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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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"we do not recognize putin as the elected president , he is a war criminal, he is, i don't know, eh, he is being prosecuted by an international criminal court, and this means that if he is an illegal, illegitimate president, it is necessary from all organizations, including the un, yes, and i i mean the representative office that russia as a founding country rightfully exercises, well, put it in the status of gaddafi or saddam, well, in general, then in another way, simply, otherwise this is complete nonsense, because ..."
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understandable , that he will not do it, but himself the character is such an assumption by macron, yes, that in principle putin can come, well, i understand that they are trying to deceive putin, they understand that no one is inviting him anywhere, but this is a rhetorical game for the sake of listening, putin, you can get rid of and here is the warrant and here are the sanctions, well, you need to give in, you need to return the captured territories to ukraine, i understand, macron did not just make such a throw, that is, it is a signal, well, the key story is how the recipient of this signal will react. so that is, what is
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the scale of value there, well, a person who does not know, of the semi-bryan region has already put in avdiivka, well, he will exchange for some such historical overtures, well, of course, he perceives it linearly, he says that the west is also weak for sale, for putin, this is just confirmation, he will not divorce, that is, you are not his you will deceive him , luring him with this, seducing him with the opportunity to return to the international community, get his reverse international immunity, and so on, you will not divorce him, he is not from such a ... man, that is, he will not be divorced, he will be perceived as: "oh, look, they they are moving, drifting along the line, that is, we can push them further so that they recognize this right as ours, so, well, the right to decide the fate of ukraine, there is something else, he is one of those people who does not put his finger in his mouth, you know, take a bite, i think that this is definitely a big omission, but again, i understand the overview, why these statements are made, and because suddenly trump will come and we extremes will be left here, one on one with this comrade, and trump says, let's increase
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the budget there nato and in general we are not going to fight for you, well, in this situation they ask, it means that this potential threat will be prevented somehow, moved away, so that , god forbid, if not enough, that is why it is also a very awkward position in all respects. mark , in the end, in your opinion, the arushing force is internal, yes, that is, it is some kind of individual psychedelic, or is it putin's conscious desire to properly fascism and enter the third world war, so... the third world war from vladivostok to lisbon, well , at least on the european continent, especially taking into account the prospect of trump coming to power and a certain isolationism, or putin is, so to speak, trying to bluff, bank, and whatever happens, happens. we also thought that he was somehow bluffing with ukraine , we also thought so, until a while, well, i understood that after the age of fourteen i no longer had any illusions, i always said that he would attack, but now in the fourteenth... i
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, for example, did not expect that he would seize, for example, crimea, i did not expect it when i commented on it, i said that it was complete madness, because it does not fit in my head, it is simply possible anything , there are some hybrids there to support yanukovych, something else, there are tricks, twists and turns, the attack will simply seize the territory of the neighboring state, this is the plan in the head, but everything that followed was quite logically connected, but he now has no opportunity, the desire may be there, but there is no opportunity, war . he won't be able to fight or even provoke , because he's testing it all, look, here he is again starting this scam with refugees on the finnish border, there they opened checkpoints, then they closed checkpoints, he too...
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daniel frith, the former coordinator of sanctions policy, will now be on the air of the espresso tv channel of the state department of the united states, a man who knows about american domestic and foreign policy, if not everything, then almost everything. i welcome you, mr. ambassador, to the spreso tv studio. congratulations. an extremely important story, the news came from the state of colorado, the local court gave ukraine and not only ukraine a chance, yes, donald trump may not get into the american election race. when we read the signals from donald trump, we understand that this can directly affect the deterrence of russian aggression against of ukraine. it's a shame what the world is seeing now. not the best side of american strategic thinking. donald trump represents the so-called "america first" school. that is, the school of thought of the 1930s, when the united states had no real interest in european security. it was a disastrous policy.
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it is not about the policy of the united states government, which was then headed by franklin roosevelt, but about the mood of congress, which prevented roosevelt from doing more in the fight. with hitler the disaster was that the second world war began, and the event needed stalin for victory over hitler. it was catastrophic for poland, for the country, for europe and for the united states. so trump represents this bad tradition, which i will be very clear about, as well as my disagreements with former president trump. you asked about the colorado decision, which is unprecedented in american history because the united states has never had a president who made an effort to overturn an election and engage in an insurgency against a political transfer of power. we didn't have this before. section 14 of the amendment to
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the constitution states that no representative of the government of the united states who engages in sedition against the government of the united states shall hold any office. this amendment was passed after the civil war to prevent former confederates from serving in the united states government or congress. once it was applied, but to a presidential candidate. never. the colorado supreme court ruled that trump was involved in rebellion against the united states. he also concluded that according to the third section of the 14th amendment, trump is ineligible to become president, and thus ineligible to appear on the ballot. the other side's arguments could be either that trump was not involved in the insurgency, which is a difficult position because we've... all seen the opposite, or that he wasn't convicted of supporting or leading the insurgency,
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so 14- and the amendment would not apply, that would be a legal question that the supreme court of the united states would intervene in, and i actually expect that they would not uphold the colorado supreme court's decision, probably one way or another will determine that trump has the right to run. discussions on this matter will be heated. but in my opinion, trump will still be the presidential candidate. it's not like i'm a trump supporter, i'm saying. i'm trying to give you an idea of ​​how things might play out. of course, i could be wrong, but that's my initial view. i would like to ask you now to analyze the possible scenarios of the development of events related to the allocation of macro-economic aid packages to ukraine and the state of israel. we understand. how much ukraine will depend on the receipt of those tranches and, in general, whether the administration
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of president joseph biden is in a position to convince some republicans through large intra-american budget deals. the secretary of state, antony blinken, said that if anything there is an option b. that's another case i don't want to talk about. the united states should have provided ukraine with additional economic assistance a long time ago. aid, i wouldn't say it's blocked, rather it's delayed because of the debate in congress over the security of the southern border. republicans in congress argue that it is necessary to conclude an agreement on of the southern border, so that money for the protection of the southern border is allocated together with money for israel and ukraine. the current senate of the united states is engaged in intensive negotiations in search of a solution to the problem of the south. corridor, which opens the way to the financing of ukraine. so far, such a solution has not
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been found, but the negotiations seem to be quite serious. i think that eventually a solution will be reached and aid will be provided to ukraine, but i cannot guarantee it. so , we have an unfortunate case when american and european policies hinder both the eu and to the united states, to provide the financial assistance that we must provide. in the european union, the problem is that hungary, represented by viktor orbán , is blocking decision-making for no good reason, while republicans in the united states insist on resolving the southern border issue before they agree to help ukraine. not the best moment, neither for the united states nor for europe, but i think that in the united states we will manage to find a solution and help ukraine. as. europe will cope with viktor orban, i cannot say yet.
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well, it will mean that the european union is going through an extremely big crisis if it does not manage to neutralize the influence of viktor orbán on the adoption of geopolitical, historical decisions. on the other hand, we understand, well, at least we in ukraine have always hoped that common sense and, i don't know, intra-american stories, they can be stronger than this or that pro-trumpism... a group called a magician, and accordingly , we understand that maybe this is just an additional expression of not wanting to raise the degree. russian federation, maybe not the european union will have to find a way to prevent viktor orbán from blocking processes of strategic importance. orbán will not have an ally in poland without whom he will be isolated. and the european union will find a way to settle it. not sure
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how long it will take? i hope not much. support for ukraine in the united states is still strong. after all, we understand how to conduct politics in such a way as to receive help for ukraine, which will be both in our interests and in the interests of europe and ukraine itself. we will get there, but now difficult period, and i am very sorry. i say this without an iota of pride or pleasure. the period is difficult and it gives putin the opportunity to continue to pressure ukraine, realizing his dream that the west is divided and paralyzed, and we must gather our strength to give ... that we may end up in the role of the polish republic in 1939, so why that literally a year ago we heard completely different things when it came to macro assistance and
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security assistance. i would say that the position of ukraine now is much better than that of... poland in 1939, which you mentioned, poland was in hopeless situation between hitler and stalin, she was eaten alive. the geography of ukraine is much better. you are open to russia, but friends, not enemies, await you in the west. we will omit hungary for now, but poland is your friend. i have not forgotten about the blockade of truckers and all other disputes, but despite all this, poland is your friend. ukraine has so far successfully restrained the russian onslaught. not in all aspects, but you did not let putin destroy ukraine. i do not know how the war will end, but i am sure that it will not end with a russian victory parade in kyiv. it a great achievement of the ukrainian people. the question is in the further course of the war, however , it is extremely unlikely that it will be the destruction
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of ukraine. so that russia does not advance further and that ukraine is able to. to claim as much of our territory as possible, we in the west must support ukraine. to do this, we need to restore the flow of aid, and that is entirely up to us. what possible scenarios, mr. ambassador frith, do you see in order to improve our geopolitical and ultimately domestic economic situation as quickly as possible. we understand that war is about resources, resources military, financial resources and... human resources. there is another source of resources that you have not mentioned. ahead of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022, the g7 countries have frozen more than $300 billion worth of russian sovereign assets under their jurisdiction. now this money remains frozen. the question
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is, should they be used to help ukraine? or to compensate for the damage caused by putin's war of aggression. for various reasons, european governments and the united states government do not dare to take this step, but it seems that they are gradually approaching it. i support such a step and believe that we should use these russian funds to help ukraine. the political debate is moving in this direction , and the sooner it reaches a good conclusion, the better for the world. this is a potential way out for ukraine. however, even under the best of circumstances, these resources will not be available immediately. and yet they will be available, and using them is the right decision. if we talk about the so-called long geopolitical scenario, if we try to outline the trajectory for the next
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six months. there can be no accurate predictions in war. in the year that has almost passed. the ukrainian counteroffensive was not as successful as you and i had hoped, but the russian offensive also failed. the ukrainians managed to force the black sea fleet to retreat and partially open the black sea for ukrainian shipping and exports. i don't know what the next year will bring on the battlefield. if general zaluzhnyi is right and the lack of modern military technology works in favor of ukraine, then the russians will not be able to advance far perhaps the ukrainians won't be able to either. the question is what additional economic pressure we can put on russia. and what can ukraine do to make it more difficult. supply of crimea to the russians. i think that the united states should provide more long-range missiles so that ukraine can make it difficult to hold russian positions. i don't
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know how the war will end, but certainly not with a russian victory parade on khreschatyk, as i already said. in the new year, the russians will attack again, and we must help ukraine repel this attack. general zaluzhnyi v in his article, which was published in theeconomist, asked. aviation, we are still waiting for help from the air component, so we understand that this issue is strategic, and most likely the kremlin could seriously warn the united states, in particular, regarding aviation, through one or another closed communication channels, well, in any case f -16 is still not in the ukrainian sky, we are extremely counting on the f-16, on the other hand, we understand that the tank component, the same abrams tanks, is very good, but... but an extremely important point, this is the number of units of abrams m1 tanks. 31 units is good, but we understand that for a full-scale war with the russian federation
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, much more is needed. the us intends to provide ukraine with f-16 fighter jets capable of helping ukrainian troops on the battlefield. i'm not a military expert, but military experts seem to have concluded that one of the problems with ukraine's nazem...offensive this year is a lack of air superiority, and the f-16 fighter jets can help provide it. there isn't some magic weapon that will instantly change everything, but the provision of the f-16 can help this will certainly make it difficult for the russians to dominate the airspace over the battlefield, which they managed to do in the summer and fall of last year. therefore, i hope that the fighters will soon be in ukraine. we hoped that the russian economy would collapse much faster and much louder than it did. well, at the moment we see big problems
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in the russian economy, but the key story is whether the so-called irreversible process has already been launched, whether the kremlin has now managed to refocus on the markets of third countries, the people's republic of china, india and so on further, and perhaps turkey. the bad news is that economic pressure... on russia has not made putin stop the war of aggression. the good news is that the pressure is on. we in the west, europeans and americans, have the opportunity to increase economic pressure on russia. this economic pressure is that while russia focuses on military production, it is starving its civilian economy and creating economic imbalances that harm it. but how quickly can we give russia an economic battle? this is very important increase economic pressure and sanctions. much of this has to do with enforcement. the european union has announced its 12th
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package of sanctions. the united states itself announced a new package of sanctions a few days ago. we must continue to prevent others from circumventing the sanctions to put ever greater pressure on the russian economy. and, as i said, we must use the 300 billion dollars of frozen russian. assets to help ukraine. mr. ambassador, if we talk about intra-ukrainian transformations, changes and ukrainian politics through american eyes. we understand that many things are not in the public domain. on the other hand, we understand that rather the administration of president biden, perhaps the pentagon and so on, they gave very clear signals, so we can only, well, i personally, can only guess what exactly they could do during the last month... to speak, to advise the representatives of the supreme ukrainian authorities, at the same time we in ukraine were extremely painfully experiencing, so to speak, rumors
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that in the ukrainian administration the president is dissatisfied with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhny, and so on. i don't want to start commenting on ukrainian domestic politics. undoubtedly, there is a wide range of political views in ukraine, both from ukrainians and from american friends. i heard calls for the creation of a government of national unity in ukraine, which would unite some of the opposition. but that's not the position my government is taking, it's just an idea that exists. it is not for me to say which political agreements will bring the greatest benefit to ukraine. it is absolutely true that during the most difficult period of the second world war, winston churchill invited his political rivals to the war cabinet. however, such a model may or may not be applied in ukraine, it is up to ukrainians to decide. the world admires the leadership
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of president zelensky, he became ukraine, but of course, we also realize that ukraine is a democracy, and even winston churchill, after a successful victory over the nazis, was removed from office almost immediately after the war. therefore, politics can be relentless. however, we cannot and do not want to interfere in ukrainian politics, it is none of our business. we want to see a democratic, sovereign, successful ukraine. whether in the united states and in general in... in the civilized world, in particular, i don't know, at the g7 level, recognize the process that in russia or in the kremlin is called presidential elections. we understand that putin will appoint himself in a few months, but the key story is whether it will be recognized by the world and what consequences it may lead to, if it is about fixing the moment of usurpation, or whether it is a seizure of power. it is hard to imagine that europe or
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the united states recognizes this... fake election. it is quite obvious that putin does not intend to conduct them honestly and democratically. for me, the recognition of such an election is somewhere between impossible and extremely unlikely. we think of putin as a dictator, a man who maintains his power through fear and force, and sometimes murder, by imprisoning or banishing his opponents. that is why he manages to stay in power. he continues to act in the style of stalin. and this will certainly not lead russia to good. instead there will be a lot of pain, until the russian people wake up and realize what this leader has done to them and to russia. therefore, we must help ukraine, and the more ukraine succeeds in its struggle for survival, the closer the day will be when the russian people will be able to choose a different course than vladimir putin. thank you very much, dear mr. ambassador, frit for this extremely important conversation. i want
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to remind our viewers that spresso is on the air. the former coordinator of the us state department on sanctions policy worked, the person is extremely well informed, in particular in those decisions that are made at the highest level in washington. thank you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. i wish you a peaceful and safe christmas. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova: dubious fortunes, fictitious divorces and attempts to avoid qualification evaluation, which is what judge pavlo gorbasenko is known for. my mother gave me two apartments and a car. but why not vkks removed the judge from the administration of justice?
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greetings, you are watching judicial control and... and tatyana shustrova. we continue to monitor the judicial reform in ukraine, the implementation of which is one of the key requirements on ukraine's path to the european union. the formation of the main bodies of the judicial system, which are responsible for ensuring that the judiciary is transparent and independent, and that judges are honest, is nearing completion. therefore, the entire body of judges should soon be purged of unworthy representatives. but by... until this happened, let's continue to tell you about those who will spread the mantle, but first to the news. the higher anti-corruption court sentenced ihor ratushnyak, the head of the tyvriv district court of vinnytsia region, to seven years of imprisonment. the town hall was exposed for bribery back in august 2021, for $4,620. the judge undertook to recognize ownership of a 3-hectare plot of land.
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now, according to the verdict of the court, ihor radush'. must spend seven years behind bars, a part of his property will be confiscated for state income. he was also deprived of the right to hold positions in courts for a period of three years. appeals chamber of the higher anti-corruption court finally put an end to the case of the judge of the mukachevo city district court of the transcarpathian region mykhailo pak. he was sentenced to five years in prison with confiscation of property. nabu detectives exposed a judge for a bribe of uah 2,000 back in 2017. according to the investigation materials , mykhailo bak made the necessary decision in the case of the mukachevo administration's social welfare department. anya, come here. ivan brought the submission. and what is that, and there you can, he will say what he can.


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