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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 4:00am-4:30am EET

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i would also like to know, people have a misunderstanding, they think that the military economy is like a state plan now, huh, and they closed all the cafes, yes, there is absolutely such an idea, well, well, well, imagine a state that will decide coffee for you, huh, well, you understand, yes, that is, there is today's mechanism, it is when the state decides what is needed for defense, well, for the army, everything else is the private market. the only thing that really is these verandas, this is consumption, which is, in principle, inappropriate, excessive is the correct word, demonstrative, the conspicuous consumption, wrong, but this is a more moral aspect, returning to keynes, by the way, he says that the high consumption of rich people during the war should be reduced, reduced, because they... can afford it, but
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they take the resource of the economy, and this the resources of the economy should work for weapons, and not for consumption of something, that is what the minister of finance marchenko meant when he said that we will have to consume, it is simply about this very much, well, any politician who says that consumption should be reduced, he killed himself yes but war, we give, we, we give half of our money, almost all the taxes that the state has. per army, well, maybe consumption really needs to be limited on a macro level in general, so this will have to be done, you can, yes, let’s go, well, look, i just want to say one nuance here, the peak of aircraft production in nazi germany was in 44- and year, it was the time when germany was basically razed to the ground by the allies, and nevertheless they managed
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to maximize their production despite being... absolute blows planes, so mr. tymofiy rightly says that the ukrainian government is also working on this so that after all, in protected premises, yes, that is, or on protected objects, there is, well, the 21st century, when zelenskyi says that air defense is developing, then we understand that it is air defense, in particular, it also performs these functions, and we see the results, yes, that is, in fact, we already mentioned the same article by snyder, yes , which says that behind... what are these naval sbu drone essentially changed the balance of power in the waters of the black sea, which is the ukrainian one development, it is produced and created in ukraine. the second point is that once again mr. tymofiy spoke about these factories beyond the urals, so i would like to draw your attention to this fresh material for politics , again from an interview with mr. malyuk, who said that we we have to hit the heart with a needle, that is, it is clear that we cannot use the tools that the russians have.
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in order that simply this is all a number, roughly speaking, but we can more rationally use the resources we have in order to achieve the set goals, no one , as a matter of fact, denied the coefficient of effectiveness, and we have already seen that having , well, we understand that the russian black sea fleet is larger than the ukrainian one, nevertheless we see, well, you just understand what i am talking about, but these same naval drones, the balance of power has shifted, so that suggests that it's working, so i wouldn't be so categorical, you know, pessimistic in that territory matters, human population matters, natural resources matter, but value also international support, the rational use of available resources is important, this efficiency factor is important, and well, after all, two years of war. demonstrate that
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even not in the optimal management model, nevertheless, our management model is still more effective than the russian one, that is, it must be realized, i just wanted to say that if only money and human resources mattered in the world and in this war resource, well, we would n't be sitting here with you today and we wouldn't be talking, because there would be a situation, there was the situation would be completely different, and the western media absolutely said so and the calculations were based on this... therefore, continuing the thesis of my colleague, i wanted to say that the key ukrainian resource is people, and not their quantity, but their quality, and russia is waging a war of aggression, and for a russian citizen, firstly, there is usually a lower level of education there than a ukrainian, and, secondly, a person who does not have the motivation that a ukrainian developer has, ukrainian, i don't know, itishnik, ukrainian an entrepreneur in order to move. this balance of power is on the ukrainian side
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benefit, if you look at the number of developments of the same drones in ukraine today, well, this is a colossal number, of course they need funding, they need help, but at least we have this human resource. intellectual resource to create this product, by the way, regarding the support of the state, i know that min-digits together with the ukrainian enterprise, the ukrainian start-up fund is called, are now actively developing the direction of this military technology, ukrainian manufacturers, and an insane number of simply ukrainian companies, new, startups, boys and girls who create modern new systems, now have the opportunity to scale, so ukraine is definitely working in this direction, but again , without... without external help, external support, you will not get far here, because by completing this also technologies, microchips and other things, this is also help, and you can't do without it, so now it's about who will be the first to master those technologies that will be cheaper, that will
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have that higher efficiency ratio, to close this economic block is still possible one question, i can be brief, the president said a phrase that he is working to reduce the government, what is this reduction, what is its purpose? government, well during war the natural role of government increases, okay, but it's not , it's infrastructural, that is, the government has to provide the rules, policies and resources to make everything else work, after all, we're building a democracy, we're building a free country, and it is important for us that where private can work. where we must not kill entrepreneurship during the war, there too there is no direct management role for the state, and we also we see that the process of asset nationalization is taking place, and because many assets belonged to the russians directly or indirectly,
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the state nationalizes it, and thus it becomes a larger state sector, it has after the war and maybe if it stabilizes even during the war. to become smaller, that is, there are many directions, well, but there is also, i will tell you, a not very efficient bureaucracy, uh, but there are agencies, there are certain state-owned enterprises, there are many important ones, but there are many essentially dead ones who actually spend the taxpayers' money taxes, which are so necessary today, well on the army, yes, that's why the state will be forced to... it's doing it and if you look closely, it 's being done politically mildly, but a lot has already been done, to put things in order at home , and where there is waste, well, how translate, you are not unjustified spending, it must be stopped, and many have already stopped and
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there will be others, and this is what i think, in my opinion, as i interpret that, what the president meant, i think that you and i are on some kind of déjà vu, it seems to me that we are still under your tenure in the ministry of economy. it was talked about that it was necessary in some way, it's like a race, yes, bureaucracy, it 's always like a growth, yes, it's like a tumor, you understand, this is its task, even in any company, in any company, even in a private one, you first have a marketing director there or it , and then two people, and then 17, and a cool project, and more budget, it 's called empire building, building an empire in any bureaucratic formal system. there is this empire-building effect, and in the state it is not so quickly regulated, because if a private company does it, it goes bankrupt, well, who pays the money, but there is taxpayers' money , the taxpayer does not know exactly what the state is doing, feedback does not work so well, because that is why the state is forced
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to constantly fight with itself, that it is growing, well, let's talk about the real the empire that attacked us, maxim , that thinks... that it is an empire, we want to talk about the events in russia, we are talking about the fact that the sanctions packages are working regularly and accepted, they are preparing for the elections, they have measured for themselves and named this an interesting figure 100 00 losses that they can make painlessly for sociology, which will swallow their society, your expectations, 24th year, listen, when we analyze political processes in the russian federation, we use methodological principles that are irrelevant, well, for... describing those processes, we analyze them , that supposedly there is democracy in russia, that supposedly there are elections in russia, that supposedly public opinion matters in russia, in fact, all this is absolutely insignificant, that is, it is not predicted, no, it is completely predicted,
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it is simply not an election and that is therefore this projected, that is, to say what costs are acceptable for them, any costs are acceptable for them, suitability is not so acceptable for them. losses is determined by the ability of the repressive apparatus to suppress the disaffected by the number of losses, well, will they be able to swallow a million, swallow a million, change a little. well, with all due respect , this is the essence of the debate, yes, we agree that there are no elections there, well, the elections in russia are a joke, this is this, this is the soviet union, the reassignment itself , but the power in russia is changing, well, hands, here she is changes not in a democratic way and very brutally and very unexpectedly, and by other mechanisms. definitely not democratic, therefore, of course, the president of russia focuses on
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another voter, on the one who can make him reports, from there, yes, and the election process, he is not about what will be voted for him, but about what that those who can potentially pose a threat to him, or suppress them, or agree with them in some way, and... but i was very interested to hear in his press conference that he treated mobilization so poorly, no there won't be any mobilization, we don't need it, that is, he still sends signals that everything is fine with us, don't worry, no, that's how they hide without getting cheaper, they didn't increase in price, there is no shortage, and the very fact that he talks about it , there is also information in this, but today i had a conversation with one. a russian who supports ukraine, who hates
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putin and emigrated there, well, during his second term, yes, we can, well, today is not the topic of a good russian, enter into the discussion, a good russian cannot be seen in the thermal imager, here, but, to me his point of view was interesting, and he gave many examples that show that this is, well , first of all, that this is the president of the war, that it is simply necessary to open the eyes, including for... the western world, that there is no no negotiations, that this is just a war president, he does not know how to do anything else, and before the elections, when his rating drops, the georgian war was like that, it was even, he makes a war, a brutal, brutal war, but he passes the elections like this and thus fundamentally strengthens his power, and in his opinion, these people, he is still nervous, for example, navalny has disappeared. well, if everything was super good , this is one symptom, what he says, 3-4
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minutes, let's summarize, i think that everything is not so good in that kingdom, but we don't need to underestimate the enemy, and at the same time we don't need to make a fundamental idol out of it, which can't collapse, it will collapse, we just don't know when, it's just that society is not the subject of collapse. "this, that's what i said about it, i think that mr. timofey knows this work of north very well, yes, about violence and social orders, where he says that ruling coalitions are formed from experts of violence, that is, there are entry thresholds, inclusive models and non-inclusive ones, the russian model is not inclusive, there is a pool of people who are endowed with power potential, and it is precisely from the will of this pool , the fate of putin depends on these feudal lords, whomever you want, whomever you call them, all the others are just them. keep in subjection and from their ability to keep others in subjection and the stability of their power is determined, it
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rests on power potential, power the potential still rests on the availability of resources, on the ability to buy, to put it bluntly , aprichniks, it was all the same for minutes, and about how power changes in russia , prigozhyn showed both with his campaign and his flight, and therefore the question maxim, your forecast is two we have two or three minutes left, what do you expect from russia? and well , i expect reassigned from russia. reassignment of putin, i feel that after the reassignment he will no longer have any needs, he says that mobilization is not needed, so he will not depend on it and obviously mobilization will be increase and intensify, and i think that the 24th year is very important for russia in the context of throwing its narratives on the international stage, because the 24th year is a year when more than 50% of the world's population votes, it is critical for it to win trump, although i believe that trump is a dark... end, he may demonstrate a very different pattern of behavior than the one that
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putin and his entourage are experiencing today. vinoch is going to the elections in the european union, and he expects that these are the things that you and i talked about at the beginning of the broadcast, that anti-european sentiments, radicalism, and there are different, racial things, yes, they will appear and intensify, but there is a feeling that institutions are much stronger than individual actors, so it is now critically important for ukraine to get. assistance of the west , to reorient to the format of this truly military conditional economy, while not losing the potential for business development, attracting investments, well... and actually becoming more efficient, and this applies not only to the reduction of the state apparatus, but also to the activities of each of us and in the context of tax collection and payment and that utility ratio actions that we demonstrate in support of the ukrainian army, and the last remark, i think that timofey and i survived the collapse of the soviet union, and when it was already 91 , no sovietologist in the world predicted
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the collapse of the ussr, well, because they analyzed again. the ussr, based on the data that they saw in soviet statistics, using the methodology that was familiar to them, they did not notice a lot of processes that actually already demonstrated that everything was rotten from the inside, everything in russia today is rotten, this model is not viable, that is, what is happening today, they are simply, well, this is an attempt, i don't know, to resist the ottoman empire, or the great yamato empire, in short, the squadron. admiral, you know, when they first saw the iron ships, but they were still sure that they would fight, let 's say goodbye on this positive note, gentlemen, thank you for this systematic, difficult, as we already started to say, well, we have to start adults conversations in order to, you know, the marathon often accuses us of giving too much rose-colored glasses, too much optimism, well, i think that the time for that has definitely
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passed, we are starting to talk about why we need to prepare for what, maxim, i will finish with this. what we personally have to do in order for this victory to be as close as possible to us. thank you, tymofiy molovanov, valentin gladkikh, maksym dzhigun, iryna prokofieva, maksym sukhenko, thank you for being with us and good night to you, good night, everything will be ukraine. attention, from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., turn off all non-critical electrical appliances, help restore. the electricity network of the country. this is a long interview was waiting for its time. because it is about what an intolerable war is. i saw that all the people were alive, i just fell. about what happens after battles. these are very strong, big pains. it is extremely important, but it is not easy to be a hero. absolutely heroic people.
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was there joy from the star? no. about how even a hero can be creepy. it became scary, first of all , for the people. it became scary because of whether i could handle it. and about how sometimes only love saves. what keeps you going? second half? dmytro bublyk is a hero of ukraine who finds the strength to talk about consequences of war. dmytro bublyk from lviv in the 24th mechanized brigade named after king danylo, serving since 2014. in the 14th year. went as a volunteer, signed a contract , came as a soldier, and now a master sergeant , a platoon commander of a motorized infantry battalion , how old are you now, three, until february 24, let's say, people were already in combat positions in the trenches, preparing them for the fact that in
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some command or during some shelling, everyone should already know where he will be and... that they need to take up defense in those trenches. on february 24, we were in trenches, then there are consequences, uh, i won't be able to adequately solve some problem or give some clear or other order, and this was very scary, but it didn't show that, that is, you were brave at that moment, on the contrary, cheerful, cheerful ? since cheerful and cheerful was just the idea, well, very much thoughtful, and i'm honest, i was afraid that i wouldn't be able to cope with some situation, how many people did you have under your command at that time, at that time we were still separate units, a man of 20,
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maybe there was more, all the guys, er, yes, already when... after the death of the company commander and the deputy commander of the battalion at that time already had so few personnel, they came under my command, and there were many more at that time. and at that moment, did you understand what was happening in the rest of ukraine? was it time, i don't know, to open the news to see? there was no time because we were learning. about what is happening all over ukraine, new people came and they told what was happening, and you had a connection, the connection was, well, it was very
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weak, and even then the connection was not, let's say, not ukrainian, that is, you did not have the opportunity even, no, to get in touch, for example, with relatives, they tried with relatives when... enemy jammers stopped working, then there were a couple of seconds, a couple of minutes, to call home like that, to say relatives, or just write there , but in most cases i forbade the use of telephones, because in the event that a new person came, it was explained to her that it is not possible to use the telephone, use it, and somewhere in the basement somewhere, well, in the evening, it is you. .. to call home or whether someone called him, and at the moment when he picked up phone from his ear, a sniper shot him in the cheek
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, he survived, so he survived, then you had not only artillery, you also had a sniper, this section of your front line, as you had to hold it, is very difficult, very difficult because of that , that we... understood that the enemy is coming , that he is coming massively, on a large scale, it was difficult more morally, very morally it was difficult because when people died, your friends and brothers and people with whom you were 14 march was the year when you had your first casualty, well , one of yours. march, end of february, the month of march, it was vasyl ostrovsky, a native of lviv, who, with whom we
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also served from the 14th year, was mobilized during the full-scale war. when were you awarded the hero of ukraine star? on the 12th. last december of 22 , and it was some special day, army day, and you knew you were going to be awarded, no, uh, i found out literally two days before the award, what the award was going to be, or what the hero star was going to be, uh , that there will be, how, there will be some kind of award, there will be some kind of awarding in kyiv, and there already in kyiv i found out that well... there will be a hero star, and what at this point? uh, at this moment, i just know and understand, thanks to whom, thanks to whom i received this
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award? thanks to whom? to the people, the staff, who was with me, who performed the assigned tasks, who did everything to prevent the enemy from passing and advancing. was there joy from the star? and no, that is, you were not happy that you were a mountain, but what did you do with a star? the star is still there, standing next to the rest of the awards, morally it was easier to get out, easier, yes. because the people were already very much exhausted and there were conversations that we we won't get out of here, because we only have one way out of here, either two hundred or three hundred, and
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when the people, those who, shall we say, stayed, they relaxed a little bit morally, when you left, there was an opportunity to breathe out and rest, even if it was a short one period of time, so look, here you are... shovy, what did you think to yourself at that moment? i had a lot of subordinate personnel, an extremely large number. when we entered the camp, there were 88 people, these are the people who were mobilized, without additions. without, well , that is, these people who were, with whom, let's say yes, they went into popasno, out of those 88 people,
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11 left, among them two girls. mobs, when we left the pasture, uh, it was just hard morally because many died and many were wounded, that i simply did not see them, and you say that you were dripped, these are the consequences of a concussion, concussion, concussion or contusion, contusion, them? there were a lot , how many, i don’t know how many, honestly, there were very, very many of them, already when we left popasnaya, we were taken out, we were still accompanied by hail, phosphorus, yes artillery, we had already left in the village of bakhmut, bakhmutske, i got out of the car, i saw that all the people were alive, i just fell, lost, and the medics came,
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then the next day, see. on me, then the head of the medical center dug me a little, well, dug me up, then they took me to the hospital, i refused to continue the treatment, and that's it, tell me, but you probably got sick earlier, why didn't you leave earlier, because the people with whom i was, i couldn't leave them, i couldn't leave them, you know, mostly civilians are watching us, and it's hard to understand what a concussion is when... you didn't experience it, but it's like, well, according to your condition, what does a person feel, i don't know what i felt, then on adrenaline i didn't feel anything, it's headaches, it's, it's very strong, big pains, it's extremely headache, this is a loss of consciousness, this is something that passes over time, depending on the condition and
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complication of the concussion. you dug out, left , returned to your own, yes, and then battles after battles for katerynivka, in one of those battles for katerynivka, one more injury and that was it, it was a metal worker, it was luhansk region, vergun, vergun junction, this was it is clear that... it is already a real war, no, at that time no, at that time there was just shelling, there was no such thing that we knew, how can i tell you, complete, complete information about the enemy himself, because then territories were lost , then they were taken back, and your first fight, when you realized that it was a mistake, was when you started to leave the environment. a metal player
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, and then when the first losses of friends, people we were with, comrades were gone, and then already, that is, the war for you first of all, it is not about explosions and arrivals, no, it is about loss, it’s when you lose your own, your fellow citizens, when you don’t even get hit en masse, like... the way the russian federation is now conducting artillery fire, mortar fire, civilians, it’s already war, it’s starting to destroy us already and simply as people, as a nation, it's all the previous, let's say, centuries, that they, how they destroyed us as people, as a nation, so this...


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