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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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did he join the army? no, he went to demand another 400,000 hryvnias from the state in order to be financed even after he failed all his work in the sbu. where did kyril tymoshenko go, who was sitting in the president's office, he also joined the army. we don't know where he went. he disappeared somewhere together, apparently with those cars that were allocated humanitarian for transportation at the front, but somewhere he disappeared together with them. well, that is, his... the environment does not show civil behavior, it is also a problem actually for the country, because it is reduces mobilization, it really reduces mobilization, when people see this example, they have the impression that somehow some people are fighting, but they are using the fruits of this, some others, unfortunately, the president is not interested in showing an example of civil behavior, so that his surroundings would show him, and to show... that really everyone is equal before
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the danger that has arisen and everyone should equally bear, well, the burden of war in general. thank you, olya, marino, you very scrupulously dissected the molecules, well, actually, which we all dissected the press conference, zelensky's final press conference, what is the main conclusion, in what state. in the psychological one there is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine and the president of ukraine, because sometimes it seemed that he was living somewhere in his thoughts or in his actions, within the limits of some conditional political bunker, and here he came out after the political bunker, and he is trying to articulate something, to say something, and it is sometimes simply incomprehensible to those who are outside this bunker, who is... in real life, who
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is at the front, who is at the stage of mobilization or at the stage of the next draft to the army, what are your impressions of what you saw and heard in the context of what happened over the last year in ukraine? i would not compare this exit from the bunker, it was more like coming to the palace of ukraine, and understanding that you will not be applauded, you will not be... you have flowers, to tell how great people had a good time with the evening quarter, this there was a serious conversation about painful things, because we all are understood, yes, that no promises to end the war by the end of 2023, to go to a concert of a well-known group in yalta, to celebrate the liberation of ukraine there will no longer work, and it is time to tell people the truth, a very sad truth, but engage in military planning. and you probably
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noticed that during those few hours there , zelensky never joked, laughed, or tried to flirt with foreign journalists. there was nothing that was inherent in previous press conferences. for example, if we recall his previous press conference for zmi, which was in february 2023, then he still tried to hee-hee-ha-ha with foreign journalists, there were, however, inconvenient... channels, so he was asked an uncomfortable question there, where is bakanov, but not it felt less that president zelenskyy is very hard to accept this reality of wartime, and he is confused, what should he do next, and in this confusion he is trying to shift the responsibility for the most difficult decisions onto other people's shoulders, firstly, everyone probably remembered this... figure of 500,000 people
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mobilized, which should be mobilized, about which the instructions told him. as informed people who deal with strategic communications in the general staff explained to me, there are figures that should not be announced without prior explanation, that is, the supreme commander, instead of going to the people and explaining in advance that yes and yes , ukrainian citizens, we have to prepare a reserve, we have to be ready, we have thousands of people who are already physically and morally unable to stand up at the front, there must be ukrainians who are ready to replace them, we we promise preparation, we promise you this and that , please fulfill your civic duty, as a result, zelensky came out, scared people, and the morning after this press conference , i met random people on my street who said: you heard what zelenskyi said, that 500,000 people will... be searched in the streets and sent
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to the trenches near avdiivka. in other words , the commander-in-chief actually did not fulfill his main duty and did not inform the ukrainian citizens what this meant. further i was very indignant at this phrase when he said that for one civilian we have six people in civilian life, that is, it was such a targeting of the soldier, and in fact it came down to the fact that how difficult it is to keep this soldier, six people have to care for him, well, let's be honest, we saw a blatant story of absolutely such incomprehensible losses during the war, and when on... for example, today mr. poturaev came out there and said: you know, we really need a single telethon before the end of the war, i already counted , by the way, how much ukrainian funds we spent on this single telethon, almost 4 billion hryvnias, i will explain what this amount is, at first the channels
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were given compensation, it was somewhere around 400 million hryvnias, then there was the budget for 2023, almost 2 billion. and this year the verkhovna rada allocated 1.7 billion, i.e., if you count, we spent almost 4 billion uah on these pointless news that are broadcast by oligarchic channels, and then there was the story of the financing of the program of the president’s godmother lenochka kravets, and literally days our colleagues from rfe/rl found a russian one the passport of zelenskyi's former long-time business partner. naum baruli, and this naum baruli, by the way, being a russian citizen and a taxpayer in the russian federation, does not hesitate to take, for example, 32 million of our taxes for his anthem series called a volunteer, that is, a russian citizen is hunting someone on this topic, so
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sorry, i, for example, as a tax payer , would gladly pay taxes to our ukrainian people to the military, and not to all these people living in the state budget. eh, but there was a buzz a very interesting phrase in the president's rhetoric, he , you know, probably for the first time in his head came to the idea that there would be no barbecues, and this phrase, i'm afraid to make a mistake, but it sounded like we cannot, therefore, lose in this war, because we can't , it's obvious that the convolutions of his brain have started to spill out there, but it's a pity that it's so late, and unfortunately, against the background of this... his personal understanding, he has not yet understood that in order to to win the war, you have to work as a team, you have to not rush the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, and to work in it as a couple, and not to devalue that commander-in-chief, foreign journalists, against the background of a pile
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of materials about the conflicts of the political and military leadership and call him valera, and he and maryana correspond there, and i do not know what they are talking about correspond, and maryana writes something there. well, that is, it looked as unprofessional and disrespectful as possible. thank you marino. natalya, is what zelensky said and this communication with society, which should be during the war, enough, because it is clear that when the president speaks about the fact that part of the country does not feel or lives its own life, and it is still necessary to think about the war, about the front, somehow differently. to shape one's life and live it in a different way, is the powerful current team convincing enough to show by its example that, yes, when there is a war, it means that there is a need to reduce the state apparatus, or spending on the state apparatus, or
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is there a need for some redirection of financial flows, regarding funding, more funding for the armed forces of ukraine, that there is no need to shoot tv series or film there. needed, but not needed for this kind of money, that is, was he convincing and is he convincing when he talks about the fact that everyone will have to change their lives because of the war, and in the end everyone must understand that everyone has to fight, everyone must be registered in the military register, and everyone must care about the future of ukraine. you know, i would separate these two perceptions in general. what the authorities are doing in relation to communication with society, and specifically the case, a separate case, this is the press conference of the president, in general the authorities have many problems with communication, and, unfortunately, unfortunately, the authorities
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will not understand that a single marathon primarily harms the authorities, precisely, there is no plus, there are only minuses, well, i... still, it will not be too late for it to be clear to everyone who makes a decision on the continuation of this information. well, i don't want to use any swear words here. now regarding the case of the president's press conference. well, the press conference of any person, especially the first person during the war, had to fulfill one main task. she was supposed to inspire people to continue fighting. not this one happened from the word at all. unfortunately, for... or because he did not understand what should be done, or because he was
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simply tired, he did not have the strength for this inspiration, but in the dry residue of this inspiration he did not convey , neither with words, nor with any examples, nor with any images or his stories, he could not in any way convey this inspiration and call... people to resistance, yes, this did not happen, moreover, when he had to say something about the future, closest, and when he wanted to even communicate in this need for further struggle, he spoke in words, but it all sounded very uncertain, and this story with the fact that he dumped figures of 500... thousand on the heads of people's father, it was simply obvious that he did not want to talk about it, it was difficult for him, and he
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i couldn't say it in such a way that it wouldn't scare people, but somehow just make them think about what is at stake in general, well, the fate of the state, but this motivating component was not in zelensky's speech at all, but... yes, i agree, which is probably for him, but it was shocking for him to understand that there will be no more kebabs for a long time, and he didn't get out of this state, you know, this shocked state, it seems, before this press conference, and instead of giving people some hope, he , on the contrary, plunged the spectators of this marathon, someone... into depression, i just scared someone , well, you can’t do that, i don’t understand
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what kind of unprofessional preparation for this event was, and from the point of view of, i don’t know, the press secretaries, the press service, i don’t say that there should have been some the special psychological preparation of zelensky himself, if he was really physically tired, no it is possible to conduct such an event, it is difficult, and here... he, unfortunately, did not demonstrate the leadership that he simply had to demonstrate, this i consider to be the main problem that this event left. thank you natalya, ulya, did you see that the president was not quite ready to answer these questions, because i agree with natalya that it was the impression that they at least... make such an impromptu competition of captains, the captain
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came out and started something speak, although any impromptu must be prepared, must be prepared answers to questions, even if they were elementary, the impression was that he simply either did not have these answers or did not understand what to say, but people listened to him and people wanted to hear something, well, at the end of the 23rd year, for sure, well i absolutely agree with natalia that... when such a press conference is held, and as a result you demoralize the population, it was better not to hold it at all, that is, it is a completely unsuccessful story, but i do not agree that they did not prepare, i think they were preparing, just what they set out to prepare, this is the question, it seemed to me that the main purpose of the entire conference was to show how tired the president was, that he just demanded... he sat and demanded sympathy from all of us in various forms, that is
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, sympathize, how difficult it is for me, see , how everyone doesn't behave like that, and i have to do everything, that is, everything was aimed at this, and he wanted to hurt those people whom he considers political opponents or competitors, and this was also the purpose of the press conference, and that that this is... the most harmful goal for the country, this is another, this questions about the immorality of his environment, that is, people gathered there who simply do not understand what is the purpose of the political leader of the nation. they are petty in themselves and they just can't offer anything else to their boss, unfortunately, that's the story, and that's exactly what they were trying to achieve, you know, i was convinced by such a certain personal communication on facebook with people who work in the administration the president, who simply insisted on the fact that, look, air defense
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is standing over kyiv, you can't even thank me for that, and you know, i was simply put off by it. ago that the political leaders of the country should be thanked for the fact that the country was not ready for war on february 24, 2022, and they should not think about how someone should thank them or sympathize with them, they should think all this time how to atone for the guilt before by all the people who carry, well, really thousands. losses are daily, daily people are dying, and they think that they should be sympathized with, well this, this, you know, this is such a complete lack of understanding of what is happening that they should sympathize with them and thank them for what they are finally doing their work, the one that they had to perform before, well, besides, if we talk about
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the performance of this work, then the fact that we now have a completely political problem, that there is someone who is a westerner. that some americans cannot vote, this just indicates that even in this difficult situation they are not doing their job purely informationally and not diplomatically, this problem could not have arisen, the issue of ukraine should not have become a bargaining chip in some internal problems other countries, this means that they didn't do their diplomatic work, they just didn't do it, and that now we have problems with foreign funding as well. and with the arrival of weapons, this is directly about the fault of zelensky and his entourage, and there is no need to invent anything else, and these people are demanding from us, they went to a press conference to demand sympathy and show how dissatisfied they are with everything, well, this does not go to their heads , i'm sorry, thank you olya, colleagues, we have to go for a short break, after it we will return to the broadcast, please do not switch. feeling
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of national unity govt formation 0800 211 381 no 0800 2011 382 call all calls to these numbers are free. today we have the best journalists of ukraine on the air, olen natalya ishchenko and maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva. we are talking about the results of the 23rd year and the results of the annual year zelenskyi's press conference, but also about what to expect in the 24th year, because it is clear that all results make their own and everyone has their own results, but the goal and expectations from the 24th are obviously also the same, we all strive for victory, we want ukraine to defeat russia, he asks... only in what way, how it will happen and what will happen, how events will unfold in ukraine and in
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the world as well. let's, ladies, very briefly try to describe what to expect, what are your personal expectations from the 24th year, what can we get and in what perspective? marina, let's start with you. it is to solve this whole story with mobilization, with the transfer of the country to more military lines, and not to engage in these sweet syrups from the only telethon about the fact that, oh, how we will win and dance at concerts in yalta, this will not happen and we have to come to terms with it . next , i would like less crying by zelensky, less insults, more actions and more professional decisions from his... competence, because, sorry, there is no greater shame than, for example, to look and see that we have very important our strategic partners, there are no ukrainian
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ambassadors. for example, just the other day , norway gave us a huge tranche, tens of billions of hryvnias, to pay the salaries of doctors and teachers, and i can tell you that we still do not have an ambassador, by the way , in this country. is this normal considering that norway is very active in helping us? absolutely not. is it normal that we have not had an ambassador in great britain since july, in the country that was the first to send armed planes to ukraine on the eve of a full-scale invasion. the same with the czech republic the czechs are collecting money for drones for the ukrainian army, but we cannot find an adequate ambassador. this is exactly the competence of the president of ukraine, and obviously he should look into it. who is a more powerful and professional diplomat than his so-called managers and who can be sent to these countries to do constructive,
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serious work, because our future depends on the support of these states. further , i would very much like zelensky to stop these insults and measurement by ratings, i would like to say one more thing, but i am afraid that he will not save us banned from the central committee. than the armed forces of ukraine. the fact is that volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi will be personally responsible for the results of this war, both as the supreme commander and his generals, as well as his ukrainian staff. therefore , zelensky should not look for who is better, who has higher trust ratings, but shut his mouth where possible and work. and i would very much like to finally find a government for maryana bezogula, because... it is not normal when a warring country is three weeks ahead of very important congressional votes absorbs what was written there by this crazy woman who represents the committee on
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national security and defense in our country. thank you, maryna, natal, natalia. very briefly, you know, i expect that in the next year, both ukrainian society and the ukrainian government will finally begin to live in a real dimension. stop believing in miracles and understand that no one can protect ukraine except for them. unfortunately, i still have the impression that the majority of ukrainian citizens believe that someone, someone should protect ukraine. ah, the authorities think that it is still possible to continue here and there live life a little as if there is no war, and continue. who are corrupt, who have their own business to continue, so to speak, not so much in peacetime. not very good
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things, and that is why i would still like everyone to understand the huge challenge facing all ukrainians, before ukraine, and this is absolutely not pathos, it is, unfortunately, reality, and i would like us from hobbits, you see, who believe in gandalf, turned into hobbits who take matters into their own hands. and begin to defend their homeland. thank you natalya, hive well, in fact, we have a strong enough threat next year, this is an attempt to normalize the situation in general, that part of the territory is rejected, that there is a war, just like that, because people who came up with the idea that it is possible to freeze the existing conflict lines, and it will be similar to the situation that existed from the 15th to
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the 20th. the first year they are mistaken, it will not be like this, there will be a constant rather hot conflict, if nothing changes, if ukraine, for example, is not able to change the situation on the field battle, we don't start going really into offensive, we do not take back our territories, so the situation will continue to unfold in such a way that there will be constant battles, until ukraine is weakened in a critical way, and the fact that ukraine... in such a situation is weakened in a critical way , don't forget, our ports are practically closed, we don't have a normally functioning economy, we have standing, well, everything that can stand in general, we are constantly subjected to missile attacks, our infrastructure is in a critical state, so at a certain moment when ukraine will weaken a lot, russia will make one more attack, and this , unfortunately, can end very badly and with the seizure of the entire territory of ukraine, this is how it
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will look, and not like this... as i think some of the people in the president's office thought it would be this is the situation again, as the ato is going on, and this is the 15th year , everyone else is living their usual life, no, yes, friends, it will not happen, it will never happen again, this must be understood, and precisely from this normalization of this picture the world, we will have to make enormous efforts, we really will have to, because we will have to to look for new weapons, it will be necessary to look for new uses for these weapons. you will need these weapons in the end and produce some new types of weapons, and this is all simply in order not to lose in the 24th year, i am not saying to win, not to lose, and only after that we can start thinking from the 25th year , how should we go forward, this is actually the perspective that is emerging. in fact, colleagues, i think
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you will agree with me that all... ukrainians, in the end, the president and his team should really look at the situation that is developing in the country and remove these rose-colored glasses that sometimes put on us, as viewers, listeners, by her team of the president, together with a single telethon, and make such a crooked mirror, when we see in the crooked mirror not at all what we should see, really here is a question of life and death, here... the question of ukrainian independence and the question of the possible destruction of this independence of russia, here is the question of the future, ours, our future and our children's, our grandchildren's, that's why we unite, unite, because it is very important, and year 24 has to be a year of unity, thank you for participating in our program, olga len, nataliya ishchenko and marina danylyuk yarmayeva were
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guests of ours today. program, during the program we conducted a survey , we asked you, friends, whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, so 91% of those polled said yes on tv, 9% against, on youtube, 88% yes, 12% against, on we put an end to this, i wish you a nice and peaceful weekend, take care of yourself and your relatives, it was a verdict program, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, goodbye. turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the universe of cinema is around, then,


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