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tv   [untitled]    December 24, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EET

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trucks: a record queue at the entrance to ukraine of 1,500 trucks was collected by polskyi dorogusk, the longest queue at the exit point was at the krakow checkpoint, where as of wednesday there were 1,452 trucks. a day of downtime costs truck drivers about €300. they could earn this money if they did not stand, but drove, and if we calculate the deviations on a state scale, we will get figures that are already impressive. by expert. according to estimates , during this period ukraine already lost somewhere around one billion euros, but it cannot be said, in fact, that poland will gain anything from this, since it loses trade turnover, it loses transit opportunities. polish hauliers are demanding the cancellation of the transport visa-free regime, which allows ukrainian colleagues to work in eu countries without unnecessary obstacles, but
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the poles cannot stand this, because the tariffs of ukrainian truckers are lower. they built one of the largest trucking empires in europe, in principle, and at one time they displaced spanish carriers, german carriers, of course, they understand that there are now a large number of drivers in ukraine, a large number of trucks as well, they are really afraid, they are really afraid of competition, because the tariffs for transportation in our country are essentially nothing, they joined the blockade. and polish farmers complain about the uncontrolled influx of grain from ukraine, demand an embargo on sugar, direct subsidies and other benefits. and the agrarian potential of poland, it now provides 70, 80 percent of all the needs of the european union in general, scares the fact that simply agrarian carriers will lose those monopoly profits, or almost monopoly profits.
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booths, which in any case are surplus profits, which they have now. the polish court allowed farmers to picket the checkpoint until march 8, 2024, but the deputy minister of agriculture spoke about a real trade blow to ukraine, a 20-year embargo. we need to protect our interests, for example, as germany did when poland joined the eu. then the labor market for poles was frozen for... eight years. today we have to talk about the fact that agricultural products from ukraine, raw and processed, should not enter poland, for example, for 20 years after ukraine joined the eu. michal koladzejczak, deputy minister of agriculture of poland. but such an option is unlikely. new prime minister donald tusk, who criticized the previous polish government for inaction. in a situation with a border blockade, he still suggests looking for a compromise. we.
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looked for and found ways to take into account the needs of polish drivers as soon as possible and at the same time immediately unblock the border of ukraine, which is struggling and waiting for the transportation of goods from this blocked highway, donald tusk, prime minister of poland. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi expects effective actions from the new polish government. i will believe that the new government will unlock this, the whole blo'. it is artificial, we are ready for you, so that people in poland do not lose anything, but you cannot politicize the issue of grain when everything is blocked, we lost hundreds of millions of dollars, we lost part of the harvest, we lost everything every day, we started to lose political relations, earlier the european commission called for unblocking these checkpoints on the border with poland. see now
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to what extent tusk's new government is still called pro-ukrainian, to what extent it is constructively disposed to solving this issue, to what extent its position is synchronized with the european union, but it is still difficult to quickly resolve these internal contradictions. the border blockade has been in place since november 6 and forced ukraine to look for other ways. export, corridors through moldova and romania are currently operating, supplies through the black sea have been established. also, according to the data of the border service, carriers travel across the border with slovakia and hungary. such logistical solutions only partially reduce the large losses of carriers. rostislav sysoev, we are ukraine, marathon, single news. the country that systematically sticks sticks in our wheels will take over the presidency of the eu next year. will there be time? partner countries of kyiv to work out
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an effective mechanism for countering orban's pro-putin position by that time. and whether the european union will be able to bypass hungary's veto and approve more than 50 billion euros of aid for ukraine, anna grishina was playing european solitaire. bash na bazh, or how the eu will bypass hungary's veto, a question that interests almost everyone european edition. journalists are debating whether politicians will agree to blackmail orban or bypass budapest in order to provide promised aid to ukraine. we are talking about 50 billion euros, they should come to kyiv in several tranches. within four years, for the first time in 18 billion, the issue was blocked a week ago at the summit in brussels by hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, and he began to blackmail his colleagues, saying, money for kyiv - in exchange for euros for budapest. orban's argument that this money should not be
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borrowed, because after kovid the eu took a joint loan to restore the economies of member countries, and because of hungary's problems with the rule of law, its money was frozen by the eu, that is, orban, although from the first... provided for hungary due to the corruption and oppression of judges there. at one time, orbán was called the creator of democracy in his homeland, but now he was called a usurper. he has been prime minister for 13 years in a row, he is the only european leader who called the full-scale war in ukraine in the style of russia a special operation and refused to help our country. in the first century there can be a dictatorship, he turned his country into an autocratic one, and he sincerely believes that russia and china will be the winners in the great conflict of autocracy and democracy, and therefore he does not want ukraine to prosper as a western democratic country. european high-ranking officials refer to urban as
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putin's trojan horse. the hungarian constantly blocks with his voice all decisions that could one way or another harm the kremlin, in particular the oil and gas embargo on russian energy carriers, then... since the beginning of the great war in ukraine, the russian federation has earned $800 million from their exports to the eu daily. this winter, according to gazprom, budapest did not reduce, on the contrary, it doubled its purchase of russian natural gas. this agreement was preceded by friendly handshakes between orbán and the russian dictator in beijing. european leaders plan to allocate financial aid to ukraine from the eu budget. this requires the unanimous support of all 27 countries. in other words, how can the vote for the start of negotiations on our european integration not work, when orban did not vote, but also did not promise. in an interview with we ukraine, balin domotor, a journalist of the main website novyn hungaryshchyna, explained: operations related to the common budget of the eu are decided by the member states collectively,
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so probably brussels will have to negotiate with stubborn hungary, and it seems that the european commission has taken the first step, unblocking 10 billion euros for budapest, but... not as terrible as it is portrayed , says expert on european integration, political scientist roland freudenstein. this is about hungary's presidency of the eu, which will begin next summer and which ukraine is anxiously waiting for. orbán will try to influence the agenda of ministerial meetings in the european council, but it is not the same exactly what to manage the european union. even now , hungary, as one of the eu member states, has more influence. in brussels, if the negotiations with budapest fail miserably, an alternative plan will be used, when each of the member states will independently provide financial assistance to ukraine. the european leaders will negotiate with the hungarian prime minister at the beginning of february, when they will gather in brussels for a special summit. local political scientists are sure that the eu will not
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satisfy all of hungary's appetites, that is, budapest will not receive the remaining 20 billion, so it is likely bargains and agrees to vote for financial aid to ukraine. from brussels anna grishina, we, ukraine, marathon, single news. holidays in danger in europe do not exclude terrorist acts on christmas and new year, the european commission previously warned about this. brussels claims that the threat may come from the middle east, where the war between israel and hamas continues. the european union even allocated 30 million euros for protection against terrorists for the protection of churches, synagogues and mosques on christmas days. kryval has already covered europe this week. shooting, a student of the faculty of philosophy committed a mass shooting at charles university in the center of prague, killing at least 14 people and injuring more than 20 others. there are no ukrainians among the victims. shooter david kozak committed suicide. the police do not connect this terrorist attack with international
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terrorism. the attacker acted independently, according to one of the versions, chech's bloody massacre was inspired by a similar shooting a few days earlier in a russian school. well, after in one of the capital's schools, during the alarm, when the children were already in shelter, due to a burst pipe collapsed a piece of the ceiling, all the bomb shelters in kyiv should be checked, that school has been there for 42 years , no one was injured, but since it has just been repaired with the help of a charitable fund , an examination will be conducted in the near future and an investigative team will be created, and the kmda ordered special commissions until december 29 check all capital shelters, and if there are deficiencies, eliminate them as soon as possible. army aviation pilots call themselves flying infantry,
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they support our ground forces from the air, military pilots evacuate wounded, hit enemy targets or advance on the ground, help our advance on the ground. behind them was the breakthrough to azovstal and the liberation of zmiyna island. now they perform combat tasks in the hottest areas of the front. about those who hold the sky. our exclusive. these shots, where the mi-24 rotorcraft flies over us, are unique. we managed to film ours returning from the mission. in the direction of bakhmut, the enemy is storming the positions of our troops. combat sorties for pilots of army aviation go one way by one the enemy's air defense is changing. therefore , each flight is unique in its own way. and every flight. has its own certain combat tension, its own nuances. while some crews are returning,
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others are preparing for combat. assault groups, mortar batteries, ammunition depots, these are all targets that must be destroyed by army aviation brigades, because they are the shield that covers our infantry from the sky. every flight is for pilots. the enemy hunts for equipment and personnel, so we deliberately do not show the faces of our defenders, because it is their safety. we have a very complex air the situation consists of enemy fighters, they are constantly hunting us, we are playing cat and mouse with them, yes, that is, they are trying to catch us, we are cunning, our task is to quietly somehow sneak up, sneak up, bite and just as quietly leave, so that to... few people know about their work, but without them the crews will not
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be able to accurately work on the targets, we will show you the work of the advanced aviation gunners, a unit that adjusts the helicopter strikes on the occupiers. in support of the infantry, is very involved an incredible number of people, the most difficult
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thing is still waiting for work and leaving, the most difficult thing is to wait, and these half minutes, when they are at the point of maneuver, these are probably the most difficult half minutes that fall out during work, army aviation pilots with their superpowers squeeze the maximum out of... the available equipment, on their shoulders the performance of extremely complex operations, such as, for example, a breakthrough on azovstal. i was loaded with about eight seriously wounded lying down, then we brought them all directly, i really hope that they were given qualified medical assistance, but we suffered losses during this operation, one of our crew did not return, and the liberation of zmiinyi island, i will never forget those feelings, all of us in the crew must have felt
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the same, eh, when the task was completed, when we were already returning , we have already seen land, you know, some kind of slightly elevated mood, the mood of what we accomplished, and you know, well, we did it, exclusive stories from extremely difficult missions and unique footage. watch tomorrow at 22:10 in the documentary project sky. marina smolova, konstantin tsarinok, oleksandr rishetnikov, we are ukraine, marathon, single news. seven dnipro residents aged 14 to 19 are suspected of committing such crimes, they have already been detained. according to the investigation, on the night of december 3, they stabbed a homeless woman in an abandoned building. another homeless man who was attacked the same night managed to escape. on the phones of the boys,
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the police found videos of abuse of these people. if their guilt is proven, they will spend... 10 years, or they will be imprisoned for life. we also received information about a person who is in prison for particularly serious crimes, who is possibly the organizer of this group, and managed the group's actions by telephone. the president signed the law on vacations regulating their provision and use. the law increases from 15 to 30. days per year the total maximum period for granting an employee unpaid leave for family reasons, now it is clear that martial law, there are also important rules, regarding, for example, that the employer has the right not to grant leave in general, to the employee, if the performance of labor
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functions is related to the reconstruction of critical infrastructure there or mobilization. task or reinforcement of defense capabilities, but there will be no additional days off for christmas and new year due to the martial law in ukraine. mondays, december 25 and january 1, will be regular business days. but in private companies, employers can grant days off on these days at their own discretion. the state intelligence service warns that after... a cyber attack on the largest ukrainian mobile operator, russian hackers have not laid down their weapons, they send ukrainians letters infected with viruses with the names request, documents and subscriber's debt, so if you receive such a message, do not open it under any circumstances, kondrechuk will now
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tell about the losses, goals and consequences of special operations in our network, thousands of calls that were not destined. millions of unread messages. honey, hello, it's 4:50 am. how are you with the baby? son, you got to school, everything is fine. roman petrovych, congratulations, sorry, i have communication problems, i'm catching a taxi, i might be late. you remember well what the first seconds were like, minutes, hours, without connection. they probably also thought that the problem was local in the phone, maybe in a house or in a settlement, but... this cyber attack, which specialists will later call the largest in history, is a parallel front of the russians. during the great war, they committed more than one thousand attacks on the network, so how many? what about our personal data now that wars between states have moved into the virtual plane. back in 2007
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, american researchers demonstrated to the world how it is possible to destroy a diesel generator the size of a machine tool. with just one malicious code, this 2007 opens a new virtual front, the first to suffer is estonia, which even then received public services online, even held elections on the internet, but a sudden network attack puts the country's online banking, government, police and leading media sites on the shoulders of long weeks it is interesting that the cyber attack coincides with the decision of the estonian government to dismantle the monument to the soviet soldier from the center of tallinn. at the same time, the estonian special services find out that some of the computers that attacked are located in russia. in addition, the ip address points to state institutions of the kremlin. and already in a year, a similar scenario is being repeated in georgia. 2008 russians attack the country physically and virtually. hackers break into the internet portals of the georgian government on official websites, post the image
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of the then president mikheil saakashvili together with hitler, and nothing else. for... ukraine, the cyber war begins in december 2015. a quarter of a million citizens are without electricity for almost 6 hours in a row, because the russians attacked energy companies. and already in two years, due to hacked servers of a domestic company the petya virus spreads through every tenth computer in ukraine. both private and public infrastructure are falling. the cabinet of ministers, antonov's tax and state concern, airports, boryspil and zhulyany, the kyiv metro, energy companies, banks, gas stations and the chernobyl nuclear power plant. later, the white house will calculate the probable losses - 10 billion dollars, and the new york times will draw a parallel that the attack took place a week after the attack. visa-free for ukraine from the eu. and only now, in 2023 during a full-scale war. you and i are getting used to this symbolism
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russian by the way, the president of ukraine was on a working visit to the united states after pretending to hack the kyivstar system, after the council of europe started negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. the next target can be any critical infrastructure, be it communication, energy, chemical, or industrial infrastructure. with the help of a cyberattack, which we are stopping , paralyzing the country, let's admit that when kyivstart stopped, most of the society, business enterprises lost communication for that day, but this time the attackers did not reach the state registers, folders with data about everything are explained by government officials, hidden in various repositories, and we pay money for finding vulnerabilities, conduct technical audits constantly, work with partners on this, so as far as action is concerned, we constantly live in this. in the state of cyber warfare, they constantly want to hack us. our specialists have neutralized more than 4,000 cyberattacks on state bodies this year alone. interest in this is traced by
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the already familiar handwriting. here it is worth understanding that this group is part of the main directorate of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation, more known as gru, who thus wants to publicly legalize the results of his criminal activities. the sbu continues to document the russian cyber attack on civilian infrastructure. of ukraine as another war crime by the rashists. meanwhile, ukraine and 10 other countries - estonia, the netherlands, canada, poland, france, sweden, germany, denmark, the usa and great britain are launching the tallinn mechanism to protect our data in cyberspace. unfortunately, it is likely that russian cyberattacks will continue for the foreseeable future. that's why with help we give this mechanism a chance to strengthen ukraine's systemic readiness and resilience to... without threats in the long term. minister of foreign affairs of estonia, margus tsahna. the mutilated kyivstar also adds to the news of danger. there is still recovering
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from the hack. the company's losses are calculated in billions of hryvnias, but they admit that it could be many times more if it were not for the red button - disconnection of any networks. that's why we had no contact with you. no matter how much you change the settings? the entire hacking attack was targeted. on the destruction of infrastructure company, the enemy was trying to reach our fixed and radio network, why it would be much more difficult to restore it, because there are thousands of objects located all over ukraine, it would take weeks, so this whole protocol, it helped us stop this attack on a separate level. therefore , consumers in... buildings out of 80,000 that could be damaged were left without home internet. kyivstar promises to restore communication by the end of this week, but still recommends users to buy
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a spare sim card for the future in order to hear everyone on time their own iryna kondraychuk, danylo horodetskyi. we are ukraine, the marathon, the only news. the olena zelenska foundation, as part of the christmas on the doorstep initiative, congratulated large adoptive families of ukraine. the wife of the president. came with gifts to a family in the kyiv region, which has been raising children for over 10 years. christmas trees and decorations for them, constructors, sweets and books were prepared for more than 13 thousand children from more than 3 thousand foster families throughout ukraine. we care not only about people, we also care about the ukrainian land. 17 sapper dogs, which trained in europe, they are already helping to clear dangerous areas. they all work in different directions, two, for example, are looking for explosives here in the kyiv region, our ukrainian dogs work with shepherd dogs from belgium and slovakia, whether they find
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a common language, darya tsitsaruk saw. almaz and bayraktar are ukrainians, rita is belgian, and tom is slovak. all four are united by one position. they are sappers in the armed forces. a three-year diamond among all. more experienced, that's why he goes to practice first, he never has to find in which of the boxes to rest hidden explosives, the dog trainer leonid teaches him this since birth, she recorded and shows that the explosive substance is there, this knowledge in the spring of the 22nd saved hundreds, even thousands of lives of those who were returning home after the liberation of kyiv oblast, because the russians had just left there ran away from the diamond, which had just turned a year old, there was a lot of work, he was examining mined houses, cars, fields, the remaining equipment, public cars, and people in the cars were calling that there was a suspicious object in we started
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to examine transport axles. because ork things were left in the vehicles, they were sitting in those cars, he has a lot of work now and will get even more in the future. after our victory, we will have to clear mines for another 10 years. a year of war is 10 years of demining, 2 years of war, we will be demining for 20 years. therefore, young reinforcements are already being prepared for the army. beraktar has been in the sapper unit for a whole year. the youngest of all that used my labrador diamond is still just learning, one of the tasks that is still not given to him easily - search the premises, if you manually search everything , then it can take a very long time, when a dog, for example, searched the premises for five minutes, if there is something and it is tuned to this smell, then it will find it, and labrador and malinois were taught in ukraine , rita and ton are pupils of the european kennel center, they
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were trained there for six months. commissioner retired. foreign partners have already handed over 17 dogs for our armed forces, another 32 will be given next year. but before giving the dog away, each of our canine experts must undergo several weeks of training, and later certification in poland. vitaly also returned from there a year ago. love at first sight, one might say. yes, yes, no, very nice, dog, works great, understands me, i understand her. it worked. his bitch is good at looking for explosives, she only needs a minute to find such a substance in the box, the german shepherd therefore likes to work on rubble more, he is also new to the team, he has only been working for two months. we joke among ourselves that he is tomaya jerry, we are a couple, he is my twin, my ears and eyes, if i work here, he is 50 m from me, then i know that he is not safe for me, he will show and tell. after the victory , both europeans will remain in ukraine, and that's it.
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they will leave for a long time. well-deserved rest in four-legged friends will begin only in the ninth year of life. daria tsesaruk, oleksandr petrovskyi. we are ukraine marathon, only news. on the eve of christmas, the ukrainian military starred in a video where they sang christmas carols, urging the world not to stop supporting ukraine. in their performance, the lyrics are slightly changed worldwide famous compositions by john lennon and frank sinatra are acquired. of special importance, because both in the dugout near bakhmut and on the ruins of the cultural center and the railway station in lyman, ukrainian heroes remind the world of the horrors of war, which is ready to spread to their peaceful lives.
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tomorrow is a holiday evening, which ukrainians will celebrate, wherever they are, because christmas is about family and home, about what is most precious to each of us, may our warmth and love be with everyone who has lost their loved ones or their housing, because light will win, this is how this world is arranged, there are only a few hours left until the birth of christ, so let's praise him. him, the armed forces and ukraine. let's celebrate shevoronoi, approaching victory.
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do you hear this symphony? it is created by railway workers to lead you to your dream. dear passengers, we are waking up. ukrzaliznytsia works every day so that all holidays come on schedule. merry christmas and happy new year.


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