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tv   [untitled]    December 24, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EET

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launched this information , well, yesterday i had a conversation with the director of the korsnytskyi school, and i had a conversation yesterday, as if it was not confirmed, the school director called me yesterday, yes, the school director called, she said that it was this boy who appeared, i i knew the boy personally, because i used to visit the school as the mayor, so i knew that he was a child, they lived there in the country, but this is a little different information yesterday, thank you very much, sir, this is actually new. good evening, volodymyr kovalenko, the mayor of nova kakhovka, here you are news, and i think we know more news, we know more news, because we know that there are + 800 good russians, and khrystyna parubiy knows even more news and is ready to share this information with all of us. greetings, colleagues, thank you, and in the issue i will tell about the work of our air defense tonight. and
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do not miss the situation at the front in a moment. news on espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. two people died as a result of a car accident in odesa. in the village of kosy, the driver of the vaz car ran over. two women who walked along the road. the victims died on the spot due to severe injuries, the national police reported. the law enforcement officers found out that kermanych was intoxicated at the time of the accident. a powerful explosion thundered in a residential building in lviv, late in the evening. two people were found under the rubble. a 70-year-old resident of an adjacent building also died. it is known that
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six people lived in the two-story building, all of them were injured, two children and two women were taken to the hospital with burns, but their condition is not serious, - informed the mayor andriy sadovy. he also noted that the explosion occurred in the garage on the first floor, probably due to gas. at the time of our arrival, we saw a destroyed house, there were people under the rubble, these people, who could be immediately taken away and handed over to the medic, were in favor. all necessary medical assistance is provided. 14 shaheds were destroyed by our defenders of the sky this night over the mykolaiv, kirovohrad, zaporizhzhya, dnipropetrovsk and khmelnytsky regions. this is reported in the air force. in total, the russians launched 15 attack drones from the russian region primorsky-akhtarsk. seven people were injured in kherson. among them is a 15-year-old teenager.
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three wounded have been hospitalized, the head of the regional military administration , oleksandr prykudin, said. the enemy attacked the critical infrastructure of the city. a fire broke out on the gas networks, and the occupiers also fired at one of the medical institutions. and in donetsk region , a 54-year-old woman from artillery was wounded. the russians attacked the village of georgiivka - the regional prosecutor's office reported. the occupiers also hit kupiansk in the kharkiv region, as a result of which a private soldier was engaged house. this was reported by the ministry of internal affairs. previously , no one was injured. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 81 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. and the enemy in the kharkiv region became more active. there, the defense forces repelled 17 attacks on... in the direction of kupina. the hottest place is
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near avdiivka. the russians attacked 40 times. another 11 were repelled by ukrainian defenders near bohdanivka, klishchiivka, and ivanivskyi. in the direction of zaporozhye, our defenders fought back all attacks near the robot and willow on khersonsky. the invaders tried to storm 17 times. our soldiers put up a worthy fight. during the day, the ukrainian aviation made 18 strikes on the concentration area of ​​the occupiers and destroyed them. five enemy air defense systems. rockets and gunners hit six personnel concentration areas, two artillery systems, three warehouses with ammunition and the station of the rep of muscovites. progress in the investigation of the attack on our colleague in ternopil. the court satisfied the appeal of the espresso tv channel in the obstruction case journalistic activity and robbery of correspondent maria ivanovska. canceled the resolution of the court. what about the closing of the case and
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the criminal proceedings will be retrialed . we will remind you that the attack on a journalist who was filming a story for our tv channel happened in may in ternopil. then the quartering of the judge of the north. of the commercial court of appeal ludmila kropyvna from selomitsa grabbed the journalist's phone and threatened her with violence. that after i said i was a journalist, after that he said, "if you come here again, i'll kick you," and he fought with me for my phone. complaint of mariia stepanivna ivanovska of the st. ternopil investigative department of the police department of the nazarkevich oblast from may 26, 2023, about the closure of the criminal proceedings. number 120 232 164 400 557 dated may 8, 2023, on the grounds of criminal offenses provided for by the first part of article 171 and the fourth part of article 136 of the criminal code of ukraine.
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taiwan handed over a million dollars for ukrainian refugees in poland. funds will be used to improve conditions accommodation, education and preparation of forced migrants to return home, the ministry of foreign affairs informed. in taiwan. they noted that the creation of the aid fund is a demonstration of solidarity with ukraine. let me remind you that since february of last year, the island has transferred more than 40 million dollars and about 600 tons of humanitarian goods to help us. happy holidays to the occupiers. in lviv, before the christmas holidays , entrepreneurs are encouraged to participate in the purchase of fpv drones for the front and thus convey a christmas greeting. russian troops more about the promotion, see below. drones come to us already complete, with propellers, batteries, these are just elements
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like parts. the guys are already twisting, after receiving this drone, they wind these propellers, they attach such a decoration to the battery. sign, attach it to the drone and send a gift, the campaign of happy holidays to the occupiers was started a number of weeks ago by volunteer olga teslyak, thus encouraging donations for birds for the front. drones are needed, definitely needed, and at that are needed in very, very large quantities, because our enemy has such an unlimited number of them that he just launches them in such a carousel, that is, continuously, russian drones work continuously, our... guys, they do not have such a number, on the other hand, russian the rebs work just the same, they have a very large number of those trench rebs , huge rebs, and these birds out of ten can fly only three due to the fact that they are simply planted by the enemy, entrepreneurs have already joined the campaign, the family bakery network in every way
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helps the soldiers and also bought seven drones, during the month they collected funds from the sale of their products. we have fried pies in our assortment. with potatoes, with cabbage, with liver and with meat, so we collected 1 hryvnia from the sale of this pie, and when the necessary amount was collected, we paid the bill for seven fpv drones with these funds, it worked out for us in less than a month . one fpv drone costs about uah 13, but it can impress a crowd of occupiers and their equipment worth millions of dollars. entrepreneurs and everyone, who has the opportunity i can make signs like this, the businessman can bill me, or we bill the businessman who sells these drones to the supplier, they can pay, i order the signs, we stick them on the batteries and send them to the guys. so far , it has been possible to buy about fifty birds.
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we have already received drones with greetings from the 95th, 93rd, 65th and 125th brigades. khrystyna parubiy, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. 24 children of ukrainian defenders received the desired gifts for the christmas and new year holidays. the children's wishes came true thanks to the project of the non-governmental organization children's dream of ukraine. during december, kyiv hosted the exhibition "dreams realized" with pictures drawn by children. they also wrote what they would like to receive from saint nicholas. benefactors donated so actively that in 24 days they managed to collect almost a million hryvnias. they bought laptops, tablets, game consoles. bicycles and other gifts. and this is such, you know, unity, in our realities, a big war, a full-scale war, we understand that we lost a lot of civilians , a lot of children lost their parents, this is exactly
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the right story, because neither the state, nor any charitable foundation, nor even these volunteers who will gather, will be able to cover... the problems of all these children, these are our common children, these are the children we take care of, we have to take care of, this is our future, this is our president tomorrow, this is our cabinet tomorrow, this is our ruling power tomorrow and those who... will build our future, so we we must invest in these children not only the realization of their dreams, but in general. well, my boy, the very first dream of the return of his hero, his warrior, but as we understand that it does not depend on these people, he dreamed of playstation 5, and thank you to all the organizers and everyone who gave us this playstation, it was his dream, he got it, he is very satisfied, i am also very happy that the child was given a holiday. the next issue is already at 10 o'clock, stay with us,
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we will be back, good morning to everyone who joins us, roman chaika, oksana vysochenska, we are working today for you and we also remind you about our collection together with the human and rights charitable foundation. we are collecting money for battery stations with solar panels for the dnipropetrovsk terego separate brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. here are the battery stations, and here is the qr code and card number that will help you join this collection. because we understand that although it has warmed up in some regions, it has become a little warmer, but it is still not summer, it is dark, cold, it all feels much worse at the front than in our warm homes. remember this. you in particular today will sit down to the holy holy supper, when
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you will gather as a whole family to support those who do not have such an opportunity, even if it is money, even if it is a penny of your own, well, in the meantime, we will see through the eyes of a volunteer who is literally traveling all the time understanding, we can say almost zero, vitaliy zhuchkov, volunteer, activist, mr. vitalyu, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, the studio, i congratulate you, but what are we doing? yaru, times yar is one of the directions of the attack of the russian-fascist occupier, how does the situation there look in your eyes, it is the bakhmutov direction, it is... not where our guys are defending our peaceful sky,
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it all looks very sad, that's why that everything is destroyed, people are sitting in basements, people , it's good that we managed to get water there in the summer, we carry food, we can get to the tempo valley itself, well, it's almost impossible, because the road that was through the fields will be shelled... time it is deacidified due to weather conditions, and it is necessary to jump in the city with by tanks, to get to people, people are sitting , they need warmth, it’s good that at the time , when it was possible to get here, we brought small pots, heaters, generators, now we only carry food, groceries, medicine and dog roots, ugh, permanent , constant shelling. constant weather conditions that do not allow people to live there normally, well
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, they have nowhere to go, many people who have left have come back and say, we will sit here in the basements, we will not go anywhere, i am looking at what the local administration just did to them all points of invincibility, in points of invincibility there are generators everywhere. and borzuyki, people cut down fruit trees in their yards and drown these borzuyki. i'm just looking at the map right now, mr. vitaliy, and i want to understand how, because the direction of the attack from bakhmut is exactly going to chasivyar, chasiv is a little elevated, but seriously, is it there through oleksiyeva druzhkivka, kostyantynivka, and so on. .. a less normal road, what's next? here is konstantinovka with military
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fields, along military roads, because there is no other way out, to get there at all any. in general, we go , we go, we mostly go with the military, we go there , we help a lot of the military, a lot of guys who already know us there, and all the brigades that are standing , they see what we are doing, everyone is signed up to us, everyone . they ask us to help, we also ask them to help, so we get to the front line only with the military, at the same time we eat beads, move on beads, repair ourselves, well, we get there, because people are sitting there, there are no shops, nothing, you can see, now on video brought fodder, people are happy because there there is not even garbage, where the dogs can eat, the poor animals only follow people, the stoves, because they are hungry, it rained, the rain froze, ice everywhere, ice, there is nothing, there is nothing, and
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people are all sitting in the basements, there are no people, the animals are not fed anything , this is a point of infamy, the city authorities made a point of infamy, people are watching in our place in 2023, sit losers, because there is nothing to watch, we even promised them to bring discs there, so they in the city come there, this point of infamy, watch videos, communicate , we bring a lot of clothes to people, our norwegian sponsors, such as those from ukraine , help us, bring a lot of humanitarian aid to us. foreign ones are very , very helpful, such as the espa project , our irish friends help us, our norwegian friends help us, and they see where we are going, and ask people to give us everything we need, well, we have no choice, we get into our cars, on such roads, straight there with military shelling, through all possible,
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impossible difficulties, through all roadblocks. we get to people, people wait for us, wait for us, pass on greetings to their own to the relatives who left this hell, the situation is very gradual, this is a transfer, the same as bakhmut, i even think, after all my impressions, avdeivka, seversky, chasovyar, i think that time, now is the most hellish point, sir vitaly, how are these people disposed, you say, they say hello. to those who left, do they themselves think that it is possible to evacuate, also to leave, or , on the contrary, are they going to the end, yes, to winter, to stay in place in their homes until victory, and to endure as long as these shellings, lack of food, heat, water, clothes, anything, i'll tell you
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that i'm not leaving with one question anymore, maybe we'll leave, they say, we've already left. we had difficulties on the big land, but we will be here until the end, but the situation is very familiar, as we passed it in bakhmut, and in kupyansk, and in avdeivky, and in seversk, while their house is there, while her grandmother, guard the spiral a car and a refrigerator, she will sit there until the last, if not only the house is broken, she is asking to leave, we will take them to konstantin, dnipropetrovsk to kharkov, then already them they look nowhere, people hope in the lord god, they look nowhere , they don’t really want to leave either, they will tell me that it’s the dunes, no, it’s not the zhduns, they’re all for ukraine, they’re all worried, they’re asking for ukrainian news, well, it’s our ukrainian news people, these are far from dunes
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, they are just blowing snow, for our land, they have many loved ones in cemeteries there. buried, a middle-aged person takes care of his mother, father, disabled people, so they say that we have an opportunity, well , i think that as with the stove, they will leave, because there's nowhere to go, well, god forbid, that it doesn't burn all the way to nowhere, that there's nowhere to go , ours are standing there to the death, our fighters are good, i don't know what motivates ours now. guys who are standing all over donbass, but the guys bow low, because here we have christmas trees, we celebrate, we ask for holidays, we will celebrate, and the fighters are standing, about the belt, well, it’s clear, but in general, that is, the graves
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of ancestors plus your own cabin, that's the anchor that holds, that's the main thing. yes, in this case, well, it may not be the last winter, that is people realize that this is not, well , as they say, not to endure a couple of months, and then everything will return to normal life, already, they have a feeling that it can be for a long time, they somehow correlate their lives, well, you can't wait forever for a second - hand is there somewhere, i think that many of them understand that it is for a long time, but some. ty, maybe 50% hope as we have since the first days of the invasion, here it is, here it will all be over, here it will all be over, but i say. they cut down the fruit trees that are in their yards and drown the buds. mr. vitaly, what about you? you communicate, probably with colleagues, volunteers , and you go not only during the yar, siversk,
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you mentioned other places where it is most difficult to get help, where it is most difficult to reach now along the front line, maybe there are settlements where volunteers do not go, here is the last the last trip was to sibersk. very , very heavy, dragged by two jeeps, two busses, it fell, it rained and immediately froze , sievers, who knows, there are very big climbs in the mountains and a very long distance, he is konstantinovka, for example chasivyar there, well, maybe 10 km there, then you can get to siversk, you have to drive 450 km off-road to get to silirsk, everything is completely broken there, there is not a single... there is no food delivery, people of all faiths can only rely on volunteers, uh, well, we also collect, carry medicine, and food, and
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dog kits, the last time i came out, the man showed that after the aerial bombardment, he had a burn on his hand, i posted this video, then deleted it because of unpleasant content, and people responded a lot, many people who look at our pages ask to help everyone , and they send us dog food and medicine to give to people, well, i think that it is more difficult to get to yourself now, because there is no point there, mr. vitaly, please tell me, this is the most difficult point for volunteers to get to siversk to the north. there is actually a silver ship and one of the lines of active hostilities from the side of rusna, so there are still many small
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settlements around, that is, they also all remain with the inhabitants, and how are they hitting the seversk area, or is it just flying over there that flies in and destroys? then i think that if the military strikes, they strike with a target, already this ordinary shelling has ended, which... used to fly everywhere, now they only hit, because, i think, they value the projectiles and hit with aim, that's why some small gathering of people or somewhere from intelligence swept the military from the mavik, then it immediately flies there, it flies very much, what vsivirsk , what flies very much in chasovyarishovyeivka, in our understanding it flies just like that... this does not happen, it flies, everything is aimed, it flies very much, people are constantly there, they only go out for whether, too, if there is an accumulation of civilians,
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for example, there were cases before when no understand, they see in the thermal imagers or in these drones that there is a gathering, then they do not understand, they think that it is the military masquerading as civilians, they think that it is a gathering of troops. who are we, that our military is behind the civilians, and finally, mr. vitaly, where are you going after christmas and what will you do? teretsk , taretsk, i have a yuzhna mine - this is a city near horlivka, it is the same dangerous city there, just two kilometers from the enemy's fascist camps, people too... but there are no buildings there that would have bomb shelters, so people they are sitting in their basements, so when i ask
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how if it comes, they say, then immediately bury us, well, we have to, and humanitarian and disaster, and medicine, and florins, i think we will develop a project, carry there and fuel briquettes, so that people would have... to burn those small pots, then i thought on tuesday it would be tarets, huh, that is, right after christmas, well , mr. vitaliy, be careful, thank you for your work, vitaliy zhuchkov, a volunteer who in fact, their counterparts go around cities that are almost at zero, and from the point of view of fire control, then actually under fire from morning to night, did you hear everything well yourself? we will take a short break, and after that we will talk about the kupinsky direction, and then with the military. be with espresso.
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took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. events: events happening right now that affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited expert. soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and. there is feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholodnyi yar has the urgent need for fpv drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. we meet the first star together. christmas eve at espresso.
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traditional and not so traditional. christmas carols, trips to the christmas cities of our country, very special guests and extremely warm conversations. december 24, let's celebrate christmas together with espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians. and even more for ukrainians from disability, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation.
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free consultations. lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful things information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly. with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. good morning to everyone who joins this, a day in anticipation, christmas dinner, no, not everything is good, as when there is time to think about gifts and 12 dishes. if you look at it through the eyes of our guests, who were also at ground zero.


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