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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EET

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tetyana khomych, viktoriya striltsova, olga pavlovska and olena vanina, tsn. 1+1 marathon, single news. attention, from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., turn off all non-critical electrical appliances, help restore the country's power grid. i am a russian military ship, i propose to lay down your arms and surrender, russian military ship, you are in ukraine, and glory to you. please
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, brothers of bologna, fate will come to us, we will throw away our arms, the whole cross in the sun, i will attract and... and not brothers on your side, soul and body, you will lay down your joint and show that we are xhosa brothers. your rezo
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, turn it on, it's when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the universe of cinema is around, then on the go, oh, what you need, meggogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. volunteer christmas at espresso, carols known from childhood and completely new author's carols performed by sofia fedyna, as well as stories of people who devoted themselves to the defense of the country. as a volunteer at first, i traveled, helped the boys, got to know the boys, and somehow everything started to spin. feel the christmas miracle, feel the power of unity caring people, christmas. december 24 at 18:15
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at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio. evening with anton borkovsky for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko.
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every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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welcome to the espresso channel. today, in our military program, we will talk about new technologies that are being developed to protect our soldiers. the first block will be about how to fight fpv drones, which are a progressive threat on the battlefield, and now it is in ukraine that new programs are being developed. countermeasures that are not yet available in any army in the world. this, by the way, is confirmed by the conclusions of the military and experts from the usa and europe. what cool and new things are being done in ukraine, we will talk about it as much as possible. and the second part of the program will be devoted to technologies and
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solutions for protecting our soldiers from enemy bullets and debris, mines and projectiles. how to make sure that our soldiers are better equipped with the best. vests, what are the possibilities here and restrictions, all this in a conversation with the heads of our leading domestic enterprises. my name is serhii sguryts, the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with the espresso channel, is now seeking to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our armed forces and the defense of the industrial complex. and now yaroslav kalinin is joining us, he is the director of the infozakhist nrc companies, in my opinion, this is one of the most technological ukrainian... scientific and manufacturing companies, which is currently working in the field of radio-technical intelligence, and from recently moving in the direction of electronic warfare, including countering unmanned systems of various purposes, mr. yaroslav, i welcome you on the air of the spresso channel,
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i am glad to see and hear, if you see me, good day, i see, i hear, you just returned from washington a few days ago, there is such an international... symposium ioc 2023, which understands, it's such a top level for companies, government officials, entrepreneurs who want their armies and their states, well , to have an advantage in the digital segment, you had a report there, which was dedicated the development and trends of the use of fpv drones in the ukrainian-russian war, and after your speech you were actually greeted with such... applause, and i would like, of course, first to inquire what made our american and european colleagues so interested, but first in more detail about the event itself , why is it so important and why was the presence of ukrainian enterprises and companies important there? well, about the event - it's a very
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thematic, well, thematic event, which is primarily dedicated to radio-electronic solutions. that is, these are all companies global, western, primarily those engaged in this direction, they present their novelties, tell stories and have the opportunity to communicate with end consumers from the united states, from nato countries, so this event is, well, in fact, such a key annual summary of development. industry, and then we can move on to your speech, because i think that it is not for nothing that europeans and americans welcomed your speech, what trends in the use of fpv drones in the ukrainian-russian war did you talk about, what directions of countermeasures, that is, general things which
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you can tell our viewers, well, without unnecessary detail, which can be harmful. well, actually, i... did not discover any new things for our consumer, for the average average ukrainian , for us. fpv is something. it is already clear on a daily basis and what i actually did, i talked about the tactics of use, in general about this type of weaponry in general, because currently western countries, well, in my opinion, from the same communication with specialized companies, users, i saw that they are not perceived. in general, as a type of weapon, as something that should be paid attention to, i.e.
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there is still a classic doctrine there, if it is a drone, then it must have a wingspan of at least 10 m, otherwise it is not considered a drone, and fpv are small toys, well, they are like something frivolous, i showed the scale that this technology has now acquired and showed the progression in terms of electronic intelligence and electronic warfare. and especially in the context of the fact that this is actually a security challenge for western countries, because for those present it was such a novelty that, in principle, you can assemble a tool, which in our enemy every day becomes more and more skillful from the point of view of protection and immunity to the slave, collect it from goods ready from aliexpress. or from somewhere else, and after that this tool is used against the critical infrastructure of the same,
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advanced countries, and they, due to the fact that there is a lag in technology, are, in fact, currently quite vulnerable to this very technology in the context of terrorist attacks, this and caused such a fleeting interest in this topic, because many people underestimated it danger well, that is, we can actually talk about the fact that they have not yet adapted the experience of the ukrainian-russian war to their reality and believe that this war is taking place somewhere far away and that the technological trends that we have do not affect them, that’s fine for me it's a bit strange actually, but in addition to what you said about epidrones, as i understand it, you also outlined the directions of countering these types of weapons, taking into account the competences of your company, which relate to... intelligence and from the recent means of reb, that's what you said, which are now trends,
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are your company's solutions the most effective and rational in the fight against these fividrons? well, in order not to reveal our capabilities, i covered it from the side of the rap media available in the russian federation, and i did not spread so much about our new products. but showed that, in general , both the russians and we, er, already have a deeper understanding of the problems of fpv, and in general the suppression of channels, the communication of drones, which are on unknown frequencies, on non-standard solutions, some are used, and this, well, on concrete examples gave, let's say, food for thought for... others, as representatives of the commercial industrial sector, because they do not have ready-made solutions
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for such, let's say, security challenges, such a thing as a cop is not a rap - it is something that exists only among us russians, but western industrial companies have not demonstrated anything in this direction effectively, effectively, i repeat, effectively, at this exhibition, at least, uh, so uh... i showed the solutions that the russians have in general and briefly outlined the individual solutions that are being created in our startups, including which is being created in our company, and after this event, were there no proposals or wishes from representatives of american or european companies to use your experience, your work, in order to start some joint initiatives there to create. were there already countermeasures against semi-drones at the european or american facilities
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, or were there such proposals or hints at such proposals? well, in fact, last week in washington, too, such a global event was held between the industries of the united states and the industries of ukraine, and just in time the exhibition as a continuation of this event made it possible to talk about those things more objectively. which we started talking about, about localization, about capacity building and capacities, because we are talking about tens of thousands of facilities that need to be installed now. to our army, and in order for such means to be produced, there is the same problem as with projectiles, that western production and industrial capacities are not ready for such volumes of products, plus the price tag does not correspond to the realities of application, etc., etc., so it is very
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fruitful there were a series of meetings which, i hope that soon it will be possible to publicly illuminate the result. which will soon be publicly illuminated, but somehow the results of the infozakhist company in the fight against drones are already indirectly known, first of all there were publications where it was claimed that the achievements of your company forced the russians to abandon certain types of drones, because your countermeasures were enough effective, is it possible in general terms... to outline the direction of countermeasures, approaches to countermeasures so that, again, not to say too much, you you are already trying to spin me into providing this type of information, but look, there are unique developments that are available by talking with
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representatives of other large companies, i understand that these developments are only in ukraine, not only in... our company, in other ukrainian companies , their effectiveness and, in general, the approach to how to solve this problem, up to this point, may have been somewhere in some theoretical works, scientific, and there was no practical content, and for that, we are now, if six months ago in bonn, in germany, on west, we talked about some, about some parity of approaches, now we are talking about the fact that ukrainian... companies, ah, maybe not so much, shall we say, mature, but they already have the know-how and the technologies and approaches that are currently lacking in the world leaders, and we can already actually implement our experience and approaches, both from a commercial point of view and from
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a practical point of view on the battlefield, which is why this is such a very sensitive topic and disclosure. here it will only play into the hands of the enemy for now, well , i don't know, then the next question is whether it is possible to talk about the fact that algorithms, development, approaches that work against a certain type of drones that russia no longer uses, that it can be spread, spread and to counter the lancets there, the halls there, the shaheds, are these algorithms unique, adaptive in order to, or well precisely in order to to use against other drones that are... of the russian federation? each system is unique, but the very class of problems that began to be solved on our side, and we recently saw, we witnessed that the russians are also trying to somehow, well, in a simple approach , to do it, he has not done this on the battlefield before was used, that is, when they said some
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cybernetic operations, they usually draw a picture, there is an operator sitting there with a laptop. and by the look on his face , it is clear that he does not understand what he forgot on the battlefield, but what if we, and we are now in ukraine, and unfortunately, the russians, have a practical application and an understanding of what can be gained from this, and the approach itself shows that it is possible to further look for similar approaches, well, i try to describe it abstractly without going into details, but with... the very battlefield and the synergy of certain disciplines, radio-electronic warfare, cyber attack, radio-electronic intelligence, it received practical implementation precisely in our army and, unfortunately, in the army of our enemy. you literally, well, a month ago was
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tested, is probably still being tested , the development of pluton, which is aimed at providing... our military with the ability to know where russian drones appear, what types of these drones, and i wanted to ask, is it theoretically possible to supplement this direction of detection and recognition in the same complex with an element of reb, so that our military would have such a unique tool, arrived, discovered, turned on the button and the device itself determines which drones are around and suppresses them there according to certain parameters, how much is this a fantasy, how much... is it possible to implement it? and we are working in this direction, we are currently working on making a detection that is provided by the a-a complex. to expand the list of drones that we can detect, the main military drones are already in this list, but we are expanding with novelties that appear on our battlefield, and active
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work is underway on, say, the military component, an active component that will allow you to actively set obstacles, and target drones that are approaching and make a simpler and more accessible complex that will set... an untargetable obstacle, the main issue here is that we are trying to immediately go into the scalability of production, because for that , to produce at least 1,000 systems per month, and the need again is 10-20,000, this is a separate challenge, and at the same time there must be quality, and at the same time there must be independence from suppliers from china, for example, all these three parameters. we are trying to implement and already in in january, we expect to present our own product, which will allow us to close this urgent need and start scaling and
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mass-producing this product. you are connected with large western companies, announcements will be made in january. and is it possible to say that this reb will be really, shall we say, selective, narrowly directed, so as not to create problems for other means of communication of ours there. forging with our drone, will it really be like this, well, will it differ from the solutions on the rebo, which are implemented on conventionally speaking, on the same chinese generators there, the noise of noise-like generators, and of course we go to the extent of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility on the battlefield, so that the reb does not become a problem for ourselves, and of course we go to the point of concentrating the output power as much as possible on the target obstacle, our experience in detecting and, let's say, other operations, it just comes in handy for us to form it, but since our company
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had no experience in radio electronic warfare until the 22nd year, we need to build certain technologies from scratch, we cannot build from scratch we have time, so we are going to make sure that these technologies and... there is a dialogue with large western companies that have these technologies available, plus they are also in a dialogue about transferring these technological capabilities so that we can organize the release of this technique here in ukraine, this is a very serious step forward both for our industrial market and for closing the needs that the military currently has, because without it... we will either have a tool that is completely unreasonably expensive or ineffective, and such that we cannot reproduce on our own
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production bases. now there is a comprehensive dialogue, it started at the initiative of the ministry of strategy and technology, with several very large companies, i cannot emphasize what it is, but they have been engaged in it for a long time and professionally, they are interested in the problems. the challenge that we currently have on the battlefield, and everyone is trying to offer, everyone, who can, a solution that we can, a condition that was very important for me was that we could produce a sufficient number here in ukraine at our own production facilities and adapt in the future, because rep changes communication channels fpv of drones is released every day, and we must be ready to change it... our means of meeting the challenges, that is, in fact, i clarify for myself, that is, the role of the state ministry of technology in this process of scaling up production is still significant, that is, you do not
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break through this on your own the wall of production expansion, but is there such a triangle of interaction between your company minstratekhprom and foreign partners? minstratekhprom gives a rather strong signal to the big business of the united states, for example, or... other countries, and accordingly to this signal that it is possible to work with certain companies, that they are nearby, they support, they will contribute to this process in every way and reduce bureaucratic overlays, the dialogue began, that is, thanks to the fact that the ministry of strategy and industry stood, presented the need, presented its readiness, a dialogue began with a number of very large companies that... and with individual companies with individual companies i could not build relations for the last three years, for example, here it was possible to break through this one, let's say
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so with... and i would like to, well, this is really good news , because it speaks of what is system interaction and there are prospects finally behind specific projects that are extremely necessary for the armed forces, and how exactly does the ministry of defense respond to this need to expand the direction of rtr, reb, are they currently such active players who really, well, respond to those new opportunities , which your company can provide by increasing the order and so on. well, at least it was announced last month, there was a good event organized jointly by the ministry of defense and the ministry of strategy and industry, at which the vector for capacity building was announced, just yes, and to be honest, it’s not the first time i see systematicity, a sequence that can weave into systematicity, i am very cautious with modest
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optimism, yes, just in case, but for now it looks like there is a certain systematic movement in the direction, and the ministry of defense is trying to build, let's say, mechanisms, how to realize the capabilities of each company in order to cover the glaring needs of our armed forces internally, products from within the country in the first place, that is, to support our economy, our manufacturers, provide. and you use it all the available capabilities of companies and the industrial sector to the maximum, and this is a very, let's say, innovative and interesting approach, we will see how it develops, well, that is, we are talking about the fact that now the ministry of defense is ready to purchase all high-quality or effective, which of our companies can produce, or produce serially, or in the format of experimental samples, it is about that, and yes. i.e.
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, a number of measures were taken to simplify procedures, not all of them were, well, like any activity, it is not always possible without mistakes, do something, let's see and from january 1 , a completely new procedure will be in effect , let's see, i would like to ask about one more project, which is extremely important, technologically, relevant, this is what i mean ... works or continuation of works on the creation of the hekat rtr air-based reconnaissance complex, because, as i understand it, it will be able to detect everything that has radiation, and why i mentioned hekat, because now the question arises of detecting the russian s300, s400, which, relatively speaking, now using their missiles for attacks on our peaceful
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cities, and the question arises that such, well, active measures to search for and destroy russian air defense systems should be carried out. for this reason, gkt is suitable as a unique solution. what about this project now, at what stage are we? and now there is an internal experimental operation already from a prototype sample within the company with limited application and for a solution, let's call it so practical. tasks, that is, we have already left the ground and, let's say, we are gaining height in this project, but as in the first problems were discovered for any experimental samples, ah, the first need for framing, etc., but again, i hope that in january there will be news that will pleasantly resonate in the heart of every ukrainian
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in this regard. project and in our industry as a whole, is again related to cooperation with large companies, that is , foreign companies will enter this project, whether this project can be confirmed or denied by everyone, and when can we expect that, relatively speaking, hekta will begin to reveal russian air defense systems near ours borders, even in an experimental version, can we say that it will be there in january, february, we can already search, and already... destroy in other ways, the first results have already been obtained in this process, and the only thing we are saying now is not about the complete system , we are talking about a separate device, and there must be a certain number of them in the air at the same time , ah, but already the first, let's say, signals have been received, processed, and we are further building up our capabilities so that, i repeat,


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