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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 4:30am-5:00am EET

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about possible concessions there, it seems to me that he can potentially consider the cancellation of certain sanctions there, for example, in exchange for putin's willingness to negotiate there, that is, hypothetically, this can be expected from him at least at the level of proposals. be that as it may, it is not worth hoping that the previous presidential term made the scandalous politician more moderate. political scientists say that completely different laws are at work here. that he will be more radical, this is 100%, every president who enters a second term always becomes more radical than he was in the first, it 's always like that, there's this old washington rule, you understand that this is your last term, and accordingly you do whatever you want, not what your advisers tell you. and to begin with, trump still needs to be nominated for the presidency, and if his lawyers fail to challenge the decision of the state of colorado in the supreme court... and the same verdicts are issued by other
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states, then the participation in the elections will have to be forgotten. so now the fate of trump is in the hands of the libras of themis, although his disqualification, as one of the favorites of the race under the great doubt alachizh facts of the week - actv single news. do you want to go to sshashechki? this is how experts reacted to some jokes about the new ukraine. what about an attack drone that can actually replace long-range missiles, which western experts still do not allow to be used for strikes on the territory of russia, because they are afraid, and this plywood miracle, can fly 750 km, that is, somewhere as far as moscow, and drop, for example, on some oil tank 30 kg of explosives, which is quite enough to detonate a powerful babach, oh, he's a badass, this aq400 skis, that means
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scythe, and the fuselage is clumsy, so couch experts in social networks disagreed, but should kamikaze look like alendel? experts of defense express remind us that the task of such an attack drone is to fly once and hit the target, it is made of plywood, which is great, this is its main advantage, because it is cheap. currently, pppo can shoot down up to... 90% of drones, but 10 such have a chance to hit the target, so if we want to achieve the effect, we need to launch thousands of drones, and therefore in ukraine we are talking about the mass production of cheap kamikaze drones, 500 of these can be made per month, of course, if ukraine installs their system state conveyor. drones are supposed to fight instead of humans, right? it is the war of the future,
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especially since we lack people on the front lines. in recent weeks , conversations and disputes surrounding the innovation of mobilization have intensified, the new draft law, which will be considered in the verkhovna rada, is already causing heated discussions in society about military actions draining our reserves. the bitter truth is that we do not have enough of those who already hold weapons in their hands. we somehow convinced ourselves. that those people whom we have already sent to war, they must bring us this victory, and they need neither replenishment nor replacement, and moreover, in general, we have decided for some reason that we have already sent a sufficient number of them there, and now it is up to us - to sit, drink coffee, talk on the phone, well, and be from time to time to the natic, and then the victory will come closer, well , unfortunately, in this way it is approaching in the wrong direction, in this way it is approaching moscow, when it will be rotation, vacations, not to mention the prospect of demobilization? it
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topics that the military is increasingly discussing both at the front and in the rear, but who is needed there first of all and what should this resource be. society was waiting for answers from the supreme commander-in-chief, and this week volodymyr zelenskyi announced a clear figure with reference to the military leadership. they proposed to mobilize an additional 450-500 thousand people. if... we are talking about additional mobilization forces, we must find demobilization processes, and this will have to be carried out objectively, with specifics and with great respect for the war. it is factual half of today's strength of the defense forces of ukraine, but why so many and whether these additional half a million fighters are needed all at once. the experts we interviewed say no. this is a general complex. events that
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are actually predicted and planned not immediately, but for about a year and a half, can i explain why? the thing is that according to the changes that should be... in the law and bills, and i think they will be adopted as a basis for laws, this is first of all if a soldier has served 24 months in the army on mobilization, of which 12 months was on the dividing line, on front line, this means that he has the right to a three-month vacation, which means that someone prepared will need to be put in his place, and that's all the time. after all , we are not necessarily talking about those who will directly participate in hostilities, for example, in the us army, one fights, and 11 deliver cartridges, provide logistics, evacuate and treat the wounded. for one sergeant john ramb to run somewhere in the mountains of afghanistan and crush the mujahideen, 11 other inconspicuous fighters
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of different levels in different parts must ensure that this whole machine works. it is clear that our ratio is not one to 11, we cannot afford it during the war, but that's rough. it would not be a mistake to say that for each of our promises at zero, at least three to five should work precisely in all these wheels. the army is, first of all , a very large mechanism. this is exactly what they plan to involve in the mobilization, and most importantly, as in the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, there are many proposals, and new ones appear almost every day. currently, they are actively discussed not only there, but also on the internet. one of the already approved ones. not implemented proposals of the elected officials to reduce the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years, and whether it will help to collect such a number of fighters, and whether it is really necessary, there is no consensus, although the military and analysts do not hide that young people are needed at the front. a person who lives in
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the modern dimension, who is well-versed in modern challenges, because he has already tried himself somewhere in realization in this life, such people will be extremely important. in the army in the headquarters positions, in the rear, in logistics, in the positions of the same operators, drones, operators in the air defense system, because actually it is easier to plant them, now everything is computerized, and in fact such people will adapt much faster and easier, and probably the most resonant was the proposal to mobilize women, which has been talked about for a long time, but recently in on her facebook , the scandalously famous member of parliament maryana bezugla wrote about this, however, pointing out that an alternative to being drafted into the armed forces for women could be service at defense enterprises, and should pixels really be worn by everyone who needs it, military experts note that there is not yet, therefore, most likely, this is nothing more than probing
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public opinion, and the norm will not take root, we have men of draft age who are not currently serving, we still have several million, well, the most modest estimate is 3-4 "us there is no need at all to call up more than a million, but where women also appear in this scheme, well, this is from a military point of view, it is absurd and nonsense, but on the contrary, but ask the boys who are fighting, if they are ready, what their their wives will also be called to be with them, all the children will be left with whom it is not known there is a grandfather there, who has a grandmother, who has this, this is absolutely absurd, especially since this proposal does not find support even in the committee itself, a law was passed that..." all women are registered at their own will , and only those who have a medical education are becoming compulsorily, that’s all, the verkhovna rada adopted the law, now from my point of view, from my point of view it is not worth going back to it, and i hope and i want to believe, i know that in our the country will have enough men
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to protect their women, and no no no they won't have to go and fight for them. what is really needed is a clear period of mobilization and... comprehensive prospects for vacations for those who are already defending the country, here it seems that there is a consensus, everyone serves 36 months, if, but, if you served 18 and at the same time you were 6 months, took part in hostilities, you can, you may have the right to be released after 18, if you did not take part in hostilities, served somewhere in the shopping center, this is an important organ, or was somewhere in the rear, or in logistics, you can 36 , and these are only suggestions, does not mean that this is what we submit for discussion. another innovation concerns the form in which summonses should be served. in zaporizhzhia and poltava, representatives of the tsc together with law enforcement officers go around apartments. in the kyiv region, they announce the appearance
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of special checkpoints where men's military records will be checked. here is the document for confirmation. summonses will also soon be able to be served by heads of the osb and village heads. and here... donors can be obliged to issue those who have not been registered and deliver such workers to the shopping center. these are all means that have to be used, but roughly speaking, there is a huge tub. in legislation, and instead of to close it, just tsc, local self-government, are trying to bend it, somehow they will solve the issue, and now they are already deciding their own, their own mind, as they know how, some politely walk around the apartments, some just as politely almost conduct an advertising campaign on the street, and they are forced to solve a problem that in fact they cannot solve, now those who ignore notices with requirements to register are only fined, but there are proposals to introduce criminal... liability for this, although experts say that it is premature, first everything needs to be put in order, in particular put into effect
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an electronic system that will be synchronized with the existing registers, and where it will be visible who is registered and who is not. we need to create rules and then raise something already there, because we now have no idea how these subpoenas are given, who has the right, who does not, many lawyers simply, let's say, level what is happening there, or has... on the street a representative of the tsc to serve a summons, but the law says no, that it must be a soldier, brought there, the person must sign, so we need to write down clear rules, and already when we will have clear rules, people will know these rules, that they should go there with a license, be registered, and then push back, do we need or not to make it so that there is greater responsibility for this, changes are necessary, emphasizes commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi, but for now there are many debatable issues in what the people's deputies propose, and with them the authorities on the ground, so what is really
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needed and what is not, must be carefully weighed, as for mobilization issues, well, not that , which should be strengthened, and returned to those limits to the framework as they worked before, because now it is, let's say, the problem of those guys who are fighting on the front right, someone has to replace them. which proposals will catch on and which will not? in order to understand all the nuances of the changes to the mobilization rules, it is necessary to find at least a draft of the document in question. currently, it is not available on the website of the parliament. the draft law has not yet been registered, so all these proposals are only proposals. and what is being discussed now is just a draft of the future document. and its prospects consideration are rather uncertain, all these issues should not be
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discussed in the verkhovna rada, but should have already been worked out when statements are made by the president, i say again, the cabinet of ministers, the minister of defense, the commander-in-chief, who will clearly tell us the path, we are going along this path, not someone else's, let's say opinions, namely what the supreme commander, the commander-in-chief and the minister of defense want there, so they can submit it at any moment, even today, even tomorrow, well, i think there... i don’t know until the end of the year, but the question is how it will be go on, it's not what he was served, his they immediately began to consider there, many have their own opinions, what i even saw today in the chat, many people have them, they are different from what is written, of course people will submit corrections, or they will not sign it, they will fight for it in the hall to speak there, for such a mobilization , a lot of money is still needed, which still needs to be found according to the president's calculations, it is about an additional 500 billion uah, well, if approximately equipment... i don't know how much is there , probably more than 100 00. the second point is again the salary there is, for example, the same
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shooters, it is from 22 00, yes, plus there we give combatants, well, let’s say ideally 100,000 e, that is, we though that too, well, we have approximately expenses per month for a fighter in order for him to fight, it is 100, 120 00, plus food, logistics, some payments, services and so on, which are not visible, but... but they are there, plus ammunition, well, we have approximately, probably 1,300 potyans per month. however, there is no doubt that we need additional forces and reserves, because the most precious, calm and safe life of all is at stake countries. pavlo vasiliev, ctv facts of the week: the only news. you will find more interesting things on our youtube channel facts of the week, for sure. sign up. we all know who
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ordered the assassination of yevhen prigozhin. but who organized the liquidation, who embodied the will of the russian tsar? the wall street journal, an influential american publication, citing its sources in western intelligence and a former russian intelligence officer, named the organizer. this is mykola patrushev, a gray cardinal of the kremlin with the formal position of secretary. security council of russia. patrushev began to plan the assassination of prigozhin in early august, actually a month after his rebellion, that is, the kremlin was not going to forgive the wayward ex. the cook the american publication writes that the russian dictator was shown its plan before the special operation, and he did not object. by the way, the plane with wagner's leaders was not destroyed by russian air defense, but by explosives. it was put under the wing, probably to be sure, because russian missiles can miss. this is not a western weapon. such as
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the archer self-propelled artillery installation, a batch of which was transferred to us by sweden. why? bye considered one of the best in the world, and how archers have proven themselves on the battlefield, an analysis of this miracle weapon by serhiy kostazh. swedish archer. what impresses the scandinavian sau in the steppes of ukraine? the practice of use in ukraine, it will be a certain such stress test. what distinguishes archer from soviet and european counterparts? by and large, this is a blow in turn. several shells are fired at one target. but how does this sau make a difference in the battle... exclusive facts of the week from the military, which repels the invaders with the latest artillery. ukraine has become the biggest tester and exploiter of nato weapons, nowhere did it undergo such strength tests in a full-scale war as here at the front. thanks to western aid, ukraine currently
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operates almost 10 different self-propelled artillery systems, including the french caesar, the slovak zuzanna, and the polish kraben. the native bohdana, the trophy russian revenge and the soviet systems fion acacia and hyacinth also did not go anywhere. but this one became the most discussed. arsher, a swedish self-respecting dog, is the newest sau of the country nato. there are less than fifty of them in the world, and eight of them have already been transferred by the western allies to the armed forces of ukraine. archer, that is, an archer, is precisely such a name. was chosen for the swedish saw and for a reason, because its main advantages are range and shooting accuracy. but whether these advantages will be able to be effectively used by the ukrainian armed forces and how they use this sauna for combat, we will tell you everything now. archer is a joint project of swedish and british
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designers. production of this howitzer began in the 2010s, that is, relatively recently, outflow compared to other systems, this pie is still pretty hot, what else? the biggest advantage of archer is the record effective firing range, which is quite a large amount, more than 40 km. for example, the domestic sau bohdan, which, by the way, we don't have that many, has a slightly shorter range. and warehouse. less than 40 km, or for comparison take sao acacia, the soviet installation is still popular in the ukrainian army, its effective range is generally only 20 km. as for other foreign air defense systems that are in service with ukraine, they too
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inferior to archer, we are talking about the german howitzer tank, suzanne. the french caesar or the polish crab, all these installations have an effective firing range of 30 km. separately , it is important to note the advantage of archer over the main sauce of the opponent. russia uses msta installations. the effective range of which is only 28. that is, in other words, the archer has an advantage of 12 km over the main russian self-propelled gun, in other words, you will already be firing at the enemy while he is driving another 12 km to the position. how does it affect the front? very easy. here, for example, the effective firing range
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of the acacia, which is located in avdiivka. and here are foreign saus. and here is the archer, the difference is very noticeable, and the archer differs not only in this, firstly, it has the best traverse among wheeled howitzers, this means that its turret can rotate all 360 °, which it does not have in sight, thanks with this , you can quickly shoot at several targets without changing the position, in addition, the archer is very agile, he can fire eight shots per minute, for comparison, the soviet... plus it has such an interesting mode, which provides simultaneous, simultaneous combat on one goal, i.e. what is meant, well , in the main it is a burst attack, several projectiles are fired at one target, which allows for instant hits, there were studies that say that
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the first hall is the most effective, the most vulnerable, that is, accordingly, when several projectiles are fired on one target, on some trench or dugout, then the personnel on which this fire is conducted does not have time to hide, and such firing in bursts actually makes each set archer in three. even more effective than any soviet one, the effective chassis and powerful engine give this howitzer many advantages. archer, it is a swing, and it is considered that a wheel howitzer, it is more maneuverable, it allows you to deploy more quickly, to collapse more quickly, that is, hit the account, turn around, go to another position, you do not wait there for the enemy to strike back, caterpillar systems do not allow this, which are at the disposal, which were at the disposal of the soviet union, the fact that the russians tried to create their own similar gun, but the level of technology of the russian defense industry did not even come close to approaching the arsher or other western analogues, speaks of the quality of the installation. well, it would seem that
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such a thing can be used here, well, they have a worn-out chassis at the bryansk automobile plant, that is, they also make various special trucks there for the s400 , it seems that they even started to make some auxiliary vehicles for the iskanders there, well, just put an adapted version of the towed howitzer mstb, charge her somehow, assist her with a machine gun. loading , well, they messed with it for several years, as if they launched it in a series, but a full-fledged self-propelled gun did not work out, the russians themselves were forced to admit with gritted teeth that they simply had a truck with a gun that would have to be loaded by hand , but how arsher behaves in practice, what ukrainian fighters say, the 45th separate artillery brigade of the armed forces of ukraine exclusively, the fact of the week shows this footage, on it the swedish saw in action, the guys received... this weapon relatively recently, but they already had time feel its advantages and admit, it is like an elite suv, operating this sau is a pleasure: it has been in service
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with our units for the past two months. the main targets for this system are enemy artillery, concentrations of enemy manpower and equipment. and by the way the archer manifests himself in his work, the servicemen noticed the difference with the soviet systems. simply grandiose. sau archer is characterized by high speed, mobility, automatic charging, associated with this rate of fire, maximum protection the crew, which at the firing positions consists of three people, which allows us to maximally secure the personnel, also taking into account the properties of the system, that is, the armored combat cabin, which increases. archer has anti-bullet, anti-fragment and anti-mine armor, and in order to control it even... you don't need to leave the cockpit, the whole process can take literally a few minutes. this system can hit targets at a distance of 20, 30, 40 and more kilometers , depending on the type of projectile. but that doesn't mean
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archer doesn't have its flaws. first, this weapon is not mass-produced, only a few pieces per year, so it will not be able to displace other systems, and here you need to understand how to cooperate with them. secondly, archer does not yet have military experience as such. the russian-ukrainian war is the first conflict where this sau is used, the practice of using it in ukraine, it will be a certain stress test, so you know, of course, you can talk as much as you like about what advantages there are, how archer is better there than even western ones these gobblers, we're just touching on one more nuance here, archer was also created in those times when it was believed that there would be no such total wars as we have now, that there would be conflicts of little intensity, accordingly, an ammunition stock of a couple of dozen shots would be enough, and therefore the question here is how this weapon about... manifests itself during the execution of routine tasks in an urgent mode, they shoot not only in counter-battery mode, but simply the execution of fire tasks, well, that is, a russian
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tank is driving, it is necessary to shoot at it faster, accordingly, it turns out that if on one side all these are some technical advantages , which laid down in archer, it has high firepower, good adaptability , counter-battery combat, the swedes could afford to play such a difficult game. it is saturated with electronics and cars, and the fact that there are no unnecessary straight lines on caesar and bohdan is just a great advantage, there are some additional functions on the archer, they may not even be used purely because they will imagine, then they have to drag it to sweden for repair , aci complex systems, france is even closer, there are not enough artists, therefore such tasks, which would seem for simpler sau for archer are also not excluded, however, so far ukrainian fighters have no complaints, the scandinavian archer works on... all 100, and in the future, when among various types of self-propelled howitzers you will have to choose something, it is not a fact that this decision will be archer, everything due to the fact that ukrainian bohdans
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produce six pieces per month and... there are three times more french caesars in ukraine than scandinavian archers. however , the main thing is that the armed forces already have these +8 extremely modern advanced and technological barrels for successfully solving various types of tasks. the successful use of sau archer by ukrainian artillerymen is already unpleasant news for the enemy. in addition, it is extremely important that our fighters quickly and successfully master the newest and most advanced models. of artillery in the world. serhiy kostesh, facts of the week ictv single news. you will find more interesting things on the youtube channel facts of the week. subscribe, we already have over a quarter of a million members in the club. in order not to miss the analysis of the main events of the week and interviews with cool experts. and we say goodbye to you until next sunday. glory to ukraine.
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we sum up monday's informational summaries. in the studio of tetyana vysotska. 8 p.m. christmas monday. sctv and stb teams sum up. good day, i'm tetyana vysotska , congratulations, in this issue you will see, christmas in the trenches and under heavy fire, what and who helps our defenders not to lose optimism direct activation from the eastern front, shot, but unconquered, how kherson lives despite constant heavy shelling, special report about the indomitable people of kherson, beautiful and dangerous, so what lies behind the gloss?
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modern high-rises and shopping centers of the capital and what will await new bridges and underground stations? and still no way, almost 10 years of war, and the state has not yet created a memorial complex of defenders, when they will honor the fallen heroes. we start with the hottest areas of the front. battles for maryinka continue. ukrainian soldiers are in the administrative boundaries of the city. oleksandr told about this on our broadcast. shtopun, spokesman for the defense forces of the tavria direction. maryinka was completely destroyed, but it is incorrect to talk about its complete occupation, shtupun noted. denying the statement of the russians. local propagandists previously reported that their defense minister shoigul reported to putin about the capture of maryinka. the threat of avdiivka's encirclement does not disappear. the defense forces have drawn up reserves and are regrouping. we are inflicting
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casualties, he is losing 300-400 men dead and wounded every day, the enemy is making progress, but the equipment is, let's say, not new, no, not of the same quality as it was. in the evening over kryvyi rih in the dnipropetrovsk region, our soldiers shot down a guided air missile kh-59, reports the eastern air command. enemy at night launched 31 rockets from the crimea, 28 of which were shot down by our air defense within odesa, kherson, mykolaiv, donetsk, kirovohrad and khmelnytskyi regions. the drone attack lasted 6.5 hours. also, our anti-aircraft defense destroyed both kh-59 aviation missiles in zaporizhzhia and kh-31p launched from the black sea. the wreckage of the shaheds damaged the port infrastructure of odesa, in the rozdilnian district of the region, the non-working administrative building and
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the licensed ones. warehouses, as well as commercial premises in the pavlograd district of the dnipropetrovsk region, in berislavsky.


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