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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2023 4:00am-4:30am EET

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to whom exactly, as the soviet union tried to erase religious holidays. yes yes. komsomol christmas. stalin's holidays cannot be treated as holidays in their pure form. it was always a celebration of the demonstration of something. strengths and powers, ideologies and even control, these are also their ideological festivals that have shaped them as this particular one. nation, the nation of the soviet people, how it was formed and why the old style of the calendar, a myth in greek , a story, and also a tale or a fairy tale, in its house its own truth, sometimes - a lie, sometimes, but not with the heroes of our program, all this is the result of the purposeful policy of st. petersburg, the kremlin. in their case, the myth is a strategy,
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a conspiracy, a conspiracy story, i'm leaving, i'm leaving first. deadline, today on new year's eve, i, like you, gathered with family and friends to hear the words of welcome from the president of russia boris nikolayevich yeltsin, but it turned out differently, your office, and he entered, he has been sitting there for 25 years with a small break. for his
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premiership, although the idea was romantic in the new millennium with a new president, and the date is convenient: the new year, a cult holiday for russians, the country is entering a whole decade of holidays, the new year, and then christmas, it is convenient, well, so that the people themselves will be happy by the 13th, and they already have a president, another person is already the 13th days, well , what are we going to argue about, it's already a fact, is it okay? in his society, which he managed. holidays are for a long time, because after christmas there is also the old new year, a kind of echo of russia's transition to the gregorian calendar. he invented the calendar in a new way, pope gregory xiii. all because of easter. the equinox came before the holiday, so europe moves the calendar. and muscovites and lands under control - no, they literally continue to live in the past there. the calendar difference
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with europe is 13 days, the actual one is much more. the past is not gone, it remains with us, as if we refuse to live in the future together with the whole world, and we want to live there in some imaginary past. the calendar question worried our believers very much, because there were false rumors that everyone would definitely have to switch to the new style, so the topic of the calendar question was withdrawn, unanimous. russia has been sick for a long time, i can remember nicholas i, but it seems to me that something like this already happened under ivan the terrible, there was already some kind of feeling that russia is something separate from the west, that it is something special, and accordingly, the time must be special
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times change, and with them so does the government. the october coup in the russian empire, the liberation struggle in ukraine. the calendar is transferred to the european style. the same applies to religious holidays. ukraine has always celebrated christmas together with europe. such the trend, when mass christmas in europe begins to be celebrated on december 25, is connected with the end of the first one there. world war from the minutes of the meeting of the small council on february 12, 1918 in the city of korostan. to establish a new gregorian time system in the ukrainian people's republic from february 16, 1918 . february 16 is considered the first day of the birch-march month. the church is trying
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to break away from moscow, to become independent, and it is not a matter of calendar or ritual. on january 7 , 1918, an all-ukrainian church council was convened in kyiv under the chairmanship of the bishop. fire pits in one of the speeches at the meeting of the council , the speaker said that there must be an independent autocephalous ukrainian church in independent ukraine. metropolitan anthony, as reported by korsunovsky, will react to this with an exclamation from the chair of the presidium. wait, wait, the bolsheviks will come, they will show you your ukraine. ivan vlasovskyi, an essay on the history of the ukrainian orthodox church. in 1930, 800 icons were destroyed, this is
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a colossal figure for one zaporizhzhia region, and the destruction of churches also began in the city itself. tion of calls from churches, ungodly five-year-olds, a ban on visiting churches, it doesn't matter if it's sunday or just a holiday, everywhere there were guards for educators, if you looked there, they looked for young people to see if they went to church, wrote down their names, and if you went to christmas to church, then i'm sorry, you could... be exempted from the party ticket if you were a member of the komsomol, if you were a member of the komsomol, you could be expelled from the komsomol, if you were expelled from the komsomol, it also meant the end of your studies, because in the soviet union there is no god, only religion communism, but the church in the russian empire
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is one of the most powerful institutions, the clergy of that time was a real social elevator, how did the reds manage to destroy everything so quickly? approved at a meeting of the board of the people's commissariat of justice on january 19, 1918. decree on freedom of conscience of church and religious associations. religion is the private matter of every citizen of the russian republic. the school is separated from the church. the teaching of religious studies is not allowed in all state and public educational institutions. this is a big question as far as religions. was people in the russian empire, people who could directly observe how it is happening in ukraine and in russia, noted that, well, it seems that in ukraine there is a more sincere faith, a more sincere commitment to the very essence of what
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is believed in, yes, well, more so open, direct, in russia this is a question, the church is just another form of existence of power, it is another institution of power. black cloaks of the cheka come to replace the black robes of the clergy. the church, as well as religious holidays, are prohibited. there is no more christmas. easter too. chronology transferred to a new style. the ussr switches to the gregorian calendar. in order to establish almost the same in russia. with all the cultural nations of the calendar, the council of people's commissars decided to keep a new calendar. the first day after january 31 should not be considered february 1, but february 14. chairman of the council of people's commissars volodymyr ulyanov lenin january 26
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, 1918. instead, the russian orthodox church, in protest against the bolshevik actions, did not switch to... the gregorian calendar, because by doing so they wanted to emphasize that they were separated from the state, countries where there are actually no holidays, the new year is not a day off, just an excuse to change the calendar. the soviet man was not supposed to belong to himself, you understand, he should have belonged to the state, well, how can a person be released into the space of joys, where he is not regulated, where his life is not regulated, where he...belongs to himself, where he can manage your life and get pleasure from it. if we are talking about the ukrainian intelligentsia, the burghers, then it really was a christmas tree in the 19th century, it prevailed in the cities, but in the villages
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after all, grandfather prevailed more, and was a symbol of these holidays, but in the times when ukraine is under the occupation of the soviets, the christmas tree really is... christmas, it is repressed, it is subject to repression, as a sign of the bourgeoisie. with a list of circulars, starting. in 1928 , the people's commissariat of agriculture proposed to take action to stop the use of green spaces in connection with religious customs. today is komsomol christmas. an anti-religious christmas evening will be held in the premises of the city theater. comrade alipov's report - how our gods are born. and he is one of them. they fear him. they don't make fun of him, he can punish and pardon, because he is the god of the ussr,
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he starves millions, tortures and shoots hundreds of thousands, and then orders them to have fun. try not to be cheerful, if stalin tells you to be cheerful, this joy and this enthusiasm, it was to some extent a facade, and that is why ... it was manifested so excessively, yes, that it was really emphasized, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, this facade was covered feeling of horror and fear, it was an attempt to hide from the terrible inside of what was happening in the country. over the past year, the bodies of the dpu, osrr have dealt a decisive blow to the counter-revolution, which carried out extensive destructive work in ukraine. resolution of the central executive
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committee and the council of people's commissars of the ussr. in order to speed up the elimination of crime among minors, we decree that minors, starting from the age of 12, caught in thefts, acts of violence, murder or attempted murder, will be brought to the criminal court with the application of all measures of punishment. april 17 in 1935, concentration camps for children appeared, and at that time stalin allowed the shooting of children older than 12 years for some anti-state, anti-communist actions. in 1935, 970,000 people were convicted on the territory of ukraine on various charges. but life has become more fun, which
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means it's time to bring back the holidays. the repressed new year is being rehabilitated in the ussr. everything is classical here, silence, standing ovations are interrupted, articles are written about the holiday, link fairs are opened, and children are given gifts. there should not be any collective farm where the board together with the komsomol members would not arrange... new year's day, a christmas tree for their children. so, let's organize a new year's meeting for children, let's arrange a good soviet christmas tree in all cities and collective farms. pavlo postyshev. december 27, 1935 . as if to give people some solace in the midst of brutal everyday life. two years before the beginning of the peak of repression, four years before the beginning of the first world war and there. 7 years before the invasion of the soviet union. you need to choose
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a christmas tree. on december 29, 1935 , christmas trees appeared everywhere throughout the soviet union were repressed until then. new year's cheers are appearing everywhere. and the new year becomes for the soviet union from that time the main such holiday, these christmas trees, pioneer trees, komsomol trees, and so to speak, olivier then later replaces with putty, why do they do it, precisely because anyway , christmas was quietly celebrated underground, this is a psychological need. and if it is not possible to do this by celebrating christmas, putting
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all your hopes on christ, then it is good to do it at least by putting your hopes on santa frost, by the way, santa claus is an absolutely god-like figure, yes, even from the point of view of appearance, beautified by a sparkling snowflake, the forest beauty beckons to him, the christmas tree in the japnev palace shines with its magnificent splendor, santa claus... gurenka begins next to her a fun concert for young kyivans. concerts of the christmas tree, santa claus and his granddaughter snow white, all this became. integral attributes of the new year in the soviet way, and also of its ideology, because santa claus is an ideal example of import substitution. saint nicholas or santa claus is not suitable for soviet children, they need their own wizard. if we take the mythology
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of ukrainians, santa claus is an evil character who froze and destroyed livestock. and as we review the same ethnology , we can see that in ukrainian mythology, santa claus is the antithesis of st. nicholas, the eight-pointed star was forbidden, because the so-called star of bethlehem, it was forbidden, then on all soviet new year holidays the tongue attribute was a heavy red star, the delicate product will have to make many paths. here he got into kyiv store. natalochka is glad, she will not go home empty-handed. if we take the first christmas tree decorations, there were even images of stalin, and images of lenin, marx and other totalitarian leaders there. when
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in the 60s, the soviets were able to send people. well, in space, these rockets immediately appear, during khrushchev's time , corn became the queen of the fields, christmas tree decorations also appeared with corn, the soviet intelligentsia, professors, engineers, future employees of enterprises, working employees gathered here. new year unites everyone, the holiday becomes national, it becomes a tradition. ukrainian traditions, did the new year succeed in replacing christmas? this special operation of the kgb was called "block", the special services of the ussr accused the participants of anti-soviet activities, in particular the publication of samvydav.
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arrests began on january 12, 1972 in the evidence folder. singing carols by the state security committee in complete secrecy. on december 31, 1971, he reported on the intentions of a number of nationalist-minded individuals to participate in new year's carols. presidential flag state today these young men and women. ceremonial presentation of the komsomolskyi scrolls took place in the kyiv lenin museum. today it is a ukrainian house. komsomol, the communist union of youth, is a structure in the ussr to control the younger generation. the main task is to implement the policy of the communist party, and the soviet union
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uses all methods for this. holidays, including. labor and peace day on march. may day greetings to representatives of labor collectives. at the end of april, beginning of may, as in the christian tradition, easter falls. and also, in my opinion, the ideological significance of these christian holidays is that they not to vote in the spring period, they are trying to introduce this day of work. as far as? these holidays have meaning, apart from the fact that it's a day off, you can go to barbecues and dig potatoes or do something else outside of work, so something like that is like a vacation, meaning from the point of view of personal significance so that we celebrate what, what we we celebrate the fact that we
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work for a salary, because the main... the motive of that holiday on the banners: day of solidarity of working people. the holiday is popular in the world, but for the ussr it is a cult. thousands of people on the streets of cities. live on television broadcasts from all republics and countries of the social camp. in the ussr, in general, everything was always large-scale. holidays, factories, rockets, and even disasters. the accident happened, but it was spread as big as some bourgeois mass media do. spreading ridiculous rumors is hardly appropriate. in the future , we will inform you about the state of affairs at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, about the progress of work on the liquidation of the consequences of the accident.
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the people of kyiv then really fought with death, they did not hear this background sound, they did not see there was danger then, but it was everywhere. the exact level of radiation then in the capital. and it is still classified, the dosimeter indicators in the archives were then still kgb, and now it is the fsb. but for the government at that time, all this was unimportant, because it is a holiday, and this is ideology. given the variegation. the population of the russian federation, taking into account the number of peoples, nationalities, russians as a nation, they really form formed at the basis of these
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new year holidays, victory day. the main christmas tree of the country is not so bright for the second year in a row, but today is christmas, it's a time when dreams and wishes come true, a time of miracles and mysteries, many families at the table are not in full force today, someone eats kutyu right at the positions, during the break. between battles, and for someone they will put a separate plate on the edge of the table and leave it overnight, so that he or she comes,
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make a wish, because december 24, the holy evening, is christmas. but the angel said to them: "do not be afraid, for here i bring you good news of great joy, which will happen to all people, because today in the city of david a savior was born for you, who is christ the lord. a bright star that shows the way to god's salvation. came to christ in dark times. it happened after hundreds of years of silence. when the prophetic word sounded very rarely, and
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it seemed to people that god had forgotten his enslaved people. today, ukrainians struggle with the same despair, pain of loss, violence, injustice and arbitrariness of the powerful of this world, as in those ancient times. we are faced with the worst manifestations of human sin, it seems that evil and darkness have waged a war against the very idea of ​​goodness, freedom, dignity and everything that comes from god, but even in the midst of all evil we can see god's grace and his love that sustains us and gives us hope. some will say, how can a good and loving god allow all this...suffering, why won't he stop evil? there are inviolable spiritual laws, when men voluntarily
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choose sin and turn away from christ, evil progresses, but he who puts his hope in god and his power, and receives his help and salvation in jesus christ, will not be put to shame. jesus said, " in the world you will suffer, but be of good cheer, i have overcome the world. so let's be brave and strong faith in almighty god. our strength lies in faith and unity. we already have good testimonies of heroes of faith, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, all the saints who met in the world with sorrows, pain, opposition to evil and darkness, but putting their hope in god and his power, looking for his righteousness and... it was no longer no hope, the mighty hand of god was working miracles,
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the mighty hand of god was manifested. power. the holy scripture says: "trust in the lord with all your heart, do not rely on your own understanding." therefore, we do not rely only on the human mind, only on own strength and abilities, but we put our hope in god. we pray to god for his grace and victory for our country, for supernatural protection for our soldiers, for comfort for all the suffering and... grieving, for the restoration and prosperity of ukraine as a spiritual and bread granary, as a space of dignity and freedom, peace, love, harmony and well-being to you and your families. christ was born, we praise him. christ was born, we praise him. christ was born, we praise him. christ was born, let's praise
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him. christ was born. let's praise him christ is born, let us praise him, christ is born, let us praise him, christ is born, let us praise him, christ is born, let us praise him. yevhen lunyak, 46 years old, senior lieutenant, commander of the anti-aircraft missile platoon of the 31st separate mechanized brigade. evgeny lunyak, doctor of historical sciences, professor of mykola gogol nizhny state university.
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the scientist went to defend. ukraine as a volunteer after the start of hostilities in donbas. well, you know, sitting at the university and teaching students about patriotism seemed wrong to me, because the place of a citizen is to protect their homeland. in 2014, he joined the first separate seversky tank brigade, participated in the battles for the donetsk airport. when we talk about those defenders of the donetsk airport, who are called cybergs, nizhena, i believe that they fulfilled their task, because the enemy never entered nizhena, it was a big role in the defense of the entire chernihiv region, including the defense of kyiv. because without taking the enemy, well, they made the enemy a little
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worse. logistics and the enemy was unable to launch a timely attack on the breweries as planned when the first battles began, then, when russia annexed crimea, for me crimea is also a part of ukraine, donbas, that's where we are now. part of ukraine, therefore, no matter where the enemy attacks, what part must be defended everywhere. at that time there was no partial mobilization, only meetings were held and it was offered to take part in such meetings in the first tank brigade. i went, well, actually speaking, then a partial military mobilization was announced, and i remained in the service. i know that your biography is closely related to the events,


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