutiny or insurrection or such like acts, that they can no longer be bogged down. no president in the history of the united states has not had this amendment applied, and
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so they will be very careful about it , and most likely, and most easily they will interpret the question of immunity, nor answer their own question. the court in colorado did the right thing, let's see, there are different options still political, but we also have to take into account the heat of passion in the united states, it is a society that is extremely divided, and we also have to take into account the great unpopularity of joseph biden, he is now here i literally before the broadcast, i watched gallop, only 39% approved of joseph biden's performance, which is the lowest yet. disappeared since 79, that is, there is a problem with this, and trump's popularity is growing, he is now leading among the republican nominees, 62%, followed by desantis 11.9 and nickily 10.8, although the good news for us is that in
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new hampshire, that gap between nikki haley and donald trump, it's actually 2 %, 33 in trump, 29 in nikila, actually. therefore, it is too early to say whether this will affect the fact that this person can become president, because the dynamics and, let's say, the competition within the republican party, it is quite interesting, there are certain positive changes in the rating of joseph biden after he , well, not that he moved, but radically decreased, after he quite ambiguously, or rather, unambiguously, excuse me, supported... israel in the conflict that is breaking out there now, that is, it is too early to say, but in principle the trends are quite worrying for us, because trump is popular, and these scandals do not affect him, mr. oleksandr, like what is happening now with
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trump's rating and in general with biden, how do you think biden can use ukraine in this situation? and aid to ukraine and the fight against russia is more active. maybe biden just needs a victory over russia in, let's say, in the russo-ukrainian war in order to gain more american favor, that is, to increase aid to ukraine and, as he said, to strategically defeat russia, could this be one of the ... elements of biden's election campaign or, because, in the end, he has no other way out in this situation, well, traditionally, in elections, more attention is paid to economic and other factors, and taking into account these cultural warriors and what has been urgent in the last few
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years, this is the issue of abortion, this is the issue of the border and so on, that is, this will play the most important role, and actually the connection of the border of ukraine, taiwan and... israel and the possibility of finding a compromise in the form of a joint, let's say, bill, there is such an idea that joseph biden himself could. to write an executive decree and by his own decision, well, in fact , to strengthen the southern border and somewhat change the policy that causes, well, let's say , disapproval among a large number of republicans, but also in principle among centrists, so it seems to me that the search for a compromise on the border and ukraine is important thing, i don't remember the exact numbers, but 2/3 of americans support giving. aid, there are about 30%, that is at the same level, a little less, that it is possible to increase
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the aid, and about a third, who fundamentally believe that there is no need to help ukraine, that is, in principle, more or less the picture for us positive, but trump and some of his entourage, they remove this topic, they talk about the fact that this money should not be spent on ukraine, because we have our own war on the southern border, that we need to strengthen taiwan. and in confrontation with china, and actually, the united states should stop this practice, participate in endless wars and the ukrainian, let's say, ukrainian war with the russian federation, they count here, although in fact not a single american soldier died in our war, because it is clear that they do not participate here , but demagogues use this topic in order to be supported by, let's say, the majority of the electorate, and unfortunately, here... as a part of the republican electorate, it is led to such blatant lies and manipulation, even though there are numbers
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that clearly show that the american defense industry itself gets most of the money, and that means jobs, and that means the newest, newest weapons for the united states, but you know, yeah, demagoguery sometimes wins, thank you, mr. alexander, it was alexander hara, a diplomat, with the coming holidays to you, mr. alexander. let me remind you that during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, friends, we are asking you about whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, we are asking you about it on youtube, we are asking you this on teleleifir, if you watch us on youtube, please vote yes, no, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you support the idea of ​​creating a government of national unity in ukraine ( 0800-211-381), no, 0800-2 11382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up
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the results of this vote. next, we have a special agent, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, ihor lapin. major, i salute you and thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. first of all, mr. major, i would like to hear from you your impression of the results of the year from the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, whether the president was polite at the annual press conference, and what was the aftertaste left by you after zelenskyi's public appearance in front of journalists ? well, let's be honest, if you analyze it completely, of course, the format of the program should be longer, but if you talk about the main things that i expected to hear from the president, well, at least i have been waiting for the second year that he will at least once come out and say: it's all right, people, i'm sorry, i still didn't think that putin would get away, i was sure that there was enough
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common sense in russia , that's why we continued to think about 7 billion instead of expanding the armed forces of ukraine, we continued to roll asphalt instead of concreting the eastern borders and northern borders, and so on from the enemy, that is, even talking to you about these stupid kebabs, i actually understand that i ran into danger very many people who died together with their children in... shot cars, in traffic jams on the zhytomyr highway, or somewhere in buch, or in virpin, or near gostomil airport and so on. that is, forgive me, dear ukrainians, i understand that this is my cross, and i will carry it until the very end of my life. that would be the introduction. and further, further, i would expect to hear from the president at least something about our victory, how he sees the end of the war and the victory itself. yes, because we have all heard the peace formula. the peace formula has nothing in common, nothing in common with reality. these, you know, are
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zelensky's dreams, well, for good reason, his magazine called the politician the main dreamer, yes, that is, he is in the first place in the ratings there. here, but there is no peace in this formula, from the 10 points they presented, with which they carried around like a fool with a sack, from those ten points there is not a single realistic scenario regarding ukraine's accession to nato, because precisely the absence of a threat from russia , this is... our victory, because everything else is not a victory, it's blah blah blah, because having reached no, not like that, having reached the borders of 1991 on the shoulders of those who... they were mistaken for a military base in february and so on, well, we will not reach there, but even if we do reach those borders, then what is next? will the russians fly into space? no. will the russians stop bombing us? no. the russians will change their mind about exterminating ukrainians as a nation. no. they will abandon their plans to take over the
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territories that they simply included in their constitution. zaporizhzhia, kherson region, the region within their administrative borders, this is necessary give zaporizhzhia, including donetsk, luhansk region, no, they will not refuse it, then the question is open to mr. zelen, what is the formula for our victory, because there is no formula for peace, it's all ballotology, blah blah blah, but victory what then, how are you going to protect the state of ukraine from russian attacks without joining nato. it would be logical to say, of course. that in order for us to join nato, by the time our soldiers reach the border, ukraine must make 10, 50, 100 reforms that provide for the country's accession to nato, so that western partners did not poke their noses at us afterwards , saying that the justice here is not like that and the anti-corruption fight has failed, so i am giving the task to the parliamentarians: law number 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 50, everything, to adopt these laws
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while the soldiers are fighting, you are obliged, within the framework of joining nato, to make these, these would be plans. what people will consider as a victory plan, a security plan after leaving the border in 1991, and so what? further, what proposals did, for example, president zelenskyy make to western partners, please tell me whether the military actions on the territory of ukraine have collapsed the economy, a lot of refugees, a third of the population no longer lives in ukraine, please, is this not a reason for president zelensky, who, as some bad journalists said, well, you are dragging this international, please tell me. is n't this a reason to turn to our western creditors so that, at least, debts are written off in ukraine? listen, when the americans give us grants, that is, they give us money, well, irrevocable aid, european partners give us the lion 's share of loans with interest. the loan is the state debt of ukraine today already in fact, if i'm not mistaken, 100% of our
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gdp, how are we going to give it, the war is not even yet, well, not even yet... but at the end, that's where the work of the president is, it is also connected with our victory, further 300 thousands of frozen assets, the americans are now starting to negotiate with western partners, with all partners, so that after all those frozen russian assets are transferred to ukraine for weapons, for what we need. please tell me how many negotiations president zelenskyi conducted within this framework, so that the assets were still frozen given to us, because as far as i know, the european community... in general , i don’t even know now whether ukraine should pay interest on those frozen assets, not to mention the assets themselves, and they don’t even have a mechanism, so what are you doing, mr. president, being responsible for foreign policy and national security in the context of those sentences that i just uttered, well, you understand, and this is the aftertaste, this is what it is called, we listened to the main dreamer of the country about
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how he, like these teachers with a salary of 4 to be i did not hear the name of the person who arrested our security forces of the dbr, yes, because it is frank, it is treason, because not to hand over the boys today to the defenders, with a shortage of shells, not to hand over fpv drones to them, that’s not what it is... for treason, well, that ’s it in general it doesn’t get to his head, he is like that, you know, a newsmaker, he came out and told the news, we have 26,000 drones in our warehouses, where is the army of drones, we have volunteers who pull this strap, well, so far today, well, at least zelenskyi had would understand that if he has an elected position, and we are not drowning on the topic
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elections, because we understand the war, martial law, what are the elections without the military and so on. why legitimize this trash for another 5 years while the boys and girls are in the trenches, well , it's a sin against them, and it's a betrayal of those who are now in the trenches, but none the less, none the less , if we can't remove the elected positions, well at least zelenskyi can remove corrupt officials and those with whom even the west, as they say, does not shake hands in the cultural environment, what is the noise there, how is it that millions sent for unsupplied electricity from... the occupied territories, listen, there are advisors-advisors, yermak's office rules the country today, yermak's office in the context of your survey, and they will not share any power, well, mr. ma'. said that there were five or six people there from his entourage, these are the people on the shoulders of whom everything is held, well, yes, of course, tatarov, shurma, yermak, who else is there, well
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, you can still have a couple of people there, he called there is probably a gall bladder, and a podolak for sure, yes, we are responsible for the media, for media mistakes, yes, together with their television series for which enormous funds are allocated, well, of course, it is exactly them, it is on the way, but i emphasize once again, zelensky removed himself. from the performance of his presidential duties in the context of leading the domestic policy of the state. personnel policy is a yermak. i emphasize once again: yermak, a person in the president's office, when he went to the journalists, he said that, in response to some question, i instructed the prime minister to figure it out. who are you? you are a yermak who gives instructions to the prime minister in a parliamentary-presidential republic, who are you by position, what can you give instructions? it is a great pity, this is a fact, and this fact, i do not know how it can be refuted, well , it is not yermak who rules in us, you try it, the law on the status of a people's deputy provides for
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the restriction of the right of movement of a people's deputy, it does not provide, but the resolution of the government of the executive power can forbid the representatives of the legislature who elected this government to move because they have taken over all foreign policy, and to date, if anything has worked, it's them and if it didn't work out, then they are quietly silent and the only marathon does not tell about it, that everything is fine with us in america today? we are fine today with shells, what did ramstein decide, what went into the 12th package of sanctions and why does russia continue to earn from hydrocarbons, and what did you do, mr. president, to find a way out, at least to india, through which in fact all russian oil is resold and huge profits are made, what did you do today, being responsible for foreign policy, so i i'm looking at it, it's the president, no, he's not a jerk
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or a rag, i've heard that before, i heard about a jerk three years ago, and i heard about a rag today, although on the other hand, the position on poland should be praised, that's right, we don't, in we have signed documents, let the european community be responsible for its signatures, and how it answered, three deceased at customs, three of ours... these, the driver has already died, 1.5 million losses to the state of ukraine, not counting 1.5 billion, i'm sorry, this is what the experts have already calculated, but the triple has not yet been taken into account here, lost profit, why, because western partners refuse contracts with our business, because we are an inappropriate supplier, what else can we talk about, period, well, he is today, today the country's economy is cracking, he is talking about the polish situation. we have to wait a little, it will warm up there, i remember zelensky's quote, we have to read a little , it will warm up there, he said a month ago, it has warmed up
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, mr. igor, mr. igor, i wanted to ask you something else, jen stoltenberg says that russia is already will not achieve the objectives of its invasion of ukraine, nato secretary general noted that putin has lost ukraine forever, even despite great military efforts, russia will not be able to achieve its goals. in ukraine, and after two years of war, ukraine is closer to nato and the eu than ever. well, he urged allies to explore the possibility of providing ukraine with more defense equipment by amending existing agreements with third countries. is it possible, can you unequivocally say that russia will no longer achieve the goals of its invasion of ukraine, or are they still pearls, rods and will they be sent to ukraine for years or decades? they. are going to increase the production of shahedis to 600 pieces per year, they have increased the production of rockets there, i don’t even know how much, 6 million, probably not 600 per year
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, no shahedis shahedis shahedis from north korea, where, by the way, newsmakers of western partners also informed us that korea delivered a thousand containers, that's about a million, and the whole... western world supplied us with 480 00 shells, they managed to do it all for all the western partners, here north korea alone gave a million, you understand, and now to say that they will not reach it all, it is called, what does it mean, you know how this signal will be seen by the western partners in the states, they say, well, you see, trump was right , everything is fine with them there, trump junior recently appeared on the air and said that the war in ukraine is all bullshit, here in israel, there is a war, everything is already in ukraine, here's more , thank you sir. now the american taxpayers they can sleep peacefully, the war in ukraine is already over, because they will not reach the russians, we have a minus 10 million population in
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the state, that is... they will not reach or will not reach, and if another 3-4 years pass, what do you think that those children and their mothers will return to ukraine, rebuild the ruined state in four or five years, they will finish school, they will enter universities there, they will not return here, this is a lost generation, therefore , besides the fact that we have many refugees today, we we still have a lost generation that simply will not return here, and that's it means that russia will not achieve, and maybe this is the meaning of russia, to make ukraine, a collapsed economy, with a population three times smaller than it was before the war, so maybe this is the meaning of the russian, so-called svo, in addition to territorial claims to of ukraine, that they came up with something there, you understand, that's why i think such statements should be deciphered very carefully so that they don't harm ukraine, because that way you can understand that it's enough to help ukraine, russia has already lost everything, everything is the end of the war, phew, thank god, well, it's like that somewhere
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it looks like, i don't... you know, such hints of the journalistic community, which interprets certain phrases in their own way. we see a lot of western media today, well , they actually use the money of the russians, saying various nonsense about our war, and this must also be recognized, so it is very unfortunate that yen stoltenberg sent such a signal that russia has already allegedly lost, well, it is not him i didn't specifically say that, but you can also read it between the lines, especially if you don't really want to give weapons to the ukrainians, well , you're right that it's possible that one of the tasks russia is to turn ukraine into a country in which it is impossible to live, well, that is , part of the economy is destroyed, part of it is now the east, the south is destroyed, there are almost zero cities and villages, and therefore it is clear that this is a big gray area, which they are turning into east and south so that no one
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lived there at all and they... just , well, in general, there was nothing at all for months, anyway, let's be very brief for the 24th year, what is your forecast in two minutes? i do not predict that it will be difficult, well, everyone says that it will be difficult, if we don't improve the situation with mobilization, it will be a complete mess, the boys on the front line with the girls are running out, and the replenishment is not yet visible, if our western partners do not break up with... these shells, well, we will leave one or the other in the 24th year positions , aligning the front in order to narrow the front line so that it can be held, well , that is, like there maryinka, well, it’s clear, avdiivka, i think that there is little left, if there are no shells, we may not be able to hold it and there will be an end to that, just as it was with all the cities where the russians took in semi-encirclement like bakhmut there or popasnam in my time or any other city.
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therefore, the forecast, i do not have a comforting forecast in the context of some kind of curtsy, if there are no drones, we will be partisans, well, that's the whole story, the elections, the elections in america will change a lot of the situation in the world, and in general the 24-25th years, if i'm not mistaken, there are elections in 70 countries, it will be more and more difficult in our country , populists are growing, look at trump's speech, trump's one and a half hour speech at the stadium, well... he, in fact, half of zelensky's quotes: biden is driving you, biden, we have to finish our program, sorry, time is running out, it was major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin, during our program we conducted a survey and we ask you, we continue to ask you, whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, now we will look at the interim results of the survey, 89 % yes, 11% no, these are the results of the telephone.
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in 15 minutes we will have a journalism club, we will have olga, len, nataliya ishchenko and marina danylyuk yarmalayeva, don't switch, let's meet and talk about everything. in ukraine on december 25 for the first time together with europeans and separately from moscow. how ukrainians will celebrate christmas this year. i'm jafera merov, this is bbc new ukraine broadcast. for and against, more than a million ukrainians officially supported the transition to new dates for the christmas holidays. however, there are those who will continue to celebrate christmas in january. who, when and how will celebrate christmas during the war.


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