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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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so i will say, well then, that is, in fact , mr. gennadiy, in fact the same thing is happening that happened with the sea, so with the fleet, the process is a little similar, well, i always laugh and for the russians i give them a question that no one has yet answered for me, in why the glory of the city of sevastopol, and the glory of the russian sailors, who in two wars twice shamefully surrendered the city, and... now i ask the third question to the russians, and where, where are the ships, why did they escape, because they are the pride of the russian fleet , by the way, i draw your attention to the fact that they no longer have a fleet, they don't have a cruiser of the first rank on the black sea, but we call their ship model circle like this, they already have a fleet, a flotilla and then a review, well, it is slowly moving in the direction of a ship model circle, so they have ships.
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the work of the security service of ukraine, other forces , the armed forces of ukraine, decreases with a decent number, that is, they also flee to other ports and crimea and already, well, if only the caucasus, because in sevastopol they have already taken away the main carriers of cruise missiles, because they systematically flew there, and... that's right, that's it, well you know, i will not say that it is, well, i have no reason, personally, i would say that there is a fracture, it came today with a beating, but i will repeat myself, there for the third time, this is a serious indication of the russian federation that they have such an insolent dominance in the air was already in the past, but unfortunately, crimea remains a golden place not only for airplanes, but also for helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, in the context of uavs, then...
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recent analytics show that they are already launching shahedis not only from cape chauud, but and from the balaklava district, that is, they create such alternative sites and try to somehow hide them there, veil them, how successful they are, i don't know if even osinters, people who work with open sources, can find these objects, but less so, still small refinement mr. gennadiy, if we are talking about this object of the russian aerospace forces, then what, what can this damage lead to? i am now detailing a little, at least what is, what is in usually russian sources, sources, but less so, the fortieth separate command and measurement complex as part of the main test and space center named after tito. of the air and space forces
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of the russian federation, there were at least two arrivals there, one unit of military equipment was damaged, there were allegedly no casualties, so what, what is this base all about , what do they need it for, a communication hub, the troops are controlled by with the help of communication, and orders are transmitted there and any other information, the armed forces of ukraine struck the communication center. that is, it is now clear that they are will restore it, but not 100%, in some certain, in a certain part, they have to disband, well how to disband, use other means of communication in other cities, that is, and this communication center is affected, what is the degree of damage, that's all , it is clear that we will not say what we know about, and the russians will not say to the end how much they were affected, but i will repeat the point one more time. the communications center
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is hit, it's a pretty serious hit to the military of the russian federation, which should force them to disperse the means of communication, which is always a huge hassle, because, you know, electronics is the science of contacts, and those contacts become many times more, and it does not quite begin to work one hundred percent and introduces certain obstacles to the control of troops, this is... this is a very good thing, regarding drone launches, unfortunately, we we must understand, or those who do not understand, will begin to understand that they launch them from moving platforms, that is, a container arrives, rises, the transport state starts and it, that is, those containers on those cars can be launched from anywhere, and unfortunately, they are the mobile ones, they chose had several places for launches, launched from one place, from another. why do they do
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it, so that we don't have flights to them, so unexpected, unexpected and arrived, that's why, that's why, you know, it's quite difficult, quite difficult to fight with those without... with pilot launchers, you can say so, but i am already appealing using this opportunity from television that the citizens of ukraine, who are in the temporary territory, that is, in the territory of the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, if they see such launchers, they will know how can he contact specially trained boys and girls. and report what they saw, and this can be done completely incognito, in the appropriate chatbots, it is not difficult to find them, and we thank our special services for working in this direction. thank you, mr. gennady, gennady khazan, the president of the all-ukrainian aviation organization, the association of private pilots and aircraft owners, was with us. by
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the way, regarding flights, purely civil aviation on the territory of crimea will obviously resume his work is not soon, but... something interesting is happening and their airport is resuming its work in krasnodar, i wonder if this is such an impudence of a second happiness or if they have secured him putin now just has to pretend that everything is going according to plan, and this is also part of it calmed down , let's say this, it works for them, on the one hand it works, and on the other hand, here i am reading the news that a plan has been introduced at the airport of the russian city of kaluga... dim, well, katsapskaya kavyor, here is akaluga - it is quite far, well, it just from us, if to moscow to draw a straight line, then in fact it is , well, it probably stands somewhere on this line, and by the way, in kaluga, in addition to this civilian
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airfield, there are shakivka, shakivka airfields, for example, yes, where they take off from, or maybe they have already taken off. i don’t know how it is there now , because it seems that ours were striking them there, eh , they had bomber aircraft there, by the way, dzhakhar dudayev once served there, huh, and it seems that he met his beautiful wife, allah, there , who is fortunately alive and well, by the way, they wrote a very good book about dzhokhar dudayev, if someone has not i read it, i highly recommend it, it's called million first, it's her about her husband, why do i mention him, because i dated him 30 years ago. interview in rozny, i will never forget the fact that i had the opportunity to communicate with dzhukhar dudayev. let's take a short break now, after which we will talk about very sensitive and painful questions, about human rights protection in crimea, perhaps about the first
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results of ukraine's lawsuit against russia in the european court of human rights, regarding violations of human rights and the accumulated stacks, evidence that russia systematically resorts to this practice. we will talk about all this, stay with us, the usual things become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, i have back pain, try dolgit cream, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream i will lift what you want, dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, ask at pharmacies, we wish health and pharmacy... to your family, dolgit cream 150 g with a 20% discount. turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the universe is around cinema, next, oh, what is needed. me gogogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and
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functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit makes the joints weak motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large... amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is talking about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine, and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week. this is a review of only important events, events weighty, reliable, these are analytics,
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fact-checking, professional comments, about this and much more in the issue today, about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. together beraber is a joint project of the tv channel and the atp tv channel, with you khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabayev, and we finished the previous part of the program with information that the russians are allegedly resuming the operation of the airport in krasnodar, despite the fact that the security situation in general in this area, well, not in their favor, that's putting it very mildly, but they. they did it a little earlier, actually, i
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missed this information, but this is the announced opening of the airport in krasnodar, they still decided to postpone it for security reasons, well done, i don’t know, self-preservation still works in this, they have aviation, by the way, there will be big problems, there are already there, well, i mean civil aviation because of spare parts, because of combat problems, we also don't really see them doing -34, i want to say want. to remind our viewers, we have a big one audience all over ukraine, the recruitment of soldiers and officers for the 46th, 48th, excuse me, separate assault battalion of the armed forces of ukraine named after noman chilyzhikhan, the so-called crimean battalion, also continues to collect fpv drones for the 48th oshb, here you see monobank and the qr code of monobank and monobank, we need to collect this amount, there, i will be very grateful. if everyone who is watching right now will at least transfer any amount to this account,
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thank you, uh, i will remind you that we are now at the stage of already such a review, in fact, the case of ukraine v. russia regarding occupation of crimea, and we must understand that on december 13 in strasbourg, the european court of human rights began to fundamentally consider everything on... in particular, the ukrainian side, which indicates a systematic violation of human rights in crimea by the russian occupier. all this has already accumulated such a mass of crimes that it simply cannot but cause some kind of unconscious response from the civilized world. we think and hope. but how soon can we realistically expect any results from such proceedings, and what do we have with human rights protection, specifically the ukrainian position on human rights protection. in this aspect, ali maliev, deputy general director of the ukrainian institute, public figure, journalist and
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human rights activist, is in touch with us. alimas, congratulations, glory to ukraine. evrem, glory, salam aleikum. aleikum salaam. well, if possible, about this case, which was started to be considered in strasbourg. basically, we understand why these considerations are important, because they give the world an understanding of when exactly the russian-ukrainian war began. ot. in this episode of hers, that actually her start is the end february 2014, but at the same time, 10 years of occupation in crimea is a huge number of crimes committed by the russian occupiers, which are the most resonant of them now, perhaps in our lawsuit, and with what arguments we plan to convince the world to punish the russians at least in some accessible way. yes, thank you for the question, indeed, the arguments that were gathered also for these proceedings,
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which will obviously continue for some time, are months, and the consideration of the case at the ecthr may last for several years, but here it is important to understand that these are all evidence from the side they did not gather in ukraine, not only there for the last year, but they gathered. for the last 9.5 years, and almost 10 years, after the temporary occupation of the peninsula, and they were collected as rights defenders, that's it... lawyers, internationalists then processed it, and today, finally , this case in december already began to be considered, and if we talk about what elements and components violate human rights, then here we can talk about the entire range
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of violations, from law to freedom and personal. touch, right to life, right a fair trial, freedom of peaceful assembly or expression of views, that is, we can talk about very, very different rights that were violated on the peninsula, but i want to lead us a little to a broader conversation, because the violation of human rights is the tip of the iceberg, at the base there is... the recolonization of the peninsula, which has been going on for 9.5 years, and when we talk about the violation of human rights, this is one of the elements of this recolonization, then we have to talk about, for example, the replacement of the population, and what the russians brought there, at least 700-800 thousand new
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population to crimea, and from 70 to 100 thousand left crimea. and residents of crimea, and this was the outflow of cities before the change of identity, and we can also consider it here in very different parameters, and this is also the destruction of material and immaterial cultural heritage before the militarization of consciousness, because today we talk a lot about the fact that crimea - it is a bridgehead for russia's aggression. in other territories of ukraine, but here we must also talk about the militarization, for example, of the consciousness of schoolchildren, which today already en masse join the so-called youth army, paramilitary organizations, or where special courses and military courses are held in order to obviously
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strengthen this cult of war and the cult of aggression and further create the image of the main enemy, the image of ukraine, ukrainians and. crimean tatars on the peninsula. olim, listen, i recently thought and remembered about nariman dzheryal, about our other political prisoners who were taken very far from the crimea, he is now in, i just forgot the name of the city, very far somewhere in siberia and there, well, in such conditions in very strict, i.e. he is there, unlike any russian so-called political prisoners, there is no connection with him, so... well , only the official channel through there for this naked person for correspondence, i.e. what to do with it, how to us and on the one hand , it seems that we cannot do anything now, well, especially there is such a big war, yes, and on the other hand, we cannot leave them in any way, and what should we do so that they are not forgotten in the west as well too, and probably this is also included in your
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program of actions of the ukrainian institute, because i really wouldn't like... people there to think that we forgot about them, but it's not like that, you know, i feel ashamed even on myself, because such powerlessness is in general, well, a little shameful in front of the people who left in fact there, well, they changed their lives for principles, for ukraine, in particular. yes, it's true that we have a mutual friend with you, nariman, who is now in the krasnoyarsk territory, minusinsk, there is exactly the city where he receives it. this is obviously another such psychological terror of our people, attempts to divide and attempts to provide, for example, families, for wives to see their husbands, political prisoners, and this is one of the huge problems. in our work at the ukrainian institute, we
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are working separately on the topic of crimean political prisoners, and we are planning for next year as well. a large number of different activities, projects, when we talk about the violation of human rights, when we talk about crimea through the prism of art, and academic, research works, and communication projects, because what is important today is to convey to the world that the war began in 14- m year, the occupation of crimea, which means crimea not only for ukraine, but for the entire civilized world, and we can speak here in the language of law, and here we are already speaking in the language of common values, and regarding our political prisoners, regarding some... who are in prison today, and when i spoke about colonization, it is worth noting that most of them is criminalized under several articles, yes, terrorism, extremism and
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espionage, and actually, this is again, if you follow this russian imperial policy, in the 19th century the russian empire accused the crimean tatars of accused the fact that we allegedly... betrayed the ottoman empire in the 20th century, that we, as if we were collaborators with nazi germany, today we are once again called extremist terrorists, and this is absolutely the case, and the consistent policy of russia the destruction, by terror, of the indigenous population itself, because if you remove the factor of the indigenous population of crimea from crimea, it is much easier to sell... the russian myth about russian crimea, or as they say there, originally russian land, yes, that is why there are such crimean star
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activists today , and just ordinary people who today this machine has thrown into prisons, they need a much greater resonance and need our voice both in ukraine and abroad, and because letter. writing letters and communication, for example, with loved ones, this is important, communication is important, emotional support, but in addition, in addition to this, we have and can during a full-scale war support these people, i am sure that, for example, political prisoners themselves b, if we could call to support, for example, the crimean soldiers who are today at the front, on various... front lines in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine protect and defend our lands. alimy, thank you for this inclusion, and we really hope that
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we can meet more often within the framework of the joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel, together beraber, to talk about really important things, to do such slow journalistic work, but it is extremely important, and when we speak about the crimea and about the indigenous people on... the crimean peninsula in particular, it is very important to understand that preserving them, at least in some format, is extremely important, it is important that these people are preserved, you know, you mentioned about the indigenous peoples, there is such a very small people, the regions, which unfortunately, well, they are practically gone, there are very few people who can speak ukrainian there, but some people, for example, there is a person in lithuania whom i met during my time there. of the actual auction, his name is raimund, and he is a descendant of the karaims, who once came there from the roman khanate at the invitation of the great prince of lithuania, and he
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remembers, and he supports the 48th assault battalion named najahan, you see, it was like that here, well and a little, in order to introduce ukrainians to the crimean language, just remember to the word culture means the ukrainian kenasa, actually there is one in kyiv at... address yaroslaviv val 7, please look at this incredible architectural pa, well , musicians love to play there too, it’s so romantic there in front of the door, well, there people are taking pictures, in fact there was still a dome there, it was demolished, it must be restored, by the way, someday, well, we have, we have a lot of work ahead and we will definitely continue to do it for you, zaider, thank you for spending time with us this time, this hour in the conversation about ours crimea, and we will continue this conversation next week, together beraber, a joint project of espresso tv channel, atr tv channel,
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12:00 pm
will provide comfort even in the changeable wet autumn, and in a frosty winter, and in an unpredictable spring. you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. ukraine may receive the first f-16 before the end of the year, the american institute for studies said.


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