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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EET

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necessary, long-term. this is our stability, and in addition, they had time to discuss and prepare a new meeting regarding the implementation of the peace formula. i met today with the recently appointed minister of foreign affairs of poland, sikorski. we are renewing our relations, we discussed how we can solve existing problems. of course, i thanked poland for supporting our country in the defense sector. we have very serious, maybe... for further joint work, such work that will strengthen both our peoples, this applies, in particular, to joint defense productions, many things need to be resolved, i am sure we can do it, one more thing: i held a meeting with the minister of defense and the team, we are preparing solutions to the issues raised by our units , ours in the combat brigades, issues of motivation, issues. ..certainty of terms of service,
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the issue of replenishment of the defense force depends on people, and people, people are spirit, spirit and weapons, we have to provide both components, i thank everyone who helps, i thank everyone who fights and works for the interests of ukraine. glory ukraine. the united marathon continues, tsn summarizes the results on december 22. rescue of a pregnant woman with three children, a policeman. the police special unit, i apologize, the day before took a large family out of turkey after a heavy shelling by russian troops, who hit the city with aerial bombs. the russians are erasing the turkish community, which is located not far from the completely destroyed bakhmut , from the ground, the forced evacuation of the community continues, despite the shelling of the occupiers, the police are taking out families with children in armored cars, whom volunteers are taking to safer regions. a robot in a year. special crews
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of the white angels rescued hundreds of people from the rubble, evacuated dozens of families with children and delivered tons of humanitarian aid to the locals, tsn correspondent margarita potapova will tell the details of the evacuation of a large family. air strike in nivychyna , there are high-rise buildings and the collapsed entrance of a house that did not withstand the impact of a half-ton aerial bomb. this is turetsky, who is under the sights of russian aviation every day. police crews are the first to arrive at the scene of the shelling, they search people under the rubble and together with the local authorities persuade the local survivors to leave the city. almost every day , fabs fly into our city, houses are destroyed, and children and injured children die. in the turkish community, despite constant shelling by the occupiers, there are still three dozen families with children, a task.
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the lives of children are more important than anything else, this means that the life of every person we take away also means a lot, it meant 235, then we worked, there were 43 children left for 29 families, today from the turkish community in three more children will leave the safe region together with their parents. law enforcement officers get into an armored capsule to reach the private sector, where a large family lives under the aimed fire of russian artillery. the woman is pregnant, we talked with them for a long time, they asked for evacuation, and finally they agreed, we will evacuate them today. it is auto-tuned, fifth class of protection, armored windows, engine compartment. this is already the fourth armored evacuation capsule. the previous groups
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did not recover after shelling by russian troops subject, mirrors, don't eat, don't eat, blink , don't eat, came under fire, thank god, everything is intact, the car is stuck, the door is jammed, as a result of this shelling, five policemen received contusions and brain injuries, despite the fatal . danger to themselves, they continue to save the civilian population. they put armor and a fairy tale on the little one and help them load things. the middle son of a large family, 13-year-old artem is already used to enemy artillery fire. the youngest is three years old.
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nikita is crying from the explosions, tatyana is on the ninth months of pregnancy and there is no proper medical examination, because... the hospitals in taretsk have been destroyed by the occupiers, there has been no water, electricity and gas in the city since last year . already, as in people , so that it was, oh, i'm waiting for a boy, papa girl, i'm more used to boys, the eldest son, 15-year-old maksym, is also waiting for a sister, he has already chosen a name for her, as he chose before for the younger ones. the policemen are happy that the family is in their evacuation car, even if only for a short time forgets about war and danger, the little one falls
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asleep in his mother's arms with his favorite toy in his hands, and artem tells tsn about his, what are you interested in, tell me by drawing, what do you draw, what do you like more? is it nature, or are some structures, machines, planes possible? adventure. he did not take his works with him, he promises to paint new ones with the surrounding nature. in a few days, this large family will move to the capital, where they will live in one of the shelters for displaced people. the police are exhaling, today's evacuation was successful. this is our job, save people takes them out of here. it is important for us that we have already saved these people's lives, it is not... not really important. during the year of work, special crews of the white angels rescued hundreds of people from under the rubble of houses, evacuated dozens of families with children, and delivered tons of humanitarian aid to the locals. this work with the risk of life will continue until victory itself. from donetsk region, margarita potapova, ivan golovach and
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vitaly ovsyannikov, tsn. 1+1. marathon, only news. the bodies of 66 more fallen soldiers were returned to ukraine today. it is reported. coordination headquarters on the issue the treatment of prisoners of war, the repatriation of the fallen defenders was carried out with the assistance of the international committee of the red cross, after the identities of the fallen defenders are established, the bodies will be handed over to the families for a dignified burial. the trial of the chief executioner of the secret prison isolation. at the final stage, this story became known to the general public at the end of 2019, when he was exchanged from prison. in particular , the so-called dnr left ukrainian civilians, whom the militants accused of espionage and sabotage. subsequently, after the investigation of tsn about this torture chamber and its most important torturer , nicknamed palych, the law enforcement officers caught him. the trial lasted two years.
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tsn correspondent mariana bukhan will tell what nelyud is accused of and what sentence the prosecutors are asking for him. at the first interrogation two years ago, he told almost everything. my. before the full-scale invasion, the exchange of prisoners, and it was then that civilians who survived torture and torture in isolation returned to ukraine. once it was a factory of insulating materials, which in 2010 the people of donetsk turned into an artistic space of ukrainian free city, in 2014 pro-russian militants
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set up a secret torture chamber there. this is exclusive footage of isolation prison. in the rooms of the office building, the cells for... them separately have a torture chamber with an iron table and tools for torture, and the most important thing in this prison was the stick or ait, or the first one, aka denis kulikovsky, i have never met such creatures in my life, in ait was his successor, this is the main demand there. it was palitsa that the prisoners of isolation remembered as the most capable of all other pro-russian executioners, they say about him, he can knock out shake out any information from a person. if there was a wand. facebook users came. valery sokolov spent 40 months in isolation, from the fall of 2016 to mid-summer of 2019. this is a zone of lawlessness, so to speak, that
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is, if you get there, they are all proud that you will never leave, he asks endlessly. the wailing wall became the most terrible form of torture for him then. so. does not concern, i stood for three days without water and a toilet, and what happened to your hands after that? they were erased, the blood ran out, because i couldn't hold it all the time, that is, me let after all the stories of torture, i decided to look for all possible information about the whipper, it took several months to find his old photos, find out his real name and find his family. robbed someone or killed someone or what? denys kulikovsky , born in 1984, and his parents, his sister, and his wife, pretended not to recognize him in the photo and insisted that they did not know where he was. however, i managed to find out that palych escaped from the so-called dpr in 2019 and
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was hiding in kyiv. our investigative story was released in october 20, a year ago before the executioner's arrest. fsb officers worked mainly with lenin, vasiliy vasiliy viktorych. and this is palych's first interrogation. the sbu caught him in november 2021 near one of the houses in the capital's troeshchyna. he immediately killed at least five militants, with whom... then there was a preventive measure in one of the mariupol judges, where palych repented and apologized and promised to tell everything later. what is isolation for you? what happened in this place? the trial in the case of execution of isolation lasted for two years in closed session. valery sokolov - one of the few victims who... goes to all meetings, it gives me pleasure to look at him in this very same monkey's house
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, it's just that i somehow enjoy looking at him. now the penultimate meeting, palych must deliver his last word. i am listening to the last word of denys kulikovsky behind closed doors, the meeting is closed, and despite the fact that there are quite a lot of victims in the case file, today, among them, only two are in this hall. the meeting lasts no more than 5 minutes, from the last word denys kulikovskyi refused, but agreed to speak with tsn. now he no longer repents or apologizes. well, are you ready for prison? and i have a choice. and what choice would you like? if i had been given the right, i would have gone to the front. if i am guilty of something, i would atone for my guilt. and you think that you are innocent of nothing? so what you accuse me of, no, that is, you did not torture people
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, you did not kill people, no, i did not kill or torture anyone, the more he talks, the worse it is for him, that is why he is cowardly, cowardly, they hope for something, prosecutors they are asking for 15 years in prison for denys kulikovsky, the sentence should be announced already at the beginning of 2024. maryana bukhan, tetiana moronivska, vitaly gurnak, georgy voronov, tsn 1+1 marathon. the only news: in the shelter of the capital school number 229, a pipe burst and the ceiling collapsed, this happened during an air raid, when the children were in the shelter. the published footage shows how water begins to seep from the ceiling, the covering collapses in a few seconds, fortunately there were no casualties, tsn contacted the school administration, they assured that the consequences of the accident were eliminated, recently this shelter was repaired at the expense of charity. after which the warehouse was inspected by the inspectorate, according to the deputy minister of strategic industries,
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he was in this shelter recently immediately after repairs. currently, the details of the incident are being established, an examination and investigative actions are being carried out, at the same time , the kyiv city military administration reports that the heating fan broke in the shelter and the ceiling with light plates accumulated moisture. we hear about the construction of such almost every day shelters, how many millions it costs the country, how many of these millions mysteriously disappear while still on the way to repair tsn visited the best new bomb shelters in various cities, and in the course of the issue olena gushchyk will tell what the price of our security is, wait. strengthening the sky. the netherlands is preparing for the transfer of the first 18 f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, prime minister markar and president
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volodymyr zelenskyi announced this, based on the results of a telephone conversation in their social networks, the head of the netherlands wrote that the provision of f-16 - this is one of the most important elements of the agreements on military support of ukraine. in addition to the export permit , several more criteria must be met prior to the transfer itself, in particular regarding the readiness of the relevant specialists and infrastructure. zelensky, for his part, thanked ryuta for the decision regarding the f-16. the netherlands acted as one of the leaders in the supply and provision of modern nato fighter jets to ukraine in romania . amsterdam opened an f-16 training center in november, which will host ukrainians, among others. ukrainian settlement army, germany handed over a new package of military aid to kyiv, it included three self-propelled anti-aircraft guns chepard with more than 30,000 spare parts for them,
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as well as 2,500 caliber 155 mm ammunition from bunysferu stocks, several tanks. for demining, drones, border patrol cars and much more. german chancellor olaf scholz previously stated that berlin should be prepared to increase support for ukraine amid a weakening of support from others, apparently referring to the delay of the united states and the eu. only last week , the patriot anti-aircraft missile complex and its missiles were on the list of regular german aid. the united states is increasing sanctions. against the russian defense industry in order to avoid the gray export of elements for the creation of weapons. joe biden has signed a legislative act that will make it possible to impose secondary sanctions on companies that try to supply russia with equipment for the manufacture of weapons in order to bypass the imposed restrictions. as an official of the biden administration explained to journalists, on the condition of anonymity, to circumvent sanctions
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attackers have created many proxy companies in third countries, in the usa. tracked and from now on will have the opportunity through banks to block such transactions so that intermediaries cannot receive money for their services to russians. we will talk about the details with tsn's own correspondent in the united states, olga koshelenko, who is now joining us live from washington. olya, hello, so what does this mean, will it help sanctions against russian companies. and their partners to finally get a full-time job. congratulations, we have holidays the day before there was a closed briefing for journalists, where a high-ranking official of the white house explained the details and logic of the process on the condition of anonymity, and now i will tell you everything that i heard there. so, as you know, the united states previously imposed sanctions on the export
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of weapons components to russia, but it did not stop there and, together with irresponsible entrepreneurs, created an intermediary company to... circumvent the sanctions. the scheme is as follows: goods are bought by a supposedly neutral company from a third country, ostensibly for itself, but then resells it to russia. among the elements which in this way, russia received so-called semiconductors, optical devices, machine parts. the united states has been keeping a close watch on such things, and today president biden has already signed a law that gives the united states government the power to block financial transactions. without warning and impose sanctions on foreign banks or any other financial institutions that will help the russians make such payments, that is, these banks will think many times whether to make such a transaction or not, if it threatens them with a loss the entire american market. these sanctions, as
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the administration told us, they impose together and after consultation with the group of seven, the most advanced. countries of the world, and at the expense of whether such sanctions are effective, in the united states they believe that , after all, they are effective, because according to their data, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, russia lost more than 13,000 weapons in ukraine, and this includes with tanks, missile systems, heavy equipment, and completely restore it, it cannot, in particular , due to the lack of parts and spare parts. now russia is completely shifting... its economy to military rails, that is, it is making weapons to be used immediately on the front, but other sectors of the economy are not developing at the same time, so in the united states it is believed that in the long term for the russian economy this will have devastating consequences. well, the senate of the united states went on vacation the day before, and without approving aid
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to ukraine, they promise to do so after the vacation in january next year, and the day before. the new york times also came out of interesting material, which tells about the fact that the united states is now actively encouraging the partners from the group of seven to develop a mechanism for the transfer of 300 billion frozen russian sovereign assets to ukraine. as you know, the money that, for example, the united states invites in the congress for ukraine for comparison, is only 60 billion (61.4, to be exact), and according to this material, the united states together with... with the group of seven want develop this mechanism by the second anniversary of the war on february 24. holy thank you for everything you track tsn correspondent koshelenko, about that. how does the united states government take steps to prevent russia and its accomplices, in particular, to circumvent the imposed sanctions? a new
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aid package from poland and the unblocking of the border before christmas. these are the results of the visit of the newly appointed minister of foreign affairs of poland to kyiv. radoslav sikorsky held a number of meetings, including with president volodymyr zelenskyi and minister of foreign affairs dmytro koleba, the polish minister was made clear that... putin's failure in ukraine is a strategic interest of warsaw. mr. sikorsky also emphasized that he is determined to settle all the differences between the two countries, together with sikorsky, representatives of the ministry of infrastructure of poland and agrarian policy came to kyiv. the deputy minister of infrastructure pavel hanchersh announced a breakthrough in solving the problem of border blockade by polish carriers. the blockade has been ongoing since the beginning of november and thousands of trucks have been stuck at the crossing points on both sides, according to him, kyiv and warsaw are already coordinating the last details in order to reach a compromise on unblocking the border, and hope that in the coming days of the year they will be able to solve
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this problem and the carriers will be able to celebrate the holidays at home. in both cases, the matter is difficult, but i hope that we have good news, especially since christmas is just around the corner and traffic is expected to be restored, and the protesters. can return home holidays. today we had a long meeting with my colleague regarding the issue that has been on the agenda of our relations for several days, starting from december 13, from the moment of our oaths today we are agreeing on the final details, which are still to be given, this is the final understanding. the ukrainian energy industry is 100% ready for winter and frost, and it's all thanks to the work of ukrainian energy workers, as the specialized minister herman galushchenko notes. after all , almost half of the power stations were damaged by the russians, but they prepared for this winter, repaired several thousand kilometers of main overhead lines, increased
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the stock of emergency materials, and restored the operation of damaged substations. today , energy workers celebrate a professional holiday, about their difficult and responsible work, tsn correspondent karina vakareva. further. every day, in any weather, they go out to repair the networks, and... there was light and heat in the homes of ukrainians, we are repairing a 10 kv cable, which requests a part of kyiv. mud underfoot, torch in hand. electrician volodymyr seals the wires. the network does not always withstand the load and accidents happen. last year, his brigade worked in the kyiv region under shelling without communication. part of the region was completely cut off due to enemy attacks. it's ruined by us... they did not understand at all where we got to, it was scary, but everything turned out, thank god, my brother is in the war, and i am here, i will help as much as i can. as of april 2023
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, there are practically no undamaged power lines, hydroelectric power plants, or nodal substations left in the territory controlled by ukraine. the occupiers inflicted the most indiscriminate blows on distribution facilities. the rocket arrived, the transformer housing was damaged, there are porcelain insulators, there was an oil leak. recovered from last year's damage. there was a huge amount of work on what to do during attacks, scenarios were developed, response schemes were developed, people who
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directly manage the power system were trained, and despite the emergency work, no one canceled the planned. edik, then hook the cable through the roller, i will give it to you through the rope. valentin and his partner are bringing a new house to the network. we are clearing our air lines from trees. we are conducting an audit of contact connections, a man has been working as an electrician for almost 30 years, he says that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, people began to appreciate his work more. nice to see you society needs you to do something useful. on the eve of the new heating season, the band the hard kis presented a clip about energy workers, completely filmed in kherson region, a touching story of an electrician who goes to work every day, only to be under fire in inhuman... scout
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, an electrician comes and you start on him, he is just a worker, who helps you, i just wanted to tell about these heroes, well, about these people, because they are heroes. thank you again for keeping our light on you, the only request is to take care of yourself in this difficult business, and thank you and wish you good health , it’s nice, then you want to do it, it’s a huge amount of work that remains behind the scenes, behind the scenes of the switched-on light bulb, behind the scenes... of the working kettle, behind the scenes of the warm water that flies from your tap, there are tens of thousands of people, and they work every day, regardless of the weather, regardless of mood. karenava, alina lisova, anastasia nevirna, serhii trachevskyi and gennadiy shulga, tsn 1+1 marathon, single news. and sirens are already sounding in ukraine, an air alert has been announced in several regions at once, that's how looks like an interactive map. red
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mostly in the south and already partly in the central regions, as reported by the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, the movement of strike drones of the shachet type was recorded through mykolaiv and dnipropetrovsk regions in the direction of kirovohrad region, so we urge everyone to take care of their safety. czech businessman tomas fiala and his investment fund own a business in occupied crimea. this news was spread. in advance of the ukrainian press, today the dragon capital fund denied the information on its facebook page. journalists tsn decided to find out how other companies work in the sanctioned territory, how they avoid sanctions and how they disguise themselves. see details now in the story. crimea, 2014. russian occupation forces seize administrative buildings and the territories of military bases. due to targeted repression , thousands of displaced people leave their homes for
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mainland ukraine. businessmen are also fleeing en masse from the occupied land. mcdonald's was the first to announce plans to leave and kept its promise. in a matter of weeks after the so-called referendum, yalta embankment disappears hamburgers and cheeseburgers. then there are international and ukrainian banks, insurance companies and travel agencies. well-known manufacturers of electronics, sports equipment and others have also announced their intention to leave. all because of sanctions introduced by international organizations and specific states, but there are also those who... decide to stay , who may have changed there, some have changed the sign, some have not, but if we look at the shopping centers, there are those ashans like you say, they all remained, the polish people remained there, everything that is in moscow, it can to be in crimea, that's understandable. valentyna samar, editor-in-chief of the center for investigative journalism, who worked in crimea for many years, recalls how, starting in 2014, ukrainian businessmen disguised
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their business in the occupied territories. sevastopol under the manager of his moscow godfather igor krotov. or sold to russian competitors. despite the lack of permission for the concentration of the antimonopoly committee, firtaz sold its titanium and soda, garden and titanium plants. sold to entities affiliated with rutenberg. and one more option, just pretend that mine is not mine and nobody's at all. yes, in particular, some western companies are working. the theme of all of them is the same, as i said, all of them are re-registered in such a way that they say that we do not work in crimea, we do not violate the sanctions legislation of our countries, we are not present there as a legal entity. while the world, starting from
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2014. introduced sanctions in ukraine are beginning to invent their vision for the problem of crimean business, at the same time the law on the special economic zone of crimea appears, by the way its deputies, owners of the same businesses in crimea, wrote and voted. in fact, these actions of our businessmen are a manifestation of economic collaborationism. masked investors come under this law in crimea, so to speak. here is a video of 2016, simferopol district, the opening of trade and entertainment. center: southern gallery. inside are branded stores, which at that moment should not have been in the occupied crimea. here is the great ashen. there are apple phones, children's goods and clothes from well-known manufacturers. considering all circumstances, it is actually a black market gallery. yesterday, a number of ukrainian media spread the information that this shopping mall, through, so to speak, third hands, belongs to a well-known in ukraine, czech businessman tomas fiyala and his investment fund.


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