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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EET

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lord, for you are praised by all the heavenly powers, and to you we give glory, to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen.
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praise the lord from heaven, praise his high ones, for to you belongs the after, o god, praise him all his angels, praise him all the heavenly hosts, for to you belongs the song, o god. praise him you sun and moon, praise him you all bright stars, praise him you heavens of heavens and waters that are above the heavens, let them praise the name of the lord, for he commanded and created things, established them forever and ever and gave a law that will not pass away, praise the lord of the earth , the whales and all the deeps of the sea, fire and hail, snow and fog, the violent wind that fulfills his word, the mountains, all the hills, the vines and all the cedars,
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the wild beast, all kinds of harm, the reptile and the tah winged, kings of the earth and all nations, princes, all earthly judges, boys and girls, old people together with youth, let the name of the lord be praised high, because his name is one, his greatness is above the earth and the sky, he lifted the sin of his people , praise to all his holy sons of israel, people who are close to him, sing. a new song to the lord we praise at the assembly of the righteous, let israel rejoice in its creator, let the sons of zion rejoice in their king, let them praise his name with a tank, those who come, with the harp, let them sing to him, for the lord is kind to his people decorated with the victory of the humble, let the righteous triumph in glory on their beds, let them rejoice, let the praise of god be on their lips, and a two-edged sword in their hand. to
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make retribution between the nations, punishment between the tribes, to bind their kings in chains, their nobles in iron fetters, so that the judgment of it is written by them to do, this is the glory of all his saints, to praise god in his sanctuary, to praise him in the stronghold of his strength, to praise him for his great exploits, to praise him in his infinite greatness. praise him with the spirit of a slave, praise him, rejoice, the righteous rejoice, heavens, celebrate the joyful birth of christ, seated, and holding in his arms what has become. body, the shepherds
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smoke the newborn, the sages of the lords bring gifts, the angels sing, immeasurable lord, glory to you, praise him namubit, praise him, on the strings and fence. mother of god, virgin who gave birth to the saviour, you raised the feathered curse on me, because you became the mother of the father, holding in your arms the clothed word of god, let it be incomprehensible, as we united all by one faith. proclaiming it with you, o
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lord, glory be to you, praising him for reports of syhvalah. everything that lives , let it praise the lord, come glorious mother of the savior, who even after christ remained a beast, rejoice, spiritual hunger of the king and god, whom christ, living, completed the salvation, for...
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glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. amen. today. christ is born in bethlehem and works, today without a leader begins and the word becomes flesh, the heavenly forces give birth and the earth rejoices with people, wise men, rulers bring gifts and shepherds look at the newborn, we repeatedly announce, glory. glory to you, who showed us the light, glorious
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god. to god on earth and peace, to the people of god, we praise you, we bless you, we bow to you, we praise you, we thank you. may your peace be with you, lord, heavenly king, god the father, omniscient, lord, only-begotten son, jesus
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christ, and the holy spirit, lord. god, father, god's son, fathers who take the game of the world, have mercy on us. you who protect the world, accept our prayer. you who sit in truth, father, have mercy on us. you are only holy, your only lord, jesus christ, glory to god
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the father. amen. you will be blessed every day. to sing and praise your name, sing, praise, lord, today, without heat, turn to us. blessed are you, lord, god of our fathers. and praiseworthy and glorified is your name forever. amen. let it be,
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lord. as bomryi nadia bosboda. blessed are you, lord, we are your institutions, blessed are you, mother, god,
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enlighten me with your institutions, blessed are you holy, enlighten me with your institutions, lord, position. all do, wash , have mercy on me, raise mine.'
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before that. lord, i come to you, teach me to do your will, because you are my god, because you have the source of life, in your own position, in your own way. push, vaskuty, so that they recognize
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you, holy god, holy, strong, holy, immortal, have mercy. holy god, holy, strong, holy, immortal, have mercy on us. holy god, holy, strong, holy, immortal, have mercy on us. glory to the father, and to the son, and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever . amen. holy, immortal, have mercy on us, may the holy, holy, strong, holy,
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immortal, merciful. glory to you, have mercy on us, god, according to
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your great mercy, we pray to you, listen and have mercy. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy. we also pray for the most holy universal bishop, franciscop of rome. and for our most blessed patriarch sviatoslav and for our god-loving bishops, kir joseph, kir andrew, kir stepan, for those who served this temple with their lives, for all our spiritual and all our brothers and sisters in christ. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy. we still pray for god to protect our people, for the government and for the entire army. lord, have mercy,
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lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. we also pray for the people present here who expect great, abundant mercy from you, for those who give alms, and for all orthodox christians, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, for you are merciful, man-loving, there is god, we send glory to you. to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever. amen. let's remember our morning prayer to the lord. lord, have mercy. intercede, save, have mercy and protect
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us, your god. saint we ask for a peaceful and sinless lord, lord, angel of peace, faithful mentor, protector of our souls and bodies, from the lord, we ask. request, forgiveness of our sins and transgressions, lord, forgive. good and profitable for our souls and peace for the world, from the lord, we ask. gentlemen, simple! christian the end of our life, painless, flawless, peaceful, and a good answer at the terrible judgment of christ, please! lord!
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our most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious ruler, the mother of god and the blessed one. mary, with all the saints, remembering ourselves and each other, and let us give our whole life to christ god, lord, for you are the god of mercy, grace, manly love, to you we give glory, to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever the ages are eternal. amen, peace be with you, and your spirits, your heads before the lord, may the lord bless you.
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because it belongs to you to have mercy and save us, our god, and to you we give glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen! wisdom! bless! blessed is christ our god, always, now and always and forever and ever. amen. god, confirm the holy orthodox faith, forever and ever.
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holy mother of god, save us. we glorify you, mother of god. glory to you christ god, our hope, glory to you. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. lord , have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. most blessed lord, rev. christ our true god, who was born in the nativity scene, in bethlehem of judea, and laid down in the manger
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for our salvation, our true god, through the prayers of his most pure mother, the holy, glorious, all-praiseworthy apostles, our reverend and god-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy and save. us as good and man-loving, amen, so let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good deeds, glorify our father who is in heaven, always, now and
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forever and forever and ever. amen. lord, lord, look down from heaven and see, and visit this vineyard planted by the right hand. lord, and let your hand be on the son of man, whom you have strengthened for yourself, many things, many things, many things, lord, lord, look down from heaven and see, and visit this vineyard that your right hand has planted, lord, and let your hand be on the son of man, whom ... strengthen for yourself, many summers, many summers, many summers, lord, lord, look down from
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heaven and look, and visit this vineyard planted by your right hand , lord, and let your hand be on the son to the man whom you strengthen for yourself, many summers, many summers, many summers. lord, lord, look down from heaven and look, and visit this vineyard that your right hand has planted, lord, and let your hand be on the son of man, whom you have strengthened for yourself. god yavit, god yavit. god, be merciful to me. god be merciful to me a sinner, god be merciful to me a sinner, heavenly king, comforter, soul of truth, who
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is everywhere and fills everything, giver of treasures, goods and life, come and dwell in us and cleanse us from all defilement, and save our good souls. glory to god in the highest, and on earth peace among people of goodwill, glory to god in the highest, and on earth peace among people of goodwill. lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. the time has come to serve the lord. blessed lord, bless. blessed be god, forever, now and ever and forever. amen. pray for us, holy master. may the lord direct your feet. remember us, holy lord. may the lord god remember you in his kingdom, always, now and always and forever. amen.
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god bless you. blessed kingdom. of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. amen.
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who with faith, piety and the fear of god enter it, lord, let us pray for the most holy universal bishop, the franciscan of rome and the most blessed patriarch of our sviatoslav, and for the god-loving bishops. of ours, cyrus of joseph, cyrus of andrew, cyrus of stepan , honest presbytery, deaconship in christ, for the innocence of people, to the lord, let us pray, lord, protect our people, for the government and the whole army, to the lord, let us pray, lord, for this city, for every city, village, country and
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for those who... with the faith of animals , let us pray to the lord, for prosperity, for the harvest of the fruits of the earth and peaceful times, let us pray to the lord, have mercy, for those who are floating, traveling, for the sick, suffering , captives and for the salvation of the lord, let's pray, lord have mercy, so that we can be saved from all sorrow, anger, trouble, need, let's pray to the lord. lord, intercede, save, have mercy, protect us, god, with your grace. lord, have mercy. our most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious weight the mother of god, and the holy work of mary, with all the saints, remembering ourselves, each other, and our whole life, let us give to christ god. tommy,
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lord. to you belongs all glory, honor and worship to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. i will confess to you, lord, with all my heart, i will tell about all my miracles. through the prayers of the mother of god, save us. for the sake of the righteous and the sleepy, great works of the lord, they are in all his prayers. through the prayers of the mother of god, lord, save us. his preaching is both majestic and true we are in the age of the age. by prayers. lord,
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save us. glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit. and now and always and forever and ever. amen. through the prayers of the mother of god, save us. again and again in peace let us pray to the lord. lord, have mercy. intercede, save, have mercy and protect us, o god, with your grace, o lord, holy, pure, blessed, glorious ruler of our theotokos and most holy virgin mary, with all the saints, remembering ourselves and each other, and all our lives to christ god let's give
9:00 am
lord! let's honor the memory of the ukrainian military with a moment of silence peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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