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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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and behind it are the flags of russia, and well, they say belarus, because the flag of belarus is white and red, and that of belarus is like this, and this is actually, this is a very good step, a very demonstrative step, that in fact it is not money that decides everything, but it is some other values ​​and issues of support, this is important, we will talk about such things further with andrii zakrevsky, head of the management of the oil and gas association of ukraine. we welcome you, mr. andriy, to our broadcast. will those holidays sweeten us up with some good news, i'm not talking about the front right now, because there the guys are already doing their best and even impossible, but there are also things that concern sanctions. and some such support, as we
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have from the czechs. now we are talking about the fact that the europeans are preparing for such an important process, an important moment, as the stoppage of gas transit from russia through ukraine. we had this gas pipe for many years, we used it, we received from it in the end, actually normal incomes, now it will all stop, a completely normal step for the country that was attacked. but how will they develop further? well , in fact, there are many scenarios, how will the transit stop take place? the first is that you rightly emphasized, it may happen that the europeans will not need this transit at all. first of all, they are now actually finishing the diversification of their lng gas supplies, that is, in fact. this pipe, which for a long time
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was the only thing that connected russia and europe with gas there, that is, it may cease to be necessary, there are small gas pipelines that now go there from the south to europe, there are gas pipelines that were quickly transported from norway, and here in our eastern europe, in principle , it may happen that already... there will be no other gas pipelines it is necessary, and if this choice happens , then it is clear, of course, this transit will not be necessary, there is a second option, which is more fantastic, but it may also exist that putin will return to the way he started his political career year, and russia will receive food or...sanctioned goods in
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exchange for energy carriers, well, in this case it is clear, it is clear that ukrainian transit will exist. there is another option, it also concerns the fact that russia should stop its actions, but this is an option when through part of the territory of russia, or maybe already at that moment it will not be the territory of russia through the south of russia, central asian gas will come to us, there and to europe and so on, that is, but this option should not be discarded either, in this case contracts will be concluded, contracts will be concluded directly between european consumers and asian suppliers, and this will happen in the event that the existing gas pipelines will not be needed, now let's move on to the options, so to speak... to say what applies in
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ukraine, probably, but what will happen if there is a second option won't work, and what's more, russia is there, for example, it will block the gas burners, we have been preparing for this option since 2014, in 2014 with american specialists, as far as i remember, exercises were even conducted, so to speak, on the computer on the table, what will happen , if that happens. this is what will happen in principle, the first thing that will happen is that the cost of pumping gas inside ukraine will increase, but now due to the fact that some european consumers are fulfilling their old contracts, and russia is forced, forced to maintain these contracts, which were signed there even before the full-scale invasion, but i want to remind you that... it is the choice
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of the europeans to refuse russian gas after putin himself stopped most of the transit, and some countries, including poland, and other companies. some austrian companies filed a lawsuit against gazprom for not fulfilling its obligations, and apparently, having frightened all the courts, now little by little gas is still being supplied to europe in volumes of up to 25 billion cubic meters and in the 22nd year, a little more was supplied and in the 23rd year is supplied, but if the payment of this... under the contracts, well, the payment for transit under these contracts will stop, the cost of pumping gas within ukraine will increase, because we do not have a separate gas transportation system for transit and a separate gas transportation system for
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our consumers internal, and this is the first moment, the cost price will increase, the second moment, unfortunately, we will have to figure out whether... ukraine will need enough gas to maintain the pressures that are currently in these gas pipelines, will we have to switch to other pressures, whether to give up some branches that we have inside the country, as experts say, there are 70 pumping stations, in this case we will have about 18 left in ukraine, here we will... engage in cannibalism, that is, old stations that are not needed, we will dismantle them for spare parts and transfer them to 18 needed stations and little by little the glorious era of gas gas transport in ukraine will end, there is an alternative, which is infected
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both in ogtsu, and in mintopenergo, and in naknaftogaz. these are new projects which presuppose the use of these gas pipelines not only to transport, for example, natural gas, but also to use, for example, to transport hydrogen, that is why the hydrogen corridor program is being developed, almost 1,500 km, just from ukraine, but this is the basis of this hydrogen of the corridor, there is hydrogen generation, that is , in order to transport this hydrogen. through our gas furnaces, whether new or old , repaired, modernized, we will have to get this hydrogen from somewhere, well, before that, one of such sources was the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant there station, other nuclear stations, this project is currently being considered, and we are
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also looking at it very carefully, because this is one of the moments when there will be a new birth of the gas transportation system. this moment is being studied, how much hydrogen can be admixed , how it will be used, how our oil and gas industry will gradually become greener, we are dealing with this now, and i want to emphasize that i believe that war is eternal, especially the eternal fall of ukrainian industry, and little by little, i think, there will be industry to grow, but it should already grow green, and here is participation in such... programs like this green hydrogen corridor or the development, for example, on the site of old gas and power plants of some new green chemical hubs there with the production of green methanol ammonia, this is all the perspective that
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is needed now in ukraine, i will do it very briefly, we have literally two minutes, i will ask very briefly, if possible, how much , how much more expensive can end consumers pay for gas? in ukraine, if it goes somehow, well, everything is not so perfect, and how much will be lost russia, i think it earned half a trillion dollars from oil and gas over the past year, what could be the losses, will it be able to find other buyers for its gas? well, thank god, has russia almost stopped making money on gas? first of all, i want to repeat once again that these are old contracts being fulfilled, and we cannot even imagine why gas was bought there, those were still the old prices, and russia is now, well, according to my calculations... it is on gas earned at least eight times less than she earned there in the 21st year before the jump in these prices there and so on, well there in the 21st of the 20th year, that is , this is the first good news for us, and for the fact that russia is going to hell, the second moment, how much more expensive are domestic services for pumping and
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so on, well, we won’t be either to engage in nonsense, that is, we will disconnect everything that is left, but if it is shocking to take it like that, then imagine. there is at least 1.5 billion cubic meters worth of gas, that is, that is how much our gas can grow. services, and this is one of our 15 conditions, then it is at least 10% of the cost price, and this runs up with taxes, with people and so on and so on something like that, well, i think that transport within ukraine can increase by 60 percent, mr. andriy, gas transport, you mentioned that already on gas they earn significantly, significantly less, but they continue to be supported by oil and the sale of oil, 3.5 million barrels of oil in total. in one day, they exported this year, that is, these
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are huge funds, which are then directed to finance the war against ukraine, and sanctions are imposed, imposed, but obviously there are loopholes somewhere, so against which various countries are trying more or less to fight successfully, or its sanctions are not so thorough and... which block russia's ability to receive profits from oil? colleagues, let's not repeat the narrative of our enemy, which is the peak supply there in october or the return to the budget of quarterly payments from taxes, yes, that is, it is raised as what was received in one month, but it happened on the 3rd. 5 million, and then stagnation again, now negative again, that is, it is not true, and a price shock. russia has already received it, but you must understand the first point there they don't earn anything on gas, because
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, for example, we don't know how much gas costs for the chinese, who sponsored the whole of siberia there, is it possible that this gas is free at all, if we talk about lng gas, which it supplies to europe there, then they supply to chinese and european suppliers, again possibly paying for the participation they took in the development of these deposits and the construction of these lng terminals, that is... that is, there may not be any money at all, and plus , excuse me, i can interject for a second, plus erdogan got himself the maximum discount on gas, as far as i understand, yes, i just wanted to say, you also, and now about oil, that is, oil is now 3.5 million - is it more or less, and it is two times less, than it was, that is , it is at least at its peak, that is, it is already good , such good news for you, and now that this one has gone down, please tell me, the brand is down, now there is no need for a sanction, because urals is cheaper $54 what is
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the limit of 60 if it is worth 54 by itself and the main point is that when they ran at these stations, what did they do, they built such venal europeans, venal indians, venal arabs there in the stratum, which was in order to sell their oil, but the price then was such that 60 dollars would be the limit. allowed herself to sell linden at the price of 59, yes, that is, and then some middleman there made more money, that is , they transferred it there through bitcoins or something, and now it’s 54, and so, and this building of 10 putin holoies, which are, well digested this margin, it remained, and here, as in the new year's joke, dad, vodka the price goes up, you'll drink less, no, son , you'll eat less, and here's my... what you have to count on is that now russia gets a third of the income it used to,
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now here's here, i'm going back to to his forecast that russia will not earn more than 112 billion dollars this year, bloomberg said 113 in the summer, but now they are not talking about it, the narratives are that 3.5 were sold there, there were 7.5 barrels of oil products at the peak with oil there and so on and the like, but the amount is the same as it was. that leaves 112-13 billion. and you do you remember when there was 1 billion a day? 365 days a year, 1 billion per day on oil, it was 365 billion, and now it is 113. is there a difference? e. thank you very much, mr. andrii, for the detailed story, and for the professional comments of andrii zakarevsky, chairman of the board of the association of oil and gas of the country, about russia's prospects, at such prices for hydrocarbons. let's go short again. pause, after the pause we will talk about the results of the elections in serbia and
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how chich will have such a crazy influence on the country about the pro-russian forces in this country and how they can influence us in a few minutes warning. incredible novelty from unbox tv super warm and very comfortable boots alaska style perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. boots alaska. the style has a universal design and practical black color, so it will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once for you and your husband. smooth zippers will ensure a perfect fit, even on the widest leg. the heater perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of waterproof and wear-resistant raincoat
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with ecosuede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. high-quality, light and warm alaska stayle boots will provide comfort both in the changeable wet autumn, and in the frosty winter, and in the unpredictable spring. you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call we are joining our conversation with maria geleti, balkanist expert, candidate of political sciences. we welcome you, mrs. maria, to our air. good day. that almost a week has already passed since the end of the elections in serbia, right from the first day people's reactions were very, very different,
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actually protests broke out, they even talked about the fact that it could be something similar to the ukrainian maidan. what is the situation now, have these protests turned into some kind of more powerful phase, or on the contrary, are they going to subside? well, actually protests. but they are not grew into a more powerful phase, now the opposition demands a recount of votes in belgrade, because the main problem is actually, as the position claims, the falsification of the results in belgrade, we are not talking about general elections, parliamentary elections, although violations were recorded there as well, but regarding belgrade a lot of violations were recorded, and the main such factor is that... these violations were filmed, that is, there are photographs, there are witnesses, in particular observers from the osce mission, and of course, what happened was visible so that
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voters were brought in, and according to the words of the opposition and what is heard in the media, that somewhere around 40,000 people were brought from bosnia in order for them to vote in belgrade, so let's talk about what if with a victory ... of vučić's political party, what can be said about the preservation of russian influence, well, this is important, because we know very well that in this situation, in the war that is in ukraine, and putin is trying and will try, probably in the future, to incite conflicts in in certain parts of the world, we saw it, well, the connection is obvious, let's say russia may be able to speak in israel, involvement to a certain extent in venezuela, well , the situation there seems to be a bit calmer, and of course there is this danger of an explosion. the situation can be serbia-kosovo, how much can be the conservative influence of russia, the russian agenda, or after all, they can move away from it over time. oh, it’s very difficult, you formed,
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well, in fact, russia has a huge influence in the balkans, in particular on the same serbia, on bosnia, but it also influences other countries, in particular montenegro, and i even it seems that i would not separate, well, i would not name. no country where russia does not influence , it's just that somewhere this influence is greater, somewhere it is less, er, of course, that russia could first of all suggest scenarios on how to conduct a vote, so as to ensure a majority , er, that is, the methods that we are watching what was used in serbia, in particular bringing in voters, er, for throwing away ballots, bribing voters through, for example, to er... vote for the right party and then they took a photo of their ballot and came and got money etc. that is, such things, they are also present, of course for russia, that is, this is some kind
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of standard standard thing, and therefore i think that it is not worth talking about the fact that russia somehow did not contribute here, it is also necessary to understand that of course, that vučić, who has been in power for many years, wants to preserve this power, and for this he needs a majority in the parliament, so for him... just as convenient, a convenient result, there is also a question for belgrade itself, why, why is belgrade like this, a fierce battle continues for belgrade, because it is the capital that basically shows the mood population in the country, and this is, for example, the future of the country, if, for example, we see that the government cannot get a majority, or at least as the opposition says, that the government stole the victory from them, that is, that the government could not get ... in an honest way, the majority in belgrade, this means that the next elections will no longer be in favor of the authorities, because it means that people are dissatisfied with the authorities, because the most
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progressive part of the population, they mostly live in the capital, and therefore it is such for the authorities well , it's a bit of a dangerous situation, because let's say if she loses in the capital, she will also not have support in the country as a whole, and we can see. even about how the international community is reacting, it is even interesting that probably for the first time they reacted quite critically right after the elections that there are falsifications, that there are very serious violations, and almost all the leaders called, i mean the leaders of the west countries, called on serbia to resolve these issues, that is, to consider all these options when there were violations for and to resolve, and i expect that the western world will continue. to put pressure on serbia so that they at least somehow solve the problems that occurred during the elections. ms. maria, after these elections that took place.
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because we understand that serbia has been a candidate for eu membership for more than 10 years, and they also have their own program, they are closely watched from brussels, and these events between serbia and kosovo do not contribute to their reputation, now there are elections with falsifications , is it possible, is this option possible, when brussels intervenes, or some so-called ... sanctions will be implemented or recommendations to or hold these elections in belgrade again or react in some other way in order to calm down the country and vučić. yes, of course, i think that it is not difficult for the west to put pressure on vučić, and it seems to me that it is a logical thing to hold new elections in belgrade in order to, firstly, once again add
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an opportunity. voters to vote, also to ensure fair elections, so that there are no such criticisms, on the other hand, the west and brussels can put pressure on serbia financially, because we know that the west is very supportive of serbia, finances, helps with funds, and also with on the other hand, since serbia wants to join the eu, no decision was made regarding serbia this year, unlike ukraine, moldova and georgia. then in the west and in brussels there is an opportunity, also against the background of european integration itself, to put pressure on the west, perhaps even with promises to speed up the integration process, if the school moves with the re-elections and the reforms that are necessary for the european integration of serbia. and so, in truth, it is possible that uchich simply wants and needs such a thing in the country always a little unstable, a little stressful.
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situation so that it is not smooth, good, correct and transparent. well, vucic is simply not a democratic leader, we have to start with the fact that he, like many leaders in countries like serbia, or other countries, like russia, he, he has never been a democratic leader, he is very oppressive, for example, freedom of speech has a great impact on the media, and this is also one of the problems, why, why do you... why does the government always win, because the media is under the control of the government, there are not so many opposition resources, and of course, that people under under the influence of information, they make their decisions. on the other hand, vučić is a bit in the middle, he understands that he still needs to cooperate with the western world, he definitely does not want war and does not want the protests that are happening in serbia, and that is exactly why he held the election, thinking that
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he... the tension of the population, but, but he would also like to bring serbia to the european union, but this means that he has to make these concessions, which are difficult for him to make, these are reforms, this is the fight against corruption, this is the fight against crime, and of course holding fair elections, on the other hand there is russia, which can very easily influence the situation in serbia, because of course they have their own wagner office in belgrade, and they can facilitate certain protests, which... well, let's say, are not always necessary, they are not always expected there, and it can also contribute to destabilizing the situation in neighboring countries. russia has a lot of influence in the serbian part of bosnia and its leader, the bosnian bosnian serb dodi, is a great friend of putin, perhaps even more so than vucic himself, and also influences kosovo and other countries, and even when we talk about protests in kosovo, there are also
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those who supported. the actual serbs in kosovo also say that they are russians. you know, i watched a video of how the former president of the european commission , jean-claude juncker, met this orbán, when there was a summit of the heads of the european union, and he raised his hand and said, dictator and po, ​​well, slapped him on the pike, well, orban something started here, but it was indicative that this is how he is perceived, and orbán was not even offended, he laughed too, got a little bit of a slap from cadet, and went on, i... what am i leading to , well, there is already one dictator in the european union, this is orban, somehow he himself does not hide it, everyone understands everything, well, maybe he is not a dictator there, in any case a person who acts absolutely in a pro-russian, pro-russian agenda, therefore the question of the desire for european integration in participation, it is obvious, yanukovych also had his own desire for european integration, to be honest, at least the processes regarding european integration began, even in his environment, in his business circles, simply for putin to set his language is another story, but here...


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