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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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uh, well, there are open things that you can talk about, there are things that are more closed, because i personally spoke at the session with a request to this center to create such a service military hub for the military, because there are a lot of military personnel from all over ukraine here, and it is necessary to wash somewhere, and spend the night, and quickly leave things, and recharge the mobile phone, and shower cabins should also be available for people with limited needs, that is, this should also be created. in fact, it is not just that the military man himself is looking for an apartment and does not know where to hide in a strange city, that is, they are all safe things are being created in kharkiv , the mood among the people, well, i will say this, there are people left here who already know what to do in such a situation, in principle, everyone's alarming suitcases are packed, everyone knows what to do when there are no energy resources and everyone knows where to go , if all of a sudden, at the same time, the russians will advance, they will not advance. fixing
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facilities are really being built and funds are really being allocated, we have approved many programs with a safe aspect, so i don't see a very anxious mood among people, i don't see them, besides, we are still in session the regional councils once again got a little involved in decommunization and decolonization, they renamed it, we had such a nature reserve, a nature reserve, it was called russian... orchik, now they started calling it orchytskyi, well , because something needs to be renamed, and they also renamed six settlements in the bogodukhiv district, there we still had those relics bitter, may day, we have 20 of those may day things in the region, we renamed them all to more normal ukrainian names, that is, we are slowly renaming them, but again, at the same time, here is our the european solidarity faction appealed to the session to get rid of it at last. or a surkiss
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, the title of an honorary citizen of the kharkiv region, well, the question did not pass, that is , you know, some kind of swing, up, down, up, down, well, this is kharkiv, what are you going to do, well, i will be very brief, how christmas is generally celebrated in kharkiv, well, i didn’t see christmas for three days , i’ll be honest, i just couldn’t get enough, but today i ran in the subway, there are lights burning, there are carols, and it’s wonderful that there are such islands of the holiday somewhere, that’s why we have everything under on the ground, of course in our country you can’t celebrate from above the ground, but in principle it feels like a holiday and people congratulate each other, that’s why it’s nice, thank you very much, happy holiday once again, halyna kuts, deputy member of the kharkiv regional council, well, she was with us on the phone, well, i'm now joining the conversation with serhiy zgurets, director of the defenseexpress agency, host of the military summaries of the day column, serhii, congratulations, congratulations . i congratulate our viewers with the coming
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of christ, i wish all the best, especially to our soldiers, today we will talk about current events on the front line, about the downing of enemy planes, well, about other surprises for the enemy, about that in a moment. i will immediately continue the conversation with halyna kuts, and i will briefly ask you about the russian plan to attack kharkiv once again, how threatening it looks now. and in the future, i just think that we have already reached the year when we will definitely have neither euphoria nor panic, we will try to look at everything, well, we are and sergey always does this, but still, if there is a threat, then it is, because this is a rejection in the style of some journalists and some politicians, and they already tried in the 22nd, now it’s the 24th, so actually we have become more realistic, we understand the treachery of the enemy in all directions, but when we talk about attempts to attack large cities, then it requires an excessive amount of manpower. the enemy's equipment, i'm just
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afraid that they simply won't use aviation, so the strengthening of anti-aircraft defense is an extremely important component that will discourage the enemy from acting there with their planes for attacks on our cities, and by the way, continuing precisely the aviation topic, i will still dwell in more detail on such a plane crash of russian planes, because in the last few days five russian military planes have already been destroyed there at distances that the enemy previously considered completely safe. for himself, after shooting down three su-34s that were shot down on december 22 in the southern direction, another su-30 sm multi-purpose fighter and another su-34 front-line bomber were added to the account of enemy losses. this was reported by our general staff today. su-34 was destroyed in the direction of mariupol, and su-30 in the black sea, and both planes, according to the report of the general staff.
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tried to use airborne guided missiles from borders that were previously considered unreachable for ukrainian anti-aircraft missile systems, but now, as we can see, russian aircraft collided... with the skill of our military and with their new capabilities for long-range damage to enemy targets. what exactly did enemy planes shoot down? the air force did not report, therefore versions of both the blocking patriot and the mobile long-range complex like the franco-italian sumpti are entitled. this air defense system can destroy enemy aircraft at a distance of more than 100 km. and the enemy has not yet adjusted to the new reality, as a result already. two days in a row, in particular on the left bank of the dnieper , the enemy does not use anti-tank guns, and in particular, under the same cover, our marines can operate without the threat of using anti-tank guns, and against this background, there were still new reports
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about the strengthening of our capabilities not only for defense in the air, but also for combat operations at sea, because today the security service showed its surface shot. under the name kozak mamai, this drone, together with the already known drone under the name sea baby , was used in operations against russian ships in the black sea and for the impression of the crimean bridge. there is not much information about the new surface drone, and in fact journalist andriy tsaplienko, who had a unique opportunity to see the production of these drones and talk to the developers, said that this cossack mamai is actually the fastest. in the black sea, because it can reach a speed of up to 110 km, this drone is 6 m long, on top of the platform there is a surveillance camera and a satellite system, the drone is made of bulletproof material, and i can assume that this drone has a range
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of use somewhere up to 800 km and different versions of combat loading, the head of the security service reported that surface unmanned platforms are being manufactured today. but on the territory of ukraine, and these kozakmaya drones, like others, are produced at an underground factory. i will also remind you that we also have drones, which are now are being developed and used by the main intelligence agency, these are magura 5 drones, if earlier we talked about the fact that these are only kamikaji drones, now we know that platforms for remote control have already been created on the basis of these maguras. intelligence apparatus and for setting up min, then we will talk in more detail about other important details related to military affairs and weapons, and we are joined by a military expert from our information consulting company defense express ivan kyrychevskyi, mr. ivan, congratulations
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i am glad to see and hear you, good evening , i am happy with the holiday, each other, but i would like to continue the topic about the russian... kopad, after russia immediately lost 3.34, there they began to think about how the ukrainian armed forces managed to do this , and the most fantastic versions began to be heard there, so what explanations were heard, and how will the enemy react to this new reality and new threats? well, if you try to analyze the versions that have been stated by russian propagandists for the last few years. it is probably the most enchanting and to which one especially drew the attention of our agency, it is the fact that we put the patriot on the railway platform, other elements of this complex, it turned out to be a peculiar armored train, and this is what the blocking patriot looks like, which indiscriminately shoots
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russian tanks, and the factor itself the fact that , well, there is a railway, well, a freight railway train can move with mobility there , relatively speaking, 20 - 30 km per... hour, that is , even slower than the patriot on a mobile chassis, on a car chassis, you see, this one the armor factor of the train, it prevents the proud putin eagles from fighting this threat, that is why the tycopad is happening, no, of course, there is a certain rational component of these fantasies of russian propagandists, because if , for example, look at the archival photos there, what the positions of the complex looked like c200, well, there they used a bullet of a standard length, well, 15-20 mm, well, or maybe they ... read books about the nazis, where there were armored trains with zinets ah ahh, then they are their sick propaganda designs decided to postpone, well, to the explanation of such a painful defeat, how, well, how to explain the fact that their aircraft carriers were successfully shot down by an unknown type
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of weapon, and the russian so-called military space forces could not do anything about it, as they could, how the enemy would react, well, obviously we are already seeing this reaction now, when the occupier... tried to carry out several, as we can judge from the official reports of the air force, several skirmish attacks, yes, from the southeast of our country, but all of them... the blows were repelled, , well, but let's say there is another story that they they are trying to tell that after what happened to them, by the way, after the harrowing of the train, that they found an f-16 there, that they said that the f-16s had already appeared, which shot down these planes, and that they were blocking patriot f16 and somewhere there in odesa, and what is interesting for chornobayitsa, they have already destroyed several daggers and even onyx with blows, and in order to substantiate this propaganda version, they even took a photo. some incident that happened at the belgian air base, in general in the summer of 2018, where due to a mistake
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the aircraft really burned down 1 f16, they gave this as their success, well, what kind of guys are atomic steel, what are they called, but the fact that the russians are forced to invent some such absurd versions and at the same time try to show what they cannot detect , what else really. their aviation was acquired, well, at the same time it shows that we could not just have a certain number of free long-range anti-aircraft missile systems there, but another one was invented, some fundamentally new forms and methods of struggle were invented, because in this whole beautiful story about p 'yeah downed reshita planes in three days at those distances that were previously unattainable, we seem to have released one more important detail: for the first time it was announced that the kh31p supersonic missile, which is anti-radar, was shot down, and it turns out that in principle... the downed yeh-31p and su- 3, our pilots were able to return the maneuver, that is, shoot down
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the plane and shoot down the anti-missile, which could have directly threatened them, well, that is , i think that the russians will need at least a few more days to simply calm down, and in these few days they will give birth to some interesting absurd versions that will not be a pleasure to analyze, mr. ivan, you already know what is happening, well, first of all, immediately after ... those three heroes were shot down over the black sea by an su-34, someone posted the following on the social network facebook a picture, so there is an f-16 in the ukrainian coloring book, so to speak , in the ukrainian pixel and three stars, as if the tension is such that it is as if the f-16 shot down three of these aircraft, well, at once, and even after that, the russians are already talking about that it turns out, and that they already shot down an f16 in the sky over ukraine, them an answer was given from... the air defense of ukraine, the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, that there are no f-16s, but
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still, let's try to finally dispel either hopes or doubts about the fact that american planes, if someone didn't want to, they are not yet flying in the sky over ukraine, well, i think that if it were exactly 16, then the effectiveness of shooting down russian planes in those three days was declared higher. well, because if we proceed from the data previously announced by the same air forces, well somewhere every day he can participate, well, he can fly, let's say, threatening our airspace, 20-30 planes, it is obvious that in this case only approximately five were shot down in two days, by the way, there is information circulating in social networks , that some su-35s did not arrive, let's see, maybe there will be some good news for tomorrow, but roughly speaking, such a result, when several planes in a few days, well, it could clearly
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have been obtained with limited means only, that is, anti-aircraft missile systems , if it would have already been f-16s, we would have noticed this not only on the example of shooting down russian planes, but also possibly on some particularly effective strikes on the ground objects of the russian occupiers, or perhaps , roughly speaking, we would have we would see others there as well. all our aviation flies at low altitudes, so much so that sometimes you can see everything you want, well, accordingly, if f16s were flying somewhere in our country, someone would have already noticed it, and considering how much let's face it, the information policy regarding social networks is leaky, any leaks would appear would, and so it turns out, we can just , well, hints, and you know, well, which could be captured on video, well, something like that is tangentially similar, let’s call it that, here we just have pictures that are walking around on facebook and we hope that it is ... 16. here we can even say that in fact, well, the optimistic version looks like we have not started in
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the literal sense, that is, 16 have not yet arrived, with missiles that allow us to hit aerodynamically, unlike in petriut targets at 160 km, f-16 allows to hit, if, under the condition of modernization, hit at 180 km, i.e., if it had been in 16, it would have been possible to defeat the russians in a much larger number, but what is there now, there are patriots and sumptis, maybe frankens. is it possible some other unknown natural force, this is already a good start, here in principle, by the way , this can also be formulated as an argument, in fact, it does not matter whether it is f16, or whether it was shot down by petrio, the main thing is that it is... it gradually breaks down the russian concept of aviation as flying artillery, which allowed them to act with relative impunity and thus cause damage to our troops, glory for god's sake, this concept is breaking down, and so little by little it will all accumulate, and who knows what the reality will be, what the realities will be in six months, regarding the russian tactical aviation there, the special ability to reset the control of aerial bombs, it will suddenly turn out that
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all their efforts are in vain with the umpk module, there, with the range, resets will be completely irrelevant, well, approximately, well... because this weapon cannot be used in the conditions of improving our anti-aircraft defense. i will only add a remark, you know, if in 2023, although he was stingy for some big victories, but we managed to expel the enemy from the black sea, actually from the sevastopol bay, well, maybe 24 will be the year when we will expel the enemy from the outskirts of our sky. that would be really nice. i think so, but when the enemy is afraid to fly in the air, he tries to crawl on the ground. and as i understand it, now the russians have such a plan to build new transport routes along the azov coast, you made a publication on our website where these projects were analyzed, what efforts the enemy is talking about, what he wants to build, what is the reality of these plans? in short and in general, it turns out that
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the russian occupiers want to build a railway along the temporarily occupied coast of the sea of ​​azov, so as to create an alternative. to the crimean bridge, it already turns out that such a bad and good side of this case is bad, that the occupier is preparing a new logistical alternative for his troops , it is good that the occupier has a hard way to get out of the fact that sooner or later his crimean city will collapse, if you take more details , coming out, the russians want to build a parallel, let's call it that, even a land one a corridor parallel to the railway that is now there, that is, now our troops are coming out, they tried to take control of the railway that goes from me pole to tokmak, to pologa, to volnovy, and then there is a branching to mariupol or donetsk . now the russians are coming out and want to build a parallel railway, that is, which would be located further south, and when russian propagandists justify this project, they directly argue, saying that this summer our sabotage groups, rocket artillery, these railways, which one there
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exists, which the occupiers are now exploiting , to the point of almost paralysis. it was lucky, that's why such an interesting moment emerges here, regarding the ability of the russians to build such a railway, we here, by the way , also those publications referred to the fact that the polish analyst maciej karavai drew attention to this project , and he simply asserted there , that they say the russians will be able to manage and fully build it in 2024 and that they plan to make it such a classic full-fledged railway line where there are at least two tracks, but without electric traction. well, so that in the case of our firepower, so that no, well, the damage is minimal, if we take an average-weighted realistic picture, well, let's say, in 2024, the russians may have time to build some important elements of this highway, but they may even go on an accelerated path, that is to build not even two-track to ensure full capacity, speaking in professional
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language, i.e. 20 pairs of trains per day, and there single-track up to 10 days for ten pairs of trains per day, maybe even... in order to save money and speed it up, they will even make it so that the permissible weight of the echelon, also using this term, was smaller there, the usual echelon there has 50 wagons, but there they will make it so that it is possible to take the maximum echelon 10-3-20 vogons, the main thing is that it somehow meets the russians, russian needs and russian logistics, but it is worth noting that the russians will be able to implement this project at least partially in 2024, well, it must be accepted cleanly. because they have a significant the engineering corps for this day, the railway troops have 30,000 men, and in addition, it will be necessary to record, taking into account the importance that the russians will attach to this logistics project, if it did not turn out that literally this project is a russian railway the coast of the sea of ​​azov, so that it does not come out for us in 2024,
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the number one goal instead of the crimean bridge, especially if it did not sound paradoxical now, we may even be overestimating for some reason. the weight of the crimean bridge in the general logistics system of the russian army, purely because the carrying capacity of the crimean bridge there is limited to a maximum of 20 trains per day on the railway part , purely because there are specifics of the construction of the railway track and the way in which trains are received for entry and exit, and this is also because out of these 20 trains a day, part of the traffic is transported by passenger trains, i.e. these local collaborators who go back and forth, tourists who are not clear about what they have forgotten... russians have long been working to do some such alternative channels for its logistics, and accordingly in 2024 we will have to spend efforts not only to fully return. control over all the outskirts of our sky, but also to make sure that all those insignificant, at first glance, logistics projects of the enemy were never implemented, well, roughly speaking, they will leave us some
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bright sleepers in the future, it will be quite useful for the post-war reconstruction of the railway, here here is the information my colleagues threw at me, and shaigu reports to putin about the complete capture, well, putin or his double, i don't know who it was, the complete capture of the city of marinka in donetsk region, however, the armed forces denied this information, the battles for the city continue, the spokesman said. oleksandr shtopun of the joint press center of the defense forces of the tavri direction, veteri telethon telethon, let's say. well, we understand that marinka, even before that, had a very small percentage of its territory under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, but is shoigu right here, if not, then why rush to putin, crossing the thresholds, if you can to wait there, relatively speaking, for some time, and then to say that we captured it, this is a matter of principle and in fact what is happening in maryanka. well, let's put it this way, with regard to commenting on what may be happening right now in maryantsi, well , here we can literally rely and must rely exclusively on the official reports of our
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military, because who, if not they , can better understand the situation, all the more so because here is such a picture that the enemy claims to be in complete control of mariinka, but there our troops are using separate quarters of this city, in particular, in order to arrange a killbox, a bag of fire for the russian columns that... are moving forward , well, the picture was there a couple of weeks before that for sure, that is, this is exactly the situation when we will have to wait until when will say what our military command will say here officially, and besides, why run and cling like that, well, they had a solemn moment there, well, by their standards, they even announced some gigantic plans about how they would somehow build their own there by 2030 there is a fleet, the number of cow frigates there.
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these carrier-based aircraft will protect the so-called northern sea lanes from the ground airfields, which at the same time demonstrates that if they were going to take admiral kuznyatsov out of austria by 2024 and return him back, well, now they have signed that they will again postpone the deadline for the return of this avinity to austria, so you know, no matter how it turned out, they succeeded with the capture of mariinka in the same way as with the repair of admiral kuznetsov, well, that is , almost, almost, here at the last moment it was postponed again, i thank you very much, mr. ivan, for remove... from our ether this ivan krychevskyi, military expert of defense express, was in touch with us on the holiday and we have a few more minutes to discuss. serhiy, speaking at the end of the year and
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the beginning of the next year, what, can we expect any key events, or what are your predictions of what might happen? well, when we talk about the situation on the front line, which will be influenced primarily by the political realities related to the provision of military aid - this is one component, and from the point of view of the preparation of the front, then i think that indeed we we can talk about... preparation for reformatting the front, strengthening fortifications, creating reserves, more requirements for the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, for conducting mobilization, creating new units, and these tasks are extremely difficult, but they should also be integrated with those events that are taking place on the front line, i think that the political and military leadership of the country understands this, the challenge with which i hope the military and political leadership will cope well enough positively, and i thank serhiyevich for his and... information, we once again thank our guest who was, well, we will work this year, i hope, and next year we will of course talk about everything that is happening, a lot, serhiy, here the right absolutely depends from key and
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quick decisions, first of all the political leadership, well, the military leadership will already implement the instructions that will be adopted in high cabinets. thank you sergey. thank you , vasyl, and once again happy holiday to our viewers. well, before we get to the news, i have a plot for your attention and i offer it review: he was born in the city of dnipro, his life was almost a continuous holiday, but in the 14th year, everything changed radically: the chief sergeant of the rotishock drones of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, rustam mustafaev, has been defending the independence of our country at the front for seven years. we look at his story further. rustam mustafaev, an organizer in the distant civilian past. mass events, and today he is fighting the russian occupiers at the front and defending the life of every ukrainian. during the revolution of dignity he created volunteer organization, began to help
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the military. in 2005, on the 15th, he went into service himself. as a volunteer at first, i traveled , helped the guys, got to know the guys , and somehow everything turned around like that, well, i sat , looked, there are arms, legs, why am i not there, why am i here, without me it can be organized, and i went to the service . rustam serves in the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which not only stops the offensive of the russians, but also counterattacks, liberating ukrainian settlements from occupation, starting in 2000. in the 15th year, he visited in almost all regions where active hostilities are taking place. at first, the counteroffensive brigade was launched in the direction of zaporozhye. after a successful, slow, not as fast as most wanted, but slow successful counterattack. the brigade showed itself well, and then, during the escalation in the odev direction, we were transferred in full to the ovid direction. now we hold back
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the enemy there and fight for ours. ground 47 a separate mechanized brigade hits enemies with kamikaze drones. today, drones not only replace intelligence, but are also used fighters as guided projectiles. with the help of drones, the military clears the positions of the occupiers before our infantrymen attack them. however , all the copters they have are the help of citizens and volunteers. unfortunately, in general, such a concept as a kamikaze drone is not in service in the armed forces of ukraine. and they are not purchased the way our enemy is, our enemy simply receives them in batches of tens of thousands, they are given out, they are simply issued as shells, simply as a staff need, unfortunately we do not have this yet. despite the pain fatigue and losses, the fighters of the 47th brigade still find reasons for joy. we have the best moments in our service when we are either tangential, or our unit is tangential, or we personally participate in the destruction of manpower
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or equipment. or some means of the enemy, this is the best for us, for us there is no day off, no concept of day and night, no concept of celebrating somewhere or going something. a full-scale russian invasion landed rustam in the hospital, he had reason to discharge himself from the service, but decided to stay in the army and returned to the front. you don't have to just believe in victory, and help the military as much as possible. if you cannot fight, you must help those who can fight. well, there is no other way. rustam gives a short answer to the question of how russia's war against ukraine should end. no agreements, only the victory of ukraine. rustam musta. good evening, we are from ukraine. so, we continue, the second hour of the great ether is ahead, and a lot of interesting things await you ahead. and the world about ukraine with yuri fizer and money during the war with oleksandr
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morshchivka. and culture news from lina chechenina, and the weather from natalka didenko , what will it be like for the week that has already started today, well, but now i will offer a plot for your attention, we will actually start with it, and tell a story about a military psychologist from the lviv region, who is currently serving his on the opposite side from the opposite side of our one and only indivisible ukraine in the sumy region, let's see, the service for volodymyr bily began in... far back in 1994, when he became a cadet at a military institution of higher education, he faced a real war in 2014, when he participated in the anti-terrorist operation in of the 24th separate mechanized brigade. he retired in 2020 and two years later joined the armed forces of ukraine again. although i was a military pensioner, i remained a military man, and this is my duty. such
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an oath, as they say, no one revoked, and secondly, these are my personal convictions that the enemy cannot be allowed to invade our land. the 33rd rifle battalion was formed in lviv, and now performs tasks in the sumy region, konotop district, as well as in the city of putivl. the situation at the border tense, because it is daily shelling, danger, and the work of enemy drgs. volodymyr's main task in such conditions is educational work and mental support of personnel . in particular, it is used to solve social issues, provide support and communicate with military families. such support and help is extremely important, because the war lasts a long time. distance and separation from relatives exhausts people. the most important thing for everyone is clear business.


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