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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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another viktor andrienko, happy holidays , all the best, ladies and gentlemen, in the temporarily occupied ilovatsk in donetsk region, powerful explosions rang out during the day, the city was shrouded in thick black smoke, and a fire broke out, - the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, petro andryushchenko, and the local public reported. in advance, there is a hit in the composition of fuel and lubricant materials of the russian invaders. the russians attacked
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kirovohrad region with missiles, according to air force spokesman yuriy ikhnad, the occupiers fired ballistic missiles from occupied crimea. enemy of chile armed forces destroyed over the kropyvnytskyi and oleksandriysky districts. according to the regional authorities, the debris damaged the roofs of houses, fences and cars. there is no information about the victims. also, the defenders of the sky shot down a rocket over the dnipro - reported the head of the region, serhiy lysak. from the territory of the crimea, it was launched in the proper direction. missiles, well, previously there without consequences, well, let's say, these missiles that were released did not reach their goals, so far this is the information. demobilization of the military defending the country and initially a full-scale invasion. in the capital mothers, wives and children of servicemen went on a peaceful picket demanding demobilization after 18 months of service. their relatives went to the army in the first days of the great war and are still waiting for replacements. so the participants
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are demanding reasonable service limits and a demobilization law as soon as possible. what is in the information space for 36 months is simply a death sentence for our fighters. those people who voluntarily went to defend their country are the flower of the nation, and now they just want to exterminate this flower of the nation, it has been fighting for 21 months, and i will not soon i can stand it i want it to be changed. in kherson, the movement of trolleybuses was restored, repair crews in the shortest possible time restored the contact network damaged as a result of nighttime enemy shelling. currently, all trolleybuses are on the route. - said
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the mayor roman mrochko. also, the occupiers continue to fight with medical institutions. the day before, they ransacked the building of one of the local polyclinics. the employees of the facility have been trying to cope with the consequences of the shelling since the very morning. around 10 p.m., the building of our polyclinic was damaged by a plane the building of the building, the window was damaged, the gas pipe was damaged, which was already successfully repaired. stood all night, now it has already started, everything is fine, the consequences of the arrival are eliminated. an official of the kyiv military administration helped the deputies of the city council to evade duty, the state bureau of investigation reported about it. the chief of staff directed the mobilized deputies of the capital to one assistant, allegedly on a business trip to the kmva. all this in collusion with the commander of the teroborona military unit where the men were supposed to serve. in... as a result,
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instead of performing combat missions, they served time and received military salaries. the extras did not show up for military service for almost a year, but they received financial support from the unit. in august 2023, all four were informed of the suspicion of evasion of military service obligations committed by a group of persons in accordance with a previous conspiracy. at present , the suspicion under the same articles has been reported to a high-ranking official of the kmva. who contributed to the registration of the july business trip, the sanction of the articles provides for punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty freedom for a term of up to 10 years. fortification of ukraine's borders with belarus continues, engineering groups of the state border service, regardless of the weather, are non-stop building fortifications there, said andrii demchenko, the spokesman of the service. the military is setting up trenches, shelters, and firing positions, as well as installing a barrier fence with barbed wire to the state fortification.
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local residents of the border regions voluntarily join the border. despite the fact that we are at the very border, none of the residents of our community were afraid and everyone stopped for protection of our community and our country as a whole, everyone is doing something, we are helping the guys there in the trenches, it is difficult, so we are also trying to join in helping people. currently, the state border service does not observe a formed group on the other side of the border, which would be ready to carry out a second invasion. also , non-standard situations along the state border are not noted. the situation remains fully under control, but given that belarus continues to support russia. we must be ready for any situations and send for border protection is not canceled. eight iraqi citizens were detained in lviv region. they tried to come to europe illegally, the state border service reports. foreigners came to ukraine legally. however, they decided to enter the european union outside
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the checkpoints. law enforcement officers discovered violators near the border during an inspection of a minibus driven by a ukrainian. the passengers, including four children, did not have a dock with them. the further fate of the detainees will be decided by the court. flags at half-mast on the buildings of state institutions and mass religious services all over the country. in the czech republic, today is a day of national mourning for the victims of the shooting at charles university. president peter pavel personally visited. also, at the call of the government, at noon, all citizens honored the victims of the terrorist attack with a moment of silence. let me remind you that on december 21 in prague, a 24-year-old student committed a shooting at a university. according to law enforcement officers, 15 people died, including the attacker, who later committed suicide. this is the largest mass shooting in the country in recent decades. the mayor of london supported the transfer of cars to ukraine which locals rent for scrap. this
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was reported by the british publication the telegraph. sadiq khan said four-wheel-drive vehicles, including pickup trucks and suvs, which are subject to recycling due to non-compliance with environmental requirements, may be in the right. for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. previously , the official was against such an initiative, as it violates the legal requirements of the environmental program. however, after campaigns in zma and numerous appeals, khan changed his mind. thanks to negotiations with the polish government, it was possible to suspend the blocking of the point the pass of shigina medyka. this was announced by the vice-minister of the ministry of agrarian policy michal kolodzejczak on the ex network. the government personally went to the protesters to persuade them to stop the protest, after the new year we will sit down at the table to work out the expected solutions together, - koladzejczak wrote. let me remind you that polish transporters blocked the movement of ukrainian trucks on november 6. they are protesting against the simplified working conditions of ukrainian drivers on
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the european market. later , polish farmers joined them. a separate brigade artillery reconnaissance black forest needs repair of special vehicles. a defective car at the front can cost a lot. or even life. when performing combat tasks, the transport has an important function, but it quickly breaks down and requires timely repair. people hold on, but technology cannot. we ask you to join the collection of uah 100,000 in order to return the special vehicles to working condition and continue the work on adjusting the artillery fire. we have only uah 15,00 left to collect. let's do our defenders a gift for christmas. you can pay using the details you see on the screen. tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you.
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terc. tickets on the concert ua, media website parrtnder, espresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. pigardian tertia. good health to good people. live sound. special performance. of the legendary dead rooster band with an orchestra at the lviv opera with the christmas and selected program. early lyrical songs, new christmas compositions and favorite super hits. on january 8, the stage of the lviv opera. tickets on the website of the organizer big information partners, espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. oh, there are no potatoes, will you bring them? asin has already caught something, i remind you, you have dr. tice's comfrey and
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oh my god, how long does it take to go from kyiv to novosibirsk, well there somewhere up to, well, 5 days, somewhere like that somewhere up to a week and back here and there, i’ll tell you frankly, viktor, i’ll tell you like this that i’m old from time to time, a big difference, i especially like where you play mueller in st. in odessa style, when müller stirli
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, he eats seeds, liquidation is called, liquidation, liquidation, i really love and even sometimes not what i regret, but i, well, i liked some moments, not all, but i liked some, and you what do you say, there is some no the fact that nostalgia, and some such, well, there is such a strange russian word, is called annoyance, that is, well, it would be good if it were not there. no, no, mykola, you know there is life, life is the same as weevils, we can’t , he says, and what you don’t restore, i ’m saying, life has changed, everything has changed, let’s go on, turn the pedals, sit all the time on a phthalic clown, all the time, i'll show how funny it will be, that's all, why, it's necessary to change, you remember, they changed correctly, incorrectly, you can somehow argue there. it was necessary to fill with water, it is not necessary, but it is some people, even i know, saved their lives
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, and some did not know weevils, they watched, they grew up, just watching mamada, then it was different, then there was a big difference and so on, that is, you know, i think that it is normal when a person don't sit on the same one and the same thing, but go on, i'm a weevil, you remember that they did a lot of bad things, that is, for some reason , for four years i... sat in the same images, then i was no longer allowed on television, for some reason, they thought that i would just smoke, get drunk, and make those remarks, they understood that i play such and such a character , and i am not those characters, well, this is always a disease of people, i, too, have to joke on the street, in a store, in a restaurant, and i have fasts and i still love, you know what well, the fact that you have already raised this topic is very funny. people watch tv or the computer, and there are different, different people, and they think that there is this
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room where we all gather, and yes, and there is president bush or president clinton or president obama, and they are very different ukrainian people, yes, and they are always like that to me, well mr. mykola, you tell them there, well tell me, you see them, well, something needs to be done, well tell me, and it seems that we are all sitting there together somewhere and we are being let out one by one. when exactly like this, you understand, when, exactly, mykola, excuse me , the most chic thing is when you are offered something that you have never done, for example, there, well, you were an actor, then they say that you will be a director of tv series, and then when it comes , they should become the director of a full-length film, and you know how zhvanetsky, when
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he sews me a suit, he says, i'm a surgeon, i'm not even a psychiatrist, i say, sew me, i'm not in that i can walk, what are you doing? it's a hospital , he's a babysitter, i'm a doctor, i've got diplomas over there, he says, send me a suit, okay, you have the same material, that's the same behind the scenes, when you have to say, only you can make a full-length children's film, i didn't even know that i was like that, well, that is, then i became a director of animated scenes, too, if i also worked in animation, but not like then, well, and so on, that is, you change, it's normal, please tell me , now you are focused on the children's... sphere, you invent fairy tales, you are trying to shoot them, you are preparing, you are looking for money, books, i have written books, there are two books already , books, tell me, it is because you believe , there is some ideology behind it, that you need to educate the future, why you were drawn to it, or you you just don't want to interfere in politics so much that let's go without politics,
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which means for the children, if there is no politics there, i will calmly joke and entertain myself. whether children like it or not, looking for heroes for children and so on and the like in general , i would like to, i would like to write books for children and make movies, and so on, well, everything happened, well, you know that everything happened, as expected, that is, you answered everything for me, but i will say a little more specifically, first, but really , strangely enough, then i remember that when... i was still studying at school, my mother worked in a kindergarten, she was an accountant, and i used to come to her, they cooked very tasty buns, she was vitya, come and eat a bun, and i came, and then he said: oh, the teacher is not sick, go talk with the children, i went there and started to read fairy tales to them, and then i began to invent fairy tales, because sometimes i, for example, was like this,
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do you remember the movie there, this was a children's frost, and i saw... i started from that teaser to add the ending and add the beginning, that is, i told the children , and they, that is , it was probably already there since childhood, and when i made a children's film and went, showed it from uzhgorod to sevastopol and saw the reaction, when i was already 13 years old, it was already somewhere in november, november still a little for... and we showed in the kerch, and they shouted: "we are kerch, i have a kerch, we are from kerch, i did not understand that there were already moscow festivals held there, they were all fully anticipated, already prepared, they were under russia, and when we showed it to 1300 children, they showed that film in ukrainian, we don’t have it in
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soviet, i wanted to say in the russian language, in the ukrainian language, and when even..." and there, i am not talking about tatar children in orphanages, what we showed, you understand, and after everything, everything, everything, when 1700 children were in kherson, they came, 600 disabled people came, a child is sitting without arms and legs and funny, such a laugh, i say, how do you like it? i liked this very much, you understand that when you are tight with this, and understand that few people do anything for them, that is , i can... i will ask you how many children's films were made in the 14th year, i think , that i haven’t done any, i’m alone, alone sometimes , well, maybe yours is one, no, well, but everyone says that it’s simply unprofitable, everyone says, no, it doesn’t bring money, we won’t do it, yes, yes , tell me more about this, that it is
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unprofitable, that, well, the situation is that that... that when i saw that, i realized that i had to do something for them first, because no one is doing it, come on, at least i will do it, first of all, secondly, you have no idea, we are already after everyone , even now after every screening i talk to them because the children want to talk, they don't need to be shown a movie, well, they're small, they watch and that's all, they can't stand even 80 minutes of a movie, but now after gadgets, smart devices, here they are... in general , it's fast, that's right, well, they don't perceive it from the imagination , it doesn't work anymore, and they are already the same which are five. grade, sixth, seventh grade , they want communication, they want to talk to you, they ask such questions that you even fall, for example, there was one child who asked me, well, after ivan, but this
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is a story - this is a story, that's all, but you really have never lifted a barbell, and what is there to lift like two sacks of wheat at the station. you are there, a boy came up to you, the last time i showed two weeks ago, they asked me to make a presentation to make books, come up, he says: why can’t you make children’s things during the war cinema? i am silent, the child sits in the first row, says: uncle vitya, why do you do so little for us? yesterday, oh, yesterday, i wrote down the answers, whatever the children ask me, then i walk down the street and answer each child who asked, well, what is the class. there were two grade seven and one grade eight, i answered them and one more question, why don’t you make children’s movies, you know, i’m not against it,
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well, you understand, that’s why i started making already to try, i have and for first film, grand prix for best screenplay, boy, don't touch or what? why did you save me for so long? and for cherynalysya, for the best screenplay i received the grand prix, the coronation of the word, for four years i could not knock out that movie, well, what they fought against me was that they sabotaged ivan separately, well, okay, that was under yanukovych, but then, well, i didn’t could not in four years. break through this movie , because i don't share, i see the money that they gave for ivan silo, it was completely stolen, i didn't steal a penny, well, we stole it, it's just
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going to fall down, they gave us 2 million for ivan silo , and immediately 600,000 were taken away, i say where did they take it, for taxes, wait, i say, well, this is a state cinema, and it gives and takes from itself for taxes, so we pay more taxes... we pay not for contracts, not for actors, not for anyone, not anymore pays, we gave everything, no, no, no, no, you still have to pay for it, that is, you understand, that was the style, then there was filipenko, he broke everything, and there is no such thing anymore, so it didn’t work out, it didn't work out, but when it did, you found the money, you found everything, it was necessary, well, philip said, i can't give you everything, i can give there 40% for fim, i say, ok, give 40, we will start. while we are working, we will find more, and while we were looking, bang, the quarantine has started, but, but i can’t do anything, everyone is wearing masks, i can’t go out,
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gather people so that we can’t film the actor in masks, you understand, you do you remember that it was such a fool, then everything, the quarantine ended, everything, and i find a partner, world, national online cinema, everything, they give the other half of the money, we agree, we agree, what else we will do, dev 'yeah cartoons for the ministry of education asked to make cartoons according to the school program, we managed to make one for the church of laksia loskota, i was not a producer, well, i found the money for this film, and they gave us according to other programs, and everything was agreed and the war, bang, war, i had to 1 in june, the shooting will already start, 5 months of preparation and shooting, and i have a baby girl, i am sitting like this, and i also forgot to say a very interesting thing, when we were sitting in these quarantines, i say, a book, in parallel, i
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released, you have an international barcode , that this is copyright, okay, they started, they wrote i say, listen, we have one more book, then i will be through the courts, and so the script was made for the book for the americans, but they wanted to drink my blood, you see, they wanted to take it away for free, and i did such crazy adventures of the flint parrot and that cherkassky was alive before the soviet union, i showed it to him, he liked it very much, based on his idea that it is a treasure island, the same thing, but there are only animals, and i took it as a basis, developed, completely made this scenario, until i looked at it , said, okay, dude, it's great, we'll do it, and then you'll remember david is gone, and i say, listen... let 's quickly make another book, i approached rodna filipych sakhaltuyev, he is an artist, the people's artist of ukraine, who worked as an artist, the lead actor in all danyd
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cherkaskyi's films, and i say: rodna filipovich, can you draw me 20 pictures for a book i want to make for children? vityusha says: "show me, i'll look, even if the script presents itself." wait, listen, i haven't read anything like this for a long time, it's very cool, listen, let's make a comic, i say, wait, what are you going to make a comic, yes, did you understand yes, i've already done it, it'll be fine, it's funny, i made it funny, i say , okay, let's go, and we started, but quarantines, shmini and we... i thought i'd do it quickly in six months, but it took about two years, they made this book, and right before the war we presented the book and presented it, you’ll miss the time, it wasn’t my idea either, they called me and told me that it’s a community of blind and partially sighted children, that in lviv children are headed by oksana potipko, she’s a professor, there teacher, there is a medal. there are
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many internationals there, and she says: "victor, i want us to make braille for the children." and i say, i even signed up, when the book comes out, i will take it and rewrite it, why did i put it in the word file right away. and they worked for a long time, because you know that it was necessary , well, what i will tell you technically, the braille font, and you have to translate it and see that it is ukrainian and you need the signs to fall in, they made the braille text for three months and... then they printed it, made it, we got 120 books, because everything did not fit into one, four, we got four books, 30 copies of four books each, because why 30, because in ukraine before the war there were six, six boarding schools and 20, yes 24 schools for the blind and partially sighted, that's why we had to
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give all this away more. we even have pictures there, that is, they asked to make pictures, children who cannot see, they say: i want to look, yes, i want to look, i want to read, they never say, touch, they never say, viktor, i can look at you, i approach you with my hands like this, i touch you completely to look, what do you look like, and we made these drawings, and i was a spear, why are we making drawings then, come on, no, no, no, there are visually impaired people, they want to... but we had to make drawings, not like we do for the sighted, a little they have to do it differently, this is the second technology, so, can't you imagine, on february 24, 2022, i had to give two books, one copy to the braille house, which is in kharkov, and the other to the boarding school, and to the due to the fact that ruslan asenka broke her leg, i didn't have time, we were able to go and,
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well, i was in kharkiv on february 24, so, then yes, and when we presented this book in kyiv, children came who read it and told journalists what they liked and what they didn’t like, and i say it again, blind children read the book and told what they liked and didn’t like about the film, here's the next stage, which i 've planned now, i still can't get through , it didn't work out with ukf, well, i'll try somehow, i want to do it too, they invited me, asked me to do it. to make an audio play such, one cannot say an audio book, not monophonic, but multi-vocal, like a film soundtrack, so that it was a lot of tracks, there were noises, voices , music, everything, we wrote the music for this for the film, so let it be there, here we are, when we did it all, we submitted it, we can't start everything now, but i think , let's run everything, everything will be fine, but i said
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why would this one be interesting? an audio performance , because it will be interesting not only to blind, partially sighted children, but also to children, well, that is, to everyone else, but when you, especially, i say , come on, they are sitting in the bombast, let them listen to a book, like anxiety, you know, everyone they go down to the school, sit there or run next to the storage room, and they are sitting, they don’t know how to fool around, they don’t know what to do there, you know, so i took it or showed a movie or , for example, showed this audiobook there, that would be good, so, well, that’s the last idea that i have i'm punching, listen viktor, what do you say to me, wait, wait, wait, maybe i'll tell you right away, kolinka, i'll tell you right away, let's go quickly, because i have a question, i ask it from time to time, and what you say, i can answer your question , okay, come on, continue, continue, continue, quickly, now due to the fact that the war, i can't shoot movie, i have to shoot not a movie , but an animated movie, so it will be...
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movie and animation, you answered everything


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