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tv   [untitled]    December 24, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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successfully, and at the end, listening to the voice of the bishops about the pain of ukraine, he himself added, saying: you must be suffering from one more thing, you must be doubting whose side the pope is on, i want to declare to you today, the pope is with you, that is, you see, this moral neutrality was absolutely clarified. these maybe doubts and our pain, was a little bit, i would say, suppressed, but i say to him, so, very good, thank you, and now in front of us, let's demonstrate all this, it is not an easy task, to return home and convince of this our people, our, our, our people, so you see, the dynamics are very interesting, but our voice is important, and it... changes, changes
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the world's understanding of what is happening in ukraine, as shevchenko said, so that the whole world could hear , what happened in ukraine, for which she died, for which the cossack glory became all over the world, problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful, strengthen them with the help of a long. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints facilitate motor functions. with dolgit joints, move freely. damn, stepladders, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there, in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for... the heart
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god's appearance is unchanging. the son of god becomes a man for our sake and our salvation. christ's painting calls for a rethinking of life views and reminds us of eternal christian values: faith, love, truth, this is the path of stability and the foundation of our struggle. i wish that the spiritual meaning of the holidays inspires everyone to continue working tirelessly for the sake of approaching victory, and that they were the driving force in this. love for neighbors and trust in our defenders. let the christmas carol sound for everyone, but especially for our soldiers. flipping through the warmth of christmas, warming you mentally and physically. i wish you, your family and friends, christmas joy and a blessed and victorious new year. christ was born, let's praise him.
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and what is actually happening? i know of several cases when ukrainian greek-catholic priests, for example in berdyansk, became victims of the russian occupation on the same level as clergymen, particularly protestant churches. only the clergy of the moscow patriarchate felt comfortable there, but now it's not about them. we understand that there are still religious figures one target for the enemy. maybe it seems so to me, but when we talk about the fact that they aim at medics so that they don't save our soldiers from the battlefield, when they aim at journalists so that they don't cover real events on the battlefield, when they aim at emergency workers, so that. .. did not put out the fire after
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their shelling, they also target our ukrainian religious figures, so that people do not receive spiritual support when they... need it, and the ukrainian greek-catholic church, as we understand, now he is fighting with at least a few known only to me, now clergymen, how widespread is this phenomenon, how exactly ukrainian greek catholics in various currently, possibly occupied territories are hunted by the occupiers? you see, this has always been the case in history, as soon as the russian empire... conquered, destroyed a separate part of ukraine, the first people they tried to eliminate were the structures of our church, why? because our church was never a state church, but a state and nation-building church, by
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the way, you know, the russians agreed to that propagandists who called the very idea of ​​ukraine's independence political uniadism. it was so interesting for me to hear this, that is, they are panickingly afraid of our church, which is the soul of the ukrainian people, which formed the modern face of the ukrainian nation. by the way, this year we remembered the memory of our holy martyr yusaphat kuntsevich, and this celebration in rome acquired a very wide international significance and level. state at the state level celebrated this anniversary, we somehow together with our brothers and sisters from lithuania realized that josaphat in with his figure formed the face of four modern nations: ukrainians, lithuanians, belarusians and poles, i.e. all those peoples
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who lived on the territory of the former polish-lithuanian commonwealth, and it is obvious that every time the moscow state destroyed this identity... the identity of the europeans who lived in this territory, they were the first to try to destroy our church, and this is still happening today, in the occupied territories , our priests made a conscious choice to stay with their people, and yet they endure and wander around russian prisons, at present at the moment there is not a single catholic priest in the occupied territories of donbass, zaporizhzhia, and the left-bank kherson region. some were simply deported, like our priests from
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melitopol, and some were arrested, and their fate is still unknown to us. you mentioned our two priests from bsoviet. two monks, redemptorists, father ivan levytsky, father bohdan geleta, we still had information about them when we received them in berdyansk itself, it was information from their fellow prisoners who were later released, from whom we learned maybe they, or they are still alive , later, what we know today, they were moved from there somewhere, and their trail, unfortunately, was lost, we still don't know anything... about them, but i wonder why, why , the occupation authorities decided to arrest them, because at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, residents of berdyansk prayed together in front of
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the inscription: "i love berdyansk, it was a joint prayer for the city they love." at first it was tolerated, it was looked at so carefully, then it may have changed, so the person in the occupying power, and such such a prayer began to be considered an unauthorized protest, and because of their love for berdiyan, apparently for their people, those priests were deprived of their freedom and arrested. it is obvious that we are turning to and have turned to various international institutions, various diplomatic missions, with a request to help us save them, their fate is still unknown, this is how our community in
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luhansk, our community in donetsk and in the vicinity of donetsk was destroyed, and the last time was certain orders of the occupation authorities were made public. in zaporizhzhia, where it is clearly and clearly issued an order to liquidate our church, confiscate our property and ban not only religious activities. our institutions, but also humanitarian missions, ugh, such as the knights of columbus, caritas, which have always been dedicated to saving human, human life. what is the conclusion, they are afraid of everything that reminds us of ukraine, everything that constitutes the identity of the ukrainian people, everything that is a manifestation of its individuality, is a manifestation, er... of its true face, everything that can give hope, hope people that one day
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the ukrainian state will be able to restore its own sovereignty in those territories occupied by it, that is, you see, here it is shown how much the ukrainian greek-catholic church is considered a threat to the spread of russian peace, and as one of our still underground lords once said, where there is a greek- the catholic church, there is ukraine, it is obvious that this is primarily about religious identity, which has always, always been a creative nation, and we need the church not to lose its role even in modern circumstances. i know that the pope knows for sure about these, at least two priests francis, and he knows for sure that ukraine is still in contact with the russian orthodox church, in particular their patriarch, patriarch kirill, who
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literally believes that if a russian goes to ukraine to kill, then he is cleansed of any other sins, this an almost verbatim quote from him, but less so. can we hope for a practical manifestation of this diplomacy, the very important religious diplomacy that we are talking about, which very often preserves. despite the fact that morally, as you said, pope francis is on our side? this diplomacy has two wings: public diplomacy and non-public, is this wing not public, can be sometimes, you know, a little stronger and more effective, that's why it's important about all things, let me not say now, everything secret will come out, sooner or later, but.. on the occasion of our synod's stay in rome, then my participation in the papal
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synod, indeed, our delegation had the opportunity to work a lot with various institutions of the apostolic capital, including the state secretariat, this is typically the core of vatican diplomacy, by the way, saint father... very favorably accepted several deep and important initiatives of ours, the creation of certain mechanisms, ugh, how to monitor the situation in russia in order to protect ourselves from russian propaganda and so on, that is , our work, i see, was very, very interesting and very successful , but a concrete manifestation of this was the participation of the apostolic capital in... international forums that our state organizes in order not only
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to clarify our formula for peace, but to enlist the support of, you know, not only world powers, states, but also various international institutions. here we were very pleased that the vatican took the uh... formula of peace, obviously in those parts where the church institution or church diplomacy considers itself competent, and there are several very interesting points that have already are already acting in favor of the ukrainian people and our state. first of all, this is a humanitarian issue, secondly, it is a question of releasing our... in particular, in particular, finding and returning home ukrainian children who were kidnapped by
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the russian federation, we already have certain glimmers, hopes, and the first successes, i think that only we are at the beginning of a very difficult path, the apostolic capital is also very actively working to unblock the export corridors. of ukrainian grain, because the vatican is part of this international institution, called the fao, that is, which fights hunger in the world. and here, those mechanisms of the presence of activity are really very, very useful for ukraine and i think they will be on our side in the future, and there is one more very interesting and important part, this is the issue of ecology, oh, thank you for mentioning this. few people think about it very much, today,
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we know that pope francis has a special sensitivity to this issue, along with the ecumenical one. patriarch, by the way, patriarch bartholomew is sometimes called the green patriarch, he has been the initiator of various initiatives for the protection of the environment and the development of christian morality, protection of the environment for decades, here we also cooperate very actively, we constantly inform about this trauma, which he receives not only society, the people of ukraine, but it also means the environment. issues, that is, threats that are connected with the zaporizhia nuclear power plant and the blackmail that russia, you know, is doing, that is , with the help, that is, of this power plant, which is, in fact, held hostage by this criminal, not to mention the ecological damage to the black sea, and many other types
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of wounds to the environment that i... which goes beyond the boundaries of only the ukrainian territory, thus this formula for peace, which is proposed by our state for the world, naturally, it is not just a formula, it is 10 e catastrophes that the occupier brought to our land, 10 tragedies, each of which needs its solution, this is something that today is very concrete from the side of the apostolic capital. is really involved, and here we felt an absolute understanding. the huge world humanitarian solidarity with ukraine is important. indeed, while participating in the papal synod, i had the opportunity to speak, well, with leaders, delegates of the catholic church from almost all countries of the world, you know,
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great sympathy, great support. i am not '. no pro-moscow delegation, i will not talk about my conversations with catholics from russia and from belarus, this is a separate, separate story, and however we want, we can plan a separate story, here, but really, here is the very fact that we are in the world network of the catholic church and today we have this network on our side, well, it is uni. a good way to not only convey the truth about ukraine, but also to receive the support we need. we don't have much time left, and i don't have the right to delay you longer than we agreed, but this is a little bit, the question of 2023, unfortunately, is crowned by the fact that not only
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the conflict and war in ukraine are at the forefront columns, we see what is happening in the middle east, we understand with... calmness of heart how the situation can develop in latin america, for example, yes, but it is more about politics, i would like to pay attention to what the good our friend and analyst karl volog says, i sometimes look at ukraine, and it seems to me that we have remained an island of adequacy in the world, in the sense that the near east, and we... see the protests of the muslim world very often of such a destructive nature , so we see some agitation of anti-semitic movements around the world at times, we continue to be witnesses and, unfortunately, sometimes victims of what the russian orthodox church does, their rhetoric, their propaganda and so on, we manage to keep,
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you know, a cool head, but this... it's warm to everyone in the world, i don't know, it's strange, on the one hand, because we are in the vortex of all these events, and on the other hand, it gives great hope that it is in ukraine, the ukrainian people, perhaps, will set the trend in world, you know, not to be too sharp where it can be avoided, our native people practice islam and... these are our crimean tatars, for example, and, and we have representatives of other religions, and this is not a problem, do you think that this is really a miracle for... the modern world, you know, the whole world today understands that ukraine is the epicenter of global world changes, by the way, the head of diplomacy of one of
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the european countries, i will not say which one, told me the following phrase: whoever was not in kyiv today becomes an outsider in world politics and diplomacy, whether the whole world wants it or not wants, today he is going to... ukraine, he is trying to understand the tectonic changes that are happening right here in our country, because the history, not only of europe, but of the whole world will depend on this, how events will proceed, and here ukraine is setting many trends today, for example, a few months ago the all-ukrainian council of churches visited. states at the peak of these polarizations , even society in the usa, where on the one hand
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the muslim environment, and on the other hand the jewish environment, well, they tried to reach out and intercept as many of their supporters as possible, and here comes the all-ukrainian council of churches, where the jewish community sits together at the same table... rabbis and muslim muftis, orthodox and catholics of various traditions, as well as protestants , that is, the all-ukrainian council of churches, just by its appearance, was already some kind of new trend, something similar does not exist in any other country in the world, but all those, i would say, moments, our church, ukrainian, greek. the church has its own special mission and its place, we are perhaps the only church in ukraine that has a global network of presence, but it was visible, you know, in those
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shots, the surprise of our president zelensky when he was visiting argentina, met the ukrainian greek-catholic bishop of buenos aires, who welcomed him there in latin america and told him about the centenary of the ukrainian community and our church there, that is, it shows that the global network of the presence of our church and in the ukrainian diaspora is the heart of that ukrainian world , that global ukrainianism, about which our president often thinks and speaks today, even in my opinion, in recent days at his press conference he spoke about 60 million ukrainians, half of whom... live abroad, and this half mostly grouped in the network of the religious structure of the ukrainian greek catholic church. indeed, when the war of the holy
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land began with those terrorist attacks by hamas, i was at the papal synod just then, and it was really visible how ukraine began to disappear even from the front line. that is, international news publications, daily reports , that is, our war began to recede a little into the background, and this could not help but worry us, and then our church began a powerful advocacy activity, trying to do everything so that the world does not forget about ukraine, but you know that it has become obvious to everyone: that russia is exporting war to the whole world in order to divert attention from its own crimes
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on ukrainian soil, but our church, cooperation with the world ukrainian community will not allow this to be done, and therefore we will continue to act on the international level , using all our means that we have, lastly i had the opportunity... precisely in the context of all those moments of exporting the war by russia, to have a meeting with the heads of various states of europe, somehow the lord god arranged everything, that at the moment of good news from to the european commission from brussels, i was physically present in the premises of the european parliament, and there are many good , interesting positive notes and... many such rays of light, but we must see that light, not think that the world has forgotten about us and turned away. let's not search. enemies
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where there are none, be it in europe, or in washington , or in the vatican, let's create, seek, pere, pereat to our side those who really wish us well, uh, maybe win friends where so far we do not have them today, and here the ukrainian greek-catholic church feels its special mission, which it will confidently... methodically and successfully fulfill. thank you for this conversation on christmas eve. i hope our viewers had as much fun as i did, and lots of pointers for the coming year. blessed svyatoslav shevchuk, father and head of the ukrainian greek catholic church for the espresso tv channel and together with the espresso tv channel, and we congratulate everyone on the upcoming holidays and
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need to know that. that the lord god is with us, on our side. in the holy scriptures, such a sign that god is with us is the birth of a child. and now we celebrate the nativity of christ, the birth in the human body of god himself, whom the prophet isaiah calls the prince of peace, a wonderful counselor. god is with us on christmas day. i wish you all a merry christmas, a good christmas, a blessed, happy, victorious new year for all of us.
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the mountains of the valley gnawed away on sunday, on sunday it's early, green wine is planted, we are studying the tradition of this village and this region and reproducing traditions, that is caroling. and for me a super discovery is the tradition of bread. holy evening is a commemoration of the dead. 12 lean dishes are prepared for the table. bread is
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so sacred.


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