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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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did not follow the patterns as suggested , there was no quick victory, we remember this naska, the 23rd year is the year of victory, like when i first saw this die on the air, let's call it that, and one thing, i have a little hair it became strange because it was programming the very beginning of a self-fulfilling prophecy for itself , which is doomed not to come true, that is, if it was the year of victory on the 23rd, then great, we would all be happy. but why program at the beginning of the year and drive yourself into a narrow corridor of actions, so that later make excuses we ourselves talked about the fact that the professional russian army has already ended, now only the army of amateurs, that the russian army is the second in ukraine, not the second in the world, and all this actually created a severe enough hangover after a certain drunkenness. is the situation really that bad? no. ukraine controls the initiative.
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on the front line, aid to ukraine is going, it is not increasing, but it is going, money for ukraine may slip, but it is there, and this temporary vacuum is replaced due to slippage, japan, norway, others, germany is increasing the amount of funding to ukraine, the european union is talking about a four-year budget planning for ukraine, we have now received the beginning of a dialogue about ukraine's membership in the eu, which we have been moving towards for years and years, but it is accepting everything. just background, as a background, and cannot be fully capitalized precisely because of the wrong management of expectations. there is even such a subdivision in political science as the management of expectations, that is, the management of expectations. that's why the situation is like this, it's not objective, it's like that, it 's like that in perception, and this already forms our political reality and forces politicians to react to it, accordingly, from here certain ideological, informational products appear that form a public discourse in which olezhe, olezhe, excuse me, but...
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what to do? well, that is, in other words, this is not a product of the government, because i, here i am, with my such , no, not the greatest mind in the world, definitely worse than einstein's, i have it, but i sit and think, the only thing is a conversation, there is no other option, it is necessary to reach out to people, to many people, maybe military, maybe not military, maybe civilians, and every day to explain, as you are explaining to me now, this management of expectations, that it was a mistake, that we said so, we have freedom of speech, everyone can come out and say anything, and then if we cancel freedom of speech, what are we fighting for , to be similar to russia, somehow it doesn't work either, so am i right that the only way is to talk to society more often and more substantively and explain to society, i would even say, taking...
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responsibility, that yes, we , here, we made a mistake, we admit this mistake, but let's try not to make these mistakes again and so on, uh, your version, it's imperative to communicate, to communicate, it's necessary, but not a self-sufficient component, because the second part of this is conceptual leadership, that is, in order to speak, you need not to talk about what is being done now, it is necessary to have a certain vision of where we are going, what we will do for... why will we do it tomorrow or in a week or in a year, and what awaits us in case when we succeed, or if we fail, at what point do we adjust it, this does not mean that you need to talk at the level of military or civil or economic plans, this is a conversation at the level of meanings, a conversation at the level of vision, and this leadership can be held by the government, it can be held by the political elites as a whole, not necessarily the people in positions it can be held by the intelligentsia, i.e.
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artistic, cultural, scientific, philosophers, etc. we understand that very often, conditionally top journalists, or top philosophers, or top artists, actors, etc., they can influence political processes much more than formally, the minister, or the prime minister, or even the president. and accordingly, if we talk about this communication, then firstly, it is the presence of communication channels and constant dialogue, and secondly, the presence of this vision and its communication in proportion to what is being done now. otherwise, we have a situation where we are not building a temple, but we are not hauling bricks, but judging by the number of bricks dragged from the left corner to the right corner, the proximity to the goal is somehow very difficult, you can drag it all over the country, but there will be no result , and oleg, mr. olezh, we have grown up to this, i mean what i have been observing since august 24 , 1991, and before that only other slogans were communist there. this is when
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bright, well, first of all, bright pressers, i don't remember something, as soon as someone hires a bright press secretary, that minister will leave him for tomorrow... because he turns out to be bright, and i am a minister dull, so then the whole world says, listen, we don't care about that minister, let's make the press secretary a minister, and that's it, and we see it constantly, i am subtly hinted that , for example, the cabinet of ministers is silent, because it feels jealous of the banking one, and if there is some bright initiative there, then what the hell are you doing, where are you, where are you going, right? this is this, this is not necessary, here we have the main thing, and so everywhere , i just look, i don’t see bright people who are bright and yes, you know, like for schoolchildren, and here we are all schoolchildren, we, we did not fight all our lives, as jews, let's say, in the state of israel,
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we have to explain everything, that it's like this, and it 's like that, and it's like that, and it's normal, it's like that there must be, there is no such thing, nowhere, well, i will say that the jews are in the state. they did not become like that right away , they went to that, but by this time , on october 7, we all now understand that they prepared, prepared and did not prepare, and they also had a slightly different starting position: people gathered in israel who went there deliberately, realizing that a difficult path of development awaits them from scratch, in ukraine during the period of independence and beyond, people were born, people simply ended up here and did not make a conscious choice to... they are ready to roll up their sleeves and work in a situation where it is necessary to build a state in the desert, we had a lot of things, and in particular we are not from scratch, and here gathered not only those who consciously made such a choice, a significant part of those whom the will of history ordered in this way, and
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they are not ready for this, therefore, if we talk about the cost of taftology, communication and about the one who speaks clearly, then... does the one who thinks the same way speak coherently or logically or well, the problem is not who knows how to speak or does not know how to speak, the problem is , that you need to think like a statesman and you need to have this structure in your will for to be able to share it, and then the issue of the press secretary is a question of properly structured communication, and if there is no such vision, if there is no comprehensive vision, then it is clear that a minister... or a certain politician, he will compete for brightness with its own press secretary, with its own zams, opponents' zams and on the list goes on. unfortunately, politics now really works more according to the rules of the show, but this is reality, we like it, we don't like it, and then you need to be able to speak, but at the same time not to lose
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content part. in this regard, the country has made a crazy way forward in the years of independence, and the fact that we still exist demonstrates that not everything is so bad in us. as it seems to us in some places, and nevertheless , responsible people of different levels at different levels, starting from the lowest self-organization of the population, reaching certain offices, they are still present, and they are the one with the snoring on which this ukraine is held, far from on formal institutions, and above all on those people who do not care and who are each ready to take responsibility in their places. the last question, yes, i remember lenin, it seems to me that this phrase is attributed to those who think clearly, and compose clearly. yes, i don't know who actually said it, because marxism, nizm has covered everything that was lying around, good or bad, the last question is already so mundane, but american, you figured out what it means that the court in colorado banned trump from participating in the election, and then the supreme court refused to consider this case, and i
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was lost at that moment, according to the accelerated procedure, as far as i understand, refused will be considered, but they will be fully considered, and the battles continue, and no matter how much you want to say now that american democracy is institutional, so what, there is also politics there, and let's see , let's see who is appointed to the supreme court, under which presidents, what are the political appointments, one, two, you can look at colorado, who is present there, three, you can see how the ratings are currently being built in the middle of the republican party, and how trump’s second number is pushing now, and where some of the apparatchiks have moved, republicans, in whose team to engage in primaries with internal political a? an intra-party race, and the fourth thing that you can, the fifth thing that you can look at is how the electoral districts were redistributed, and this is how they know how to do it in the united states and also did it, and the three districts were divided a little differently, as it was before , that's why
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politics rules the ball here first of all, and not only the court, and the court does not take responsibility to enter into the political struggle more than it is formally, let's say, it can afford at the moment. he removes himself from the fact that to give an answer to a very hot political issue that polarizes american society, or at least wants to share the responsibility for it, and is not ready to bear it himself and now go ahead. and the politicians are trying to overturn the court, so that the court will supposedly decide, and they will simply take note of it. thank you very much, oleg sahakyan, he was with us, now we will have a small advertisement, before the advertisement i will have time to say the following, that there is such a cunning story that a lot of democrats, if we continue our conversations about trump and biden, want to support, democrats want to support trump because... they understand that he's so flawed, let's just
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say, that support is going to cause the republicans to freak out, to say, no, we, we, we don't want that, we don't want that, we don't want that we don't want trump, in short, we want to persuade people to vote for their main enemy, so that other people understand that he is not only our enemy, but also your enemy. and now advertising, and then we'll talk. about that, well, let's talk, in short, we will have time for this, advertising, turn on well, that's when everything, how you want, click, and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the universe of cinema, then, oh, what you need, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak. super warm and very comfortable. alaska stayle boots have a perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost.
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stories, become part of history. since 2021, the responsibility award recognizes civil society organizations that act responsibly and change ukraine. laureates of past years, come back alive, let's build ukraine together. friends of the saint egidius community showed how responsible action makes a difference. in 2023, we will celebrate stories of responsible partnership, projects implemented by civil society organizations in cooperation with representatives of other sectors. responsibility is interaction. the award emphasizes the importance of shared values, around which we unite. responsibility award 2023. 10 finalists, three nominations, local, ukrainian and international level, financial reward, authoritative jury members,
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find out details and fill out the questionnaire by qr code, share stories of responsible partnership, become part of history, when we go to bed, then i'm scared and i'm not sleeping, i need your attention, you hear about... what is this? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. contact by phone 0800 210 106. and good health again, my name is mykola veresen, we still have about 15 minutes, a little less, to talk with mykhailo yakubovych , an orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg, this in
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the black forest, it's germany, it's the capital of the black forest, it's on the border of france, switzerland over there. if i see him, i will ask him a question, i saw him, i will ask him now, good health, mr. mykhailo, thank you for finding it's time for us, look, i have such an introduction will be beautiful, you know, when they want to say, humiliate some official event, they say, a circus with horses, and now it turns out that this is a true story, because mr. orbán gave mr. erdogan a horse during visit, but now we may see the first and second. and maybe they will show us a horse, and there is a horse, they say , they tell me that there is a horse, and now we will see a horse, oh, he is in the distance, you see a horse, that means the cheese with horses is beautiful, bright in our eyes, such a color oh, oh, oh, now something will happen to orban, so
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ukraine will join nato, you know, or the european union, because the horse, the turkish horse from... orban and the last one, if the wall on the road to ukrainian european integration would be broken like this in a way, and orban gave it, yes, orban gave it, but i changed, okay, orban gave it, confused everything, nothing, well, look, yes, this moment, this, at every step, mr. orban tells that ukraine, during that meeting , turkey. accession to the european union is more deserving, and here i can say, maybe it is it's true, because it's only been a month since the negotiations began, they're 25 years old since the negotiations began, and they're still standing there in front of the gate, but he has some, as they say about the crazy, single-flame passion, to remember at every meeting ukraine and to say
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ukraine will not get anywhere, they are our most important enemies, what? you say, it doesn’t cause any desires, you can turn to doctors, well, because you can’t at every step, well, if you turn to doctors, then to chinese ones, since orban has this mythology that supposedly hungary is a part of the turkic world, they have been playing with it for a long time, they even talk about a big turkic world from lake balaton to lake baikal, well, it is difficult to comment, but... because of this, they constantly offer the chinese there projects with turkey, as they call themselves in turkish, hungary, they have a good relationship there, and here they found each other, this is the type of orbán, actually erdogan, the same strong hand, orbán reminds of himself and calls to invest money in
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hungary, in particular from the chinese side , from the global south in general, well, we hear about him, we hear about him almost every few days, and in the eyes of many of the same people, he already looks like such a great, you know, leader, the latter, i would say, is a european of the old type, with such an authoritarian rule, and not some pseudo-democrat out there, that is, it is his geopolitical game, geopolitical game with moscow, with beijing, well, to his credit, he has been successful for a long time. and how much nothing is so important to him in the european union until now does, no one will throw hungary out of the european union, although by the way he does not raise slogans about some hangzit there, like the british had brexit, but plays on these such distant fronts and plays, we must give good credit, that is, we will be about him still hear, hear and hear for a long time, and mr.
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mykhailo, but it seems to me, well, look when we put them... nearby, that erdoğan is erdoğan, under all conditions this is some kind of power, and we understand that he is not just power, and also proves, his troops are in syria, he accepts millions of syrians, so he has the budget allows us to somehow feed them, or even build tents, it helps azerbaijan, it creates this turkic axis, this turkish belt, and orbán, well... he seems to be, you know, rubbing under his feet, i can never understand, can he? he is treated seriously, but he is not told, he is not expelled from the european union, but this is some kind of misunderstanding, no one seems to me. maybe i 'm wrong, maybe you are different, because through the european union and through schengen, to which he goes, he allows many of his partners
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to solve many tasks, especially market ones, chinese business registers in hungary and quietly climbs into the european market, especially since there is no second hand, perhaps there is no more ardent opponent of various migrations in europe than orban. a bigger islamophobe than orban, look how he votes for pro-israeli resolutions, that is , where many countries are obtained, he is for everything at once, and about his islamophobia there, even with all their love now for turkey, they have in their historical memory it speaks of turks or ottomans as the occupying power, there attackers, invaders, that is, there they can combine the incompatible. but thanks to chinese investments, there is already a lot of different production, scientific cooperation and other things, they easily provide them access to the european
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market, and now, since we even look at the elections in the netherlands, wilders came, wilders says that such people as orban, so, even if you compare the netherlands and hungary, it is clear that this country is on a different level, the same alternative for germany, orban now he... has hope, for him all these world processes they give hope that, they say , right-wing radical forces will come to power, here in germany there will be an alternative for germany, in france some will come there, look, britain made brexit, and these will all be his friends who will say that hungary is a big regional is a leader in eastern europe, but it is interesting that hungary is very good friends only with those countries, like russia, by the way, who does not have it. common border, they have good relations with the poles, good relations there with the turks, but in slovakia, there are many very different issues,
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well now under fico they will of course try to play some kind of friendship there, in serbia they were there with romania, especially considering the situation of the hungarian minority, i.e. they managed to make all the neighbors nervous because of orbán's policies there, well, but geopolitical... it turns out that this is a window of opportunity for orbán, it cannot close, because the european union is not ready to raise the stakes and displace someone somewhere or even overcome his veto, although there are now talks that you the allocation of these 50 billion in ukraine , they say to make it so that hungary will be deprived of the right to vote on the basis of something and there is a lot to be found there, but whether it will be done, i personally doubt, they do not believe that they will give orban after all.. . we'll do it, or he'll somehow do it like this when voting on the beginning of the transition, who stood up, called and left, well, yes, you can invite someone
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else for coffee, this time you can invite someone else, not the chancellor, but i have you, mr. mykhailo , such a question, maybe you know, i'm just lost, the main question about the magyars i always have it in my head, but he is supported, he will win the elections, that is, it is the hungarian people... beat such a person, isolationist and so on. why is that? i remember the times, and i often think about it, when the hungarians were the first among the eastern europeans, that is, the soviets, the oradea people, who were the first to go for crazy reforms, did everything to get into the european union, were bigger europeans than the germans, french, dutch and the belgians, and now the whole nation has decided something, no, we don't like it, come on... let's be the way they are now, well, you can say not the whole nation, for example, if we take the city of budapest itself, there is the government
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of the same budapest, orbán was repeatedly criticized there, because there is an urban population, the population is more tied to various international projects, but what was orbán able to do when from hungary in the 80s and 90s, well, there was, especially in the 90s, an outflow of the population, of course, there was a powerful migration there even before that, just like everywhere else. of eastern europe, he managed there in many cities, especially such small ones, there from the oven to tatabani, to kechkime and others, er, to invest, to find, including chinese and other sponsors, russian, of course, who bought a lot of real estate in budapest, by the way, and to save jobs, to ensure, that is, this is the 90s of the 2000s, they reached a certain level of stability , and they preserved in it. that is , changes are underway, they were even able to survive the 2008 crisis, and immediately they began to position themselves historically as a kind of empire that
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was lost in our country. of the dokrianon treaty, which they lost, there they draw these maps, but they are such a shield from the euro in the balkans of europe from various of these migrants, they swarmed, and it is also necessary to understand that that is why orbán was supported, because he has, for example, this border with romania, the border with serbia from below, he restrained, because the issue of, for example, romania, bulgaria and schengen, it always remained, that is, to maintain border control there, hungary was really here. the first such, the first territory of free europe, and therefore quite a lot was invested in it, as the external, in fact , border of the eu, and he took advantage of this, thanks to he was able to do this with various reforms, the state is relatively small, well, he somehow managed to hold back , and he constantly did what he is now proving, as lukashenko is proving to his citizens, that if not me, then everything, we will be demolished here, we will be torn apart here, there will be a war, that is, everyone he relayed these messages...
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to his, i would say, loyal voter, usually the proletariat, excuse me for such a somewhat old-fashioned term, but here it is just right, well, that's exactly why, all the more so once it happened in neighboring slovakia, then germany, then there is a certain movement, but there is, but there is the counterweight is somewhere in hungary, if we have already started, i was thinking of talking about israel, but already... we have enough time, but anyway , are there internal forces, you say, the hungarian capital, if it is not completely for orban, and there are such forces and such faces, such powerful political leaders who can be competitors of this gentleman whom we show on tv, at the moment there are absolutely no such forecasts for next year, the fact
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is that he is still russian... and the attack on ukraine added points that they say, look how unstable it is everywhere, let's stick to it course, if there will not be any significant scandals there, or some there, although he has already experienced more than one scandal, the fact is that orban there supported even more such right-wing radical forces, there the same jobbik, there others who were surprised a lot with such statements , almost pro-nazi, and against this background he tried to appear... a centrist, that is, he managed to do it, conditionally clean the electoral field often with such provocative methods, and therefore, at the moment, it is important that no one is considered as an alternative to him, there are clearly young people politicians, but theirs the future is obviously not tomorrow, but probably will come in hungary the day after tomorrow, but in today's world it is very difficult to predict something so confidently, that is, we can say that
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most likely this... trend will continue in the coming years, and we will have this orbán, well, not a year or two years from now, he will continue to troll us in the same way, and it will be necessary to do something with him through more serious forces, so that they put some pressure on him with more substantial arguments. thank you very much, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the department of oriental studies of the university of freiburg . in germany, and on this i say goodbye to you, then you will watch my interview with viktor andrienko, maybe you remember, and you know, because i often watch him, he is a brilliant actor, and it turns out from this interview, that he is not only an actor, some organizer, some big manager, producer, in short, you will see a little different viktor andrienko, happy holidays, all the best ladies and gentlemen.
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in the temporarily occupied ilovatsk on during the day, powerful explosions rang out in donetsk. the city was engulfed in thick black smoke, a fire broke out, - the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, petro andryushchenko, and local publics reported. in advance, there is a hit in the composition of fuel and lubricant materials of the russian invaders.


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